The Sikeston Herald from Sikeston, Missouri • Page 12
- Publication:
- The Sikeston Heraldi
- Location:
- Sikeston, Missouri
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE SIKESTON (MO.) HERALD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938 PAGE TWELVE people elementary experiments in county is crossed by Federal Highthe physical sciences were per- ways 40 and 65, and State Highformed under the supervision of ways 41 and 240. in addition to teachers whose avowed function three short State highways. was to encourage and direct free, Endeavors along other lunes have intelligent discussion. In the Men- succeeded in the county. The first tal Liberty Hall lectures were giv- newspaper.
the Saline County en each Sunday evening, and Herald, establshed in 1856, was scientists. philosophers, socialists, closely folloned by the Marshal! atheists, Protestant ministers and Democrat and the Saline County Catholic priests were invited to Standard. The Missouri State speak respectable decorum being School for the Feeble Minded and the only limitation placed upon Epileptic was founded in 1899, and any speaker Large enthusiastic the John Fitzgibbon Memorial crowds gathered each week in the Hospital in 1924 The late Mrs. interest of mental liberty Louis P. Blosser, Marshall philanThe Liberal Normal School and thropist, provided for the Blosser Busiress Institute was another in- Home for Crippled Children and stitution organized by Walser to the Blosser Home for Aged Wopromote liberal education free men, completed in 1933.
Missouri from the bias of Christian theol- Valley College was founded 12 ogy This school was well adver-1888, and later generations are tised and soon had a large enroll- promoting greater educational and ment. According to a tract pub- cultural opportunities by consoli-. Ished in 1855, the Liberal Normal dating the early district schools. School and Business Institute was Saline county, which shows its "located in a liberal town, taught historical interests In the foundby liberal teachers and courted ing of Arre Rock State Park only the patronage of liberal pa- and the present movement to introns" Out of this organization cluce historical regions In Van developed Free Thought Univers- Meter State Park, has among its ity, which opened in 1886 with a outstanding native sons Dr. John staff of seven teachers Sappington.
who wrote the first Liberal, the asylum of free medical treatise published West of thinkers, was soon invaded by the Mississippi Paver, George C. damentalist missionaries and Bingham, famous Missouri artist, churches, and by saloons. In an Governor M. Marmaduke and effort to throw off the yoke of his son, General John S. Marma-: Walser.
the Christians purchased, duke (later governor), Governor. 'an eighty-acre tract of land ad-: Claiborne Fox Jackson and his' joining the town, called the place son, General W. Jackson, and Pedro and moved their houses and Judge Willam Barclay Napton. A places of business out of Liberal. large farm.
"Experiment," was While Liberal successfully with-; opened near Marshall in the 1820's stood the opposition from Pedro, by Brigadier General Thomas A its original purpose was destroyed Smith, where he demonstrated the by its own internal developments. feasibility of cultivating prairie Walser and others became ardent lands and carried on experiments; converts of spiritualism, and he In agriculture. horticulture and spent $40,000 laying out a camp forestry. Washington Irving meeting ground of thirteen acres, crossed the county in 1832 and left with twenty cottages, an audi- posterity its most picturesque actonum seating 800 people, and count of the "Classic ground of grounds landscaped with catalpa American agriculture." trees. In additon he built a mag- The Saline County Historical Sonificent home for himself and call- ciety, organized in April 19, 1938.
ed it Catalpa Park. On these to preserve this most noble historielaborate camp grounds a number cal heritage, already has a memof international conventions of bership of over 200 spirtualism were held, attended by as many as 2.000 converts. Walser Ray county, which originally had died in 1910, a firm believer in the an area one and one-third times! spiritualistic cult. larger than the state of ConnecIn the late 1800's Walser be- ticut. was created by act of the came an author.
writing among State legislature one hundred and other works, "Orthopadeia or eighteen years ago this week. It Atomic Solutions." included within its boundaries ter "Poems of Leisure" and "The Bouquet." ritory comprising thirteen present The conflict between religion counties, an area of 6.158 square' and irreligion eventually ceased In miles of fertile woodland prairie Barton county. The and river bottom land The inhabitants counof Liberal, ty was son.etimes known before Pedro moved to the 1 Walser home became a country its division as "the Free State of club and among the town's 848 Ray." a term which had no connec-: present inhabitants there 15 little! tion with slavery. or no evidence of its stormy his- With the creation of Caldwell tory. Situated on the Missouri county in 1836, Ray county was Pacific and San Francisco rail- reduced to its present size of roads the town IS now the second square miles It is now 53d in largest in Barton county, and and 10th in population size among important trade center for a con- Missouris 114 counties and has a siderable area in Missouri and.
Missoun river frontage of thirtyKansas three miles The county was named in honor One hundred and eighteen years sometimes of John Ray. Howard county deleago, I gate to the constitutional Saline county, convenknown as the "Garden of Mistron of 1820 and a member of the was organized by act of I first general assembly. who died the Mi-souri general assembly on October 13, 1820. It was settled The countv. situated on the south' by immigrants from Tennessee.
side of the Missouri River and a I Kentucky and Virginia and aclittle northwest of the center of cording to tradition cither Wilthe State attracted the attention ham Mullin in 1811 or John Vanof Lewis and Clark in 1301. and derpool in 1815 was the first settier The second son of John Van during the winter of 1813-1811 George Sibley of St Charles the derpool. Meaddors. became conducted 3 trading house at Arrow conducted 3 trading house at Arrow Rock The county seat was first located at Jefferson on the Missouri River. a short distance below Cambrnige In 1831 it was moved to Jonesboro now Nayton.
where' at remained until 1839. when the legislature provided for the location of a permanent seat of government The commissioners selected 3 site in the central part of the county named it Marshall for Chef Justice John Marshall and the county court was held at Arrow Rock until the court house was finished Ir. 1840 Saline. named for its salt springs. 16 Missouri's 18th largest county and has a Missouri River frontage of seventy-three miles, a.
distance unsurpassed by any other county Its tumbered river bottom lands were a strong attraci tion to early settlers. and popula-' tion growth was rapid From 1890 to 1920 there was a gradual decline. but during has the been last decade, the population on Increase Agriculture has always been the county's chief industry It early took the lead as one of the State's! largest corn -producing counties, in was one of four Missouri counties that produced over a mul-1 lion bushels of wheat. and ranked third in the production of hogs and seventh in cattle. Saline was located on the two great highways to the West- the Missouri River and the Santa Fe Trail Three steamboats of the Long expedition and the Independence reached its northern border as early as 1819, Santa Fe traders out of old Franklin directed their caravans across it during the 1820's and early 1830's, and Henry Backnell operated a ferry on the Missouri River at Arrow Rock as early as 1816.
In 1878 the Chicago and Alton Railroad was completed to Marshall, and the Missouri Pacific reached that city ten years later. Today the county first school teacher in 1819 An old stockade called North Bluffton. erected In 1817 near the present site of Camden and named for its location. formed the nucleusf ro what was probably the first village built in Grand River and Missouri west of north of the Missouri River. Cheap land equally as fertile as that farther east prompted a rapid growth in population.
The countv's population of 2.373 in 1830 increased 177 per cent during the next decade. and by 1560 number ed 10373 persons. During the decade of the 1890's the increase was small and between 1900 and 1930 the population. as in other! rural counties, decreased. When it was laid out In 1827.
Richmond. the county seat. was named in honor of the Virginia capital. and the county court which had been meeting at Buff-; ton first met there on March 19.1 1829 Among Ray county's outstanding men were Alexander Doniphan. Mexican war hero.
who: came to Richmond in 1868. and Austin. A. King. a lawyer who became governor of Missouri.
In recognition of their services. the State erected monuments to these I men at Richmond. The county is chiefly noted for agriculture and coal mining. Fifty-one per cent of the county's total land area today is devoted to farm crops, and while it is a fairily small county it ranked 5th in wheat production in 1936 In 1935 it produced almost 300,000 more bushels of potatoes than its closest competitor. In 1937 it was 3d in number of acres of coal land under control, 2d in money invested, 4th in the value of the product, and 7th in tons produced.
Transportation developments have kept step with agriculture and mining. Three steamboats under the command of Major Stephen H. Long reached Ray county in 1819, and during the 1860's came the railroad. A de- HONOR 4-H COOK Frances Larson, 19, of Carl Junction, named by State Club Leader T. T.
Martin as one of Mus-! souri's delegates to the 17th tional 4-H Club Congress opening! in Chicago November 25, IS a five-; year club member with an standing record in food prepara-. tion. She completed three foods and nutrition projects, gave three public demonstrations, winning furst place in the county in 1938, and led a club of six girls. M133 Larson will compete with other winners from the Central Extension Section for a refrigerator and also for national scholarship awards of $400, $300, $200 and $100. Missoun's "all-around" 4-H girl, Dorothy Edmondson, 17, of Springfield, receives an all-expense trip to chicago on a superior seven-year record.
She completed 20 projects, gave three public demonstrations, won two county championships, entered two judging contests, and three dress revues, and led a club of 12 members for one year. Total value of her 4-H projects is $315 00. She will compete for Central State honors, the winner of which shares in five college scholarships totaling $1200 provided with State trips and county medals. cade earlier Allen's railroad, a horse-drawn wooden affair about five miles long. which was used to transport plantation products to the steamboat landing, was constructed In Ray county This early road was among the first in Missouri, but its exact opening date 1S in doubt Today the county is crossed by two State highways and four lines of railroad.
During the 1850's the Richmond Herald and the Richmond Conservator were established, and at the present time there are seven Want Ads WANTED THIS WEEK IN 4 MISSOURI HISTORY a STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOUR C. COUSTI ORGANIZED 83 DEME DEME YEARS AGO Dent County. situated in the nor' h-ast Ozarh region about riles southwest of St Louis. was orginally established in 1651, insurgaried on December 1. eighty-three years ago this week.
and then reorganized three later There is no authentic record of settl-trent in Dent county before :824 but in that year George Cole Of St cleared and opened a farn: river. and the next year John Jones made the first land entry It was not un til the early 1840's however, that the first store, schools, and post office were opened PROFESSIONAL CARDS BAILEY BAILEY Attorneyy-at-Law Room 206 McCoy-Tanner SIKESTON, MO. GEORGE W. KIRK Attorney and Counsellor Applegate Bldg. Phone 32 SIKESTON, MO.
ROBERT A. DEMPSTER Attorney-at-Law 226-227 McCoy-Tanner Building Telephone 43 SIKESTON, MO. J. H. CHUNN Attorney-at-Law LAW Second Floor Stallcup Bldg.
SIKESTON, MO. MEDICINE DR. E. J. NIENSTEDT 112a Front Street Telephone 135 SIKESTON, MO.
DR. MERLIN G. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon Derris-Malcolm Building Phones. Office, 830. Residence, 831 Office hours: 8 to 12; 1 to 6 By appointment, 7 to 8.
SIKESTON, MO DR. H. B. THROGMORTON Physician and Surgeon Keith Building. Center Street Phone 94-Day or Night SIKESTON, MO.
DR. HOW 1RD A. DUNAWAY Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office in McCoy-Tanner Building Telephone 606 SIKESTON, MO. DENTISTRY OR. W.
A. ANTHONY Dentist Office in Scott County Milling Co Building Rooms 213 211 Telephone 530 SIKESTON. MO DR HANDY SMITH Dentist Office In Apr legate Building Telephone 37 SIKESTON MO DR TOM I CHIDESTER Dentist Phones. Office. 107.
Residence 749 Office IN Peoples Bank Building SIKESTON. MO. OSTEOPATHY DR. B. L.
McMCLLIN Osteopathic Physician Specializing in the treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles), and other Colon Diseases. Phone 562 Home Phone 265. Office in Trust Company Building SIKESTON, MO. OPTOMETRY DR. W.
M. SIDWELL Optometrists Office in McCoy-Tanner Building Phone 606 SIKESTON, MO. UNDERTAKERS WELSH MORTUARY B. J. WELSH -IL.
S. JOHNSON Funeral DirectorsLicensed Embalmers Dependable Service Day Phone, 380; Uight Phone, 384 SIKESTON, MO. During the 1830's and 1850's numerous land entries were made. and land prices were as low as five cents an acre The Organ, McSpacden and Arthur families became large land holders dunng this period, and local iron companes gained control of rich iron The settlers coming from Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio divided their allegiance quite equally between the Democratic and RepubliCan Parties Dent county, with an area of 746 square miles. LS 20th In size among Missouris 114 counties and was the 13th last county organized It was named for Lewis Dent, 2 settler near the present site of Salem who was the county's first representative in the general assembly Population growth was steady until the turn of the century but between 1910 and 1930.
11 along with many others. show's a None of the early stores became the nuclei of towns Salem, laid out in 1551 and named possable for town in Ohio, in the only incorporated town in the county It has continually grown and today has between 2,500 and 2.600 inhabitants The most profitable industries are stock raising. especially cattle and hogs; fruits, apples, peaches. grapes and small fruits, and poultry. About 10 percent of the country's total land era devoted to farm crops.
It has rated as high as 4th among Missoun's iron producing Cultural and intellectual inter-; ests are evident from the estab lishment of subscription schools in the 1840's Union Academy was' founded at Laketon (Lake Springs) In 1857, and the first newspeper was followed in 1868 by the Southern Missoun Argus, appeared in 1860 This first newspaper was followed in 1863 by the Monitor. and today the county has two excellent papers, The Salem News and the Salem Post and Democratic Bulletin. Al system of district schools rapidly displaced the subscription schools In the early 1870's, and during 1877 the number of district schools increased 152 percent Among those who have made notable contributions to the county's cultural development was the late William Henry Lynch. "Pioneer Educator of the Ozarks," who was I dent of the Salem schools from 1873 to 1887 Except for: a branch of the St. Louis and San Francisco.
which' I penetrates the county from the north as far as Salem the county 1S without a railroad. But modern highway developments have removed transportation difficulties. and the county is now crossed by State highways 19 and 13. while 68 and 72 extend from the north as far as Salem Dent which has a general eleration of from 1300 to 1 100 feet. is a natural diode county The Meramec river rises in tne north and three tributaries of the Current river In the south while branches of Black and Gasconade rivers rise en its eastern and western borders Dent 1S one of four Missouri counties having tv.
State parks Indian Trail State Park in the northeast and Montauk State Park. with ore of the Ozarks' finest trout streams and 3 spring that flow. 10 million gallons daily in the southwest More than 190000 acres on the east side of the county nave been included in the Clark Forest Reserve. and its woodlands valleys and streams combine with excellant fishing and hunting to make Dent county one of Missouri's great recreational regions Liberal Missouri. called by the Christians "the Godless toun of Infidelity was incorported on fifty-seven years ago it was found ed as a town for free-thinkers but churches and saloons were banned The founder of this unique community experiment.
George H. Walser. was born In Indiana in 1831 He vent to Barton county immediately after the war. where he was soon recognized as one of. the best lawyers in southwest He was elected prosecut1ng attorney there.
and became a member of the 25th assembly With an ere for future developments he purchased 2.000 acres of land and selected the site of Liberal as the home of an experiment, in intellectual community living He was an agnostic and placed himself in open opposition to organized religion "With one foot upon the neck of priestcraft and the other upon the rock of truth," the declared. have thrown our banner to the breeze and challenge the world to produce a better cause for the devotion of than that of a grand, noble and perfect humanity" In harmony with the purpose for organizing the town a number of unusual institutions designed to promote the ideal community were tried during the 1880's and 1890's The first of these was a Sunday Morning Instruction School, where children were taught from "Youth Liberal Guide" and from various works on physics, chemistry, and other sciences. In another class organized for older young WANTED Two men for circulation work. Guaranteed salary' and liberal commission. Must own and operate car.
For interview' see John F. Bever, evenings from: 7:00 to 8:00 p. at 231 W. Gladys, Sikeston, Mo. (48) LOST LOST- -Sunday morring, black and tan dog.
Between Salcedo road and Northcut bottoms. Answers to name "Queen." Can-! trell Store, Salcedo. (48) BIRD DOG -Lost. strayed or stolen. Liver and white.
Male: Pointer Answers to name of: "Nick" Wore collar with Sakeston City Tag No. 5. Reward for return to John Welter, phone 339, Sikeston, Mo. (48x) FOR RENT FOR RENT--Sleeping room suitable for two persons. Also light-, housekeeping room.
Many quilts: for sale. 523 Matthews avenue, Sikeston, Mo. (48) FOR RENT--Modern 5-room brick house at 331 Scott street. Available December at 302 So Stoddard street. FOR SALE I FOR SALE Used coal and oil heaters, gasoline, electric and oil ranges.
Every stove a National Butane Gas Sikeston, Mo. (x) FOR SALE Electric Washing Machine. Call 420. TRUCK FOR SALE International Pick-up, 1938 model, good condition. Sikeston Sales Co.
Phone 446. (48x) FOR CASH RENT, 190 Acres -Also, Clearing Contract for Crop through 1940. 230 Acres. See J. W.
Neal, 3 Miles West of Canalou. Herald advertisers are worthy of your patronage. FURNITURE HEATING STOVES- Now is the time to buy that heating stove you will need this winter. We have a wide range of heaters at very low prices -Cecil Furniture Co. Matthews Wagon Yard Building, 231 E.
Malone. DRY CLEANING PEAL ECONOMY -lies in getting the most from your clothing. Regular cleaning and pressing will prolong the life of your clothes as well as their appearance. Band Box Cleaners. Phone 187.
CHIROPRACTOR CONSTANT GROWTH--the ber of patients attended by Chiropractors has increased to great er numbers every year Results are the -Dr. F. L. Sisson, the Chiropractor, 138-A Front St Phone 626. RADIO SERVICE 'A CHRISTMAS GIFT That the whole family will appreciate is a general check up of your radio.
The enjoyment will last longer than any other Virgil Harnes, 219 Malone. Phones 205 and 632 You can believe what you read In The Herald. I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given, that letters testamentary on the estate of Louis H. Klingel, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 8th day of November, 1938, by the Probate Court of Scott County, Missouri. All persons having claims said estate are required to against exhibit them to me for allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be preI cluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of said letters, they shall be forever barred.
MARY LOU ETTA KLINGEL, Executrix. hand and seal of Witness my Probate Court of Scott. Counthe ty. O. SPENCER, (SEAL) Probate Judge IF IT'S INSURANCE SEE JOHN G.
POWELL Keith Building Phone 538 newspapers. A CHRISTMAS CARDS OF DISTINCTION But Very Reasonably Priced 3 We are Offering One Special Assortment of Fifty (50) Beautiful Folders for Only $1.25 Call Phone 99 for Sample Books THE SIKESTON HERALD Place Your Orders Early TINS.
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