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The Cambridge City Tribune from Cambridge City, Indiana • Page 2

Cambridge City, Indiana
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I THE TRIBUNE. F. C. MOSBAUGH, EDITOR, me THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1891. TERMY OX (Payable in Advance.) One copy, One $1.00 vopy, .60 One cops, copy Throu .06 Romittanoos by draft, ex roDey orSample copies fros on appliention.

der or reglatored lotter at our rake Now Custlo is to have phygloian. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrg. Grover Cleveland, in New York City, on October 3, Ex-(lovernor ('heney, of New Hampshire, will succeed Secretary of War Proctor. The campaign in Ohio 19 80 WArIN that Campbell has had to sue A few newspapers for libel in order to cool off.

The water in the Ohio river is Bo low that eighteen steam boats aro atranded; between Cincinnati and l'oint Pleasant, Va. The Greenloo Forrest oll well at McDonald, eighteen miles north from Pittsburg, was drilled deeper ly, and the flow increased to: 14,000 barrels fu This is the largest well over struck in America, and is belleyed to be the largest in the world. At the Evangelical Conference, at Indianapolis, this wick, the following resolution regarding Bishop Dube was parked: Resolred, That not only his suspension bo ratined, bat is hereby deposed from lols bishop and preacher in the 1 vangolical Association and expelled from the church. Bishop Esher and Bowman were exonerated from the charges brought ngalust them. Death of Col.

George W. Whitman, George 1'. Whitman, for many yours a prominent resident of this city, died in Contra Costa, county SepLember 25, aged 52 years and 3 duya. Mr. Whitman was born near White.

Sulpher Springs, Virginia, and camo to Wayne county in 1835. In 1836 he WA8 GERMANTOWN ITEMS. Harry Doll will soon occupy his new business room. Henry Heist spent a few days at Indianapolla last week. Oliver Hoss and Charles Kocher are painting northwest of Cambridge.

Elmer Walker and Milton Garr are on the list of subatituto teachers in this county. Mrs. P. 8. Binkley has been visiting friends in Hamilton county for some weeks.

Frank Gehr returned to Chloago, Sunday night, where he is working for 1. N. Drury, The band la learning to play well, and they need not be afraid of being disturbed it they appear on the street. P. B.

Binkley has acquired the Becrist homostend, whioh, joined to his present home, makes a pretty little farm. Rude Brown, who was home for 8 week vielting his sick another, has returned to work as froman on the Fan Rev. Rogers and wife had a pair of horses to run away with them, oue day last week, while vialting north of Cumbridge! City. Both were thrown out and severely bruised. The vehlole was also somen hat damaged, Rav.

Balom Albert, of Kowanna, this spent over Sunday here visiting relatives and revlewing the scenes of his happy boyhood dugs. He occupied the pulpit at the Evangelical church moruing and evening, greeted by a good audience on each occasion. J. H. Wluter, who has been agent for the Pan Handlo, at thts place, for many yeare, retired voluntarily, last Thursday.

Henry Breneman, wbo has been doing the work for some time, succeeds to place. Mr. Winler was nu excellent official, and the pubHie, 118 well as the company, was reluctant to have him go. Ho expecta to locate elsewhere in the near future. hence his resignation.

MILTON ITEMS. Jobu Ohmit las moved to your city. Philip Izor la visiting his son at Indianopolis. Ed. Jones is here.

from Cincinnati, for a short visit. Mra. J. H. Frazeo is ill with muscular Prof.

Sharp reporta our school In a flourishing condition. Rev. Machlan left Milton, Suturday, for his mother'a, at Milroy. Martin (: Morris, wife and daughter, of Weatheld, are visiting at C. J.

Morris's. Mrg. Lizzie Atkinson WAS at Richnond last week, to attend yearly meeting. Dre. Harmon Armstrong vialted her daughter, Mrs.

Odell, at Liberty, over Funday. Jd. Wusson and wife were at her mother's, Mrs. Elwood Huesey's, thlg week. Elder A.

W. Shoemaker' will preach at the Christian ohurch next Sunday. All invited. Ann Gause has been In attendance at Orthodox Friends yearly meeting at Richmond. Miss Flo.

Wike accompanied. her cousin, Elmer. Markley, to Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harmon, of Brookyille, visited ber father, Charles Miller, this week, Mra, Amunda Beeson and Mrs.

Jot Caldwell, of your city, spent Haturday. at G. W. Callaway's. Mrs.

David Werking attended the funeral of her brother-in-law, last week, at Brownsylllo. Miss Lulu Ward was home from her school over Sunday, and reports school matters as flourishing, Mordecal Gilbert will preach at the Orthodox Friends church next Sunday morning. All invited. Miss Grace Kices, of Cambridge City, iras the guest of her couslna, the Misses St. Clair, over Sunday.

The ladies of the Allco Carey Reading Circle have changed their course to that of the Chautauqua. Mias Ada McConnaha, of Centreville, vlalted at Manda Needbam's and John Brown's the past week. Jonathan Hussey spent the past week at her step-daughtor'a, Mrs. (leorge Baker, who is still quite Ill. Frunk Sbiesler was home from Richmond this week aud spent over Bunday with his brother John, at Connersville Mry.

Nora Patterson, of Falmouth, and Mre. Nannle Titus, of Grant county, spent Monday at J. C. Thompson's. Mrs.

H. H. Helet accompanled her Brother, 'Harry Mosbaugh, to Pittsburg, Tuesday, whore she will remain a few weeks, Mre. E. Griffith and daughters, with Miss Nellie Poro, of Richmond, were entertained to dinner at Oliver Flook's, Sunday, Mr.

and Mra. L. K. Davis attonded services at the Baptist church, Sunday morning and entertained Rev. Markland to dinner at their home here, Othaulel Beeson was In town on Monday, and reports the orlcketa and grasshoppors as Very numerous and destructive in his part of the country, Mr.

Day, a. prominent editorial gentleman from Huntington, registered at the Caldwell House over Sunday, and was the guest of Mine Marie love. Elder Semones Was unable owing to to remain here, and realgned his pastorate over the Christian churoh 'of Milton, and with his wife has gone Solota, Iowa. The ladles of the Christian church desire those who are raising chrysanthemunis for the fair, to take them in the house as the frost damages them. one has not room for them let Ifany the ladles know and they will take them.

Rov. T. B. McClain, tho new pastor of Milton M. E.

charge, Allled his frat regular appointment at Milton, day. His sermon Banday nigbt, was a plain, practical comment upon the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthlane. DUBLIN ITEMS. The raln of Funday carno very op.portune. The cider mill, at Mt.

Auburn, is constantly crowded. We hear no more of late about more gas wells for our place. Mr. Si Reynolds has a severe case of throat or amiction. There wore two quarterly meetings in town Saturday and Sunday.

A large amount of corn is being cut. up for fodder last week and this. Acoording to the prico of wheal, is'nt four higher than it ought to- be? The now arrangementa, for our shops 28 lately set on foot Is still under negotation, Mrs. Dr. Taylor has her mother and brother, William, stopping with her for a while.

From visible signs there la soon to be a wedding, and the parties are to settlo on an adjoining farm. As yet we have heurd of no movement being made for' a course of lectures again this wiuter. George W. Dyer, of Bloomington, has been visiting Charlie Griffy. and fumily the post weak.

Our new marshal exercised his Arst: judicial authority on Monday last, over the melee between Funk and Hankins. Rev. Henry Brown, after a severe siege of typhoid fever for somo weeks, is self. again gradually assuming his former The Henby brothers have a daisy three-year-old gray colt, now on the farm, that certainly will recourmend itsolf. Mrs.

Abbie Herbst has recently been on quite 2 visit to Wabash, among some of her relatives. She returned one day last week. The Sons of Veterans gavo a supper at Odd Fellowa Hall, on Monday evening, followed by a dunce, where joy was unconflued" till a late hour. Monday morning was ushored in by boxing match between two of our citizens. The result of which was more.

five paid than blood spilt. Joseph Gray shipped twenty head of fine cattlo to Pittsburg, Saturday last, that. averaged 1,309 pounds. He accompanied them to their destination. George Champe, who has been aselating a surveying party on the Big Four between Liberty and Richmond for a mouth past, is at home again for 8 short time.

Mrs. James Lingo, from east of Jacksonburg, drove over last Thursday and spent a day and night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ammerman, living on the Bell farin. For the Inst week or so we have no(iced the famillar countenance of Mr.

Frank Elliott ugain on our streets. 'During the summer be was in: Iowa, following carpentering-we believe. Al Bell says he would'nt trade his girl baby No. 2. that lutely landed at his house, for Mrs.

Clevelaud's Baturday night baby, notwithstanding all. the pull' the papers have made over it. CEDAR FLATS ITEMS. Look out for a wedding soon. Charles Hiatt was lu Richmond Sunday.

The raln Sunday was a grent help the wheat orop. The Huddleston brothers bave a -large crop of fine looking corn. H. Wisoheart, of New Lisbon, V88 visiting at Sam Shideler's last week. A.

W. Bell and family visited at R. Stuarts, west of New Lisbon, Sunday. Mrs. Mary A.

Paxson has been on a visit to her brother, to Hancock county. B. Hammer, from west of New Liabon, was the guest of Rev. Colter, last Saturday night. Guy Jones reports getting.

along with his school all right. Fifteen sebolare are in attendance. There la much truth crowded into these few lines, taken from Al exchange: Education la all right, just so it doen not leave its victim toosmart to work and smart enough to get along without work." Human nature is pecullar. Did you ever notice bow quiokly some people forget an accumulation of favors extending over period of. several yearn, and how quiokly the thought of retaliation springs.

up In the mind when one displeasing act occurs? Favore: are qulokly forgotten, while grievances real or Imaginary seldom permitted to pass Into oblivion, and probably cannot be atoned for save by another long series of favors as generous as those which had paseed into the realm of things forgotten, There la no Verdigrle or other Impurity in Chase's Barley Malt Whiaky. It is rich and nutritious, and the beat of all Whiskies for family and medical purposes. Hold by McCLELLAND YOUNG. California Farm Products! Cost of production: Net Profits: given by a a farmers. Also hundreds of questions answered about Callfornia.

Sent free on application to A. PHILLIPS 104 Clark Street, Chicago, Or 296 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure bas proven itself to be one of the most important.

The demand for 1th has become natonishing. Already the heart disease la being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It relleves short breath fluttering, palva In alde, arm, weak and hungry spelle, oppresslon, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart ad dropsy. Dr. Milea' book on Heart and Nervous Diseaaca, free.

The unequaled Now Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by M. M. Collaway, also. his Restorative Nervine for headache, Ata, sprees, hot flashes, Dervous chills, opium habit, etc. Excursion to Chicago via Pennsylvania Linos.

On October 5th, excurmon tickets to Ubicago account the Grant Monument Unveling will be sold via the Pennsylvania Lines. Ticketa will be good returning autil October 8th. For particulars apply to the nearest ticket agent of the Pennsylvaula Lines, The rate from Cambridge City, will be $6.56. WIll Be Giren Away. Our enterprising druggist M.

M. Callaway who carries the Anest stock of drugs, perfumerica, toilet. articles, brushes, nro giving away a large number of trial. bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine.

'They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, eto. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and in universally satisfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Mileg' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart disease, pulpitation, pain in side, smothering, dine book on Nervous and Henrt Diseases free. BANK REPORT.

Report the condition of the First National Bank, nit Cambridge City, In the State of Indinna, IL the cluso of business, September 25, 1801. RESOURCES, Loans and $218,901.00 Due frum approved reserve 0.8. Bonds to secure re 25,000.00 Duo from other National 123.61 Bunking house, furniture and ilx- 3,500.00 Other ron! and mortgagor owned 8,800.00 BEls of other 550.120 Cheeks nit other get Fractional paper currency, ulekols 13.15 and 5,135.00 Legal-tondor 0X) Redemption fund with U. 4, Trousarer (a per cent. of 1,125.00 Total LIABILITIES.

Capital stock £100,000.00 Surplus fund Undivided Nationi Bank notos 22,500.00 Individunl deposits subicet to 100,005.05 of 71,124.00 Total 8350,607.78 State of Indiana, County of Wayne, 00. John Juckson, of the above named bunk, dosniemnly swear that thenbovo statemenu is to the best of my wlodge Cashier. and beller. JOIN JACKSON, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of 1891. HAM.


REAL ESTATE! Steam Grist Mill! Book No. page-, will on Saturduy, October 81, 1891, Notico la heroby glyon that tho underigned Commisslonor, appointed by, the Wayne Circuit Court, of tho Stale Iudiana, ut tho. Soplom bor term, Moore 1891, V8. thereof, John Irthe of George W. Hull ot al, No.

8332, by virtue of an order and. deerco to 110 directed by sold court, walch decrco and order la entered in Order nt 2 o'clock v. m. of sudd day, upon the promIses, in Dublin, Wayno county, Indinna, offer al pubile the following doscribed real estate In snid county describod aud real town, astute, to-wit; in tho town of Wayue county, Slate following of Indiana, to-wib: A part of tho southonst quarter of sontion 2i, township 19, range 12 enat, and being a part. of a tract of abouL three (3) acres of land heretofore decdod by Israel Wiison 15 feet and wife to John Boyd; commencing east of the west line of and quarter Hecdon-and about eleven (11) rode south of tho centro of said.

mection, and at or nonr 1-ho southwest corner of plank fence near tho south line of said thieo aero lot, running thence east along tho lino of snid tenco 17 rods and 18 links to the cast line of sold three ncre lot; thence north 0 rods, thonce wost 17 rode and 18 links, thence south 0 rods to the place of beginning, luciuding the' engine and holler and all the machinery in the mill, situate on said land. Except the following being that purt of what ta AR tho lot mill lot which leg immedintoly south of No. 8, in Pierce 'and Perking' addition to Dublin, and commencing nt. tho south west corner of Bald lot 8, thence enat along tho south line of auld lot about 164 feet to the Routheast corner of Hold lot 8, and to the went side of an alloy along end cast aldo of Jot 8, thence south to tho south side of sald milllot, dialanco of 9 rode more or Ica, thenco weaL a along the south line of sold miil lot 101 feet, sald more or loss, to the southwest corner of mili lot, thence north along tho west sido of Anid mill lot 9 roda more or less to the placo of beginning, Terms of Sale. of the purchase price cash 1n band, one-third in opo yoar from dale of anlo, and one-third in two yoors tho purchaser to socure the deforrod payments by notca drawing 8 per cent.

intorest from dato of anlo, and accured by mortgage upon tho premisos ALLEN D. BOND, Commissioner. W. F. MEDSKER, Attorney.

Octobor 8, 1801. SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue. of' a dooree and execution to modirected from the Clork of tho Wayne Circuit ('ourt, I will axposc al Public Bale, of at the House door, In tho city Rionmond, Wayne County, Indiana, on Saturday, October 10, 1891, botween the hours of 10 o'clook. A. N.

And 4 o'clock P. M. on anld day, the following propto-wit: Bituate Wayne county, in the arty, State of Indiana to wit: Lot number (9) in block number two (2), In Hnwnino kin's addition to Cambridge City, Indiana, being went of river and south of road. To be sold as the property of Loon exeoution In my hands in favor of Martha Pitman, saliafy sald decree Thomas. Htepliena.

Baid salo without relio! from valuation or appraisomont laws. CHARLES E. MARLATT, Sheriff of Wayne County. Por R. L.

MORE, Deputy, Ww. F. MEDUKER, Attorney for Plaintin: Boptembor 14, $8.00. SALESMEN LOCAL or. TRAVELING.

Nursery: Btook. non and Employment guaranteed. OH ABE BROTHER COMPANY; 20-4m Roo N. Y. 1891.

FALL 1891. BALLENGER To the front with one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks Dry Goods Ever offered in this market Prices Tell the Tale We Sell the BEST GOODS for the LOWEST PRICE! And can PROVE IT. Our Dross Goods took contatns all the Popular linos at Popular Prices- Trimmings to match. Cloaks, Jackets, Wraps- we lea thom all la stylo quality and dolad. We ulways carry complete lines of Flannels, Blankots, Comforts, Sheetings, Shirtings, Linens, Uingdame, Prints, do, Hostory, Gloves, Undorwear, Corseta, Ribbons, do.

Come and See Us. We are bound to do business. W. E. BALLENGER, Corner.

of Eighth and Main. RICHMOND, INDIANA. Wayne county in 1835. In 1836 he WA8 married to the widow. Septimus Smith, who was It brother of the Hon.

Oliver f1. Smith, and engaged in publishing the Western Emporium at Contreville out time of his death. In 1838 Mr. Whitman. removed to this city, and resided here until 1820, when I he went 10 California in company with Elias Henderson, who at that time was It prominent citizen of this vicinity.

During the Indian troubles in C'alifornin about 1557, he WAN commissioned colonel of a regiment of militia, and it. was during that period. that be discovered the now famous Yosemite Valley and the fulls therein. It was ofien his pleasure to recite the fact chat he was the first white mau to entor this land of wonders. Of Mr.

Whitman's many' personal friends in this vicinity, all are gone save J. Andrew Smith, Elbridgo Vinton, Janies Hughes, and possibly a few others. Between Mr. Whitman and Mr. Smith the warmest bond of fries ship existed, and for more than morty yeurs they carried 011 correspondonce.

His death, therefore, comes to our worthy townsman in the setise of a personal bereavement. Mr. Whitman was the first secretary of Cumbridge Lodgo No. 5, M. and built the columns and furniture 110 in use by the lodge, which.

is probably unsurpassed in State in point of workmanship. He was also the first clerk of. the town of Cambridge City, and in many other ways wns identitled with its interests. During his residence In Cullfornia he acquired competence, aud late years of his life were passed amid peaco and plenty. The following additional notice regurding the deceused we take from the Santa Rosa Democrat of September 30: Colonel Whitman died at his near Concord, Contra Costa county, on Friday Inst, and the funeral took place on Sunday.

Ho had hrrived at the good old ago of four acore. His illness was short, having laetod only a week. Colonel Whitman W08. one of the carly settlers of this county, but a few years since sold his ranch near Sonoma to W. A.

Shephord, nfter which the Colonel moved with his family to Contra county. He was man among men, with a striking personality, tall and straight, and. with a dignified bearing. Ho WAR of great intellectual force, an entertaining versationallat, extremely origlual ju his conceit and expression, and woe to that man whom lie impaled withhia invectivo and ridicule. Ho was constant and true us a friond, bitter as an enemy, but when once placated he never thought to revive the old 110- pleasantnese.

He had powerful memory, and had been a gfeat reader, and observer of men. Hid heart was tender as a child's, and he never grew tired in his affectionate thoughtfulness for his friends and family. Had-bel diligently prosecuted the profession of the law (for he wus a lawyer aud judge before he moved to Sonoma county), he was capable of rising to great eminence, and his atrong common would have arrested a masterful force anywhere, before any court or Jury. He was a man of great firmness and and was outspoken to a fault. nover sought office and despised the arts of the mere politician.

Ho was controller of State from 1868 to 1858. Ag' wolay down this pen, the thought uppormost, that A great and comes good man, a faithful friend, an and incorruptible citizen has gone to ble rest, and wo extend to the family the deceased our tenderest condolence and sympathy in their great bercavometit. READY AGAIN FOR A LARCE AND INCREASED PATRONAGE! -OURNew Fall Dress Fabrics! Ard now received and on Sale: The FABRICS are very Choice And the Ladies will be able to make the most satisfactory selections. Early Purchases will be 'Advisable! In order to get them into the hands of the Dress Maker. It always proves most satisfactory to make selections while stock is complete.

Our line of New Fall Cloaks and Wraps! Is also very complete embraces the choicest styles from the leading houses of this country. Don't fail to See our Dress Goods, Silks, and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks, and Wraps. Respectfully, CEO. H. KN KNOLLENBERG, Take Elevator for Third Floor.

RICHMOND. IND. a v. 1 Richard is Himself Again! 1 -ANDr'w a SWIGGETT AT THE OLD STAND WITH A FULL LINE OF Mens', Youths', Boy's, Including all the latest Novelties in Hats, Caps, and Neckwear. CAMBRIDGE CITY, IND.


Fall Announcement. Very Respectfully, RICHMOND DRY GOODS CO, 819 and 821 Main Stroet. to the trade of Cambridge City, and surrounding country, that we are Dow showing a large We wish ssy. and much superior line of to NEW FALL GOODS. before oatried by this well known Dry Goods House.

Than eve Our Dress Goods Department' Ia one of the leading features of store. Ladles Clothe, Broadcloths, This with our Silk our The line embraces Henriettas, Cashmeres, Berges, Surah Clothe, Bedford Corde, Homespuns, Camel's Hairs, warrants us in saying, that no better DRESS GOODS STOCK Boucie Effects, Department, and elegant line of Dress Trimmings, can be found in this Flannela, elty. Blankets, and Comforts, Skirts and Skirtings, and Woolens of all kinda, in very complete, Our line of and embraces a full range of prices, the all foretell cold Winter, so lay in your supply in thin line, We from cheapeat to the beat. UNDER WEAR The weather prophets Sanitary very Wool, in Ladies' Gente' Aud Children's Wear. have the Scarlet, Camel's Hair, Naturri dol, Merino, Give us a coll when In search these THE STOCK carried by tie last season.

Our line of Goods. CLOAKS (LOAK8 In this line we carry all that DOUBLE is. new this season, both in Cloth and Plush, Plain and Fur Ladica' Misaee' and Children's Cloaka, embraces Trimmed. most cordially Invite you to call at our store, and HEE OUR STOCK, before making your purchases. Telephone 236..

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