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The Fresno Republican from Fresno, California • Page 2

Fresno, California
Issue Date:
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IS ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY I --BT-s. A. i r. r. Publisher and Pronrictor.

Per Ansmm.ia Advance 82 5O SixMoatlis 81 50 Aavertlaeiuents inserted at reasonable rates. 1880. 3Iarlcct Day in There is an inquiry that is heard on our streets every day: Where shall we go to buy a iiorso, or where can wo iwv nr sell a poultry, etu? Our count rupldly fillliiij up with new require all kinds of stock, poultry, etc. to start with, in opening uj and cultivating our In order to save time to uoth Uuycr and seller, it is Boprsjested that a day be appointed ia each month and a locality specified, where the owners of stocU of all kinds may with the animals they have for sale, nud buyer and seller be brought together without delay or expense to either. Prices would adjust themselves to the demand and supply.

Having a fixed day in each month, at an appointed place for that purpose, a man having a horse or tvvo, eattl pigs or poultry for sale, can go to the monthly market with the certainty almost of making a sale at a fair price. Buyers can go there with ths certain tv of finding what they wish to buy, if it is in tlie surrounding country, and he is saved the trouble and expense of traveling to it up; and in the case of new settlors, it is a matter of much moment. Many a neighbor mny desire to sell tlift very horse, cow, hogs or poultry that is wanted, and yet you would spend days in riding Over the country to make the purchase, at the same time your next door neighbor may be able to supply the want and neither one be aware Ot a desire to sell 0:1 the one side, or to purchase on ths other. The monthly market would remedy all this, and at tne i stimulate stock and poul- raisers co improvement. Tt would disseminate much useful information and render it an easy nutter for both buver a seller to adjust prices to more general satisfaction.

YT'hy it is not just as practicable to hold monthly markets here as it is and has for many years in England, Germany and other European countries, cannot see. It has proven cnhrely practicable and satisfactory there, and should here. Ife is that a start bo made in the m.itter by arrangements being made to have a market day in some convenient locality about Fresno, where stabling a water can be i had for loose stork: tine tho first or Saturday in next be named as the u.iv for holding tlio market; that a meeting of farmers colonists be at some convenient placa in Fresno tit an parly clav, to t.tko the nviuer iu hand and make syptcnntic arranirornenta for a i one proposition. Should the matter bo thoroughly inaugurated in there is no question but its advantages wiil be at once, and if bo universally adopted over stiife. wouhl be hear siiffgestions Tn this will take pleasure in a i i our readers ail the inform, our on this ADVERTISEMENTS.

THANKSGIVING HOP! Given by the Social Club of Fresno, --AT THE-- OG3.E HOUSE, FRESNO, -ox- Timrsday Nov. 25th. Committee on T. 31. H'.

D. Grady, J. C. Cooper, W. C.

Butchers. Invitation Committee. E. Hall, W. A.

llnlbrlh, B. Favmomilte. IV. C. Buird.

A. C. Will mils, 3. Wckev. J.I'.

Carroll, A Stevens. lleception Committee. E. f. Bernhard, John Goss, V.

N. Sai-er, F. E. Tadlock, J. W.

f'ercukon, S. A. SliHi-r. Vloor Managers. J.

J. White, W. lit MeKenm', E. Garthorue. -M.

1C. Harris, Music by Boyle's String Band. Tickets, with Supper S3 00 M. R. MADERA.

Practical Brimsjhtsman. Contractor and Oen- cral Jobber in wood work. Laborers furnished at reasonable rates. Shop oa street, opposite U'imrnerV stables. Fresno.

Cal- n20f AIT" A TO PURCHASE, A TEN VY AIM 1 HiJU orUemy-ncreloUn Washington or Central C'olcuy. with some Im- uroremimis tliereon. Address, stating lowest price und character of improvements, "A cure of y. A. MILLEIt, Fresno.

iiiif w. j. BEERS, Architect and Builder. Office at Morrow House, Freeno. zr.l?l For Sale! WO EXCELLENT MILCH COWS.

FOR further particulars enquire of MRS, CHAS. INNS, Fruit Avenue, Central Colour. n3 American Laundry. Leave orders at the Golden Hale Bazaar or ofthe HotoM. None but White Help Employed! W.

H. VAJT VALEK, n20f antl Proprietor. S-L O. WARNER Watchmaker ASP Jeweler, Scientific Ameri- A i i two i i i of the novel pro' 'or NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. GRAPE CUTTINGS, FOR MALVOISIER.HINFAXDEL Black Itose of Peru, Riesslfjjg.

and 100 other different varieties of Tape cuttings will he received at the E1SEN VINEYARD, Fresno, TOMS Ot BALED GIUIX HAY FOR sale at tlie limner ranch, west of FrCMiO. L.c.ive orders at this office. Unit J. D. FORTHCAMP.

NOTICE, V. S. LAMI OFt-tCE AT Yis.M.t\. October -J-', 1S30. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT T1IK fulluwiut; named settler Un- tiled notice of lU intention to final proof in support of ris elfthn, ami secure final entry thereof.

that -said prooJ will be made at the S. Land Office, on Mondar. November SB.1SSO. James W. Iloliilav.

Claim No. WO for Hie of'XE and of iE 14 of Stiil. Tp 1SS. KuiSE. aiiillw names fol- his witm-ssi 1 to prove conrinnoti? ro.s'nlcn'-e npoii jiiid of JT.III! Jnicis, vu: John A P.i'tor-on and Ainu? Visalia, and Kulfii our a ml "William 1) UlaktMiiore of count v.

J.D.HYUE.ltetfUter. LAND NOTICE. t'. S. LAXD OFFICE AT STOCKTOX.,. IS HEREBY I THAT THE IN named have filcil notice ol lioir intculiou to nuke lin-il proof in -iiwport of chims anil scriire fuml fiurr iliuivnf at Hie esjiiralioii of thirty days from tin; date of notice. bainnlav, IE 10 o'Lluck i o'clock 51 rcs-pecthclv, before ihc Hou A lloim-. Superior Jnttee of county, jit hi? ofiice in the county -oaf of saUUouutv, Frank JioJK Honif-tcud Ap- )licatioi! 1-187. fur the- fractional SW of Sec Tp V2 S.

II M. and lit nimee the Cnl loivi ni: wjtiu'frse- to prove his continnons upon and cniihaiion of faiil tract, 'oaiiniii Liiinotlio. i i Keiny itid Lainoihe, all of Pret-uo. Fresno California. And Gat-purd If'inr.

Application No 2105. for the fractional SE VJ of 'i 12 y. Jti; Ji) -M M. who nanirs tlie to prove hi? complinnte rtitli the hnv i regard tract, viz: David Kanubottom, A Jiillar. Jacques Luinoth' 1 and Joaquiu amuthu of Fre-no.

Fresno county. Cal. o30t" GEO. A. McKKXZIE, 'RegMer.


1SSO. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THE .1 settlors liave filed notice if fhiiir intontion to make final proof in support of their claim 1 and i ciire final entrv thereof in (I that said proof wilt be made before the Res- and Receiver in i office on Friday. December JO, 1880. at 10 o'clock A Ji anil 1 o'clock respectivclv, Corrick, Preeinp- ion Declatorv Statement for the tt sonili-wc-t 1-4 il Tp 12 HE it) E. I) It, nnnies follow in-: to prove contiminu- upon tuul cuItivutUm ifsaid tracr.

Schonw.indt, AVtii Martin, Cmnmortort I' Martin antl Gourr-- Pnd- all of Fresno tonntv, Cal. And Christian eh invalid t. Prteniption De- yiatcment Xo IflfiOO for 1 lot? i i S. Rz 20 and lots os. sec W.

Tp 11 i 4 il E. I W. who ho in. liis t' V'orrick. Wi.i T'Martin.

Ooiiinioflore Jlartin and Gem-go Piiddiugton, all of Fresno, county. oSOtT. GEo- A. llcKEVZIU. ItceUtor.

Will Open About the 10th OF NOVEMBER, U- S. LAvn OFFICK AT November ISSO, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follouing-nam'Ml sctilcr h.i= filed notii of inipntion to make final proof in siippo-t of iiis ciali'i, and secure final entrv tlicrt'of and that Mid proof i made at V. S. Land Office, Vi'-'ilia, on Deccinbcr I5, 1SSO. vu: Jtjlmsnn.

Ilrmcstend fintrr Xo, fur tiif of Section Tp HK 21 E. nail he name-) hie e'- to pro i upon a cult ion of met, Wiliinm P. Cos. FrnncK COT and i Leuaott all WiUlflower 0. and rcsidini; near said laml.

J. U. 11YJ)E. Regigter. I and Ketail Sealers in DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING.

GOODS, Boots nml Sltoos. llsils, Siiitioucv.v. Tiirwax-c. Groceries, The Best Goods at tiie Lowest Prices! The Latest Jfovcltics Always Found at Our Establishment. LYKDE, HOUGH 16 418 Davis St.

San Cisco, ENERAL COMMISSION MERC1 For the sale of Jraiu, Wool, Live Stock, Fruits find all kinds Produce. Advances made upon rfl'iMsnmonts. a romptly rcinittcd oil alHsulcs Have purchased tne entire property of Grceniip Reid, and aro ready for busmen. We kes well selected of MERCSAITCISS, And muke a specialty of CHOICE GROCERIES. Onr Prices lire as Low as tlie Lowest! Mariposa Stree HOLB YOUR ORDERS! LAND NOTICE, S.

LAKD OFFICE, AT STOCKTOX. IS HEUEBY THAT I settlei. v.lio?c atldrcsa Mjidufti. Fresno Coiintv, lias filed nolici; i intention to malv proof in iiijtpoit ofliifc clniin. and secur i entry thereof. nroof i bo m. itc on Satiii-diy. Dcccnihcr IS, ToSO. o'clock A belnio fie Hon. A.

Holmes, Fiesun toHtttv, at liis oflicc tnc coiioty-cat of countv, viz: S.umtel Dennis Application 2351. for the ofSIi: (if and U' of Sec il, Tp S. I.g 111 K. and he mnnus the folUmiPs; to prove cnittnitiud repj- dencc itpuu and a i i i i of said tract, viz: J. J.

Hen-icy J. Hni-lcv. of Mntlcrn, nud A a i a If. ol Tin- ornesno Califointa AND BOOTS AM SHOES. for -Uijj- tlit'ir cargoes Vicn; In ocean.

The licUl ami ingenious inn! the pn-js'ctor no serious ia liis entcr- pvibc. Tiir vtiierred to pripo-rd of not only tiiu r.iilro.vl. 1ut iht- nppiiiincc'? for trnns- sj-ip from the ivnter to the mi), to the large mmibcr of invention? and new discoveries vhich appear weekly, the Scientific Aniciiciin during the past year, dc- votrd conoidcraljle space to illiHtrating jni'l leading establishments devoted to different immufiuituring in- duitrics. This feature has added very UHich to attractiveness and usefulness of tlie pnpcr. Tlie Scientific Ameri- cun ii;) 1 been pnblislied for more than thirty-four years Mwnn 37 1'sirk How, X- and has tittainc.d i larger wt-elclj- circulution than all similai puMishcd in the country.

The imblii-hcrs asaiire the i)iiblic that iiavc not printed less 50,000 copie for several months. --LANDJOTICE. U. S. OFFICE CAL.

I ATOTICE 13 HEREBY THAT THE J.1 n.inicd ecitlei" 1 wlmsc olllcc utUlrcs 1 Jliidcra, Fraeuu couutv Culifoniitt, filed notice nf their intention to muke hnal proof in -npptjt of i heir anil Una! entry tl.ercof. a'id a t-aid be ili; brfoie tlie lion. S. Superior of Frono county. his oflice tlio county of said county on Satin day, ci-mher IS.

at two o'clock P. M. pectivelv. i Thomas J. Ilcnslcy.

Home- ad Application 27W7. for tin- of SE of Src 27. of i itml J. St-cSl, I) 11 ho 1 1115 i5 i to nrctve his contlnitons ill en co upon and cnHiv.ilinii of said tract, iiz: miif-1 nml of Jtaflera, U'. A.

Campbell nud S. II. Lewis, of Uil- inan. Fru-ito county. C.ilifornia.

U--o .1 Ih'nsley. Application i. 279S, fo, the hi ol SB of Kec Of i of Sec 33. Tp 9 K. 111 10 n.iines the simc person'; witnesses.


J.F. linvnt, )oth in Mammoth City, "Mono county, nm Fresno City. IVcpno county, State of C'nllforuia inrtpr the style and firm name of Enriirht Mnvnc. in this ffnv dissolved by mutnnl content I. F.

Mivyiic retiring. R. D. Envludt will con linne the business, jr all oblisations, ATE received news yesterday tha the embassy sent to China by Presi dent Iljiyes to negotiate a treaty with that country has bee' entirely successful, and a treaty wa conclucied on the Ifnh inst thoi ouirnSy controlling- Chinese imm gration. Score another point in favo of Republican administration.

Tfiomppon have been apjjoin ted agents for the Anpleton Readers, now have the exchange and introduction ot all school books. Wo still have a fcv; cloaks left, -which be sold as at bottom prices. Don't unit until they nre all gone, but come once. Kutner Goldstein. Take your daily papers of Chug.

Burks ifc Co, Golden Kale Bazaar, authorized agents for aU the S. F. daily. Twenty-five barrels of rye -whisky have been received at Brown stone's. Saloon kcepcis and the public generally will do well to buy their whisky of Brownstone.

Cbnsimas goods; Golden Rule Bazaar. collecting all ontstandingt? of the lute firm. D. ESRIGHT. J.

P. MAYSE. Fresno City, Cal. SDT 1, 1880. tt NEW HARNESS SHOP Front street, next door to Einstein's, Fresno L.

ITTER, Proprietor. Harness, Saddles, Blankets NOTICE. OFFICE AT VISALIA. A Perfect Halo of BHILLIAlf 1 1HOS. B.

BROIVN. W. H. CHANCE --o-AWD-o-- A FuH Line of nre for all the States- A gooti supply of reading inattar always on Laud. izincs ml In tlse Cnst olfif Chas.

Burks to J. T- Shanklin. M. Hough of Orwhich a full linels kept coustantlv x'ptlier Hilli Salmon, Mackarcl, Toil" onnds Hallibnt, Uallibut Smok etc. etc.

of Proauce, Poultr Snlicited. onsigtiu Messrs. Harris Fr Fresno Warehon STORAGE AND GOMMISS1 HE L'NBERSIGNED HAVING JUS pletsd a larije and commodious wa Hi the railroad reservation, in Fresuo, i Store and make Adra On eniin and prodncc by the (lay month i i'cc-ipta will be issued for all kinds of 'reduce, Merchandise, jintl AVares, 3utrusted to our care, and the utmost uped to give our patrons satisfaction, hnvc been made with th reliable insurance companies for Insuring HARRIS BUELEIB Lvnde. Hough Co-Agents. 411 street, Ban 1'rancisco.

larris. h'3f T. 3. Bn LIHLEFIELO, ALLISON GENERAL COMMISSION MERCH -IN-Oreen and Dried Fru Honey, Poultry, Eggs, Grain, Wool and all kind PKODTJCE. Consignments and Ac( of Sales promptly rendered 309 to 315 Washington etreot, imssr Sun Francisi Successor to -ANO- Valuabie Attractions! No Shoddy Auction Goods.

NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEK THAT THE following uamea pettier has filed notice of sinlentioiiitomakc ilnal proof in support of claim, and secure final cntrv thereof, and at said proof will be made at tlie U. S. Land dice, Yisaiia, on Wednesday, December 15, tSSO Francis -M. Cos. Iloinusiead Entrv 7v.

2533, the fratVional SW 1-1 of Sec 0, Tp Ifi Rglil and he immpH the following as his witnesses prove nis conl'miions upon and cnl- vation of snid tract. William Lt'KSPtt, John Walker and Elijah Johnson, all of Wlldflower ust office, Priisuo county. Cul. ty. J.

D. TJYT.E, Rcdster. NOTICE, OPHCE AT VISALIA, November ISSO, IS 1JEKEBT GIVEN THAT THE foHowiug-iiiunctl settler filed wotiw of intuntiorfto make final pi oof in support of tVrini. ami smire final culry thereof, and "mt paid proof will bo made at the tJ. S.

Land 'fficc. Vipalin. on Monday, December 13. J8SO, William Work. Hoincstcatl i Xo, 111,0.

1-1 nntl SE -4 of t-t ot Sec 30, Tp 11 Kg 2fi E. ami lit nines the following as 1 to prove iis continiion'; resitlencc upon and cultivntioD rsal(I1racls. vu- William Fimlley. Robert Vork nntl James F. Jvlani, all of Squaw Valley 0., and residing near said land.

nl3t5 J.D.HYDE, Jtpgistcr. NOTICE, V. LAND OFFICE AT VISALIA. October 15.1880. OTICE IS IIEREIIY GIVEN THAT THE following nnrocA s-cUlcrs have filed notice of heir intention (o make final proof in support of clnims.

and secure fmnl entry thereof and proof will he niadt-at the U. H. Land Office, Vipnliji. Tncsd-iy, November 23, IPffl, viz: Chnrlcs Smcdley, Pre-emption Claim Ko. C3T8, for the 5E of Sec 13.

Tp 13 S. Kg S3 Alpfi Uri--t Prc-trnplion Claim No. 6874 for the SE of Sec 13, Tpl3S, and each of them the following as his witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ard cultivation of hi a tract, viz: Chnrlc? Smcflloy, Samiicl II. Smwlley, Cris.t C. Bacr and Wiiliam Olcnn, residing snid land, their popt-ofuce addrc?" Ijcing River, Presno cnuntr.

J. I). HYDE, Register. Don't forget us. CHEAP CLOTHING STOKE.

THE GEEAT BONANZA OF FBESN J.nrgaiBS iineqnelleQ in the i Ecdroc i newest stylet: Gcntb' Plain 1 Fancy! All latent an," Sportsmen's Emporii LiDBLE 538 Washington S. F. NEW YORK, LONDON AND B1RMING Impcrtcis, Manufacturers, "Wholesale and Retail Dealo Agents for W. W. CREENER.

W. C. SCOTT i REMINGTON, PARKER BROS. Ami the Famous Colt's Breech-Loading Shotgi (nil assortment of the above famous ra h' In Shaips', Ball ICeniK'dy Stevens'. Unit's.

Smith Wesson's no A full Hue of Metallic Cartridges, Prceth- and Paper Shells, Caps, Wads, i(l Sportsmen's tmplementa, a AT THE LOWEST all styles sold it we ask is a call to satisfy yo'i that say is fan One only. Enrig-Iit Maync's D. EISRIGKT. Cash Front Street, Fresno. i's Bail-ling.

ollif J. T. BEAYNE. Denier in A A I Corner Mariposa ami I Streets, Sells Okeapsr in any other House in the County BEOWISTONB, CHAS. W.

DELOMS MAKIPOSA: STREET, FKESNO, CAL. Family Grocery Store ATING PrnOHASED TUB ESTIIiE of Tliomton, my former par will rolttiinic the business own iiarn the Odil 1'ellows' Ijiiililiiig, whore will le A full and coniDlcte sto of Family Groceries. And fo thcpnljlic, that ly fair den hnpt! to ohtain a liberal patronage. I BALEV Clarrt, miile. Foil, Shrm-, Malaga and 3 cat, n) Vinegar for sale at." EISEN VIHKTAK OUR STOCK CONSISTS OP Dry Gontls, Fancy Goods, and i io Pro-' visions Har I ware, an I Buots and Shoes of the Best jUuiiuufnctvc.

Ague Cure imrely vegetable liittar nml power! is warranteil a speedv ami ci for Fever uurl CfiiUs an vw, r.iteniilttent or Chill Fever, Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodic' Bilious Fever, ami all malarial di In miaamaHc districts, the rapi 1 toiTSlic, thirst, losji i- pain in Hie back and loins, and uf tlie spinu and extremities, ain inl of severer dymptonia iTliic in tho paroxysm, swcceede Iiigh fovcr ami proftuu perspiration. Choice Land for Sale! With or Without Irrigating "Water A few hundred acres of the best quality of land sitnatcd in the net-work of ditches near Sanders post-offlce. A plowed furrow will convey water all over and at the rate that the ground is filling up with water, in three more years no irrigation will be ncccssarv to raise ftnv kind of crops. Part of iho land will be sold in 20-acre riicss, tra5 rom 53 to $SO pw acre Address, VVllipS, Spurs, lilts, etC. i W.A.SANDERS.

Sanders P.O. FrescoCo. Cal. Two story House next to the White Men, CHAITCE BROWN. GEEENUP EEID.

GIVE US A I A A GALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. FKESNO. CAt. WARNING TO TRESPASSERS. A LL PEHSONS TRESPASSING UPON MY premises, tlio Vincyaid, nud purloining grapes therefrom, will lie vlgorotiely for crime.

They will take warning. F.T.EISUN. NOTICE. contracting after this date Fresno, Alfalfa Hay for sale; tnlicn in dclianRc. at n3Sm3 EISEN VINEYARD.

RANCH SALE! OITW.TED IN THE FOOTHILIS, NEAB 11 0 f. 'ot good ianil with sti Improvements. A Jl tTOO'l house, large Mmt, fine brick cellar, ore and vineyard, wood nlenlv Pen.v of viSr 1 TM 1 1 5 ttffie It is a startling fart, that quinine, arsenic uHiur poi.ionons minerals lorm the liasi. intwt, of the Fever ami Ajrue Prcpara i.ii!«.'' Specifics," "Syrups," and "Ton i. 1 in the market.

The preparations made these; mineral poisons, although (lies ami inny break the chill, ilo lint le.ive the raalariai and tlicil iluij nulsnn in the system, proteins ilizr.incss, ringing in the ears, iicacl- anil dther disorders more for- 1 tluui the disease they were intcmW AYKIC'S AGUE CUKE thorouglily these noxious poisons from tlm always cures the severest no quinine, mineral, or any "iiltl injnre the most dclieate paticnl; crowning excellence, aliove its ccr- to cure, is that it leaves the system "3 disease as before the attac'k. Fur Uv-er CompUjnts, AVSH'S 115- direct action on the liver anil bil- iary apparatus, drives out the poisons vrliicli nmlnre tlicsn complaints, and stimulates system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken directions. Prepared by' Dr. J.

C. Ayer tt Practical and Annlyttcal ChcmlAtR, Lowell, Mass. aoi.n EV ATI, EWSPAPERl.

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