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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 2

Bangor, Maine
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nays wvir unlem! uiutiuu wcoa- 1 1 i Wllir I I some conversion the vote DAI la ttJ 'I AJYU tUU ttl and the House nays'106. -Mr. Ofcgooc to reconsTder the vote A A A 6, 1842. Weekly The: weather has been, mild all the wci'k. Some dars have been q-jite summer-like.

We have had shoiccrs" and to all ap- lovr tJiat the. buf'i should salute liU'iiMe i sleepers twee wifh tluiljttlg'morning hymn thy lfi of summer's evejung tbrpsfh the should siifftiv Otgood of called up tho "motion-l-rajquieni'-jf strains; 'iisTder the vote on the that the qnsullied snow should spread its mantle lion. The yens and nays were ordered and the over virtues as unsullied. They combine all the House ryfysc-d to Yeas 82. Nays beautiful embellishments of the country, as This vote prevents the subject from being acted though out of nature's own unrivalled materials on iU is no" iirobab; prevents a own a present shipe again this winter and there they would build thi palaces of-the dead.

babilll TTwill be ucntated any other What an eloquent i is this to the 1 1 i 1 1 cellent health." fqini, Resolve favor of Mars Hill Roadc came strong 1 have reason to tharik you for words of yours first opened my eyes to my own foolish and wicked course. Mv wife and children were half naTted and'half starved, only this lime last year. Look at them, if you please, "now for decent clothes, I'll attractions and the matchless glories of i match thorn with any uian-'s wrfe and children, loin I and life How happy'would it be' for And now, madam, 1 tell you, as you told a friend The iee business that a week since prom'ood'so flirty, au'd ice in our river fast being a speedy exit. On Monday evening the Washingtoaians had a public the Hammond Street Church. The was delivered by their brotljei, Mr.

Ryder, and elicited Several of our citizens went forward and signed the pledge, amoag them some a mudc the heart concurred. Read and tomorrow aligned i i on I to those impulses, and seek the early for auth- the i i as they now seek it late for the dead. pearances tho spring is a month in advance. i postponed and House i thousands in oui citiesif they 'would yield earlier of yours one day 'tis "the fools' pence The fool's pence 1 ought rather to say, the industry; and spent so Road from the Aioosrook to the bt. Johns Kiver has blessed witli the means, if after ac-1 that we can the blessing of God upon -the Hciolve iivfavor of Joel Wellington Act i more than vnnugh, they "would i the pence." additional to Ihe several new in force re- slavery arid drudgery of b'OSmess, so often Mrs.

Crowder never recovered ihe customer cling tlie Police Court in Bangor An Act to-the rmad and sometimes almost the she had lost extinction of tbe man, and find a rich enjoyment in the- embellishment of tor common and grateful delijrht of all see i toread ng charter of tlie St. Act to incorporate the Eaatport nnd Prrrv Bridge Coinpaii-y. The Act concerning Rail Roods which" wos i ass'fl'iii lo rf7iy wan Spvrral imd-cauaed- the silent but -earnest prayer to a nad -fr cen umde tb lhs tn be offered that be kept fiom temrUir- Senate and question was on adopting them tion and a snare On Wednesday the- women I in concuitenco, OBQ of the amendments was for ad led wiTKout opposition. fa very important one affecting as it was said the one members, at. the first roeetmg.

Ve8te nghu of a pre- Much good is aaticipated, from their influence, vously granted by the Stak was debated at While they hive the a i ch.irge, it cannot'. length. Mr. Bradtniry and Mr, Otis in favor of PatriotiAin And Eloqueucei Tho following is an extract from the. Speech the earth, for the of Thomas F.

Marshall, of on the Tariff. true pnrtinn nf it jesei ves to'be read by American -multitude, who'are fed ftt this common "Oh exclaimed Mr. if I should live to fColman's Fourth Report, the day when all things that are needed for human use and comfort shall be produced, and i i eultare of and comfort nf Vast table. die. -On Friday evening the Washiagtohiuns pnhjic meeting at the City.

Iralh The adoption and Messrs Abbott, a and Washburn againts. The adjourned i losing, tjie question -on the amendment, Mr. The Fools 3 for the S6uthcrn Literary Messenger, 'from a small pamphlet published in In the year in a handsomely furnished parlor which opened out of that noted London gin-shop called 'The Punch eat-ita mis- bought and snld-jyithin ited States wlieu all our mines shall have been opened, all our r4oh mountains explored and covered with sheep walks, for the use of our own manufac- i establishments when every American citizen, let him eat, and wear, and consume, and use whatever he desires to make him happy, .1. I uic i'iio. room and gjllery were and Ule meeting i i the floor for au adjournme.ut, I ng obseqluous neighbor. One or much interest. On Tuesday ing the Lyceum listened to an able lecture by Henry Warren Esq. on the progress-of Societal in wfitcirne'iriciaVntally "but with muotT power i 11 1 Borne 'portions of the lecture of Kre'sT. 7 tiess, tlie gaudily dressed Mrs. Crowder conveis-1 shall find it all here here upon our soil, within our own boundaries then, though enta who never spent twenty ur their families, would to reclaim a on norantly d.

thoughtlessly 0 fiood Old Times, IVK I the days of or -vn. TM rk no sgrace, When rL could help th eK ir« And keep the tilings place. Fair daughters then could" learn to To and make a cheese 10 scour the floor and rub thu tin And Jcani it all wiQi ease. To mend the clothes, to ki They never were ashamed Mrs. Crowdei, I really must say you wrath of God should be let looosc upon have tilings in the first style papering what noble chairs -tirf a what a elegant pair of the the dcjut Wocris; Our public schools hav.e been and Monday assigned, A resolve iu rela- ainineddiM-ingtlie week, fiiKl we have" only time.

1 to the distribution of tho A a School motJ i i .1 i i Fund, be engrossed in concurrence, to the remark a thry appeared of Absence granted to'Mr. Muzzy o'f exceedingly well. On Friday Mr. at Ed- Bangor, fbr'the remainder of Session from dingtqn cought at the River above i and ailer Friday nxt. this city a fine Salmon which was served of Smyrna, withdrew the order respecting taxing household furniture, and tlie the saiue day to a company of 3 i was altered so as to read $400 instead by vVoodard of the Bungor House in his excel- of $300 and the owler passed.

lent style of doing up tho aoreoable matter of a Atr. Washburn resumed his remarks on the i dinner Messrs. Eastmaa of Bath, some othrrs in opposition to the amend- A I ii'he Act concerniug Rail Roads, was laid on the'tftble mid the following business was disposed of:" a tax pf cleg-ant stenecopings to your wmdows.and those the mighty deep, and we remain so unmoved, 8 a i French i frames! And so sell-supplied, as not to feel the loss this, nations of the old world though Europe-should and tremble beneath its blows, jele dtw been sending your daughters to the gen- this would be to me, the. very realization of teelest boarding school. Your shop is the best! American Independence and prosperity But furnished, and yoin- cellars are tlie best filled, in this country is not, and never can be truly inde- part of Lunniin.

Where can i pendent, so long us our own labor arid our'own Dear capital, are left unprotected. Never, so long ns it is the darling object of our pwn Government, the needful for all these giand'thing's. 7 Mis. Crowder, how do y.ou manage r- i ny a bewg the anniversary the a d- Mrs. C.

simpered, and caata -look of smiling contempt through the half-open door, intojihe shop, filled with tlrouthy fool's pence 'tis THE FOOL'S I'ENCE dees it for she said. A her voice -more shnil and loud titan- 4wuuly wtth tltc umph she felt. to crush the industry and dash down all the enterprise of those- it should protect and foster. The! If to hoU Vlufc, that can't help it no, I can't help it. I rose, "iQ a sinner, 1 am at least a bold sinner.

If to foci-the glow of one common nation in I bosom if to hold that the man who resides at ment. Mr. Osgood of Portland, wns in favor of the of fbe foundry, machine shop, owned by D. Hinckley and others, at the Mills, the workmen in the new and splendid establishment I j-nendmeut, arid made a kngtlTy 'argument in i luvor ol the amenoment. fl tlie fire, thought they t-'rected upon the must observe the anniversary well.

christen the new establishment. They accoidi.ii.jly. invited tteir friends, illuminated the large building in every pwt; gave a fine and tnded in comfortable dance. Interesting Case. li'hc Washington Correspondent of the Boston says that an interesting case is now on trial in the Supreme Court, arising out of the following facts A gentleman residing in Maryland had allowed an oged pair of his slaves substantial though freedom iw ipvaral i years.

is now afler d-itk, the debate is" still going on, and is I slrould make up report before tlie closing of the mail, 1 cannot wait the taking of the question Passed to be enacted An A-f-t concerning JPasswnaqaoddy imliane act to set off Na- thnniel-tiorson from Raymond to Casco. Finally passed-. Resolve in favor of Oliver Frost; Resolve a i an appropriation for the Houlton and Baring tn Senate, papers from the Senate disposed of in concurrence. Her words reached the ears of one We extreme North is as much my brother-as George Manly, the who stood near i the cotton-planter of Georgia if this is hostility the counter. Ti'i-ning'hts eyes -upon those a- to the South, then I am her enemy jouud hiiijr, he saw pale, sunken cheeks, i a a ed eyes, and rngffrd garments.

He then turned Value of the Cotton Crop. them upon the "stately aparlme.nt.: he looked i In the address reported at the Connecticut through the door into the parlor, and saw look--. i i .1 i i not ih the street er wished they to be farn'd And tbey could wash and do it neat And iron well in haste- And then Uieir puddings howcomplei Exactly to the taste then there's the beans and nice brow And butter pure and good The table all so cleanly spread With right andjvhoiesome Then there health and sweet con Then plenty did abound, No money, uselessly was spent For articles of sound. All, days" when folks got Were happy too, beside, iNot then wus lieajd the bankrupt None set up then with pride. That golden time with candor rife How quick-h-is set its sun Trj choose a husband er a wife no to runT old times, the good old time, 1 he good old times of yore If I could hear your merry chimes, 1 s'op I say no mire.

A RINK INTRLLIGEM i State Convention of the friends of Protection ing-gfasses, and pictures, and gilding, and fine to American Industry, on the 17th are in-! Arr at FraoUfnrt Marclf 2 i fui-mture, and a rich caipet, ana Miss Lucy in a i troduced some curious facts, contrndting the j. Boston StL'lcs do''(J silk gown, at her piano; and he thought to cotton crop with that of other productions of the Prospect, to load for Indies ei Uru self, how sirange it is! how curioim, lliat all this country. It is here the total a a wretchedness on my left hand should be made value of the productions of the ignited States to turn into all this rich finery on my i are, at least, 1600 i i of dollars. Reckon-1 sir, and what's tor said the I in cotton at ten cents pound, which is ruore shrill voice which had made the fools' nn ts present average value, after broughno the cities for exportation, we have ears. Leave to withdraw A glass of gin, ma'am, is what I was P.

a of John Sawyer, et als; 'of Carleton Peter i et als; Charles Heath als; of B. Spaulding. Legislation On an order in iTatJoh to Staff cfficeis of i i i a on an tbus daughter was. born order nn relatioh to the iwr of ticc3 of to them, who grew up.m the same liberty, until Courts, where their towns i she maitied a free negro and went with him to in relation to debtor reside in They had several chil- ca 8 Order of notice to next Legislature, on the petition of sundry citizens of Portland, prajirlg a a i i a powers may be granted to that i 11 i On petitions of Charles for i 1 i i I paid the last fools' pence. that I shall put down on this counter for a long Manly hastened home.

His wife and his-two little girls' were seated at work. They were thin and really for want of food. The bouds in certain to a Referred to the next Legislature- an act to extend a wharf in Hucksport; an act-to-sct off-'j the town of Ho'pe, and annex the same to Ap-' of John Martin. dren, and lived unmolested until the owner dithL heir attempted to regain but tuXmagistrate before whom they were ''y of L. H.

Chandler et als, relation brought decideXthat he bad no jurisdiction in ne roba ts District in Ljhcoln County. the cisc. The owaer seized the woman and herehildrcn in the- night, and carried them to Maryland, for which he indicted and de- nmnded by the Governor of "Fennsylvania of the Maryland -Executive. A correspondence en- distribution of-c'eitain" the Col- sued, which nnajly brought the case into the So- leges, and Mechanic Institutions in this State; preme Court. in favor of David Strout lijpencer G.

Bowers; of William W. jn nddi- tion to an act to incorporate the Penobscot Boom Corporation; an act to incorporate tbe Wash- jncrCon Hall A'ssociatTo'fi; an act to' correct the liaTibn of trie" town ot Wluting, and the-Sute and County tax in said town. Passed to be engrossed An act additional, in relation to the distribution of the Annual School Drowned at Poughkeepsie, on Friday a mjorr the of of 'February, Henry a pupil of the Poushkeepsie Collegiate School, ftom Peosacola, Florida, in the 14th year of his age. This interesting youth, in violation of one of the express rules of the institution, immediately after the close of the school, of Absence granted to Mr. Bodwell, i i for the remaindeKof the st-ssion, from and after on the of rhatday, repaired to a neigh-J Monday i pond to and the Jce being poor fl No Mail frombeyond Augusta A very uncommon indicates unparalleled bad the destruction of Pridgot IDS.

of cotton, at ten cents, whicli-is Ifss than one-twentieth partjof the nany. whole a a productions of the United States. 'If the whole cotton-crop were struck out of ex Quarterly Meetfc of' the Yoi 7'emperance Asiociatilvn, vrill be cuy iuii, marchyi IMPOKTAN'r TO MILLERS tne wimie cotto-n-crop were struck out of ex- GRIMES' TEN istence nineteen-Uventirths of the annual in- lO which the Mew York Sta'tel come of the Lmted States to the Society awarded a of lars, is simple, and permanent in constTM 'I he free population of the -States of South 'us Uie." reputation, in the itate of jVew Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis-i being superior lo aoy other machine; foi -soiutty-wlieat. For by HI.NCKLEV T001TI looked their fire was so small as-hardly to be fcR; yet the dullest observer, the neatness tharp a a and-Arkunsas; where 'cotton' is "the para- reigned.

I mount interest, according last census, It was a joyful to thenvhis 8 while the population of the so early that night, ajid returning sober, and in twenty States where cotton, is not para- good hunwr, mount intf real, is 13,055,578. Thus the States, eyes- arf Wetvk to-night, said else yVu Irave ing. J'm afraid you work too rni'f'h by candle light. jlhe interests of this hurt my eyes;" and she beckoned to her little should be sacrificed boy-fWh was standing apart, in a corner evi- duutly a- a culprit. "Why, John, what's this I seer" suid liis manufactures, to the great injury, i father.

''Come, and tell me what yoirhave been i i i tlie non-slaveholdjng btates doing." John a plain spoken boy, and had a I strange forward- way. He came up to his father, i and looked full in his face, and said, "The baker 9 r- he broke through, and oefore could be rendered tlie sspnrk had fled. State A Mitch a io.i, Mr. Biadhury of Calfeis moved a reconsideration of the vote whereby leave was given to withdraw on the petition uf Jeremiah O. Nichols in concnrrenr-e, and trie subject was recornmit- 'Mr.

Abbot-moved a of the vote pining to An Act to extent dit time for closing tfie of the Globe Bank of Bngor. to be enacted A A reduce -I cannot quit the privileged-imd county of MidHlpsex, i adverting to a a local attraclious to its rural embellishments. 1 confess I am drawn to it by still stronger ties, for there sleep under its green banks and its I waving boughs, those who were as dear to me as anything this side Heaven and there, too, side by side with thc.n, it is my consolation to i myself, repose, days' hiflffble. work is done, aad 1 fall Lke thi; leaf by the autumnal I This cemetery, embracing now more than a Cap.t,l Stock of i Inwranc, Cow-j 4 9 lluid of nfawst 6urj acc An Act to regular the a i of Salmon WM or emall i the anrt-bhad in the Machra. River An Act to set I au8Dlceg of th Massachusetts Horticultural iJrtl Denmark a an nex same an experimental garden as well as 'I 11" i i "'I burymg-place; but it is now exclusively mally yd, in fr'Ot-pf Henry agt object It oboundl! mo- VVi'itn tavor Turner came for his money to-night, and would not leave th'e" loaves Without thoUjjh he was cross and rough, he said that mother was" lo blame, and tr)(u he was sure yfiu hxxl been drinking away all the money anri when he was gone, mother cried over her work, but she did not say any thing.

did not know she WPS ciying, till I saw her tears dropping on her hands; and then I said bad words and mother scat ioe to stand in the corner." me your bad words were, John," said his a "not swearing, 1 hope "No," said John, coloring, "I.said you were a bad man I said, bad father!" "And they.were tad words, I am "butyou forgiven eonow bring me some Crfftl'ftom the'box." George Iooki-J al ttie lace uf Ins wTle and as he uietthelender mild eyes now turned felt tbo teaFS-r-iee-to his own-. where cotton planting is the pmamount interest, i contamirw a fract'on moje than one-tenth of the free population of the United States, claim that overwhelming majority to the interests of the minority that cotton should be exported to Great Britain, and sold in exchange for her if not the Mercan- The Horse The horse kribweth his owner, and he knows i RFJHOVAL. fr CO. would infoiui. tomcrs, and the public of the remov: StocJe of JEWELRY and FANCY GOOI comer of Main and Broad streets, where cim.lje purlused at very low pri NaricE.

CITY or Februarv 25, 13-tJ of much more. 1 verily believe he knows more -than rnany--of the tvvu--tegged--anirnds who "ride on horsr-hack, uud I nm quite sure there Is "more" of the spirit of Christianity In Ino 'piactidc is to be found in many of the bipeds aforesaid for the especially the carman's, rests on the Sabbath, whereas his rider often works harder for the devil on a day than he does for food to keeg his soul and body together en any day in the week. Besides the horse will the hand that feeds him but thousands of his i i i thank not whom they live and move, and have their being. To illustrate my position let me give a few annecdote.s of this beautiful aod friendly animal. Of a two horse team be- to the r)f Qvfujd, one.

the other quite ttie reverse, in the nUli-iK-xt to the gciitte liDlie, une that was blind. I the when the horses 4 i them.were tm-red to notice to all interested, that their last he consideration of Claims against said ci present Munieip'hl year, will be held denoen's Hoom, on MONDAY, the tevei March next, at nine A M. order of tbe Commiilce, JA11ES CR'OSBY'. Hi fet25 OT.D I A I 4 A DKNMsON Curner'of Main and Broad 7 "LAUIES' A I ilOR March Knickerbocker, for do Magazine, received at a 4 SMITH FEi He rose up ajid into her hands, a "re, this good-tempered creature constantly "There are my week's wages. Come, I his blind frioiKl under Ins protection.

When hold-out botli hands, for you have not got le stra 'rorn his companions, his kind friend all yet Lay it out for the best, as you always wou ru neighing after and smell around him, dp. I hope this will be a beginning of better a CECiiffni.sed they would walk side by doings on my part, and happier days on yours." I dc until the i frrend was led to the best told his Wife after the cliildieu were gone when saw whit the pence of the poor could do towards keepintr up a fine 'neck with He mocketh at fear, and js not affrighted neather turneth he back from the sword." Shortly after that mighty battle which until the i frrend was led in tbe fit-Id. house and dressing landlord's wife-nnd daughters, and when, he thought of his own bard working, uncompU-ning Susan, and his children "Baking to Job, n'sks" him Hast thou ven le horse strength Hast thou clothed his of over of outt- lot directing the distribution The resolig-in-ftvor of PilWbnry and Webster, fojr discussion this evening, th and a very warm and times, jrraonal which umenta of and torching of afifection and wi the charms of floral wildness of nature. ilri singular beauty inlermmgfe ral i the untraine iivd Its silent walks, its shaded in want, and almott in rage, he was sitting i i night after night, destroying his health and strength he WUH so struck wi'h sorrow and'uharne, Lhtt he seemed to to himself at lie determined, from that kour, never again to put intoxicating lips. More than a year afterwards, one Sundav afternoon, as Mrs.

Crowder, of the Punch Bowl, retreats, its calm waters arc all sacred to tender was walking jyith her daughters to the tea gard- and reverential sentiments; its monuments, from ihey were overtaken by a violent shower of the simple roughi tone to the marble, chiselled by the touches of exquisite art, are all eloquent; and a i aafl had become al fcaft hftlf drenched, when they entered a comfortable home, distin- the caj-eer of Bonaparte, and at the dis banding of part of the British irmy, the of a troop ot horse belonging to the Scotch Greyg, were brought to the hammer. The Captain being rich and a man of feeling, was loth to see these noble fellow's turned into butcher, beker, or FOR MAR I A Companion Ladies' Book Magazine; American Magazine bocker; Parley's Magazine; Hint's A Magazine received 8t luAitL 9 DLG OH GALLS, of Pure Winter Oil, for sale very low 0. W. 1000 -inai ch 3 Nays 62. The unanimity which is naidby the Augusta Correspondent of the Belfast Jourual, i prpvail IBUlir Loco party the Legislature, wag nol very in this debate.

The Speakers, all of whom were of-tbe party, with the exception of Mr. wboifid tfew wotds. stcmcd to be of an opportunity- to A .1 i tfjrii knife is and by inwnu- did not to uoini- C. Hooic, A A Mtreh 3, 1842 fa. 1 eve favor of vote the the heart to that idol, i Heaven, in iu mercy to our weakness, permits us to sdore, the precious memory of the beloved and revered way "the ram-drops "and mud-splashes froui the It shows, too, most emphatically, that strong'' fine silk guwns, all draggled soiled, venng i anxiety like the leaf of the poplar i' VL.

1 i li rtt a Anm i. I "1 I i 1 ers near it. Its gdod-oature'd mistress and two girls did i they could to dry and wipe a- passion for ruftil beauty which the Creator md to repair, as far every mischiet' lo have rnade instinctive in the heart; and that done to their dresses and persons. spoirUneous acknowledgment of-the cbtfms ofl When all had been done be done, the country, which the ieep absorption of busi- Lucv said, l-hey "began to or fre city Jife cannot extin- themselves agajn, Mrs. Crowdet, who bl-.

guisb, nor eren far a te, out tbe mind ling in alatge arm chair, aod amusing by reverts to mctl in a one and ever? thing, in room, earthly condition, and vainly guddenly sUtud forward, and addrtsiing hereslf Bible and caught hei ir Why, my good old friends I know your 1 ilof life death the of th peseefut Ai 'be of tnt, ul OB face after the will aioie They to see tbe sweeUst blooming upon the of thost faKr which fruit; ot shed- their the re virtues still dirmc to the hP'art They racf, J'm certain "I use health," xaid tberejs some change in Mi to he in rtgged clothes and out of George MnnTy, i i "now, house drags, after helping "to i the French from Spam. He therefore bought the whole lot, and them loose in one of his fine grass parks, to wear away their old age in peace. One warm summer evening, when it just dark enough to render light visible, a vivid flash was followed by a report of thunder. At this moment the seeing and a report, they thought a battle had a i e.y were in the center of the field, all drawn up line.their beautiful ears treinblmg in the listening for the word of the rider to Icsd them to the charge. My infor- msnt, who an eye-vitness of this wonderful scene, told iue he often thesa A child beginninr to read bovMnes delighted with a newspaper, because he reads of and things thst A in one year, says Mr.

Weeks, is worth schooling to a child, tnd every father must xf aider information is with this of the one of its beads tnd a charge of children, ought indel- PLANK Court, und er the fiankrupt A genuine, printed under the dirtcu 'Court.) ALSO, the Bankrupt Act, with forms cecdinrs for march 2 A TITO RatJG I JBB A A LOT nf Wagon- Thorou ravnufaetured of oak "JTMV llie Iow rice of On A lot of splendid WAliONS by ASA SA March 2, 1842. A' i copartnership heretofore existing HOAC thisd; ed by a consent. All persons a i pcconnts wih the above firm are sent the for Mttlerncnt. AARO.N 110 L. F.

CURK 1, 1842. -P CASK'S HOBEHOUND CA W- I.Ann I of Horehound Candy M.rch I Glassi ftoleBnle or Ketni of LOOKING cb ar No. 66 Main Street. 1842. EWS'PAPER!.

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