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The Sikeston Herald from Sikeston, Missouri • Page 12

Sikeston, Missouri
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PAGE TWELVE THE SIKESTON (MO.) HERALD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1938 C'Ol ORGANIZED 83 KAKS AGO Lenl County, situated in the r.ur-M-ast region about I i.ules southwest of St orgmally established in 1651. o- Iecember 1. organized During the 1830's and 1850's nu- people elementary experiments in county is crossed by Federal High- nierous land entries were made, the physical sciences were per- ways 40 and 65. and State ffigh- and land pnces were as low as formed under the supervision of ways 41 and 240.

in addition to five cents an acre The Organ, teachers whose avowed function three short State highways. McSpauden and Arthur families as to encourage and direct free Endeavors along other lines have became laige land holders dunng intelligent discussion. In the Men- succeeded ir. the county. The first this penod.

and local iron com- tal Liberty Hall lectures were giv- newspaper. the Saline County "lined control of nch iron en each Sunday evening, and Herald, establshed in 1856, was The settlers coming scientists, philosophers, socialists, closely followed by the Marshal! from Tennessee, Kentucky. Vir- atheists. Protestant ministers and Democrat and the Saline County gima. Pennsylvania and Ohio divid- Catholic priests were invited to Standard.

The Missoun State ed their allegiance quite equally be- speak respectable decorum being School for the Feeble Minded and the Dep.iocratic and Repubh- the only limitation placed upon Epileptic was founded 1899, and parties any speaker Large enthusiastic the John Fitzgibbon Memorial Dent county, with an area of crowds gathered each week in the Hospital in 1924 The late Mrs. 746 square miles, is 20th in size interest of mental liberty Louis P. Blosser, Marshall philan- amon" Missouri 114 counties The Liberal Normal School and thropist, provided for the Blosser was the 10th last county Business Institute was another in- Home for Crippled Children and HONOR 4-H COOK Want Ads FURNITURE eighty-three years ago this is Dent, It named for stitution organized by Walser to the Blosser Home for Aged Wo- a settler near the promote liberal education free men. completed in 1933. Missouri then reorganized three pre st-nt site of Salem who was the from the bias of Christian theol- Valley College was founded in county's first representative in ogy This school well adver-.

1SS8. and generations are There is no authentic record of the general assembly in Der.t county before iut 11 that year George Cole Population tised and soon had a large enroll- promoting greater educational and growth was steady until the turn rnent. According to a tract pub- cultural opportunities by consoli- of t'ne ct-murv but between 1910 1-shed in 1SS5. the Liberal Normal dating the early district schools. i-s cleared and opened a of St i and next year John Jones made first land entry It was not un til the early lS40's however, that the fint store, schools, and post office wertr opent ci PROFESSIONAL CARDS LAW 19JQ.

it along ilh many thi? others, shows a decrease, the School and Business Institute was Saline county, which shows its in a liberal town, taught historical interests in the found- None of the early stores be- by liberal teachers and courted of T.ock State Park"c the nuclei of towns Salem, only the patronage of liberal pa- ajnd the present to inlaid out in 1S51 and named pos- Irons" Out of this organization i UL historical regions in sible for a town in Ohio, in the developed Free Thought Umvers- Meter State Park, has among orlv incorporated town in the WAXTED I i i WANTED--Two men for circula- txn work. Guaranteed salary i and liberal commission. Must own and operate car. For interview see John F. Bever, evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.

at 231 W. i Gladys, Sikeston, Mo. (48) HEATING STOVES--Now is the time to buy that heating stove you will need this winter. We have a wide range of heaters at very low pnces --Cecil Furniture Building, 231 E. Malone.

DRY CLEANING LOST LOST- -Sunday I and tan dog. 1 road and Northcut bottoms. 1 Answers to name "Queen." Can- i 1 trell Store, Salcedo. (48)' REAL ECONOMY--lies in getting the most from your clothing. Regular cleaning and pressing monung, black rolon tee of Between Salcedo i elothes eU appear, ance.

Band Box Cleaners. Phone 187. CHIROPRACTOR I BIRD DOG--Lost, strayed or stol-. en. Liver and white.

Pointer Answers to name of 1 "Nick" Wore collar with Sikes- ropractors has increased to great i ton City Tag No. 5. Reward tor' er numbers every year Results are 0 I the F. L. Sisson, the 138-A Front CONSTANT GROWTH--the num-- ber of patients attended by Chi- return to John Welter, phone I Sikeston, Mo.

countv It has continually grown anJ today has between 2,500 and 2.6CX) inhabitants Frances Larson, 19, of Carl -Van Junction, named by State Club its Leader T. T. Martin as one of Mis- which opened in 1SS6 with a outstanding sons Dr. John souri's delegates to the 17th Na- staff of seven teachers Sappington. v.ho wrote the first tional 4-H Club Congress opening! Liberal, the asylum of free medical treatise published West of Chicago November 25.

is a five- thinkers, was soon invaded by fun the Mississippi River. George year club member with an out- for sale, missionaries (48x) Chiropractor, Phone 626. FOR RENT RADIO SERVICE 2 anc Bingham, famous Missouri artist, standing record in food prepara-1 Sikeston, Mo. RENT--Sleeping room suit- able for two persons. Also light- Many quilts I 523 Matthews avenue, I The enjoyment will last longer than any other Har- Phones 205 CHRISTMAS GIFT That the whole family will appreciate is i a general check up of your radio.

BAILEY BAILEY Attornevs-at-Law The most profitable industries damental-st are stock raising, especially cat- churches, a-d by saloons. In an Governor M. Marmaduke and tion. She completed three foods RENT--Modern 5 room brick ne5 219 Malone tle and hogs; fruits. effort to throw off the yoke of his son General John S.

Marma-'. and nutrition projects, gave thret. tt street Avail-' and 632 peaches grapes and small fruits, Walser. the Christians purchased, (later governor). Governor, public demonstrations, winning KP 102 i 'and poultry.

About 10 percent' an eighty-acre tract of land ad-. ciaiborne Fox Jackson and his' u-st place in the county in 1938, "street" qulre a You can believe what you of the country's total land era joining the town, called the place son General W. Jackson, and! and led a club of six girls. Miss Tfae Herald is devoted to farm crops. It has Pedro and moved their houses and uc jg William Barclay Napton.

A Larson will compete with other Room 206 McCoy-Tanner Bldg. ra ec as high as 4th among Mis- places of business out of Liberal. I i ar farm. was winners from the Central Exten SIKESTON, MO. souri's iron producing counties I While Liberal successfully with- opene i near Marshall in the 1820's sion Section FOR SAIJE I NOTICE OF GEORGE W.

KIRK. Attorney and Counsellor for a refrigerator and national scholarship Cultural and intellectual inter- stood the opposition from Pedro, Brigadier General Thomas A i also for ests are evident from the estab its ongmal purpose was destroyed ml th, where he demonstrated the I awards of $400, $300, $200 and hshment of subscnption schools in hy its own internal developments, feas ibility of cultivating prairie $100. the 1840's Union Academy was Walser and others became ardent Applegate Bldg. SIKESTON, MO. A.

DEMPSTER Attorney-at-Law Z26-227 McCoy-Tanner Building Telephone 43 SIKESTON, MO. I appeared in 1860 newspaper was followed in 1868 grounds landscaped with catalpa Arnerican agriculture." 1 I i by the Monitor. county has two The Salem News and the Salem Post and Democratic Bulletin. A lands and carried on experiments in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Washington Irving crossed the county in 1832 and left posterity its most picturesque ac- This first! tonum seating 800 people, and count the "Classic ground of Phone 32! founded at Laketon '(Lake converts of spiritualism, and he in 1857.

and the first spent $40,000 laying out a camp new-speper was followed in 1868 meeting ground of thirteen acres, I by the Southern Missoun with twenty cottages, an audi- the trees. In additon he built a mag- the 3. H. CHUXN Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Stallcup B'dg. SIKESTON, MO.

system of district schools rapidly displaced the subscription schools in the early 1870's, and during 1877 the number of district schools I increased 152 percent Among ed it Catalpa Park. On these elaborate camp grounds a number of international conventions of spiritualism were held, attended by as many as 2.000 converts. Walser died in 1910, a firm believer in the spiritualistic cult. MEDICINE those who have made notable con- 1 tributions to the county's cultural came developemenl was the late William other In the late 1800's Walser bean author, writing among works, "Orthopadeia or DK. E.

-T. NIEXSTEDT 112a Front Street Telephone 135 SIKESTON, MO. I Henry Lynch "Pioneer Educator of Atomic Solutions." "Poems of I the o'zarks," who was superintend- I Leisure" and "The Bouquet." schools from The conflict between religion The Saline County Historical Society, organized in April 19, 1938, to preserve this most noble historical heritage, already has a membership of over 200 Missouri's "all-around" 4-H girl, Dorothy Edmondson, 17, of Springfield, receives an all-expense trip to Chicago on a superior seven-year record. She completed 20 projects, gave three public demonstrations, won two county championships, entered two judging contests, and three dress revues, and led a club of 12 members for one year. Total value of her 4-H projects is $315 00.

She will compete for Central State honors, the winner of which shares in five col- FOR SALE Used coal and oil heaters, gasoline, electric and oil Notice is hereby given, that let- Every stove a ters testamentary on the estate of Louis H. Klingel, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 8th day of November, 1938, by the Probate Court of Scott County, National Butane Gas Sikeston. Mo. (x) FOR SALE Electric Washing Machine. Call 420.

TRUCK FOR SALE--International Pick-up, 1938 model, good condition. Sikeston Sales Ray county, svhich originally had an area one and one-third times lege scholarships totaling $1200 provided with county medals. State trips and Co. Phone 446. (48xi FOR CASH RENT, 190 Acres i --Also, Clearing Contract Crop through 1940.

230 Acres. See J. W. Neal, 3 Miles West of Canalou. Missouri.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not i exhibited within one year from larger than the state of Connecticut. was created by act of the State legislature one hundred and eighteen years ago this week. It cade earlier Allen's included within its boundaries tor horse-drasvn wooden ritory comprising thirteen present I miles long, which was used to of your patronage. of 6.158 square transport plantation railroad, a affair about Herald advertisers are worthy date of said letters, they shall be forever barred. MARY LOU ETTA KLINGEL, Executrix.

Witness my hand and seal of the Probate Court of Scott County- O. SPENCER, (SEAL) Probate counties, an area products to and irreligion eventually ceased in mileg of fertlle ood i an prairie the steamboat landing, was cori- the DR. MERLIN G. ANDERSON Phj'sician and Surgeon Dems-Malcolm Building dent of the Salem 1S73 1SS7 Except for a branch of the St Barton county. inhabitants and nver bottom land The coun structed in Ray county This i Louis and San (penetrates county noi th as far as Salem the county club and among the town's 848 i Ray a term had no connec date is in doubt Today the coun- present inhabitants there is little ty is crossed by State highs and four lines of railroad.

During the 1850's the Richmond Francisco, which of Podro moved to Liberal, from the i Walser home became a country ty sometimes known before early road uas among the first in its division as "the Free State of i Missouri, but its exact openinr without a railroad. But modern highway developments, re- or no evidence of its stormy his- 1 I A. A. 11 moved transportation difficulties ol Situated on the Missouri Lion v. ith slax er With the creation of Caldw ell county in 1836, Ray Phones.

Office. 830. Residence 831, and the county now crossed by Pacific and San Francisco rail- reduced to lts pres ent size of 565 I Herald and the Richmond Con- Office hours: 8 to 12; 1 to 6 ig md roads the town is now the second. re mjjes It 1S nou 53d senator were established, and at By appointment, 7 to 8. SIKESTON, MO DK.

H. B. THROGMORTON I'hjsician and Surgeon Keitli Budding. Center Street Phone 94 --Day or Night SIKESTON, MO. DK.

VKD DUN A WAY Eye, Ear, Nost- and Throat Office in McCoy-Tanner Building Telephone 606 SIKESTON, MO. DENTISTRY DK. W. A. ANTHONY Dentist Office in Scott County Milling Co Building Rooms 213 211 Telephone 530 SEKKSTON, MO DK I I SMITH Dentist Office in Building Telephone 37 SIKESTON MO 168 and 72 extend from as far as Salem Dent ha a general ele- 1 vation of fiorn 1 ,00 to 1 500 feet, is a natural county The i i a rises in tne north a three tnb'itaiies of the Current nver in the south hile i Dianehes of Black and Gasconade mers rise on its eastern and bonders Dent is one of four Missouri h.iAirs: two State parks i a i a a in the a r.d Moitauk State Paik.

i ore of the Ozarks' fin- trout a spnng that flow- 10 million gallons dail in the southwest More than l')0 1)00 acres on the east. Side of the been included in the C'ark N.itio lal I- Re- and its woonlands a and streiviii'- combine with excel- lant fishing hunting to make Dent county one of Missouri's crept i a i a regions square the north largest in Barton county, and an slze an(i populaLlon among the present time there are seven 'important trade center for a con- Mlssoun 114 counties and has a newspapers. 'siderable area in Missouri and i tage of thirty-' Kansas I three miles IF rrs I A SEE JOHN G. POWELL Keith Building Phone 538 DK TOAI CHIDF.STER FH-ntist Phones. Off'ce, 107.

Residence 749 Office i. called Christians "the Goalees town of v. AS incorported on fifty-seven years ago it as found ed as a town for free-thinkers but churches and saloons were i banned The founder rnunity experiment. One hundred and eighteen years ago, Saline county, sometimes' known as the "Garden of Mis-' was organized bj act of tl.r Mi-soui I gerieral assembly The countv. situated on the south sice of the Missouri River and a i of the center of the State attracted the attention of Lewis and Clark and 'hiring the v.

inter of Gtorge Sibley of St Charles conducted a trading house at Ari ow Rock The county was first located at Jefferron cm the Missouri River, a short distance below Cambn.ige In 1SD1 it was to Jor.esboro now Nayton. where it remained until 1839. when the Iegislatu! provided for the location of a permanent seat of government The bv the selected a site in the central part of county named it Marshall for Ch-ef Justice John Marshall and the county court was held at Arrow Rock until the court house was finished ir. 1S40 Saline. named for its salt this unique com- is Missouri's 38th largest George H.

count ami has a Missouri River Wal.ser. was born in Indiana frontage of seventy-three miles, a The county was named in honor of John Ray. How ard county dele- i gate to the constitutional conven- t'on of 1S20 and a member of the first general assembly, who died i on October 13, 1820. It w-as settled i by immigrants from Tennessee. and Virginia and a 1 cording- to tradition either Wil- Lnm Mullin in 1811 or John Van-! derpool in 1815 was the first set- tier The second son of John Van derpool.

Meaddors. became the countv first school teacher in 1819 An old stockade called North Bluffton. erected in 1817 near the present site of Camden I and named for its location, formed the micleusf ro what was prob- ably the first village built Missoun est of Grand River and north of the Missoun er. Cheap land equally as fertile as that farther east prompted a rapid prow th population. The coun- tv's population of in 1830 increased 177 per cent dunng the next decacie.

and by I860 number ed 10 persons. Dunng the decade of the lS90's the increase was small and between 1900 and 1930 the population, as in other! rural counties, decreased. it was laid out in 1827. Peoples Bank Building 1SC He ent to Barton county distance unsurpassed by any oth- Richmond county seat, was i I SIKESTON. MO.

OSTEOPATHY OR. B. L. Osteopathic Physician immediately after the war. where er county Its tunbered river bot- named honor of the Virginia he was soon recognized as one torn lands were a strong attrac- and th(? county court the best lawyers in southwest Mis- tion to early settlers, and popula- which hd been meellng at Buff-! Isoun He was elected prosecut- tion growth was rapid From ton first met there on March jg.

'ing- attorney there, and became a 1890 to 1920 there was a gradual 182g Xmong county's out-! i member ot the 25th assembly decline, but dunng the last decade stan(iing men were Alexander With an ee for future develop- the population has been on the m- Doniphan Mexi can war hero, who, Specializing in the treatment of me nts he purchased 2.000 acres of crease rame to Richmond in 1868. and Hemorrhoids (Piles), and other and selected the site of Liber- Agriculture has always been the ugtin Kmg a av er who be- Colon Diseases. Phone 562 Home Phone 265 al home Qf expemnen county's chief industry It early came Rovemor of Missouri. In intellectual community living took the ead as one of te aes recog71ltlon of their services, the Office in Trust Company Building He was an agnostic and placed largest corn-producing counties, in state erected monuments to these SIKESTON, MO. himself in open opposition to or- 1936 was one of four Missoun men at i hmond.

ganized religion "With one foot counties that produced over a mil- county is hieHy noted for upon the neck of pnestcraft and hon bushels of wheat, and ranked agriculture and coal mining. Fif- the other upon the rock of truth," third in the production of hogs ty-one per cent of the county's to- i he declared. we have thrown our and seventh in cattle. i an area today is devoted to 1 banner to the breeze and challenge Saline as located on the two a crops, and while it is a fair- 1 the world to produce a better great highways to the West-- the small county it ranked 5th in OPTOMETRY DR. W.

M. SDOWELL Optometrists Office in McCoy-Tanner Building cause for the devotion of man Missoun River and the Santa Fe Phone 606 SIKESTON, MO. UNDERTAKERS WELSH MORTUARY 1 than that of a grand, noble and i Trail Throe steamboats of the perfect a i Long expedition and the Inde- In harmony with the purpose pendence reached its northern bor- for organizing the town a number der as early as 1819, Santa Fe of unusual institutions designed to'traders out of old Franklin direct- pi omote the ideal community were ed their caravans across it during 1 tried the ISSO's and 1890's the 1820's and early 1830's, and H. J. WELSH IL S.

JOHNSON The first of these was a Sunday i Henry Backnell operated a ferry Morning Instruction School, where on the Missoun River at Arrow children were taught from Rock as early as 1816. In 1878 Liberal Guide" and from the Chicago and Alton Railroad Foneral Directors-Licensed Embalmers Dependable Service fey Phone, 380; Uight Phone, 384 SIKESTON, MO. various works on physics, chemistry, and other sciences. In another class organized for older young was completed to Marshall, and the Missouri Pacific reached that city ten years later. Today the wheat production in 1936 In 1935 it produced almost 300,000 more bushels of potatoes than its closest competitor.

In 1937 it was 3d in number of acres of coal land under control, 2d in money invested, 4th in the value of the product, and 7th in tons produced. Transportation developments have kept step with agriculture and mining. Three steamboats under the command of Major Stephen H. Long reached Ray county in 1819, and during the 1860's came the railroad. A de- SIKESTO.

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