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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING RECORD, GREENVILLE, PA. Offering of Silks SCOTCHMAN SAW I RI ITl and Suits HIS OPPORTUNITY tj)iace on sale FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 24, about 8 Staffed StSBl as of Foulard Silks. sold at iiy 50c; 65ci to Sell to Corporation OFTEN "SHOCK APPLE TREE" ey Will be sold during these few days at per yd. See a portion of them now on show in our window. None sold before Friday at this price.

Man Whose Activities Were Centered In Shenango Valley (Pa.) Region a Witness For Government at Suit Millions in Half a Dozen Deals When Steel Corporation Was Gobbling Up Plants. New York, May Stevenson, a Scotchman, enlivened the hearings in the federal sull to dis- the United States Steel cor- nnual Mark Down Sale of Suits SUITS TO BE CLOSED OUT One lot goes on sale at just one-half price. Another lot consisting of our choicest Spring Garments rall(jll when he lolll of lhe va ion be "had for one-third off. deals by which he sold out a Now is your time to buy a fine Suit for little money. Come and see what you can do.

Tillotson Dry Goods Co. the steel corporation, each time striking a profitable bargain. Stevenson was on the stand as a witness for the government. I Stevenson in 1802 establishes! in Only a Tire Hero i Now- is tlie time to got rid of your Npw Pa ie first successf-il the crowd cheered, as, with rheumatism You can do it by ap- nijll ln th country he sa ui. burned hands, he held up a small Umm nt juid Jt wag lMzed at.

$150,000. Ten years later, after selling this and foxir other steel plants which he later built, he started the Sharon Steel company, merged it with the Union Steel corn- puny and then sold to the steel corporation, taking for tlie Sharon interest $13,000.000 in the corporation's, he said, lie built the Sharon steel plant, he remarked, "to shake LIU I iltivl lltLllUO. round box, "Fellows!" he shouted, massaging the parts freely tit each Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, application. For sale by Harry D. has everything beat for burns." Right West.

also for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples, 1 eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. Snr-) eat pile cure. subdues inflamma- tlon, kills pain. Only 2', cents at Miller's Pharmacy, Hurry D. West's Scratch Pads.

Scratch pads of good smooth paper, various sizes, at low Advance Co. Tripled His Income With a M.otorcycle A boy parrying "special delivery" letters had be.ett cuminf? in the Chicago postoflico. Ho bought a motorcycle and his earnings jumped to month. In tlio third month ho earned SlfX). If swift, safe and sure transportation is needed in your business the motorcycle will ilo for yon what it did for the Chicago boy.

Lot us show you how and why. Come write for details to HENflRICKSON, 15 Canal St. Agent for EXCELSIOR "CY" The Sign Man Sips of ail Descriptions Glass, Brass, Board, Tin, Muslin, Oil Cloth, Raised Letter Gall or Phone 3281-2 State Street Bell Phone 189 Sharon, Pa. A Dainty Silver-Plated Vanity Box IES8EMER LAKE ERIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY ne Table Effect Sept. 17, 1111.

Greenville Eastern rd time. Southward a. tor Dewej Sy's Bend) East New Caatli and Allegheny. 9:33 a. tor uui Plttsburg and Allegheny.

Jl, 3:45 p. dails, tor Butler coc week days for Milliards and ii R. R. stations. 13, 7:21 p.

for Butler efmedlate statlone. Northward 7:08 trom autier Conneaut, and Brie. 14, 11: CO a. daily, trou Pittaburg, Allegheny and But firle. connectlns week eadville ana Conneaut, O.

'10, 4:43 p. I'-jta East Allegheny aua Butler to MeKj Jjle, Conneaut and' Erie. 7:13 p. from Alleghen? Butler. B.

11 and dally; other ly except Sunday. E3. D. Cotnstock, G. P.

itb.rB. LAlrd. Agent. Fitted With French Powder Puff and Concentrating Mirror Get one FREE by purchasing a box of Williams' Talc Powder Choice of Four Odors. HARRY D.

WEST, DUI'GGIST, 193 Main Street. Greenville, Pa. We Sell White House and Barrington Hail Coffees the apple tree again." Stevp.nson (old how he sold hir? ShonauRo Valley stenl plant. "Let's see." he said. "There wns stock in the enmpany.

000 bonds and the cash profits brought It. up to an even million. The same old crowd that was up everywhere about that time bought it foi in common atnl preferred stork of the National Steel "Who was that crowd?" "Oh. Moore, Dan Rp'ul and R. l.oeils." His Shonnngo Valley tinp'atn plant he solii to the American Tinp'ate-conv nany for preferred sto-ek nii.l the sumo amount of common stock ot tiie latter company, ho said.

Attorney Mndubury for thr- ilpronse brought out from the witness n." ment that conditions In the wire and Hnplate trade during the late ninotios had directly lerl to the roiisolMiition of nitniertjus plants intr the National StoH. the Amerlran Tin plate and the American Sheet Stee' companies and that many of the niann facturers had gone to Moore and asVifil to be taken into the com bination. SAYS POLITICS BEHIND IT Secretary Wilson Quotes Bible In Answering Presbyterians' Attack. Washington.

May th" scripture, Wilson, seorotary agriculture, commented on the actiot of Presbyterian general assembly 1 in striking his name from the list I delegates to tbe Pan-1'rVsbyterlai' council to be hold in Aberdeen, Scot land, because lie accepted last sum mer a vice presidency of the Rrev ers' eongross at C'hloago. "And the sons of men i together before the Lord. Satan ram? also." he said. "This pas-snirp seems 'l to apply to 'his case- for 1 have. from vory rleppndable sources on i that there has been a whole It" of bphln.l the attack of we I from certain quarters bot-aiiso 1.

as serrolary of agrr-tiltarp. attended brewers' conference. It will all out an soon as the next election over." the opinion that the much would have made a fino spei-otary of culture. lio said, knew a lot about fanning and mules and horses CHAPTER VII. A Tale of Hasheesh.

ITTT.K Myra.unhurt, but badly frightened, began to cry nnd call for ftowland in her own to the wonder and somewhat to tbe scandal of the gentle old man who was endeavoring tu soothe her. "Dammy:" she cried, us sbe struggled to go to him. "1 want Dammy "Ob. wlint pad little girl." said the jocular Mr Meyer, looking down on her. "Where did you learn suL-h language "It is my nickname." said Rowland.

smiling in spite of himself. "She hns t. coined the word." be explained to th Mr. Self ridge, who bad not yot fridge, and it has settled on you. I Mercer, May 24.

George M. Rowley, of Greenville, district attorney, was elected chairman of the Democratic county committee today by a unanimous vote. The retiring chairman, Hon. John P. Hines was not a candidate.

Rowley made a stirring speech urging support of the nominee of the Baltimore convention whoever he might be. Resolutions in accordance with the above were adopted although this is supposed to be a Wilson county. Fred W. Moser of Greenville was re-elected secretary. The chairman is his own treasurer.

Titnn will bo as well as any liabilities Jnciiided in and speoilied by the collision clause in tlie policy. In short. I. the one man who can prevent it. refuse to testify." "Yha-a-tr Mr.

Meyer grasped Hie back of the chair and, loaning over it, stared tit Rowland. "You will not testify? Vhat yon mean?" "What I said, and I do not feel called upon to give you my Mr. Meyer." Sharon, May 24. "My good friend." said the under- Contractor W. H.

Mclntlre's men writer, advanciin; with outstretched at Sharon and Sharpsville struck to- hands to Rowland, who harked away ly They aro getting $1.80 for ten and. taking Myra by tbe hand, moved lujurs am i demand a nine-hour day. toward the door Mr Meyer sprang jrelutire says ho will stand" pat- ahead, locked it and removed tlie key nnd faced them. "Oil. mine goot dolt." ho shmitod, ro- eomprehemled what had happened.

I dor Titan's insurance, nor psillirin excitement uitomore "and I have not yet'been able to per- tl On dor eon- dialect, "vliiit 1 do to suado her to drop it-and I could not i as der collision clmixo In dor yoll lH vhy go on with her. Lot mo take her. sir." Policy is void with der rest your com- lujyv der 11 He seated himself, with the child, who I must reimburse mo for dor In- nf for dor carnage; Ilaf snrance which 1 must bay to dtv I10 treat yon like one lestled up to him contentedly soon was tranquil. "Now, my friend." said Mr. Meyer, 'you must toll us about this drugging." J'lion.

while Captain LJryce. under the memory of the blow bo had received. Royal Age is, unless our sl 1 sit yon down iu friend here. Mr. Rowland, who n( ollice and i-all yon Mr Rowland was on dor lookout at der time, will lu oiu- swear that her liirbls wore out." -Open that door." said Itowland "Not at all." said Rowland.

"Her quietlv. nursed himself into an inline nuTMiid ts rnln 7 th ohl Captain Hnr- Mr. Austen, with his hand resting llu-lit- sentlonmn: bo exclaimed. Lookout ry his fare cloarmg at tbe iv on the captain's shoulder readv to fot ch llin1 prospect of on bis part. Oi-en r'ostrain him.

listened to the i Mr. Selfridgo was stninlding toward it It down. a chair. lie grasped it. loosonod Ins yoll ni Criend.

hoard dor tid- the attorney drew up a chair and look notes of the story, and Mr Selfridgo drew liis chair to Myra and paid no ailontioii to tlio story at nil, Itow- land recited the events prior to and sue the shipwreck. with I (he finding of the whisky in his pocket, ho told of his being called to the star- I hold and before any one could reach ra ss on captain of dor drugging. him fell to the tloor, whore Ilo lay with ashen lips and rolling eyes, gasp Ing convulsively. failure." said Rowland as he knelt by bis side. "Send for a doctor." Send for a doctor." repeated Mr II I III.T»;t.iii,_,vt.im_;i»i.wiijv i board bridge lookout in of the Mover through the door to his orks rightful incnnibent.

of tbo sudden and. I "and send for a carriage strange interos. Mr. Austen displayed don't want him to die in dor pi ice. as knowledge of navigation, of- Captain lined be One fioot.

wit MOSS will do. Two is potter. yon will swear, mine friend. You will not ruin mo." "I stand by Rowland." said the enp- taln grindy. don't remember whut was said anyhow.

Cot a blamed bad memory. Got from that, door." Grievous lamentation, weepings and will I ings and tlie most genuine gnash- ins; of tooth, interspersed with tlie fee- tue pain in his stomach, the frid.tfnl tm Nor cries-of the frightened Myra and shapes be hml soon on the decU bo- while the cnnvnlsions tho pum tu UlMl llinlllll in re- nea 1, and the sensations of his dream. shorter sind the l.n» from nshon private ol- leaving out onlv the par. which bore to Lino. lid'oro or (1 tbo dorks w.l the woman ho loved: ho told of the rlMgo come bo away.

IISt will lh crash Uoep walking child which awakened emotion ol somo kiml. 1 ()f fl it ,11,1 10 Captain Harry. Itowhind and Myra. followed by a heart borne malediction from iho agitated underwriter. left tin- of'iee Mini reached tbc street.

The carriage that bad brought them was still walling'. inside." called the onptnin to For Bride-Elect. The Misses Grace and Pearl Straub entertained on Wednesday at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mabel Nutting, a bride-elect of the coming month. The evening was very pleasantly spent and dainty refreshments served. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white.

Enaaqement Announced. The engagement of Miss Fern Snyder, a teacher in the Central school of Fan-oil, as announced to the members of the Y. W. club which was entertained by Lillian Smith at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

F. I. MeGill, of Sharon, Thursday evening. Miss Snyder will be married this summer to C. Mocker, telegraph operator of Pennsylvania railroad at Greenville.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Snyder of Shenango. Miss Snyder was a teacher in the Sharon schols for two years. The young people are well known in both Farrell and Greenville.

een L-UIIU .1 bin, of the crash of ice and instant Mho when bo did WIHH-I; and the Used condition of his loin too. Hoar bad news, eves, whirl, prevented their focusing "I'ml and answered only certain distance, finishing his I norwritor- in loarnin, storv-io explain his emp.v sleeve- dear lilt Kirl was Ins i with a gi'iipliif account of tile with tlie bear. 1 have studied it all out." lit said in conclusion. "1 was believe, with hasheesh, which makes a i man see strange things, and brought up on the bridge lookout, whore could be watched and my ravings Ms- teued to and recorded for tlio sole pur pose of discrediting my threatened tos- timoiiy in regard to the collision of tlie niuhl before 1 was only half drilled, as I spilled part of my ti-a at supper In that tea. I am positive, was the hasheesh." "Von know all about it.

don't yon?" snarloil Captain from liis chair 'Twas not hasheesh: 'I was an infusion of Indian hemp You don't Austen's ufihd over hirf mouth, and lie subsided. convicted," said Rowland witii a quiet laugh. "Hasheesh is wade from Indian hemp." "Vou bear gentlemen!" exclaimed springing to liis teet and facing everybody in uirn. lie pounced the settlement of the Captain Harry. "You hour MONEY AFFECTS DISC'PLINF I Ball Players Feel Independent Nowa i days, Says Navin.

New York, May .1. Navin president of the Detroit Arnoricno gue team, while here strike of the Timers. Sai.l Navin: "1 am saiisfie'l that ManiiRor Jon- nltifis was not to bhuiio for tin- Htriko City The most important news we ever put into print concerning ostrich plumes Nothing ibc fear of tainting lis advertisement with Kstn stops us from using supcrla- iv You see there are who. because of the fact that three pennants b-ive been won and they I have secured a bank, accounts, natur- ally feel independent and wifi 'irrrt-lake orders. Bp'l players with money in the bank and automobiles in which tt disport themselves are not easily persuaded when they believe they have Main Street 1 Wti coufused, ner- it is a foufossion, you hfiir him say Indian 1 have a witness now.

Mr. Thompson, tin riiiht on with. unit. You hear him. Captain Harry.

You are disinterested You are a witness. You "Yes. I heard it-tlio murderini; K-oniidrel!" said the captain. Mr. Meyer danced up and down In liis joy, while the attorney, pocketing iiis notes, remarked -to the discomfited Captiiin liryco, "You are tile poorest fool 1 know," and left the otlice.

i tlio driver "We'll take another. Rowland." Around the first comer they found i cab. which they entered. Captain Harry giving the driver the dire.e1.lon- 1'i-i-rloss. Kast India dock." land." ho said as they started.

don't want to this child." (To bo continued.) A Strained VTolped by "Pain- ozone." Of course it's hard to work, stooping over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you wonder what to do. Kver try Painozonp? Nothing like it for weak or lame back. It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, brings cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing, so certain to kill muscular, drcumatlc or sciatic pains. For sprains, strains, muscular soreness, neuralgia and lumbago, there is no other liniment with half tlie penetrative, pain-subduing power of Paino- v.ono.

Family size trial bottle of Painozono sold by W. F. Miller's cut-rate drug store, Main street. Kiitiber stamtis. Aflvancs Armis Co.

Near Hocueiie, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad t.rsik and was Killed by tlie fast express. He paid for liis with bis lifs. Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life wbeu prompt use of Dr. King's Nev- Discovery will cure them and so prevent i.

dangerous throat or lung "It completely cured me, ir a short of a terrible cough 'bat fololwed a severe attack of grip, writes J. H. Watts, Floydada, -and 1 regained 15 pounds in weight that 1 had lost." Quick, safe, reliable a guaranteed, iiOo and $1.00 Trial bottle free at Miller's phartc.acy, Harry West, Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away l-orto Kico como reports of a wonderful new discovery Unit, is believed will vastly ben- i f-fil Hit- people. Ramon T.

Mart-ban, of Ilarceloneta, i Xew I'iKCovory "Heart failure, 1 ter; writes "Dr. King's is doing splendid i work hero. It me about live time of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a severe cold it) Wi i his chest and more than 20 others, a grievance. Prohibit'on Ticket Nominated. Clarksburg, W.

May Ivir.l n-sist the tcninta- Ooocloe Jackson of Lewis i CS Hard tu ILSlhl till- lt.lll|)ia 'linjfliind is a tine country, m.v tine country to leave pehind loitrniiiK that Iu a ruined man. Mo was dor heaviest 1 10 used on lny a(lv 'f' 11 i i i i this great medicine will be sod One iim- eve porto the two steamship others, said (1rctl I 1Iltls ll wllwl ()t For throat and lung troubles it has and imorossivelv while he pok- lllM- st cl: ot whlch tllls poor no equal. A trial will convince you ds "or Z'-er nos to tboir le dlil(1 wl ol Kut Wr Mt vor of its lerit 0c al 1 00 Tl ial us MHO looUo(1 sol (nvfll I1S lle patted Myra on bottle free. Guaranteed by Miller's Then Mr. Meyer calmed himself and.

facing slowly ed bis .1 i county, was nominated for governor ion this advcitisezncnt nd the resl of a gtate Ucket wa vith big type. Purchase of 1,289 pieces at a nost advantageous used for exhibi- ion purposes and Paris samples. Bewildering assortments from named by the Prohibitionists of West Virginia In their state convention. Delegates from twenty-three of the llfty-five counties attended. Crop Is Small.

Pittabnre. May Farmers alonp: fancies to yard long Plumes the Allegheny valley report that the and every hue of he rain Plumes, fruit crop -will be small this your owing to the cold of the past trees are reported as the munches of hye to ones whjch not a jrancht effects of five to ten arge yleld ot his fruit is expected, cathers on center of $1.50, $2.50 Plumes and Plumage, 50c. Larga lot, $3.00 to $5.00 Plumes and Plumage, $1.00. Immense variety $6.00 and $7.00 Plumes and Plumage, $2.50. Large collection $8.00 to $15.00 Plumes and Plumage, $5.00.

ElcUest and rarest Plumage worth gi $20,00 at $10.00. BUHL, 3BURQH, PA. sometimes. Dere Is Canada and dor patted Myra on bottle free. Guaranteed by the head.

Pharmacy, Harry I). West and Fre- Captain Barry beckoned to Howland. dollia Pharmacy, Fredonia, Pa. who. slightly Unshod, was standing by woul(1 surpl 8e jOU to know of United States and Aus.n.lia 'ami South 1 hv nu 1 1 great good that Is being done by Africa line countries, too-tine countries to KO to with -new names.

iiiK the face of Mr. Meyer, on which Chamberlain's Tablets. Parius tiiino.vaiice. jubilation it ml simulated Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. shock could be seen in turn.

"My wife has been using My friends, you will be bulletined and fMiainhPrln TnhlpU nm flius 'AViilt, he said n.s lie turned to LhamDeilams lanlets and nnas watch the doctor leave the room. "Is them ver effectual and doing her this so Mr Mover" he added to the lots of a lf nave an trou- IIJ1S SO. lit llllOCCl IO lilt atmnnnh hnwola listed at Lloyd's in loss than half an hour, and yon will never a.nain sail under der Hnslish as officers. And. m.v friends, let me say that in underwriter, "that Mr.

Solfrldge own- jinuu i. i njiivto, iv: i nn on i ill i i n- lv half an hour after you are bullotinod ed lltiln stock aud wou11 have been D. West. ble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial For sale by Harry all Scotland Yard will be looking you, but iuy door is not locked." for ruined bad be lived by tlie loss o'f tho Michael Powers, a memner of the Major Dandy Post. No.

Perth Amboy, N. would like old comrades to know of the help Foley Kidney Pills were to him. He had terrible -pains in his back and other painful and annoying symptoms of kidney trouble and says: "Foley Kidney Pills have cured me in a remarkably short Write for particulars. Harry D. West.

rheumatism you will ttnd rioth- better than CuamoerlahVs Liniment. Tiy It and see how It gives relief. For sale by Hairy" 0. West. Silently they arose, pale, shame- IiMimince money faced and crushed, and went out the Yes uo would llllve bceu or door, through the outer office and into mau lle natl invested tils last the street.

Mr. Self ridge hnd bosun to ttike an Interest In the proceedings. As the two men passed, out be arose aud asked: "Have you reached a settlement, Mr. Meyer? Will tbc insurance be paid?" There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in tales and voluntary testi- And if he luul left any monials persons who have been wore It would tu assessed to make cured by it.

you or your children good bis share of what der company are troubled with a cough or cold must bay for der IJoyal Age. which I give it a trial and become acquaint POINTS OF MERI'l. If you compare our Laundry Work with that of others you will find that there, are many points of merit in our favor. From the initial dip in water to the final touch of the irou, nothing is permitted to touch the clothes except the purest, soap and finest, starch. Favor us with an order; we will do our utmost to retain your custom.

F. B. SNYDER, Steam Laund'v F. O. BAT I EIGER, M.D Office Hours: 10:30 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.

Both Phones Office in FIRST NAT. BANK BUILDING DR, H. SPENCER NELSON Announces the Opening of His Offices in the Advance Argus Building Greenville, Pa. DENTIST Bell 'phone 145-R so insured." witl1 lts sood qualities. "Was there a collision-clause iu the Han- D.

West. For sale policy?" 1 "Dere wus." Two Million Bottles of Perry Davis 1 Painkiller sok. uvery year. "No!" roared the underwriter in tbe "And'you took the risk, knowing This wonderful household remedy stops the ir of the nuzzled 'old irontlemnn that she was to run tlie northern June pain of spmiiw, hurts Jtnslievea hii him on full speed tUruiiKb and snowV" I iheumatmm or, newalgia, Jt cures while be- sapped on others." colto, diarrhwa. There ought to 9 the bnck.

"It will not be paid. B0 Mever It remtiins for me bottle on your shelves iwt BMW, to or 1 must have been ruined. Mr, Se.1- 11 iu or me. tu 8i uf tronhtfl to tell you, that Insurance on the 6()o sat.

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