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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 1

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I I'Hi'iwn -tflrntnufr -r? gl -5- 1 rv f-i i ..) -i Jl 1 .5 riT 1 IT il aq It .1,1 JL -') -iLd I im ena .2 a oi 'P BY JOHN H. LYNDE. BANGrOK, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1870. VOLUME NUMBER 52. BANGOR Business Cards.

Real Estate. ii if 5 iff YOU CAN SAVE $50 to $100 BY BUYING YOUR Piaho-Forte OF PATTEN WHEELDEN, New Masonic Block, Main St. Call or send for price list. sold on instalment. Bangor, August 2, 1869.

ALL SORTS AND SIZES. Small-pox is dying out iu Xew York. Fechter has an exceedingly small foot Texas has a town named Sand Fly. Peach trees are in bloom in Georgia. The consumption of horseflesh continues to increase in Europe.

New York news-boys earns $3 a day and Dally Established 1834 Weekly 1815. THE Central Railroad of Iowa. ITS SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD I st Mortgage Bonds Free of Government -Tax, At 05 and Accrued Interest. 1 tv 1 i i VALUABLE TimberLauds Aud Mill Froperty FOR SALE.

AHE subscriber, desirous of disposing of all Inn JL Interest in Timber Lands and mills, will sell on favorable terms the following: One-Half Township No. 5, Range 4, Oxfor County. Tho whole township contains twenty-six thousand (26,000) acres; is heavily timbered with spruce, estimated at sixty to eighty millions, all of which stands within near and easy hauling distance of the Magal-loway river or its branches, which runs through the town, or Pannachena Lake, which is embraced within its limits. Also 16,000 Acres of Land in the Town of Byron, Oxford well covered with large Spruce timber. Swift river and its branches run through these lands and empty into the Androscoggin below Rumford Falls.

Also 1100 Acres Timber and Wood Land in Town of Gorham, N. H. two miles abovo the Alpine House, on the line of the Grand Trunk Railroad, and the banks of the Androscoggin river. There is a large quantity of wood on these lots which, from its proximity to the Railroad, is steadily increasing in value. Also 2500 Acres Lands in the Towns of Albany and Stoneham.

near the village of North Waterford, Oxford County. Tins land is covered with thrifty sapling Pine timber, near Crooked river, which runs through the tract. Logs put into Crooked river can be run to Saccarappa, or by hauling four to five miles they can be put into the Saco. There is a good mill privilege, witn a single saw mill on thetiact; distance to the canal at Harrison ten miles; to the railroad South Paris twelve miles. The land is valuable lor settling purposes after being cleared of timber.

Also 435 Shares of Stock in tho Lewiston Steam Mill Company, the wholo capital stock being represented by 827 shares. The property of the company consists of a Steam Saw Mill, capable of manufacturing five mil- amount fifteen located for building purposes, and thirty thousand acres of timber land, well located on the Androscoggin river mid its branches, from which but a small quantity of the timber has been cut. JOHN LYNCH, Or, LYNCH, BARKER C. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. For one square (amount of 15 lines this type,) ne insertion.

For one square, two insertions. For one square, three times In the Daily, For one square, one week, each weeks continuance, For half-square, one time, For half-square, three tunes, For half-square, one week, each weeks continuance, For one square, in Weekly, three times, each weeks continuance. $1 00 1 25 1 50 2 oo 75 1 00 1 25 40 1 50 25 SPECIAL 3TOTICES. $2,50 per square for first week $1,00 per square for continuance. Double Column Ad eltisements, inserted at the rate of Special Notices.

Advertisements continued three times a teek at two-thirds pnee tiro times a week one half pnee one time a week one third price. Advertisements, where the time of insertion 8 not seeially designated, wnl be continued until others ise ordered. All Transient Advertising must be paid for in ad ance. Advertisement under the head of Business Notice-, 10 cents per line, each insertion, for solid matter, arm 15 cents per line for leaded. EVENING DISPATCHES.

SILVER MINES DISCOVERED. Louisville, JFeb. 28. Silver mines of unparalleled richness have heen diseov ered in Grayson County, Ky. Ore is found to contain bigeer per centage silver than any hitherto discovered.

The mines are almost inexhaustible. They will be developed in the spring. THE INDIANS UNRULY. Helena, Montana, Feb. 28.

Last Thursday a small party of intoxicated Spokan Indians came to a rauehe 20 miles from this town and on their demands for whiskey being denied destroyed most of the furniture about the premises. The three white men in charge of the l-anche barracad-ed themseives against the Indians who returned in a short time, but being unable to enter tlie house stole fifteen head of horses. The liites recaptured the horses the next day. The Indians threaten further violence. CRUELTIE3 ON SHIPBOARD.

New Tore, March 1. In the examination in regard to cruelties on board the ship Neptune, held before Commissioner Shields yesterday, Henry J. Rose, one of the passengers, testified that Nolan, the second mate, nas the only officer he saw maltreating the men, and that Capt. Peabody frequently remonstrated with Nolan on his cruelty. James Brady, one of tire crew, who has been in the Long Island Hospital, testified that Nolan treated him brutally and that Capt.

Peabody struck him with a belaying pin, and broke his knife in three pieces on one of the crew. FUTAUCIAL. By cable to tbe Associated Press London, March a. m. Consols, 02.

U. S. 5-20s, 1S62, 90 J. U. S.

05, old, 80j. U. S. 5-20s, lS67.SSj. L'.

S. 10 10s 80. Erie, 21J. Illinois Central, 111. Liverpool, March 1 11:30 a.m.

Cotton dull. Sales 10,000 bales. Mixed upland, 11d. do. New Orleans, Ilf.

llid. Com 27 27s. Poi 92s. Lard 65s. SWINDLER ARRESTED.

Key West, March 1. Two Canadians arrived here yesterday from smoke expensive cigars. Mr. Lester Wallack will begin an engagement in Boston on the 7th of March. Bismarck is reduced to severe economy by unlucky speculations in stocks.

Queen Victoria is about to give life for her subjects. She is writing it. Generals Mott, Loring, and Sibley have command of divisions in the army of Ismail Pasha. The Marquis Lous ad British Consul at Boston, is seriously ilL Guizot is writing a critical biography of the late Due de Broglie. Eleazer Johnson, for forty years city clerk of New buryport, died last Friday.

Smallpox of a virulent type prevails among the negroes in Memphis. New York has again proved unable to support Italian opera. Isaak "Walton was one of those gentlemen of the old school who did not spare the rod. The next patent issued from the office at Washington will number one hundred thousand. The man who always fired up on the slightest provocation vv as usually and speedily put out.

The man who tore his coat thinks rents are increasing. This smart thing is from Punch: The Jockey-Club perfume horse-radish. The zinc mines, near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, yield 24,000 tons of ere annually. Mr. Burlingame, the Boston Post says, leaves a memory to be crowned only with myrtle.

There were 330 applications for divorce hi Philadelphia last year. Governor Jeweli, of Connecticut, has disposed of his interest in the Hartford Post The first saw was in the sea. A fish carried it about with him. General Magruder told the Mobilians about Maximiliian one night last week. Anson Burlingame's father.

Joel Bur-iingame, is still living in Dunton, Cook Counts Illinois. The City Council of Baltimore is taking steps to prevent trapeze performances in that citv. Boston shipowners are signing a petition asking Congress to abolish the laws allowing extra pay to seamen. Whittier being asked for an autograph, the other day, at once complied by penning The name is but the shadow which we find Too often larger than the man behind Joha ne hundred and eighty locomotives were I0111 from one in Berlin last Measels prevail at Mattoon, 111. At school I there are twenty-six pupils attendance out of one hundred and twenty, the others being ill" For Ins attentions to tbe Prince aud to; more distinguished services Hr.

Thornton is to receive a baronetcy. Pierre Bonaparte is still on desperate deeds intent; in the event of his acquittal, he threat ens to visit New York. Miss Kate Bateman, whose Southern engagement has been shortened by illness, will 0 Whig ACSoirricr, PUBLISHED MORNINGS, At No. 1, East End Kendnskca Bridge. TERMS $8.00 per ear, 4.00 for Six Montlis.

2.00 for Three Months. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The Bangor Weekly Courier IS PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY, the Office of the Dily Wnio ad Courier, at Two Dollars ier Year, invariably in advance. AGENCIES. S.

M. Pettexgtll 10 State Boston, ami 37 Park Row, New York, are authorized Agents fur receiving Ad ertiscments and Subscriptions for this Paper. S. R. Niles, Agent, Scollays Building, Court Street, Boston.

Subscriptions must in all cases be paid in advance. Subscribers finding this notice marked, will understand that the time for which they paid has nearly expired. Your Subscription expires National House, Harlow st. Bangor, Maine, A. R.

GSEENOUGH, Proprietor. MTIIIS HOUSE is situated in the most business part of the City, and is now oixrn to the travelling community. The Proprietor hopes by strict mid personal attention to receive a liberal share of patronage. The tables will be furnished With the lest the Market affords, and every attenti paid to the wants of hi guests. There is attached to this House a good STABLE, wuh attentive Ostler.

Charges Moderate, A. R. GREENOUGH, Bangor, Sept. 13. ork Street House, YORK STREET.

(First Door from Exchange Street,) BANGOR, MAINE. Tliis House has just leen thoroughly repair-i ed an clurmshed in first class style, and is now Opened to the travelling public and those wishing board. No pains will be spared by the landlord for the comfort of the guests. A good Stable attached to the House. Charges moderate.

P. WOODBRIDGE. folb 4 2m REMOVAL. FOGG BRIDGES Have removed their stock of HARD ARE TO THEIR NH STORE, on the old Stand, 41 West Market Square, Where they will be happy to wait upon their friends and patrons. FOGG BRIDGES.

Bangor, Feb. 2, 1870. 200 EAFLEELS APPLES. Kennebec Baldwins, Kennebec Greenings, New York Pippins, Pound Sweets. For side by Nov4 A.

L. R. C. BOYD. Cant Dogs, (ant Dogs.

w- desire to call the attention of all Lumbermen to our Orono Patent Cant Dogs, Which believe to be the very best article of the kind now in the market. Its advantages over all others consist in 1st. Having one Ring made of the very best Norway Iron, so that there are no Toe Rings to be lucked off when two or more men are picking against one another. 2d. The Jans are beveled and slide off easily, instead of receiving a heavy shock when a man strikes at a log and misses.

3d. The Rings being complete in one, the stock cannot chafe and break between the Rings; and last but not least, there is no clasp to spread and slip all er the stock. We have also the exclusive sale of the Aroostook Patent Cant Dogs, which is also liked very much by those wbo have used them, and we can furnish Pcavy- Cant JDog-s At almost any price to suit customers. CALL AND SEE THEM, TVo. 84 EXCHANGE STRET, Samples and price list sent on application.

Gibson, Kimball Sanford. Bangor, Feb. 7, 1870. 4w THE WEED Sewing Machine Company, Of Hartford. Take pleasure in announctagtothecitizensof BA-gor and vicinity, that they have eitabliahed A Branch -Office, No.

6, Union Block, Main Street, Where Machines of their manufacture, in their varied and beautiful styles of finish, will be constantly upon exhibition. Thf New and Late Improved WEED FAMILN FAVORITE, Has only to be seep and tried to be approved. Bring THE STRAIGHT NEEDLE, MAKIXG THE Tight Lock or Shuttle Stitch And in simplicity and ease qf operating is Every Machine guaranteed to do all recommended, and to give perfect tethe purchaser. We shah sefi for cash, good Bote, or upon THE INSTALMENT RLJJT. AH perron, derirons of a Good Family Sewing Machine, Are specially farrfted to and examine tb.

-mm CftnvaMiiig Aflrent WmumA. H. CART, -Agent. E. A.

DUREN, Teaclier of 33 an jo Music. Banjos made to order and fretted. Repairing done at short notice. Room No. 12 Main Street, up 2d flight, over M.

E. Smith Co. References John Lowell. feblS 7w A. L.

Spencer. PA VIS, COLEY GAGE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE PURCHASE OF Flour, Grain and Provisions, 180 Washington 8t. CHICAGO, tf The Elegant Mirror, BANNER CASE, AND Costume Oases, IN THE Armory of the Knights Templar, AT THE NEW MASONIC IIALL; Were manufactured by GILMAN TOWNSEND CO. Furniture Dealers and Manufacturers, No. 9 Granite Block.

feb22 ARCHITECTURE. PLANS made for all kinds of Buildings, by J. C. LANE. No.

State Street. Also, STAIR RAILS made to order. Bangor, Jan. 11, 1870. 3m REMOVAL.

By reason of his rapidly increasing business in the first families of Bangor, hand this portion of the State. Dr. H. F. TEFFT Has felt compelled to provide more elegant apartments for his DENTAL OPERATIONS, which he has found at No.

4 Main Street. (Over Stone Daggetts New Store) Where lie is prepared to do as good work, in every part of the demstry business, as can be dono in Maine. He refers to the ONE THOUSAND FAMILIES. In this part of the State, for whom he has performed dental operations, as proof. Remember Main St.

No. 4. Up Stairs dec7 Near Masons Corner. FILES FILES -XTOW IS THE TIME to Sharpen up and get ready for business. I have on hand 1000 DOZEN FILES, And am finishing off 150 Dozen per week, which I am selling at The Lowest Prices, and will warrant them equal to any imported, EgCall and see them.

OLD FILLS RECUT, as usual. JOB COLLETT, Exchange Street. J. If. CLEItGUE, 117 Exchange St.

Ladies and Gents Hair Manufacturer, Where can be found a Largo Assortment of latest styles Chignons, Braids, Switches, aud Curls. Wigs, Half- Wigs, and Front Pieces. Old Hair repaired at short notice. Also an assortment of Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. jan26 JOHN F.

ROBINSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, Lincoln, Maine, Strict attention given to the collection of demands, novll F. W. CHADBOURNE, M. JPlisiciaxx fc Surgeon, on OXO, MAIXE. LgpCalls attended to, Day and Night.

Special Notice. TTTR subscriber, of the late firm of E. S. LOW tenders thanks to his friends and the public for past patronage long bestowed, and would inform them that he is ready to attend to all orders in the MOVING LINE. Brick, Wood or Stone Buildings, Raised or Moved to order.

ggpResidence, 28 Centre Street. Box 385. 8 8 LOW Bangor, April 1, 1869. 31. C.

GOODEN AV COUNSELLOR ATTORNEY, DOWS BLOCK, Comer of Hammond Central Sts, Kovl2 BAH GOB. Stencil Cutting. Brass Alphabets and Stencil Broshes, all sizes. ALSO, STENCIL PASTE, ALL COLORS, Cheapest and best for marking with large Stencils. WM.

H. EARLE, No. 2 Harlows Block, (Up Stairs,) Jan. 20. East End Kenduskeag Bridge.

J. NV. RAMSBELIi, (Successor to C. V. J.

W. Baaisdell.) No. 3, Harlow Street. Will keep constantly on band the best assortment in the State, of Sporting and Gun materials and cutlery. ah kinds of Guns, Rifles, and Pistols made and repaired in a workmanlike manner and with dispatch.

Powder and Fuse in quantities to suit purchasers. Knife Blades and Keys of every description made and fitted to order. Everything I keep will be sold at the lowest prices. gpCall at the Old Stand and you yill find it so. d3m W.

T. HILLIARD, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, OFFICE Over Mercantile Bank, Hammond St Bangor, Nov. 22, 1866. tf (Times copy) Dr. E.

C. YOUNG, Surgeon ent i'fe Attends to the practice of Dentistry in all its branches. Natural TEETH FI LLE and ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, in the most thorough maimer, and warranted. Teeth caiefully EXTRACTED with the least possible pain. Ether administered to proper patients when desired.

STtHfice in Union. Block, Main $., Banger, over Aldens Drug Store.) apr2968 fy DANIEL WHITE, DBAUES nr Watches, Clocks, Jewelry DtD SEWING MACHINES, Cloclcj, and Jewelry repaired. So. 9 KadiulMn Bridge. Bangor Jan.

10, 1869. Portable Steam Engines, COMBINING the mariienm of efficiency, dnra-biUty and toondtnf with the minimum of weight and price. They are widely and favorably Jcnown, more than 750 being In Bee. All warranted aiinfactory, er no ule. Utwexiptin lent ob application.

Addreea J. C. HOADrdS CO, asm r5 jan WANTED, bbai. estate pok sale OR RENT. AA A VALUABLE HOUSE on Lime Street, SKifl two Stories, clean roooms, good cellar, and lot.

Seasonable terms, apply to JOHN F. GODFREY, Dow Block. For Sale. ONE OR TWO HOUSES on Essex Street. Enquire on the premises, No.

192. ebl7 tf C. I. WTER. Heal Estate For Sale MA GOOD HOUSE with many modern improvements, about a mile and a half from Kenduskeag Bridge, being formerly the homestead of Benjamin Gulliver.

A good lot of land connected with the premises to be sold also if necessary. A perfect title will be given in loth cases. For further particulars apply to J. F. GODFREY, auglT tf Dows Block.

FOR RENT. ft. One Half of Store and large back room, at Tg No. 4 Main Street. A.

N. STUBBS. Bangor, Jan. 3, 1870. FOR RENT.

TENEMEMT IN BRICK BLOCK, Third Street, Inquire of janl WM. ARNOLD. For 8ale. A STORY AND A HALF HOUSE, on Es-i sex Street, next the Arsenal. Enquire of DEXTER ANDREWS.

December 4. tf Tavern Stand for Sale. The well known stand called the American House in Ellsworth is ottered for sale. The location is the best in the city, and the patronage bestowed upon it has always been liberal, and the business must of necessity increase in the future. To one acquainted with the business, and who is disposed to accommodate the public, no better chance otters.

The roason of selling is, I have been in the business long enough. If the house is not sold, it will be closed as a public house after the 1st of December, until further notice. BENJ J. TINKER. Lllswortli, Nov.

15th, 1869. oct20 tf FOR SAFE. MA GOOD TWO STORY HOUSE, Ell and Stable, No. D2 Kenduskeag Avenue, Lot 205 by 130 feet. Also, a first class COTTAGE HOUSE, on Walter Street known as the Hathaway Cottage, Lot 118 by 97 feetboth of the above houses are in first rate repair.

For particulars apply to J. D. WARREN, No. 1 Main Street. Or B.

LEWIS, 92 Kenduskeag Avenue. j3 TO LET. A SUIT OF ROOMS at 56 Main Street. Inquire of STERN ATKINS. dec24 FOR SAXE OR TO LET.

THE TAVERN STAND, known as the Sacramento House, situated in Upper Stillwater, on the main travelled up river road, eight miles from Bangor. The buildings are large aud commodious, with two good stables and a fine Hall. An excellent situation for any one who knows how to keep a hotel. For terms and particulars enquire at the office of SUTTON MASON, on Exchange Street, or of tho subscriber at Upper Stillwater. A.

B. SUTTON. Upper Stillwater, Dec. 8, 18C9. tf REAL ESTATE.

City Property of all kinds, for Sale by C. IV. IIERSEY febO No. 4 Main Street. Fushaw House and Farm i-oii SALE.

This desirable establishment, together with BOATS and FURNITURE, will be sold at Public Auction, On Saturday, the second day of April next, at 11 oclock in the forenoon, on the premises, unless disposed of sooner at private sale. By order of G. L. BOYNTON, D. O.

DONOHUE, Adinx of Estate of J. ODonohue. R. S. PRESCOTT, Auctr.

Bangor, Jan. 18, 1870. Timber Lands FOR SALE, ALSO, Mills and Houses. npHE undersigned, executors of the will and trus-1 tees of the estate of the late RUFUS DWINEL, deceased, give notice that, during tho coming year, they will offer at public or private sale any or all of the timber lands belonging to said estate, and persons desirous of purchasing will have the present season of winter and spring to explore and examine with a view of ascertaining the value of the same; to wit, of College Town East, Piscataquis County. of West 2000 acres of Public Lots in said Towns.

2474 in Gore North of same. 1000 Public Lot in said Gore. E. i 4, R. 12, E.

i 3, R. 12, W. i 5, R. 10, 6, R. 10, 7, R.

10, 6, 11, N. W. 7, R. 9. 1 9, R.

31, I 9, R. 12, 9, R. 13, 10, R. 11, E. 8, It.

7, N. 1, R. 6, 6, R. 3, 6318 acres in 6, R. 7, 4325 acres in Winn, 4931 acres in Edinbnrg, 1219 acres in Lagrange, 1050 acres in Patten, Lot in 32, Piscataquis County.

Penobscot County, i ti Somerset County. Penobscot County. Hancock County. The subscribers also offer for immediate sale, the Lower Oldtown Mills With all Lands and Houses connected therewith. ALSO, SAID Dwinels late Homestead, in said Bangor.

Also, the Hotel in said Bangor known as the Nichols House, and a large parcel of Real Estate adjoining the some. Terms Liberal. C. C. EVERETT.


H. DENNETT. Bangor, Dec. 28, 1869. For Sale, My entire stock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Furs At a bargain, as I am about leaving the city.

Any one wishing to go into business, will find this a rare spport unity to purchase a good stock of goods in one of the best business at in the city. Y. L. CATTNAUDS. Apply i jan25 Out! sr orin meek of ala ted tiB 11 nde, A.

it hi frttinf lata tai'tluui aort. f8! JEtardare, "nir Low No. 25 r'' 7 etas March Aleseetn i fULXTIC, Galaxy, Old aad Sew, Tone fretta, A Lerilea Gaaette, aad Cec Tkl D. BUGBEJB CO. Sail Francisco en route for Montreal.

Thev! fell into the hands of P. McDonald, a ticket sa tllat emigration to the swindler, who obtained a gold draft from I imte.d States next summer will be larger them of 2500, which McDonand got cashed tIlal1 any former season, and was then fortunately arrested by the! After Fechter, may come Boucicault, who Phce. is said to have been offered 20,000 for two hundred and fifty nights, in this country. FINANCIAL. Lingard has got his company out of pan New York March 1 I Cleveland, and will begin an engagement Money quiet and slZ at4to 0 cent.

in on call. A young lady in Philadelphia advertises The foreign exchange market is dull at that she will give $30,000 to any respectable 10rJ for prime banks, 60 days, sterling bills. I young man who will marry her. Gold opened weak at 115, afterwards be-1 came strong and advanced to 115J. A lady of color in Kentucky added to the The Government bond market was firmer Jei fmaJ.e fte.enth araend' but generally quiet.

ments at a birth on Sunday last. Southern securities higher. Most women look upon gold as convertible The Railway market was stronger and ad- into cashmere. Miss Tennessee Clallin, how-vanced from to 1 per ith frequent ever, regards it as a mere cash, fluctuations. 1 Arnolds Express.

EAVES Bangor DAILY per E. N. A. and I B. P.

BaSlroad8, at 4.45 P. for Oldtown, Alton, Lagrange, Milo, Brownville, K. I. Works, Dover and Foxcroft. Returning Leaves above towns, arriving in Bangor at 10 A.

M. Passengers can obtain through tickets to Brown ville and K. I. Works, at the E. N.

A. R. R. Depot at Bangor and Oldtown. All business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention.

Bangor office at ARNOLD SAWYE3PS, 19 West Market Square. B. C. LOWELL. Agent, Dover.

Jan22 Groceries Provisions. CIDER VINEGAR, PICKLES, cpipi'c CLOTHES PINS, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE. SOAPS OF ALL KINDS, SALERATUS. Wholesale and retail as Cheap as the cheapest. JOHN S.

KIMBALL SON. ma 9 Copartnership. THE undersigned have formed a copartnership, under the name of DURGIN HATHAWAY, for the purpose of carrying TRUCKING, in all its various i on the business of branches. Thev will keen faithful men and good teams, and ill endeavor to do all work promptly and satisfactorily. Particular attention paid to Trucking to and from Steamers and Railroads.

TAYLOR DTJRGIN, CHAS. H. HATHAWAY. jan4 CONSOLIDATION. All the lines united, and every influence combined to bring goods into the hands of the conbumer, At Lowest Possible Prices.

Merchants from the country can buy Saltpetre, Alum. Copperas, Blue Vitriol, Sal-Soda, Cream Tartar, Rosin, Sulphur, Salts, Brimstone, Borax, Logwood, Redwood, Fustic, Indigo, Amnatto, Oil Vitriol, Neats Foot, Whale, Sperm and Lard. Oils, Castor and Olive Oils, Linseed Oil, Leads, Varnishes, Colors, Brushes and Patent Medicines, and all heavy Drugs, As Low in Bangor as in Boston. CALL AND EXAMINE MY LARGE STOCK. Orders solicited.

IS I T. BRADBURY, Nos. 6 and 8 Smiths Block, febl8 And 5 Central St. Bangor. February Magazines ECErVED by jan 21 D.

BUGBEE CO. Tribune Almanac At DURENS BOOKSTORE. janl7 The Song Garden. A series of Music Books adapted to Schools of all grades. Progressively arranged with each book comolete in itself.

By Dr. LOWELL MASON. THE SONG GARDEN. First Book. For beginners with a variety of easy and pleasing songs, 50 THE SONG GARDEN.

Second Book. In addition to a practical course of Instruction, it contains a choice collection of School Music. (Annual Sale 25,000) 80 cents. THE SONG GARDEN. Third Book.

Besides a Treatise on Vocal Culture with Illustrations, Exercises, Solfeggi, it contains New Music adapted to High Schools, Young Ladies Seminaries, $1,00. Sent post-paid on receipt of pnee. O. DITSON CO 217 Washington Street Boston C. H.

DITSON 711 Broadway New York Publishers. Mch. 4. febl7 Preserve Your Cider. Use Neutral Sulphate of Lime.

BUY IT OF T. F. Hat Lera Nov20 No. 1 Granite Block, Bangor Merchants Mutual Marine Insurance Company. STA.TJEMEIVT OF THE Businesa of the Company for the year ending Dec.

31, 1869, and an Exhibit of the Condition of tlie Company at that date. At risk Jon. 1, 1869, Taken during the year. Total, Terminated and reinsured, At risk Dec. 31, 1869, $1,259,560 $116,061 41 2,687,087 130,410 16 3,946,647 2,750,734 246,471 57 146,730 72 1,195,913 100,740 85 Premiums earned after paying re-msurance, 144,101 24 Interest acct, 8,910 55 Policy acct, 684 00 Amount to profit and loss Dec.

31, 1868, $108,803 07 Less dividend of 68, 21,286 00 87,517 07 Losses paid in I860, 106,159 23 Expense account, 5.060 56 U. S. internal revenue stamps, 3,411 12 Amount to profit and loss for 1869, 126,481 95 241,112 86 ASSETS. Bills receivable, 174,489 28 Cash, 24,817 22 Bangor City Bonds, at par, 40,000 00 Bath 5,000 00 State of Maine Bonds at par, 7,500 00 U. S.

5-20 9,100 00 1881 200 00 Stock in Ken. Nat. Bank, 10,000 00 Real Estate, 7,000 00 Balance of account, 20,331 67 298.438 17 LIABILITIES. Scrip of the Company, 73,360 00 Losses adjusted unpaid, 15,769 61 Estimated to pay losses known but not adjusted, 42,253 47 Estimated to re-lnsure all risks, 75,000 00 aual ana Balance of assets over aettuu estimated liabilities, 92,055 09 298,438 17 J. B.

FOSTER, President. JOHN F. KIMBALL, Secretary. Bangor, Jan. 17, 1670.

Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, AT Greatly. Reduced Prices, For a few weeks before taking account of Stock, at WOODS. Now la the Time for BARGAINS. jan25 Boots, Shoos, itubbers, HATS AND GAPS. SELLING CHEAP, FOB A FEW WEEKS.

ABNOLLD SAWYER, West Market Square, Bangor. febU FOR BO DAYS. Furs, Furs1 Never was abetter time to Buy. We pack our FURS for the Summer In THIRTY DAYS, until then, '-we efifer extra inducements to customers. Wt jnean whrt we You have the benefit of e.

-Auction rn tb good, aad SEE what you buy. All good warranted. have a few THOfi. HIBLft New Store, Corner Main and Water fcbU MANY PERSONS ARE SELLING THEIR GOVERNMENT BONDS WHILE THE PREMIUM IS STILL LARGE, AND REINVESTING IN THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF the CENTRAL RAILROAD OF IOWA, WHICH PAY ABOUT ONE-THIRD MORE INTEREST. THE TIME TO MAKE SUCH REINVESTMENT is while the Treasury is buying and Governments are at a premium.

THE ROAD DOES NOT RUN THROUGH A WILDERNESS, where it would have to wait years for population and business, but through the most thickly settled and productive agricultural counties in the State, which gives each section a large traffic as soon as completed. It runs through the great coal fields of Southern Iowa to the North where coal is indispensable and must be carried. It runs from the great lumber regions of the North through a district of country which is destitute of his prime necessity. The mortgage is made to the Farmers Loan and Trust Company, of New York, and Bonds can be issued only at the rate of $16,000 per milo, or only half the amount upon some other roads. Special security is provided for the principal, and for the payment of interest.

The New York Tribune says This is a splendid enterprise, and deserves the most liberal aid. The New York Independent says, We know the Central Railroad of Iowa is one of the great and good works of the age. Its Directors include many of our leading bank presidents and other gentlemen of high character, who have means enough to build two or three such roads out of their own pockets, so that all its affairs will be ably as well as honestly managed. The Central of Iowa will be to that State what the New York Central is to this, except that it runs through a far richer country. We therefore recommend the Central Iowa Bonds, with entire confidence in their value.

The truth is, that a First Mortgage of $16,000 per mile upon a road running through such a country cannot be otherwise than safe. First Mortgage Bonds for so small an amount upon a road running through such a rich and already ell settled part of Iowa, can well be recommended as a perfectly safe as well as very profitable investment. They are now selling more rapidly than the Company can use the money. Pamphlets, with map may be obtained, and subscriptions will be received, at THE COMPANYS OFFICES, No. 32 PINE NEW YORK, and at tbe BANlt OF NORTH AMERICA, 44 WALL and in Bangor by P.

M. BLAKE, Bonds sent free. Parties subscribing through local agents will look to them for their safe delivery. Pamphlets sent by mail on application. W.

E. SHATTUCK, Treasurer. feblS AY ANTED, AT LOWS MARKET, FOR CASH AND HIGHEST PRICES, 39.000 Partridges, 25.000 Ralbit, 5.000 Coons, 1,500 Bears, Aud anv quantity of VENISON, BLACK AND wood Ducks, grey squirrels, trout. WILX.IAJ1I LOAV. Bangor, Oct.

2, 1869. 5n For Sale TATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS on three difler-i Street, Bango A. C. HILL. S' Maine.

frb25 lw VoL 99 Mass. Reports. For sale by fehj D. BUGBEE RECEIVING FROM BOSTON AND NEW VOIlIi, Fresh aud Desirable Goods. In addition to my large stock of Fancy Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnishing: Goods, White Goods, Small Wares, Thanking my friends and the public for their ery liberal patronage in the past, I would respectfully ask a continuance of tho same, assuring them, that by offering them Goods of tho best quality at the low est possible prices, I shall endeavor to merit their favors.

Call at the old stand No. 1 Main Street. T. B. MAYO.

Blood Root Candy, BrownS Troches, Tannins Troches, Cough Lozenges, all the Good Cough Balsams, and other Cures for Coughs, at IIARLOW8 XirU STORE. 4 Smiths Block the rest tot of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Dressing Goods, Foreign Perfumes, aud Toilet Soaps, in town selling very low at 1 1 ARI.OW8 drug htoiul A Smiths Bloch, Patent Liniments, Pills, Tonies, Liver Regulators, Eye Waters, Bitters, Elixirs, and all other kinds of Potent Medicines, at tho Lowest Prices, at IIAIILOWS DRUG STORE, 4 Smiths Block, febl Wash Leathers, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Mans Brushes, Hoof Brushes, extra Stable Spongee and Soap, Pure Neat Foot Oil, and all kinds of Horse Medicines, at HARLOWS DRUG STOKE 4. Smiths febli 170. Spiring- Style Bats Received at HERSKY A CO. Corner Main and Water Streets.

I-ADIES i The Spring Ityle-Iaaey Stitshed Sow oats, hare arrived, They re very nice, and the price low, at X. HEBSEY A feblS Now Store. BortoRico Molasses. SUPERIOR PORTO RICO, MO- tb (ale low by T.anp, Jan3Y'! Wert Mrket 8qgare. -iHf2 AUCTIONSALE.

Mtabi If jRU -forf IriwdoSHa, Iji lataiplrto it tvt if. Tot 'rt qrimlffi 9. Tt embertoh Square, Bortor feblS tin! The miscellaneous and express stocks were generally firmer. Portland, Aug. 11, 1869.

avgl7 istf New Years Presents. At DURENS BOOKSTORE. NEW IMPORTATIONS OF Crockery and China Ware For the Fall and Winter Trade. have just imported frarn the celebrated Potteries of ELLSMORE FOZSTER their new Crystal shape in Parisian Granite, which, in color and shape, is the closest imitation of French China, of any ware ever before in the market. Our stock comprises other shapes of White Granite and common ware of the FIRST QUALITY.

White and Gold Band French China, Dinner and Tea Sets, Together with a full lino of GLASS WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers and Brackets, Britannia and Silver Plated Goods, Table Cutlery, Parian and Bohemian Fancy Goods, German Lava Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets, Wc have, and shall keep a full line of Iron Stonft China, Double Thick For Hotels, Restaurants, and Ships use, which we shall furnish at Importers Wholesale Prices All goods delivered in theuity without charge J. 8. RICKER CO. Bangor, Oct. 28, 1869.

istf No. 1. Main St. REMOVED! THE Penobscot Mutual FIRE Insurance Go. Have removed their Office to the Low er Floor, in the New Building Recently Erected by Dr.


WIGGIN, Secretary. Dec. 3, 1869. dw4m Carry the BestTime. The United States Watch Co.

Manufacture superior WATCHES, without charging extraordinary prices Every Watch is Warranted to keep the best time, by spec! certificate from the Company, and cases are made of all styles and qualities to order, with key or Patent Stem. Winder. Confident that these are the mostrellahle Watches, wc place them at very low prices, for the purpose of introducing them in this market. LOWELL SFEJSTCEE, Agents United States Watch Com 14 MAIN STREET, tf jan24 W. G.

Dillingham Has taken the Store recently occupied by H. A. Appleton, No. 18 Central Street, Where he will keep a choice stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Gr i eerie 8. He solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally, and will give strict attention to all orders.

IledStore, No. 18 Central street. TV. O. DTLtXN'GHAM.

Bangor, Jan. 24, 1870. NeTY.Music, At DUKENS BOOKSTORE. feb21 (JKEAT SALE OF FIRS. Fur Trimmed Hid Zero Mittens For Ladled and Gentlomen'a ear, Buffalo, Wolf aend Cbotf JtpTHee Boots, Shoe tiriBRUMn, ALIr KDEDB, ASD CF EST QUALITIES.

Bale to oonrmeneS evey day it o'clock," and continue tUifanhernettM, at, i 42 Bffcla Street declT Ari CBO ETiTri i Kaicy Crops- -3 -TUBS SEGBBXDl kyi'W. MANN, whoso etOck tan that and, ofipiety-oad Bylfle and c.allrteaaU titait can ha dad red, aad yYmant JEjOW. TTt friends and tlie jmblie are tested to calf in and maim then at jarf Ooiiltaiae Block. STANFORD WHlrriRT, tw Wert Market Sqaaro, There are only to be $2,000,000 of gold sold shortly leave lbr a summer triP 40 Europe, by the Treasury during March. The daugh tors of Generals Sherman, Cox.

and Butler are not allow ed to dance the German. Now that Prince Pierre Bonaparte is indicted a capital ofienee, Emil Olivier advocates the abolition of the death penalty. It is said that all tlie hotels and saloons in Quincy, Mich, have closed their bars and refused to sell any kind of liquor. A resident of Iowa has invented a double shotted projectile by which a shot cm be thrown from a cannon to the distance of ten miles. The city of Panama will soon be lighted with gas.

The pipes are all laid, aud thp lamp-posts all erected, and the retorts will be ready in a few weeks. The first coin made in the Philadelpliia mint was the copper cent made in 1793. The first silver dollar was made in 1794, and the first gold eagle in 1795. Among the merchants in business at Pittsfield, only four have occupied the same stores for twenty years and upward without change of firm. On the 18th instant a man in Illinois accomplished the feat of walking one hundred miles in twenty-four hours for a purse of $150, and had nearly an hour to spare.

A movement has been set on foot in Spencer County. 111., to raise funds to place a monument over the remains of tbe mother of Abraham Lincoln. A family in Wisconsin were rudely awakened a few nights ago by the roof of their bam, which came crashing against their window in a violent storm of wind and rain. A constitutional amendment has been proposed in the Minnesota Senate, exempting stockholders in railroads from individual liability, as now provided to the amount of their stock. A member of the Ohio Legislature has been arrested in Toledo on the charge of passing a $50 counterfeit Treasury note, and has been bound over for trial in the sum of $1,000.

Michigan has lost its oldest inhabitant William Schooley, who died on the 19th insh, aged 101 years and 8 months. He was a native of New-Jersey, and remembered seeing Washington. Michigan has now another oldest inhabitant. The Yale Navy have voted not to accept the proposition o'f Harvard to open the annual races to the whole University; therefore only the academical department can be represented in the crews next Summer. Mrs.

General Simpson, daughter of the late Commodore Champlin, was stricken with paralysis on returning from her fathers funeral, and died on Thursday last. Are these fresh eggs? fTes madam How do vou know Yon speak so positively. Why, I laid them In that box, -myself, early tins A Salt Lake City letter oavs About tho goth of this month Brigham Young and a few of the higher dignitaries wiii leave the dity on a tour south, 'ostensibly to pay visit to the lower oettiemewts, bet iff teoiityv tt Is their intention to penetrate thokrwar portion of Territory of Artwen bordering on the Mexf-aria tbora rtket a new place or rendezvous fc the gathering of dnta. As ioe as Arrrngementa can be perfected, ail thorn who Uve la polygamy will be remoued from this section of country to settle In the new State of Zion. POLITICAL AUD PERSONAL.

A Kentucky paper is encouraged to believe that the Ashland District, the home of Henry Clay, may be represented in Congress by a Republican. Congressman Sidney Clarke says he was not elected by the Legislature of Kansas, and is not resposible to it for his official conduct, but on the adjomment of Congress he will make his report to the people, not withstanding the inquisitorial proceedings at the State Capital. Tlie Columbia (S. Phoenix opposes the movement to organize a third party in that State, on the ground that it would take the soul out of the anti-Radical movement there. But the movement seems to have some strong friends.

The Washington Chronicle says very truly of the recent Congressional report on American navigation, that it shows great ability and enormous industry in the collection of material, and does great credit to Mr. Lynch and his colleagues on the Committee. The Free Trade Meeting, the other afternoon in New York, resulted in subscriptions from a dozen members of the League of $22,500 to keep up the fire against the fallacies of protection, and in the appointment of a Committee to raise more money for the purpose of diffusion of free trade knowledge among men. The Working-womens Protective Union of Boston has protested against female suffrage, recognizing the divine ordination of woman to domestic, family, and social duties, and men to general political affairs, and declining to become parties to any attempted encroachment on the legitimate sphere of mans duties. The resolutions of the Indiana Republican State Convention say that a reduction of taxation is demanded, both of tariff and internal taxes, till it reaches the lowest amount consistent with the credits and necessities of the Government, and that all in favor of a tariff for revenue, believing that a proper adjustment of duties must necessarially afford the incidental protection to uhich any interest is entitled.

The Chicago Times has been criticising rather severely the troop-of English blondes, now performing in Chicago, ana Friday a party consisting of Lydia. Thompson Pauline Markham aud their agent Henderson, intent on justifying the Times and proving beyond doubt that they had oa claims to respect; drove to the residence of Mr. Story editor of the Times, aad on making hi appearance the two women aud Saadereoa-appsowohori, and Lydia struck him SeTeral, biowa with a whip. Story seized It, when Henderson struck him severe blow on tho nearly spinning him. Henddrsondrew revolver and moved him.

Henddrsondrew off, DeEiro Story eould attack jumped into their carriage thWOtott onalreovftan. Frond efcs- testa with TfeBadelp of Quaker City. a a tie At Ko. 102 Main Street. Bangor, Feb.

22, WJS. Oct. 39, dwtf i.

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