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The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

The Daily Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Wednesday Evening, March 17, 1915. A I Page Three CUT THIS OVT OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CA.TAR- RHAL REID HOMES. If Turn Iwow mho li troubled hevd Deit- thin ud tt to them. JOB will hate bcea the UTlnc come poor mflcrer Inm total deafaeu. Recent ex- hate proved convliuiTely that DeafaeM.

head aotm. wertf the direct of conMltn- tloaal dlaeaae. aad flat aalvea, aprayn, tahalefa, aicrely tenaorlae with rvmplalnt and aeldoai. If ever, effect aerameat care. Thla tiring no, mach flaw aad moaey haa been apeat of late by aotcd apedallat la aerfeetlag a yare, ceatlc, yet effective toale that would ajalckly all trace of the ratarrhal aolaon tnm the The effective prncrlptloa which wan 'ntaallr fornalalcd, and which haa aroused the belief that deafneaa will nn he extlaet In gliea below In ua- drntaadable form, ao that aaroae can treat A their owa home at little expeaae.

Vecare from your drufrglat 1 OB. Par- inlat (double about TSc worth. Takr thla home and add to It Vt plat of hot water nnd 4 OK. granulated mmr; atlr ontll dianolved. Take (ableapaoafnl four tlmea a day.

The tint doae ahonld bruin to relict the dlatreaalait head nolaea, headache, dullaeaa. clondr thlaklaB. while the hearlag rapldlv retnraa the la latleornted bj- the tonlr atr- tloa of the treataMat. Loaa of amell mucat dropping la the back of the throat, arc other aTmptoma that ahow the preacace of ratarrhal pslaon, aad which, are often entirely overcome by thla emeadoua treatmeat. ninety, (er cent of all ear tronblea are directly eaaaed by catarrh i therefore, there mnat be naay people whoae hearing can be reatored by thla alnqile home treatment.

i cry peMon wao la troubled with head nolaea, catarihal deafneaa. or ea tarrk In aav form, ahonld cite thla preacrlntlon a trial. WHAT A HEADACHE And all caused by a pair of strained eyes--which a pair of my Eyeglasses will do away with quickly. Let me examine your eyes as an expert--measure the error of refraction-- Have it done today. WILLIAMS 107 N.

Water Street. Opposite Mfllikin Bank. COCOA Why is RunkePs Cocoa preferred by those who know? Why, without much publicity, do our sales increase front year to year and from coast to coast? Surely there must be reason. Try it today. NEWMAN CASE HOTLY CONTESTED Tuscola, March cam against Alexander Hance, village president of Newman, charged with assault with altempt to muider.

again took up the time in circuit court here Tuesday. Almost the entire time from the opening of the court Mondaj afternoon until Tuesday noon was taken up In securing: a Jurj to try the case. Only one witness was examined before the noon hour Tuesdav. The Is being hard fought on both sides and there were about seventy-five witnesses hete from Newman Tuesday A number of the high nchool friends of Miss Mtrie Bruhn Save her a blrth- dav irprise partj at her home Monda-v evening The Danish Musical club will give a. concert Friday evening at the high school building They will appear under the of the High School Athletic association The proceeds of Hie entertainment will go to the benefit of the association AT onnet trainmaster for the i i i of the was heie Cuesdav afternoon circulating a petition the business men to influence the state legislators relative to anti a i a measures The t-onth ChilstUn Sundav ilss of i Belle Warren will meet at the home of Airs George Renner Thursday aftemoon A of the friends or Mr and Mrs a i tieorgc gave them an old fashioned i i a Mondav evening a i thev into the home of the new-lv wxls The had taken a supplv of lefreahments and a social hour was enjoved Ml and tieorge had cone to their own home immediateh a i then marnage ndav i they eluded all i friend" ra.vis entlv purchased tlie McMasteis grain business here, makUie: preparations to build a two storv grain and stale office at Ma-in street and South Central avenue The old one storv frame building that has been occupied as a grain for maiiv vears and i is one of Tuscola land marks Is being: removed The new building will be.

of Hk and conctete construction Di Colvei of Garrett was a. caller here frhitU of Muidock was here Tjesdjv enroute to home from a i i in lovvi The household goods of Tohu Metz shipped from CraiRs Station to Miles itv Mont. on Mr Met to eneasc in the stock laiins: business In Montana, ilhain lies liere Tuesday for a i i at Ins bovhood home near 3jet- meton, Kv Erv in Dr Hice and A A a i visitors in Indianapolis Tuesdav Airs Oiov. Helm Tuesdav with friends in Newman "Mi- Chnrles Mason was i. -visitor ir CimT'So Tuesday Airs Carroll was in Decatur Tuesdav i I Campbell wnt to Jacksonv i Tuesdav for a short visit with relatives, one of whom is a sister just returned from the misslomrv fields of Southern Europe Mrs a i wa-.

in Sprms- field Tnesdas I Held was a tisitor at LaPlace, Tuesdav AIis John Giaham Co mtv Super- i Gere were in i LICENSE Fred Smith A legal iddle Moore Harrodsbursr Kv le-ffa' HACON. Mrs at Merris was surprised Sun homt In this city a number of and trends the or-caslon being in honor of --her Mr Merrn A SuncU school and church in th morning and while gone the crowd took well filled baskets and wVen Mprns returned home a dinner was server! The table was decorated with roses an 1 Those present were Mr ana har PE Mcrrfs and children, Esther Earle an I Paul Mr and Mrs Bagge't and ctul ren Miss bold, Kutb jlar- ol I and Mrs Merris and daughter A a Louiae Mr and Mrs Oscar Bromlev anU rhlldren Misses Jessie a rn1 Euni Mr and Mrs Charles and daughter Lois Lucilp of Momeaqua Mrs Jimes Bromlev of Decatur Mrs. Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Frank Bromley and Floren Wv.ll" Reed-v celebrated his eiffhty second birthday at hie home In this city nday and at noon a dinner was wr'ed Those present 1 of Det-atur Mr and Mrs George Lone and family Etmer Reedy west oE thlfc city On March "rd a the anniversary of Mr 1 Odd Felloushtp Mr Reed 3, the onl one liung of a of twelve children Mr Reedy from Ohio to Illinois in 1873 and has bpon a resident of Macon county for pi vears liaxing lixed on a tarm webt of Macon 'or .1 number ot yeiri before to Macon Mr Reed enjojs good health Mrs Heywoort of ron erencc dent of Home Missiomrj organized a CtliT at i Msth- odtr Lpijcopal in this city bun afternoon i i officers were ele ed Pre sident Miss Hill ice president Godwin recording re- tarj Miss tzel Lphaua corresponding Miss Mildred Mplhorn, treasurer, Mlsa Mic i mite box superintendent Misi faarah i i The socit i hold their regular meetings the last Friday night of each month Mrs Ijowe recelifd word Saturday of the death of her dauffhtei Mrs diet! at Iioiue in Cleveland R'o and burial uas also In that city a was the i of la- a former resident of Macon before np to Mijisourl about two apo is survhed bv her luifchinfl dauthUr, ion Wandel mother, Mra. Lana. Three alatera aod three brother! of thta city.

Mm Orll Shaw wu a Decatur visitor Friday. Mrs, Stewart haa returned to her Palmerj after vlBltfng her daughter, Mrs Barger and family John Eckhardt naa a vleltor In Decatur Frldaj Ibe membera of the cluh of thu Macon nchool held a meeting at the high BChool building Friday evening and plans were made Tor an entertainment to be tfven at the town halt In the near Cuture for the benefit of the school Mrs Charles Bromley and daughter Loin Luclle of Moweaqua, were the gucBte of Oscar Bromley and fain! Saturdaj and Sunday Mrs John Gehm and daughter Mist Len- nle were ahopping In Decatur Saturday Miss Lillla Draper of Dfecatur waa the guest of friends In Macon Saturday Mr and Mra James Waril of Decatur, were the gueste of relatives Jn Macon Sun- MlRfi Mary Cook of Decatur. was the guest of friends In Macon Saturday Mrs Jewe Might of Decatur waa 'he guest of William Hlght and wife "Salurdav Mr and Mrs Pete Blheu and son t.prnt Sunday In Assumption the guesta of jHa- Miss Kenfro was the guest of Miss JesMe Bromlev Snnddy Mlsb Trela Hill is a Decatur visitor Sat- irdaj Oscar Bromlev In Chitago and Mil Sunday and Mondav. Mrs Daniels and of Blue Mound tsited relatives Jn Macon Satuiday and undaj Mrs Robert Hlght was a Decatur visitor Monda) F. P'erson and of Assumption ere the guests or Ed Carr and faznllv Mr and Mrs A and daughter Miss Mary were tlie guests of Mr and Robert north of town Sunday Mr and Mrs Stanton Hlghl i Decatur Monday Miss Ruth Damery of Assumption was the guest of Mid.

Mildred Melhorn Sundaj Krs Jane Highly and Mrs A Peters were Decatur visitors Miis Helen Moser was the suoat of her sisters Mrs. Despres and Mrs Jostes and families in Stonlngtou stiutim Miss Annie Rilcv was In Dptatur Mon4y Mri. Mary Copsv who lias lieen ill at the home of her son Mr and Hrt Copiy, is reported better Born to Mr and Mrs. Charles Irwln. March 13 a son Bert Kaliptt of Decatur was the guest of relatives in Macon Sunday John Wiles was a in Dectitur Monday William was a visitor In Decalwr Monday Harrj MtQuality of Latham was thrf sucit of relatives and friends in Maton Sunday Henry Uphaus loft Sunday morning for Indianapolis to attend the funeral of his sister which wao held Mondav Wcs Lancaster and Chnoweth wtre In Decatur Monday Mrs Tom Oerber children of Boorlv were the guefita of the parents and i Dan Kallps Saturday and Sunday William McQuaHt and eons Halite pn1 lohn were the guestn of Bud Pumphrej and family near Osbcrnvllle Sundaj Mrs Oainmar-k waa In Decatur Moniav Mrs Weltv of near Boody was the guest of Mrs Tohn Wiles Monday Mies Menker of Detatiir was guest of Miss Ruth Beachle Sudany Mr Dougherty of Is spending few daNS thla i her daughter Mis Chester Cole and a i Mrs John 111 at her home ore- half mite nouth of Mr and Mrs Ed VOBS were Decatur Saturday Miss Dais Daggett who has been Inpr the past four i her parents left Mondav for De a TI here she opened her kfndergartfti i had been clOECd on ac ount of the fever Mr and Mrs Fred istings and fanith of ir wert the guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Femci er a Illlam Blanchard ol Decatur transacted bu-'lneps fti Macon Fridaj MAROA.

Mrs fl Andf Is seriousl', ill Seieral fioni heie attended the eial of Mis Mte of that was held at the Ridge church three miles west of town Tuesdaj morning Miss Helen Rice of Decatui was thfl guest of Mi Mrs Charles Spooner Suiidaj Mrs Calvin Quen ha-i been quite sick with tonsilitlfc Mri I a ciiid con i i of McLean visited Sunday with her patents, Mr and Mrs V. B. Gradj Fred Jones returned to his home In San Francisco, Cal, Saturday after a few dais' visit with his father, Sylvester Jones and his sitter, Mrs J. Jump Mr and Mrs Bert Smith of Lane spent Sundav with Maroa Manetta Harvey, teacher of the fourth grade spent Sunday with friends in Arcola Minx Aileen Cox of Decatur Is spend" Ing thp week with her cousin, Miss Mable Mils Lou If Watson at Bloom Ington was the guest of Mrs Wood Monda. Miss liable Isaac and Linn Ran from near Kenney visited with Mr and Mrs Nowlln Sunday Mrs.

G. Wood of Decatur Is the guest of her son, Dr Wood and fanub Mrs If Diner; who has been erlt- icallv 111 Is recovering Mrs illlam Marsh Is 111 at her home east of town Jason Vaught and family of Forsyth ere guests of T. Keatts and family ei 8unda Misfl LuiUe Shipley, attends fcchool at Normal is home for a week vacation Mrs Schenck was in Harristown to attend the funeral of Mrs Crossman Sterling IB III in his home Mrs Shaw of Decatur visited Maioa relatives Tuesday MISSPS Bertha and ttrace Arrington entertained several girls of their Sunday school class of the Christian church at their home Saturday evening It was a St Patri k' Das party Besides the bunday school teacher, Mrs Schroeder, the guests present Included Misses Iraa Irwln, Mahala Quers, Marie Donnelh, Terll Shaw. dene Leiter, Nina Daggett, Edith Moore. Btoile Deacon and Mrs.

Florence Vaughn KENNEY. Mr and Mrs Jack Evans of Taboi and Dr and Mrs Stewart of Clinton spent Sundav with McElhiney and famtlv Mrs Luclnda Onens Is quite sitk Mrs William Stewart is ill in her home J. Howard of a i jjpent Sundav with his mother, Mrs Miry K. Howard Irwln was a caller in Peotla Mondav Mrs Alice Rybolt of Decmtur aptnt Monday in Kenney. Mr and Mrs callers In Decatur Mondav Clinton visitors Monday were Henry Perry.

Harvev Nice, Lee Luttrell, William Heiserman. Mrs R. Suttle, Mra. Foster and Mm Carrie Kemp. Sam Kemp visited his family a few a the past week B.

M. DENNIS SON Hardware and Oils -MAKE YOUR OWN FAINT You will save 54 cts. per gal. THIS IS HOW M. SemUUixed Real Palnl, $200 per AndTSjab.

Limed Oil to mixIwitlirU' at estimated cost of, pore pajflfor) Its fl ar: mix the'OIl'wtth the PA Afwlejn a tew mtaulcs, If yoo boy 7 gals, of CANS, you pay $2.00 a gaL or SI400J IfTotrMTSEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT PURE WWTH LEAOJ (ZINC ml UNSEED OIL, the ben-known punt nutoub for 100 janl tlse a gal. out of any L.M. PAINT you buy and II not ffie paint (he Our Wonderful Sale of Rings Continues HIS great factory sale of rings surpasses anything of its kind we have ever known. Beautiful rings for women, misses, children and little babies. Rings of sterling, of gold, of gold shell and gold filled with an unlimited variety of settings.

The factory representative is here, offering hundreds and hundreds cf 50c to $1 rings for only 19c Necessary Easter Accessories Fresh. Clean Assortments in Very Unusual Variety our extensive pieparations for the Easter trade, we have given special attention to our various displays of accessories of dress--Neckwear, Veiling, Hosiery, Jewelry, Ribbons, Gloves, and today we present the most complete exhibits of the season. Novel Neckwear and Veilings i Mrs "Mr-i SLOANS LINIMENT KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed) Hundreds of well-known athletes make no secret of the fact that much of their success is due to the use of Sloan's Liniment in keeping their limbs and muscles fit. Sloan's Liniment relieves stiffness and strains, and is a fine stimulator. Soreness Sprains Bruises Stiff Muscles EARL S.

SLOAN, PMUddphfa. Pi. St Loufa. Mo. Price.

Me. ud 11.00 Crepe Windsor Ties-- In all the new shades, made of silk crepe. 36 inches long. At 25c and 50c Girdles Made of Taffeta and satin, in the high waist effect and straps over the shoulders in satin and velvet ribbon. Jet and pearl button trimmed.

The new girdle for Spring, at from $1.00 to $5.00 Auto Caps In brown, red, navy, black, tan and green, Splendid assortment at from 50c to $2.25 Boudoir Caps-- Made of silk crepe, shadow lace and plain net. Ribbon and rosebud and pleating trimmed. All the new styles, at from 50c to $3.98 Tipperary Veils--Of mesh with little or no ornamentation. Also mesh with velvet spots or a slight touch of woven effect. Bound with ribbon.

In black and black and white, at 50c to $1-50 Vestees and Guimpes--In white and cream, made of net, shadow lace and organdy, at from 25c to $2.50 New Collars In high and low neck with a net-organdy and lace ground effect and fine lace trimmed, at from 25c to $2.50 Collar and Cuff Sets in organdy, mull and net. Embioidered, in military and low neck. Button and lace trimmmed at from 25c to $3.00 New Spring Hosiery for All Plain Black Lisle or Cotton Hose, in gauze, light or medium weight, regular made, with double sole, heels and toes. Fast black; price 25c Gordon Hose for Women, in silk, double sole and high spliced heel, part lisle top. Fast dye.

We have these in black, white, sand, putty and all the new shades. Price per pair $1.00 Men's Double Spun Silk Lisle, linen heels and toes, made from finest quality silk lisle yarn, black and a variety of shades. Per pair 25c "Black Cat" Hosiery for Children, in fine and medium weight tuple, very elastic. Fast black. In all sizes.

Per pair 15c "Wayne Knit Full Fashioned Hosiery, regular made silk boot hose, introducing the "Wayne New Foot." These are without doubt the best 50c silk boot hose, in black and white. Per pair 50c Boys' and Girls' "Cadet" Hose, in heavy, medium and fine ribbed seamless, very elastic, has 4-inch linen knee and extra heavy linen heel and toes. Each and every pair guaranteed. Per pair' 25c "Gordon" Hose and Wane Knit "Pony Stockings" for girls, in light weights reinforced with double sole, heel and toes. Fast black hose.

In all sizes. Pair 25c Fast Black Silk Lisle Hose of indestructible quality, reinforced with three thread heels and toes, all black or black with colored tops, heels and toes. At pair, 35c, or three pairs for $1.00 Women's McCallum Silk Hose, in pure thread silk, double sole and high spliced heel, garter top. Black and white. Per pair $1.50 MILLINERY Fascinating and Brilliant LxK big.

milliuen room is now at its? zenith of spring beauh. A splendid of buptjr-smart tailored conceits--by far the most extensive showing in Decatur -beokon 4 your inspection and approval. Our prestige hah given us tin 1 exclusive Decatur sale ot New York's most famous hats Knox, Rawak Vogue.

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