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Butler County Democrat from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 6

Hamilton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

''(DREADFUL STOKIBS TO Coliiinlms, Men of r'onlth Ohio a i a guards, i he i i boily of- Ohm lo sec. service in France. A 1 1(tv 00. BOYS GQNE COME FROM PALESTINH. STAY, fey i i Friday, I i i i linvu'st'cn IhHiut (Correspondence hy Tin: of 'u.

i jiieui --The i a i in hilcstinn l.iu-al companies ill i i (111 regi iiicnl It'll Columbus i venter- i summer is ilte most sinci scheme of is alreai mU ark (eujaic'l iiojfcv ot ii am ktll- iml it was nut known i i were a i so a if 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i I hi. nii.ijiMi.r* i i I I'l-i. I iiienl did not know i de-i i i i a i 1 0 1 I 1 can sari- them lei-civ i al i in 1 it Sum i i IJY 3 I In- (inlv hope i Imovs them UN is I I a i i 1 i i I Hi'- i i arum's nniv vitli the Third liniment Co. Mrs. Shelhouse, a Estimable Wont' 1 uti 1 i i i I i somewhere, in i i i prepare for lo their southern cump.

1 i I i i i Cim-innali this C'tl- vr! 'rs, ifnil I 1 a i i lor a a in complication ol'; diseases. Ohio." Men. Sh.dho'iigi- iho' 'widow 'flic men i a I Col. I i I i a a i i i i i-liiet' i i i i i i i Old" a a i i i i mi the troop inovenicni, liii; il Inutile i i i a i i i a I i i i i a rondv i I I I -'ali-- Hi liV Huh il dmv oaf the Turks. i i i i i i i ni i a i imfm'lmiiilc i i i raei-s, a i i i nmpJi'c a a i i i i a Olii I I I I I I I Cul.

Hi' who a Odii) i 1-Yaak liis i an, I is i dn Hi, we, a i i i i i i i i i i i i a i i i i re- in i i i i i i a.s a i i i i i i '41'n- fin i TinJi's. a i i i i i i friend- and ri'laiivi's to Cincin tho Slicllioiiso. wlio lior in 11 yrar.s ai ,1 tlif nl 1'i'lcr anl i i i Slu- was 11:111 I i mui-miiir lo sa and lo i bo. I i probability, i i a i in i is stad' i lie away from honii! a i i i I ho, week. Prepara- i are made by l-'rrsl i a i nuw i I i sired a Ohio bos i a a I i ainbiihini' i i l-'roonuin avenue arm ml i i i i In -o at the i from norid a I of i 111 i l-'inirlh i i i i i 10 i)n- i a i i liappeuiuL's i bur- ei I'l'arhes i i a i i A.

i Co. slowly. It is i i i i i lo Jcarn iJie a i i i a a umnl genera! ra ol i i a i is in our "The i a i i a lielell ill, Alii. i i i a a i i i now oni Co. a i i i i i i i i Syria and a i a i I i a I I I i i i a boiim a Co.

K. Co. 1 1 i i i a i a 1-1111111 1-1 ivinir orders. In Ihe regiment camp yesterday i i I I orders, were received concerning the assignment ol' I i of nn-n from each company lo a i i i they i liei-orne part a i i i Ohio rejii i i i were busy i i niil i day desi'iliiitinu: ibe men. I is not bow many men tin; First reiiiiiieiil will lose i 11 i-- believt'd the -mi I'u.

from and Colnm-i 1 i-s Co. i lianii. Coliiiiiliiis: lo sei out nj.on i i i i but clothes ihev woiv. 26 States Will Furnish The First i were in i Unit to France. a i A IIL'.

1 for i i i i i i i i i i a hoojis to delivered i I i i lo he asM-nibb-d arc; i projiosed lo i-any unt the same i i a i a i a Wisconsiji. 'pro'jram al nsali-m. head uril- N'ew Vurk. Oliiri, i i a Alabama a i liowever. protested Unit, a a I i i I i a a 1 11 i exliibilion fil a a ihey Maryhmd.

Carolina. Cjilij'orHjii'Ipreli-rred to chance the risks of war conimand upon notice. I is the im- Alissoin-i. i i i a i i i a i of pression of officers in ibis unit a i '''CMS. i i a Xew forced a i i hospital men will djiwlly to ties-see.

Oklahoma, i i i Montgomery to assume I'ne responsi- new orders nl' I lie war department, i Ohio two divisions posed of approximately lO.fillU men each, i a of the single division of probably men. Officers and men Cue regiment will a i al speedway camp un- i orders are received which include probable all companies of the ro'ri- loent now encamped at (ieoruc'town. iilant-licsk'r and Lebanon will combine i (he Cincinnati companies before I a i i i for southern a i i i i i camp at Mont-'omery, Ala, Orders liave been received hy Major Kpelmnn. i'irsl Ohio i hos- pitiil. lo be ready move his entire i-iiilo, Oregon, Kansas.

The othe-s i i i ie i i i i i i i i -s a i i i i i 1 11 lf '11'' a i i i i i 1 i i i () a i GERMAN SPES IN NORWAY ARE ARRESTED. i i a I I lla- i-oi-dini: lo Tin i i i a i i Jf 1 i i i i (linn, X. Y. ltt i i many from io Norway find i at tl.rtv in i i i a i a by i i i i In adiomrtei-s ai SUH-! holm. Chris! a i a rr-i-enih- i i h'lidi'i-s i aiTcsicil sponsi- bilities of Ihe sanitary condition of (he cum)).

I was preparations of the central department in hasteii- in.U' the departure of troops yesterday two car loads of cqiiir.iigi. 1 rirrived at the -Fii-st nuimciil. camji, and were plncod a railroad sill- ing ai Sbiironville. Tho coiisiuunicni i 1 sicnouli-eineiils iucludiw sboes. hats and -rifles.

Hy tnni ery man in Ihe unit i Ji efjuipjied fully. i i i a clothes will be discarded i thi. end of I'ne, EVERETT BARKER ON A JOY RIDE. I i i Kverett liarker. 1 i -years old.

i Il wi 'y iutli 1 I-- MinL- 1 1 'I- i i i i ivir i b' i I a i i a i BOSTON ABANDON LABOR DAY PARADE THIS YEAU I I I I I i i i i AMERICANS 10 HELP CANADA HARVEST HER CROPS THIS YEAR residents of of being uy. i and ihat he was driven iVo'ii sleeper lo Itavina, he left a i a bfi: a joy riile. I i parents. Mr. Uiirki-r' IVck and Souih avenues and Inive had considi.r.ible trrniblc wit'li i son.

lliree weeks hi? vcporli-il lo ibe pidict Kvereti had di.s;i.,|M'arcd from hruii i and boy was I -nlcd. Mi- lias jn i i wcnii i 'J WILLIAM HOGAN'S HOUSE 1 IN FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP BURNED TO GROUND Deaths Oalftil to Kwt. -Mrs. Ciiilierini. ftlielhonse died iloiiday cveninj; at 7 al tin Tucker, -lil-j i i i i at lh. Sliellicni.sf hail iicon a stiffm-i' I year anil eiiiiie its- a nici'i-ilnl relief. Alls. Sliel'innse leaves lo nmnrii her loss six f-hililreii, tliree sons anil di-aw Sliellionse, Ilis-. Tiickci.

Mr-. Slanlev liniijilelizldivn, lers, allei'iKKiii. Peter Stroher Passes Away. Peter Si roller as St raver I died al bis home Tll'J Soiilh avoinii' at o'clock Sniidav of il8 years, nionlh.s and 'I'l i Innl been an employee of the Niles Tool Works Co. and is survived hy his willow, a stepdaughter, Mrs.

Ld Kenes and a i Obci-rdl. i i was vet- as member Cn. 47 HejiiiiK'nt, Ohio i Me to I lie West Side i i i Aid society rci-enlly. ami a in a slion jieriod. The i a plaee on Wednesday iiiqruini: al Vl o'clock at Mrs.

line, liev, (lei-hold oflici- Jaiue's 31. Frail M'. Prilll. an highly respected of (his city, paA ed iiw'fiv'at (he home hir ler, itfi ()eo. 71'J Franklin streetj on, Sundav evening at 7 BOYS OF BUTLER CO.

The of jj WiErojiAiu, or umr.v lii'Hil- ley Sheep clubs throiiL'hout; the. United a i and Ihe lied Trunk slore, )Vill Die lopiil jisjeiH for (lie All boys of Bntler wnnity between veals of iiiclnsive are lo i iiiis hut the boy i i i i ho vouched by ()lc fo j. loivinir of our dealers or Ins M1 li( ll( i. by I he wimiiy or a land owner who is citizen of i Cnitcit Slate; a l( (,,, fls (1I on llie il.s of (his booklet to the Iwy.s t(ie r-lnh. A i iys it-ill have llie be awarded i i a flock of lour hrc1 es.

Tfiese winners will i what will be as class Then class will he formed by lie nc.vl (wehe successful hoys who have the (welve best papers and Ihe same prixes will he awarded to them as was to class The whirs will give a note pn sheep payable in five years i i per cent interest. The sheep will be delivered in October or vcmbcr, to the location of the winni'i's. The following jirixos will be given a a for the larnesl increase in flock: 1. Cancel note i pnn-linso price of sheeji. '2.

Cancel note for price ot' sheeji. One pure bred ram. 4. One pure bred ram. -Kij in jrold.

(. -fl. in 7. Bradley sweater. 5.

llradlev sweater. in t'olil. i 10, 14, n.c.bds. a i i i i a i blanks i lie mailed vonr naiiK-s nt I lie Kcil store the lied WOOLEN MILL IS sf nick- iiiiiilher said thai Chris Kotiniii liofeii WORTH MILLION AND HALJE 1 a eTM ifijpftd.ijilieiioiioit of (tic bitlcr ease prpvfrkuriln'e. Friday tt a ahd Lonora iScheiljorl of' Dioir htit'eji on visit-: Paul Bciiriing- Desirous uf sceinx (heir brother-in-law Paul lien niii'-ritofen, who at llie plant, flic-firls- started a They look i i soine'w art'l packed in a iired Ihe i and called names, "i no rlif were too friaiilened to (ell their ission at Hie plant anil returned, fo the slerlCCs resilience for protection.

net caused (hitI otic Co. at tho Heniiinehofon home on Dn'yloi. street. The mill is closed down today there, will be no furllier ailompt 'in ojjc'ralo it for the present. Ditrifijr Ihe height of trouble Friday nisrhr some one (he fire deparliiienl he called to Ihe.

crowd with water. wns sen! in arid, the Twos responded. Both companies at oiicc returned. The only person 'hurt A. Slmler.

Ho sviis-in diinmr (he bombardment willi Ore rocks and bricks. Tie was slrnck on (he head hy a sfone. UK i is OXFORD nOLLIJGE MAKES- i FINANCIAL SHOWING. Oxford, 0., fiiiiiCTt Welsh, lrcas.urev of-the for just inaifc' p'iiji-' lie tlif finnncial slat.emeiil''ot.t^e i c(l, for the last'taleiidnr year. This" is of the i as acemintinp; ITir Ihe Rlewai-dship of the hoard of; (fiistcca.

The slnic- nieiit shows a gross income of for the is at tlio rale hirs. the. of good will is not carried on hooks as a tangible asset. Ihe income records' over a period of years incline, many lo prefer i busis of valuation rather BOMBARDED WITH ROCKS. SP Ihnn Ihe physical- assets.

The pre- The strike oi (c.vlile worlicrs at ried on serious aspect Fri- horn in Warren on fioecmber 9', J-S-IO. In CictoM i liV'fe i in to Ki.iina a'lso of rfari'eii eoiu'iiv." A family came lo lo''malic their hoinc aiid have Hve'd here evcx Intildimfs and equipment are ear- as depreciation are made, snbjecl (o an iu- idebledness of cried. uvunmn-s OL i-c- when a not was narrowly ll( (li iona iwid 'ii'-c ami administration An a a was nude on Iho hu.1,1- rah(L p-ent i. nt i he yd lived in Warron conn ty he became member of ihe Masonic order of l.oveland, Ohio, hav i'n'L' belont-ed the blue, lodjie of (he order OUT i years. Tie a served his a i i of Coiiipany C.

1-lfith Oliio i a i i i was a momfjrYr' of 'the' (i R. of a i 11 w'lis: a a i i litis- band and a IMOI) lafh'er to bis family and though bis sufferiirjrs were Hi--' duration, 1 bavin" boon bedfast nee a i of tliis yenr, he war, paiienl lo i end. Besides (he nerenvcd i be leaves (n mourn his loss three Mrs. I'nberls of i i oily. A Henry Pippcrt of Mid dlntown and Mrs.

C. Shook Oxford, Ohio, also one.son. iinymoinl I of oily, who a if Irie.nd.s and neighbor; loin; chei i.sii his. memory. The funeral will take, place from live Sal- I oi i i u.ii.t:-!''!" 1 (l llla li! NGf foil i i i Una- I 1 1 I I I I i i 1-011111 A i i i a i i i i I room dwelliiiL' on the lario owned by SAVED FROM THE OCEAN WHEN SHIP HIT THE MINE Boston, U.

-'A iMhh'uriini I i i i ni a i i i i N'cV i ho.iprinf i in-. i i i i i i i a i a i i town.sbip. i i i i SIMM beast oi eitv. A liri'jadi- formed by tile i i pivvi i i llaincs from rnllowini; a i i a i i i i Dowlv. and the Twos wi-in tli but a i i Km late to as- I bouse ol Mrs.

Gco. Koberts, TTJ l-'railklin street on Tuesday a i i i i Penick of the n. church i i in.LT. Rnvial i a place in Greenwood comet r-rv. 1-fiends i i lo view the ro- i i i i ,1,, so any i a 7 o'clock this evening.

BADL YCUT. Carl and a leav- Home late Sundav 'frees i i i i i i Ki-oneleld. two lie i i hail a i i i were'. twicer a i and son. hecamr- in-it down 10 prevent the tire from viewerl by Davi.l anouinvd Hint A hi, i bnhy and Donu-las I i ol ivlio wen- on -leainer of sunl, by a mine UT-IV a lunded.

i i ol liivnel Hall an sneiely i whieh and Mi--. Hornby and Mr. ITnme arc r-onoctM. FOLDING D. INCREASES STOCK.

its Mo-ii i i i i i was attacked 800 SLACKERS IN CHICAGO. a A i i i a lo he i i i i i M-M leih-ral an opinion a I-'. Clync, di id i Jn; lY x( i a i (oday, i an Uric, li 1 Imd hr Nl to -ran, NEW BABIES. P.orn (o Mr. anil I'.

cum, 01 ,1 hnliv vi Moihcr doinjr nieeiv lloiu to Kdwai-il Hi Miss Ida Kelly) of 1 yestcrd.ny, a boy. Rnni; 17 KILLED WHEN TWO TROLLEY CARS COLLIDE. Ilr TM ''d, I 0 3 11 -Ainr. i a i bv one of the who live at HiiriiioTi avenue, and cut in the abdominal region. The in- man c-ns to Mercy hospital.

Kronelcld nt Honackcr avenue. vVhal r-nuseil ibe attack on Kronc- fcld is. noi I'xplniiied by i lh" a rn- son. STOLfeN; An a i iiuloniohile was found Monument avouni head- 'from tho local stnlifm. sired Sunday nfteVnoon nn-l lakcn in police.

It. was was found to Charles S'. McMnllen; STolre Dame si reel, OiYytotij who a notifie.d-of its presence here. Ii wns Rlnlon.u 8aturdav in for while a crowd of about 1-ilHIO persons nrotind the plant. The rt'oivd was composed of striking textile worfccis, machinists, molders and strike sympathizers.

Tlic of (he woolen mill eon- lainiiiS Ihc office iodny has scarcely .1 window i a whole pane of The windows' were actually riddled, leavinir msiss oC debris 0:1 the inside. i l-ank K. Pepper and deputies today issued a a rc- Sardinir the (rouble. "It was slated a about lasl a riot cajl came i sheriff's person jiving the call saying a officers were needed al once. 1'cp- three deputies happened he in consultation i him al time, and the three i i a proceeded lo the scone of (he Irou'tde.

Hearing a a man had nearly been killed. if. F. Vcrckor, who met. was also taken i (he sheriff and his deputies.

Upon arrival nt (he plant. Sheriff Pepper made an inveslRation of It developed that seventeen airls had been boused in iho plant. 1 and thai they desired i freedom, bill they had no way of communioal (heir desire lo those outside, not knowing Ihe senlimcnt of the crowd re- ooipts covered Iho income from tuition balls of residence, scholarships and endowment and investments. The salary. budecl for faculty and employees tolnls which givcis (his i i i distinction of payiir-r bolter salaries lo Iboir faculty a any college of its class in Ihc middle west.

The hiirbor figures have been a a on account of the experience and reputation of flirt faculty as educators, as the major portion possess their doctorate de- tlulJ(J lv arces from famous universities. The item of supplies and food, o.xle. and betterments and ijii.sco.lh c-xiionse a $800.0 amount carried to.nvard for i is 1 which is liivc, 1 ed in additional dorjnitory aiiil ol' rooms. This slHwiiig eniisidcrod very favorable as Oxford js an ilowod in.stilHlivnr-iiol- JVrr Tho oriyiual Mori-is, known thi- Kobcrt Denlit transfer lax C. MelCinney, i has'decided ai( ai order fixing i i i ol Jlam- ilton, and owned considerable prop- there.

The surrogate held that (he a i markel value of ti.i Niles- ISement-Poinl Co. slock, of which Mr, owned 8,925 shares. tiie value of Mr. McKinney's stock the Niles al The decision in i a reads as fol- "Tiio oxecntris appeals from the i i i i i upon Ihal he i 11 ji tic ii I ji at a slale ompffoller rijipViiU upon lln Around ihal valuation is Ion low. The decedent died on October Ifllfl.

II 'ijipears from the appraiser's report Ihal iho decedent held about one- ienlb of Ihe enlire capita! slock of. Iho company, and Hint between August and December there woiv a a of morn tliaa shares of Ihe stock in the open nnivkcl. 1( was. however, ajnl sold in (piantilies oi' less than 11)0. share lots.

The apjrni.sei found the hid price on Die dale of decedent's dealh was $183 a share, while Ihe witnesses piodnced on 'Di-baif ol (lie estate ieslified Ihn I Iho large block of stock owner) by. the doecdwit could not have been sold al nn aye. price of more than $145 a ''The. appraiser's report shows that Ihe slock Nile.s--I)einent-Po:id Co. was cnsloimii'jly hoii.siit and suid in the open and i found thlit represpiited the average for which Die stock botigltf and sold i i Ibn-e months hefoj-t- and Ihrce jiionlhs after Ihe date of decedent's dcaili.

It seems, therefore thai represenls tho fair markel value of the on Ihe diiln of decedent's dealb." THE MULE BACKED MARTIN THROWN OFF. Hoy Martin of Hyde Park, Oil cin- nuti, Innl a narrow escape from ra- ious i afternoon nt FiisV avoniio and (irand lioulovard when ho foil from tin; seat of a I'orjn Wilson on to the roailway and run over by Ins wagon, llis left, side tin was i i his team i a mule. mule was frightened by an automobile and jerked Ihe bed ol 1 Ihe wiujou to one side in an attempt to break loose and Marl in was from the seat by jolt the wagon received. Mr. a i was taken to the city i i in the police unto- bnhinci and a from llie and temporary smyioal aid continued his homeward.


The open air on Monday eveninir will be held at and Twelfth streets. -Mr. C. B. A i will deliver an illustrated address entitled "Egyptian Bondii-o and There will also be fonr pictures "Lorna, Doonc." The nie.elin^ on Tuosday i on luosiiiiy niL'lil has Ihe 1)c lm There will be four reels of piclnres and an illnslraled address.

i Uviir-jsloiie." iliss Afnvic Slade will render a vocal solo. eiidoivjiient WEDGE GAME IS WORKED. Pickpockels evening'work- by. (1 .011. of 1 mid Ol ''-''''-Irie raihvay from Cin- to Dayloii, and Iho Hamilton i m.i i i i i i 1 I I 1 1 i i mm ji i i which had the plant.I I gradually, br.ei One of I irirls leave (he plant and lohl (hat (lie Rirls desired to he a from (he plant, Pepper determined a was wanted and i i a addressed the crowd and lold a atrangeinents would he ade (o -Mil.

Delay ill securing the police palm! was a cause of unrest and impatience in the crowd. Pondim: (he in-rival of Ihe patrol, Sheriff Peppni a committee e.n which were members of various unions to escort (he cirls to their home, it was fully (lirec quarters- of an hour before patrol arriven. The girls' were (hen laken to their respective homes and upon order of i thr: crowd dispersed. Deputy Sheriff Oorjre Slonckei lodny staled lhat the stones which broke tho windows of the plant over Ihe heads of the crowd by persons who hid themselves and who il is believed, had no conned ion now when (lie t'nis (lie facts to liutler and JJamiltoi. cotinly residents and iho alnniuac the country in order seein-c an adcc(iiate endowmciit to at least a oulside of incidental foes, hitter arc considered too precarious lo eouni on to fulfill the college's obligations (o the community, ils the faculty and to meet the requirements, of university and easlcni ins i i i i which they are orieu- taled.

lor post-graduate, work. The trustees roporl that Oxford colli'ie is neither denominational nor sectarian as it lias no support from any of religions boards rtt present; and does not oounlcuftnec the fiction of deehvriiu: itself uon-sec- when Ihe tendency of its contemporaries is to secure subsidies from denominational bodies lo fur- 'lurions work of a partieu tie i Ol TV it i willi Xo dciiominalion and Iheil make an made, a.s the. judly perfons could not'appeal other denominations for jsupporl a.s il is slated that Oxford is Christian and thru ami slands for tho besi in clhical and spiritual train- i n- direct obligation to The trouble had its becimiinj strikers and sympathizers organized committee, to assist the uirls from the It happened Hint i i i i ainuji lo I.IM a a some shots denomination to further its in- 1 tivtil XI I'MVrii-c (-Imiii fired. elnim a the 1S sail were fired Irom (lie inside of the miildimr. officials of the company deny tho report.

It was tit? shots Ihe large crowd lo'the is Huller county's own product for all its people and has a nation- campus. of The Journal arc always il I a completely as, lo a is 1 nn offieinl. of Ihe company, hnd on ill (lamiilon 1 ilepailmetil received coin- plaints from four victims. Geoi-fio of said I a he was i-ohljod if -fMli at Middle- IOIVD.

S. Woodruff of Charles, lold of losing his- pockelbook eonl.iinin;jr and his aiiloinohilo; key. reter Kollslearlt of l.indemvald, grieves over loss of his purse ami and a from ili- said a i he was rolihcd of while boarding a car. One man was ar- rcsled on gave a satisfactory account ol 1 himself and proved. his innocence.

ELZA- BUTELR HIT BY AUTO. Thif! nirSruiivg young Huller of (hcsltHil 'sireel was found i ihe horn of. an anlA that was standiiiR on Soiilh Third street near llivli, be was told by tlio owner of the inncbinc lo slop so be. 'tailed lo run across Ihe street. 3n his contusion he ran straight in front of the truck of Die Wrijrlii confer- lioncry store, which struck Iiim.

The driver ol the truck slopped il assisled in Ihe hoy into another machine in which he was rushed to Mercy where it was I a his injuries wrro slight and he was soon dismissed iml sent home. CHAS. B. HOOVER DEAD. Midilletown, 0., A MET.

Hoover. 50 years.of njjv. Spnnisb and popular man, licit nl his honle here this afternoon nt two leaves md one.

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