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Pampa Daily News from Pampa, Texas • Page 6

Pampa Daily Newsi
Pampa, Texas
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PAGE SIX THE PAMPA DAILY NEWS MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, 1933. CANADIAN GIRLS PLAY IN OPENING GAME OF CAGE MEET WICHITA EVENT HAS 21 TEAMS OUT FOR TITLE SEXTET TO PLAY WICHITA TONIGHT WICHITA, Kansas, March 20 (AP) -Challenging the supremacy of the Durant, Cardinals, 21 girls basketball teams launch the annual national A. A. U. tournament here tonight.

The tournament brings to the Wichita forum outstanding sextets from nine states. In addition to the titleholders, representing the Oklahoma Presbyterian college for women, the sooner state has three other. teams bidding for the twozone championship. Texas also is represented four teams, includIng the Dallas Cyclones, former champions. Six first round games are scheduled for tonight.

pairings: Upper bracket: Durant Presby-1 terians vs. Bye; Lenora, vs, Bye; Ashdown, Vs Bye; Reno county all-stars of Haven, Kansas, Kansa's City Steubens; Fort Worth vs. Pittsburg, Shamrocks; Canadian, Texas, vs. Wich1ta Independents; Houston vs. Minneapolis; Crescents of Eureka, Ark.

Lower bracket: Shreveport, vs. Topeka, Kansas; Jacksonville, vs. Bye; Cleveland, Tenn, VS. Chilocco, Indians; Wichita Thurstons vs. Bye; El Dorado, vs: Bye; Tulsa vs.

Bye; Chandler, vs. Bye; Dallas Cyclones, vs. Bye. The Canadian, Texas, team and the Wichita Independents open the tournament at 6:30 p. m.

following hour intervals are the Haven All-Stars Houstons Kansas City Steubens; and Minneapolis; Shreveport and Topeka; Fort Worth. and Pittsburgh and Cleveland and the Chilocco Indians. EINSTEINS HOUSE SEARCHED BERLIN, March 20.. a result of rumors that arms and ammunition were hidden in Prof. Albert Einstein's country home at Caputh, Berlin, police and a detachment of national socialists searched the house today but found nothing.

Prof. Einstein, who is now on the way to Switzerland from the United States said just before he. left New York that he would. not go back to Germany "so long as conditions there continue as they are. ERICKSON GIVEN OATH WASHINGTON, March 20.

(AP)Ignoring a protest that his appointment involved a political trade, the senate today administered the oath to former Governor John E. Erickson. to succeed the late Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana. ERICKSON DEFENDED March 20.

(P)- Senator Burton K. Wheeler today told the senate that Judge George Bourquin of Helena and Butte had opposed the seating of Senator John E. Erickson because "he intends to become a candidate for the senate himself." OKLAHOMA CHILLED OKLAHOMA CITY, March. 20. (AP) Biting: winds and 20-degree temperatures chilled virtually all sections Oklahoma today, with county agents expressing fear.

for fruit and garden crops. Light snowfall was reported from the east side. CONDITION IS SOUAD'S AIM Harvesters Will Practice Hard For Triangle Fight Next Saturday. Coach Odus Mitchell of the high school track and field squad looked anything but pleased as he stuck his head out of the house this morning. The coach was hoping for of nice weather to spend in getting his thinclads in condido tion for the Important meet in Amarillo Saturday when the Harvesters, Amarillo Sandies and Westerners tangle in an annual affair.

The Pampa boys lost a close meet to the Sandies here Saturday afternoon in one of the worst sandstorms of the year. The condition of the Sandies told as they won all the dash events which are usually the Harvester strength. Several newcomers to the Harvester team are expected to come to the front with a little more training and Coach Mitchell had intended working on some new dash material this week. In Trenary and Elkins the coach has two of the most promising sprinters on his team. Both have excellent form and only need starting experience and a little polishing.

A shot-put man is also badly needed but chances of uncovering' one is slight unless there is an unbeen known out in for the school who has not practice. Other departments seem to be well taken care of. -AMENDMENT (Continued from Page 1) of fine horses. For the present the bill would affect only Tarrant county, where W. T.

Waggoner, racing enthusiast, has constructed an extensive racing plant, Duvall said. Duvall pointed out racing would be permitted only in counties that wanted it. The bill provided that before a racing meet could be held, 3. license would have to be obtained from the county commissioners' court. Duvall said he had been informed that if the bill was passed another racing would be established at San Antonio.

The bill J. was opposed by Representative H. Fisher of Newcastle, a minister, who scoffed at the idea that it was sponsored to aid agricultural interests by increasing the quality of horses and mules. would be legislative encouragement of gambling," Rev. Fisher said.

"We might just as well turn loose all other forms." Duvall said that betting on horse races was no worse than gambling on cotton futures and on the stock market and challenged statements that it would prove detrimental to the public morals. The house recessed at noon without having taken a vote on the bill or any of the amendments. Ray charged was "iniquitious" and said he would rather see the schools close than derive a portion of their revenue from "gambling dens." The bill would apportion part of the taxes levied on racing meets to the schools. Representative Conde Hoskins of Gonzales observed that "a person who did not get a kick out of seeing the horses come down the stretch ought to be bored for the hollow horn." Hoskins stated that there was a dearth of good farm animals in Texas because no inducement had been offered for breeding fine animals. Boring Tomorrow Is The First Day of Spring And Are We Ready We never had so many charming dresses and hats at one time and prices will probably never be SO low again.

You can have a complete outfit this Spring for just a few dollars, SILK DRESSES and CLEVER LITTLE SUITS $4.98 TO $19.75 HATS FROM ARE PRICED $1.00 TO $4.95 MITCHELL'S L'S "Apparel For Women" BUS FARES CUT CAPROCK BUS LINE la fares from. Pampa to Childress, Wichita Falls, Dallas Two round trips daily to Oklahoma and one fare on all round trips, Leaves Pompa to Oklahoma City $6.50, one way; $9.75 $3:30 Childress $3.75, one way; $5.65 round trip, one $16.80 round trip, and Quick Taxi Service Call 870 UNION BUS STATION Auto Fatte and Express GRID TEAM OF 1988 TO PLAY GAME TUESDAY INTER SQUAD BATTLE WILL START AT 4 O'CLOCK Pampa football fans will have 8 chance to see what kind of material will be on hand for this fall when the Harvester squad swings into action in an intra-squad game at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Harvester park. Assistant Coach Argus Fox has divided his 70 boys and will put them through a full game, using nearly every boy. He had not released his starting line-up this morning but expected to select the 22 boys to start the game after practice this afternoon, practice is held. The cold wenther is expected to abate before tomorrow afternoon.

The lads are in good condition for this early in the season. With the exception of the boys who have had no previous football experience, practice has been in progress only three weeks. "Greenies" have been in uniform for more than a month and have learned rapidly. been Many made important discoveries have during the weeks of practice and already a team is being Only three lettermen are in uniform, the others being out for track and field. It is planned to have intra-mural games and also a game between the boys who are graduating and the 1933 prospects before the spring season is over.

-ASSASSIN (Continued from Page 1) he were sitting down tor lunch, first striding over to Superintendent L. F. Chapman and handing him a sheaf of papers on which he had inscribed, "Here is that book I have been "I no afraid that chair, see?" he repeated as he surveyed the 30 witnesses and attendants in the room. And then as the straps were adjusted about his hands and legs, "No camera man here? No one here to take pictures?" Superintendent Chapman replied "No" just before the attendants placed the metal cap on Zangara's head. Waits For Shock.

"Lousy Zangara shouted bitterly. Then he repeated, "No pictures, capitalists! all capitalists, lousy bunch--docks." Attendants started to complete preparations for the electrocution and Zangara said evenly, "Goodbye. Adios to all the world. Goodbye." With his feet not quite touching the floor and his head completely covered, he then leaned back in the chair and relaxed to await the shocks. One of the guards who fixed the electrode stepped back and said in a quiet voice, "all right, Joe," With that signal, Sheriff Dan Hardie of Dade county.

(Miami) walked behind and threw the switch that sent 2,300 volts thru Zangara's body at 9:15. The little assassin's body stiffened at the first shock and his head gave A jerk. upward. Brain Declared Normal His' hands clenched the chair. The current was turned off after three minutes and Zangara's body relaxed, slumping forward.

Guards hastily released the straps about his arms and physicians stepped forward to make their examination. He was officially pronounced dead at 9:27. a. eastern standard time. An autopsy was ordered immedlately after the electrocution.

The physicians who the autopsy announced they found assassin's brain "perfectly normal" on gross examination. There was no immediate announcement as to what would be done 'with Zangara's body. Sevcral medical schools and clinics had asked that the body be given to them for sclentific research but Governor Dave Sholtz did not say what would be done about these requests. Zangara 'had no known relatives in the United States. He said his father lived near the town of Feruzzano, Calabria, Italy.

He gave his age as in the early thirties. was a naturalized citizen of the United States, EXHIBITION BASEBALL By The Associated Press. Yesterday's results: New York (a) Boston (N) 2, Brooklyn (N) Bufalfo (IL) 1. Detroit (A). Beaumont (TL) 5.

Pittsburgh (N) 10; Chicago (N) 4, first game. Chicago (N) Pittsburgh (N) 4, second: game. (A) House of David 0. Philadelphia (N) St. Louts (N) 2.

Philadelphia: (A) Cincinnati (N) 5. Newark (IL) 4: Boston (A) 0. New York (N), 13, Chicago (A) 8. Today's Schedule, New York (A) Newark (IL) at Olearwater, Philadelphia (A) vs. House of David at Fort Myers.

Philadelphia (N) YS. Montreal at Winter Haven. St. Louis (N) V8. Boston (N).

at St. Petersburg GOOD FIGHTS ON CALENDAR Well-Known Boxers On Card At Pla-Mor For Wednes-. day Night Feature. Pampa fight fans are expecting to see a real class boxing exhibiAthletic show in the Pla-Mor audition at the American Legion's torium Wednesday night when such well known boxers as Pug Grubbs, Borger, Duff Stanley, Amarillo: Babe Lucero, Wichita; Floyd Guthrie, Woodward, and other boys will be seen in action. The show will start at 8:15 o'clock.

The 10-round main event will feature Grubbs and Stanlcy but another 10-round bout will call for Lucero and Guthrie. All four of the boys are well known in the fight game in the southwest and Matchmaker Andy Andrews has had considerable work matching the boys. Rusty Cahill, "the maestro," will swing into action agein in a fourround battle with Red McGinty of Borger. Everybody in this section of the country knows the Cahill and are glad to see him back again. Toughy Simons of Borger stand toe to toe with Ray Young of Perryton in what should be the toughest battle of the night.

Pampa fans already know the style of fight Young puts up. An opponent has not been named for Lefty Hawkins, local slugger but a real tough one will be found in time for the opening bout on the big card. Bob Gilliland of St. Louis is Pampa visitor for a few days. Rosenbloom And Miller Defend Boxing Titles NEW YORK, March 20.

(P) Two title bouts lend dignity this week to the national boxing schedule, one of the best offered in many months. Maxie Rosenbloom of New York, part owner of the light heavyweight championship, and Freddic Miller of Cincinnati, national association weatherweight king, will stage Litle defenses on opposite sides of continent. Rosenbloom, recognized by the New York state athletic commission, stacks up against the coming southerner, Bob Godwin, in a. match in Madison Square Garden Friday night. Maxie successfully defended his laurels against the young German, Adolph Heuster, ten days ago, and will be heavily favored over Godwin.

Miller, a fast and clever southpaw, facos Speedy Dada of the Philippines in a 10-rounder at Los Angeles tomorrow night in his second title defense within less than a month. The Cincinnati star whipped Baby Arizmendi of Mexico (in' a championship match February 28. Aside from these two attractions the week's schedule is marked by an important match at the Chicago stadium Wednesday night between ney Ross of Chicago and Billy Petrolle, veteran Duluth puncher. Ross has come along fast in the last year and now rates an outstanding challenger for Tony Canzoneri's lightweight championship, providing. of.

course, he can get past Petrolle. C. C. Miller of LeFors WAS A Pampa visitor this morning. MAGICIAN'S LADY ASSISTANT SHOWS AMAZING SKILE SUNDAY Willard the Wizard, who.

is sensational stage attraction at the La Nora theater, is drawing near the end of his stay but showing no lessening of his ability to amaze his audiences. Disappearing, tricks were featured Sunday in such profusion that many in the audience wished he would' slow up to give them time to think. He again used his magic bottle, from which he pours hard and soft drinks to taste on demand. Yesterday he added the producing of ribbons of any desired color from this bottle, In addition to pouring of the drinks. He continued the daily levitation demonstration raising his "leading lady" into the air without any visible means.

This stunt is as puzzling as rite was on the first night. most astounding performance Sunday was not by the Wizard. however, but by his young lady assistant. After three local men had tied and nailed her to an upright board, she wag placed in a tent-like arrangement. Then she proceeded to show her hands, throw out pots and pans, and even to draw on a coat borrowed from one of the men.

The tent was removed, and there she sat still tied and nailed to the board. The trick was repeated, then Willard did a disappearing act in which he changed costumes, invisibly, without leaving the stage. On tonight and tomorrow he show some of the hardest stunts he knows, reserved for his closing performances. Classified Advertising Rates Information All Want Ads are strictly cash and are accepted over the phone with the positive understanding that the account is to be paid when our colleotor calls. PHONE YOUR WANT AD TO 666 or 667 Our courteous ad-taker will receive your Want Ad, helping you word it.

All Ads for "Situation Wanted," "Lost and Found" are cash with order and will not be accepted over telephone. Out-of-town advertising, caeh with order. The Pampa Daily News reserv es right to classify all Want Ads under appropriate headings and to revise or withhold from publication any copy deemed oblectionable. Notice vi any error must be given in time for correction before second insertion. In CASE of any error or an omission In advertising of any Mature The Pampa Dally NEWS shall not be held liable for damfurther than the amount received for such advertising.

LOCAL RATE CARD EFFEOTIVE NOV. 28, 1931 1 day 2c word, minimum 30. 2 days 4c word, minimum 60c. 1c per word for each succeeding issue after the first 2 issues, The Pampa Daily NEWS For Rent FOR RENT Three-room. apartment, close in, billy paid.

$16.00. 5 room house, hard wood: floors, bills paid M. HEFLIN, real estate, corner Kingsmill Ballard. 1p-92 FOR. RENT Nice three-room modern house.

Two blocks east Montgomery Ward. Inquire 514 Foster. 3p-294 FOR RENT-Four-room furnished house on paving, suitable for store and living quarters. Rent reasonable. 528 S.

Cuyler. 3p 293 FOR RENT -nice two room apartments. Everything furnished. Bath. On pavement.

Bills paid. 525 South Cuyler St. 6p-96 FOR RENT--Three unfurnished modern rooms. 314 North Ward. Phone 762-W.

3p-93 FOR RENT- Three 100m semimodern house, in rear, close in, on pavement. Stall for car, $10.00 per month, Cockrell, 625 North Russell. 3c-93 FOR RENT -Bill paid; furnished 2 100m semi-modern apartment, garage, radio, electric washer, block from pavement. 212 N. Nelson 3p-93 FOR RENT- -Two modern 3-room apartment.

Furnished or unfurnished. Call 41. 621 East Kingsmill. 3p-93 FOR RENT--Modern 3-room furnished apartment, close in on pavement. Inquire 409 N.

Frost. 3c-93 BOARD AND a week. clean rooms, home-cooked meals, fandly style, 500 North Frost. 3c-92 Mr. and Mrs.

E. S. Welpler of Cleveland are Pampa visitors. Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Warren of Borger are Pampa visitors today. FOR RENT--Furnished apartment. Brunow Building.

FOR RENT--Bedroom for rent in new modern home, close in. 418 W. Browning, 3p-92 FOR RENT-Two or four room apartment. Furnished or nished. Near school.

Phone 1287-W. 6c-90 For Sale or Trade FOR TRADE Lube oil recialming machine and an old Dodge pickup, A good proposition for a light truck. 213 North Sumner St. 1p-92 FOR SALE-5 acres. small house, chicken house, brooder house, well, windmill, gas, lights, and shade trees.

3 acres subirrigated. 200 hens. Buy this, a good home. Johnson strain White Leghorn 450.00. M.

HEFLIN, Real Estate, corner Kingsmill Ballard. 1p92 FOR SALE -Young 35-pound tom turkey for breeding. Colorado bronz stock. mile northwest Kingsmill. B.

M. Denson, Box 1696, Pampa. 3p-93 SALE -Recleaned sudan. heigera and sorghum seeds. W.

J. Carruth. Phone 9056F4, 3p-93 SALE'31 model Ford truck, caliche bed. Trailer with gallon tank. Trade for light car, Terms.

W. Duncan. Phone 143-J. 3p-93 FOR SALE- Water lilies, seven different lending varieties at one-, half catalog price. 310 North West.

3c-92 FOR SALE OR TRADE Set of left-handed golf clubs. Will trade for good trailer. See Johnson at NEWS. tf-dh FOR TRADE -Late model light car for house and lot. See at New York Coney Island Shop.

6p-96 FOR SALE Good plains wheat land. Bargain. $16. All wheat goes with trade equity for city property. Four sections under caprock, grass, running water.

$5.50. One-fourth cash. Write Box 1237, Pampa. 3p-92 Wanted WANTED -Two welded steel tanks, capacity 1500 to 3000 gallons. Must be in good condition.

R. F. Ewing, 423 North Somerville. 3p-92 WANTED--A '29 or '30 model Ford or Chevrolet truck. R.

F. Ewing, 423 North Somerville, 3p-92 WANTED--If you want to make $25 a. week with the J. R. Watkins company, write W.

C. Barbour, care of this paper, who will be in Pampa shortly. Give address and telephone number. REALISTIC PERMANENTS, Croquenale, oil treatment, shampoo and set, 75c. Olive Stalcup.

Phone 955-W. 3p-92 Lost and Found LOST One pair gold-rimmed glasses in black case. Reward. Call 9013F3. 3p-93 GUARANTEED DRESSMAKINGHouse dresses, 35c, crepe dresses, $1.25, a coat Mrs.


WILLEVER, PIRIT LK 108 DL 8 EXTRA SOUTH BEND IND 4 39 MAR 1933 GEO TAYLOR CARHART-TAYLOR MOTOR COMPANY PAMPA TEXAS AS A RESULT OF FRIENDLY RECEIVERSHIP ACTION FULLY EXPLAINED IN ADVERTISEMENT ALREADY YOU WE ARE IN POSITION TO CARRY ON OUR PROGRAM AND READY TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE NATIONAL RECOVERY NOW UNDER WAY STOP COMPETITION MAY ATTACK BUT AGGRESSIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN NOW IN PROGRESS WILL RESULT IN PUBLIC APPROVAL STOP WITH YOUR LOYAL SUPPORT STUDEBAKER PROGRESS WILL BE ACCELERATED STOP BELIEVE YOU WILL AGREE NEW PROGRAM REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SALES. PAUL HOFFMAN PRESIDENT 8 15 A Diplomatic Break May Be Permanent LONDON, March 20. (AP) Resumption of Angelo-Russian. negotians for a new trade agreement is not expected by officials here until Moscow sends a satisfactory explanation of the arrest of a group of British engineers on charges of sabotage. Russia's defiant refusal to give the British government information is formally employes of the Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical company of Manchester was considered likely to lead to definite Anglo-Russian break.

-ROOSEVELT (Continued from Page 1) the president. A third one--the beer bill-is expeoted; quickly the White House. President Roosevelt interrupted his luncheon being served on his office desk to sign the economy measure. At 1:32 p.m, he picked up an old pen lying on the desk to. afix his signature and directed that the pen be given to Lewis.

Douglas, director of the budget, who will share the brunt of administering the new act. Henry Morgenthau, chairman of the farm board, was. having luncheon with the president. In the room also was a committee representing the Gridiron club, an organization of Washington" newspapermen famed for its dinners, which was inviting the president to its. next dinner.

Stephen T. Early, a secretary to the president, brought the bill into the president shortly after' It was received Capital Hill and without further ado Mr. Roosevelt signed Bill To License. Car Drivers Is Passed By House AUSTIN, Mar. 20.

(A)-The Texas senate recently passed a bill by Senator W. D. Poage of Waco to provide for the licensing of all automobile drivers. All except two of the senators present voted for the bill. It was approved after only a few minutes of discussion.

The bill originally provided that no person under 15. years of age could be a licensed motorist, An amendment was adopted to lower the minimum age limit to 12 years. The licenses would not cost anything. They could be suspended or revoked for driving while drunk, reckless driving, negligent homicide and similar offenses. The senate committee on constitutional amendments reported fastrict the legislative representation vorably on de house resolution to refrom the large cities.

The vote in committee was 4 to 3. 200 AT CONVENTION AMARILLO, Match 20. (AP) -Two hundred Amarilloans boarded 'a cial train today for Tucumcari, N. to attend the annual convention of the New Mexico Cattle Growers association. Mayor Ross D.

Rogers headed the Texas delegation. HOME BOMBED SHANGHAI, China, March 20: retired of Chang Hsalo-Llang, commander of the Chinese army, was damaged by bomb 'today but no one was Injured. 'He lives in the French GUARANTEED. TYPEWRITER and 'Adding Service Work Pampa Office Supply CALL NICK CARTER Phone 288 La Nora NOW PLAYING WILLARD THE WIZARD ON THE STAGE' Presenting 20 New Tricks and Illusion: On The Screen Tonite RICHARD DIX In "THE GREAT JASPER" TUESDAY: NIGHT: WILLARD THE Will escape' from steel boiler tank welde by. LUNSFORD BIT SHOP.

This is Wil lard's greatest. illusion On The ScreenTuesday Wednesdai LORETTA YOUNG In "GRAND SLAM REXIac Today and Tuesday, Irene Dunn Chas. Bickford in OTHER WOMAN.

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