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Arkansas Democrat from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 6

Arkansas Democrati
Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY, 10, 1907 THE RmY ARKANSAS DJSMUUttAY that they will be expected to observe their office hours In the future. ii.g some as there was the large reward in sight and they hoped- to relieve the suspense of the parents who re heart JUDGE TRIEBER HEARD PETITION STRANGE CASE OF KIDNAPED broken over their loss. But Dr. Mar prominent Southerner, in 1840. Shortly after tHis be was elected as -a presi' dential elector from Alabama, and it was at this point in his career that he first, began to assume a foremost position as a lawyer.

Twice afterwards, in 1856 and again vin, after glancing at boy, eaid 1 mat not him. it not my ARRESTED AS A FUGITIVE Chicago, March. 9, A romantic marriage, arrest as a fugitive from Justice and detention In a Chicago police station, are the recent experiences of Orover Bab-cock, the son-in-law of Millionaire Wln- Dromer. There was plenty of room in the of III 111 OF E. G.

LEWIS HORACE MARV fice for a time and the visions of wealth in 1876, he was called on to vote lor the pcoplo in the presidential campaign, and in 1859 he was elected to Congress by a vast majority. At the on the part of the police were rudely This You I Is Should BUY shattered. commencement of the civil War he re Mr. Marvin looked at the two crest Judge Jaeob Trleber 'of Little Rock, who signed his seat in the United States was in St. Louis Friday, heard the petition fallen police for a minute and then Dover, March 9.

Six days hnve tome and gone since four-year-old Hor-rce Marvin mysteriously disappeared from his father's farm at Kittsham- of K. G. Lewis, president of the Lewis thanked them for their interest. The House of Representatives to lane corresponding position in the Confeo Publishing Company, who applied for an boy nicked up by the police is a rest erate Congress, in which connection he Injunction to restrain Frank Wyraan, the postmaster, from Interfering with the transmission through the mails of the Woman's rsock. Tonight the family maintains dent of Hoboken but greatly reBemblos the published pictures of the Marvin that the child had been kidnaped, al boy.

though the motives for the crime can served until near the close of the war. When peace was declared he retired to the practice of law. He was again called out of retirement, however, by the Democratic party in 1874, when he was elected president of the Democratic not be given. OPPOSITION TO NEW SWISS LAWS ariu Journal and oth-r publications by the Lewis Company is secoud class matter. The plaintiff stated that tiw March number of the Journal was ready for ine mails, but that In order to be able to send out additional copies no has been obliged to make deposits of a-iveral thousand dollars with the postofnVe department as a guarantee that the additnnul postage would be paid.

With the release today from police surveillance of Jack Hart, woh is said to be the skipper of the mysterious ''Black Sloop" maneuvering in the A Fill fleld of Qrlswold, according to the narrative of the young man. Babcock wag arrested here in a cheap lodging houBe. Ills wife, a refined woman, attired In a tailor-made suit and satin coat, was found In the shabby lodgings. Bhe accompanied her husband to the station and remained as long as she was allowed to. Joseph Gavin was arrested with Babcock.

The men are said to be wanted for robbery In Bed Oaks, la. The bride's account of her experiences is that she married Babcock, who was the Orlswold Beau Brummel, and they were sent to North Dakota, where her father wished them to live on a ranch of several thousand acres An offer of the ranch as a wedding present failed to induce Babcock to remain. He returned to Iowa, the police are informed, and spent large sums of money in luxurious living. The' cash assets of the couple when found were 15 cents. Babcock's alleged offense was the purloining of Jewelry, a diamond and other valuables from a railroad agent.

He will be held until the sheriff arrives to take him to Red Oaks. state convention in Alabama, i 1 London, March 0. Strong oppoHltfou Js bfliitf shown In Swiss military clrcli 10 the THE PENROSE Delaware Bay off the shore of the Marvin farm on the day of the child's disappearance, the onjv tangible clew dis- nt'w law voted In Dwell) her by the National COURT-MARTIAL Judge Trleber hat given, th- potmatitcr CoiiiH-il, liut which, eYy it cones into force, must be submitted to the estate Coum 11. pppeared. Hart whose home Is' ih The Swiss officers have aitlrc-wJ a petition Camden, N.

was taken into cus rch ,9. In the Penrose Dallas, to the Federal Assembly beting it to le- nu opportunity to ppeseut Jits tilde, or ine case, and the petition will shortly come' up for final heart Trieber baa roii-fled Mr. Lewis' at tome tuut unless the government could controvert Hie nllegitlons court martial ly the defense stole march on the pr6secutl6n and caught them vert to figures propositi nnd coiirjld-jretJ necessary ly the Federal Council In legard tody at Newcastle last night. The State authorities, after hearing his story of his recent maneuvers, released unprepared for action. The of the to the recruits' course of instruction and him.

Because aside, from reversing the ribbon automatically, using the ribbon up across its width, using readily si Jong or short carriage on the same machine and having a featherweight touch, which are features FOUND COMBINED ON NO OTHER VISIBLE MACHINES ON THE MARKET TODAY, and giving in addition, a two-colored ribbon, full, visible writing in its truest form; a tabulator; line lock; modernized universal keyboard, -and ball-bearing, non-shifting carriage; IT HAS THE KING OF TYPE- BARS, made of steel pivots, in adjustable, sandproof cone bearings, ex- aatly like the bearings on the hitherto unchalleneged KING for 30 years -of all typewriters, only the bearing on the FOX VISIBLE is 100 per cent heavier. And we want to "show" anyone, customer or competitor, who says they "are from Missouri," In regard to anything stated above. LET US REFER YOU TO THE SIXTY USERS OF THE FOX VISIBLE i WE HAVE SOLD BECENTLY. Send for catalog or call and examine it. Special: trial privileges.

Attorney General Hastings today that of the Landwehr. They itsk that I') the case of the recruits Instead of a period of 05 dnya, one of 7(1 days should he flsi'U, and that tho Lnndwehr's course of Inst ruc made In the petition no would Ivsue a temporary restraining order. March ID Is bet for the final bearing. OBITUARY. wired the Sioux City authorities asking for the record of the Marvin family.

The doctor made his first appear witnesses from among the negro Boldters of the Twenty-fifth Infantry discharged by order of President Roosevelt appeared in the person oft Corporal Samuel The unexpected advent from Washington of the former p.fro KJorporal upset calculations of Colonel Glenn and after a few brief questions aBked'the court' to grant him time to prepare for examination. Wheeler's testimony wos cut short and the CIVIC IMPROVEMENT tion should he of 11 Instead of fl flays. The petitioners hase their arguments, which may he of Interest In Eiighnd to ance here three months ago. He had taken possession of the farm only three O. H.

ASHLIN. The funeral of C. II. Asblln, who died LEAGUE MEETING At a meeting of the Civic Improve those who advocate the creation of a mil in a army, on the lessons taught by the Itiisso- days before the kidnaping. war, on which Colonel (iadke, the.

Police authorities of Philadelphia, ment League held yesterday afternoon delegate of the Federal Council, has drawn up a report communicated only to military at the home of Mrs. W. E. Hemingway yesterday morning, at 4:85 at 120 North Cross street, will be held this afternoon from the Second Christian Church, Third and Cross street's, at 8 o'clock. -The services will lie conducted by Rev.

B. C. Browning, pastor of the Second Christian circles, and Is possible that the petttior. court adjourned uritll Monday. The substance of Wheeler's testimony was that he was at Fort Brown on August 13, and while the shooting was in progress he heard bullets whistling over his bead.

The bullets appeared to be fired from toward town. i State Agents Wilmington and New York are assisting in the search for the lost child. On an urgent telegraphic request from the chief of police at Hobnken, that a mem officers were elected and other business relative to the advancement of the Parkin-Longley Church. ber of the Marvin family "come at work of the League was transacted. The officers selected were as follows: President, Mrs.

W. E. Hemingway; vice president, Mrs. C. A.

Pratt; cor Mathlas Tamayo, employed at Fort Brown, who testified yesterday to hearing E. GUTHBIE DANIELS. The boiir of B. Guthrie Daniels, who bullets whistling near him, fired from wan killed by a train at the puzsle switch BLANK BOOKfli INK, FENS, PASTE, OFFICE SUPPLIES, AND APPLIANCES OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION. 205 WEST SECOND STREET.

PHONE 1036. Send for Prices and Bent Bates of Out Second-hand Machines. responding secretary, Mrs. T. H.

Bunch: recording secretary, Mrs. Ayers Brownsville, was recalled. He Insisted that he saw no shots fired from the gallery of the barracks at Fort Brown. Hav Argcuta, will be shipped to Lily, once," Br. Harvey Marvin, the eldest son, left Dover today.

General Lea, immediately Upon signing the measure of the State Legislature, appropriating $2,000 for an investigation of the Marvin kidnaping, called the Pinkertons into the case. Superintendent P. P. Dimaio, of the Baltimore- branch of the Piakertons, ar Monday morning for Interment'. It will Cook; treasurer, Mrs.

Frank Vinson- haler. be uccoinpanlcd by his brother, O. B. Daniels, who arrived last night. ing sworn that he blew out his lantern when he heard the shooting he was asked The League will meet again next why he did so and answered, "I was accustomed to do so." Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Hemingway. Much interest was manifested in the meeting yesterday HON. J. L. PTJGH.

Washington, March 9. James Law rived here tonight to take full charge ant on a street car strike has for 84 boors made, the streets of this city a battleground. The police are powerless to quell C0RTELY0U IS A on behalf of the State, 1 1 ers have more or less drawn their Inspiration from It. Swiss officers consider that 70 days constitute "a very brief period f-r instructing recruits." Recent wars, and especially the Husso-Japanese War, have demonstrated that the taking advantage the nature of the country ts an Important factor of success, hut one dcmai'dlng of the soldier an amount of attention and Intelligence which can only be develojied by long training. Again, It -s iiecissnry hnt the should know low to witrjach themselves during an ita-'U.

Now, the use of the pioneer's tools Is nlmnut unknown to the Swiss army, and Instruction In this mutter nlso requires long period. The troops moreover, ever he to repel a night attack, a thing 'lttlf atteii. tion has been paid to hitherto In order not to exhaust men already tired out with the many things which have had to he taught them Ih a short period. The troops should, moreover, ever be ready to repeal ft night attack. thing little' attention has been paid to hitherto.

In order not to exhaust men already tired out with the ninny things which hnve tin A to be tamrht them In a short period. The Swiss officers also demand that the engineers, the snnltary service unci the army service corps should receive proper instruction and not merely a hurried one. and the success of the League seems assured. the disturbance. rence Pugh, former United States Senator from Alabama, and for years a prominent resident of this city, died The oltv officials have appealed to the LID TIGHTENER Washington.

D. March 9. Consterna sheriff and asked Mm to call upon the bill Mcdonald governor for troons. tion pervades the treasury department and the heads of the various bureaus, secre C. M.

Cheney, general freight agent of the company. Is the victim -of an assault, C. D. general manager, has had to WILL SEE PENROSE Houston, March 9. A special to the tary Cortelyou Is beginning to tighten the lid over the Institution and many of the time-worn customs In vogue through the Chronicle from Austin says: "Captain Mill' McDonald, whom Major Penrose on defend ms nome against a moo; mreei cars have been held np and a pitched battle fought between police and ltrlke tonight at his residence, No.

1333 street, from pneumonia. He was taken sick about six weeks ago, and for a time seemed to be rapidly recovering from the attack until a few davs ago, when a turn for the worse was noticed, which resulted in his death. He began sinking at 10 o'clock tonight and an hour later the end came. The members of his family were gathered about his department hare become suddenly out of date. pen, but even the advocates of the simplified spelling will be diverted by this clever little burlesque.

It is the story of a meeting of the spelling reform board at Chlckl University, where they proceed to reform the language In a most diverting and delightfully Inconsistent way. "The Book of Camping and Woodcraft," by Horace Kephart, published by The Outing Company, presents in a neat volume many of the helpful hints to outdoor life which that author has given from time to time In Outing. The questions of outsitting, tents and kits, utensils and foods, the camp, forest travel, markmanshlp, camp cooking and a score of other subjects, covering almost any emergency of camp life, are discussed with a certainty of personal knowledge that makes the suggestions and instructions as Invaluable and authoritative as a text-book on exact sciences. He defines woodcraft as "the art of getting along well In the wilderness by utilizing nature's storehouse," and In this spirit gives Information that will be found of Inestimable value to the camper. sympathizers.

For the last 10 or 12 years, the chiefs of Thursday denounced as a 'contemptible tonight left for Ban Antonio, where the Penrose conrtmartlal Is In progress. Captain McDonald declined to discuss Major Penrose's epithet for publica Solved, But Briefly. Hoboken, N. March 9. Chief of Police Hayes, solved the Marvin kidnaping case for a half hour tonight but unfortunately his solution was not as happy as had been expected by him and visions of a big reward went glimmer mg upon the arrival of Dr.

Harvjy Marvin from Dover. A detective of the Hoboken force found a boy in the streets of the eity who answered the description of the missing youngster and he hurried with him to police l.eadquarters. The chief then telegraphed Dr. Marvin that he had found the boy and the latter sent his son. Dr.

Harvey Marvin, to the city post haste. He was met at the train by bureaus, as well as the assistant secretaries, have been in the habit of leaving A thousand men are paraaing me sireew tonight bearing incendiary transparencies and sina-lns? riotous songs. Few cars are their desks to visit around the treasury running and they carry no passengers- building at any time of the day. If they wished to talk with the secretary they but armed guards. as it was thought by the physicians he had but a short time to live.

tion, saying he preferred to settle It between the army officer and himself. Captain McDonald did, however, Issue a statement regarding the Brownsville raid, sarlna- that Penrose and Captain Mack- would pick up a letter or bundle of papers. J. L. Pugh was born in Burke leave their offices and leisurely travel up to the sanctum of their chief, where tney CURRENT LITERATURE We Have Got Them Going.

lln knew all about It, and were shielding would sit and chat until the spirit moved Our cutters and tailors are working County, Georgia, of a well-known Southern and always took an active part in public life. When a them to go back to their stations. the discharged negro troops. He further said that he had tried to have them both Indicted as accessories, but failed. Mr.

Cortelyou has Issued an order to his subordinates informing them that if he overtime to keep up with the demand for ur Easter clothes. We show by far the' largest line in the eity. M. T. small child his parents removed to rue police, who soon had him Inspect A real treat for the confirmed opera-goet ing the boy.

is found in the new edition of "Tho Alabama, where he was reared. He married Miss Hunter, daughter of a wishes to confer with any of them he will say the word. The order also informs them Hayes and his detective were worry- I Tailor, 311 Main street. Standard Operas," published by A. C.

UcClurg Co. It has been completely revised, with new matter added, and, best of all, with nearly one hundred pictures of famous singers in costume. This tea ture ts one that Is likely to meet with es BASEBALL NOTES. PRACTICE GAMES MONDAY. Beginning Monday, the Boston Americans will divide into two' teams for the purpose of affording practice games at the West End Park.

The teams will be called the Regulars and the Yannigans. "Chick" Stahl "will captain the Begulars and, Cy Young One of the strongest claimants for recognition in the short story vogue is Arthur Rnhl, whose "A Break In Training" and other stories has Just been published by The Outing Company. There are eight nar. ratives, all buoyant of fresh, vigorous athletic young America, told with a virility as Bparkllng as that of the characters so faithfully pictured in their deeds of daring and skill. The cinder track of the college FIRST OF THE SEASON OF THIS GREAT pecial approval, as nothing of the kind STORE has beeu available before In any opera OFFERINGS "guide." The conventional portraits of a few well-known prima-donnas have, generally served the purpose.

But the effort has and the high school are the scene of these We usher in the spring season with an unusually extensive array of everything the home demands our new Carpet, Furniture, Eug and Drapery stocks are far in advance of anything shown elsewhere in this section -rarely indeed is such wealth and grandeur so Judiciously given to. articles will manage tho while. Jess tannehill will act as captain. Some in little narratives. In which mauhuod is placed upon that high plane where muscle vies with heart and brain in the making of the full' man.

teresting games are expected. Up to this time, the visitors have been put of medium and higher grade. Our PLAIN PRICE MARKS insure a shaping of prices to equal the lowest to be had anywhere, and if you '11 just weigh Prof. 0. J.

Kern, author of "Amonir the quality carefully you '11 find our prices Invariably a shade or two lower. ting in a week's practice at batting, fielding and throwing but the games from now on will afford a chance for practice in all lines of work, especially to tho pitchers and to the men in bunting and base running. Let Us Brighten Your Dining Room, Country Schools" published by Ginn 6 is still lifting up his voice in behalf of the children of our agricultural districts. "Consolidate your rural schools," he said recently to a DININGROOM SUITES. HOME TEAM REPORTS THURS TABLES OF OAK.

Handsome quartered oak affairs, like the one at the left, and more elaborate ones higher, others flfl New Suites are arriving all the time, you'll do well to spend a few large audience in Memphis, "This will mean better administration of school interests, better trained teach, ers with higher salaries, opportunity. DAY. Members of the-Liltle Rock team been to hare these pictures really illustrate the this has been especially successful in the Wagner operas, where the greatest popular interest is unquestionably centered at the pVesent time. Prof. Edward S.

Morse, the author of "Mars and Its is one of the most active-minded and entertaining men In the country. He has seen a great part of this interesting world, to say nothing of his study of Martian lite through Prof. Per-clval Lowell's telescope at the letter's observatory at Flagstaff, Ariz. He 18 an authority on Japanese matters, having been a prof essor In the Imperial Unlver-clty at Toklo, and at present the keeper of Japanese pottery, at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. What he says about Japanese porcelain and pottery is therefore final.

Professor Morse was recently called to appraise a fine collection of pottery belonging to an estate. He came to one of the so-called especially rare pieces valued at 97,000. Professor Morse, to the consternation of those present, the piece worth Just twenty cents, and to duplicate it to any extent at that price. That Is only one instance of his. definite knowledge, which runs along Innumerable lines, including canals on the planet Mars.

ts low as yi ivu for the season of 1907 will begin to arrive in Little this week and for all the eonntry children to obtain a higher school education, and enrichment of social life which shall prevent the drift of our young people to the cities." moments in this department. Ele- for.8uit" $100.00 CANE-SEAT CHAIRS. It's a real pleasure to view these handsome Diners a ohoiee selection at most any price, from the beautiful leather seat armchairs to Qflr some at UC BEAUTIFUL BUFFETS. Artistio in design and exquisitely finished. We have them as high as you care to go, but some we know Will pleas you for as LATE LOCAL NEWS 3.

THE MEMBERS OF THE DE- Bedroom Furniture on our 3d Floor troit baseball team who have been spending a week at Hot Springs, passed through tho city last night en route to Augusta, where they will begin spring practice. BRASS BEDS. All-brass Beds, with pronounoed features in art and workmanship, are on the third floor in abundance; elegant JUDGE U. M. ROSE, WHO WAS DRESSERS.

We can please anyone and everyone in these goods; roomy, large mirror and nicely finished fcrV $9.50 WASHSTANDS. To match anything in bedroom furniture polden oak, birdseye niaple, mahogany, etc. $5,00 operated upon for appendicitis Friday by Thursday Manager Finn expects to have all his men on the ground ready for business. But little practice will be done by the locals for the first week but the men will appear, at the park in uniform and get the soreness out of their muscles. Toward the last of the month, games have been arranged with Pittsburg at Hot Springs and in this city.

A game or so will also plaj'ed with the- Boston Americans 'before they leave Little Rock. New Orleans Events. New Orleans, March 9. The feature of today's City Park curd was the Bteeple chase stake, the I'lckwlck handicap, full course. John Fen-Is' St.

Volma won. The weather was Ideal. Summaries: First Race For maiden 2-year-old fillies; 3 1-2 furlongs. Iite Foster, 8 to 1, won Muirmiy Dick, 11 "to 1, second; Ballole, 8 to 1, third. Time, :42 2-5.

Second Knee for 4-yenr-olds and up: 7 furlongs. The thrall, 4 to 1, Won; Lochgoll, 8 to second; Heart of Hyacinth, 9 to 2, third. Time, 2-6. Third Hnce 8 furlongs. Sir Toddington, 6 to 5, won; Morales, 9 to second; Splon, 9 to 11, tlilrd.

Time, 1:18 2-5. at st- Vincent's Infirmary, spent a rest' ful afternoon and slept well last night. Speaking of women's smoking, one of the characters in "Marcel lievignet," by Elwyn Barron (Duffleld Co.) says: "It Is a process of social evolution that, after men have become thoroughly established In a Vice, women will troop Into Its adoption." "That Is as It shonld be," Levlgnet asserted, as he held his cigarette for 'Tolnette to take a light. "Man is such an egotist that he never recognizes his follies and vices until, woman parades His physicians state that he is doing pieces indeed; prices start at mcely and they expect a speedy recovery. DE- PENNSYLVANIA TRAIN BAILED.

them In imitation." This reminds one of the queston asked-by a foreigner of George Ade, "Do women smoke in your country?" "No," replied Ade, "the women don't but the ladies do." One of the most Important of the spring books will be Christian Science, by Mark Twain, which the Harpers JOPPA MATTRESSES. This luxury is one of the greatest values we offer; it is scientifically "built" of 45 pounds of finest sanitary felt, hand laid, evenly tufted, roll edge, Roman ticking; 'twill last a lifetime, costs 0 A but $lV) WE WANT TO SHOW YOU THAT McDOUGALL i KITCHEN CABINET. The greatest step, time and worry saver ever invented for the kitchen simply a carefully arranged system of drawers, bins, shelves, closets, to bring foodstuffs and utensils within instant reach will 01 flfl quickly save its cost. A popular one I U.UU -A WORLD OF DAINTY BABY CARRIAGES. Have you noticed our south window! It's filled with the daintiest and most elaborate Carriages ever shown in Little Rock.

Several designs in Go-Carts; many elegantly upholstered; highly polished Carriages CCfl ranging in price from 0 to wVl OUR FAMOUS FLOOR COVERING. 2s a Pittsburg, March 9. Another of th Ptnnsylvania railroad's crack trains, suffered a mishap late today- and again the company was fortunate. While rushing along at the rate of 43 miles an hour, a car on train No. 46, the Quaker City Express, was derailed one mile east of Crcsson, on the Pittsburg' and the train was not wrecked.

The accident happened at 4 'clock. The report received at thi local-office ttated that nobody wns hurt. have just It is a book of vital seriousness an impartial record of a great and growing movement in Fourth Race Steeplechase, Pickwick handicap; four-year-olds and full course. St. Volma.

12 to 5, won; to 1, second; Creollne, 4 to 1, third. Time, 3:54. Fifth Race Three-year-olds and up; mile and sixteenth. Donna. 10 to 5, w6n; Re the world's history.

It is the result of year of painstaking study, and is a noteworthy presentation of. sincere views on a subject of widespread in terest. It is hot a work of humor, al SUICIDE OF L. M. PRESTON.

We're Known as "The Carpet House." though humor how and then gleams and scintillates as an undercurrent beneath the seriousness. It is an earnest vol BRUSSELS. ume, preenting with strength and force-fulness the arguments against Christian up Science and against the claims of its There are some marvelous values in these goods, especially some we for 65C and 75C We have a varied assortment that 9x12 Brussel Rugs. $13.50. 9x 1 2 Axminster Rugs, $22.50 9x12 Wilton Velvets, $22.50 Single Door Smyrna Rugs, 75c 36x72-in.

Smyrna Rugs, $3.00 A Host of Handsome Remnants, 75c. can't fail to suit you; Oriental and. New ork, March 9. The knowledge that he faced exposure of a heavy short, age in his accounts nnd a revelation thai mythical wealth he had deluded hlmseli into believing he possessed did not exist, were responsible for the suicide of Xjeonl-das M. Preston, who killed himself In ths Hotel Cumberland Tuesday afternoon.

Late discoveries today show that Preston was a forger to the extent of at lenwt $57,000 In addition to other shortages. Hla stolen funds had been wasted on rac track betting and in speculation. Hla employers demanded an accounting wheq Preston took his life. For months, it la now believed, Preston's mind had been affected. In his disordered condition Imagined he possessed a fortune of OOO, In New Orleans, and had in Texas.

Bat at the 'moment he failed) exposure, realisation that his wealth waSJ only mythical and could not save- hint came to him, Rather than face disgrace he chose, death. floral designs 1.25 up. WILTON VELVET. In all their beauty are on our carpet noor by the hundreds of yards side, 8 to 1, second; Mary Siorrls, 13 to 5, third. Time, 1:47.

Sixth Race FourXvcai'-olds and up; live furlongs. Gold Proof, 9 to 10, won; Juggler, 16 to 5, second; Husk, 18 to 1, third. Time, :69 4-5. Seventh Race Sille and sixteenth; selling? King Elsworth. 17 to 10, won; Cob, mosa, 6 to 1, second; Gladiator, 3 to 1, third.

Time, 1:47 2-5. EX-CONVICT KILLED WIFE. Beaver Dam, Wis), March 9. Roscoe E. E.

Miller, a former convict, this afternoon shot and killed his divoroea wife, his stepmother and himself. The family had been in trouble over some property left by Miller's father at his death a year ago to Miller's stepmother. Miller was put off without a cent. This afternoon Miller went to the home of his daughter and began quarreling with his wife. He beat her into insensibility, then shot i her to death.

Ho fired a shot at his daughter, Mrs. Max ShirmRchef, and struck her over the head with the butt of his revolver, but she escaped. Miller went from his daughter's home to hi stepmother's residence, put his arms about her neck and asked for a kiss. As she looked up in surprise he fired a shot into her head that caused instant death. Miller then sat down in a rocking chair and committed suicide.

awaiting your inspection. Some for, yard V. OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT." The wonderful strides made by this department speak strongly for nhnost endless lines of beautiful Curtains, artistic Hangings, etc. This season opens with a far stroueer line than iver founder and her followers. "The Pilgrim's Staff," FitzRoy Car.

ringtoh's cohpilation of poems divine and moral, just issued by Duffield is set up by the Merry mount PresJ of Boston, from type especially desigsed to imitate Elizabethan fonts. To read through the index of first lines of this quaint volume is to live over again whole months of Sundays. "Awake, My Soul, Lift Thine Before Jehovah's; Awful "Jesus Lover of my "The Spacious Firmament on' God, Our Help in Ages Past," have sung themselves into, most people's consciousness through many hours of wor-bip. The simplified spelling reform has already attracted the satirist and has proven the authonof "The to be a hnnwr-tst of more than ordinary appreciation of the amusing circumstances of the movement. 'The Macmlllan Company has Just Issued a little volume.

"How Doth the Simple Spelling Bee," by Owen Wtster, which may be rend In an hour, -audw hlch easily contains at least two laughs or more to the minute. One would scarcely hnve expected so frivolous volume from- Mr. -Wister in all the country around to visit this exquisite displav. whether ABE RTTEF IN JAIL. bent or not.

M. San Francisco, Kirch Ruef, in jail for forfeiting bonds of 100,000 in the case charging him with extortion of money from French restaurant keepers in this city, maintains an air of confidence and says he will be free next week. He even predicts that Judge) Dunne will be declared in contempt of court. All this morning Ruef was held: non-communicado in a hotel, but If afternoon his friends were allowed to MARKS Jf PET CcpUINITUlE BTREET CAR STRIKE RIOTS. Waterloo, March result- SIXTH AND i Main Street call-upon Mm..

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