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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESOAt, lift. mum RECORD Dally Except Sunday by ADVANCE ARGUS co. MORRISON. Owner A Editor Established In 1897 Per Year; Month 12c Per 4er delivery In charge of Camp- 6j Baughmnn, to whom complaints to delivery should be made. 145 Telephones: Mercer County, 3-W 30s Ameatown office: Bell ft! Itoneboro office: Bell 21-R-2 5 1 at thP poatofHce at as second class mail matter.

6j -GEENGLAND I CUT DOWN ON I fAVY PROGRAM don, urirfnff the KOVTiiinent not to Into a nice with 3 States. They point out that irtlncations nrc nw-Knnry along 'anndian-Unltetl SUitrs border and IT la a largo navy necessary. edltnrfnln KO on to wiy that If United States feels that it must a Inrp'-r navy than England to tat county proceed with a build- rograrn, but that England's build- rograrn must down. Rear Adm'l Bristol ATLANTIC and Mrs. Van Mum ford and son spent Sunday ut Ralph W.

Ander- Of Greenwort township. Miter Day of Jnck.son Center han visiting friends in Greenwood (bur Peterson of Geneva is visiting is In Greenwood township. and Mrs. Ken Kllnglnsmith and liter Mary spent ono clny recently homo of her parents, J. II.

Anth- )f near Geneva. and Mrs. Claud Smock spent Sun- With Chas. Faanaugh's, Mrs. ik'o brother.

nee Kllnginsmith and V. D. Mum- spent Saturday in Meadville on High Commissioner Praises Near East Relief Constantinople Everybody geerris to have a good word to pay for the wonderful 9 being done by more than 000 American men and women worker. 1 of the Near East Ke- llef. In a public address, Hear Admiral Mark L.

Bristol, D. S. Navy, High Commissioner to Turkey, who has charge of nil American Interests In the Near East, went on record whole-heartedly In support of the American relief organization. "If I have been able to enceur- age the Svorkers of the Near East Relief or glre them assistance In any way," the Admiral said, "I feel that I am more than repaid In keeping with the success that has attended the efforts of the Near East Relief Committee In this part of the world in the past. I the fnlore will bring you greater success.

It will always glre me pleasure to render any assistance possible to the Committee as a whole, to aay of the workers, and to the great work of kumaalty that the committee represents," When 130,000 refugees from the Crimea arrlted off Coa- Htantlnoplo, Admiral Bristol In Me- diately cabled the Near East Relief for help, and the Near Eaat Relief bakeries fed refugees and N. E. It. workers helped the American sailors to get the sick to hoRpltals. Admiral Bristol Is la Intimate touch with all the work being conducted by the Near East Relief and speaks from personal knowledge of Its accomplishments.

9. Effle Dygert and Miss Mildred called recently on the former's Its, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Anth-j Ella Anderson Is on tho sick and Mrs.

Wm. C. Dygert were jjg Charles McQulaton and family itly. cob P. Anthony Js spending a few with his cousin, Mrs.

Kflle Dygert family. and MrH. Thelma Mushrush of were visiting her parents, Mrs. B. L.

Kllnglnsrnlth, Friday. I Js. D. M. Dygert called Friday on Henry Tuper of Geneva.

See Beauty In Long Neck, he aim of every woman of the Bur-' trlhi! of I'ndwiK Is to elongate neck as much ns possible, and to ct this a female child hnn brass fitted nronw) her neck, to which Itlonal rings are added ns the' go by until she Is fifteen years ape. when she Is valued by tho i rth of her collar and purchased as Girls with necks over a foot are not common. INVESTIGATOR INDORSES NEAR EAST RELIEF During the Peace Conforence In Par- Is the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, appreciating the Impor- tances of accurate, first hand Information about the Armenian situation, sent Capt. Benjamin Burges Moore of the American Red Cross as head of a special mission to study and report on conditions. Captain Moore's findings as to the value of the work done by the Near East Relief fora part of his official report "Armenian? are sincerely grateful to ns," Captnln Moore states, "since It Is no exaggeration to my that they would have disappeared as a nation had It not been for this splendid help given them by the Near East Rellof and American Food Administration.

The beat that sympathetic Americans can do Is to continue and enlarge the present admirable work of the Near East Relief." Wedding Invitations. This olBce. OBLITERATE DANDRUFF KEEP HAIR AND SCALP YOUNG WXDOLKUM Is a supremo clan- ff eradlcator. You protect the family from loss of hair when buy Ono min- of careful thought now, a right and 3Gc will glvo you hair as- Uico tor now" time to eome. CRUD-i BUM makes beautiful, soft, fluffy i.

J. Alexander is authorized to glvo your money back if CRUDOU3UM 8 not do all this advertisement says do and more. You can rid your Ip of dnndrulf with two or three up- aliens of CHUDOL10UM; srivo time, uble, expenso and hair; do it your- I-Vankly, it does seem increditable; yet wo art: not asking you to take our word for all. We simply ask you to obtain a half pint bottle, for 35c at If. J.

Alexander's! drug store on the "money buck if it falls" plan and try It fur yourself; then If you nro not nat- i.slled, we merely ask you to return the In.ittli' and your money back. Could do more to establish tho truth uf our claims? Do not hesitate, (ho price IH HO trifling, Get a bottle today. If your druggist does not keep it, order from Win. M. Simpson Drug Druggists, Station, rittsburg, 1'u.

1'ricn by rnitll, 4flo. STORAGE BATTERY SAVE YOUR BATTERY I'so jjooil Kaallrto and zero test oil on coltl nmrnliik'N and prlmo tho lno and hold out (lie clutch when starting. on lights murli us possible, Kemeinber your buttery will fm-zn If over liulf dls- Drive around ovcry week or two fur tho consulting service willed wu rc-wliT to nil owners of Morale Imtturii's. Electric Service Co. AT THE FORKS 352 Main Street Bell 433 GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT FRIEDMAN'S The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes Flowers Sent Everywhere by Telegraph Don't Think for "Say it with Flowers" WM.

BAIRD SON Ave. Both Phones WOULD RECORD HOSPITAL BILL OPPONENTS Washington, Jan, An effort to either push through the bill of Senator France, of Maryland, for an appropriation of $29.500,000, for adequate hospital facilities for wounded and sick veterans will bo made today. Failure to take up the bill will result in ita sponsors demanding a record vote be taken and it is not believed that many of the Senators will doslro to have themselves put on record aa opposing the bill. Sponsors of tho bill expect to show that soldiers receiving government care are housed in flimsy, insanitary firetraps, that soldiers are being forcibly discharged so as to rid the hospitals of all but regulars, that they are forced to enter, that many are wandering about tho streets needing medical attention and that many deaths have resulted from this negligent treatment. Victor G.

Delssler underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Garllekl Memorial hospital, Washington, D. on January 17. Mrs. Delss- ler was formerly Mis.s Helen Fisher of this place. J.

W. Fllppen and daughter, Nunclu Leech Flippen of Danville, are guests of Mrs. Charlotte Leech, of Mercer street. Myrtle Rose is recovering from a severe bronchial affection and has returned from tho Greenville hospital. Lillian Mclntire.

lias returned to her homo in Farrell after a visit with friends here. Carrie Ttankln is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. Rankln, of Sharon. C.

G. Chase of Butler is visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard McCafferty. Georgo Kamerer of North High street was an Krio visitor, Monday. Jones has returned to school in Erie.

1). Armstrong was a Mercer visitor Monday. "A NATION SAVED BY AMERICA," SAYS CLEVELAND DODGE 'New York Business Man Describes Vast Armenian Work of Near East Relief. Cleteltnd H. New Ytrk banker and business man, director of the National City Bank, and treasurer The Russall Sage Foundation and ot the Near East Relief, declarea that "a nation has been sayed by American philanthropy, and the generosity of the American people through the Near East Relief, la Ita work for the Armenians.

"The lowest official estimate Indicates that one million persons are living today who would not be alive had It not been for thli relief Mr. Dodge continued, "I have an autograph letter from Dr. H. Onandjanlan, president of the Armenian Republic, In which he writes: 'America literally saved us from "Wholly aside from adults who have been saved from atarvatlon, we today Wheedllnp a Lion. Lions not tempteil.

like other nn- (nulls, to strict olicillence to their trainer's commands by the offer of luscious foods. I'nii'ticfilly every anl- mnl hut the HUM is tiiujrht to do what la wanted by It a rewnnl every time It docs It or makes an effort to, either a lump of or a vegetable or a hit of tlsh or sumo other tiling of which It Is fond. This Is Impossible with the Hon. as it eats only meat and Is only allowed certain amount of that. This Increases the dllUculty of the lion tamer.

112 half sacks Gold Medal Flour Went Out of Our Grocery i Store up until 12 O'clock Noon Today Five Cent I.oaf In Nnw York. New York, Jan. cost of living was cut again today when a baker, Andrew I'lccarellll, placet! on snlo a 12 ounce loaf-for ilvo'cents. Other places charged from 8 to 11 ci-nta for the same loaf. COMING TO THE Olympic Theatre I Win! Pnlsoly accused of murder, Kern Humbert did succeed In clearing hlmaolf.

But before he ilUI. he faced death and peril In tx thousand forms. You won't dare mlsa DUNCAN and EDITH JOHNSON "FIGHTING FATE" A FRIDAY and SATURDAY January 21 and 22 CLEVELAND H. DODGE. have In orphanages and elsewhere under our care 110,000 homeless, fatherless or motherless children who are absolutely dependent upon us.

This Is exclusive of 63 hospitals with 6,552 beds, 128 clinics, rescue homes for girls and unnumbered thousands of refugees who are being helped through our Industrial relief and In other ways. "The Near East Relief has during the just four or five years commissioned and sent to the Near East more than 1,000 American relief workers, of whom 500 are still In the field, all of them working at great, financial standard of salary being $50 per month and many of them facing great personal danger and hardship In the performance of their life-savins service. score them have dlea from typhus or other diseases more or less related to their faithfulness In the performance of relief service, "Nor Is that all. have raised and disbursed during war times and In a war-torn area, In large measure under enemy control, more than $41,000,000 in cash, and, Including flour, Heel Cross and other supplies administered by our agents, a total of cash and supplies in excess of $50,000,000. The orticlui reports show that on June 80, 19110, we had In orphanages 54,000 children, and that we are partially supporting outside of the orphanages children, making a total of 110,000 boys mid girls now under the care of the Near East Relief." Mr.

Dodjje considers the work of the Nour Kast Relief one of the most stupendous undertakings of disinterested philanthropy the world has ever Been. "Ir. countries whose population totals more than 80,000,000 souls, American Idealism exemplified by the work of the Near East Relief constitutes today a torch of enlightenment and s.n luilueuee for peace throughout whole Near East," he maintains. "Our American Ideal of liberty, industry aiid helpfulness has brought us as a people happiness, prosperity and fulfillment. Out of the fullness of this heritage wo are furnishing a faithful and un- diuiuted Chrlsth.n people tho brotherly aid which will enable theui to reach fulfillment that God has given ns.

"It li an achievement of which everjr American may well be proud." is "EVENTUALLY WHY" NOT NOW" a household word In the Gold Medal mills they know the characteristics of the best flour. They know after years of milling that the housewife wants the flour that will make the whitest, daintiest, most tasty, nutritious and economical bread, rolls and pastry and do it always with uniformity. A woman wants to be able to always count on her flour. She can count on Gold Medal. The wheat is the choicest procurable, is purchased by experts and every car load tested in the laboratory before it's bought.

The mills are the most modern. The greatest care is taken in the manufacture of Gold Medal Flour, arid then as a final check on everything the flour is baked every two hours from the mills to see that the standard of uniformity and quality is always maintained. Our present supply of Gold Medal Flour will last about one more week, going at the present rate. Unless there is a very sudden drop in the price of wheat we will have to pay $2.50 a barrel more than for our last car, which will make the selling price about $3.25 to $3.45 per barrel higher than the present price. The price remains for tomorrow and until the present supply is exhausted (probably this week): 1.40 half sack.

2.75 full sack $11.00 ban-el. OTHER GROCERIES. Sugar, Ib 9c Bread, loaf 12c (Smith's Butter Krust, Sally Ann, Vesper's, and Home Bakery) Soda Crackers, Ib 16c Oyster Crackers, Ib 16c 2 tall cans Milk 25c Star Soap' 7c Fels' Naphtha 7c P. G. Soap 7c Ivory Soap 9c 3 bars 25c Notice.

In the matter of the petition of Mrs. Alice I. DeArment, alleging- facts raising a presumption of tho death of John G. Davis, in the Orphans' Court of the county of Mercer, State of Pennsylvania, at No. 40 Juno term, 1020.

i i Evidence concerning the alleged absence of John G. Davis, lately a resident in tho Borough of Greenville, in the County of Mercer, State of Pennsylvania, a supposed decedent and tho circumstances and duration thereof, having been heard by tho Orphans' Court of Mercer County on the Oth day of September, A. D. 1020, it was then ordered and decreed by the said Court that tho legal presumption of tho death of the said John G. Davis was made out and established, and in pursuance of the said order and decree, you tho said John G.

Davis, if living, or any person for you, are hereby re- iiuirecl, on or before- tho 4th day of April A. D. 1021, to produce to tho Orphans' Court of Mercer County, satisfactory evidence of the continuance in life of tho said John G. Davis. If at I ho said date satisfactory evidence, of the continuance in life of the said John (1.

Davis shall not be forthcoming, tho said decree of tho Court decreeing that the legal presumption of the death of tile said John G. Davis is made out and established shall be confirmed absolutely, arid a decree will be entered by said Court directing and ordering the register of wills of said Mercer County to Issuu letters of administration or letters testamentary upon the estate of said John O. Davis to tho person thereto entitled. GEORGE D. Cleric of the Orphans' Court.

'CIiYDB V. AIL13Y, Attorney for Petitioner. J4-11-18 IT PAl'8 TO BUT VI We pay on mail orders. Eighty-five Specialized Depts. WHERE DO YOU EAT Want It quick, clusslflea i cent a the trick.

PLUSH TOB hvt cupful ol BULGARIAN BLOOD TEA Uw the UM blood, of TI.U," KTipfHi and Sold AT YH1 NEW CITY RESTAURANT UP COUK8B MAIN 8TRKBT Women's Suits Are Much Reduced Some of the most notable of the Clearance Specials are to be fountain the Suit in sizes 16 to 36. Suits Formerly $49.50 to $69.50 Are Now At $29.50 Suits Formerly $69.50 Are Now At $45.00 Suits Formerly $89.50 to $125.00 Are Now At $59.50 HIGHER PRICED SUITS REDUCED TO HALF Floor) The G. M. McKelvey Co. VnYThJrfl.annAur*.i A YOCNGBTOWN.


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