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The Austin Daily Herald from Austin, Minnesota • 1

Austin, Minnesota
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I T' Vol XII No 3 Austin Minnesota Saturday July 19 1902 10 cents per Week DEIANCE SALE Mf A trV ASSUMING GRAVE ASPECTS Af We have decided to offer Three 1 Prizes to our patrons Conditions MIND HAD BECOME AECTED iooo Cigars 500 taiiird 3S fflffl BLOCKS ITS ADOPTION LOSS ULLY IVE MILLIONS tie Dou't But That the Commit Doi rW fawltrltrcKide UiV TBcbm hoa? Und railway Button The city I with of Chesterville Ont orders had been sent out 'to the con tout km and the tmlr water tA ha had Chesterville Ont July 19 A tor ductorfl Tated from her husbana tfoout efgffT Secretary Wilson and the president ol 1 JI I 41rt Of Interest To You 4 li dlL con last by of by In be fvl A 92c 55c 38 TWO BROTHERS KILLED 1 175375? Auria Hiingaryr Russian empire and inland 107347 Sweden 30894: Ireland 29138 Gen man empire 28304 Norway 17484 Japan 14270 England 13575 Mass Meeting of Chicago reight Handler Called Chicago July 19 Another strike of the freight handlers of Chicago may be called Sunday night President Currnn of the reight union has Issued a call for a mass meeting of all tho freight handlers in the city to be held at that time to take action on the refusal of four railroads to re instate all the old men Mr Curran said that he regretted having to take this step but was com pelled to do so He declared that when ths settlement was made it was agreed with rederick Job chair man of the stato board of arbitration that aiLthe old men were to bo taken back when the strike was declared oft Tills he says thu Santa Pan Handle Northwestern and Illinois Central railroad have not done and unlen they shall do So before the mass meeting Sunday night another walkout will be ordered Both trains were under full head way making In the neighborhood of forty miles an hour when they came to the curve Tho engineers saw ths danger when too late i sounding a warning whistle each man stuck to his post and await ed the crash which came a second later Like two monsters of the forest the engines camo together and then reared high Into the air a mass ol broken steel and splinters Tho force of the trains was so great that a number of tho freight carsloaded with goods as they were were completely telescoped and thrown to one side whore they rested in ths ditch with the rest of the cars piled on top them The ruins of thcr engines were hid den from sight beneath the mass ot wreckage and when the trainmen who survived saw that fire was threaten ing they hastened to draw the bodies of the three men who were killed from under the debris each district which Is taking part in the convention There is little doubt that the committee will urge the adop tion of the recommendations and fix ing tho rate of assessment at 19 per cent or higher At the opening of the executive ses sion Vlco Prqsident Lewis took ths floor and delivered an energetic speech on tho amendment offered by Delegate Haskins in the morning to the effect that the fund to be raised for tho aid of the anthracite miners be extended to all of the striking miners where their strike has been sanctioned by the general organization He declared that he thought all of the miners should be taken care ot In life manner He also warned the convention that It would be necesary for the convention to so word Its recommendations as to avoid the laws ot Pennsylvania whlcb he said might cause trouble when pn attempt was made to collect the assess ments of the meu through thu Check offices by bringing about Injunction to restrain alleged conspiracy Trosldcnt Mitchell then took tho floor to apeak for the adoption of the recommenda tion made to hi speech of the previous day HO told tho convention that the strikers i to West Virginia and else where were being protected by the on ganlzatlon by themsscssmpnt of the union but thp assessments which wore under discussion wore not necessary for the support of tlio anthracite striku alone and should not bo dlvertetTfrom Its purpose Remarks Cheered Mitchell assured the convention tor etho deed that tho strilto In tiki Widely Known dnd Aged Man Suicides at Duluth Duluth July 19 James A Smith aged seventy one years former county auditor of St Louis county for three terms and an early settler at the Head of the Lakes placed a revolver to his head and fired death ensuing in stantly Mr Smith was taken ill re centlyand during the past few days members ofTiisTamily noticed that his mind had become affected and they at tributed the deed to this cause Decedent was widely known through out the northern part of the state and until within a few years ago was very active in politics DEMAND AN EIGHT HOUR DAY AH Branches of Building' Trades Out at Jacksonville la Jacksonville la July Twcn ty two hundred union laborers In All branchc ot tho building trades went out on strike during the day because tho contractors refused to accode to demand for an eight hour day Prac tically all buildfng operations ro tem porarily suspended At a meeting of the central 14bof unluu a gauurai strike of all organized labor was dlcned but no definite action was taken Building Trades at Baltimore May Join Striking Carpenters Baltimore July 19 The strike situ ation in this city is assuming grave aspects Structural iron workers and hodcarriers both oft which are thor oughly organized stand ready to join the striking carpenters whenever the word is passed Should these crafts men be called out building operations which' have been hampered since the beginning ot the strike two weeks ago' will be completely suspended The unlon Is composed of 50C colored men Should they walk out bricklayers and plasterer will be forced to cease work The three unions of carpenters have formed a district council and have re fused to accept the compromise of fered by the contractors but held out for 3 a day of nine hours with eight hours on Saturday MAY STRIKE AGAIN 7 DC 100 125 15o 2o tec Will Make a avorable Report ix the Rate of Assessment at Tui or Cent or Higher Illinois L'r ncrs Dcnate ifty Thousand to Aid the Strike Indianapolis July 19 At the elusion ol a secret session which ed the entire afternoon the rccom mendations of President Mitchell foi the management of the anthracite strike were referred to a special com mittee which Is to report back to the c6nvention when It meets In the loom ing This committee consists of Brest BLAZE ENORMOUS PROPOR TIONS AT GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR metallic circuits flrat and low rates To know that the North western Telephone long distance lines and connect tions reach over 2000 citietf and towns in Minnesota North and South Dakota Iowa and "Wisconsin Copper? class Al REER PRESIDENT MIT CHILL'S PROPOSITION TO A COMMITTEE Ife of One of the Men Shoot Them in Self Defense Carbondale Ill July 19 The Jau ert brothers who operated a sman sal mine" at Oraville were both shot death at their home by the wife of ne of the men They had returned bout 11 o'clock intoxicated and the usband demanded Jits Mrs rtibert began its and her dsfUi £roaklns thaJiighss adat last attacked her Mrs Jau ert and her sister fled to a back room ad locked the door Her husband followed broke in the door and re newed the assault whereupon the in furiated wife fired three shots into his body one passing through his heart causing almost instant death The brother who was a witness Ao the tragedy took up his quarrel and attempted to strike the woman whereupon Mrs Jaubert emptied the two remaining chambers of the re volver into bis body Inflicting a wound from which he died shortly afterward The scene of the tragedy and the floor pf the house presented a terrible sight The woman gave the alarm and sur rendered to the officers Coroner Knaue empanelled a jury who after hearing the evidence exonerated the wife xRe7 northwestern Telephone 'Exchange Company immigration statistics Over Six Hundred Thousand Arrlvali During the Past Year WaahlngUhi July A statement ha been prepared at the immigration bureau showing the number of Im migrant Who arrived In the United States by countries during the fiscal year 1902 a compared with 1901 The total arrlvals for 'the last fiscal year were 048718 immigrant and 83055 other alien pa8H nger making a total of 730798 This I au Increase of 1 00825 Immigrants over 1901 ollowing are the names of coi tries from which the largest number il immigrants came during the last fisc I year: itaiv tocimllrji aiciiy jura geztoja atal Shooting Affair Occurs at Me tropolis hl Metropolis Ill July 19 In a duel on the street Sam aughn of Metropo lis was shot and killed by "Jasper Abbott of Rock Ill At the time ol the shooting over ten thousand peo ple were in the city taking in the big street fair and carnival Abbott made several remarks to ladies in a hotel for which' aughn remonstrated He led Abbott up the street about forty yards and Abbott then drew a pistol and shot aughn twice one bullet lodging below the seventh rib' on the left side the other just below the clavicle on the right side aughn then wrested the gun from Abbott and fired on him inflicting a slight flesh wound aughn walked half a square after being shot and then fell dead Abbott is now in jail Intense excite ment prevails and lynching is mo mentarily expected aughn was a Knight of Pythias and a crack semi professional baseball player WERE COMING ROM CHURCH Two Women and a Man Murdered Near Stringtown I Atoka I July Near String town Mrs Daniel Grant her daugh ter Mrs Jack Reeves and a man named Nuckles have been waylaid and killed while returning from I irst Prize I Second i fund for the anthracite men and again urged the men to dismiss from their minds all thought of a general strike Ills remarks were greeted" with en thusiastic cheers Several of the delegates made short speeches asking the convention to hasten matters A vote was then tak en on the Haskins amendment and it was voted down by a decisive ma jority This left before the convention the original motion for the adoption of the recommendations of the president A number of amendments were then of fered all relating to the manner In which the assessment should be mada One by Mr Ryan of Illinois favored 10 per cent of the net earnings of the members or the union anotner Vice Presldefit Lewis 10 per cent the gross earnings and a third Secretary Wilson suggested that districts the assessment should made on the percentage basis and in others on the basis of 1 per week These were all pending when Secretary Wilson offered an amendment that the matter be referred to a committee made up of three highest officers of the na tional organization and the presidents of districts represented In the conven tion Thia prevailed and an adjourn ment "Was xtaken until morning at TO o'clock lu the morning the convention will be informed by the Illinois delegation voted a donation ol 85(1 000 cause of anthracite strike The money will be available at once TABLE LINEN 50c bleached orunbleached 40C any 77c 93c 114 nado passed within a mile ot this town and everything In it path about sixty rods In Width was destroyed The country fresent a scene of devasta tion Dwellings are overturned and dead cattle are lying at nearly every farm Several jajraons were killed and a number Injured The damage will exceed 2Q0wu Wind and Rain Storm at Denver Denver Col July This city was swept by an unusual wind storm about 2 followed by a drenching rulu The wind blew at the rate of 42 miles an hour from the northwest for five minute The fall of rain was half an Inch Swallow a prominent merchant nnd postmaster at Kokomo Col was Instantly killed there by a SILKS Da 35c 7 5ciid nk8 nd Sateens colorsr black plain or fancy00 Silks black or olored a large line 50 QUALITY DRESS GOODS 100 black or colored $1 6350 Tracy lost sight of months and prior to that time the couple had lived with the Grant fam ily Nuckles who had been paying attention to Mrs Reeves accompanied her to church As they were return ing to the Granthome they were halt ed Nuckles was made to get out of the wagon and was shot Mrs Grant wag shot while she whs sitting to tho wagon Then as the team bolted Mr Reeves was shot Mrs Grant and Nuckles were killed instantly and Mrs Reeves lived only a few minutes Tlje Identljj of the assailant Is not known SPOONER TO GO HIGHER Wisconsin Senator May Succeed Chief Justice uller Washington July 19 If SenttOi Spooner shall fall to be re elected to the senate by tho Wisconsin legis lature President Roosevelt Is expected to nominate him for chief justice ol tho United States to succeed Chief uller upon the retirement oi the latter If thin vacancy should not oCCU! Senator Spooner will get the first va cancy In tho cabinet It is the hops Of the administration however thal Mr Spooner will bo re elected thll fall PIONEER DIES A SUICIDE Jacob Heldlsberger Aged Elghty thrsc Kills Himself at Minneapolis Minneapolis July Jacob Heidel berger a pioneer residetit of this city aged clghty threc stood In front of mirror In his home aud fired two bul lets Into bls brain He went about the preparations for the deed in a methodical manner even I arranging tho most trivial detail with a nracininn that ahntVAd loDK lUOditB Uou No reaOQ i known CARPETS 85c Carpets in Velvet 59c 75c 53c 60c Ingrains 51c 40c 32c REE CIGARS The prizes will be awarded to the Three persons buying the largest I amount of Cigars Tobacco and Smok ers Supplies before January Tstt ocrtfrrsf Hungary Thursday night In the Tyrol floods destroyed quarter of a Tnlln of the railway near Unzmarket and a train was derailed the Stoker killed and many persons Injured In many place Mouses were destroyed by lightning A scaffolding around a church was blown down at Rovtsoe and thirteen persons who were attend ing a funeral at the church were in jured The crops on an area of twen ty square miles near Villach Corin thia have been destroyed TORNADO IN NEW YORK STATE Several actories Demolished and a Steam Launch Sunk Plattsburg July 19 A tor nado swept over Moffitsvllle a small village near Dannemora in Clinton county destroying a starch factory a carding mill and other property The same storm sunk a steam launch to Upper Chateaugay lake be longing to Seth Thomas the well known clock manufacturer of Connecti cut and destroying his fine camp and boat house on thtf same lake The storm also demolished the fine cottage owned by rank Sawyer of Chicago located near the Seth Thomas cottage on Upper Chateaugay lake severely injuring one mam SEVERAL PERSONS RILLED DUMPING GROUND A HBtinTiaabrten called the'dumping ground for out of date Dry Goods and Milli nery years Its been the town selected by at least 20 concerns during this to iir iurt i iniHintsand culls irom ineinoraer place oi ousiness start ud run th rt time close oiit or jnh put and receive more money thin any other dealer or than lljpv themselves could iy a regular WELL ILLUSTRATED IN 1902 Its been wjil I ill ust rati during this season and attempt has been mide to close ou wn nld stocks of goods tins year and last year five Some people jump at the would be bargains and find too late that they were taken in BARGAINS A spool of Cotton for 4c a Paper of Pins for 1c or a few odd colored Spools of Silk 4c or 8c is held out as bargains LOSE MONEY If they want to dumpold goods on this market they must do it at a loss and a good or move ibout 3 Why? We are going to takeour loss and defy them to meet our prices small list follows Th anti stock goes notafew items HAT'D WrRRT LIULiU kJlJvllul DLMJlVll 'WrfEt KILLED IN A WRECK reight Trains Collide on the Soo Road Near Pembine Wls Rhinelander Wls July Three men were killed one badly injured and thousands of dollars worth of freight destroyed in one of the most specta cular wrecks that has ever taken place Dh the Minneapolis St Paul and Bault Ste Marie road Two freight trains each carrying sixty cars came togather head on near Pembine a few miles from here all the cars together with the engines went Into the ditch and fire that start ed Immediately completely destroyed the debris The three men who were killed were fearfully mangled They were: A Anderson fireman Charles Johnson engineer and William Raymond en gineer The injured man Is rank Thorne a brakeman He will prob ably recover AH of the men lived In Gladstone where they have families Both of the trains one in charge oi Conductor McCHnchey and thg other in charge of Conductor Jones were be hind time having been delayed by ths heavy loads of freight they were car rying There Is a sharp curve two miles west of Pembine where The accident occurred Each conductor supposed otDcr train nau i 1 ll Escaped Oregon Convict Continues to Baffle His Pursuers Seattle Wash July 19 Not a word has been hoard of Harry Tracy the escaped convict since he left the cabin bn Sawyer lake Sheriff Cudi hee who returned to Seattle shortly before noon with tho most of his' posse refused absolutely to give out any Information It la beleved he Hag received sbme pews from his men and that he will go out again himself A few guards were left on duty at Ravi ensdale Covington and Auburndale IGHT WITH TRAIN One Rebber and Two Officers Rilled' and the Other Desperate Captured 1 1 JH? Saguaclft CoUJuly A storythe truth ot which has not been confirmed monhnl born rtf fl flpht hpfWPPH fl posse and the Denver and Rio Grande train robbers on Ohio cheek In which one robber and two officers were? killed and the other robber captured If the fight occurred the posse cn gaged "was probably that headed by Special Agent Brown of the Denver and Rfo Grande J' 5 Negro Murder Two Man Variola Ia July Rogeir Brown a negro charged with the murder of' two men two miles east of Variola Vnn Koaw inViin In Parana Into a' qtrnrreJJ another rtegro named KHi and "hX ft i i i tf 1 ri tv i OrBlrlvti III IT) wjii hili vi uv camp foreman a tin gra Drown but the IMlar gni awnv end picking up an Gitacked the fore man and I lllfd him T5iyuw ftUU uiv wiy water ue nau Sli that taken front the River Guayas SOUTH ARICAN SITUATION Interesting Report Ursm Consul Big 'hftrn 4 Can Talam Julr A reoort treating in an interesting way ot tne commercial sltuatloailn South Africa Was made public at the state depart meat during the day" It is from Uni ted States Consul General Bigham at Cape Town and is dated May 28 lieays that all enterprise ll be start ed anew farms repaired and re slock ed and machinery bought and that It will not be poMlble to get goods into the interior fast enough to inecl thfl demand that will arise I AH nations jkfr Bigham pays nrc suoke of lightningwaiting this coming trade and are preparing foril by establishing Engineer Killed In reight Wreck Hues of ocean transportatalon ezceptl Mattoon 111 July 10 In a freight tho Unlted8ttos' whlch Larrlng ai wnck on the Big our at Lena Ind Wlckllffo Klllcfer engineer or rm city was killed The engine and five cars were destroyed Car projecting from siding caused the wreck Sev eral train following narrowly escaped being wrecked uneral of Mln Victim f'ark City "July The funeral of th victim of the Daly West mine dis aster were held during the day Busi ness was suspended flags were at half mast and the public buildings and many private residence wro draped with ere iio Oil Well Stitt Burning 4 Jcnntog La Ju1y Little prog res hs been mad toward extinguish ing th fire at Ihe JcnninS well and it ent at Vienna of the Dlly Rxpr that it did on last Tuesday night short Corresponding prices on wasli Goods Millinery Suits Jackets Underwear osiery and all goods in our stock for 30 days i Kemember we deiy anyone io aiscoum our prices during uvu ov uaja vu will be kept full We will'furnish the goods and make the prices and stand the nsequeilce8 during this period MWe emphatically mean it at riurphyAustin Minn Myers Son AUSTIN HINN MURPHYS i Hab 5 5 Commencing July 7th for 30 Days WHAT IT MEANS Simply we are going to make prices that we defy either in or out of town dealers to discount aud 25 roc Bom of the Prlncltxl Building of the City Consumed th Conftagra 'C tion Including tlx iCustoni House I 4 and Railway Button Only Water to Had Was That rom th River Guayas Guayaquil Ecuador' July 19 Th which broke out here at 8 Wednesday night waa extinguished Walter destroying ninety) block on some igtot tne principal streets ot the city yirrtie loss on buildings and merchandise estimated at 85000000 The buni tho UnlteiUStateB whlch barring occasional freight steamer has no di rect communication with Cape Colony The United States ho continues ship to Uouth Africa more than twice az much goods a any other country ex cept Great Britain British subjects will great war debt to says Mr Dig nam they very naturally thlnk Thai the trade ot South Africa belong to them and will leave nothing undone to retain It cannot al way depend solely on the superior qualuy of out Koous greater effort on our CYCLONE IN AUSTRIA Many People Injured and Buildings and Crane DamsoecL LondonJuly Th correapond continue to burn with 11 the fury report that a devastating cyclone and ijr after becoming Ignited Db 'Z4 TPTMwn fltiwMwmwMWBTMawMnaaimiiiiaiMainMgrBaiMmMMftBMiMftnMMM 4 i i A' A 1 I i t4 )9 PW mi sSCKm jMxa 11 jfi a iulJ i a 'l 3' HK 1 Dll 4 I I I 1 1 xs 1 1 mH 1U I iM ('A r1 Pi a aa i Y'v i 4 a 'It I 1 It K' III gfil rr III a Av nil 0 I iini I i I tit a I If I 1 Lil I ft I 'y Kn i 11 I I 4 IKS A 1 ty TIT 2 a (DI Xffi s'l I I Ik I I Vi AVS I 1 I r't ht 5 I 11 I I I rj II rv sM 4 1 MB 4 a ft 3 ma A Ga vost jv 'sAv wr 4 u4ft i V' Sk 1 1 i I I I kJ 4' K3 I 4ujn3njLiw LACE CURTAINS I $10pQaPair $666 8JD04 38 i 400 287 i 200 4t 1 34 i 5 't rb I.

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