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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 5

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 THE DAILY REQISTER, TUESDAY EyENINQr.NQV^MPER FRIDAY, BAROAIM DAY! THE STORE 12G EACH A cask of Beautiful Semi-Porceleain Dishes, in Strawberry Decorations. Very pretty, dainty and them in sale Friday. We are iu the condition of the Ancient Dame of Mother Goose renown, who lived in a shoe, ouly we have go much China we don't know what to do. BIG VALUES AT We, iSc, Mc, 2Be, SBcr 48c io Si.98 Help us to distribute it where it's needed. WE SELL THE GOOD CANDY Wo POUND WANTED LEARN TELEGUAPIIY and R.

R. accounting. $50 to 1500 a month sal' arj aaaured our graduate! undor boud. Our alz schools the largoat iu America and endorsed by all riilroads. Write for catalog.

Morse Siihool of Telegraphy, Cincinnati. Buffalo, N. Atlanta. La Crosse, Tex- 1 arkana, San Francisco Cal. lor Ji wide-; tiroil l.iiccix'U Transfor Cu.

Wanted. bushols of rorn for' I iun prepared lo receive corni at lula. I.ii Harpe and Gas City and am in po.siiion to pay a premium for quantities os good dry com either, sliellfd or in ilu- ears. I am puttinKl in my dtinip and elevator ar me feed yard on north No shovel ing to imload. See me be bore yon sell.

S. D. Ray. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Cut Glaiij at McNIEL BROS THE JEWELERS Our Litie is Prices are Right. If you want a Watch or Diamond, see our get our prices.

conilnK.ln from Moran this train went throuKh to Parsons, then to Piquu, cominK to loia at as I ho rcgti- Iiir west i)oimd paHsehRff. IIUKKK, the new American iind Paolfle Kxprewrt nKent, will retain MI HH Crnmni IIK eaHJiier hi the offleen. 'Cnimm watt to liavo retired with Mr. t'owan as she was employed hy him, hiK her were too valnalile to be disposed with. T.

KYI.M. route for (ho Pacifie Kxiiress Company, who been here for several days, chcckinK ni) the local office left this mornlns Piqna. THE MOST EXCELLENT degree will be conferred on class of nineteen at the Masonic hall tonight, by Chapter No Royal Arch Masons. The, candidates are A. L.

Wilcox, W. A. Cox. W. R.

Smith. T. E. Oliver, B. J.

Schwartz. PauT'Klein, P. S. Mitchell, Chas. E.

Smeltzer, L. L. Northrup, Malcolm Hughes, L. Ponsler, M. G.

Robinson, Guy Hough, J. E. Borquin. W. A.

Byerley. Humboldt. W. L. Crabb, Otto.

S. HPberling, J. B. Kirlv, .7. W.

Edwards. THE DEATH of Alfreda Hlldner Muehiice, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Muehlke.

518 East Madison, at eleven thirty this morning comes as a great shoclc to the friends of the deceased and ents. Miss Alfreda was exceptionally bright child, and was sincerely loved by all who knew her. Scarlet fever was the cause of her death. No funeral arrangements have been made. T.

M. HYDE, an attorney who formerly practiced law here with (he firm of Hyde Slough, probably will return to Tola and establish an office Hhorlly. Ml-. Hyde has been city attorney of Humboldt most of the time since he left lola. TO.M AN1MCR80N Is In Clilcago on bnslnexH oonneeted with the Logan Porihinif Cement company.


P.N ORTHRUP, Second A U. mtuMHADt Casbler. Melvlii Fronk. A MI Uasbier. tb Mortbrap, F.

A. Norttirup, D. P. Nortbruth A. 1- BrnoitMasli F.

Horion, Geo. E. Nlcholsoo, W. Perry. National Bank of Commerce, St.


DIReCTORSi K. LOtMN. of (he ffgan I'urdiind Cement comiiany, Is exirectj'd lo leave for Now York or Tuesday, Woj-d ivas been rereived that Jack I Killlan and ualph Skinner, who are in St. hospital a( Kansas vity lecoveiing from the injuries sustained in the wreck east of Ivansas City some liinc aKo. were not imi)roving very last and would nf)t bi? able to riMuni home for some time.

cotton rags. later oflflce. woman euok at the Thomson liotvl. Cas Ciiy. FOIt rt.XLi;- (licap if at once room house on City water and lu'wly ))apen'd.

Inquire nil Kast 1)1- phone O. IkilliiiiAcr i.s in Vales Cx'Uter uiiiii) on ljusiiu'ss. in this: Tlli-: UAKER university basket ball leain passed through on the iwelVe I lifiv-fivi' passeimer today to Independence where they play the city tonight. roomer. Close in: niodi'iii.

Address. ibis oflice. A conerete mixer for of worli. Call at once. Hooin 2.

.1. .1. Klein. FOR SALE rOR S.M.F.—C.roferv stock ami meal market. Cood loeaiion.

business. company for some tima and has Wafch for the laM page and Roy Cardner and wife of lola. vis the folks on Indian Creek Sunday Koy is helping to pm in building on I new maehin.rv at tlie acid works up very ICast I News. Wauh for the last page iu fhisi H.VKKli has as paper Friday and itieliei and night clerk of the he Wayward bon at the santa Fe otlk-es. He is succeeded by Crand loni.uhi.

Prices 2r.e. and 50 formerlv in ihe employ the Facific. .1. Huike. who was.

until recent-; depot agent tor the I'aeific Ex- eompan.v ihis city, has been postponed to- to the nianageiinni ot MUipany I'eeii connectt M. W. a chemist at Ihc lola Portland Cement company. Is sick It his apartments at "i south Wal It street. Mr.

Ryland has not bevn for several days. Today he found ii necessary lo abstain from work lem Ijoraril.v. MR. MOSIER fthe Missouri. Kan sas Texas frieght department in the city today.

Not long since the high mo.a;nls of that great sy.steni issued a decree that no one connected with the servjce should refer lo llie mad as the "I-Caty" but must call it by its rightful and dignified name. AMiile chatting with an lola friend today Mr. was telling about making: a trip to Ft. Riley. "Whai road did you on?" was asked.

"Katy, of," replied Then the lola man oalled his attention to the fact that the ilrinks wolud be on him if it were not a dry time. THE AFTERNOO.X meeiing al the the ot Ress ai loUu He has This will held here netted with Pacific E.x- Seling on accouiu of health. N. A. Haggari.

126 Wall street. Cas. effieieiu FOR south Walnut. safe. Iniiire FOR blooded Scotch Collie pups, cheap.

Adiiress Sunflower Poultry F'arm. R. F. D. No.

7, Scott, Kansas. FOR acre farm, nr, head of cattle, four young mules and a good barn, buggy, haniess and feed io trade for lola or Clas City property. Address, Lock Box Filley. Mo. FOR roomed house, well improved, four blocks from square.

Price $90U. Inquire at 4uG east Monroe street. Iteminglon Type Inquire 5i'2 south FOR writer. ii''w. FOR RENT room for one vv two gomleiiien: 4L't; north Third ret I.

FOR RE.VT—Furaislivd front room with heal. Inquire Walnut. FOR RE.VT—F^irnished rooms. Mouern: souih l.pST—iiailow(.\ii night, one pair of trucks. I'inder rviiirn to Iowa Sioix and receive reward.

LOCAL NEWS. Dr. Enochs' phone 346. J. E.

Chsstain, Dentist. Dr. O. R. Bushfield.

Dentlat Mitiih" here is my wandering Fai to i lie tlrand lo si-e Wayward Son." "Tin- Wayward ai the (Irand toiiiglii, and in this morn inu ii) anend fMiu'ial of His sie in ( "The Sou" at the Crand toniphl. Prict and 5iic. .1. wmi to Fort Scott morning for a short visit with friends.

Call Douglas uros. back and baggage line, Phong 13. and -Mrs. 1. D.

came in this nioining from Piqua where have been visiting friends a few days. Clailiornes mill wants lo buy bu.shels of corn at cents per bushel. R. O. Buchanan went to I'niontown this morning on business.

P. wont to Bronson today on For fine cut flowers. munis. roses, carnations and go to ihe lola Greenhouse, 704 east Lincoln. Phone Wtii.

Vfzif went to Fort Scott fo- dax to looii business matters. See -The Wayward Son" the luadv 1 belli ail Eagle. Ethel Walker, of iiei'd went to Coffeyville today. of men from the lola Cas tomorrow will begin laying pipe (tin well lately brought 1 'he Stoli place lo the main line M. (^ler was up from Hum- norih field into lolili on Inisiness.

lola. It will be nccssaiy lo lay about F. Brunson wa.s up from Humboldt i a half of pipe from lb. to his taxes. II.

S. Hailey was in the citv todav boliU. i returned ibis after: noon from Coloiij win re she has bevii i visiiing. Slot! place in onU'r to reach I I main line. The gas company is strcngllun- ing ihe gas supply in anticipation of cold weather.

THE E-XCIRSIOX season being over I until Thankstciving and foss wiis in tiie e.iy ioda.v,,„„,, officials are enrouu. from noriheas: herryvale. Invffic N. A. Ri of Warren.

Ri.ugs. of county, and Mrs. S. Riggs. of 404 West wt nt 10 Cbanire todav to visit friends.

L.M;) 12 or yiars old came in to Ki'ilv's livery barn last ni.glit "tiboiu Miss C.rtrnde Peal, of Humboldt'! during the nigiii. The 'ad said he was way from his former home in I Snyder, Oklahoma, to friends in Kan: sas City. He- said thai his parents was in ciiy today. i E. E.

of Humboldt, was look ing after business here today. Fred Ih'rmoii. of 107 norih Elm. went lo Chanure on business. c.vclonc Mrs.

L. 11. Endieott went to Colony; Visned Sn.vder last spring and todav U) spend a few days without friends. The U) friends. W.

P. Kelley Mioys al Ihe barn bi-iii ved nis story to Son. transfer and' be iriii' and that he had a com- siorage. Catarac IVock. Oflice "Plionf Office 2ir.

south 'lie He con- In Crocci-y. Res. Phone CITY NEWS, tinui'd his Kansas City tins mornin.L. W. C.

of I Louis, iravel- i ing ageui for the Missouri J'aciiic. was iu rhv cit.v today confer- MUS. M. K. SHr.M.\KER.

fonm rly ring wiili his local einigratiol'i agents. missionary in China, spoke last night at ilie H. chureh to a fair THE land seekers e.xciir- meeiing was primarily it consecra- sion of tbt- Hedwell Realty company lion service ami Shumuker direct- to western Kansas wheat bell is sched ed some very heliifiil remarks along for next Tuesday, iliis line. Shumaker left this' iiKJiiug for where she wili' sjiealc this afternoon and cv-niiig on lUv life of women in China. THE WEST Ixnind Missouri Paeilie was an hour half hue this Waters.

F. eatiic in from Carmtt lasi evi-nlnir on Inislin-ss. I H. MEVEft. ihc h.a.l ot Fnii'Ml Zinc AL- Clu'inlial lonijianv.

is; very til at his lumie In Kansas Mr Meyer has been suffering htart ii-oniile for four or wei-ks. and his condition js now regarded as wry serious. His son, -Allen, arrivfd in Kansas Ciiy yesterday from Concord. Mas.sachiiset Is. where he has beeu aitending school.

REV. H. T. ADAMS, of Newkirk.l Oklahoma, will preaHi at th'' Episcopj al church Thanksgiving day. is an Episcopal recior of veryi wide reputation and i.s said to bt? an eloquent sptaker.

It is because of this arrangement thai the union Thanksgiving services in lola will lie i held at'the Pre.sbytierian instead of at; the Episcopal church. I SETTLEMYER and Miss E. i Ke.v. were married last night at eight 1 o'clock by Rev. C.

H. at the home of the brhle's uncle, Ben- neif, at 421 North Oak street. About Grand tonight. I'rices 25c. 50 gues(s were present to whom an 50 cents.

Three cents apiece will be paid for bran and chop at Claiborne's mill. elaborate supper was served. THERE was no west bound Kaity passenger this morning. Instead of Ladies' Day Every Thursday From 2 to 4 p. m.

For a short time we will show the ladies through our plant on Thursday afternoon Souvenirs While They Last Everybody Welcome F. A. COOK, the contractor, and Hiirns. of Rurns the Kansas City engineering firm, are in the today. KING brought suit in justice court to garnishee the wa.ges of Harding for a board bill.

They com- jiromised the case by deciding lo divide Ihe money wliicli was tied up. The money was turned over to Moso and he forgot to divide it. .1. F. MOORE has filed an applica- with the city council for the job of engineer of the city's new road roller.

W. PICKELI. of the Phoenix Oil Cas company, of Hunibojdt. was in the city today a few hours. Pick ell has just relnnu'd from where he superintended the drilling of three wells for (lie Equitable Oil company of that city.

The wells drilled proved to be good oilers. They were brou.ght in at a depth of feet. HE HEARS NO WORD Mr. Whittaker Gets No News of His Son, Who Disappeared from Coffeyville. Late this afternoon C.

Whittaker had received no news concerning the whereabouts of his son, Herbert Whittaker. who (lisapjieared from Coffeyville Sunday night. C. lias thus far received no word from his son. Herbert i'.

who disappeared from Coffeyville lime Suuday night. Mr! Whitiakor. in company with E. D. Shields, of whose store in Coffeyville Herbert Whittaker is manager, went 10 CofTeyville Tuesda.v, to try to get some trace of his son.

Mr. Whittaker turned to lola yesterday afternoon. He learned absolutely nothing at Coffeyville which gave him any clue what ever to his son's whereabouts. Mr. Shields, who remained in Coffeyville, telephoned to Mr.

Whittaker this morning that there was nothing new in milter. Mr. Whittaker told Mr. Shields to give the affair to the Coffey newspapers, so that it might have as much publicity possible. Whittaker wanted the papers to nothing ahtmi It, on account oi iie illiieH of nt her home here, but since ii has been iiiaile public, he wants the matter given all the publUdty possible, in the hope iliai It will assist In clearing up mystery.

Herbert Whil laker dlHappearod firmi Coffeyville some lime Sunday irght. He was last seen by a druggist a ross the stitei from the Shields He went Into this drug store about eight o'clock and drank a glass of That was the last III of In thx- afternoon he was ii. ills room most of the time his land- ir says, and gave no intimation that expected to leave Coffeyville. Neith- did he any such intimation to any of hiv5 intimate friends. Even his 11 O.St intimate friend in Coffeyville did nut know that he had di.sappeared until -Mr.

Whittaker called on him Tues- ilay IO make inquiry. Herlwrt was in no trouble whatever in Coffeyville, so far as Whittaker was able to learn. Affairs at the Shields stoie were In good shape, and absolutely no for his disappearance can be advanced. Whittaker recalled this morning that once before, when Herbert was twelve years old. he away frpin home, with one of the tola boys, and stayed away for two or three nights.

Mr. Whittaker this morning received atetter from his son, Frank WTiit- laUer, who is in the Indian Territory. He did not say anything about Herbert WTiittaker, so it is reasonably certain he did not go there. A W. llecU, KruiiU ,1.

A. liol.liiiton, V. Sim, uiid II, Ili'iulrr-'Oii. ,1. II.

(1 1 I I.I ,1 K. Northrup, STOCKMOLDBKS (J. K. Nluholwiii M. Ilorvlllr.

Ilorinn. A.W. U4-olt, Ucrwn, ,1. II. Curnpixll, A.

I. I'ongier, Friknk Ulddlc. b'leln. II Ilcii- THE IOWA STORE SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY With Every SI.oo worth ol Groceries we will sell you 20 POUNDS SUGAR FOR $1. Fresh Vegetables from City.

We are here to VDU. 4.t7. MUMMA, Whiltakei" does not Iniit'Vi- Herbert has mei with fijul jilay. alihougii he is at a loss to accuiiiil for his lie is nauir ally greatly woni-d over the boys So far ns be could as( ii tain Herbert flid not havt- luiich luoiu with him. He probably bad icu dni lars in his pockeus at liie liiii" disapjiearance.

HOT AIR FOR LIBRARY T. B. Shannon Was Awarded the Heat ing Contract by the Library Board. PRICES'.iihl lb 2Uc Hwi-r ri orck 25c 25c 1 IKT itc inul I'ft ('ri-aiii. 5c or 10c 2 15c lbs licauiiiy 25c 20c $1.25 Frc.nian Hart -ire (urutntf 1,.

I'-. 'A I'Jru. I 'r-rftl I I tft The library board nic! last ami lei the coiinaci for th plant to T. 15. Sbaiiiiiiii of Several parlits ai)i)i'a'('d board ni-ght before and li the merils of their the Caiiii)bell Heating coiiiiKiny.

ol City. Lewis Klwln company, of Kansas W. M. Kmi: and T. 15.

Shannon of this the board had lime auo in lea by CampDell Burrell to nsi! a hot air svsi'in. tiu' biddiiiir was practically the Drua Co. Call for fret and the Campbell jicojib'. Sample, non will begin at onc" tie- pn iiiuina.y work Of installin.E: ilu- inaiir. The iin-, derground pipes and pits niiirii and cold ducts will be pui readin'ss immediately so thai 'llu- ceiiieiu tliior can bo placed in ih-- biiildm.i;.

Xiv. Shannon promises a siibstaniial and upto-daie system for the insiiruiiou. RITTER GOT GONTRAGT FIVE HOURS SPECIAL SALE. Friday. Nov.

17th. from a. m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 m. as announcei Starts Work' on M.

and K. Exchange Immediately Upon Signing Papers. I' has awarded the yesterda.v, we wili give you a Discou.1t; aci tor the- ereciioii or ihe Mls- of oue half fi-om regular price rf.srard-! and Kansas- '11 com- less of cost on glasses for your own paii.v's't-xi.' biiildiii.ii on east individiial use; any style. Kind oi ison aveiiiu'. was award- quality of frame or lenses.

jed him and he saiisfaciory bond Respectfully. liils luorniii.g. Tiiis afifmoon iiad PROF. M. THO.M.\S.

som- ut' bis men on (he slaking ii and eominencing excavaiiuns. The Santa Fe sells home is fine wearher lor building excursion tickets October 24th. No- now and I am going to vember 14th and 2.Sth, IDfi'-, to cer- oi; -aid Mr. this afternoon, tain points in Illinois. Iowa, Minnesota, 1 "The only way to pur up a building is Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and I li.u'in into if and busy.

I am Wisconsin for one and one-third fare; nun to work liiis aft'-rnoon. limited for thirty days. Pleaso Tlu- wi'I be lure away and see us for particiilar.s. land no linje will be W. Agent.

Mr. Hiiter has pu; fi nunibi-r of i.iiildin.L's in. loh: and work has Ceorge E. Bacon, fotherin law (if excellcni. liian ibat he has W.

Mylt-r, is here frcni iting. .1. T. Wales went, to on busln.ess visit today. tlif of vi nt ing wurj; drag- uing.

'lsi iKnv is ibenew I bu CiiiU'il lii'n a brick biisiiNss building uu norih i V.asbinj;toii avenue. STVLLSB UMBRELLAS Suitable for Gifts An T'mbrella is always a useful gift. Those we are showing have beauty as well as use to commeud them. They look well, they "oar well and the giver of one is lonjr held in grateful remembraDce. It would be sensible policy lo biiy some uf ihese and lay ihem away for Christmas Gifts, ohall we lay one away for.

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