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Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina • 3

Statesville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I HE LANDMARK JUST RECEIVED August 15 1889 THURSDAY LOCAL AT TENNIS CLOTH or the ALL TRAD tbs 29 ol James Means $3 and $4 Shoes or Outing Cloth cents per yard WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEADQUABTEBS OR is to be MARRIED railroad DIKII RKW ADVERTISEMENTS Statesville August 8 18'9 of the MEW ADVKiTMEHENTS WANTED 1 AND COMMEK ilHrsigued will soil the lauds i CLWEIL COPAL TREES 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A nice stock of UMBREL LAS BOOTS and SHOES NOTIONS and IIOSIE WANTED RY Call and examine for your selves MA7 PRICES arc RIGHT RESPECTULLY CHOICE BLENDED TEA StftU'fevBIf Harris aasnult aod i (uprisen men I fine increased from super is cou 7 At Piedmont Springs Stokes county on the sth Inst Mrs Brown of Winston UiHlri't Iodge Colored Odd ellow District Izbdge No 7 Colored Odd ellows embracing the State held its tenth Annual s'seijo here last week It was quite well uuw dfd nod the del egates during their stay here bore themselves in a geiiesl and orderly manner The exercises coded with a street parade which attracted much at tention Before adjournment officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows District Moore of Charlotte Dejaity District Muster Smith Durham District II Rhodes of Raleigh District Treasurer Watte of Raleigh Have your printing done at Ins Lkm akrTon Office go into the with a vim excellent for their kindred it' convenient wanted Will CORRECTED WKXKLY BY CLARKE MARSHALL August 15 H89 average profit than small expense I can a look Then you Miss money postoffice Her father Capt Vail is a Third party man and chair man of the board of county commis sioners Sheriff James A lack ofNcw York city has tendered his resignation as Grand Sachem of the Tammany Socie ty and other political complications are expected to grow out of the sher divorce case iu which the decree in favor of his wife was passed without as she alleges any application on her part for it Ex Gov Isaac Gray bas announc ed himself as a candidate for the Unit ed States Senate iu the event of tbe Democrats securing a majority in tbe Indiana Legislature at the November election which seems altogether prob able Senator Voorhees has already announced his candidacy for re election and is on tbe stump It is published that Mr Chas McKesson whom tbe Hickory Press and Carolinian speaks of as bril liant and disappointed will commence tbe publication of the Western Critic at Morganton Septem ber 17th He says the paper will bo Republican though it takes no stock in the present adminis tration It will war on the bandit le gion who have debauched the princi ples ofthe party in tbisState It hopes to write tbe truth though it may ba sometimes touched with malice It will be hot spicy and sometimes bit ter Price $150 per In the blR road between EagleMIIls and Wil llamsburg on the lltb Inst by Rev Dr Nicholson Mr ruley Cash and Miss Bettis Mnldeu All of Eagle Mills township Roc' Cut on WeMt'rn North Caroli na Railroad Stud tain win tak plate on MONDAY AUGUsT 26ib 1889 ou tbe premises nt public ontciy to lhe llKli eel bi lder on a trerlit nt six tnouihs tbe pur chaser executing bls note aud approved ecu rltv for tbe price bld Said loud win be Ilrsi rffiirel In twoor more lots according to survey and plot and then hi the whole with tile right of lhe undersign to accept ihe best or highest bld A I I AUK Commission July 2b ISfeU Notes from Troutman's Correspondence of The Landmark Mr Shelton of Davidson township raised 12 bushels of wheat on a little over one and one eighth acres That is pretty good and shows what can be done when a man tries Mr A Haithcox of this place bas shown tbe largest apples and pears of anyone yet He has one tree of apples that is very full and nearly all of them will weigh over 8 ounces each He said that he had raised some apples and pears on tbe same trees that weighed over one pound each Wheat threshing is not quite done in this section yet Tbe weather was so bad that some of the threshers quit be fore all the wheat was threshed Crops in general are looking pretty well in this section Protracted meetings are going on at nearly all ofthe churches armers are breaking up their lands preparing for a good a zed crop of wheat next year which is a very good idea It would be much better for the people iu general if we had enough of home made Hour to suppy the home market without using so much West ern flour etc Nute Aug 13 1889 In the trial of the Connelly case here Iasi week and after the verdict tbe de toiinsr i moved for a new trial for certain technical tuntters which motion wa over ruled by the judge They then moved in arrest of judg ment and based the motion on the broad gtouud that there was no law statutory or other iu this State mak ing it iidlelablc for any county oficer as such to use or misapply funds re ceived from individuals that is mon eys received by a clerk of the Superior Court from executors administrators They maintained that sections 1014 and 1016 The Code (these are the only statutes that seem to reach the CuuuHiy cases of misapplication of funds ot his tfficejdo not include breaches of trust by a clerk unless ths fund belonged to the county as set out io section 1016 that the Legislature has never created an offence to correspond with the present case and that it is casus omissus The prosecuting officer maintained that while the Supreme Court has never construed the statutes and had never beaid a case presenting the exact points in this that tbe stat 1 utes especially section 1014 includ ed this class ot cases and that the bill was drawn broad enough to include the class of cases denounced iu either of these sections 1014 or 1016 both of which make the offence a felo ny and if the court should bold that neither of the statutes reached the case and it should turn out to be a clear casus omissus that ia that event tbe bill was good for malfeasance in ojjlcc at common laic The court over ruled the motion in ariest sustaining the bill and the contention and gave judg ment for tw years in the penitentiary but remarked that he was not certain but that the Legislature had failed to reach such a case by legislation De fendant appealed It is singular if tbe Legislature has failed to enact such a law (as it has ev idently tried to do it) and still more singular that no case appears in the records of tbe Supreme Court giving interpretation to the statutes in which a cleik or other county officer has been indicted for conversion of funds placed in his hands as such officer by individ utils It is a matter of universal concern to the whole State and the opinion of the Supreme Court upon tbe appeal will no doubt be looked for with interest es pecially so when by a recent act of tbe Legislature clerks are authorized to re ceive the whole personal effects of dead men upon final settlements tpade by administrators and executors after one year from the qualification of such personal representatives NOTICE Valuable Lands or Sale T'vo Halrlgh Asylnni Directors The VncnncleR lllcd Board of Public Charities 1 Raleigh Call loth 1 Yesterday Gov owls received the resignations of Dr Burke Haywood and Dr Capehart as directors of the North Carolina Insane Asylum They were accepted aud this morning the following appointments were made to fill tbe vacancies Capt Octavius Coke of Wake county rice Dr Hay wood Biggs Esq of Martin county rice Dr Capeharf These commissions were made out and for warded this morning Sections 2331 and 2332 of Tbe Code provide for a Board of Chari ties to consist of five members whose business it shall be to investigate and supervise the whole system of tbe charitable and penal institutions of tbe State and recommend such changes and additional provisions as they may deem needful Ac By some oversight there have heretofore beeu no appoint ments under these provisions and con sequently there has been no Board ol Public Charities This morning how ever Gov owls complied with the provisions ofthe chapter and appoint ed the following to serve as commis sioners on this board Dr Burke Haywood of Wake county designated as chairman A Bobbitt of Gran ville Sawyer of Buncombe Lawrence Haughton of Chatham 1 It is understood that Dr Isaac Jackson of Columbus county at pres I ent a member of tbe directors of the insane asylum bas been tendered a po sition on this board One of tbe beat that ever looked through a collar died a natural death on tbe stock exchange uight before last Why the musical club which gave such a delightful entertainment about throe mouths ago give ua an other Mr oard of this tovusbip lias left at this offi a cotton rtalk 5 feet 3 inches high and having on it GO bolls aud shapes Superintendent McBee says tbe Imndsome thing about a passenger station and ths beauty of it ia that he is a man of bis word The chamber of commerce is in earn est about that Catawba riyer ferry Its action in tbe wn alter at its meeting Monday night meant business A letter from Dr TTos Ander son received here Monday stales that after a week iu London tbe North Car olina tourists left there no the uly for Paris A Keatler county inteudeul of public loan uclion ducting the county institute for colored teachers at the colored Presbyterian church this week The plow sulky business continues to nourish in our midst Wo never got any thauki lor trying to protect people hom being hoodwinked and never did much go id by it either The delivery of the lecture ou Theoreigner by Rev Peschau ol Wilmington which was appointed for to lay at Tpuim has been postponed until Tuesday next 20th Oar gord friend Mr Borgess of Concord township brought us yes terday the best lot of peaches (as Away would say) that bas coiue to The Landmark this eeason Pr Chas McIver will not need a second introduction to the teachers aud people of Iredell His work here next week will impress him upon all who bear him as one of tbe ablest young men and most capable iustruct ors in tbe State Mr Reuben A Campbell of The Landmark job cffice had the index aud luul lle Ungers of his right hand caught in a Liberty press which ho was teed ng Monday morning and sus tained su exceedingly painful injury The flesh on the lingers was lacerated and ttie bones were distinctly heard to ITHl This is the season of the year at which under tbe town ordinance owu ers of lots ou which copal trees are growing inu cut them down We direct special attention to this ordi nance and hope tbe police will see that it is strictly enforced rtits is a nest aud a menace to health which ciu be easily removed and it should be dealt with summarily as a public enemy The Virgin Mary who stalled ou the 2d of July ou a visit to her relative El belli is duo at home to day She took her cloak with her when she left and this fact accounts for the six weeks of rainy weather which wc have bail We trust the excellent lady and her gossamer will turn up in good shape to day though she is to bo pitied if she was out iu the atber night before last The Charlotte dailies say that our oldest citiz ti Mr athew Gibbs of Davidson township who is credited with 108 years died last Sunday' We ate unable to verifv their statement though it may be correct The straightest tip we gel from that neigh tiood is that the old genlleniau was on bis last legs Sunday with every probability that bn would slip Is grip in a short time Prof Clme McIver wilt open lb? Ii edell county institute at the house next Monday The pub seb tnahr are required by law to ai'etid the lust lute School commit teemen ought to do ar and the cit us generally arc cord ally invited to at tend the exercises Prof McIver will deliver on riday tbe 23d a public ad dress on education which it is every interest to hear Mr Van Pelt has a pear tree winch is hi bloom for ti second time this jt ar nut this hindering it from producing pears of extraord itsry and flavor All its truit is lurge enough atrl good em uab hut lie has plucked from Hone pear which weigh ed 1 Ij rz two which weighed 14 and one which was brought with a number of smaller ones to Tiru Landm ark office Tuesday morning weighed 13 oz Mr Wagner has completed his work the Methodist church IL bas done a first class jb of kalsomin ing and our Methodist friends are to be congratulated upon the improvements which he has wrought in their house worship which juclude the painting of the window aud dour facings The work of cleaning up is now in progress and this congregation which has wor shipped with the Pr esbv terians for the past iso Sundays will have services at the regular heu's its own churchext Sunday ROE HERRING WATTS SALE LAND UNDER AN ORDER of Iredell Superior Court I as executorof Gray will sell at public outcry on tbe premises on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 the tract of land belonging to the estate of said testator containing about liX) acress situate tn Coddle Creek township about 5 miles east of Mooresville and adjoining tbe lands of McNeely Correll and excel lent farming lauds sold subject to the wid dowr One half cash payable on confir mation of bale one half on 12 credit bonds with good security and lnterest from day of sale title reserved till 11 payment GRAY Executor Robbins Long attys August 15 Drntb of a Native pf Iredell In Aliibnuin Mr 1 Sharpe who ia apokeu of by the local paper aa of the old est aud beat tf the town died at Piedmont Ala Wedueaday morning July 31at of the infirmitiea incident to old age He a native of tills cnuity from which he went south ut 40 years ago aud waa a brother 4 A Sharpe of uwuehip The Piedmont Post of the 3 met says efthe de ceased born in Irrdvl county April 6 1805 and wua therefore in the b5th year ol hia age Herr moved to Benton (now Calh un) county about 40 yea: a ago am1 being a man of good sense and iudunrous habits he was successful in business and accumulat ed during hia long life a reasonable competency of the world's goods Shai ps was a consistent mem ber of the Pieshy terian Uhurch was an honest and upright man a good and useful cilizjn and Lis loss will be fell by a large circle of hiends and rela tious shall see his familiar and venerable face no more on earth but may we all meet him at last where tbe eje shall not grow dim with age nor ILa form be bowed bei eath tbe of Dr AJdlson Brinklev will be at Cband ler eHorelStaresvilleunrll tbe IStirrxv week Hi Salebbry and tbe week after Lexington Send your order for printing te Tbs LasP R4RB Job Office TWILL SELL at auction for cash at the court house in Statesville Con the 24th day of August IStrj at 11 a two MULES two horse WAGON HARNESS SULLIVAN Aug 15 2t Deputy Collector Other Directors Resigning Raleigh News and Observer 12th Gov owle yesterday received and accepter! the resignation of Dr Haigb of ayetteville as a member of tbe board of directors of the North Carolina Insane Asylum It was also stated yesterday that tbe Gove nor would ask for tbe resignation of Capt Harris ou the ground that he bolds the cilice of chief clerk of the Burma rf Labor Statistics and that the resignation of Dr Jackson bad beeu asked for for the reason that he is superintendent of health of Columbus couuty It is 'also reported that Dr McCormick had tendered his resigna tion SEW ADVKIVI IHEaiKIVl WANTED PrrsotmL Rev AV Greene cf Aioravian alls the delegate from the AVilkes Alliance and AV AVbite Esq del egate from the xMexander Alliance passed through town be one last riday and the other Monday on their way to the meeting of tlie State Alli ance which convened at ayetteville Tuesday Hon John Henderson was in town Monday He was interested in a esse in court Miss Julia McIntosh of Taylorsville is visiting at Mr Mr and Mrs Stimson and their grand langhter Miss Meta left Tuesday for Lenoir Patterson and oth er po nta in tbe west Maj AVm A Hearne of the AVil mington Afessenger easily the most ac complished newspaper writer in North Carolina was here from Sunday ua til yesterday when be went on west Miss Maggie AVallace of AVil miugtoo ia visiting at Dr Miss Josephine Baker of Salisbury is visiting at her Mr A Baker Mrs AV Hall of Memphis Tenn is here visiting at Mr AV A Verdict of Guilty in Connelly Case Tbe Other Cases CouUuucd Ac The jury in tbe case of the State vs Connelly late clerk of the Supe rior Court for embezzlement ol the funds of the estate of Henry Sumrow which was out when The Landmark of last week went to press came in about 6 last Thursday evening with a verdict ot guilty having bad the case about 24 hours Tbe jury had come into court once during aui asKeu to De rttscuarged tor the rea son that they could not agree but the judge told them to retire and make up their verdict The verdict rendered was the one that bud been anticipated by those who heard the trial of tbe case The next day tbe counsel made a motion in arrest of judgment ou the grounds set forth in an article elsewhere in this paper but the motion waa over ruled and Judge Merrimon sentenced the defendant to two years at bard labor in the penitentiary His counsel took an appeal to the Supreme Court Solicitor Long thereupon con tinued the other two cases against tbe ex clerk and asked lor bonds in all the cases His Honor however thought Unit one bund would answer and fixed the amount of it at $1590 It waa signed bv Messrs AV Blackwelder AV Kesler AV Marshall AVatt Mills and A Mills Messrs Blackwelder and AVatt justi fied for $1000 each and Mr A Mills for $500 The notable feature of tbe case was the admirable character of the prosecu tion as conducted against tremendous odds by Solicitor Long It never took ou any appearance of persecution but was up to tbe mark of the du ty and was able courageous aud ample The prominent counsel in the defence were Messrs Robbins and Montgomery all of whom bore them selves well Genera! Morekcepvrt au! Gnugcrw Mr AV Benton stamp clerk at Statesville has courteously furnished us with the list of general storekeepers abd gaugers thus far appointed in this district They are as follows with their postoffices and the territory over wnicti ttiey exercise jurisdiction A Hendricks Salisbury Stokes orsyth Davidson Rowan Ansou Stanly and Cabarrus AV IT Hobson Jerusalem Davie Yadkin and Surry Dula AVtlkeaborc Alleghany Ashe and AVilkes Joseph Stowe Belmont Union Mecklenburg and Gaston Tom? Rutherfordton Ruth erford olk McDowell Duncombe Transylvania Henderson Cherokee Jackson Macon Graham Swain and Clay arson Morganton Hey wood Yancey Madison Mitchell AVa tauga Caldwell Alexander Catawba Burke and Cleveland AVe are advised that new ap pointment for has yet been made though it was understood two weeks ago that A Harwell had his appointment as general store keeper tor this county Mr Harwell ought to have something He is one of the best iu the lot and has rendered very considerable party service Of those above named Messrs Hob son Dula and Pearson arc old stagers Mr Hendricks is tbe member of the lower Bouse of the Legislature for Da vie and at Raleigh last winter was call ed the sycamore of tbe Mr AV IL Overman the Democrat ic gauger for Iredell and Rowan is do ing business at the old stand aud there is co kicking on the part of Messrs Jim Lanier and Cooper the gentlemen immediately interested Mr AV Long of this place who it was expected would get Mr job has been put off' with an appointment as brandy a job which lasts about two months Mr Long is white and bad a right to expect something a good deal better than this Mallcea of Neiv Ad vertlseuionts Messrs Wilhelm Allison of the Racket Store are just in receipt of an other large installment of school books inks Drygoods shoes hats no tions sold at less than cost of production Mr AV Hill offers a big drive in a case of 28 inch flannelette or outing cloth at 7 Jc per yard Messrs A Moses Co have a largo assortment of tenuis ciotb for the fall trade They are the only agents in ritatesville for James shoes and will pay highest market price for black berries peaches aud apples Tbe county board of education re quest the citizens of tbe various school districts of the county to meet aud se lect school committeemen to be ap pointed by the board tbe Grst Monday in September Mr Gray txecutor will sell lands of II Gray deceased on the premises in Coddle Creek township September 1 Uh An excursion to Arkansas aud Tex as by way of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad will be given on Au gust 20th and September 10th and 24tb ive hundred white families are wanted to go to AVoodruff county Ark to work at good wages or cron on half shares Sullivan Esq deputy collect or will sell at auction at the court bouse on tbe 20th inst two mules one two horse wagon and harness Mr CA Martin administrator will sell lands of Mayes deceased on the premises inCbambersburg town ship September 20th Thirty cords of wood in return for tuition is wanted by the Home School Tbe Carolina Spoke and Handle ol Charlotte want 100000 hickory and white oak split billets They will pay $10 to $15 per cord for specified sizes delivered on cars at sta tions on the railroad Mr Marshall bas just receiv ed a stock of umbrellas boots shoes notions There bas been no complaint of Mr AV customers dusturb ing tbe court close as bis bar is to tbe court bouse He is keeping a neat clean orderly place Tbe attention of property owners is called to the town ordinance which for bids the growth of copal trees in tbe corporate limits Brown's Iron Hiners furnishes aid to rhe stomach to accomplish Its work Only a med icine which baa specltlc action upon the stom ach will do you any good and Brown's Iron Bitters will act directly upon that organ ton ing It up and giving it strength to do its work relieving the pressure upon the nervous sys tern strengthening the nerves quickening aud improving the appetite removing flatulency and heartourn restoring the appetite and dis pelling the dizzy spells which are so annoying and may prove very dangerous ONE OURTH LB PACKAGE ITEEN ALAHlETlEb OR TEN CENTS The News of Vlouresv ille Correspondence ot The Landmark Your correspondent bas been out in the country among the growing crops i thia week and judging things by ap pearance there has seldom if ever been so good a prospect for big crops of ev erything as there is now armers who have worked hard aud faithfully will be richly rewarded while those who barely planted will be greatly fa vored unless they feel aggrieved be cause they will have some crop to gath er this year for wherever the ground was prepared so planting could be done and it was dona there ia or will be some crop to gather this fall There is a great racket going ou hero now Tbe carpenters have commenc ed on Mr AV AV large brick store The tin for the roof aud all the lumber for tbe iuside work arrived this morning and eueb another clattering of hammers and aawe has not been beard about this depot in a long time and tbe best part of it is it will be kept up for some time Mr AV Brown unroofed the one story part of Mr 1 store this morning aud is raising it a story high er which will be quite an improvement to the store Mr Deaton has built much larger stable just in front of his old building on tbe street for bis business He can now sit io his stable door aud see who gets olf the train at the depot Templeton AVilliams Co have or dered a roller mill outfit and are look ing for it soon They intend to be ful of equipped for making the beat quali i will no doubt increase when their roll ers are started Their present mills will not be stopped at all The rollers are entirely an addition Tbe latest news here la that we are to have a new depot aud I know such news aa the above will be joyfully re ceived by all who have any business with tbe railroad st ibis place for tbe ATTENTION of property owners Is A called to town ordinance which Impoe a penalty npon any one allowing Copal Trees oi Bushes to grow on his lot If there are such growths on any property In the cor porate limits the owner thereof will see to it that they are destroyed at once A A MIDLER Mayor Aug 15 1SS5 IM MILLS THE BEST OR MAKING H'El) TE A AT MIXED SPICES or lavoring Pickles Wc arc the only agents for the above goods in Statesville Picnic Postponed Correspondence of The Landmark It is thought best to postpone tbe Alliance picnic which was to have been on tbe 21st inst until Saturday the 24tb of August as we could not got tbe speakers ou that date Every body who wishes to participate should bring well filled baskets Prominent speakers will address tbe crowd on top ics of interest Members throughout this and acj lining counties are cordial ly invited Rarsey Secretary Mooresville August 13 1889 ITATESVILLE VROIH CE NARKET ALL AND WINTER GOODS AT ROCK DOTTOM PRICES linirt XV fs Baying Prlces Basls No 1 Quality JU7L IIIU IU diUVC bOUH DIG STOCK Ol cokutmor Til WK the Elkin Jeans and Georgia Jeans prices ratvnni' from Oar market is In need of almost every kind 1 1 1 1 1 liuill of country produce Spring chickens freh 2OC tO sOC DCT Vai eggs and butter are very scarce Vegetables ii nr and fruit are in no great demand and disposed I 1 AV111 ffllOAV PCT ll lOl' ROOll WOO! Ill CXCliannC fol' UI I'liuvq CABBAGE per lb APPLES dried bright bright sliced THE STAR SALOON STATESVILLE JS NOW IN ULL OPERATION next door to the Court House and Is kept In first class in all particulars I keep for tale only the best of WHISKEY BRANDY ic and treat customers right A neat clean place good order no bums around Soliciting your favor Very respectfully Aug 15 1SS9 STOCKTON SCHCOi KG'ICE ON THE IRST MONDAY IN SEPTEM BER the Board of Education will meet for the special purpose of appointing committees for the several school districts of the county 1 hope the citizens of the county will note this and meet at their school houses or elsewhere within the limits of their respective districts and recommend to the board three gentlemen from each district to serve In the capacity of school committeemen for the next two years Such action on the part of the people will se cure to them the Individuals whom they desire to serve them in this capacity and will relieve the board of considerable embarrassment Please give postoflices as well as names ol those recommended A KESTLER Aug 13 3t County Superintendent I LEAD WHILE OTHERS OLLOW Threfore I am prepared to meet any Price All you havn to do is to give roe ft as 1 I ata tba LARGEST STOt'K MARBLE ever shipped to Stan aville and nil tbe lime tvtiiviubrr 1 POSITIVELY BP UNDERSOLD SO GIVE ME A CALL OR WRITE OR PRICES JIHIRTY CORDS WOOD in return for tuit'on To bp delivered tn September aud October Apply to HOME Aug lo 2i Statesville Elias Carr of Edgecombe was yes 1 of the State Alliance CDt One Case of 28 inch lannelette The following is a list of advertised letters remaining in the Statesville postoffice Monday August 121889: To obtain any of these letters the appli cant must call for If not called for within four weeks they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office A Cowles reeze Graham Hobeck Holman Sarah Jane Jefferson Dolly Johnson May Jones Rev King Eddy Louis (col) Miss Nannie Miller Wright Steven son Timothy Shepherd Spencer Woodruff Susan Yolk 100000 White Oak Split Billets GOOD YOUNG HEAVY TIMBER REE ROM KNOTS AND WORM HOLES Billets free of bark and san 2x3 31 inch long Hickory Billets 31 inch Jong free of bark Will pay for same $10 to $15 per 1 000 on cars at stations on and A Railroads according to size and quality will take up Spokes in lots of lUoou ana over and pay for same CAROLINA STOKE and HANDLE WORKS Charlotte (J August 15 Im A Hnllrond Proposition to the CuuiihIb bionerx of Davie Davie Times iRh On Tuesday Col A Andrews third vice president of the Richmond Danville Railroad Company with their attorney Capt Chas Price of Salisbury appeared before our county commissioners aud made three propo sitions for the consideration of the board in regard to our county bonds voted as a subscription to tbe road The propositions are as follows 1 That the commissioners issue the $40000 of bonds place them in tbe nanas oi a trustee who is to be a re sponsible bank or banker to be se lected by the commissioners the bonds I to be held by the trustee under con tract entered with and signed by Col A Andrews and the commission ers and to the effect that if the rail road is completed and the cars running into Mocksville from cither direction within eighteen months then thetrus tee is to deliver the whole amount of the bonds to Col Andrews for tbe rail road aud the bonds to be ou interest only from tbe time they are received by tbe railroad If the road is not com pleted and running into Mocksville within eighteen months then the trus tee is to deliver back the bonds to the commissioners to be cancelled 2 The bonds to ba delivered to a trustee in same way as in first propo sition ano zuuuu or these to be deliv ered by tbe trustee to tbe railroad when the cars are running into Mocks ville aud the other $20000 when the cars are running to the river on the other side cf the couuty but no time to be fixed within which this done 3 Tbe same as the second only tbe trustee is to nenver to tne $2000 of bonds os each mile of tbe road in tlie couuty is completed and cars running on it until the $40000 is exhausted but no time limited within which this is to be done The commissioners have until the 18th day of August to give Col An drews an answer upon these proposi inn a av or found anxiously await the decision of up the lhe I will allow 35c per lb for wool in cxcliatioc for goods nlrn Lmvs 1 i I 1 idixl uutuuiur line ul vass uis 11 verv iav fancy bright sliced 8 nriri'C extra 33je r1 4VI 1 will handle lor the Tail and Winter Trade the Ran ddoljih home made Shoes and also the well known Bay State Shoes and Boots I have sold them for 12 years I There are none better Those who have tiied them will ls agree with me lid 1 kccP at all times good slock of GROCERIES such as lour Sugar Coffee Meal Lard Rc a less ing at a All I ask i green PEACHES peeled bright fancy extra Dark not wanted halve bright quarters BLACKBERRIES dried RASPBERRIES WHO RT lx 1 1 rl EXTRA sack AMILY tftckl bolted 44 sperboa unbolted 48ttr 66 ba per bus OATS 32 bs per bushel clay mixed POTATOES lrish swept Hog Ronnd per SCHOOL fii CULLS itiii SMALL BOYS SWIffB ivt WMW WriBSHM Dflfl 14 00 5 00 riHIS SCHOOL will begin the first Monday A hi September Tuition from $1 60 per 15 00 month according to ad van pmnt payable 8 0o monthly Music 50 rr mouth Boaid tn 12 00 good families at reasonable rates or further Go 00 particulars address 1UH8 A t5 LB A Miso HATTIE IVEY July 13 lSSI 2ra Principals 500 White amilies to arm GOOD RELIABLE ARMERS wanted to go io Woodruff" ccunty Arkansas near Brink ley at good wages or to crop on half shares Will pay transportation cut same to be de ducted from tbelr share of crop or wages Have no objection to their paying their own fare if able GooQ Houses Schools Churches 1 Good Healthy Location AS" Thousands of acres of homestead lands yet io be taken up In the State of Arkansas Railroad lands at from 2 50 to 3 00 per acre Thesoll Is so rich that fertilizers are unknown It averages 60 bushels of corn to the acre and from one to one aud a half bales of cotton You can buy a good borne in Arkan says for less money than you can rent one here for one year or further information w(lt8 A WILLIAMS A Box 343 Atlanta Ga Aug 15 1SS9 Office 38 Wall St CAT PM PUMA I ADITIT'IWV GRAND EXCURSION! 7 TO ARKANSAS TEXAS! Largest Oldest and Beet emale Col Aug 20th Sept 10th 24th icg0 in tho Southi DAYS fVTAbTHU? QESSION OPENsTdGUST 27 th 1889 JO DAYS VIA THE LITTLE ROCK ACULTY 30 Professors und Tpap! MEMPHIS RAILROAD 7 7 a i me in rii ir CHARACTER HEALTH and INTELLECT ully equipped Preparatory aud Collegiate departments besides first class schools In MIN 5IV A Ml nAlNti i CI AL STUDIES Send for Catalogue to Kev If Augnat 3t POINT? Corn Vail baa been appointed order clerk in the Charlotte Het father Ch pl Stats of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County I bank Chrnky makes oath that he Is the I senior partner of the firm of co aotng business in the city of Toledo coun a i the sum ot ONEHUNDEEDDOLUltS At the Extremely Low Price of each and evtrv pm rm nt 1 a a I be cured by the use of Cat a hrh Curb xxvANK CHENEY Sworn to before me and subtcrlbed tn my presence this ftth day of December A i Skal A GLEASON Notary Public Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists 75c ARKANSAS TEXAS California Short Line Mpmnhk I Rnrlz RAILROAD BIG BALESWANTED The Great Through Car Route well known Cv jton man in Two Trains Daily to Arkansas and Texas Without a Change Only cual cotton markets of Europe One Change to California reports a good demand for North Carolina cotton but ob Elegant Parlor Car Chairs on JECTI0N Is UKGEn the LlGHTAVERAGEWEIGHTl'ERBALE All Irai RS They want the bales to a ver 173 miles shorter to Dallas 200 miles short I AGE 500 LBS Il EAVY BALES CAN er to ort Worth and many hours quicker to ivrrn ui? mahv dm uiut a i all points in Texas Mexico and California NOr BB MAIE ONL1UH1 AND JMh than via New Orleans long line RIOR PRESSES ARMERS AND IN The Popular TInwb Car Boule States Have' found that out LONG AGO AND THAT IS THE REA Xfl I fi I I SON WHY THE HAS Memphis Little 'Kock BEENsoExrENsivELYsoLDiN that Absolutely the only Une that will put you SEC! I0N OE 11115 TTON BELT through without delay or transfer I HAVE SOLD ONE HUNDRED PRESSES NO EXTRA CHARGE OR SEATS 1N Texas in one season You IN THROUGH COACH get a Texas manto These Coaches have Porters in charge to I AT SOME 1 HE PRESSES SOLD look after the comfort and welfare of the Em IN NORTH CAROLINA Igrant and to see that the local passengers are Havtkr a nrnn vp vr mmt not allowed to get in the Through Coach and I 1A 1MI A CCOI) HESS HAVE crowd them No other route offers such In I KNOWN ROM THE BEGINNING THAT dnKE ADVANTAGE OTHE LOW EX WE C0ULUN CONTINUE TO SELL IT CURSION RATES and examine the country UNLESS WE PUT INTO IT GOOD ATE Mlnkle with the people Learn tbe advanta RIAL AND WORKMANSHIP WE PAY ges and disadvantages Examine the school at facilities Buy or rent a farm or take up Gov 1 BOM $5 IO 7 1 ER TON MORE OR ernment land and go to work Do not be de THE IRON WE USE THAN ORDINARY celvedl Visit Arkansasand Texas and be your Vn irr i xr own judge 1 I IO IRON CAN BE BOUGHT OR Write to me for information I will send WE MAKE SO MUCH ON EACH you Map Book Papers and the new Western pvt ao intm XVp vv ue cut wait Railway Guide an illustrated 16 page month BUT NV EE YL Eel 10 SELL MORE lycontainingfuli description of Western conn 1 PRESSES NOTHING BUT STEEL tries towns and cities their location popula SCREWS ARE UD GN ANY Ofirn tlon and other valuable Information to the LK traveler and emigrant REE CHARGE I OWER PRESSES IRON IS COURSE Address CHEAPER THERE AKE PLENTY Southeastern Passenger AtlantaQa PRESSES CHEAPER THAN THE BOSS TUCKER A A BUT THEY NOT BUILT THAT Little Rock Ark wav RUDOLPH INK Gen Manaker Aug 15 ISSO Memphis Tenn BUT MAKING PRESSES IS ONIA A PART OUR WORK WE ALSO I THE KIlKrEEN'IH TERM op VITE CORRESPONDENCE ON THE SUE" TUP LimIE QPUfini JEcf of Saw Mills Engines Boil I HL UIVI OU UU I RS Pulleys Shafting Will Open Aug 28 1889 LD(RiLnS rhlPc 1 CHAKLOT1E Deptiiy 4 vllcrtnr bhnrpe A Sharpe Eq deputy collect or for Iredell county was suspended from office last week The suspension grew out of his report upon the tobac co of Kelly of Davie which was seized some weeks ago This was a case of the alleged re use of stamps Mr Shaipe reported to the office that iu his judgment the stamps were all right A special agent subsequently examined them declared that lhe proofs of re usage were manifest and upon bis report Deputy Collector Sharpe wax relieved and Mr Sul livan was appointed iu bis eteud Mr Sharpe went down to Salisbury last evening and his friends say he will be re instated ul ouce With such con fidence do they assert this that we sup pose Dr Mott has ordered it There is no reflection in tbe matter upon Mr personal or official integrity He is a thoroughly honest mau and no one doubt that be acted according to his best judgment in this case No shoddy work nor cut thru at prices at Ths Landn Kt Job Office Alwav reason able rricve aud never anything baf first class work Blackberries Apples Peaches wanted and Highest Market Prices Paid Do not sell until you see us A MOSES CO I vill sell you your goods ut any house in the city afford to do what I say can decide for yourself All kinds of DRIED RUIT highest market price for same LAND SALE UNDER THE POWERS civen me in the will of Mayes deceased I will ell at public outcry on CM on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 aboutUl or 7 acres of land of the said Mayes for the purpose of making assets to pay tbe debts of said Mayes Tbe lands lie in Chambersburg township near Oak orest and adjoin the lands of Ell Sills Thomas dloer and others and are well watered and timber ed and suited for a good farm TERfilb A Ij One th 1 rd cash one third in 6 and one third in 12 months respec tively with approved notes for deferred pay ments and title retained till purchase monev is ail paid Sale at 11 a in or particulars address A MARTIN Administrator a Amity Hill Robbins Long attys August 15 The Newt of adkln Correspondence cf The Landmark During the high water ou South Deep creek a large log (Dated out and lodg ed ou oue Mr bottom Later another swell in tbe creek spread the water over bis bottom aud Mr Gross got some bands to help bitn float tbe log in the current that it might wash away They all got astride the log with poles and steered towards tbe cur rent and were soon in water deeper than they could wade when all the boys jumped off and swam to tbe shore but Gross could not swim so be floated with the log until it came to some trees when he climbed a tree aud stay ed until night before he could be got ten to shore Tbe boys said be looked like a big red shanghai gone to roost but ho got the log out all the same One hundred or more brandy distil leries have been bonded in Yadkin There are about four applications for storekeeper in tbe couuty to every distillery and Deputy Collector Pin nix is said to be carrying a lot ofrencb harps to give to those disappointed ap plicants to console themselves by play ing that good old song will your dog The following named have been ap pointed jurors for fall term of tbe Su perior Court of Yadkin county irst week John Patterson Collins Brown Eli Stinson Swain Shore A Rut ledge II Hart A Carter Williams Miller John Knott Spencer Angle Taylor Martris lcm ing Huff A Martin John Willard Wallace Brown Hinshaw Hnnanr Shore Ellis Normau Haynes Isaac Sbermer Caste vens Dixon Swaim Thornton Isaac Brown Bo vender letcher I Shields Second week A Turner A Woodruff A Martin Royal Isaac Hanes II Shore Norman Long A illinins A I KNH yTei mtssswsMKK Yow Jester Brume EsaaaSOi If Holcomb Jones Bl I I Poindexter Lewis Williams Mounce I A Jarratt jsB tSSESS Yadkinville August 10 1889 The al Cadetship In tbe competitive examination at Salisbury last riday for Hon John cadetship in the Naval Academy Mr Harlee MacCall of this place was the winner He will leave io a day or two for Annapolis to stand the entrance examination He is an uncommonly bright and well educated boy and will doubtless go through IroceedinAM of the August Meeting of the Chamber of tommcrcc Reported for The Landmark The fourth regular meeting of tbe chamber of commerce held Tuesday evening proved to be one of the most interesting meetings of that body yet held inasmuch as the chamber desig nated tbe following named gentlemen A Sherrill A Evansand Hill a committee of three to atoncepro ceed in all the necessary work to put io a ferry ou the Catawba river near John place make all required ar rangements and have the ferry in oper ation at tbe earliest possible moment Mr Sherrill reporting funds already subscribed to complete this project Tbe chamber elected the city board of aidermen as a body honorary mem bers of the chamber which entitles said board to all the privileges of tbe cham ber to take part in its deliberations and discussions without cost them but not to vote A letter was read from Capt McBee superintendent of the Western 1 North Carolina Division of tbe Rich mond Danville Railroad Company which was very satisfactory in its tone I rt i a fi a es ri 1 GUUJUDOll atUU LUU MUU Vi I 1 1 that gentlemen toward our people and ty custom which I txsifl Jnnhl miennua vx Da 1 1 lorctoid tbe early accomplishment ot better waitinir room accommodations in keeping with the advancement and prosperity of the city The letter is as follows July 24 Scales Esq Secretary Chamber Commerce Statesville Sir Copy of resolutions in present oue is entirely too small and af regard to passenger station facilities nt fords almost no shelter to freight stored Statesville was duly received I have fo it 1 have no doubt the new oue taken tbe matter in band aud will ar will be a commodious structure and an range if possible to erect a suitable ornament to our town Then all the passenger station during the present people will thank the railroad authcri fiscal year I fully appreciate the im ties for having granted their petitions portaneo of the business of your city Mr Hawthorn and wife of lorida and the kindness of your people towards 3re hero visiting our clever depot azeot me and hope to secure a building that Mr Hawthorn will in every way bo in proportion to Mooresville Aua 13 1889 kuu Ml QLULUOVHC truly yours McBee One of the most interesting discus sions of the meeting was that looking to the betterment of tbe cotton mar ket in tbe future and the protection of the farmer in the sale of bis cotton It waa the sense of the meeting: that tbe interest should belooked af ter by the chamber to see that full values were received and that cotton on this market should be bandied in an honorable straipht fnrwarrl manner I fl I I A I 1 A 1 it 11 1 XV iULLVOI luio CLia LUQ XUliUWiU tiemen A Sherrill John Slepba ny and Hall Jr were appoint ed a committee of three to confer with the farmers when they come upon this market and give a care to their protec tion Irvin and Henry Clarke creat ed much interest by their able discus sion of the tobacco interest and it was shown that the chamber could lend val uable aid and life to the tobacco mark et In the course of hie remarks Mr Irvin clearly proved that two more large tobacco factories established here would yield large profits to tbe invest ors and he thought with proper action these factories would be started al an early day Mr Clarke spoke of the desire of tbe people for another ware house which the trade clearlv demands Bitner ueri) rrfi nn) onntinan If TLIJ IGLIUDai it 1 would be a large paying business and Lei keep the market strong The chamber entered heartily in these interesting remarks and appoint ed a committer Carlton A I Moses and Cowles to meet with the Tobacco Association at its next regular meeting and confer with them so that the necessary steps mfoht be taken to keep tbe tobacco market in good shape 'The chamber was very emphatic iu declaring that there should be no com biue against tbe interest eith er in telling cotton or tobacco and the outlook for a fine trade iu these two branches opens up brightly These products will be handled here in large quantities the coming season ganized unanimity will bo amongst our citizens to build market The next regular meetiua chamber will be the second Tuesday evening tn September Secretary T11O Rock Spring Ciciiii JIcelinx Correspondence ol The Landmark Rock Spring camp meeting is being attended by as large a Crowd as usual A number of ministers arc present aud the services are of a high order This is tbe most famous camp ground in this country The arbor has a seating capacity of 5000 people ft would uot hold near all at one time during the progress of this meeting It is possi ble that much good has beeu done and it is certain that much evil bas been in dulged io Thieves were on tbe ground A mule a set of harness a saddle aud many other things have been stolen Messrs rank and James Brawley of this county bad a $5 valise containing two good suits of clothes and other ar ticles stolen The amount of deviltry done was simply immense But still the people seemed to enjoy the occa sion Catawba and Lincoln county pic would go West if this camp ground was anonsned JLhey camp meeting business Tbe social features arc people who only meet semi occasionally make to go to Rock Spring during the meet ing and the quantity and quality of is wonderful to behold Davidson Township Aug 13 1889 DA MORRISON CO A NV I Ai Of URNITURE SEND OR PRICES SiatPHVllIf (J Jul 25 Also a complete line of the' THE COURT Tbe BuIdc4 of a The Grand Jury Report Vrc The Superior Court worked on the State docket nearly all of last week Tbe grand jury did not complete its business until Saturday Upon beiog discharged it submitted the following report Tbe grand Jury respectfully report that they have visited tbe county jail io a body and found tbe prisoners too much crowded beiog three or four in each of several cells but they also Qud that this crowdinc with the pres ent number of prisoners is necessitated by the wantof space two of tbe rooms being allotted for the use of ederal prisoners Wc recommend that one at least of tbe last named two rooms be used when necessary for State prisoners We find lhe food furnished tbe pris oners healthy sod sulffcient We find an unpleasant odor in and around tbe cells that we apprehend may be unhealthy We know this is common to places where several pris oners tire kept together in close con finement but we recommend the use of some disinfectant to prevent or re move it We recommend further that rooms ami cells be whitewashed Wc recommend further that lines of piping be constructed to tbe different rooms and cells and conducted to a water closet without the build ng for the purpose o( carrying off all excre meat er Jcecal matter As to tbe county poor bouse we re port that we visited this property by a committee of our bodv We find the poor house well kept providing comfortable food and lodging for the inmates these numbering nine teen in all twelve whiles ami seven blacks We report that the supervisors of three townships have so far failed to report lhe condition of their roads ami recommend that the clerk of the court notify the supervisors of their duty in this matter A LEAZAK oreman The matter of interest during the term has been the Connelly case which is referred to nt length elsewhere Be low is a list of the cases tried since tbe close of our last report state vs battery tbe ten stricken out and $20 to $50 State vs Will Nance carry ing con cealed weapons guilty 30 days in jail State va Dinah Davis larceny and receiving not guilty of larceny but guilty of a misdemeanor judgment suspended Stale vs Henry McLelland assault rnd battery guilty 6 months in jail State vs Lawson Barrier assault and battery 3 months in jail State vs Joe Hill affray guilty 3 months in jail State vs Connelly embezzle ment guilty 2 years in the peni tentiary State vs John injury to building pleads guilty 3 mouths in jail State vs Henry Griffia assault and battery not guilty Stalo vs David Gaither affniy guilty 6 months iu jail State vs Anderson Power larceny and receiving guilty Slate vs Allen Gillelaud larceny and receiving guilty 2 months in )sll and Turner admrs vs Benj Turner A Sharpe el al verdict for dvfcndants 1 Hawkins vs Pnillins judgment against plaintiff for want of ane wer Isaac York aud wife et a) vs Reu ben Reynolds verdict for plaintiffs By coasent all cases ou aud Calendar are contlinad to the next term of court ruit Preservative TERMS Primary Intermediate Higher English (including Latin) Music Piano Organ Guitarand private Vocal Lessons each Drawing Painting Board or furthtr particulars address Mrs ANNIE MORROW Aug Im Statesville co NT AU 111m 111Z Ides Shoulders NO TALLOW BEESWAX HENS ROOSTERS 34 No 1 jc No 2 hi No 3 8010 per to 7 Ducks 8 Guineas I Geese 25 chotceyellow 2iq fair I per to jq I comb 10 EGGS WHEAT 80 RYE 76 EATHERS new 86 per to dry per to 4 green WOOL washed 20 WHISKEY Corn 15 If i.

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