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Muskogee Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 7

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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MVSKOamt DEMOCRAT, THTJf OCTOBER 12, 1005. I A AM A complete and elegant line of Jewelry, Beautiful Pictures in lovely I LVs Ul I I Fine Toilet Cases, Bric-a-Brac Novelties, Musical Instruments 228 West Broadway, Barnes Building. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE WATCHES RINGLING'S CIRCUS HERE ON SATURDAY The four Rreat trains of Rlngllng Brothers circus, bearing tho mighty elephants, wonderful clowns, gilded cages, high strung horses, agile and graceful performers and a thousand and one other things of mystic circus Interest, are due to arrive In Muskogee parly Satu-day morning. TloubtlcRS the small boy. multl- RAPID WRITERS.

of FEMININE FRILLS. VnnuVrlillt Hrtm Vrrity l.urk Slielln. All Imported that been adopted I Gladys Vnnderbllt is thnt wearing in 'iirfs to match each tuuie. nrc made of a couple of yards of chiffon, silk or trimmed with plaited frills and Immense bows of ribbon or rare old laee. She pins plied Into legions, will be at tho railroad yards to welcome tho advent of his heart's desire, and will escort the herd of 40 elephants and the rumbling caravans to the show lot.

At 10:00 a. m. the splendid street pagaent, for which Itlngllng Bros, are famous, will start over the usual circus route and return to the circus grounds. This procession will be nearly three miles long and presents more novelty and lavish dlsplny than ever offered before by KinKllii); Bros. Most of the animal dens will be open, all the men, women and children will have some part.

Die herd of forty elephants will plod along patiently, meekly followed by a troop of camels, music will be furnished by several bands. Including a mounted military one. the nations of the world will be illustrated by characteristic groupings upon beautifully carved tableau Moats, and "Merry Andrews" galore will keep the fun spiritH of things going for worshipping kid followers. The circus acts Introduce a number of foreign artists Imported by Hlngling Brothers. Among these are the Four Eld reds from England and the Four Hedinis from Italy.

CHILD KMUKOIDUKED HAT. the scarf invisibly to her left arm un- the bow, while the other end Is held coquet tishly in the right band. Strands of shells in black and white and a queer brownish tone, said to be found in Jerusalem and to possess nil kinds of good luck attributes, are to be found In the shops for cents. An old fashion In Jewelry that has been revived Is that of woven and these made Into liowknois, the cuds finished with fine gold fringe. A short neck chain is made In this way with the bows in front.

A pendant set with a la'ge stone of some kind hangs from the center of the knot. Agate for the woman born in are a Of the moment, and. In fact, all symbolic jewelry is a present craze. For tho economical woman who likes the appearance of r.llken skirts there are pretty ones of gloria. They have not quite the hod3' of a taffeta skirt, but are durable and effective, Ribbon ci.ihroidery seems to have caught the fancy of exclusive women ami i i used for all kinds of sartorial The dainty child's hat neon in the Illustration is a charming example of tills wnlc.

It is in white cloth mounted! on a crinoline frame. The brim Is with a scalloped design worked In blue silk, and a pretty flowered and ribbon pattern covers the brim and center of the crown. A roll of soft whlto ribbon encircles the crow nniT ties in long flat at one side JFDIC CHOLLET. Town Topics Wall paper, Smit h-Torrans. 17G -tf Make the bosses, clerks and porters wait on you at lS5-4t Sen W.

our line of wedding gifts. I.amford 101 N. 2nd st. 1 87-1 5t Mrs. Donnelly Reid will teach dancing in Muskogee every Monday throughout the fatt and winter.

The assembly dances will be held on Monday nights. 183-tf REMOVAL. Argobright and Wright are now located In room 11, Carolina building with their up-to-dato dressmaking establishment and Invite all their friends to call. 185-3tx The tea which was to have been by the Presbyterian Ladies Aid society at the home of Mrs. J.

M. Miller, C0o South Cherokee street, has been-postponed until "Friday, Oct. 13, hours and 7-10. Lunch 25 cents. 186-2tx There will be a Ring and Pie social at the Labor Temple Friday night given by the young ladies of the Auxiliary.

The mere announcement of a social at the Labor Temple Is sufficient to insure It a success. 1 8 4-51 Special Summer Tourist To St. Louis and Chicago, June to 30th, 1905, the M. K. T.

Ry. will sell special round trip summer tourist tickets from Muskogee at the rate of $16.75 to St. Louis. $23.50 to Chicago. Ask Katy's agent for particulars.

97-tf Who Old Gmi( Drnl Work In l.lttlr Time. The rapidity of the ancient writers Is reen from the great number of works prepared by them. Llvy. for Instance, wrote books. Among the Romans, Cfccru often wrote three or four portunt works In a single year.

Of later writers. Dr. Johnson. Hcott and llyron were all rapid writers. Hyron.

It Is related, wrote "The Corsair" In ten days, while Scott wrote a work for which he was paid £1JXH1 In ten days. "Rub and His Friends," by John H-own. was written. It Is said, at a single The story is told that IVmi Shipley once to Heber, "Suppose you write a hymn for the rrrvlce tomorrow mnrninc" and by the next morn- 11 IT lie hymn known all around the won I. "From Greenland's ley tain was written, printed and used In day's missionary service, "li icrs was once asked how long It to to prepare a sermon, lie replied 1 i hat depends on how long you il It If your sermon is to be half an lemv long, it will take you three days; If It is to lie three-quarters if an boor.

It will take two or perhaps one. but if you are going to preach an limns then there Is not much occasion think a greut deal about it. It may be done in an hour." Samuel Johnson would write at a single sitting the manuscript for forty eight prinle 1 o.tavo pages. In oni week he wrote "Rasselas" to pay for his mother's funeral, sent It off to the publishers without reading It over and was paid Jin I for it. SARCASTIC DEAN SWIFT.

Ilnlen nntl I) I reel I For Hrrrnnti He Wrolr. Then' was a servant problem when I liMin Swift was alive Just as there is today, and be died In 17 -l In his "Rules and Directions For Servants" he wrote: "When you have broken all your earthen vessels below stairs, which Is usually done In a week, the copper pot will do as well. It can boll milk, heat porridge, hold small beer. Apply it indifferently to all these uses, but never wasli or scour it." And again: "If you want paper to singe a fowl, tear the lirst book you see about the house. Wipe your shoes, for wunt of ft clout, on the bottom of a curtain or a danmsk napkin." "In roasting and boiling." he goes on, "use none but the large coals and save the small ones for the fires above stairs." Another touch that might have been written today is the following: "When a butler cleans the plate leave the whiting plainly to be seeu in all the chinks, for fear your lady should not believe you had cleaned it." Once more: "There are several ways of putting out a candle.

You may run the candle end against the waiuscot, which puts the snuff out lmmedfntety; you may lay it on the ground and tread the snuff out with your foot; you may hold it up side down until it is choked in its own grease or cram it into the socket of the candlestick; you may whirl it round in your hand till it goes out." almost absorbs the output. IVnrls are the most popular of all gems among the inhabitants of India and Arabia and It Is seldom that a native woman of any social position Is seen without pearl ornaments of some kind, cither finger rings, earrings or rings for the nose, and even the feet. I For Soldier. At one of the London police courts young hooligan was being tried an assault on an elderly man. The lung Istriite.

noticing an old customer In the hooligan, thought he would give him a Utile fatherly advice, and remarked "Young man. I'm surprised at a big. strong, healthy looking fellow like you always getting Into trouble. Why. von seem to be always wanting to tight Why don't you go for a soldier?" Imagine the Hinile which Illuminated the magistrate's face when the youth replied.

1 did once, your honor, and he nearly killed me FRED IWHACH, DRUGGIST SVCCKHHOH TO F. M. WOODS CO. New management and new Meet your friends here, or wait for the car. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded PIIONK Remember the place, Rroadwcy and Cherokee Prnetlcnl Vli-n.

A cert iiu sweet faced grandmother- Is sometimes startled by the up in dale ness of her grandchildren. The other day she was telling the youngesi of theni. a boy live years old, the story of Ait Sin- til 111 the pictures of he I. Led cities of the plains eini'l oped in the lire from heaven. The lit tie (hap gazed at the pictured coulla grat ion and then asked "Wire they York Press Tin- Mntur In Pllarr I On mouth lllll stands the impos lug statue to the pilgrims.

Its base Is granite and supports a seated figure at each of the four corners with eyes searching the surrounding country, while a woman's figure crowns the top. On the Is Inscribed the name of every man. woman and child that came HOT in tbe Mayflower. St Nioh olus Tha Democrat, 10 cents per week. Hod Sea Pearls.

Pearl fisheries, of which the world hears little, but which constitute a considerable Industry are carried on at the Lob la Islands, In the lower end of the lied sea. Very few of those pearls find their way to European or Amcri can markets, because the local demand o3 Has neither shuttle nor bobbin. Jio -tensions to AltJfjdys ready buhen needle is threaded Absolutely tbe Simplest, Lightest-Running, Best-Constructed, Strongest Elastic Chain-Stitch Sewing Machine erer invented. SOLO OMLY AT 119N 3rd St Phone 262 DON'T POOR OIL. For use on Sewing Machines, Bicycles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant best is cheapest in the end.

Genuine Singer Oil can only be obtained at Singer Stores. LOOK FOR THE RED S. mm Meal. Mrs Waggs treading) well known physician says that one should never go into the water after a hearty meal. Waggs That's right.

It's better to go Into a first class restaurant after It if one happens to lmvo the price. Great miuds, like heaven, are pleased In lining good, though tho ungrateful subjects of their favors are barren In My New Stable V. being complete and up-to-date in every I am now in a position to give better service to all boarding horses and livery. Yours Respectfully, 8 Slaughter W. E.

Bowser, frost. A. M. YouNQ, Caab. StnuT ASXMLU Asa't Caat.

A BABOON HUNT. Horribly SoBcntlve of Slaughter of II man He In KM. A traveler writing from South Africa describes a baboon hunt as follows: Very slowly we spread out round about the base of the kopje and began crawling ascent through the thick scrub. Kaffirs and farmers together, we formed something of a loose circle around the kopje. Daylight found us drawing near tbe higher spurs of the kopje and the Kaffirs were busy beating.

"Then the sport began, nnd pretty uncanny it was. A good many baboons broke through our circle, for we only mustered seven guns, but as we neared the top of the kopje I could tell by the noises all about me that some execution was being done. My first kill gave me a most uncomfortable thrill. It was horribly like picking off nanan. "The baboons were great big, human looking brutes, quite capable of picking up a lamb In their hands and running off with it.

As a fact, they generally content themselves with ripping tbe beast open to get at the curdled milk within. Bat their cries were the most horribly human tiling about them and tbe gestures of their waving arms. When we all met a careful count was made. Thirty baboons bad been bagged. Seven had fallen to my gun." A Frlajbfeaed Rabbit.

"I was walking across a field with my dog at my sldo when a young rub- bit emerged from a' wood close by," says a writer. "Huddenly It fell to tbe ground and was to all intents dead. Tho dog sniffed it. and I watched It for about ten inluutcH. thinking it absolutely dead.

I walked away about fifty yards, when I looked back and tbe rabbit rise and run rapidly into tbe wood whence It came. It evident that It saw tho dog and dropped down out of fright." to Claru, I bet heavily on the last game. I thought It rlgbt to tell yon-Mrs. you bet on tbe game and lost all your uiouoy. For my part, 1 don't see bow a man can rob bis family of tbe necessaries of life and throw everyibJng Away in gambling, Fogg-Rut, my dear, I dideff 1 won $000.

Mrs. you alwaya were a lucky Transcript. BANK Of COMMERCE CAPITAL $300,000 We solicit your business and promise prompt and courteous treatment. Banking, Insurance, Abstracts and Real Estate Officers: G. W.

Barnes Prcsiaent £. D. WimS, Vice Pres. Leo.E. Bennett, Vice Pres.

D. If. Fink, Cashier E.D. Sweeney, Ass't Cash. hE COfri 'iElKaAL NATIONAL BANK 'MUSKLQGEEXT Capital $200,080 Surplus $25,000 S.

R. ARKE Mgr. ELMER SU ITH Sec-Treas. PHONE 533 Member Notional Board of Trade, Kantae City National Commission Go. 0CK PROVISIONS PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL MARKETS Corner Third and Broadway MUSKOGEE, I.

T. Km to Roaoptora. No man Is more unreservedly called a sbamelcss liar tbun tho newspaper reporter, and no man considers tbe slanders, against biin more lightly. Ills conscience Is usually clear, bis motives disinterested, bis kuow ledge of buman nature couipfcueuslve, sense of humor keen and bis kuow lodge of his traducers complete. Louisville Times.

TUe Seventh. made seven hearts bappy today. How was that? three couples. mukes only six. Minister-Well, do you tbluk I did It for nothing CITY IATI0NAI.

CAPITAL I It is the 'policy of this bank to carry 60 per cent of its deposits in cash. Safety is our watch-word. We do MUSKOGEE TRANSFER CO. Mala Office, Turner Hotel Braaahet Book Mara FREIGHT STORAGE CADS Prompt Service and careful bandlLig, eoapied wlta moderate charges, warrant us la asking liberal share of your roBSge in transferring trunks sad other baggage and the drayage of general merchandise. Quick work and fair figures make our hid for your favor.

Telephone ms when fot want what you're looking for. Phone sndCoouiMreJV.

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