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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SHENANGO TALLET ARGUS, SEPT. 8, 1877. Greenville, Mercer County, Ponna, LOCAL COOK AtJAIN." filler From Win.—Tlif Old and lIIP. I'HIEOS KIT.

Diuu Aiccius: During tliesc sultry summer days I find leisure to indite you a few lines to let you know that I nrn yet in the land of the living. For a number of weeks I have "lieeu threatening" to write you, but with the thermorn- ctcr lit 98 In Uio shade, there wns not much to expect In the way of correspond- from this quarter. A refreshing shower of rain, and a cooling down of temperature, however, lias had an enlivening effect, and I hasten lo tuke advantage of circumstances before the. next hot spell comes on. In the way of news, I have nol innrJi to write.

What with Mollic Miiguircs, railroad strikes, Tuvko-KusBlan war, we have not had much time to think, or to try ta keep up with our locul allalrs. however, arc about at an least the first two we can draw long breath, and prepare for the next sensation, What will it be? We beg of you to let it stay iu your latitude. After ten or twelve years of sensations, wo must decline taking any more in ours. We have Hpeclal laws hero prohibiting any person from "playing soldier," talking war talk, or whistling martial tunes (women only cxceptedj, and any infraction of these laws evokes tho heaviest penalties. So see we tire effectually "bull-dozed." Thank you, no more in ours.

Wo are now having beautiful weather. The temperature through July, and the curly part of August, was sultry, the thcimomele.r standing at, 98 to 100 during mid-day; but rt 1 fresliHig showers within the last fortnight hayc cooled the atmosphere, and rendered it unusually cool and pleasant for this month. Tho crops aro looking ilnely. Corn was injured somewhat by drouth, hut there wil be an abundance raised. Cotton Is doing very well.

There is some complaint worms and rust In BOUIO localities, but the complaint Is not general. Wo arc haying au abundance of Iralt of all klpds. Since Ihe middle of June, wo have been luxuriating ou choice apples, peaches, and plums, and now the lale frnlt, together with owr delicious grapes, are just coming In. In Uie way garden truck, we have hud an abundanci since April. The second crop of Irish pota toes will soon be ready for use.

Sweet pota toes, fall turneps-lalo cabbage, peas, etc. will keep our dRes supplied until free November. With one-naif facilities that other eec tions enjoy, this part, of Arkansas would rank with nny portion of the Southwest. With cheap lauds, fertile soil, convenience to uavl great esscntialsloaprosperou need capital, energy, and clos economy to render South Arkansas a nios desirable country. Our people, however, ar slowly but surely learning hew to accomplish this purpose, and need but time to demon strato Iho truth of what I have asserted, I see that Greenville is going to enjoy th luxury of a new Opera House.

The publi spirit of tho projector. William Laird, Esq. cannot bo too warmly applauded. The hulls In the old Laird liloek, on Ktico street were Ihe musical assembly rooms of Ih Greenville Band for a number of years, an very many now liying can attest to the hap py social gatherings Iu Laird's Hulls in clay "lung syne," Tho inauguration of the i Opera House could be made an Interesting least to a few. Were possible what would bo more appropriate or more In torcstmg to old Urccnvllllans than an usscm Wing of tho members of the ol Bands? preserving the different orgaulza tiona as nearly an possible.

Of tho old, orig iual Greenville Baud, there aro but few livin from "Pap" Mills and "Coon." Ull know ol nono. Of the organ ot 1856, you have at homo Jake Wiei Nallmn Block, and probably ono or Uvi the rest aro dead or scattered to ever, point of Ike compnsB. Of the organization since 1859,1 know nothing. Could such ai assemblage bo had, some of tho good ol days could bo called to mlud, aud many ui Interesting event, lone since forgotten, bo ro vivecl. Speaking of old times, brings to mind Du mars' "episode," in the Auous of a 1 weeks elncc.

Yes, "Finchy" saw it nnd appreciated every word of it. The rniiu; reminiscences of tho old Wilson Block an still fresh In my memory, and nearly every circumstance, from Al. Wick's famous "lied bug limit," to Peter OUl's keg of higor, ii the new Times office, in iho building oppo site, are as vivid in my memory as though but yesterday's occurrence. Referring to ancient landmarks brings to notice the removal of the old McNally residence. When I read this Hem, In tho AKOCS, .1 could not but recall lo mind Iho many pleasant hours passed within its walls, and the many happy spirits thut for years made i that place, as it were, hcadqmulets.

Of Mrs. McNally il Ts useless lo speak. She Is known all Greenville, and her kimlacga and hos- ipiUility In oldtn time will never bo forgotltn. May days In her new home be liappy ami plcuscit, and may every joy aud comfort sur- r.iund her, is Ike priijer of uu old-lime frUnd. .1 see boys arc luking tn lUh "according lo.iitiv," and from nil aceounls are hating ugood llwe.

I noticed tho capture ol the fish of cattish that Bhuron a weeks ago, I think, 42 pounds. A I'air sized large least it would culled eo iu fiomu places. Now, lur my Aboul same date the writer here- caught out ol the Ouachitu a catfish thut lipped thu scales seventy-Jive the iirxt day caught another of the eamo sort iliut.brought down it wasn't a day for Halting cither." As Uie Dulvhiuan said, "How high Ish dot By the wuy, we have Ush In abuudanco, and uu laws prohibiting our taking them when we pleasu. Whim we get hungry for llsh, WL, uu and cutoU mew, nnd tat them, without vuu fnir of mid hi place our "harvest home," our farmers, when rops are "laid by," take all hands, with the aby and the dog, go to the river, and hare rttat is denominated a description which I gave in tho Auocs a year or two go, AH thut IB needed Is a rasher of bacon, few pones of corn bread, and a bottle or of well, almost anything will woin Arkansas prefer whisky. modus operand! is, lirst, catch your flgh, lean and cook them on the river bank, and nt thorn as they cotnn hot from the fryintr- mn, washed down with a cup of alrong cof- Talk about appetite and dyspep- ia! It is like "Old Cook's" description of Irinking lager beer nnd eating 'Tlie more you eats the more you wants to rink, and the more you drinks tlio more yon wants to eat." I received a line from our mutual friend ohn Ii.

Packard, a short time since, enclos- ng a correspondence between himself and Ion. W. F. Siemens, M. C.

from this Dii- rict. You can tell John that I wrote to Bill." "vended the invitation lie md Sheiikley tendered, and also Inform him when the times comes, Siemens will be sure to "wnke that other cuss." (For an -ex- ilanation of the above, your readtis are jucstcd to call ou Packard at the "Tall Brick," or JZon. Jns. ns my time too much, occupied lo notice correspondence ou the subject.) Well, time is close. Will probably write again next Bummer.

(D. My correspondence is like Jason.Chappoll's when I feel like t. So when I feel like writing, you may expect to hear from mo. Good bye. FINCH.

"A Strong Ticket a JUiisli find Dlilk 1'lntforiii." That is thu way the Eric Observer speaks of the outcome of the Democratic Stole Convention, the paper itself being strongly Democratic. We quote from its article; ''Having paid this just tribute to the nominees, we presume it will bo expected, in accordance with the prevailing notions of thick and thin party journalism, that we must endorse the platform, also, as thequintesscence of political wisdom and patriotism. This, wo regret, it is net in our conscience to do. We nro not only sadly disappointed in it, fcut wo feel actually ashamed of it. The times called for clear, decisive, ringing sentences, thnt dealt with the live issues of the day in a manner that would impress the minds and hearts of thu with a belief that the Democratic party of Pennsylvania had risen to the summit of the occasion, and were ready in all sincerity and faithfulness to carry out tho great Heforms imperatively demanded by the country.

Instead of these, we hate a long drawn rigmarole of school-boy scntlmentalism, well enough in its Ideas, so far as they go, but without style or force, Which nobodv, friend or foe, can read without mingled feelings of disgust and contempt. The Pennsylvania Democracy have been humiliated too often by this sort of thing, to accommodate ambitious nobodies, and tho period has been reached when to tolerate or palliate It Is a crimo against tho cause and tho good name of the State. Tho coming campaign may bo fought out on tho merits of the ticket, but the less the platform with which it has been loaded down irbronght to tho foreground the better." Htoncboro Fntr. The Pair ol the Mercer Co. Agricultural Society, held at Stoneboro on Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday, was the most successful tke Society has ever held.

Our space forbids a detailed report. AH the exhibits in the various departments wece good, the display of live stock, and poultry being particularly fine. The grounds nro large, shady, and well watered. The Society deserve credit for the lusty manner in vvliicb the ground is being fitted. Special trn'ns were run on the F.

during the Fair. English of Jamestown, the only carriage manufacturers represented, fact speaks well for their enterprise, nnd their work speaks for itself wherever introduced. The proverbial ram put in its appearance, as usual, This has occurred so regularly that pco- almost inclined to the belief Unit it is part of the yearly programme. A Project. learn that there nro some parties in town who have tlie refusal of the rolling mill, nnd land and connected therewith, lor thirty (lavs, lit the sacrifice price of )00.

The effort appears to be to get the citizens generally to lakehold and get up a com pany corporation, limited partnership of 1,000 shares of each, which would make a capital of £50,000. The idea is to buy the roiling mill aud S3 acres of land, then go on and put up suitable buiUlinga for foundry, machine, agricultural mid stove works. At the price at which the roiling mill can be bought now, tho whole works, with foundry, machine shops, with ten ordinary dwellings will not exceed $25,000. Then the company would have left to go on and ran tho works. Now the question is, will it be tx good or bad thing for our town to get a permanent works of this kind started here, which would give work to from 100 to 200 men understand that a move this kind will be made, and hope that our citizens will take nn interest in it.

Communion services in the Presbyterian Church to-morrow (Sabbath). Seven new members were received into the U. P. Church of this place last Sabbath. Tho French Creek Bnptist Association will be held at West Springfield on tho second Tuesday after the first Wednesday, September The Erie and Crawford Associations of tho Y.

M. 0. A. will hold a Convention at Girard ou Saturday ami Sunday, the 8th and Oth of September. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will bo administered at the Baptist Church to-morrow (Sabbath) morning.

Services will commence at 10:30. KCT. (J. L. Shipman, of Girard, preached in Packard Hall on last Sabbath evening, to a very largo congregation.

Rev. Sbipman said he would preach here again in tho near future, on which occasion he will talk on the creed of the Universalist Church. COJUI.NU UVENT8. Preaching to-morrow in all the churches. Pork and Beans Festival, in the Armory, Monday evening, Sept.

10, at 6 M. Col. Ilealf's lecture, in the Presbyterian Church, Tuesday evening, Sept. 11. Watson Guard Bull in Packard Hall on thciiightof the lOlli, State Prohibition Convention at isburg, Sept.

12. State Greenback Convention at liauisport, Sept. 19, As the west bound freight on the J. F. was leaving Clark station on Wednesday evening, a young man on the depot platform struck a young lady whx Blood near him a severe blow across the face with his list, causing tho blood to flow from her nose.

The injury must have been quite It is to be hoped thai the brutal assailant got severely chastised by the friends of the lady. We did not learn the cause of the assault. learn that Francis Murphy will September 18th, or thereabouts, on a lour through North weslern Pennsylvania, lecturing on the subject of temper-, aucu. Hu will lecture iu Greenville for one hundred dollars night, We are informed thivi Mr. Murphy receives nothing for his services, hut his necessary traveling expenses.

The balance goes into the treasury of thu National Tem- pHranee Union. parade of the Sharon Fire Department will tuke place Sept. 22tl. The PrcHlilont Is PlonHed. A special lo the Pittsburgh Commcrcla snys that the platform of the Pennsj'lva nia Republican Convention was the subject of informal conversation at the Cab inet meeting Thursday.

It was favorably commented upon in its general features. The stand taken by the Republican party in the State in pledging its support to the efforts of the Administra lion in-carrying out the platform upon which it had been elected, it was observed by members of the Cabinet, wn all that was asked. It has been the hon est effort of the President at all times to execute the provisions of that platform and would be bis earnest endeavor continue to do so to the end of his Administration. It is believed that the action of the Pennsylvania Convention will exercise nn important influence in reconciling the differences whicli exist in the other States on the same subject. THE OLD STORY.

"BtHIoUB, weak, nervona. stomach disordered not rest nights, etc." Well, let ns see low heRotontoflt. He didn't make himself iBagireahleand spend all his time telling pco- ilehow bad ho was, and lhat he had no faith in medicines. Oh not he meant business. He wcnl lo the store and got a "botlle or Iwo," and here Is whal he sayg.

Laona, N. July 28.1872 Daring the past spring I became billions, ncr- vons. weak, stomach disordered, not rest nlfihta and felt constantly oppressed by a sense Imaginary danger, I was Incapaclatcd for Mislness and tried several bottles of vnrious mtent medicines said to relieve such symptoms, tut nil to no purpose. I finally procured bot- of Dr. I'cunct'g Blood and Liver Hemecly and Nerva Tonic.

I thocght I not only needed blood cleansing and liver medicine but. I know my were nmtihnp and needed toning up. Tliig powerful medicine atlraed me up, ancl by time it wus hall pone I thought I felt worse. IJnt I persevered ana by the time it was all I was decidedly better. Another bottle completed tlio cure, and I have been well nnd strong fcince.

I was so bad that I covld not feel better till the work of cleansing nnd restoring bad gone on come duys. This remedy was so active that I felt poorly tho Urst few days while the work of tioing on, till the most of it was accomplished, then my improvement was rapid and permanent. If 1 hftd stopped nt'ter I taking tlio first half bottle of tlie remedy and said it did me no because I felt stirred up by it, It would liuvo lieeti great calamity to mo and nn injustice to what. I consider the hest remedy ever put. before Die people, I don't know what would have become of me without, it.

KDGAK COLSON. After reading thin truthful recital will any irreconcilable invalid rel'iine to bu- licve and'iusitit, nn keeping himscll ytck? 1 For sale by dealers in medicine, (let a circular nil of Or. Kenner's Remedies. -trl Among the progressive leading Art Publishing firms of the country, we take pleasure in mentioning George Stinson of Portland, they were among tho first in tho bnsiiu-ss, and we can only understand tlie colossal proportions their trade has assumed by remembering that this a great aud mighty Nation of nearly fifty million people. We cannot better illustrate the magnitude of their business than to state tho amount.of money paid hy them for postage stamps during tho year 1876; wu have the ilgures direct from the firm, or we should think there was some mistake.

They paid for postage clumps during tho year 1870, thirty-three thousand one hundred and four dollarg and ninety- two cents and, in connection with this, it should be remembered that only the small orders were sent by mail, the larger going by express and freight. George Stinson nirents are to tie found ill every State in tlio Union and Dominion of Canada, and in every coenty with scarcely an cxceptiou. Attention, Soldiers! Examinations of pensioners will be held as follows: Sharon, Sth. Fine Grove. lltli.

Mercer, 13th. C. BVJ-ES. JR.EMOVJ&. Miss Lydla Smith has removed her dressmaking establishment from Tunison's block to rooms over Brackln clothing store, where she is prepared to do all styles of dressmaking, cutting, on short notice.

ANNO UNCEMJSA TS I'oor Director. M. O. -MOORE, of Greenville, will be candi date for I'oor Director, subject to the decision of the Republican County Committee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

NEW GOODS NEW ADVERT IS MEN 7W. mo ALL WHO KNOW TW.MBKLVES IN- JL d'ibtod to tho estate of Dr. II. De La Cos- pitt. on book account or note, nro In call and settle.

For after the first of November they shall be left with proper unthorilv for collection. COSSITT, Excntrlx. TEACHERS' The colnmns have arrived for Win. Aehre Son's new store, which is rapidly being pushed, lo completion. These columns arc a model pattern and are mechanically potten up.

They were manufactured by S. W. Johnson at Middlesex, the woika that Allen Turner is interested In. They are manufacturers of machinery, stoves, mill work, They have heeii running steadily this fact for the past three years, and tho work shows for itself whether It is well done or not. Arc they not as nice a lol of columns as liiere are in Greenville? oportunity will be offered to have these worlis removed to Greenville, if the citizens so desire.

Pork and Beans Festival will be held in the Armory, over Watson Co's. store. brass band tournament, to which sqme twenty bands have been invited, is to come oft in Conueaut, Ohio, on the 10th of September. did the phenance man from Jimtown, make such persistent and desperate attempts to put his hand under the strange lady's shawl at the E. P.

depot, last Saturday nighty alleged spirit of Samoset, the famous big Ingun, appeared in Packard's Hall on Wednesday evening last, freeing the poor captive from the bonds liiat bound him, kissing the Indies, and raising- tho devil generally, BO to speak. JIiss PATTON, who has been in attendance in the musical department of the University of Pennsylvania during the past jcar, has returned aud again taken charge of her old classes in this neighborhood. Miss Pulton has an excellent musical education, and is a thorough teacher. Any of our citizens desiring instructions in vocal anil instrumental music, harmony and thorough buss, can now secure her services for the same. DK.

IlAYiw is visiting relatives in Greene, Clienango county, New York. TMal; of Out of Ono Hundred Thousand bottles of JAMAICA VKOKTAHLE HEALTH Euxiu sold laet year, $1,000 were saved to the purchasers. This is one reason that wo sell thin valuable medicine at Ninety-nine Cents per bottle, and another reason is that we desire to attract public attention ta it wherever it is not generally known. For all common diseases sudi as IteaducUo from Disordered Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, llillionsness, and a Debilitated Btato of the System from Impoverished jllooil, this medicine stands without parallel. and sample hotlles lor sale by J.

J. Douuldson, Greenville. uow-scpB 1 of This delightful new volume by Jules Vt-rne has just been issued as No. 98 of "The Lakeside Library" series. It details the adventures of tho papsenjjerri and crew of the good ship Chun- cellor, lost in mid ocean on thu Atlantic, When tlie.

ship was dcHtruyoil its people found refuge on a rait, and encountered great privajions, and were subject, to Imminent uunguis. few survived the biirdstiips of Ihti long contest with tlie fierce elements. Thu interest of story is enhanced by 3i.l line I'lijiravliigs. Sold by nil newsdealers at 10 cents, or sent, free of postage, by DONNKI.I.KT, Luru Publishers, Chi- cajio, 111. IIfEFALL EXAIN'ATIOXS FOIt 1877 WILL be held as follows StoncVioro Sattirdnv, Sept.

Sheakleyville 1(1 Leechs' Comers Tuesday, 11 J2 Millhrook Monday, 17 Znhnizer S. Jackson Tiu-sdiy. IS New Lebanon Wednesday. New Hamburg Thursday, North Liherty Tuesday, 25 Leesburg Wednesday, "(i Donaldsoii'sS. II.

M'ilnri'n I Thursday, '27 Greenfield Friday, 33 West Middlesex. Monday, Oct. 1 t-haron Tuesday, a ClarkRvllle Wednesday. 3 Greenville Thursday. 4 Jamestown Friday, 5 Sandy Lake Saturday, I'ino Grove Friday, Nov.

1 All examinations commence at 10 A. si. Strangers are requested to bring 11 reference from one or more responsible persons as evidence of their moral character. Ml teachers who intend to tench within (be. year, should apply at the regular examinations.

For a specimen of penmanship, the applicant Is required to give tlie number of terms taught, schools attended, where and how long, (omitting district, schools) and 11 a render of the Pa. School Journal, or any educational periodical, teachers Institutes attended, also age, full name and address. Each applicant ehoald hand in at the beginning stamped envelope, undressed to himself; place within the envelope yum- latest certificate issued by me, which will bo returned with your new one. Time and place of holding Com.ty Institute Will be announced in due time. J.

M. DItillT, County Supt. Invite special particular attention to A Fresh New Line of GOODS JUST OPENING, Emnrecing everything usually kept in our fall in Maisli, at the Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Store, are now receiving their fall stock ol men and boys' Hats and Caps. We shall aotitinue to keep the largest stock and best selected styles shown in Greenville. 208, Main street, 2t-eep8 opposite City Bakery.

WEBSTER'S UNAnmnoKn ILLUSTRATED. us a whole, we are confident that no other living language has a dictionary which so fully iiud faithfully sets forth its present condition as this last edition of Webster does that of our written and spoken Hngllsh tongue." liar- pel's Where Shall Senil Jtanghttr You will consult btr health, happiness and success in study and music, by placing her in the care of Dr. Taylor, at the Beaver College and Musical Institute, Beaver Pa. Prices moderate, and as low as good board and first-class instruction can be Chronicle. Ridge Coal p'er ton.

Best and cheapest In the market. Leave your orders at Keck Emery's store or with L. L. KECK. and Linseed Oil at Reno's Drug Store 215 Mam st.

Oecalcoinaniu Pictures, good assortment' at Reno's Drug Store, J15 Main st. Go to Uie little Shoe Store for your One eew cd cheap. Vino I'ainlH in tubes at Reno's Drug Store' 215 Main Street. Vf. G.

Taylor has 500,000 XXX best quality sawed plno shingles which he ofleis at Grange prices. Chestnut Ridge Coal, $2.85 per ton. Leave orders at Keck Emery's store, or with L. L. KECK.

Try tho Handy Package the best In the world at Shrom's drug store. Oliver Chilled 100,000 Plows now in use, giving perfect satisfaction. The only perfect plow. Every farmer should try them. Do not waste money on poor tools.

Get the genuine Oliver. BEWARE OP INFHINOINO IMITATIONS. We have sold over SO plows in this vicinity tins year to our best farmers. We also sell tne Dra- moud, Iron Imperial and Curtis plow. W.

J. SUTTON Hardware, Stoves and Manui'act'rs of Tinware. Coal 82.85. Chestnut Ridge Coal delivered at the above price. Orders left with L.

Keck, or at Keck Emery's store, will receive prompt attention. 4SJ6 8 81) Retail Market. Dried HUTTKU HKANB, per quart Beeswax CANDI.KS, Jlold C'ltACIKMla, CHICKENS, alive COFPKE. Hlo Old Government Java Hoasted, Ground ENO. CUUUANTS KllQS Kisu, Cod White Mackerel MOBS Mackerel, Herring, Lake Herri nj; FLOUII, Mich.

White Wheat Amber Graham 10 00 FKKU, Chop, pur 1 50 Hran 00 GiiAiN, Wliout I 45 8nl 18 Oats, Core HAY Hums, Green Heel LAUD, MOI.APSEK, New Orleans House Manic MEATS, llainu Potatoes Shoulders Side Tallow J'ork Hreaklast Uacon Nosf J'orfc Dried Ucof MKAL, ONIONS Timothy Flax Hungarian Si'iiAUs, Brown A White 25 i no 7(38 1 (iO 50 00 '2 50 1 70 (Rll 45 18 PLA.NING MILLS. Co. OP DOOItS, SASHS, BLINDS, ALSO DEALERS IN SHINGLES and LATIL We have in stock at our PLANING MILL AND MANUFACTORY, CANAL STREET. Greenville, Pa Everything in the Inmner line for building purposes. If those intending to purchase lumber will call and examine our slock, wo can satisfy them that it will he to their interest to deal with us.

We make specialty of furnishing to order DOORS, SAS1I, BLINDS AND STORE FRONTS Of every style, equal in material, workmanship and finish to any manufactured in the country, and at the most, reasonable prices. Greenville, March 8, 1877. WEST SIDE PlANGUG Are prepared to furnish their customers with all kinds of Building Material SUCH SASH, BLINDS, Mouldings, Brackets, On Short Notice, and at the most Reasonable Terms. All persons intending to san, would do welt to give us a call before go- Ing elsewhere, as they will Iiud it to their ud- vaiitiigc. Guaranteed in KitEi-s BROS.

AT KELIA13LE We aim at Good Quality, and prefer give our customers good values. to CLOTHING FOR MEN" AND BOYS Oveacoats Overalls Suitable for this Trade and Climate, Z5?" Great, care nas been taken in the- selection of Styles, nnd we take pleasure in giving a man a GOOD FIT. Our Mill Is situated on (he JS. P. It.

R. and our LUSfBER is from the cars right to the yard, the Expense of Ifaidiag, Cases. Boots, Shoes Hats Wares, In Groat Variety and at Guaranteed Prices- aiming in every Instance to give the trade one hundred cents' worth iu value for cacti and every dollar expended with ns. Produce, Handled at the closest pos Bible margin. THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED.

Tfi'Tnt'inltft' That we will sell you a j.ltLlflLlllvi-1 Overcoat 25 per cent lower than we could it last year, Jlfxi-nv-ml-ifv That our Women's Calf Shoes nru just what you want for good honest service at this seaaen ol tlie year. Yarns. standin wu of Oermantown and Woolen That we will sell yon Flannels at lagt ar 8 pricoa, notwith- the high price of this year's wool. Tuat our Standard Men'e lloot iB nll thftt wo clalro for it- the best for the money in the market. That we keep, in addition to a i 6tock 0 Lake Sult.tbe pure liock Salt, suitable for curing meat, etc.

Tlmt wo grniu and pay the highest market price for the same. Tlmt for 8 pral variety and exteutof stock, our store and warehouses nre nnequaled. We have no 'Drives' But sell riglit straight along with the same small margin on about everything. A CORDIAL INVITATION Is hereby extended to- CALL and EXAMINE STOCK. WATSON CO.

162 164, Main St, GREENVILLE, PA,.

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