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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Advance Argns has more correspondents than any other paper in the County. Advance '8, ESTABLISH ED IN 1848 GREENVILLE. MERCER COUNTY, JANUARY 7. 1897 VOL. XXVII.

NO. CORRESPONDENCE. Mews of this and Neighboring Counties Specially Reported. NEAR-BY NEWSY NOTES The Local History of Mercer County Towns and Townships For One Week DKGK CIJEKK. Married: December 28, Miss KaU: Reed, of Deer Creek, and Robert'Canon of Lake township.

Samuel Roberts is going back to his work in Ohio. Charles Ross was home from the oil fields visiting hU parents, Ross and wife, last week Oliver Free is spending the holidays wi'h his family Sumner Reed, of Reno, spent Christ- mas with his parents. U4ULKV. Miss Bertha Morse, of Oil City, is visiting her cousin, Miss Jessie Giiger The Know Nothing literary club mti at Dr. (ackson's office, last Saturday.

The young people called upon and "surprised" Miss Jessie Gilger, last Friday night aiid Miss Maud Kelso, Saturday night. Mr and Mrs William Kennedy left the former part of the week for New Castle, where he will spend the winter. Miss Edith Vaughn spent her vacation visiting friends and relatives at Polk. Moj Hendershot, the Drummer Boy of the Rappahanock, and his son, will be here time in January and will give, by the aid of the Christian Endeavor society, an entertainment. Harry Gilger, after a short visit, returned to his work in Cleveland.

William Collins, after visiting his uncle, returned to Harmony, where lie had been working in the oil fields. The post office war has subsided. 8HEAKL.E1TVII.Le. Philips dislocated his ankle joint, Friday. He is not able to be about much as his foot is very painful.

Miss Maud Mann is quite ill with fever resembling typhoid. The entertainment held in the school house last Friday evening was enjoyed by all; proceeds, 15.75. Mrs Priscilla Brush was called to Titusville, Saturday, to attend the funer al of her sister. Mrs Mary Miller. Miss Clara Wherry, of Greenville, is visiting her parents here accompanied by her cousin, Clara Soday.

John Martin returned Thursday from a visit to Franklin iriends. Rev Berger, of Sharpsville, will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Communion services after the morning service. Rev Alan is holding revival ser- vices in the Presbyterian church, beginning Sunday evening. The meetings will continue tw.j weeks and perhaps logger.

KKXAAUD. Miss Nellie McClure, of Little Coolv, has been visiting fiiends in this place lor the past two weeks Mrs Carman and child, of Meadville, were the guesis of'Mrs Gelvin over Sabbath lohn VV Riley. one of our oldest liti zms, is quite poorly at this writing. jMr and Mrs Kelly and Mr aiid Mrs Throop, of Jamestown, were guests of Mrs Curtis New Year's day. Tlte oyster supper in the hall for ben- i-fit of Chi'rch, New Year's night, a success.

Mrs Matthew Carman, who has been quite poorly, is slowly tecoveiing Mrs H' Beinley, of Meadville. who was taken suddenly sick. Christmas myrning, while visiting here, is able to be out again. The scarlet fever patients are all better in this place Mis McGranahan and children, of Sharpsville. have been spending the holidays with fiiends in this place.

Dr Grimm and family took ad vantage of the sleighing to visit friends at Volant Samuel Roberts has been on the sick list, the past NKW H.VMHUKO. "As a general rule the temperature Of January will be above normal," says Foster, the weather man. "In short periods it will be above normal. In other periods it will run to extremes. The temperature will teach the lowest points not far from the loth and Fred Beil, who has been spending a few weeks his parents, has returned to Findlay, O.

Mr a successful business man of that place our loss is Fincllay's gain. We are sorry to bear that Mrs Morford is in very poor health since the family moved to this place. Miss Grace Yarletts, of Hadley, who 'is visiting her friend, Miss Pearl Me Dowell, is very ill at this writing. James Homer, traveling salesman for Skinner Brothers, of Albany, left for the South on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Plummer Buchanan, of Titusville, are visiting in this place.

Miss Eva Dit-fiiiiderfer, of Cleveland, spent a days with her cousin, Miss Mayme. Henry Roger, of Michigan, was called home to the bedside of his father, HI ho is very poorly, one day last week. Mr Boger has not been home since he itfft, to grow up with the country, about 15 years ago. Miss Clara Moyer left for Grove City to visit her aunt, Mrs Vandeventer. Hunter Brothers will move their saw mill to Sugar Grove this week.

Our sick are all convalescing except Miss Esther Rose, who is no better hers is considered a critical case. She is under the care of Dr Mussman, of Greenville, and Morford, of this place. Mrs Reigleman and son Perry have returned from Youngstown. Miss Stella Homer, who is attending school in Jamestown, left Monday for place. The sick of tiie vicinity ate all with few exception: getting better.

Mrs Ls'ael Hallsmiih is improving slowly E'i Boweti, mentioned in my last as suffering blood poison, is some better. Caleb Ian is sulleiing horn a nervous affection and general debility. There ate several cases of scarlet fever or liiphthetia reported among the MiiH-1 children of West F.urrield. Bom: To Simon Unangst and wife, December 24, a daughter. Mother and child doing we'l.

Married On Cluisimas eve. Bert Kal lenhaugh and Mij-s lUssie Bmnett, of Millcreel; township, by Rev Wumer, of the New Lebanon Church The bride was grand -daughter of Boylan, uf Direr Crerk. In tins case three and one hi other were left ID dance in the hog in.ugh. which traditional eeiemony was dispensed with The minister proposed to marry them all. their intended were all present, but (hey declined for leason best known to themselves, which they may rue some day, lor there is many a slip between cup and lip.

extend congratulations and wish a long and happy life. Monroe C.nringer, wile and, child, of Reno, Venango county, are spending the winter wiih ftlrs father, Turner. Mrs Burnett and daughter Julia, of Millcreek, visited Wm and Elisha Burnett, ol Deer Creek, this week. Mrs Reynolds, ol Deer Creek, is canvassing fora book entitled "Her Mother's Bible," a very good one for old and young and cheap. We hope the people will patronize? lit she has four children to support and her husband is in the insane asylum.

She has no means of support oniv a meager pittance from the county and her own runts. GKKVHEAUU IT'S BOIES PENROSE The Legislative Caucus Endorses by a Vote of 133 to 75. THE WANAMAKKK VOTE HUM; FOR Nut Will 17HIIIO Was Greater than Expected in in she Senate. the t-s- II ARKi -iirKG, January 6--The joint c.ui.'iis held i).) last niiilii, nominatrd Boirs I succt'i-d 1) Cameron. Tin: l- enrose to vote was Cash Racket Store, Box matches 25 needles Package hair pins Mouse traps, per hole Dozen clothes pins Black ink 25 envelopes Red ink Mucilage Pair Hinges Stove lifters Pad locks Chair seats 2 spools Clark's thread Corn Poppers 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 7C 12 boxes matches Utility flour sifters Men's wool socks Men's and ladies' half soles Gallon galvanized oil can 10 quart galvanized water pails Bre-'d, cake and paring knife Men's mule skin faced mills Men's leather, lined gloves Table knives and forks, set Alarm clocks, warranted good time-keeper We have the largest and best pencil tablets for 15C ink tablets for J5C iSc 2OC 23C 25C 25C 45C S2C 5C PVIVIA TUMNli.

Mrs Mary Thompson, of North Warren, Pa, who lias en spending a week with her parents Mr und John Kelly, lias returned to her home. Miss Jessie. Maxwell, of Transfer, has been visiting friends Sharpsville and Sharon lor some time Allen Sclutdt, we hear, has got tired of fie gypsies and i-. at home. James Monison, of Pittsburg, is visiting his many fuendj in ami around Transfer.

Miss Maud Wiimer, of Transfer, is atsending school at Slippery Rock. Miss Irene Derr spent the holidays with Warren friends. Roberts spent with his daughter in Castle. Dan Reichard, who is attending school near Pittsburg, spi-nt the holidays with his paivnti near Orangeville. Frank Polly ami wife, of Braddock, has been visiting fiic.ids near Transfer, the past-week.

Miss Ida Hier, of Clarion, is visiting Miss Edith Frampton Hiiiitli'-r oirn'spuhiti'nt. The name Pauley, in our last letter, was changed to Parcek-y. Mr and Mrs I) McKnight, of Sharon, were guests ol Mrs John Feiguson and family on New Year's. Reimold spent a few days last week in Sharpsville, the guest of Mr and Mrs Chas Beckman. James Kelley, of Cleveland, was the guest ol his mother and son, Wm, last Thursday.

Messrs GilliUnd and Shannon, West Middlesex, visited fiiends and relatives in this locality the first of last week, Mr and Mis Joseph Phenicie and family moved 10 Sharpsville, last Thins dav. Mr and Mrs Reimold, of Delaware township, were guests of Mrs McKinley and family on New Year's. Ktihn was called lo Warren. last week by the senous illness of his sister. Miss Mary Thompson, teacher of No 6, treated her pni ils to candy.

Geo. Tabler 100 MAIN STREET, GREENVILLE, PA. Fire and INSURANCE Real Estate HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT. Stroud Beatty. I'M Tonic Mildly and effectually carries ofl al impurities of Stomach and Bowels strengthens, regulates and restores them to a healthy and natural condition; invigorates Hie Liver, reduces inflamma tion in the Kulnejs; purifies and pro motes a healthy citcuiation of the blood and is an invaluable remedy in giving tone and vigor to the system generally Agrees with the most delicate stomach cures Constipation and does not gripe 25C.

Sold by C. D. Aldenderfer, succes sor to J. L. Caldwell.

jneiS-iy MELBA SINGING THE JEWEL SONG in ''Faust" never exciti-d any more en thusiasm than a yilt some choice bi of jewelry from our superb stock. handsome chatelamt; watch, pin ring where jtwi-ls are in unique de sign, a bract-let, or any of the adorn ments that will please the cultivate' fancy (if your wife or sweetheart will received with thanks. 'Juad, Paco am Gem cameras Columbia bicycles. Damon, The Jeweler. 187 Main Street.

Greenville, Pa Waniim.iker 75 Cameron i. Robinson i. Rice i. The vote was quite a form il affair, as the conti st foi chairman of the house caucus, Monday night, was indication ol how final vote would siand, lie (Juay's received 03 voles, and iss, tin- opposition man. 71.

As soon as the vote on senator was announci'd, Senator KaiiHiuan, who oininaled Wanamaker, moved that Ihe omination be made unanimous. The eciion will occur i January 19. Soon alter the cauc is a meeting of iV.mamaker supporters was held. They en- addressed by the Philadelphia lerchant who declared his intention of eeping up the light against Cju.iy. Martin, of M'-rcer county, voted lor iVananuUer; Bell and Emery for The legislature organized by choosing Buyer, of Philadelphia, sneaker, ere Rex.

of Huntingdon, was elected hief clerk, and A Fetttrolf, of ilonlgomeiy, resident elk. Hie senate E. W. Smiley, of Venan- was re-elected chief clerk, and Sena- or McCarrell, speaker pio tern. KAI.IOI.

Messrs Tom Roberts and Elgin Spears avt: been busy for several days leasing and for the ptoposed oil and gas test Mr Roberts left for Mercer, Monday nornir.g, to begin his work as auditor harks V'oslt-r, of Custards, Pa, vi.Mt- friends in ilns vicinity last week. MHS Tena Stevenson reltitiud from lillsdale, Mich, Monday, when; she bus H-fcti visiting her brother Fmdley dttr ng iht- holidays The machinery of the Sabbath schools of tlii' place, was put in running order aga.m for cm m-w year, Sabbath niorn- ng January 31 in i he church' Elias Jones was elected superintendent, with George -heeny and Miss McLean, assist- ints secretary, Crandall Roberts; reasurer, Miss Osborne; librarian, Thompson organist, ill Thompson. Miss Liwlon; borister, Miss Josie McLean reeieaed Stevenson, Mrs Piersol, assist- mt; organists, Miss Clara I'ii rsol, Mrs Osboru. Al the close of the Sab- iath school Mrs 1'iu-rsoi in a few well- words presented the superm- endent, Stevenson, with an Oxford Uible as a token ol good will and es- eem from the Sabbath school. The chorus class is talking of work ng up an "Old folk's concert" in the lear future.

The young folks are en- oying the singing hugely, and many of the elderly people, too. A meeting next Sabbath evening. Topic, "'The power ol the Holy leader, Stevenson Mrs Gilson Riley is improving. Robert Myer's little boy is quite ill with scarlet fever. The farmers of this neighborhood sold a car load of buckwheat last week lor 28 cents pet bushel and smilingly say they are living on "confidence." There was universal tegret expressed at the tiding of the death of Mrs Clark, postmistress at Leech's Corners, received Sabbath day.

Mrs Clark has been known and esteemed for years by our citizens and will be greatly missed. TGACMKKS 1 INSTITt Tit. A local institute, composed of Hempfield, Otter Creek and Sugar Grove will be held at Leech's Corners, Saturday, January 9. Following is the program: Grammar, Edith Vaughn Civil Government, Harry Broad Advanced Spelling, Betty Roberts Primary Geography, Miss McWinney School Government, Kate Bailley Mental Arithmetic, John Rnapp Fractions, Richard Merchant. Inn! Viit.

IMII III TIlllO. It hilS Iliniolt-'d lo moie ih.n ihe KiU' laiiioail about in m.ikf imp blH: ll: If I.l Ihe eMeiil i s.iiui.s i.l dollai and weie heir, Monday, to the gtonnd over. It is a i Ihe cm i "lit In-lit I am nig liiif r.iilioad impliivfs ir, ihis srrnon that Slii-nango wrl IK- piaclic ilfv abolished and Gieenvillv: made UK: an' i lianslei sUilion Tin 1 p-iiis ai'i- t'Xiig pi-clal as 10 lh" visit ul I I'bf only hen: thai dav was Chailes Y.m Wi-'liner, ul Cleveland, duel fit rk ut nil- nghl ol mem. lit- is a law ni 11 ll.ii.;- and liiimt-ily lived line, mil bis vis'l ben- wa.s wholly social in its, ch.iiacler. Hnl while it is mil l.kelv that Green vilte will become tin- end of iln- M.ilion- ing division and thi- Shoit Line divis- I ion al once the ch is bound lo come soonei or later.

This is lliv tendency ail over lilt: line and out i ase has .1 pa. a Me 1 ill Ymmgslowii superseding Li-ivills burg The Grei nvillc Shi-n-ingo stieicb Could opeialed as one )aid just as the P. is doing now, The AKiifS has tioned alltlionty -for saving Hit: change itlerrtil to is not an impioba bility, as it would be smelly in the line ol economy and common sense, but that it will lake time. FKOM Tin; COUNTY SKAT. PREACHER MISSING.

Rev. A. J. Graepp' Basely Deserts His Wife and Children. CHURCH SUSPENDS HIM.

Olllclnls inn) Ihrlr A Bi'llonn In lliiuri '1'iHiin- Noli'H. Iliiiii. I'm Cm 01 Till.Kill VI V. I-'IIANK ,1. (lillll 1 Illil In I il'' luirtin'r nf il.i- lion ul K.

.1. Cm MH hiisinui-s in the t'nv I iiiiiily iiiiM iifu Miiil.niiil lln- M.iil llrm will thv nf OXK HI'NIiKKI) liol.l.AKS i-m I-JIM-uf i'liliiri li iluil i Hiuiul In-ruri-il liy tin- IP (jntuirli I mi IK- iiml I h. ii'ii Swum in Intf Oils llili ilii.v I-'IIASK .1. CHKNK'i i nl.i-I In my A. li.

iill'i. rerily on slifiii. Srml A. (il.KASON, I'llhli: i.l ill! Ill'-lllnls. I V.

.1 CIIKSKV Ii. Sdlll Hull's'l-'iujiiiy I'lINn Hood's asy to Take asy to Operate Arc fcatnri's tn Hnoil's I'ilN. Small in You know you have taken a pill till It, is nil over." C. J. Hood Thu only nllls to take with Hood's SjMH'lal I (if AllliUS.

Mliut'KK, Jan Ci Court convened. Monday morning, at ten a with Judge Miller on the bench, when the following business was transacted Redmond was appointed auditor to m.ikt 1 disliibution of tin: funds in the hands of the sheilll arising (torn the sale of the real estate of deo and j. H. Young, of Liberty township, at tlie suit of K. Wick.

1) P. Packard was appointed examiner in the divorce case of (i Hales, libelliint, vs. Emma Hales, respondent. The petition ol Emma Speir, executrix ol Elon Speir, deceased, to make private sale of thirty seven acres of land anil nun tgage seventy acres, both situate in West Salem township, was granted josiah Siewart, of Pymaltiiiing township, was discharged as guaidian ol John C. and Thomas Schofield.

A. S. Barber, of Liberty township, was discharged as guardian of Theodore A. and Winifred George. R.

W. lUker presented his report as commissioner in the lunacy case of Margaret l-'ruit, of Jefl-jrson township. The following wills have been probated wiibin the last week Sarah E. Mil lic.r, West Middlesex, no Idlers; Cyntba Judv, West Salem, no Icltcis; Kannie McDowell, lellerson, James II McDowell and jusiah X.aliniser, exccntois George Rose, Lake township. Mary L.

Rose and Edward John Rose, executors Ahram U. Pearson, no lelleis Maigaret Ford, Coolspring township, no li'tiers The sheep claims tiled are Joseph Wheeler. Hickory, tour killed, live injured, 50; Dwlght McKarland, Pyma- tuniiig, two kilh-d, Ihree injured. Jiy 50; Egbert, Sandy Luke, six injiued, l'3-50. Meicer county's new ollicials wen- sworn in on Monday morning, ami ibe following appointments were made li.

W. Webster, protnonotory's clerk; Frank Ray, deputy clerk of courts; Hamilton, commissioner's clerk, and Clark Moreland, of Greene township, j-mitor. Sheriff Riddle has not yet appointed a deputy but will retain his predecessor, C. Thompson, a short time as instructor and assistant. Nearly all our local politicians are in llarrisburg this week ready to superintend the contest for U.

S. senator, Geo. W. Yeager returned to Piltsburg Monday. Dr.

Giebner and Squire Perrine, ol Sandy Lake, were in town, Tuesday, on business mailers Mrs. S. Thompson and son, John returned Saturday from a visit will; friends in Butler, J. S. Carmichael, an attorney Franklin, wan in town on Tuesday 01: professional business.

Henry Robinson a returned ti. Washington, D. C. Prof. Morgan Barnes, of Wilmington was a Mercer visitor a few days ago.

George Langdon succeeds Ellis Pat terson in the Western Union lelegrapl oflice; Mr. Patterson will assist his lathe in the treanurer's oflice Mr, and Mrs. J. Pardoe, of Kranklii spent Sunday in town, the guests Iriends. J.

Lytle. of Sandy Lake, was a luisi ness visitor, Tuesday. Gib. Nickum, of Ellwood, is spending a lew days' vacation in town. George Wasser, of Cleveland, was town over Sunday.

MAKKIAUK LICKNnKS. Slater Fredoni Sadie Rice Fair vie MrClimonds Butler C. Edna Montgomery Pin iiiy Thompson Stonebor' Rhoda ling en smith Stonebor Patrick Kelly Greenvill Agnes Foley Greenvill Wm II Grimm Fredonia Mary Wlke Slom-boro Munnell Reed Springfield Ebbert Findley Berlha Wilson Findley John Thomas Sarah Ann Thomas Sharon John A Burns Sharpsville Clara Hughes Sharon II Gibson I'yrnatuning Theresa Beatty Pymatuning Said to Have Gone With a Young Girl Believed to Have Coma Here. His Record. Rev.

A recently of lireeiiville, later of Hiitlgewatcr. Nova II.IB tkserted his wife and chil- dien and is now a fugitive from justice. Tin- intimation of this was telegrams received hi'ie recently asking if he was in Greenville and if so to arrest him. Some his intimate, friends here denied the cbaiges positively and even showed a telegram bom Hiidgewater slating the whole ali'iiir was false Those who were familiar with Gnepp's history here will not wonder at these desperate attempts 10 bolsterup his character. Conclusive evidence thai Mr Gnepp is contemptibly deserted his family is found in the Hiidgewater Bulletin of )i-cenibt-r In it orcnrs an official otict: from Rev Jacob Mourer.

an Ilicer of the Luiheran Church for that eciion of Nova Scotia. Rev. Mr. lomi-r states that "has been uspended from ihe Christian ministry conduct unbecoming a minister of it: gospel." Wade iv Palton, solictiors, nlso of hidgewatfi', representing Mrs. Gstupp, ave a legal notice in the same issue which is in the same tenor.

The paper 'ii December 21 contained the same otico and this is after the alleged return if as claimed by the telegram elerred to above. The case must be it bad one as the ditor ol the feels called upon make editorial comment on the nllair nil closes by saying that Griepp has kipped the town. As slated in the Clrn-pp was rsl believed to be in hiding in Green- ille, but it is quite certain he is not ere now. Gi.epp's ivcord here was not above uspicion and he wa.s accused of hold- ng beer soiri-s at his house on College venue This matter was investigated Rev. Dr.

Kunzman, of Pittsburg, A'ho made a statement in the Pittsburg at the time exonerating Mr. am) stating that the beer had prescribed for Mrs. by her iliysician and that others may have lossibly tasted it while there, but did lot drink in such quantities to become nloxicated. Soon alter, while not going Halifax, lie went to Nova Scotia. is said to have eloped with a girl, but we have no positive infor- nation as to this IHIIiAWAKK Hunter Mattocks, who have had heir saw mill on the Stewart farm the last year, will remove it to the Rhodes' arm, near Sugar Grove, this week.

Our merchant, F. Hum, is operat- ng a store in Youngstown. Miss Clara Moyer, of Allegheny, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Vloyer, at present. Miss Esther Rose, who has been very II with typhoid fever, is convalescing, Mrs William Dell is on the list. Communion services will be held in the Reformed church, January 17, at 10:30 i tn.

Preparatory services on Saturday; the i6th, at 2:30 p. tn. Charles Wagoner and wife, of township, and Mrs Robert Braesel and Mrs A Elimer, of Butler, were the guests of Mr and Mrs William Dell, Sun- Tax payers who failed to get their tax paid in time to vote last fall should see that they gel them paid In time to vote in February. Hunter and Mallocks left for Clarion county, Tuesday, to look after a arge tract of limber which they contemplate purchasing Stoyer, of Franklin and Marshal college, Lancaster, was home over Sunday Mrs Lee, who is suffering from a tumor, was taken to the hospital at Mercer, where her case was pronounced incurable. At a meelint! of the consistory of the Reformed church, last Saturday, the following Kihbath school officers were elected for the ensuing year: Superintendent, Rexf I Crow; assistant, Thos CM Derr; secretary, Carl Gamble; treasurer, A Kashner; organist, Miss Ollie Gamble.

The county auditors have taken up their abode in Mercer for the nextjthree months and are exceedingly busy auditing and adjusting the business affairs of the countv. POWDER Absolutely i tin r. let.tun^ ii all uf mluUt-iuil'in I'liiiinnui to clump brands, IvoVAi. HAKIM) 1'owutu New York, strength ami alum.

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