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Butler County Democrat from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 4

Hamilton, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ISSUED 1 i Evening Democrat EX-EPT SUNDAY' BUTLER COUNTY DEMOCRAT COMPANY AkD'GCN'l. MSH. ftw HulullUm Daily Dotuocrai i The Duller respectively, of tlie HiimiHon and Duller County BUSINESS i I iiATKB. thank? 5 cenls per line. Obituary rtsotuUous 5 cents per line.

waiter io cents per Inie for vtt rt per Jiue forsubsequem of tame mailer. fc7 cb'JK-ies or Icxlups Mich menus, irfeJ, 5 rtnta irtr line. Display aclver- Us UT fur cbuiilies'ur lodges, where admit- ctarged, per itich. I.odr:e line. All fu TEOPLR'S Cot.oM.s- mliin Pally per Ouc nionth Per carrier' Siiisle rr.

"TIE BUTLER COUNTV DKSIOCKAT. By mail per year (hi fr.x A Call To Duty In the City Of Hamilton. The nomination of Congressman linrlon for the mayoralty of Cleveland is most hopeful and sijjn of man a i i i i i i i a i i i i a connr-ils a I c.ill of dufy and itcvotcs himself, to local nmnic-ipal ali'nirs it means greater and Iwlter uvic govtrnmeiit. American municipalities are' 1 1 Ihe a link in entire chain of governmental units, standing (In- srrftil- ent need of patriotic and cilivicnt men, and offering to piiblic-spiriled citizens a higli opportunily oi' working for (lie public good. When men like Sir.

Hnrton devote themselves io ifmriiripal jiolitics, ns they must, lo broad-minded and intelligent oin cities be lifted from their depressed condition of nfficinl morals, and started on the to better things. i will forne nlien Ilie benefits and the advantages of city 'life will be shared bj nil the people, adininislrations which, in eyei 8ie tinh norlli.v of American enterprise, Imiicsly'ami' hiismess ability. The nominution of Mr. Burton, aiii! his irillFif'gness lo make (lie is simply A SACKIFICK TO DUTY, and js particii- Iwlj applicable to the city of Hamilton at this very minute, the demociadc parly lenders have unitedly asked the hiahest- giade business men of our city to make the race for board of public service These men measure up in this jui't ns strongly as Burton in Cleveland. men will sacrifice, if lliey consenl, jnst osJfi Iliirlon has sacrificed, but flere arise limes arid conditions' in'lhe Instory of parties mid of ineii, when sacrilics is (lie thing neccs- fOi the good all the people.

-Jhc Democrat-Sun hopes, wiCiin few days, lo liiake public the niHWi of three men who wjll accept the unanimous liori'iiunlion of tWi pnh men are not candidates; they a'rn beind a Ihe office is scekln the'men and back of them is the unanimous' choice of the dcmoualic a ns expressed by (he 'leaders' of every shad" of opinion. About "Organs." The Republican-yeas seems 'very' because' and Hie advocating in Ihen respective cilics, certain c'aiicliilalcs fir o(lice. "Several times these Uo papers, an.Mhe neniocrar-Siin in Jbs been the ob- part in ject of SMnelcoimiiant because there an abseiic'n oi''''lakiii pnittarics," I i i i Xqn we 'would like ask the IlepuWican-News to -rw readers nhen it took any part, in republican The Deiimcriit- Sim has been called an "organ" bcfai'ise not deem it in'llie party primaritwX Did- UK; ev cr take part in owe of its parly primaries? If noi, '(hcli is it not an "oix-m" out rf own month? Clark Lane- -Benefactor. i Lane is dead. The raali who gave 'to Haimllon 'the library tliat bears his name and the Children's Home building, has answered the last Ion- 'summons.

In the death of Clark I-ane therc'bns passed from (lie stales nf this life Hamilton's most, conspicuous public, benefactor. Thirty years or more ago Clark I.anc one of the most prominent men in our city. He was connected with what was then'tlic liis? iminnfnc- tnrinsf ciitcrprise-thc shop of Owen, Lane and Dyer. Two of I a firm took their own lives, llcverscs came to i.nue and be left Ibis eily the scene of his business triumphs but in the heyday of his career ami initime he became Hamilton's lirat public benefactor. (lie citv Une Free Library, an institution that is fostered .1111) cared bv our people and which will ever be a monument to his name.

Mr Lann also gat Hamilton and Butler county Children's Home, grounds-another couspieuons of the big hearted imui In recent year, Clark of th'e world: Hie iBflnBlliM of and disease have him ont of MIC affairs of wen but Ihe Clark Unc.of former days, the Clark 10 library and the Children's Home, that Clark Lane will ever 'he honored and receded Hamilton and his name ITM a pcnmmcnt in our Presents To In jwierday's i ss Ilemocral-Snn comment was made on Hi pracliee of great qnanlity of (lowers to new counlv ollicials and ihe inMncerily of many of llic Ii) this connection there, is a cnslom at the courthouse hal might well be dispensed will, ar tc salllc rMSOI1 js is the givin- This Is just as full of insincerily as wagon load of llowers lo the incoming officials a ytllin to must come from it would be a fracture of. the lo sav a cvcrv nrin i (i lC a ft the mouc- of a shc) slom the a a i a He -loing away with the Hora Two county officials have taken office "recently and have 7 CrS miUC(i snm l(lV "iv ehrmg ofllc presents might well- be dispensed wilh. Protect The Streets. a a cm is lcarnc(1 I1iat a trnmc 1 brick corner of Third and l.udlow streets will Thi ntl to attention the necessity of. an ordinance proven t- be (hlt lsh tlle strccts al lc es 't ,7 building jnst sold are paved street WUf gS rc1 ire streets to be punched orliuancc cVveritig this mailer, council should and enact an ordinance making il a misdemeanor to i'iT plve1 streets in such a way.

lifcog prompt fcction Thc jieople will uphold conn- is ii ricli''country, of iiul w.e can almost any sort of in L'xpcnililiii'o of ire-ivisli, but (he record'of (lit trcasu-' for Hie past month Iliat even he richesl imlioji cnii be i too iiucli of a spomllbrift. 'J'Jic receipts 'or AiiKiist show an increase of about ivo and a millions over thcj same of tin; previous yea; 1 Bill he expenditures have advanced in the amo lime so lhc surplus i he ivcr four and a half million le.s limn I mis for MUG. The increase expenditures accounts for of Ihe aninimi, but. Iliat for he army and navy over 00. This, il will bn observed, is with he ai-my and navy on a peace froliti.

Tlie city of Hninilion might U3 a9 veil look sharply lo its own interests i everylliinf; coiinecleil wilh the I'liclimi i i wnnls roads but (lie people also 'lint Ihe roiids lo reaped nil the of (ho eily. The eily nntliori- ies are justified in .1 n'rm a i ncle and it in every ropo-iilion. York Oily still hns -Ifl miles'of orse cars in ojicralion and the public en-ice commission ot' thai city is a se.iivliinjf as to he In days of rapid r.insil one would hardly believe foremost eily had so much Id fashioned mode of transit. or shall meet, but we. shall miss will be a iinputav, song during Kentucky Home week.

The re- etice, of course, will he (o Gover- Tavlor. The counlv commissioners nor rushed or stampeded in the an- 'XaiioM niatler. The three officials their best judgment and ct i Are Ready Por Your Inspection. We have riev6r had the pleasure of showing so large and complete a stock as this season Few Specials That Prove Ready Sellers I 36 in. All Wool Panama, all shades yard 4.0 in, Checked and Novelty Suitings, a per yard SO.ihj AH Wool Panama, regular $1.00 quality.

per yard SO Brofidclolhs, complete line of $1 00 per yard .42 in; Wool Taffeta in, all the new per yard Checked and Striped-Suitings, very stylish. per yard ft be to your intsresttosee us before buyingyour New Pall Dress give Local or Gold trading Stamps with all purchasesin our Dry Goods Dept. IIIII I I I am Coun ty And Annexation, "If the couniy commissioners on next, Wednesday decide to 'oliaiUe (he boundaries of the Greater City, llnis delaym- for months the lime aiinc.valion goes into effect, they will -work a wron on Ilic people of Die suburban territory, and at (lie 1 same, iiiite violate Ilia I'-iil!) of tlii.s'ciiy." The is from Hie j( i ri sample -of a papers absolute disregard for Hip i i the rights of even-body when it has political or selfish fnriJii'i-. What a eomlmons? Th- council of" passed an ordinance iixmg certain boundary HUM. The Hie count commissioners must concur; in other Hie action' of annexation, in order lo bo accomplished, must fc concurrent by ihe city council and coiinci.l B.jpcicd lb.i- ordinance, 'without any refcif-nee lo (lie IJpmoi-rat-Hiin says now as ii said i time, the Ijoniitlary i i as crwtcd by coimoil tonk in some; farm Iliat should have be I left on! and left out some i a slionlil in nil fairness, have been included.

Tlie ciuiimiisiimcvfi arj. iiipjw.ied excrfise jiidSincnl they art not supposed on any question li.istily or foi- seiitimciitalircasonsriluiic. nciice county commissioners now linve Hie before then) and the people are cxpcctiui; them lo do jiijlicc to every and In nvei-y interest. The eounly commissioners favor KH a- Clrealer Hamilton. eily eomifil f.u-ors Ciiraler Hamilton The only pnnit at issue- is lines as nearly and as imssiblc (his is Hie cminty commissioners are now considering.

The Deinocrat-Siiii Likes Ihe pjsiHon (lint XOW is (lie time lo nn-aiige the boundary lines RlCiU'i'' ami if, in I i a i of lire com- niissioneK sligbl e.s should 1, 2 :1 de, I mako'lliB All (Ins talk the about yiolalin? any pledges to I i people (lie suburbs is downvi-ht rot. The only pled-'c "iven was io accomplish annexation and give the new territory all the r-fty advantages possible and as soon as possible. Annexation' WIU. BK accom- plw.lifil; ma.v not come as soon as Ihc Rr-pnlilipan-Xcws wants it but it iv, I be put into forrt and effect in cmii-sa of time jiossible will done for the people vrlio become nhrl of- Hamilton. A Titled Foreigner Adopts New Method.

A story pomes from SH.encdady, N. to the ofTwl that when Miss btortdard, of a city, was before the Jlymencnl aU tar wilh Alvm DC Koressy be confessed to her IJmt lie was an Austrian Imron. He had wished to win the jjirl for love alone, a (berefore, the tralh ponra-mus himself was carefully concealed from her i just bo- iore Ihe minister had pronounced Hie words which made her Ihe nobleman a wife. The lady nearly fainted when she learned a she was to Imvc a title, but she duln'l hesitate for a moment, lo on with her part ol ihe ceremony. Here, at last, wo have an American -irl manyin-r a i man for love and love alone.

He Koressy Iiad worked as an receiving a salary that was not larpc cnonv-b to make any -iri vci-v anxious to marry him for his money, hence he had double assurance lint he was i i a wife who bad no thought of his worldly possessions or social connections. It is a i inspirin- We can think of lt one jlnns- a (lc aiMc( lo complclc i lnl pinoss aiul bride. How delightful it would be now if her father W0 re lo oon- Ilial lie a i imillimillioiiairo and explain thai he had carcfullv a a i so darter might he wooed and won for love. this could happen the story wnuld woi-fh dramatizin-r us hopo that other lilled 21 who come lo this mnm'rv search of wives may adopt the baron's plan, so a they may bo in no danger of missinR th 9 love that should be so dear to them. There have been so many mistakes in the past a a of procedure, is dcsir- lc.

Karon De Koressy seems lo have found Ihe rislil wav We Imrc thai. Jie and the girl may lie happy ever after. greater.percentage'of'Uio onl-; put-of pencils is made. 'Taking i jonsideration the fad i renl wasle in getting Ihe 1 ity, that the trees ore confined lo, Dixie land, a no systematic of-' fort has been made lo Imsbauo supply, there is a prospect i 1 liortnnt changes in. tiio pencil in.liis-, Iry in the not very distant future.

1 The circular says a certain I a the mills now in opera-i licm must shut down inside en yen re, and Ibis regardless oi any I measures which niny'iic lakcu in I meantime lo protect, the young' Ihat a'stand'cf sov- i enly-five to eiglily Irees for pencil wood will shon- jirolil of 5 at toe end of sixly yours. For man i small and a start toward grave this is not an atlraclive inveslment, but i'l-is point- 1 ed out Hint pencil irporations might wisely invest ill' large holdings'and care for them in a mnnner. Hu.irgcsi.inns foi Secood Hatiooal.Baol,.,, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital and Suiplus Resoutces Ow Two; Million, WR.ECTORS: YicePresidenti. CHAP.LES SOIINGEN, OJUCKY'V. PAKTUSII, Interest Paid oh Savings .30 --then- proper care are L-ivcii.

it is .1 if Ihe republicans nominated Roose- .1 KliniV 111 line ii) liimiv thai iii iliis case as in many others, is iJoing a work Ihal sli prove of groat value lo (hi; pco- Tlin pity is I a (be not r'roiiFed lo lhc necessity lor vork such Imvos Ind been if in wiili the. eonnlry 'j majpii- licent groiylli of limber. i Tafl for president, uiu ueciiii- W011 Ifei-e's hoping 1'or- akcr is 'transpires that Jlansfiold was a Tlic Republican-News lasf jiticmplcd to make some sport of the way the; word penucble was spelled in Wednesday's issue of lhc Democrat-Sun. That paper spuku of orthography so advanced I a it makes simnlilicd spelling look like au an- tiquily." The only defense the Demo; eriit-Snn has io offer for the spelling it used is Webster's fiiternationai dictionary. The spelling the word iray be right or it may be wrong, but all the world, Hie liepublicati-Ncws has the least right to olter any criticism of any one.

That paper's daily mistakes are so numerous and so ludicrous, in spelling, sentences and lincs, il is a joke in. Hamilton nml by-word aiHon-r newspaper publishers. This paper lias never seen fit, in a spirit of charily, lo refer to Hie multitude of qrrors of our contemporary, but it we had as many im'slakes every day and was Ilie laughing stock of even school children, we wuidd never refer to (lie iuislakes or shortcomings of any one else. When the school children of Hamilton were huyinjf dozens and downs of lead pencils yesterday I ij.iv for Ihier work Ihcre was pro- little thongbl of the close- relation between pencils and the mil- ter of forestry tliat is giving our people and the government cousiderfib'3 serious though)', F.vcry year there are manufactured in ibis eonnlry some 313,000,000 pencils, and that means ,1 consiimplion of 7,200,000 cit- hie foci of wend. I happen I a lhc pencil manufaclurcrs have lo lie particular (he wood.

It must be, ns one of Ihe circulars of (lie government's forest service snys: "A soft, even and slraisbt sr.iinedt free from defects and one which will not cbccV or warp." Now there is jnst one kind I a seems lo be entirely satisfactory and Ihal 'is Ihe heart The Democrat-Sim today received an envelope containing sonic clipping. from Friday and Saturday's issue of KqmbliMu-Xcwf. i'fhe oiliy wrijj, iiiR (his It." V'. is probably needless to say tliat ilic clippings were full of gVolesiine errors, The a a report of Inn-Mil of l.ihor waflcsjahd the rolnil prirr.s of food show an.Hncrcase in (lie averasc wages per iji.onr in 100(5 of per cent, while rtl'f relnil prices of food adranced 2.0 cent. Neiialor Foraker, in his speech at nuaKer, in ins sneccli nl the red cedar from which much the the pioneer association field wa 'uotliiii! he died.

the mailer wilh Then Same old story. Nothing is bail you don't Ihink. it is bad, is the Christian, Science theory. any one ever seen thLs theory applied to nn The Secretary oC the Treasury is releasing immense slims Ihat 'Ihc go'v- cnimcnt docs not need froiii ihe customs receipts. a of a scheme would il be not to lake them in the first place? A southern contemporary remarks Ihat Judge just as available as a prcsidenlial p-ssibijity ns he ever was-, Ixil's see, was about 8,000,000 votc.s shy, wasn't i France has persistently disappointed both London and St.

Petersburg by not selling any of the familiar lo report" dispatches from Morocco. It is important to have Ilie boundary lines of fircalcr Hamilton RIGHT at 11m lieginniiii'. Some newspapers, arc now "The Col. Roosevelt and Col. Bryan are not bothering so much over who said it, as ovor who said it first.

Hamilton's last bonds sold for a premium and a prelty good premium at Ilial. DIVORCE ALLOWED. Oard, Monday gran red John Reams a riivorcfi from Jfary M. Kcanis inn absence'for orer lly-ee Nasa liie 1 cures cetatrb aod drives away a cold ia ihe quickly. Balm ts (tlaccd Into the mwliite, aprwdi oret the membrane and ia ateotTwrt.

Belief i a KcOintciJiJacyrcfoJIon-j, It la cot not produce sneering. Large Size, 60 centa at Brug- gisti or by mail; Trial Size, 10 centa by mail. BLY Wftrrso Street. Ke(f A Excursion to Eaton, Account of Fair. JIJO found trip from Hamilton.

Special train leaves 7 a. m. September 12 and 13. Jamestown Daily Excursions to Tour of East with Stop-overs at Kttsbwgh New York Harrisbarg Boston Baltimore Philadelphia Washington Richmond and other points Go OEe Route-Return Another Northwest West Southwest SPECIE REDUCED FARES. For particulars call on Prank Cronin, Ticket Agent.

DAVID WEBB PSDERTAKER ft EMBALiCEi HO Bt, HaiimoB, 0. N5irhT, SAW ABUUOLAB. Uui-Slars were again busy, in Norrh Third strcei, night. Miss Xnnnio. Kennedy's home Miss her.maid saw a man at The police were notified..

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