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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 2

Bangor, Maine
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DAILY Hjinot. A JANUARY 27,1842. Mr. Torrey Released. Charles T.

Torrey, a citizen of.Mnssnchusetts, St-ite House A hi my tetter-of yesterday, I attempted to de- old adage, there's "many t'etween tlie aiaVkat to thj.foreign who, find- -J i 1 A i 1 I I I I I.T this portion "of his reduce' of the cents, it dowy to $10o. The.American immediately the article in Uie at thir reduced price, which ie in fact leiM than he can inanufactuie tlie article for. He must, theretore, abandon his business, give up bis aanrifice, yield the obedience. Who ar tat- i i i a In bo Igttedhy. his resignation, I leavo the ha I member of Congress from York, iind the-' who introduced the resolves in other very prominent gentlemen to sT Auirustft, with 6 other vcr 'J rvm ic genuemea io Jan.

5 answer, only reminding Vhese gentleirten of the ru-it the limits of What a this uporr the free i lions.of America An American citizen attends public Convention in one of of the confederacy whose'cuiirtant boastis that iLie tlie freest nation upon earth, for the purpose of'talcing note's, "-tested, seaiched, imprisoned and a felnn, bcoauoo he holds ta the freedom of all men M-r. Torrey, says the editor of the- Boston M-til, who lonj-tfccn -priVjwflj-a' 1 1 11 1 1 with him, is a most hatmless inoffensive mun. There is'tio'sort of pretension that he was doing the-leoit injury that he had said aught while in the State of Maryland, the tendency of which in "any way calculated to uflfect the rights ol any one, but he is (seen taking notes Alarm and I van 1 1 must apologize for the length of these re- consumer UnsKountry will be com- to ua or perhaps JJl mate dwejt more up tlie loss which the importer and foreign mans lac re "sustained during i is the result when the" article is respect to a Bankrupt Law in fact and in I These resolves will now go tho unjess tf nty tiAa the nor thn only'object', orrcsted by some move opposed to them Now, we will sought to be effected was then prophecy, upon them-in tltat body may not When tliese resolves.were, i 1 he wholly and un'mstrticlive jt if take tioduccd, Mr. Cony, the metaber from a friend, Rcuel Williams, "siffn of thi,,deuiree-ami expecta- nf lhn Hnn osftain distiagnilhv'' mfln ''li 1 the-truo intent and body, who uiiy In certain events h-ivr cvl- instantly offered' un lateral-iittcrcst in the matter. Their fate in both uti the same articles, at the in Europe and America, with A duty of 13 cents' is iinpo encourage domestic Sunia Jfork, i i 17.

Ar iit 81. Mmlu, pjef loSih fm vitli milroiid 5opl. unil itiiioii 12 old, a on i lie A I6tb, ieln Swift Lobee l' Woo itfr, I Vork. maniiiasturea. to the fvtwrJf.fKte, i i i foreinnirTnanutkcturer 'fears that shall amendment, which was calculated, and and keep jou informedl ditl 4n fkct put a veto upon, tlie of Mr.

Me- Tlie h.ivt Uxis. an atc a sorplus liere, he wtll ut once-put, s. nioment passed the his article, at iH) cents; the importer will rf could notlnl attempt to Hiski; sonn-fow lh cC4 ari iel bfluiu tlie duty be The amendment was adopted, but Lugishkije have done uothmg 1 imposed. In the'iiicantirrre, the American by such a vote as to convince every one, that the amended could not be passed, and it now apparent that tlie TJousea reconsideration of tlie vote Tiuamifaetuier produces the article, which he can was moved but the House re- ad jt i i)njiijoiov9r-tiie retreat 'of the "to reconsider," and" adjoiifricd" is at once excited he rhight print anu i i at 1 I this--unexpected emergency the resolves would know soiaetihing more about I i 6 i and orders were found to contain an, express provision, tliat-alf birls and resolves not sliiveiy The cry" of Abolitionist is raised n'is pockets are examined without authority, pa same to man, The' importation will not be" an3 Uiis, with' domestic production, create a surplus, which, will U-nd- to a reduction of the puce. Protectitm of Domestic Industry--Speech-- A sliarp competition, will necessity, of the Iloru Charles liudeou.

are found upon him showing that be ttje that mother of i i will bring out im- provuincnU in machinery, so tliat Uie article can be producud ata clieup rate. The skill, also, A Comrattteei must be referred to an.appropr.ate may be raid that these reductions isacquire enable the manufacturer to agent of sundry publications, and imprisonment ensues It would, seem that the order of things in Ma- committee, of! s. or.Kr one day. This was conclusive, the resolves were laid upon the and the House adjourned over to Monday. In theJntervening time things were cooked are owinjr not to a protective tariff, i i i.

"liuiti UI APPLKsrtiACr tbs. jan 27 ed having ri J. uf. AORICOLTURA.J_BASIC^ indebted to that Conation, Ull eft ri I A jan A t. ill LUC.

i i i i i i rylaricl is reversed. The the voice i and everythmET trot readiness for a regular the criminals.and ULV by that voice-are declared innocent'! The peo nlfi'perpetiate ciime with impunity, and the m- After the reading of. the journal yesterday, resolves were called up, and the Speaker i i to reduce prices. But a has caused ibis given rise to "facturer; Is it not cheaper ajres to come, ns it for ages past, had not on nTanufactures been prosecuted, and, necessity, were within his control leavetht Slatvand nrrfr return to -it! And all this in the free Republic of America Thus does the rlnrk spirit of smoih- The Speaker.said..they were. or tbe breathing of liberty Thus arc 1 we ren- I He said, he would withdraw the prearu- dered a by-word, and a rcptuach among the na- Itlcs, and present Uie resolves alone, tiohs.

Are we sensible of our inconsistency of Cony, to our rtegredation Oh shame where is thy ing of the preambles, appealed Irom the decis- iou of "the" cliatr, tfui the decision was sustained, Santa Fe Captures. Tlie President communicated to Congress and his amendment cat lie then renewed offe'nsive citizen is tried a fuluu -This is not jjjoidf that all the proceedings hnd npon them ally, after trial no-evidence apucaring on Saturday were out of "order and were conse- lisn he is discharged" on his vicing security tliat quently void. M- McDonald then if 'die resolves protection that ne owe ootnp'etrtion, and to com- i petition. we owe these inventions which i have aided in Uie reduction of So that, j- at'ter to ufates. subjc ed if it re a-local question, and as if Aevv Engfend was tlw.

only portion of tlie Union, which interested" in Uie subject. This is his amendment, McDonald moved the prc-1 not a Massachusetts no, nor fhe coiitpetition wliich bor savjng I price to compete Gentlemen have spoken-of a protcrtirc tariff doctrin an exploded doctrine, dn ejCfiltHlrtl tjuctrinc In-n, where, and by whom was" this doctrjpe' plodod? 1 demand. It the doctrne of Constitution. It had the the a very interesting correspondence between Hon Webster, our Minister at Mexico and tho i del Ue fhe amendment, but refused to allow U. S.

Consul at Santa Fe. Our Minister at (1 of amendmi-ut to it. Mexico is- to represent the facts to were tlieu passed, that Government, with an urgent demsnd-that The above is a brief history of the proceed the inoffensive citizens of the "United who were in company with the Texan Expedition, but especially George W. r'rank- Combs and J. C.

Howard, be promptly restated to liberty unharmed. vious winch he prevented not only all I England question. The Manufactures of Mass, aihusctts could stand with loss protyction than proty most others. I some of our establishments a large capital is mjccited, and rich capitalists, are engaged. can ride ojat almost ajry New Boat on the Bansor i'oitand Route.

The EaKtem Argus stales UiottHe BangoraBU i- if wo can place this thing in its proper light, and unraval tlie mystery. Tn the first pi act 1 then, I haVe said that ortc of the fud objucls'of these resolves, although disclaimed by tlie gentleman introducing them wax, to defeat the present Bankrupt i and this 1 think 1 have already made to by a re- tht-y can stand any ordinary storm. In itK-h i i i a tlmsg at 'Lowell vancement of agriculture, commerce, and man. ufactureii, by all proper means, will not, 1 trust, need recommendation." in compliance suggestion the first Congress, in their first public act 1 say stands second in the laws, the first act an act binding all ofliccr'sof Govern- the Constitution; an act imposing a solemn oath to to the sacred instalment the first in no small degree ol 1ormt ie gaJe fjct, could perhaps do better with a'lowej rate of duty; in such an small compet- itoro.would tho amount of goods woLiJd diminish and, having the market to 'themyelucs. they could commaiid a higher price for their cott 9 us.

Pennsylvania and Vir- ut es bo lald oods warcs and a persons having anv'T jHinst soid Bnnk, to exhibit ie same to us' The bills ot tbe Bank will be the to i 07 KOBlNgm a 't6 LFT, front Office 7 -JiRW WORKS' A COMPI rrir.m By Lemuel Shattuck. Universal Biograplucid Dictionary. Bv Bnldtvin. I Varables. By Krummaclier.

The DariErcra and Duties, connected witk Todd. Gems frqin American Female POPI.J GriswolH. 'J'he Graces of the Mind" I he I wo or Picture of the '11m The Benevolent Merchant. My Proift oss in Error, and Recovery to Trull Keepsake Stories. By Mrs.

Hughe j. Tlfe Boy ijjid Birds. By" E. Taylor. Jusl (xrfved by a E.

F. DU.RE) A I A A copy, 13 vols. jisat.bijidinir, for sale E. F. DURE MISCELLA1vnrUS BOOKS.

A GREAT varicU'j many which arsofr Tor unusiiruTy low prices, bv Jan F. DtREN Bookseller, next the Post Ottic. rqcKET M-ALLETS. A CHEAT variety for sale at the Rooloim J. BKiliEl STFEL PEXS, the most kind: uiiiiUtin'of liort's, Ferry's, Windlc's, Pa'rdoe's, Vi ier's, c.

For at Jan 2(i BUGBCG't in their first public act employ this language in the preamble it is-necessosy, for the of the Government', for Hie discharge of the debt of the United and fur tkc ni- Hnd that- ACCOUNT BOOKS, of Ledgers Jmi Dav, Invoice, I.elten). ed into need pratcction more than I disc imported Be it enacted, c. aot then yw Boohs, ttoooipt Bookj, etc. Kor and to the resolves as originally introduced, 81S bugh ff i iron and coal-; there wore import- i i of Boston alone, in lt41, Boston Company have purchnsed a fine boat, called the "Express" for tliis route. She is said to he new, elegant and swift, and about 300 tons.

Capt. it is said, is getting up a superior --boat is to-comnoand and that the "Express" w.Hl pfobbly be commanded by Mr Spear jilalc Uejk the Btngor. and showing tlieir effect with regard to the vote is an evening writing school for" apprentices now open at tile-school, room under Williams. In fact I believe it is not dd- nied that tliis one object. In the place, I have said, that this is a move calculated to drivorMr.

Williams from the SenaU', and thereby make room for certajn other politicians, who are pulling the wires''in this coal iiiteu'st of those the injury of the And Uie same is the Baptist Church. It is free to those appren- record, tioss who attend school for and for an many apprentices sis can be accommodated who 'jinot atteUji' rl It will be open thjg evening. Great Fire at Past Host on. matter. I have already referred to Mr.

Williams stuation in respect to the doetrine of instructions'', his position upon the Bankrupt law is (natter of Whether Mr. Williams' vote upon tliis given io obedience to the instructions of 1840, or from his own convictions of the necessity, justice and expediency of tlie measure, lie has never condescended to inform his constituents or the country. But it will be i on to provide fur tlincriniinntiug. duties. 1 care not whether tluuje be higluor low.

it is surtici'Mt tliflt they wereTaid. to raise and to jtrotcrt I will not go carried on. throu rh the list of'Presidents or. precerlents on States have an interest in this vitul I been done by my tnentf as Massachusetts herself. 1 were to-i trom that seledt a State wbictf above all others would true of oil the Middle States, where mauufactur- jun '20' I Superior quality, in Quart, Pint, half I nnrf quarter Pint Uirht and .1 Hlue Writing Ink Red and Tojo 1 Ink Ink Stands, every General Washington beriefitU'd bv tbe protective pol'fcv, it would be jlown tn the present Executive, unless it be the i i i a Nature lias been ample in her (( ld Adams, has recognised tlie dfjotrine of pro- gifts to the Qld Dominion.

Her beautiful bay and her navigable rivers ore admirably adapte'd to commerce. low lands produce the "yel- i President of the Convention low'corn," whicltis a great favorite of the gen- I Constitution Madwon, the writer of that match inion. Her beautiful bav i tutting domestic Jr.dusiiy, and has n-comnlerided I ers are admirably adapte'd encouraging manufdctuw. When Washington, FOUND, A POCKET BOOK, containing some uai and Money. Any person accurately i.V bing the above, can obtain it bv to li Mr.

Court street, Bangor, Jan. 20, 1S1'2. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. PortJaml, Saco Si Porismoutli Kailroad OJfcCi Portsmouth. N.

11., Jan. 33, vasuing on, i jRoPOSAl.t* will be received at the Oil that framed the i i Pebruarj- 12th. for the lunmbing of We learn by a passenger in the mail tlrs recollecU-d tliat the the special agent of raoruing that the new Depot and Car House, at Mr. Senator WiHiams, immediately after the Boston, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday, last about 12 cjocir. "She had the good torfuhe Io4e4he tneans the- Onptain, -and -one passenger, of the ship Erin go Bragh from Quo- of came out with an article an excuse for tlie vote of the Hon.

Sunatnr, a.rc;. feranee which will shov that instead" more doubt- ftit. Iiseerns io have been an aiU'iflpt not only rcheTC'Anw frorn'the- -sponsibtltty of tleman me, And while her low lands-furnish food for the support of rnanu- tacturcrs further up the country, luis water power ample to drive machinery sufficient to manufacture for a continent. Her iponntnins arc stored with precious minerals, salt, and iron, in abundance. Let her try 'manufactures, and she would soon find that the interest of her whole less instrument; and great demo' cratic of it, concur in the opinion that Congressiirts the rigiit-of protecting mnmifac- turfs, und ought to exercise it, evt ry-' man should be slou- ia-pioikouncing that doctrine unconstitutional.

But we are told that the doctrine" and by whom. 9 It lias bee, Bound to Liverpool-, which she fell in with i in linking 8 was laden' with "floud i- at to ua rd tlu partl ftom any a i this obnpMous mca- and grain, and the latter had choked the pumps. sure." Thus Mr. Williams stands. She sunk immediately after the men.

were taken, off, nnd not an article belonging: to either WBR fro the wreck. Jan. 'J" In the other wing of National Legislature, is a prominent member tUat has, thus far, maintained an open, uncompromising, hostile attitude to this i he has not only given his vote against it in all its i stages, but he is by bus untiring effbro to defcit it, 1 The House of Reprenrrrtativca-to-i tnitted on the subject. He feels himself in the GcntrarBankrupt Law, by common aw war position, and calls upon his friends to consent 'had wading The tegolv of though not -ndinff IB that this Bill shall be Mowfiy disposed of the Repfesen.auves, but only re, week either by repeal or by the rejection of the I questing them, yet are considered hy those who I question'of repeal. Mr.

Miner, of in the course of tlie dayr! -his people-would be promoted. She would find that 1)tn recpmmeiHled by evrty' President, and the protective policy-wts no abstraction, but the i affirmed every Congress. There has most practical thing in the world and her whole he( no Period in our history in which this doc- trine has not been' a living law upon our statute it exploded in 11S, or Let the nets of those years Speak for people would be in favor of those discriminating duties i are directly reeommcnrted in the President's message. (Here, Jhe hour having Mr. J-I.

it-exploded-by the famous way fur adjournment. On. Tuesday, compromise act' The gentleman from South the subject came up for consideration, be re- Carolina contends that that- act discriminates in subject, and concluded Mr. Speaker: tlie kind indulironce rxteudod tp me by the House yesterday, in listening to iny re'maris, admonishes ffle not "to abuse ftmt favor of manufactures and thai-act has net yet expired. This explosion, PS gentlemen will have it, must, 1 think, oe an yet future, Or, if bcrn exploded-at have indulgence by trespassing too mnch upon their doni 7 tlie speeches gentlemen from patience this- morning.

'When I gavo way for South Carolina and un adjournment yesterdny, I had-boon endeavor- a of frtc trade, anil divert tujiition. Free ug to show that protecting dutirs, wlicM) i rac has been extoUed as a glorious doctrine, clously laid, to reduce prices, and gen- I am has bren intimntod that, if all men would rr.illy.produced that This is not inv-in- i ad i should have a commercial millen- ably the case. If the duty bu imposed upon i i rfgard the dprtrine of free trade articles which do not corn? in competition nothing more nor than -a part of the sys- our own industry, this'effect" will not be 'produ- crn en tire- Why do not the ccd and when the duties arc imposed upon grTtlemen who advocate this doctrine carry out those articles the manufacture of which requires i their views, and say that they i erect a hrge outhy-and long experience, the reduc- bmld ships, or support armies The gen- tion will not take place irr.mcdisMy. tleman from New York, in the- famous McLo- But, sir, I shidl probably be if an in- od as MI i go rent' as Ifte rest of us, creased duty tends to reduce prices, it affords tlie least; and my friend from South admit the binding instructions as equally nqjrptection to the ntanufacturer. posi- Carolina is not disposed to brook insults toj.he one as other.

Now, I tion is more specious than i i llrtea i come from, whom they may. WiTIjjen- ---nfffactuFefi Uiougiral: cm pn car fy out Qfclr views, ajid' 'rnaK'e nc nry 3-100 perches Cl STONE 1400 do STONK. lor coursed 1700 do KUBBLE STUNK; 400 do STONE, for rough Masonrr; 25 tons CASTINGS; 750 Red aiifl White OAK 350.000ft. board, measured TIMBER widPI.A: for Pile limiting; ft. board, measured White Oak Plank; COPPER WORJC for about oT bridrin? and LUJMBF.T? far about 1'200 ft.

Trm, Bru Howe's rwtent.) with three Trass Frames, rei in? about 800,000 feet board u.emure. -the r. her and ot" the principal varieties bi as follows -UoO STRINERS, 4o feet long, 5 feet by 1 infills, 1300 BRACES, CO to 25 ftloiig, 34 fc 04 square. 1000 l-Toor TJ.MHEKS, 55.000 feet Hoard measure 3 in. Pine and Mem if the palace of those resolves, does not sustain protecf and verv ably of the General Bank- samp rpducca preparat.on for the defence of the country, on rupf B'lM, or raOier in oBpowt-or- to ih.

repeal. an(i approve the course of i who opposed tins a llan lfiiclurers to the ground that, if nlFrhen would be peaceable, He opinion vcjy strongly also in i a equ condemn and rebuke him who i with tlie foreign, by securing them W( might have a military i i if the ex- ftvor of the Uw it WM, unW lime shoum jt Let the whole history of the tbe polrty to which foreign manufac- Passion be- allowable. When the genyevuen efficient fo the 8 t.rer, fluently hare recourse, for Uie will 1 of destroying our infant establishments- been taken off, it is true, bm that does notdivest alft ware thftt i an. h. aired.

i to one hundred memorials weie go thus far, then they may talk of free but not before. vu any sraonstrancc or repeal ofthe Bank- SilDic doren memorials were an opposite character. Mr. 'i'all- entcd.tha proceedings N. Boani of Trade in relation to the Bill, the document of meaning, and it is aa much stract piinciple to the understanding'of! 110,000 feet "Uonrd "menhir 4 'inch -Bpruw Hemlock A to be delivered at or near PorUwotttn Kittcrv.

ForYurtli'er iufoniiation jan 25 S. NOT I best assortment in cst Nv tf 2 East Jan A TJ3NANT -for- cupied by rent proraptly, jumediBte THOMAS A. r. Richard 4 jewelry store. Iff Among tne remonstraruveg ptntej) looming, oru from The bnsinew, beyond memorials reaHing of the Bankrupt- to say to Williams Sir, the democracy is not the House; the whole subject is onp.of Louisville, was 'broken open, on- the 15th, LA vonr vote uoon this bill the I a practical character, I i illustrate this pnn- a fobbed of thirty-four fine gold watches, aad satished with your vote upon this bill the re- a i a casc a large number of valuable and m8l solves of JH-JO, it is tiue, jrraetically skitid you ar ticle, now free of duty, is gelling in our he whole probably worth sv or atven going to tear and let market the elements which make up vAiir nwn resnonaihilitv WP nrp "118 price hre I boxes of first sale by "NEATS-FOOJ PUKE vf 5i ARGF.ST you upon your own responsibility we are 18 price -i-iat nf i i-n coet for market, i of importation 10cents, inrporter's profits, 10 this 'l-fce of tbe day, for five WM the of the Tretsuty Bill Die teing on tbe final of Bill.

Kad a braih wd coriditioto oF going to say to'you that the resolves of 1840 we no longer expressive of the wishes ofthe demo- can be manufactured country. let crur.y, you are reqrtfsted now back track or resign your seat. Jiams obey, or WjLl he resign spark of honorable feeling left, he will spurn enjoying large will i L. A 4 A fVk A AA. A Our acknowledgements are doe to Hon.

und H. Blake" for docu- the Wil- one of-our citiiens go inte the manufacture of thii artir.le, and what i be the. result Why, Uie foreign manufacturer, whro has heretofore II he has one rnjO Uie monopoly of our who put irtp.t him, Ml the Ihc ti to hiiieat. wiH MI SSTOnba flner wiiHngty. forego ul himself to be bawiboorltd; and if purpose of of anotlur mtnw in this country the importer will 90 cents to the Amcricgn imr the time be in Compound' Boneset ThU i great fume for i' rt of enldi, i i 11.

ineel, who it on (he who'onU principle, tmt findr it htr work la rrfitrre Ji fbr hlnrltlf, (o M- of iti3 doable wouftf Irad hiui excellence of tlioir l.on a ii Link A 1 door and F.ncy, from juftt Silrir id Stands. jari SI INEWSPA'PERf iEW'SPAFERt.

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