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The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio • Page 79

Akron, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

33-Aufomofve Secfon PCNTIAC" 1 S534-C3CR I Anon voa Jourr.aJ 3 Sunday. Nov. 23. 1958 I 134-Sporf, Foreign Cart 3lt 133-Aufomofve Section STAR CHIEF CATALINA HARDTCP Hydra Mi' i- 'TAYLOR PONTIAC GOOD WILL USED CARS" 200 MARKET IE 5 9131 PONTIAC 1954 CHIEFTAIN Four-door. Thti la a very nlre rar, vou'll lt proud to own It.

Equipped with autnmaMc transmission, radio, heater. Has good Urea and eolld body. A I'ght sjreen mil maker that will put money In your pwket. Sea and dme It lo appreciate It. Si5.

IYIE CHEVROLET CO. 2308 FRONT ST. Cuvshna Kails WA'HIT 18 PONTIAT. Bonneville convertible. Like tew.

Glenn Mor- a. d. kuntz, inc. "Oldamnblle In Barberion" oo Wooiwr rd, PfixTIACTSS hardtop red and while, riiw tiree Excellent condition. SlJMREJl H12 PONTIAC1MM.

Hody Hood. Hum perfect. OV-S-4ob4 or OV MUST SACRIFICE. 1953 4-door Pontlae. Automatic transmla-lon.

Banta In. PO-2-Hm. Fo.VriAC V.m ChieftalrT4-door da luxa. Radio, heater, Hvdra-Matlr. New paint.

TOSTIAC "8" 19V1. Good condition. i. TaS4 PONTIAC elation wagon. Grten.

Good condition. WA91174. TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS $49 AND UP DERBY DOWNS AUTO SALES 1921 TRIPI.FTT BLVD. I'H-s-vtuM H-. dr Trai r4 for.

Jt a gee Rll.i. BROSCH AND SCHLIMME rl'! Luy ti-r lc- a '58 STUOEBAKER Sta'lon wagon. Keater nverrfrhe v-e-tnu economy special tomorrow. Oniy $1795 GREENWALD PLYMOUTH 763 KENMORE BLVD. PL 3 S483 '54 ST t' rjE A KER f7'sr.

s'atlon aon. Radio, heater, overdrive No down payment. See Hob Conley at City Chevrolet. WILLYS Jeep station Radio heater, some rust, good tires. Huns good.

FR-A Ifl'iJ. 184 Wn.I.YTTErATTSrTdr. Hon, four wheel drive, ran be seen at Paridon's Gulf Service, naa u'iir rd West Haiberton. SH -5-017 or VA-5MQ2. SAVE your go.d credit and get top prita for your car In minutes.

Will pay off your loan or trade down. AKRON VILLAGE MOTORS ST! CANTON RD. 8T-4-O40 TROUBLE WITH PAYMENTS? Sea us! will trade down or buy any early or lata model ear. DERBY DOWNS AUTO SALES 1021 Trlplett blvd. PR-3-7A2S 134-Sport, Foreign Cart PRESTIGE IN SPORTS Corvette, rlrh Inca Silver with snow rreiit white Insert and lush red Interior.

equipped. He the first In this area to drive General Motor's pride and lops In sports cars. FOLK CHEVROLET 870 w. MARKET JE-S2121 CORVETTE IBM I13UO or Best Offer TV -2-48 1 4 Jaguar ism xk 140 mC, Black. Whitewalls.

Call PA-4)3'K) after 8 p. m. DRIVING IS FUN AGAIN TE-6-5585 EUROPEAN MOTORS Slmra and Goliath E. Main Ravenna FOREIGN CARS WANTED-We pay off mortgages, trad up or down for American or foreign cars. Geller's.

1345 E. Market-, 8T-4-1345. DRIVING IS FUN AGAIN IN THE RENAULT DAUPHINE OUT OF 1 POPULAR IMPORTS THE RENAULT WAS VOTED No. ONE rOR FUN OR FAMILT Best buy Pest steering Best dollar value Best cornering Rest bra kef Bet mlleafre Rest on slippery rod Bet engineering design PRICED FROM $1490 ECONOMY INC. 1433 Copley rd.

TE -6-558S Mr. Plymouth 4 ALWAYS AS EXCELLENT SELECTION ol good mad cars. Right price and ey terms. TOM FAHABOUGH 718 W. Tuscarawas SH-5-21fl8 STATION WAGONS FIVE TO CHOOSE FROM Automatic or straight transmissions.

4-doors or 2-doors, '85s to '68a. Due to a special pur-chaae from a new car dealer bo has gone out of business. Ask for "OIZ" ONLY AT PO 2 2401 GOOD-WILL SPECIALS '54 PONTIAC 845 STAR CHIEF CATALIVA '57 BUICK $1835 SPECIAL 4-DOOR '55 PONTIAC $1395 STAR CHIEF CATAI.TNA '55 PONTIAC 895 "H-n- 4 DOOR '55 BUICK $1395 ROADMA5TER J-DOOH HIVItHA '56 FORD $1295 FAIRI.AVE "500" VICTORIA '54 PONTIAC 595 STAR CWTEF 4 DOOR "55 CHEVROLET $1225 210 STATION WAGON '55 PONTIAC $1145 R70 CATALINA ANDERSON PONTIAC UU' 7,1 '4'. 0,1933 fSS Time In Biy Pres- tuy'ai MjGl S5B S. MAIN BL 3 7181 ENGLISH FORDS THE Al.I.

S'FW joej av. l-F' av: rv- t-'-I-S AT KEMP INC. PRICED FROM $1621 factory authorized Efg-Usn Ford de-ler. KEN'P INC. W.

MARKET HK-4-W1 1 M'i VAGNETTE. 187. Only 10WXJ miles. 20V). no trade.

all in I ion. E- 29fi 12 MG ft MARK tT-cellent condition. H075. RENAULT. 4CV.

Excellent condition. New tires. Heason-ahie. fohTeigx Cars Whether you are looking for used or new importa. your best bu la at Geller's.

28 years' trustworthy dealing. 1K1 fl. Market. ST4 134S. THUNDERBIRD Wt with Fordomatlc and full factory equipment.

Excellent condition, low mileage. On display In our new car enowroom. BRIDENTHAl FORD CREENSBl" RC. O. TT-, 212J THUNDERBIRD 1958.

Four-pasKenger. (Gorgeous platinum finmh. White and black vinyl Interior. Radio, heater. Crule-amatic.

Full power. Like new. mf) mlle.i;r,5;WVA-3;6.!a. '67 THUNDERBIRD. Full er, 2 tops.

9000 miles, clean, leaving atate. $1345 THERE'S A NEW ITAR In the Imported car field. It hss classic beauty, mora room, push-button lubrication eve-tern. Front wheel drive. Reclining aeata.


PL-8-8868 Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday Till 9 P. M. NEW AND USED VOLKSWAGENS All models. Immedlata delivery. Open dally noon to 7 p.

in. OX-9-S036. GARRETT'S AUTO SALES Rt. 819 and Mayfalr rd. VOLKSWAGEN 1958 DE LUXE Call Medina, PArk8-825 VOLKSWAGEN 1988.

Excellent condition. Radio. HE-4-7233. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN de luxa. Sun roof aedan.

MI-4-B931. ECONOMY PLUS TE-6-5585 RANCHERO This it ana of tfcosa hard ta find "Jack a all trades" 1957 Ford Rancher os that Je absolutely showroom new and pretty as a picture. Ymir favorite passenger ear comfort with work capacity and economy. VERY SPECIAL and at a new low price. Sec it today! WAYNE MERKLE FORD MOGADORE, O.

MA-8-2666 10 P. M. CDQ(3Q8 CD e. Wf50 It Wav Kotri. EVERY BRAND NEW '58 PLYMOUTH MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY Here PROOF POSITIVE to you yes, notarized ond certi 009 Want! off i bit" pi tbe We Make Ho Outlandish Claims But We Do Say fied proof that we are selling all remaining Brand-New 1958 Plymouth at a whopping 21 Discount and in numerous cases even far greater.

We know that we must IMMEDIATELY sell-out all remaining '58 models. In order to do so, we shall accept any and all offers that are anywhere at all within reason. If you plan on purchasing a new automobile at any time within the next two years, here is your golden opportunity to buy a New '58 Plymouth for less than most late model used cars. But you must act now while you still have a large selection from which to choose. PLAZAS-SAVOYS-BELVEDERES 6 and 9-Pass.

SUBURBANS into SmDEfiL 7 f.k- tr. fn befo The Model, Color and Equipment You 1958. mi ii ij. at' rf nj inrim- WE SELL FOR LESS MAKE US PROVE IT! Visit Our Large Supermarket Self-Serve 100-Car Show Area ALL CARS ARE CLEARLY MARKED AND HAVE BEEN 2 YEARS BEFORE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS MADE OTHERS DO IT Buy With Confidence From A Volume Dealer Who Has Proved-If It New, Farabough's Got It! We Employ No Gimmicks Or Catch Phrases But We Do And Will Give You The Best Deal In Summit County Or Any Other County Wot, PL, fW 8 A. FROM RIGHT OPEN TOMORROW 8 A.



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