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Butler County Democrat from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 5

Hamilton, Ohio
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COCTTT HENRY SOHN IS. QUIETLY WEDDED, Henry Sohn. Henry Sohn is a benedict--much to (he surprise of his friends. Hi'. Holm did Hot Inkc very mnny pjjple bis; confulemrt' when ho went I -Cincinnati on Wednesday, and (here; was general surprise when lie retui'ii- ed wilh bride--I'lmnia Anna Hogge, nhu'tr, Keiilon street, Walnut Uiils.

Tlic marriage ceremony was per-l formed last evniiig "at the liomo 'of, the bride on Ke'nton slrcei, ilie llov. Ernest Voss, of church, Mt. Auburn, oft'icialing. After (lie wedding Mr. and Mrs.

came lo Hamilton fine) then (lie secret of visit (o die' Queen-' Cily was 'revealed. Mr. Sohn is Hamilton's wealthy manufacturer, being the pni'liier 0. A. Renlsjchlcr, in the firm of.

Sohn treasurer of (he JJoov- company, nnd interested in other enterprises. liis friends' were today extending congratulations which lie received most graciously, but with the full satisfaction that he had created a surprise for those who knew him best. The marriage the age of the bride as 39 and the groom CO years, READY FOR FRESCH AND HIS BRIDE. Middletown, 0., Jan. house on Yankee road lo which Squire Eddie Fresdi will bring his bride, when they return from Iheir wedding trip today, presented startling np- pcnrance to the neighbors and pnsscre this morning, and Mr.

Freseh will have (o have identification papers (o knoiv it as liis own. As it is the house appears an animated bill hoard, every inch of the front and sides being hiing with fantastic lithographs, paper hearts placards bearing all milliner of philosophy, paragraphs and mottoes that would apply for a newly married couple. As Mr. Fresch has always displayed great interest in (lie marriage of his friends during his bachelor-days, col- lecfing nil manner of schemes to entertain the brides and grooms of his acquaintance, those friends have now returned the compliment with added interest and the result (if. their work fully justifies the cfforl, which will moro.thiiii please Mr.

and Mrs. Frcsch. The work of decorating was done evening under the direction ot such artist's as GUP. Ed and John Sebald, Lou Haas, Fred WiMIinger, Newt Shields, with a working corps of a dozen others. Plans have also been made for the reception of Mr.

and Mrs. Frosch who will understand the deep affection that Victualed it, even though it keeps Jliein guessing from one minute to iiuollier as to what will happen 'next. William Duke is. married. lie is a wealthy retired farmer of Oxford ownship.

For several years he has had an ambition to take unto himself a wife. Several members of the gentler sex have visited Oxford at his request to determine whether they woiild become Jfrs. Dnke. They went away without doing so. Several days Mary A.

Jfark- liam visited Oxford and met at the by Mr. Duke. The situation evidently was satisfactory to her because today at noon Mr. Duke appeared with her at the probate judge's office and secured marriage license. The age of Mr.

Duke was given as 75 years, while, that of Miss Markham was given as 45. After the license was issued they were united in marriage by the Rev. A. B. Austin at the Frst M.

E. parsonage. The bride was born in I.a Orange, Texas, and says her mother was a "irst cousin of General Robert K. STEVENS MURDER CASE IS NOW ON. State Is Offering Its Testimony in the Charles T.

Stevens Mulder The trial of Charles Stevens, charged i the murder of his wife, A a Stevens, was begun in Judge Gard's court Monday morning, vrilli the offering of the testimony of the stale. Prosecutor Woodruff had not entirely recovered front (ho attack of the grip (hat Icept him out of court last Friday and Saturday, hut was able to be in cmirl. The witness called for the stajo was Bertha a daughter of Mrs. Hlcvens by a former marriage. According to Miss Points, who is 21 years old, her fnllicr died in Keii- Incky in while Klevens W.IK i i i i A (he i tit Poiiils (he widow and her children moved onto (lie farm of Slcv- ens and Points married him in IflOI.

Lalcr came to Hamilton. Stevens had been married twice before and was separated from his last wife. When' (ho family came lo i i illon Bleveiis conducted llio at Hie, jiiall house on High Miss Points claimed thai Stevens the children of his wife by her former marriage badly. Mrs. Stevens, however, finally returned to Kentucky i her younger children and then her older children returned to her and they lived on a Stevens' came lo her and again they lived together but Mrs.

Stevens again lefl him and again her children relumed toiler, in September, Mrs. came hack li a i a lived with Stevens in John street, and then in Lindenwald. In April, 15)03, she left him and went buck to Kentucky. She returned a i in the latter part of July, and a living a short time on John street moved onto East where she kept boanlci'S and where she lived at the lime of her deaIh, on May '22, .1900. Miss Points saw Stevens at her mother's home on the Monday morning and Monday evening previous to'her (Tenth.

The last time she saw her mother alive was on the morning of Tuesday, May 22, about ten o'clock, when the witness was going to Kentucky to pick strawberries. She saw her mother the next Thursday night, when they brought her dead body lo their-home on lOast avenue. OTIIKR WITNESSES. Ivn Points followed lierllia Points as a witness and told about the same story. Drs.

Fitton and Jacobs then described the injury, which caused the death of Mrs. Stevens. SAW THE SHOOTING. The story of the shooting of Mrs. SHIRT BURNED.

Clarence Hnzelott, 110 South Front street, got his shirt wet yesterday Then he went home and hung it back of the stove to dry. Hung it loo close, hot five, result: When the Twos were called shortly nfler twelve they found nothing loft but the buttons and the odor. The "(ire' was extinguished. DISMISSED The suit of 'Edward llonillion against J. II.

llollhans nnd others in the common picas court was today dismissed. Stevens wns then'told by Chafles Bur- uey, a boarder at the Stevens home. wns in (he kitchen nt the Slovens home i Stevens on the night of the shooting. There was light on the dining room table in such a position as lo throw the light into the kitchen and to iloor leading from (ho kitchen into Hie back yard. Mrs.

Stevens opened (his bad; door for some reason. As she did so, Burney was faciilg the door. As Mrs. Stevens opened the door Clmrles T. Stevens was standing with a revolver in his right hand pointing directly at Mrs.

Stevciis. The instant she opened the door Slov- ens and Mrs. Stevens fell. Stc- stepped inside the door, looked at Mrs. put and pulled the door shut after him.

PERFUMED HOME OF BRIDAL COUPLE, of Middlciowt Wednesday's Hicliniond, Sun- Telegram printed the following: Failure to divulge his matrimonial jewelry store, who slipped away Insl evening without confiding to bis friends, and was married lo Miss Frances DeMand, al Oxford, 0. A fen- days ago an inkling of the approaching nuptials was learned, Inn the bridegroom-to-be denied intended marriage for several mouths, When the facls were learned yes 1 lerday evening, a parly of young pcpplc numbering'about a dozen; went lo the Untidy home- in West Richmond, where the couple will reside, ijml wreaked Iheir revenge. The EASTERN CAPITALISTS entire front of the house, was carded wiili glaring signs, announcing (o the public a llicrc resided a just entering upon their married rccr and that domestic felicil reigned supreme. But not satisfied Ibis proposed line. Ibis, the parly gained entrance Wlicn the happy couple arrived home today found the interior ble county.

of their dwelling bearing a fragrance not even a first cousin to attar of roses, in facl, (he stench is said to county closcd'up. habited, rejoicing while I 24 UK)7 5 WILLIAK ALDIW SMITH Is a native of Michigan ami Is in Ills tortr 3nr 1S7 5 lie a lawyer, a newspaper owner and a banker and 1ms nearly sir terms In congress. His home Is in Cira'nU MIDDLETOWN CITIZENS APPEAL TO WOODRUFF. Middletown, Hi. The'recent action of the milkmen in advancing the price of i a cream has aroused considerable, feeling.

It is fell thai the action of the milkmen is no! warranted by existing conditions and in pm-siiancc of this feeling 'a 'petition has been prepared and forwarded to Prosecuting Attorney Woodruff asking lo lake Hie'-necessary steps to put a slop lo the combination. The case of the ice men in Toledo is cited as a precedent for Ihe action. Pol- lowing is Ihc petition to Die' prosccnlor: Mr. Kobart S. WooaVnlf, County Attorney Hamilton, Ohio.

Dear the undersigned citizens DIVORCE- SOUGHT BY CARRIE WEAVER. Carrie Weaver Sues Dalton Weaver Tor Divorce--The Charges Made. Carrie by her attorney, Aaron Wcsco, Friday sned Dalloii Weaver for divorfo. They married in Znncsvillc August 2il, JIIK! have no children. Mrs.

Weaver cliiifgcs her hnsbniul i extreme I hat lie lias a violent temper which ho made no effort to control and would violently strike and heat her and on one occasion beat her while in bed, over her body and vitli a long wooden dollies brush. Mis. Weaves also charges noji-snpjiorl. She asks- for a divorce and restoration lo her maiden name of Carrie Young. EASTEAM of Middle-town, Butler County, would call lo attention the action of the niilhneii of Middle- Bessie Eastham is Seeking a Divorce (own in jointly i purposes I beinsf the raising of (he price of Hiijnslly.

belie to be a serious injustice especially lo Jhc working people "and (he poor people of onr cily. That flicre is no proper basis for any siicli action at Ibis time especially by reason of onr exceedingly open' winter with unusually fondant habitually nnd continually favorable pastui'rigo, besides the ex- cursed and abused her and threatened SUES FOE DIVOEDE. from Clifford Eastham. Bessie Eastham, by her attorneys A Ilarlnn Andrews, filed suit in the common pleas court against Clifford Knslhnni for divorce. They were married in Hamilton De- 10, nnd have no children.

Mrs,'i.-im allies that (lie de- We believe the milkman nnjnslly taken courage by success in doing away i bottle forcin isting. ordinary and reasonable price with personal violence and at of feed-grain. various times struck her and 'on July i i i have 1 chookd her and tried lo throw i her out of an upstairs window at their home in Dayton. Mrs. Kasllniin allcg- i also a on'September while people back to the abler customs a VV11S passing along slrect in accomplislied undertake greater oftcr as.

(heir this ilicy injustices' for a she Die defendant in corn- a'wonmn, which KO angered jircscnt iiiircasauable raises in "That nearly' everything else raised in price and w. whereas, milk was previously reasonable and proper price. believe a this action on (h Mlu 111111111115 i 1 1 lclv ill((l a passion' and hogs were fighling in a lien when Lev- Kastliain alleges thai her bus nights am votncn and wliv not i stayed out laic at nights and licpi company.wilh olbei introilnci'd such women as his wife. Haslhnm charges non-support The defendant is i i i i i niilkmcn is punish-'-' 11 1 abandonment. def Sue and otherwise; nm OK-envillc, -Miss.

able both by 'fii under (lie Anli-Tnist Laws of Ohio: and we therefore petition yon to take such proper and vigorous aciion hi has occa- this matter as VESDICT UPHELD. Indgc Clark caine over from I.cb- JAMES FENTON LOSES HIS LIFE. SUPPORT FOB BATES; ATTOBNEYS' SIGN PETITION, James M. Fenton, a Butler County Butler Cou'uty Lawyers Back John Man, is Killed in Disastrous Accident. Word was received here today thai bar today signed a petition almost pinnies XI.

1'enton, a In-oilier of unanimously asking President lioosc- 1'Vnton, of Oxford, had been kill- velt to name John K. Snier, of Coed in the wrccl; following Hie cxplo- of nlong jiidgesliip fur llio sonlbci'ii distric-D passwif(r Irain on die nl Snmlfitrd, late Salnnlay SluiiiiKm about years' ago and is a At Iciisl grailuaic of the i i a i law School. ly-lwo persons lost their lives in (lie The dead man is also a cousin of. i i a DONNELLY DEAD; 1'Vnlon, of (his city. 2000 MARRIED OOUPLES ARE VERY ANXIOUS.

i'iltsbnrg, Jan. aiv about LMlllf) couples i i in J'itN-- luirg and ils vicinity who are now wondering if they arc legally married. Since Kivd C. son of Yii't- I'rcsidciil was i i by the county i rand jury, because it is alleged a i swore i In- and bis 4)ridc, Miss ielpii Kcoll, of I his city, were residents of JvlVvrson county when lie obtained a license in Stenben- ville, every couple who were married in a i Cii'clnn Crcoh are fearful lesl (heir innri'ingv is invalid) as in every PK the bridegroom swore i i be nnd his bride were residents of Ohio. SCARLET FEVER AND DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC.

Chicago, 111., the public schools in Kvanslon and public and parochial schools of Oak 1'ark are closed by health department orders as a result of (he "rentes! epidemic of scarlet fever and diphllieria CHIT known in or near Chicago. IJiver Forest, Riverside, Grange and other suburbs are expected to take similar ni'tion. ichouls be ordered go public closed. The epidemic is spreading Ihrongh all pnris of city. There are 5,000 cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever reported.

The supposed cause of great majority of cases--impure milk. Unspeakably unsanitary eon'ditions in i depots and inefficient inspection are believed lo be responsible. RATTLESNAKES FOUND IN WABREN COUNTY Lebanon, 0., Jan. a snakes were the surprising discovery of Aimer Howling, farmer living near Ihe norlhevn border of Warrei county, when he rolled over a bonl der in a creek bed yesterday. For Innately Ilie reptiles were in a comatose slate and were easily killed They measured from one-mid a half feet lo four feet in length.

Til largest had ten rattles. The finding of several snakes of this kind gclher is decidedly uncommon in llii BITTEN BY HOGS. Ml. Vernon, 0., Jan. Levering, .1 young farmer, hud a desperate struggle with two mad pigs, in which he was perhaps fatally injured before lie killed (he animals.

The ering attempted lo separate (hem They turned on him and a desperate struggle followed. Levering's clothes were torn from his body and he was terribly lacerated by Ilie hogs fastening their lectli i his flesh. As a last resort he jerked the fence and dispatched bolli animals. Physicians say he can not live. rightly protect' Friday to hear the motion for inlenlions to his sioned indescribable woe to Frank us against such injustices onr! a iiew I rial in Ihc case" of McArdlei Kdmnmls, a popular clerk al Haner's state- laws.

We fnrUier' believe' against (he lloorai, Owens Kent-' this is a lime when a company, where Mr. JIcArdlc PINE SILKS BLOWN AROUND THE PRAIRIE Clontarf, Jan. million dollars' worth of rich Orient- milk inspection by onr stale officials was given sjtfOO damages for injurfes 1 wcre scattered over the should be'made as Ihe conditions received. Walter i a a aiid Sater of. Columbus.

The attorneys of the Butler'county the proposed )ieiv federal Ohio. Stiler CORONER CALLED. Mike Donnelly Was Found Dead Along the Big Four this Moriiing. Coroner was called (o iddlctott'ii (his morning lo view Dm of Miki Donnelly, who had icen found dead in bed in a camp conduced by a section gang south i i i along the Big Four tracks. Do-iiuOly was a man about ty ycais of ago an,) u-jis- in UK; ami slraigliteit- ing of Ilie Hig Four (racks.

Last niglii he complained of feeling ill and was and abtnil because of his illness at i i lie Ilien np- a grew: better, but this morning liis companions found bijn dead in lied. A CooniiM- Sclidinaclier vicsvcd rcintiiiiK, or nl( Lninmis to hold a PX which was done today. There was nothing suspicions a (lie man's dentil. C.OSPEL IN FACTORIES. New York, are being arranged by the churches for the holding of noonday gospel meetings "I factories Ilirmighoul Greater Xeu- York.

The movement is in charge of the labor committee of i I'V'doralion of Churches and Christian organizations. The meetings will le r'clmiary and at least fifty will be held simultaneously daily for ell days in workshops all over Ihc city. Services will be held only in factories employing 101) a more. There lire in Ihc city "SO factories having more (ban 100''employes, and the committee hopes lo hold ineelinys in more a half of these. Letters reiliicsiing permission to hold meetings were sent onl today to proprict- ors of factories, and il is believed Hint nearly all will consent.

Prominent clergymen of all denominations have signified their willingness to aid in Ilie work. The plan is to hold Tiflcen-imnult! closing (liree. minute before the whistle blows, whenever it is the custom lo suspend work for only a a hour, and lo use I i minutes wherever an hour is allowed, closing live minutes before work is resumed. Wlicn (he whistle sounds for the noon recess a cornel ist will play different sylections. may be sacred music, some non-religions air or "rag- lime." While the cornelist plays programmes will be distributed among the workmen.

Then a clergyman will give a talk. 1 fullv Believing these fads lo be true we feel it to be onr duty to so a new i a and sustained the verdict advise you and which fads lead us' of the jury. to petition yon in this way assnr-j ing yon of onr support in any proper $100 CASKET FOB a fi'rent X'orlheru train cars was smashed in a during a avgiimenls overruled the molioii for' A "'J-' 1 llus1 priceless silks were the lime seem to-very rightly demand F. liickle.y argued the motion before' Judge Clark, who a hearing the' 'terailmcnt wreck aciion of the kind have here suggested. LOOK OVER ROAD.

Dr. George, of Dayton, who is the promoter of the Ciifciunnli, Dayton Wayne traction line, was in Kalou iy Tuesday on business connected i The doctor, busy a i up to the house nnd gave the entire in- deeds for right of this line Icrior a profuse saturation i hi- through Prelile eountv and his errand chloride of sulphur and a liberal dis- lo Katon was for filing i the tribiition of valerianalo of ammonia, counly recorder twenty deeds for risltt of way through Gratis township, Pro- He is securing private right of way and expects to soon have all in a ha'vc been sonietfiing terrific. The The proposed line runs through Gra- hoiisc is today undergoing a process I is, Katon and West" Manchester, (hen of renovation, so dial i( can bq in- to Xew Madison and on lo Ft. Wayn the perpetrators are George said that the eastern in HEE PET PO'ODLE. a 0., Clara Strong, rich maiden lady, hns provided a hundred-dollar burial outfit tor her pet dbg, Teddy, which was killed by poison.

An especially designed casket, costing was secured, nnd the silver was engraved: collie, my dearest It is said (he undertaker wns compelled (o lead her a Scotch ami best friend." awiy from the dog's grave, she was overcome with grief. MARRIED IN NEWPORT. A marriage license was issued yesterday in Xcwporl lo Thomns Shock- "oy, aged 24, nnd Xellic Unrgor, aged IS, both of Lebanon. The bride was accompanied by her a 'who gave her consent to Ihc marriage. PARTITION SOUGHT.

Cora Xclson has brought suit in the of wind, while train 1 meu and citizens sought lo recover them. When -the second section of Passenger Train Xo. -I on the Great, Northern made np entirely of baggage cars loaded to (heir root's i (he silken fabrics from the realm of the Mikado, was passing east through here, an open switch was encountered and the locomotive and eight cars were thrown from the idbcd and tinned a and splintered mass of wrecka Imnnc will he the consignment soon drifted over c. TO STRIKE OUT. In -Ibe suit of Klixahelli Dmimycr against Cecil Davidson and others, plaintiff today filed a molion to strike (lie allidavit of J.

C. Slayback from the filc.s-jilletjing a Slayback represented Owen X. Kinney and other whose interests conflict i those of the plaintiff. COAL FAMINE STOPS KAILROADS. Portland, Jan.

me praclically at a slanclsfill in Ore- grin and Washington because of (he inability of Ihe companies lo obtain fuel for locomotives. The t'ar shortage is disastrous and repeated Hoods, landslides and snow in the mountains have i 1 0111ribilled to bring about congestion i a parallel. The. Wash-' inglon lines of Ihe Oregon railroad nnd Navigation company are in a desperate plight for coal and an order wen! into effect yesterday practically i a stop to freight traffic. The A i i Pacific virtually has placed an embargo on all Iranic.cast from Portland.

Washington, I). Jan. agreement wns reached by (he republican senators today on the sub-reso- i on Brownsville question, which will he introduced by Senator Forakcr and it is asserted it will re- ccive a unanimous vote of the major- fhc rcsolu- v.r.cnvcrcd i 'snow. loss to the railroad company! vi( fo ic enormous for a part of 0 senate committee on military affairs of (ho facts connected with the case in (incslion. The president's right to discharge the negro soldiers is not (o bo raised.

CLEAR TITLE. In the case of Helen Hcusel asaiust Charles G. Cnrleton and bis 'heirs, Judge lieldcn today quieted the tilie of the real estate involved in the plain I iff. KASER APPOINTED. Judpcs Peldcu and Gard on Saturday awioimod Kobert A.

Kaser tlie meantime the con- capita, interested in this line common conr, against member of ta be here shortly to go over Smith and others for the partition of the fonrlh Monday in Mav 1007 to nn inspection tour. I real estate. :11: Wi)liiul FINE FARM SOLD. S. Rilcy this afternoon sold a fann of acres in Hanover township to Anton Hiiber for $10- lfil.75.

MARRIED BY MORTON. Herd-am Brown and Clara Lips- jconib were married by Squire Mor(ton Tuesday nflenioon..

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