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Arkansas Democrat from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 15

Arkansas Democrati
Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I tkm a'-! Saw wwm Established 1E99. Certainty of cure POLITICAL ANTI-THIRD TERM RULE to sufferer from For Congress. THE DEMOCRATIC VOTEBS OF" TOE V. SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTBICI OFAKKAN8A8: I am a candidate for Congress from tbe IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED IN OUR GOVERNMENT ipecmc dioqp poisoning Blito Congressional District pt- itwnni, and earnestly solicit the support of all voters participating In the coming primaries. I pledge myself to a faithful and diligent discharge of tbe duties aftbe otflcs.

Yours trnly, JOH T. BOBIXSON. i Foerj Remedy Evansville, Ind. Capital 8tock $30,000 Folly Paid. erlstlduq; einl'wl Gov.

Davis Himcelf Admits That "Long Established Practice Is Unwritten Law" Judge U. M. Rose Reviews the Record 3. t- Hawkins, Van Bu- ren. Deaha County.

W. T. Watklna, X. O. Pln-dall, Arkansas City.

Drew County. C. T. Harris, N. C.

Roe, Geo. W. Curry, Jas. R. Manees, W.

R. Hammock, T. D. Owens, C. T.

Cotham, H. S. J. E. Paddon, Montongxri Aj Ji Posey, J.

F. Willis. J. W. McCain, Florence; H.

H. Trice. Faulkner County. Jas. A.

Anderson. J. D. Clary, O. u.

Banner, J. W. Underbill, W. H. Duncan, G.

W. Chesler, L. W. Ruple, Geo. W.

Clark, W. W. Martin, J. M. C.

Vaughter, D. F. Short, John A Erwin, P. Plant, J. H.

Baney, J. F. Campbell. K. B.

Townsend, C. Gregory, J. HigglnsT. J. Evans.VW.

A. is-grig, Rubs; Conway. 1 Franklin County. D. M.

McGraw, R. C. HID, Altus; J. C. Herrod.

H. Forrest. Dennlhe: J. TsJs sartnlaMa Is (tnsi wltk srsry vsrakaas six ksttlss ss FOERG'S REMEDY bi consideration of Five IMUrs ($5.00) paid for six bottles of Foerg't and Shows That Third Terms Are Opposed to All Demo-' cratic Precedent and Principles "The Time to Stop Is! For Chief Justice of Arkansas Supreme Court. The Democrat is authorized to announce Judge H.

G. Bonn of Ouachita county a candidate for Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, subject to the action at the Democratic party. Tbe Democrat is authorised to announce J. H. Caimichael (dean of lew department University of Arkansas) as a candidate fur Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries.

Remedy, this day of 190 and tn consider-- 1 Hon of you using these six bottles exactly according to directions, for Specific Blood Poison or Scrofytaftht- undersigned agrees to pay to i Five Dollars, provided no benefit is derived! a from the six bottles, and this certificate is returned to the undersigned 4 Uhin four months. Just Before the First Step Is Taken." Dr. Clinton E. Whitney Tcwn- Signed- (Dnsslst Mssi Little Rock, February 29, 1904. that Grant was principally U.

M. Rose, New Orleans. mental In the suppression of tue rebellion. guaranty th sSMKWf ftv DoUan (atos in accordance with nutnrt wrjmUd ssass. rOKSU MEMtOT On JTosm, Stc mm Itms.

HuoMat mnd wrnssm ofFtttra Kemrtw at, knotm to mtnonmthi mm mum mt mmmmmwmmi'- ana mat as a gruceiui rewara lor uts ser- Dear Sir The committee arranging ie he gnoul(f everything that per-i program for the convention of turrulj D. i0Bdi ambltlon miglt cravtJ and theio was Wood clubs which to be held here on of March 8. remembering your having Imli ki mnd probity, and- it siy jtrm bltef that all eonfltltmet rim jilin nf fn fflili ifnlsMmN mnt jL. Jacobs, J. Hodge," Wrft Rod- UUJdl 1 A I HKW.I VUUVNB ilHWHW MM, MMMIM Treats all ailments by his new combined system of therapeutics.

lie has the best equipped office In the- south, containing Static, Faradic and Galvanic- Electric Machines, superheated alt baths, etc. For Railroad Commissioner. Tbe Democrat Is snlhorlxed to annonnce Vf. H. Duley of I'ulnskl imintv ss a enn dldate for railroad commissioner this district, snbjpct to tbe cctlon of Democratic primaries.

The Democrat is authorised to annonnce John T. Burkett of Ouachita county as a candidate for railroad commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic party. The Democrat is authorized to annonnce J. E. Hampton of Dallas county as a candidate for Railroad Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic parry.

cated you might be wining at a p.oper time lKrs an(1 tamp.r,owerfc looking out only 1 1 to make a public address upon the issues in f()r iu also sald tual the present gubernatorial campaign, regrets what anu jnoa deprecated I The above Is a copy sf oar printed form of guarantee. This abMlntstycsmrs the! i S' was not a third term, but a consecutive i i family here, that your absence and th? state )arm Tha If you are suffering from any of your health would prevent your accept- r8 sensible Republicans would not Incur ing an Invitation to make such an addivjs i. form of disease, call on or cor "I scans inn you are nox cursii svery cent oi your money win rSffusttM to jm, With the above Information before you if you goon mifferlnc from theourseof poisonvfiTateed, either primary, ronstttutlonal or as a result of mercurial treatment, don't rail at fate but ettaDly blame yourself, for here is a euro absolute and sure. Tainted blood manifests itself in tat form of Scrofula, Eczema, Rbeumatfo pains, stiff or swollen joints, eruptions or ooppsr-oolorad spate on the face or body, little ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, sora throat, swollen tonsils, falling out of tbe hair or eyebrows and Anally a leprous-like decay of the flesh and boss. If yaa have any one of these symptoms dont delay till too late but so to your draiflst and (eta lnHi of at this convention, an occasion where it I inat ttB the i i Is believed It would accomplish much.

respond With fers, J. W. Anderson, H. L' Gorge, Ozark. Garland County.

W. F. Housley, H. C. Smith, Robt Wood, Calvin Webb, A.

S. Buckanan, J. B. Wood. Greene County.

A. A. Knox, M. F. Collier, Para-sould.

Grant County. G. M. Allen, John P. Harper.

Heiripstead County. James L. White, R. M. Brlant.

W. M. Greene, Judge A. A. Gibson, E.

G. third-term principle Lwcarne more deeply I implanted In the public ruiiid than ever; and today whoever assails lts courts disaster. I Nevertheless, we believe in view of your Ions: resldeme hi Ibe stare, vour knowledge For Auditor of State. The Democrat 's authorized to announce Avery E. Moore of Kaulkner county as candidate for Auditor of Slate, subject to xbe will of the Democratic party.

The Democrat Is authorized to announce Lafayette Eoff of Harrison. as a and familiarity with ner public affairs, aud C.E.Whitney,M,D.,D,O.M.E. 822 Main St, Little Rock, Ark. PnPDn'C DCMCnV the great the coomleix'e your utterances wm inspire, that seme expression from you to be read BLOOD PURIFIER at this meeting, be it no more than a letter, will I beard wltb much interest aud Examinations Free. ALL DRUOQISTS OUARANTEB IT.

it nr.s been repeatedly eniDoaieu in state constitutions and Is indelibly Imprinted in the popular belief. Not one man in a thousand whose Judgment is perfectly unbiased will assail Its justice or deny its expediency. But there Is another reason whv we should oppose a long-continued exercise of power In te hands of a single man aud candidate for Auditor of State, subject to the Democratic primaries. If your druggist does not handle this remedy send us II. 00 for one bottle ert.W Jt at! bottles and absolute guarantee fao-shnile ot which is published above.

Ail packages sent ia plain wrappers. All correspondence strictly confidential. flint- la that it niuM.a.ll Isnria in tIii. For State Treasurer. The Democrat is authorized to announce Hon.

H. C. Tipton of Boone county as a candidate for State Treasurer, subject to the acHnn of the Democratic parfr. Evansville, Ind. F0ERQ REMEDY SoldlooaUrbf building up of an oligaichy, the worst form practice is unwritten law, resting for Its authority on consent.

Publicists Porterfleld, J. D. Cotttace, Hope; H. L. B'Shers, Fulton; W.

8. Eakln, W. H. Etter, R. J.

Prince, M. W. Wilson, Julian Goid, Geo. S. Spraggin, Glen Frederick, ashington; J.

C. Martin, J. A. Thomas, H. D.

martin, W. A. Formby, A. ii. Carrigan, Patmos.

Howard County. be of weight In determining these issues. The committee has delegated me to make to you this communication, and we will ue glad to have your reply. lours very respectfully. AkTIICR NEILL.

Arthur N'elll, Committeeman of the Carroll D. Wood Club Convention, Little Rock, Ark. Dear Sir I have received your note asking me for my opinion on the subject of the propriety of the rule long established In the Democratic party limiting tbe terms of president of the United States and of the governors of states co a second term. Washington was not In favor of the one-man power in political affairs and his name is Intimately associated with the rule in question. During tbe darkest hours of tbe Kepubllc he had been repeat define an aristocratic government to be where all the powers of government are lodged in a selct body of men Davis men.

for instaneo.J To this It may be replied that such condition of things could not exist In this country: HIT T11K TIME TO STOP IS Jt'ST REKORK THE KIKR't of government ever devised by the wtt of man the government of Jh few ovr the many. Tlie pernicious consquenees arising from aristocratic government are so well known thai men who have aspired to unbounded dominion faavo always taken greatest pnlns to conceal this unworthy purpose from view. Though the Komaii sanuta Kail Inmr hsitnma maia titi-il III Stiodgrass St Bfficy, Druggists Commissioner of Mines, Manufactures and Agriculture. The Democrat Is authorized to announce Hon. H.

T. Bradford of Lonoke county a candidate for re-election to the office of Commissioner of Mines, Manufactures and Agriculture, subject to the Democratic STEP IS TAtCTvN: KoI; WHO CAN SAY the hands of the emperors, yet all laws TI'TH KAR WT1-L WE GO AND NO were still promulgated and enforced in the name of tbe senate. When Napoleon had I Certainly this is the true doctrine and concentrated all power In his hands, the Does Not Need TindlcatloB Its Past Record is Sufficient Guarantee The American Building Loan Association OF LITTLB ROCK IS MATURING Its class AA stock on 43 payments of $20 each: class In For Secretary of State. The Democrat is authorised to announce O. C.

Ludwlg of this city as a candidate for Secretary of State, subject to the Democratic primaries. edly implored to declare himself dictator and he bad also -been conjured to establish oi that ougnt to coinmena itseir to an men of sense, and to all of the friends of good government. Would that Mr. Davis bad always expressed himself ao- well. U.

M. ROSE March 'C IBM. constitution ot rrance was still preserveu in name and the government was still republican In form. By such devices the hard, stern. Implacable features of despotism were draped and concealed.

The people, though enslaved, were still flattered with the semblance of power which they a government similar to that ot oreat Britain, a limited monaroby. with himself and his heirs for king. lie repelled all BUch overtures with honest and heart-1 J. A. Hughes, Geo.

M. Clark, T. P. Meadows, Nashville, Hot Spring. John H.

B. Adams, J. P. Simpson, M. C.

O'Neal, W. A. Beatty. Leon D. Tomllnson.

M. M. Duffle, R. W. Baker.

J. W. Deer, Malvern; W. R. K.

Baxter, A. Franklin, C. D. Sherwood, J. W.

Ault Independence County. A. B. Matheny, M. M.

Rutherford, Batesvlllo. Izard County. Dave Craige. County. W.

A. Reno, Cochran, B. H. Christopher, R. A.

Poole, Jno. E. Pittman, J. P. Knox, H.

N. Royston. felt indignation. His voluminous writings and the whole course of his life prove tuui he was 'a diligent student of the pages of history, and that he had laid its lessons profoundly to l'rom a thousand WOOD CLUBS CONVENTION examples be was convinced that a long no longer possessed. To do Mr.

Uavls Justice he Indulges in no such subterfuges hut tells us In plain, bold and revolting language what he means by a third term. In the speech that h.1 has repeated sll over tlie state, nnrt which he hau caused to be printed, he snvs: say to you, ladles and gentlemen, taut when 1 went into office a3 governor, I nnnoiiii-cd tills rule, and have never knowli.gly violated It that no man could be appointed to office unless be was a white mar, a Democrat and a Jeff For Representative. Tbe Democrat is authorised to announce Burt Brooks as a candidate for Representative of Pulaski county, subject to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorized to announce Frank H. Dodge of this city as a candidate for Representative of Pulaski county, subject to the Democratic primaries.

The Democrat Is authorized to announce Hon. John E. Martlneau as a candidate for Representative of Pulaski county, subject to- the Democratic primaries. Tbe Democrat is authorized to announce E. Merrlman as a candidate for Representative of Pulaski county, subject to tbe Democratic primaries.

retention ot power promotes soman amui-tion, arrogance and a contempt for the salutary Intluence of law aud order. lie payments or jiu eacn class iih psvmotits of it each; class on payments of 15 each. These payments carry $1,000 (40 shares) stack. NO MKMBER8HIP FEE, NO-' KXl'KNSE ASSESSMENT. In addition to above.

Will It not pay you to begin now, and save some money each month? Nsw series opened every month. This AsHoriatlon will also sell, in limited amounts, full-paid stock that Is-Al Investment. If you have Idle money it will pay you to Investigate this. Will also sell call stock that ran be withdrawn on demand. This pays 4 per cent per annum, if withdraw! within six months, and 6 per cent par annum If withdrawn after six months, rate calculated FROM DATS STOCK IS ISSUED TO DATE WITHDRAWN.




DELONT, Secretary. HOME OFFICE: 117 West Second Street, Little Bock, Ark. had read that Xerxes became so infatuated with pride and vainglory mat be was angry because the sea did not obey his commands that as great a man as Alexander bad come to recard himself as one of the navis man; tnese nave oeen tne nuanuca- i tlons and requirements for appointments Partial LlSt OT IllC F. Pearce, W. W.

Sellers, J. B. Pierce, gods, and so had ended bis life in what he considered ss a rod-like debauch that W. H. Langford.

W. F. Dwyer. Alex Meeting, from Fifty-Three H. Rowel), N.

J. Gantt, W. B. Alex For Prosecutina Attorney. Caesar.

Inflated with false conceptions that The Democrat la mil tn nnnnnnivi lifted him above molality, hastened his Qounties. Nothing about honesty, capability or competency- The one thing superlatively demanded Is that the appltt'ant must wear the Jeff Davis collar, and must renounce all rights of private Judgment. In this be has bean consistent. It was on this account that he attempted to deprive Governor Eagle of his place on the board of ander, N. B.

Sligh, J. W. Clary, W. F. Coleman, J.

M. McCaskill, Gen. R. M. Knox, N.

B. Trulock, J. B. Trulock, O. Hon.

Rot D. Campbell as a candidate foi ow destruction by trampling on the laws. Prosecuting Attorney of the Sixth Judicial I and DT nls contemptuous treatment of the Circuit, sunject to toe action Of the Demo- UIURU Btfunie. ue ut--w lutu mm ui uiu" nary capacity arc still more liable to the crstlc primaries. r-ooie, u.

H. Trlplett, Gerald TriDlett. The Democrat is authorized to announce statehouse commissioners for tins reason C. N. Phllpot.

C. E. Philpot, Jno. I Dell man, Jno. J.

Kerwln, M. l.ewls Knoton as a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of the Sixth ludlclal circuit. Demand of Your Merchant GOLDEN AXLE GREASE A Perfect Lubricant for Everything on Wheels. Waters Pierce Oil Co. he has denounced the judjres of the supreme maicuiouo wviis court, all of the stnte officer sad the ma- by the Davis campaign managers to jorltles of two legislative assemblies, all minimize the personnel of the Wood B.

J. Voss, T. P. King, D. E.

Tucker. subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. S. A. Miller, W.

D. Vance, V. S. Jeter, clubs convenUon. and that the people w.

Bvr.1. Tho. Croon 'rt Fli For County and Probate Judae. The Democrat is authorized to announce Hon. C.

T. Coffman as a candidate for intoxication ot power long excrcisea. in had read that when Nero waB called on to sign his first death warrant, he wept bitterly, and expressed a regret that he had ever learned to write; and that only a few years later the snme man deluged his country with blood, fed the lions In the colls-seum with Christian tnartyrs, and caused his own mother to be foully assassinated. History furnished him with a thousand similar examples, less conspicuous, perhaps, but equally persuasive. He could not but have been struck with the career of one of his own contemporaries, the terrible Robespierre, who began his political life by a humanitarian denupciatlon of capital Dunlshment.

but who soon came to equal qiialinratiopjs for holding office wholly un- the state may know the character of White, J. W. Watson. Ed Jefferson known to the constitution and laws of tlie'men who compoaed that convention, js, Dodd Miller Reevna' bust onHSnor KSmlU Ljlbe. T.

B. O'Connell, C. eonnty and probate Judge of Pnlaskl county, subject to the Democratic nrlmariea I and Jefferson condemned as fatal to sll re' uariiui nt in we uracsoico. narrinirton. r.

Hurkn r. rnui The p-moerat is authorized to announce fort was made to secure the names of j. Kerwln. W. H.

Westbrooks, i lion, uonn narrow as a candidate for Coun W. W. WEBB ty and Probate Judge of Pulaski count; rv. the action of the Democratic puMican Institutions, and that' even Grant, simply a military leader, would have indignantly disclaimed. If this sweeping program Is to be carried out, where shall we land? 1'nner an amendment to the constitution tl governor snoject to primaries.

subject' to rimaries. The Democrat Is authorized to announce an, uui uui iuviw "iu m. nawiey, rine xsiurc; w. rayne at headquarter at the Capital Hotel, j. q.

Dalton, A. C. Mayfleld, She A perusaj. otoii, IJat afeows that fifty-rill; R. D.

Nicholson, Sherrill; three counties, iocludlng Pulaski, were Elba Ollen, W. H. Blankenship, W. represented by men who are leaders c. Garrett, Althelmer, and 100 others in the communities as good citizens not registered.

Nero himself In his thirst for blood. He Hon. John D. Shackelford a candidate for had also seen many politicians holding on c.n extensive power of and this constitutes the bulk of hin present wouniy ana rroDate Judge, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. to official positions wttn the grip of des atrtniKth.

of hla most noisy sup ports are Jwkinc forwara to official re- SUCce8flfuI farmers, merchants and nra rtla Trr nt nloh tnnv iirtoaauo nnlv Tha una I (niKnnonanhlP nimMflrn Inn rhfnn one; professional men. Below is the list: Now With J. D. HILL FURNITURE main street We will make a special price on all our WILLOW ROCKERS during the holiday season. Complete line of general HOUSEHOLD GOODS at prices for cash that cannot be duplicated by any house In tha city.

We make a specialty of time payments. See us before chasing. Johnson County. P. B.

Summers, A. M. Ward, M. Seld-man, E. T.

MqConnell. pair long after they oaa ceased to be useful to the state. Before Washington's second term had expired be had made up his mind maturely on this subject; and he was not a man to be driven from his opinions by public applause or by popular clamor. If any man might have been trusted with an indefinite Indeed, but asserted to le magical. Mr.

Arkansas County. Davis will naturRlly, according to his own H. Coleman, Jno. F. Park, J.

A. Gan- Logan county, G. C. nml the mlrf.lle-of-the-roarl Jeff I naWaV, DeWUtJ J. M.

Wolfe Henry St roup, M. F. Goss. O. C.

Davis men. He may rven require a writ-1 Wolfe, F. Sllcox, Dr. J. A.

Hudson, extension of power he was tnat man. With Iir 1 I A i 1 i I ten abdication of all indenendence aa naA.t,Bnon. Dnt- Boone uui uu lontMi, jiiu, AruucKie, i For Sheriff. The Democrat Is authorized to announce AI Vaughan as a candidate for Sheriff and Collector of Pulaski county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. The Democrat is authorized to announce C.

C. Kavanaugh as a candidate for Sheriff of Pulaski county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. The Democrat is authorized to announce John Brodle as a csndldate for Sheriff of Pulaski county, subject to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorized to announce Norman A. Beiler as a candidate for Sheriff of Pulaski county, subject to.

the Democratic primaries. is sublime sense or duty and nls entire devotion to the best Interests of the country. did of Auditor Monroe. sinilng the sttua- n'," Paris; J. Gray, Birta; H.

G. Sad Ion tie rj dest phrase, we shall have a viuiucthi Rwnlinov restoration of the carpet bag government. 1 J. F. Whaley, Clide E.

Pettit, A. a 001vllle, M. Owaltney, Prairie created by the reconstruction laws, when jCrawford F. W. Houston.

C. F. Clark, I displayed both in war and In peace, selfish ambition or favoritism his part were quite beyond the range of possibility. Never at any time did he say "Gentlemen, if I do not help mv brother-fn-raw. who will help irnat.rkoiriiat'u wars ait.

1 I I FT I mW Ufa rAiintu were as a rule none but carnet-bagirers ap Little River County. J. T. Cowling, J. W.

Wlmberly, M. W. A. Strong, B. F.

Roth, Chris Hen-rich, Wm. Schuette, Edw. Pettit, G. W. Fagan.

E. Haines, Stuttgart; El- pointed to office but even worse, because Governor Clayton did sometimes depart from that him?" Such a sentiment was as far from all of his thoughts as fhe east Is from the weSt. JS'o one knew Wm better than Jefferson, who sat at his council board for That thei may be no mistake about tne tw wr omnfnn Hnrrbr- is. Sanderson, Astjdown. Lafayette County.

Joo Boyd, J. T. Harrell, Jno. Crocker, Lewisvllle. Tv: Lincoln County.

reminds us that he is doing the work ofiW. K. P. Hopton, Almyra: Moses un mai ue is attiuif me worK 01 i. "uiu, muiio, Napoleon.

n. riNt many long months, and who had witnessed his gradual rise from obscurity to a fame that fUled the whole world. Writing of Washington long after nls death, Jefferson and that his devoted followers iKatz, Caascoe; Ami Rhodes, Dr. B. L.

pfaTs. T. T. Daniel S. Vance.

W. re the W. F. Norton Star I Wnd. said: "His integrity was most pure, his IfllGEI I pes Vnrnpr- T.

Thnmnenn Cnv- justice was the most Inflexible I bav evei mlpht havo suggested that he should leave, G. Wallace, C. ft. Nicholson, Stuttgart, to some one else the discovery of his resem- land 100 others not registered. Mnnee to Xnnoleon.

But I will not Uo Aahlev Countv him the injustice to suppose that he pos- tho innrflnntP vnnltv would pd- R. C. MOrriS. T. Li.

AtKlll. W. X1 Files, Known; no motives or interest or consanguinity, of friendship or hatred RADE nersville. i Lawrence County. able to bias his decision.

Ue was In every able hlni to fancy that there Is any great I W. F. Morris, W. N. Harris, W.

M. T. J. Scott, J. L.

Bcott, Portia; Dr. sense of the words a wise, a good and a great man.s Fop Assessor, The Democrat Is authorised to announce Chas. F. Martin as a candidate for Assessor of Pulsskl county, subject to tbe Democratic primary. The Democrat is authorized to announce G.

Wash Robinson a candidate for Assessor of Pulaski county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. The Democrat is authorised to announce John D. Hill a candidate for Assessor of Pulsskl county, subject to tbe action of the Democratic primaries. The Democrat is authorized to announce Joe N. Belcher as a candidate for Tax Anscssor of Pulaski county, subject to the Democratic primaries.

The Democrat Is autnorlzed to announce Lawrence Smith a candidate for Assessor of Pulaski county, subject to the action of tbe Democratic primaries. rescmbiauce. He is in ract no more, line WALL Nspoioon than Is like th iueen of "iJ- W. WellS, Jae. Martin, W.

Stead- Slieha: no more llko Xnpoleon llinn John B. Station, Wllmot; T. A. Jackson, man, Powhatan- W. B.

Moore Smith-Alexander Dowle is like the prophet Elijah. I J. Barnett, U. J. Cone, A.

D. Sam- viiie The reaonihlanre would have been far 'W1Igon Easter, J. P. Lonok creator If Napoleon's i-ampalKn hud all rtrini. r- I uonOKe county.

PAPERS in.n rflrnpted nffflln.t- fhr. l-i-nnch neon o. nam UUI OttilA vrifliauis, it was generally expectea tnat Washington would continue to act as president as long as he should live, or as long as his mental and physical vigor might remain unimpaired. Hut he was not willing to set a precedent that he knew was fraught with danger to his country. He therefore refused to hold the office of president tor a third term; an act that has shed more lustre on his name than If he had been crowned king or emperor, and had expired 0.

H. Chas. Graham, Tom- and If all of his battled had been Water-1 Thompson, Berea; C. Bain, Chas. 1 herlin; Lee Miles, J.

E. Hicks, R. S. loos. I McCain, Portland; J.

L. Crow, M. E. l. Mr.

Dnvla does not mean Thiit he a Moore. Geo. Brodie. J. F.

Walker. V. second Napoleon: ha. would be.Bira, troiBM tu ock, jnorreu. ReM Cu E(J appro-, methods of x.rMdeoa.

Xa-! A BateS j. B. Barrett. J. G.

Mc- HearLsley. B- W. Durham, Frank Bar- poleon i i'rlalnly a very man per-I 4 t.moo Han 'on- England. considered, the greatest Cloe, J. D.

James, Ben-, Mississippi County. in the purple. I Never was any president, save Washing inn ar nnnii I a r- a thai nr1 rf aoAind MEMPHI PAINT land, John Wljltley, J. J. Tartton, Benton; T.

J. Brown, W. K. Brown, Woodson; D. H.

Womack, Benton. St. Francis County. T. W.

Barrow, A. L. Stephens. T. B.

Sellers, H. P. Gorman, Forrest City. Union County. Capt.

W. E. Lacy, K. R. VanHook, Col.

R. G. Harper, Charles Turner, B. Ripley, Judge W. M.

VanHook, J. F. Marrable, J. M. Terry.

C. B. Riggln, T. B. Witt.

El Dorado; J. A. Sewell, Shuler; 1. L. Graham, Lisbon: Dr.

J. B. Pratt, Hlllsboro; T. C. Murph, Smackover; T.

O. Terrell, Hlllsboro. White County. J. Z.

flant. Rosebud; J. N. Rachels, J. Baugh.

Judge Grant Greene, B. C. Black, J. A. Canada, J.

C. Harder, Theo Phillllps, Searcy; W. A. Ray, C. T.

Wright. El Paso; H. A. MIdeett. EI Paso; W.

H. Foster, W. W. Win-burn. G.

H. Boothe. Ed Johnson, Dean Williams, Rev. F. R.

Noe, West Point; Edwin Moore, H. B. Stranere. C. A.

Price, L. E. Price, C. C. Chnmloy.

E. L. Gatewood, C. A. Moore, R.

W. Cochran, J. H. Watson, Frank Rucker, T. B.

Bobbett, H. N. Beam, J. L. Church, R.

T. Boothe, R. S. Rogers, Wlnftold Word, G. B.

Greer, T. J. Hnnnon. Eugene Cypert, Beebe; T. J.

Hloods-worth. West Point. Washington Geinty. R. J.

Wilson. E. S. McDaniel. Fay-ettevllle; A.

Gallaher. Dallas i'etros, W. A. Graves, Hugh Evins, Sprlngdale. Yell County.

J. L. Gray, A. B. Prid O.

L. Benedict. A. W. Henry, Danville; O.

L. Wirt, L. C. Hall. A.

B. Cox. F. A. Hamra, J.

S. Thompson. Dardanelle; J. W. Jones, Theo P.

Witt, Ola; L. T. Castle, C. S. Simms.

CIRCULAR TO CONFEDERATES. term as was Thomas Jefferson. Ha' had man that ever lived; but he was utterly jtonville, overcome all opposition, and the great fed-j destitute moral principle. For mere Boone County. For Treasurer.

The Democrat is authorized to announce Horace O. Dale a candidate for county subject to the action of the ocratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorized to announce R. J. Polk of this city as a candidate for Treasurer of Pulaski county, aubject to the Democratic primaries.

era! party, once so trlumpnanf, lay dead onjecr ofc fnvwinai uiniimon ue raiisea more gchweitzer Storv Har mt hla taat a-a a vrpfll crw thnt thflQ UrOP ni on Of human to Ue he should save the country by accentlne thai-put lo death, and filled the world with rlson. Sold under an Absolut' Guarantee Calhoun County. office for a third term but he promptly lamentation and sorrow. For the attaln-and resolutely declined, saylnu that he mfnt of his ends he had recourse to falae-fully approved the example set bv Wash-1 hood, fraud and every species of oppres-Ini-i nut he did not meroiv echo the i slon. He overturned the republic that he J.

D. James, Hampton. Chicot County. Dr. S.

A. Scott, Eudora: Dr. S. A. Scott, Eudora: opinion of his great predecessor for thouKh had sworn to support, and built up Geo A.

For County and Probate Clerk. The Democrat Is authorized to announce Joe Asher as a candidate for County and Probate C1erk of Pnlaskl county; subject to tbe Democratic primaries. he favored the adoption of tlie federal con- i military despotism on its ruins. lie Wm -virarner Tno Hoeiip Lake stltutlon. yet before Its ad ton objected I Heved In the one-man power.

By It he ro a f.e,T to the Instrument on the ground that It rose by atK-fssive steps from corporal to Village, Capt. wngnt, Jjr. A. Should' hsve limited the dumilon of the he consul, firi nnsnl. -consul for life.

Buckner, J. O. Hoffman, Dermott, holding of the presidential offic: and this and finally emperor. wl(h succession to his Clark County, was ions- before Washington had expressed heira forever. In all of these enterprises! i-, Jno.

B. Driver, A. G. Brown, Lux-ora; C. C.

Ermen, J. K. P. Hale, J. T.

Lasley, J. W. Lovewell, L. D. Ro-zpIIp.

Osceola; R. G. Hardin, A. D. Walton, Blytheville; S.

Rolph, War-delK Marlon County. J. J. Baker, C. N.

Wilson, H. Bates. J. T. Estes, T.

L. Gilley, W. Esies, Yellvllle; Dick Keller, Stone. Miller County. Vinson, John N.

Cook, Pratt P. Raeon, C. M. Conway, G. A.

Hays, B. B. Moon, Toxarkana. Monroe County. A.

D. Womack, Clarendon. Newton County. W. S.

Allen, Jasper. Ouachita County. Author Taylor. Holly Springs; Thos. M.

A. Stone as a candidate for county ana probate clerk of Pnlaskl county, subject to Greatest Spreading Surface And the Host Durable Paint on the Market the iemocratic prynries. any opinion on the Writ Inc from i he was aided and abetted by the "Old j. a. ito, a r.

Paris to Madison on the rnth day of Decern- Guard." composed of soldiers, who had no J. H. Crawford. J. D.

Williamson, H. ber. 1787. he said: "The second feature ote In the elections, snd no voice In civil! A afnarr iBS Pullen Cash that I dislike, and strongly dislike, is the affairs. Their sole duty was to obey the abandonment In every Inst- of the prln-: orders of their superiors.

Napoleon is no i K. MCJNUtt, A. J. M. ciple of rotation In office: and most par- exemplar or worn ium siaics-, Haraage, J.

S. MawKins, w. B. Bttiari, ciple of rotation In office: and most par- It exemplar of what an American states- Hardage, J. S.

Hawkins, W. B. tlcularlv In the case of the president." Thus man ouirSt to lie and it is an insult to rarnenter these two great men. proceeding on inde- American freemen to address them as the Je nendenr lino, of thouirht reached irte.itl-1 "Old Guard." ho owe nothing but Im- i M. Clark, K.

H. Ijreen, U. f. Frazer. For Chancery Clfk.

The Democrat Is authorised ta annoonca Andrew J. Hunter as a candidate for Chancery Clerk of Pnlaskl county, subject- to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authored to announce Fred A. Garrett as a candidate for Chancery Clerk of Pnlaskl county, subject to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorized to announce Chas.

M. Connor as a candidate for chancery clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. cally the same conclusion a conclusion that Pllfit obedience to the commands of some j. McDaniel. Ray Casen, B.

has-been ratified by the d-llberate Judgment utocratlc ruler Johnson. C. V. McDaniel. A.

Rttt Ti- riavl. C. -I I. Gaughan. Judge C.

W. Smith, W. C. Shall we contemn and reject a principle none but liemocrnts. But what sort of I Shaw, Arkadelphia; S.

C. Harley, GUI'-' Tapes, .7. W. Brown, W. C.

Smith so highly sanctioned, and always attended I Democrats will they be that voluntarily jj0D i v- parkpr Harrv Knnn Coo' wKT-the most beneflclsf results? renounce all right to freedom of thought. auu" 1 KPpP- C- D- Gee- C- Crawford Wholesale and Retail," 509-511 Main Street Cleburne County. R. Benson. B.

W. Johnson. Camden: It is ssld that one -night when a ship was and who consent to tne collar or sailing on a calm and i.ulct sea the pilot. Jeff Davis around their servile' necks, and clllno- tn common iior sold-' "Here I to favor a third term lierause Gurdon, March 7, 1904. To Arkansas Soldiers in C.

S. If you enlisted In Arkansas, send me take the helm while I lie down and sleep believed in the one-man power snd showed for an hour or so." The pilot then pointed his faith by his works'! Mr. Davis basf 10 a particularly nnpnt star, ana tola tne sailor to keep the prow of the vessel con-. but of all collars that of the serf is tbe For Circuit Clerk. The Democrat Is authorised to annonnce H.

Carnes as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of Pulaski county, subject to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorised to annonnc Frank J. Ginocchio as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of Pnlaskl county, subject to fhe Democratic prlrr-rles. the names of as many of your company as you can, giving the letter or name stsntlv directed toward that star. Hardly 1 "ost despicable, had the pilot got fairly to sleeo when the Such jas not the Democracy of Jefferson, sailor came and waited him up.

saving "is moico was "nieasures, not men." He "Von win ha tn nn mil mA an-' lielleved in free discussion, in tbe universal of your company, and the number of your regiment. J. M. Jenkins, E. E.

Menees, M. W. N. Rushing, W. E.

Rushing, Chi-Inman, Quitman. dester. Cleveland County. Polk County. W.

D. Atwood, C. F. Smith, J. B.

Mark P. Olney, Dr. W. P. Parks, J.

Jeffers, New Edinhurg; J. F. Johtison, W. Martin, R. G.

Shaver, W. H. Klngsland; S. G. Culpepper, Rlson.

1 Cloe, Meca. Columbia County. I Phillips County. W. H.

Askew, Z. L. Daniel, R. S.1 John I. Moore, Jos.

R. Turnar, Hel-Warnock, E. C. Leigh. ena.

Conway County. Poinsett County. "Dr H. J. Ault, Opello; J.

W. L- Cowan, J. J. Mardls, J. B.

W. W. Brown. Lanty; J. K.

McClaren, Estes Harrlsbtirg. St. VIncen; G. W. Gflffln, Eugene C.

I. Farrlsh. PstMm P'cHlnson, DesAro. Farrlsh. J.

W. Clerget, Tom Denton, R. i Perry L. Cobb, Carroll Armstrong, Morril-i Smyres, John Scott, W. W.

If you cannot remember tne letter of your company or number of your regiment, send me your captain's other star, for I have cwne passed the one dllTuslon of intelllrnce. the rule of ths peo-that you gave me." Pi1 and not the misrule of a mob equal Do we and anv new stars that eiBpse i rights to all and special piviie to $pm. those that shed their serene splendor btf the There is nothing that cod bo ik3 to birth of the republic? No. Their light I fnr of a third term th.i cennnrlle-'eoUally tin flnnHa th. hnrinn ind win Ar.

an ntii In favor of a fourth or a fifth term. LITTLE ROCK CONTRACTING CO. CHAS. T. T0R8ERT, Managar.

Sidewalks and Curbing A SPECIALTY. name and colonel of your regiment. Coroner. The Democrat Is authorised to announce Dr. 8.

P. Vanfhter as a candidate for reelection to the office of Coroner -of Pnlaskl county, subject to the Democratic, primaries. Orion a-d the Pleiades desert their stations Mr. Darls says that he wants vindication. in the silent heavens.

Bnt ia tbe mean and the county from which you enlisted; also whether you served In artillery, cavalry or infantry. If vnu cannot send anv but vour own Xo one is entitled to hold office continually for-any' soc-h merely personal Interest. time we shall have anr number of sputter Whitewashing snd vindication are sot tbe ing rusnHtnts ana callow canaies, serving only to make the darkness visible. Hreater i sole objects of government and if the I name, send that. I will carefully com statesmen than Washington, and Jefferson "gainst a third terra may be set aside For Surveyor.

The Democrat Is authorized to announce Francis H. Conway as a candidate for ftu-veyor of Pulaski eonnty. suDject to the action of the Democratic primaries. ton. pare and compile all names sent me ir.v,.0nr.n I.

P. McKinnis and G. B. Colvin of I we ha we had none, though we have had sun a nimsy pretense may as wen dc many frogs trying to swell themselves to abolished. Perrv W.

T. Iadd and Senator A. i V'- the dimensions of ottn. Jefterson was one of oar many unwritten Haws has nies and regiments. Rison of Perryville, Mark Kirtley of Cross County.

Captain J. Levesque. O. N. Kil-lough.

Captain John W. Killoush. Hon. T. E.

Hare. Vanndale; S. R. Wil-kins, W. W.

Shaver, H. Black, Jnos T. Lewellen. Dal'as County. R.

T. Ovren, T. B. Morton, Fordyce C'asa. Sebastian County.

Dr. J. W. JSorrellg, Mansfield Jas. F.

Read, Fort Smith: Henry Keeper, J. W. Meek, William Luce, Jim Bour-lan'l. J. M.

Harvey, W. B. Sexton, B. tbe' founder of-the Democratic nartynd received so many ami surd nantrMWe" -so far as we have followed in his footsteps i Hons for- so long a time watch the country has nrospered. and hss fceen I forbids a third term for president or gov-crowned with peace and plenty.

So far i ernor. fn to this hour nothing has press we have rejected his counsels, and have railed against it The time of Mr. Davis followed false, enhemeral and misleading has been so folly occupied with his personal lights, -re have been tne victims of our nusrrels and sou a holes that we have bad own madness and folly, and have Incurred from bin) but fow utterances on any topic well-deserved derision and disgrace. statesmanship. But in one Instance he On no other great public -oiftstion has bas expressed" himself on the subject new there been such unanimity as en this- re- "Oder- consideration in no uncertain iaa-Isttaur to a third When Oeneral age.

in his -mensare tae lost legisla- Ing, Moving and Placing Structures and Heavy Machinery, Wrecking. CONCRETE: Floors, Foundations, Piers, Culverts, Drains. i Office: West Second Street Telephone. Old, No. Ml.

LITTLE ROCK. ARK. Send me where you served and la what capacity. Yours truly. STAN C.

HARLEY, Member of Historical Committee of United Confederate Veterans of Arkansas. If the 8t Louis fair keeps on growing at the present rate the Chlcaso business man will be unable to "take a run down in the morning, see the -in tbe afternoon and get back in time to go to wonc the next morning." Springfield, I1L. Preaa. For Constable. The Democrat Is authorized to annonnce Geo.

B. Risen ss a candidate for Constable of Big Rock Tovmahip, subject to the Democratic primaries. The Democrat Is authorised to annonnce Frank Martin as a candidate for Constable of Big Rnrk township, -subject to the Democratic primaries. Ths Democrat is authorised to announce B. B.

Jones a candidate for re-election for Constable of Big Rock township (Pnlaskl, county), subject to the act kin of the Democratic primaries. J. A. Rev Us has authorised the Democrat to- announce himself aa candidate for Constable of Hill township, aubject to th actio" of th Democratic priiaariss Hank 26, MOi. Sam Taylor, Hoiiy springs.

Porrells. J. B. Crowe, E. D.

Bedwell, Craighead County. 1 Walter Evans, Fort Smith. K. F. Brown, r.

Bryant, J. H. Sevior County. Grat and hi sunpnr-er made op their i tu vetoing a bill providing- for the sp- TJn 1 Tnmoc l.nb. I I pofntment of a digester to direst the stat mipds to overthrow" this time-honored nnn .1.

H. Jackson, R. S. Morgan, D-Oueec. Sslins County.

John O. Hill. Dr. Wi T. Smith, P.

E. Horion, G. W. Winters, Joseph Row- 1 ail. naiut, T.

A. Cole, W. Culberhouse, r. Crawford County. J.

8. Renfroe. Alma; D. Scott H. utes, he used the following tsngoage: "lople bare a reverence customs snd asagea.

mrftrmvm poeed to -be founded in re--on. tbotigh wlsdnn) may Dot always be sopsrent. The lav books teach as taat loog-establlabed dole the occasion was peculiarly aiisDhHous The BennbllcaD mscbree fn the south was eiclnsively in the hnnd of the carnet-bsg-era. who stood for Grant and a third, term to a fttf with them In the Berth was a larsa body of patriotic. Ken, who The 6.581,000 Inhabitants of re tar London live in 92S.P08 homes..

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