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The Ottawa Free Trader from Ottawa, Illinois • Page 1

Ottawa, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lie ttt VOLUME 41. OTTAWA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1881. NUMBER 20. LOOAL MATTERS MA so Mr. f.ftxc No.

1 A. A. rtrt it ml wti.iicI Miiiiila; i hi Ii montli. Han-yC. Nssli.

A. M. llntl imiii. See. ScIiumuii Pivni, A.M.; MrMaiiuux.

8. l)lhriin IVrk.n-.. J. W. Kc(nilr convin'lliii siinhbuim lint'lt-r No.

U. A. flint mill triw! Wcilnril) of montli. llctrj Mwih. Tri-HJi A.

M. Iln'li'inn. 8cc. Win. Mlllipin, II.

fcmiuiH .1. IiiH.k IViruliir Coni-lavcs of tninim CuiuiuHii'lrrj No. -con anil fourth Tiiurx liiva i nch montli. II. C.

Nurfli. A. M. Ilufriicin, Hi c. I.

TrlmW'i-, K. R. M. McArtnnr. UchcmliMliiio; K.

II. Miittli, I'mit. (it-ii'l. MOSEY TO LOAN, 1 prppurril lo mskc lr.nns on farm l.ituN In ivu.ty. u'.

7 (ht ccn(. Wii rot. No comi'ilwinu. SU HUMAN MILAM), Nv. OIM'vii.

P. At Clearing Hairs. What are. Iolnc. In winter tfoods couliiiuo iitll.i Tills would not materially i-imcern the ubllc J.

(jiii.i.kv's, wlii is (IctiHinliitd to rlc.iir the en-' if it wern not that they aro to receive sonic of the tire winter good stock, and Is all fuods ticiictUs which this In to confer on thiiiu us wulP at flcaiin? out piirts. See the pru-vs on Cloaks, as on ourselves, this pnnclilc or dividing pri-Shawls, lilanUts, floods all clean, fresh indices (heretofore exorbitant in swim things) with QMMAM JOB PRINTERS, 13 La Salle Street. West of tfc Court House, Ottawa, Ills. $66 aww-k In vo'ir own limn. Term and nutlil fiw.

AdiJnw H. HaU.RTT 4 Ill It AGKNTS. THK Ff.KK TUAHKK lusy be obtiUiii tit tit. pic hy the slmti- C'pj mlw UI V.fl Uilit-n for miyleoKtli uf liw tin- rule: Ft. Wiliv, Hems L.

PoNAUHi'. hircHlor. I. II. TKOwiinnoi'.

MiirolIic. Tlie aapt-r 1 on flic at tlia otHccnf Uork U. 11 Clnrk iirnt nliarm in llotuf. -r eon- v-Lnl of our friend. Tlie C'hurrhcM, E.rnsr Cuuucu.

Services only In the worn-tuj to morrow. Theinu: "The Manhood of tlie Pattern of Hie Church." Boy Wan iki to It-urn hook iohn Call 'ITie new "turn tenchcr" of tin Otluwa Turn-Vereln has readied Ottawa, and turnhii; will be-so at next We lnesday. t'heap MlioeM, Call dud c.vsminf a job lot of I.adien uud Miesef -hoes at 75 rente tl per pair former price iSiPOmul t2.5). I). Co.

I.hikI l.t Kime. Fatrick Nclcdy, for ten year in Hortmoor Prison with Daritt, and W. llynes or Clii n'o, will speaU at land lea-ui: meeting in Ottawa lo nr.t Fridav Ttic oyster supper tiiul wus to have been siveti Che 9lh luat. ut the residence of Charlen K. Kll worth of Farm Kid-e, on nceoiint of the heavy rain, postponed until Tuesday r't bruarj' l.V.h.

All Invited. Mr. J. Purler's annual unction Mleshnte been proiitubk' in the pat because of the qnantitjr of oodn t-old that he has doturriiiued to tontinue the plan. Thin yea r'akile will Lc found i-yltabiy notietd in hit.

udver. tl'ewhere. TTic censu- No. the lirst count of tht: population of Illinois by counties, La "aile inulet, lUUOl native. forvin, colored, lurludinc 1 Chinepe in Ottawa, b'J.

TuTe.H. The tax books the town ot Ottawa aro ut tie County Treasurer's office, and all urc requested to eail soon a possible and pay up. Xot a lon time, jut remain before will be. to aeeutnulate. meichatitaljle.

lli. no initake, this mbu opportunity to buy thec lilies of ootU at very low figures not oft. olfered In Ottawa. Jiress in nil the new and luide without limit. ThU stock ulways full and com-plete In atylcs and ipialitieH of goodj.

l.ite arrival- in embroideries; Alt-. table lim ns, toweling, napkins and all Full domestic ttoek; All ollVred at bottom prices. produce wanted: butter, ctt, poultry, for which the blithest uiarkct price- will be paid in or toiiicthlii generally considered bettor. The hou-e od; i's every inducement to nllchiM-eh of buvcrs, ad imltcs eomparis in of and piiei-i. sucliilly.

The. Hour Club were most handsomely entci tnined nt the resilience of Mr. Wm. O.r.tle-uiau in Fall lllver tp. on lut Thuraday The ntlair va- a Fancy Dress Fartv (withoutl masks), for which invitations were issued by Miss laity(ivntlctuaii.

twenty-fivecouples were present, all in costume. Tin: greater part of these were original with the wearer, and all were elaborate ami elegant, many being very rich. Dull furnished music, and dancing was continued until a late hour. A most elaborate supper was served by the hostess, and all the report having enjoyed a delightful evening. The Dactiui-t Club party was giren at the rcsi deuce of on the wi-st r-ld by the Misses Kldredge, on last Thursday evening.

Some fifteen coupled were present und were handsomely tntei taincd. The juvenile club of this city wen: handsomely entertained on lajt Friday night by Misses Kae and Sallio Parr, at the residence of their father, Mr. Sum' 1 Parr, in Dutland. Wheeler, the photographer, always on the move br Uiprovements, has added a number of new pieces of furniture for attractive back-grounds and Micncry for full-length!) and groups; and many novel combinations may be found en-tircly in-w In this region. We'll rot tell you what they are but advise you to see them.

In deed you'll find Wheeler' is the only establishment in the. county thoroughly equipped for strictly lirst class work. Dy the by, he ha been doing nome nuperb work lately, and his treat ment of Dach's band has tempted I'ndine Hose who will sit in day or two. We uhilc Wheeler on his growing reputation and brilliant success of late. the has been satisfactorily demonstra ted to us as well as the trading public our numerous customers.

Iiy the trade which have enjoyed ever since our tirst day In business, it bus bjeii sullieiently guaranteed to everybody who have given Ui their patronage that our low prices and (AMI have been appreciated by all. Our trade her-: has come to be of Mich large proportions that our present room is Insufficient to accommodate our hirgo stock of goods ami continually and largely increasing trade. Kvi-deutly room has to be had, and with thi? object In view, we have leased for a number ol years two commodious rooms, one over our present store, and the other over K. 11. Trask's jew.

elry store. Tut: two rooms being opposite each other, a lurgi; archway will be cut through the wall between so as to unite them in one room. Access will be had to them from the store below by a stairway in the rear end of the store. This wiil make the whole establishment conxetiient, pleasant and amide In sie for our wants. We shall have rooms the lightest In the city.

We shall coiuii'-euce repairs and alterations in al out two weeks, during which work the store will also receive a thorough overhauling, which will add greatly to its appearance. Our large stock will be nn incumbrance to the progress of the work, eo to clear it out wo ihall le obliged for the next ten day to make SWEKPIXO in ail departments, and will give special bargains in fall nnd winter goods. No lady who intends to buy a dollar's worth of goods should miss this opportunity. Respectfully, Fokhls A X. Corsets and Muslin Underwear, ttcoir nuos.

i. to. Aro now show ing a superior line of corsets and flue muslin embroidered, trimmed underwear. During next week we will show a large lotof handsome embroidered double-steel, aide-steel corsets at oOo. worth 75c.

and a largo assort-ment of extra fine ijuulities at 75c, is)e. and 1. Ladies' muslin underwear, manufactured from a superior fpiality of muslin; chemise, drawers, night dresses, Aic, at 50, 75c. ft and up. Large assortment of handsome trimmed apron at 25c.

each. An inspection invited. Scott Dhd. Co, Tho Turner Society are getting up another Musipicradi! Ita.l for Washington's Dirthday. The report of the Township School Sueriti-tend'-nt Thorp for January, ISM, contains the fol-lowing items.

Number of pupils enrolled at the commencement of the month Number of pupils enrolled ut the end of the montli l.tMl Total enrollment, boys, 70t'; girls, (111 Per cent, of attendance tK Ocnerul average per teacher 41 Highest average per teacher Mi Lowest average per teacher Highest per cent, per toucher Number of pupils neither absent nortardy. 44'. Total number of cases of tardiness of pupils 'Si'2 Total number of eases of tardiuessof leach. ers 0 THK COt liT IIOISK. The Apprllnte Cnnrt.

After a short rtcsnion the. court adjourned to I term in course in May nest, according to the law of this session of the legislature, we believe. News Inr i he i lit Icnien The favorite hatters, Hull ct Partels, have week 'ecn getting in new good which de mand the attention of gentlemen. There is a nice line of gents' soft and stiff hats at remarkably low prices: a gent's fur stitTbut for fur hat for young gent at guar- untecd A 1. A fine line of new Ties Just In.

Smitn. Hull iV Dartels are selling a Wilson Bios' shirt at which they guarantee is hot ter than any other man can put up fot tho same money. It uill pay you to cull on Hull it Dartels. The. rains of the week have filled the hydraulic basin and feeder, and all tho mills in town usiug water power are again runniug.

l.reut Clearing Sale, Ow ing to our large nnd rapidly Increasing busl ness ut Streatur we have decided to consolidate all our Interests there, and from this date until March 10th will sell for cash our large stock of dry goods, groceries and boots and shoes ut cost All persons wanting goods In the above linos should avail themselves of this opportunity to obtain bargains, and call early as the stock will be closed out at the time mentioned. Or, we will sell the entire stock or the dry goods and groceries separately. To any person wishing to carry on the business it is desirable opening. All persons indebted lo us will please call and promptly settle their accounts, as we are do-sirous of closing up our business here as soon us possible. D.

IIrbnax A Co. Ghavof Xotick. Mr. Mortimer Whitehead, Thk lUvr.s Testimonial. Th dcJ sires ns to piiUh tin: following notice lo the! contributors to the Hayes testimonial: As one who contributed to the Testimonial Quill1' you are hereby informed that siibeiilent-Ivthe whole plan wus (hanged, so that it is now thu und AHim.

Your name will bo appropriately entered in the Album under an explanatory heading. If you wish an entire page, ns iniinv prefer, vou enn hayu it by putting your name on tho accompany, ing parchment and sending to Mrs. -S. S. ricott ith tue additional seventy-five cents.

(See eir-ciilar.) In ciii.0 you do not, please, return parchment and tube to tho Secretarv. While it is to be regretted that Messrs. D. Hoe-nan A store in Ottawa is to be closed out, yet the public should have no hesitation In tak Xitii.nnl will "cr nargains WIUIC tare in he M.

church in Harding on Feb. I ljm'' T'c business here must be wound The b-cture will free. A private lee' UP- UI1 800,1 I'Ossibbi a Tew turetolhe (Iranire in the afternoon, and to the iua-vs' thnt to (1, they certainly are of- icring encap goons in ail tments, dry goods, boots and shoes and groceries. r-ublic in the evening. K.

M. Snku.ini;, fee. Kare liauee. We have deti rmiued to discontinue our busl-ne6 here, and therefore oiler e.vtra iiiduecinenls Ut any parties wishing to buy us out and get into fcts business. Address Kl.KIU A C.

O. D. Clothiers, Ottawa, 111. Iesrs. Stewart A Pructt have been awarded the contract for the new residence of Mrs.

Doll to be erected at once on East Main street. It is to beC2xS6 feet, two stories high, with porch In front 2.J feet long. The windows will be square. with two Iigtits ki luetics each, and tay win dow on the west. The inside will bo finished in luack walnut nnd ash in the lntcft fashion of wood work.

The structure hen completed will cost I'ublte Sillies. Lucien P. Maines, at the residence of Fred. Fls, five miles southwest of Ottawa, sells, at 10 a. of Thursday, Feb.

17, horses, cows and farm tools. ohn McCarthr, nt his fa. 2. miles west of Prairl Center, sells, at 11 a. m.

of Wednesday, Feb. 2C, horses, mules, cattle, hogs, cows, farm tools, and household goods. Jos. W. Plack, at his residence, three mile southwest of Grand Kldgc, will, on Feb.

25th, tell horses, attle, hogs, farming tools, seed, Ac. A Rark Tkevt nut Oru Faumehs. Arrange-tncnte have been made for a scries of lectures by tic Past Lecturer of the National Grange, Mor-timer Whitehead of New Jersey, as follows: Monday afternoon, Feb. Hth, at Tonica; Tuesday evening at Prairie Center church; Wednesday evening at the M. E.

church In Harding; Thursday evening in Rutland; Fridav evening in and Saturday evening at Sheridan. Subject of lecture "Tho Necessity of Farmers Organi- The lecturer is one of the best speakers before the public and should be heard by every In our county. Land Ijcagi k. The regular meeting of the Ottawa Pranch of Land LcagHc, was held In Father Mathcw Hall, Feb. 6th.

Tte meeting wm the most lively and enthuslostie yet held. Twenty-one members were placed on roll (eight tthe previous meeting) Including one lady-Mrs. Thos. Corcoran, of Ottawa, with double fee ot $2.00. After the nsual transaction of busi-cess, a very sble, clear and forcible address was delivered hy M.

which wss'rpiitc Vengthy and to the point, showing up tho Moated aristocratic landlord and the causes that called forth the erganbation of the "National Land League of Ireland." An adjourned meeting of the Leagne will-be held on Sunday evening, Feb. -AiWUrtTo'clock. Jaues Fobd, Sec. noutk or propwij Stewart A Pruett, our Columbus street carpenters and builders, were not exactly starting a saloon yesterday, but were hard at work on an elegant bar for some other fellow to one. Wo notice these gentlemen have done a good deal of fine work of this kind of late, in which they are earning an envluble reputation as skill- ful workmen.

They make a specialty of working in bard woods, and have turned out ork second i to none. Tho public will find thein very reliable and useful workmen and builders. rumps: Tumps! Wholesale and retail. The I. X.

L. is warranted equal to the best; and we will not be undersold in pumps, sewing machines or anything in our line. F. 1). Swketeu A C.j.

The Now York ObMrvr says of the latest ven-ture of the wonderful American Rook Exchange (sold by OsmanA Hapeman): "The Liiikaiiy ok U.nivehsai. Kvowi.KrxiE the appropriate title the reprint of the American Rook Exchange of this city of 'the last (1K0) Edinburgh and l.on-don Edition of Chamber's Encyclopedia, with Copious Additions by American As would be expected and desired, this American edition has been prepared and enlarged, with a view to supplying the demand for information upon such topics as are of special interest to Americans. About fifteen thousand titles have been added with a view to this demand, making the total number about forty thousand. We have made constant use of hamb-rs' for many years, and without instituting any invid-ious comparison with other works of the same kind, wc do not hesitate to pronounce it an Invaluable treasury of information on Any snd all The Circuit Conrl. The business of the week has been the crimi nal docket, with the following results: John Furling, burglary, found not guilty he wa- tried on another indictment.

Goo. W. Harris, forgery, found not guilty. James Duncan, A. J.

O'Connor, Wm. Met in ire, indicted for riot, were tried yesterday, and tho jury returned verdict of not guilty without leaving their scats. No instructions were given or arguments heard. The indictment seems to have, been a complete farce, and grew out of La Salle's municipal squabble. The gentlemen be.

ing auti-adminislration, the police rather over stepped their duties and took extra precautions to sec they found an i euse. to "run the men in." Jacob ltotiiag was lined 75 lor selling liquor without a license. II. II. Hamilton v.

Jacob Wiget. Hill Formhftlls v. Thus. Giiligin, tMtJ.fsi. In the case PhLIp Cole.

v. John Hall, collector of tow of Sjrena, injunction to restrain collec tion of the dog tax, the demurrer to the bill was sustained. The assignee, of M. Stiefel A Co. lilod a bill to restrain the sale of goods under tho Judgments ent'ired, holding one member of the firm could not sign away the partnership property.

The ease lias oeon heard una is lteld under advise ment. At'Oiiml the Court llntia. AMl'SKMKNTS. Doinc or the Week. P.y all odds the most enjoyuble eiilertainment of the week was "An Arahlun Night1' on Thursdayput on by one of the best companies we have seen here this winter.

The comedy is In-tensely funny, witty and aparKling; and was splendidly acted. A poor house greeted them, however. Minnie Palmer on Tuerday gave nn entertainment that seemed to take, well, though she herself was so sick with a old as to be useless in the songs. The Hand HenetU was well patronized having hi.d a crowded house evening. The singing of Misses Kate Jordan and Lixzle Stuler wa.t the most noteworthy feaiure of the eiening and very enjoyable Tlie Coming H'reh, The only entertainment announced for n'-xt wcck is Gulick A Rlaisilcli's Minsti "is, to here next evening, i cb.

I to- success of thin party their lust vinit in December will be remembered, for they gave ut one of the most enjoyable ininstn 1 shows seen here for many a day. Luke Schoolcraft, a show" in himself, continues with the party; and "will make it pleasant for you," "ns usuul, as usual." The company liiis been increased by anew pair of sung awl dunce men; and there will tie four end men; besides the old favorites. Cocs, and MeLnlne, Ac. The admission prices will be popular 50 cents down stairs nnd 115 cents in the gallery; und we predict a Urge Notes. Reinenvi plays at Li land tho l-'th.

Laura Dainty roads at Morris on the Hit of March. Chnrlotte Clark la In Chicago. Harry Hammond displays talent as a euincdinn. Ho should, however, tone down his bufinees considerably. We Imagine good instructor who would hei bin in and The.

new court house committee has bun at jeouhl inake a valuable mi.n him. work this week perfecting the plans nnd An Arabian Night mad- decided hit and cations. Tie- architect has been with them. Ad. "i' vcrtitemens lor bills will soon be isued.

Indtin t. return. MAHUI t.KS. Will Neely, critic of 'ho rno ii.i- followed Siueo Fob. 1st thrt following h.ivj been gr u.U Wil4 ninny a nu'lior- licenses to marry: Geo.

Meyer and Maria Walters. G. A. Cope and Clam A. Voshurg.

II. A. P. l.epper Anna K. Franks Win.

Peters und Almiru D. Tomb. Simon Ka-ha ami Kliz Stmkiew io. Edw. llenke nnd Minnie Keinke.

John Heck and F.rnestina Dietrich. Wm. Young and Phebe Oliver Nelson and Annie OIo.mci. Curl llerzogaud Sophia Irion. M.

A. Crsndall nnd Clara E. Wixoui. John Fischer and Mary E. Koch.

M. T. (inrdner and Lizie M. Dryer. Geo.

Wilson and Matilda Smith. John Whab nnd Lirr.le Itushinghs in. Geo. Gaie and Anna Kikel. Thos.

Cnssady and Catherine MeGuir. (iustav ouhlcr and Fllr.abetb Fred'k Frietag and Caroline Rrackinaiiu. Jas. T. Donahue and Bridget Keating.

Peter J. Kerkees und Julia M. Kastnusoii. J. M.

Stratton and Sarah A. Smith. Nicholss Miller and Kliabi-tti illeteh. Dan O'Connor and Julia Canty. If there ever was a specific for any one conj- song writer.

The first reading of his latest was; given after the entertainment of Wcdne-tlsy eve- ning. The "Tapestry to bo given Mrs. Hayes be exhibited in otiawA about Feb. when an appropriate wi'lbe t'V the young l.tdn.s. The Amity Club have piay ready for priil week after next.

T-e last report of the fire wrunle-i as to his wotk of examining chimneys in the city shows the following: Wtir.s. First Third Fourth Fifth Seventh subjects cn which ordinary readers desire infor- JIar': Little Liver Pills are and every woman should Those who have this work at hand are furnished with a library, Hitorical. Scientific, Literary, Biographical, etc. and the low rate at know this. They are not only a jiositivc cure, but a sure preventive if taken when the approach is tell.

Carter Little Liver I ills act directly on li llo'lfe-a nnlernl fi r-n '-d. mf. IV! lo no i-s) 1 Ml 1.0 r. 11 -J yl v. work has hern useful building or repairing it tut- iivcr nun inie.

mnn in in WHr remove ine wnicn It is SO a nrinra It thin he reach of all." .7 umnoijuu careiui tosee liiattheir cliininevs are sound ut It is safe to sny that th and has, by the ordered of chimneys prevented a number of Arcs. The chief hication of danger from chimneys is directly under the ioof, where moi-ture jenetrate and rots the brick, and house-holders should $100 Reward We offer the above reward for a single case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by using Hall's Catarrh Cure. t. J. Cheney A Toledo, fJ.

Sold by FdtUes A Lorriaux. Dr. Bossnko's Pile Remedy liss cured cast a of Piles often years standing. Rio Grande and San Juan Herald" it the title of paper issued by tho Denver A Rio Grande Rai'road. It is full of information about the wonderful country Into which this enterprising railroad la pushing its numerous lines, and will be Interesting to any one thinking of going to la weakening purge.

If you try them yon will I not be disappointed. K.b. An absolute rure for lame back i Dr. 3oan-ko's Rheumatic Cure. In eases of Pile-, Dr.

Trak's Magnetic Ointment arts like a charm, urfordinir Immediate relief. Ak those ho have tried it, or try sad see for yourself. George's dog the other day performed the remarkable feat alluded to by the Irishman who warceJ a friend he'd "lapr up, and ate the ti'evt- av 'im." The Clifton tar keeptr the i tim of the dog'a playfulness. that point whether the warden call their attention to defect or not. When the dewdro brightly glisten," a very pretty sentimental song written by Mrs.

A. Elmore and set to music John P. Skeliy, comes to ut from the music uMishing hou-ie of Spear A Ih-bnli'itf. 717 Broadway, Nt York, in shed anisic. It will tie sent to auy addres for 50 cts.

Awb.i-.v Ut. I. 1. 1m Colorado. Sample copiea may be obtained free American laundries.

Try It; you will neyer uae at Osman A Uapemaa't Book ttore. 'any other. ItUJostwhat you want. Feb Go to vour drnegint for aVm. rWnuii'i Fr brightness and durability ot rolor unequaled.

olor from 2 to 5 pounds. rnee, cenia. Subscriptions reeeived for all the principal newspapers and periodicals in Ike foiled States I at Quoin A Hspeman's. THOS, SPENCER. DEALER, INT BOOTS ft SHOES lo.

2 Court Street, I'heew'i Block,) OTTAWA, ILLS. Omxl Work st Low Kliriri's. tall ad4 exsinlne my stools K)forepurclilnir. fibU-pl MO Uf IN ING I'Al'EK, rsrtetv. at Otmi A Hsncumi ot Court Hon, a Livery Feed Stable.

PETER EGAN Would respoetfoily announce to the elttzons of Ottawa art rtclntty tbat he hu one of fhe tootcest Uverj BtockJ ta uut all-, at Uie City SubUis, inch as the Latest Styles of Ms, Carriage and Bnggitt), rolstatprleoitosalttlme. Fsrtlat, Wtddincs. Fnaenla, ne-Nlct, 4e sapplleil with ood Hits oo tbort nottce.and Kuacrsla to tlie country or adlulnit Uvns promptly at-(cnai1 to, Piraon taken to and Irom the depou, or to tha touutry. night Sny I lienismbar the placa oa Madl-ton (r-t. next dvx sot of the Hiijrtiie House, lune.

34. tKTKR EUAN. Read Our Guaraatee-Study Our Compass. Wk are the Oldmst One Price Clothing House in the State. Salesman is allowed to deviate from any Rules in our Guarantee.

No 6L 5u 0.1 VttPry 1 fl GUARANTEE. WE GUARANTEE 1st. That the prices of our goods shall be as low i ho sumo quality of material and manufacture are sold any where in tho United States. 24. That the prices are precisely the same to every-ooUy fur same quality, on same day of purchase.

3d. That tho quality of goods is as represented. 4th. That the full amount of cash paid will be refund ed, if custom urs nnd the articles unsntisfikotory, and return them unworn and uninjured within 16 days of the date of purchase. Sijued.l Res.

24 and 20 Madison Street, Ottawa, I1L, The Victories Literary Revolution i won pwnr Aif. In JnmwrT, 1R70, The 7.1C ra'T IonH wni I ii slumt df HUtniltirit botkit. It uir' jnTKynirar ti wNrttt rat li.n J.t, nn.lnn. t.f-iM nuinit ir imo otus voitirn. At tirwnt, uh ltt, immi-Jit! riuii in f-ir tUHTini; idin'fiA--n itt np lt of bunk day.

To nvtH thr KiLur r- ixi n.unltH nt UH 2,000000 nd pn4tly 3000,000 tnMM will i-t)'(UITaL IUa ftimu t.u- rui -t'c vtlkU'h Uh tvniuilou lia lu-hifn-u duubtkw. to bo attributed to iw lojuiintr i i I. onlv tMMkrt cf pmI mmu T'. What nvtdittff vtwih 11 boot are nrntlynnd frnntfTvl(rbL IlL W'vcL uii the ut Hit) juurfut, cuH vl tuakiiij UuJit. wtuuh ut wiy 1.

-'li Km It vn i a r- TVw.krf tifivn rimminly fxvn rruMerM lufirU: la fm nPUI)lLf? th'f oucrt't tn commit-1 tut it It nuios-wv loy ttint hook lh tnJIIioit If rimftr Lrul iiiun fit if iu ni.tkf )1 unit i friVrul 1 4 UtttT thwi ltuk' vnl)', rvnii liPl) Mt it rt.ti( nf (I vu-h a rnH ntiMily tOtR, Hhllo totu nt a rwitt vt 1 wnl tutli giro ft frutt id i -rioiw I an we tuutu t'fvlU well lUts nulUwii, LIBKA11Y OF UMVEBSAL aroo Tuno FHitinn kJlhll I IIJU bUIIIWI KrbWLEDSE. wifNitit I wnl ciii with i.iHoUri twliUtlolt lArHmt LkUUU tottKH lv Anuri-Mii slil.r- iiinlt wm li)iJilw-tii-Ui urmtiiffittt nt. v.tih nvh lUu it i it n.j'V' 'nli4- tTm Pt. I nut mi rnwa tunsy lirmfcr r. in lUn tltpu.i H'iiaiu vultiiiic.sor H'j-it It cotilaiu, nil, Hint 'JO tw-nt nn.n thu J'ihft-ii'M CycWiiiiii.j, aixl.

Ihotirfti i ri ull nt 1 1 1 1- ifTuI im. It-r it I.h f-ir MiMThtr tt ithiT tHt-ni. ut rt html fmrtton uf th. tr Vlun-. I i I utr i'iinti- 10, rVl, fiFtd otli'T vnlunitrM will t.iliow, alstitit tvi vitrh mtil till inn iitlio cvfit(i.

is. 1 'ilc tt ii volurms, Incljth, 8 I 9.00; h.itC itUvui1ilt tui, $22. 00. Chambers Encyclopssdi Vr port. I.

tt lit' Uhr-trvof Know ismHitX'hmiiln'rMN Kfvnvl. pi I tti An i uvui h-liiltiirn, rtJiiinlrto in tTlum- It-nm. In ILiih frti lc it 1m print! fnmi ih'w It 1. 1. j- I f.

iTn fry i-U-m iuMtpitt-il tvpi', lrit, A'ntrt tPtltn, cloth. 7.50 Alliw -sitt'n uim'r, i-T Unit Kiutu, flil Up, I 0- In llliaul) lo ll l. UoW OViujyis JUld UlJttf Ut li vt tl lo What is the Verdict? AnrtvHly run lTrH Mown cjvliv(J now, 1 Y. WtM-itnoi'lv our (flirty of a ncnrm which tilaod In the haadj of th p'v lltt'r'U'jn'n: a mcrviy noiulntiJ irM. -jwf, Umtfii.

'i lnv of i-ru'itp fi I lAxk4 uiuv mor uh us ml tho Antt-ricun TWk KichAiin itu lit tli- for lV-Hafr, rhiUult'lphtlt. IV'tn. UtiM nie ri. rvlU' it you pul-wwl frtnno hit t'IInEf In puMi Mi.p tVwtk1 for tV -f nnitut If i ftUlilllV i UUT lHMt. WUll'l lliu fill ItltO (tUl'llMii hi' tfUtit It- II It t- lc! i.i i-, Htfulokplt N.

Y. At nti malt ipiit, ftnl Tfrr m.m 'lionet, hnv' llhrary. Tl Cu w.inWn In huok iiuikum. At iloilr- will (fKMl librtny. hi in th" 4 Irisi-tt for lit money thnt i-r catu" to mr tfH-t II Htxtn.

Ii tiiiiflfi hrw mi oh in tirui hiiidiiirf ith good ajnT and tjp' (T.i 1 i-t. t'ltltiltfO, I'l. it tiivttff uhirti til no nttftni ft etpUta how tho Amrrkan Jlook Ft'lm sin p'lttV' ruh i ui kitt-fy clii ip im of tMniii-. iMh-r puMl h- rs iiu(y U- m.iila-l i- nr tmi i- 1. 1 i.t J.tnif p-ilili hi-i tt Ifuuk ul uiio U'tith Uie cora ai v- htirli it vlTci-wJ i'bhtT, Mf rm tuntt In- ut.

Kv. Iinvi h.Tfiofor (rlvtn (ffnrouj uf this work, wo hoo of" donr; a ft t- adnt hi (J-mik. JirnlJ. I tu Oiit. ohlilfi J- timivu'ti I.y inanr wlio io'1 rnrvr! hu' -r- i to er nt- V.r tpt i.Hivt- t-ilttiwii.

ynttttu iiutut of our i it' Uh uiv hiUh niA.r.t lur it, in I pit i i.m lu.f pli ke, Ct. hnititon. I'niin. vi know of tut piihh fttltni i rocc-nt that t1 MrTtJ io Uitv tjju-o uf jml.IiL n'mt t-: m- 'ty U. V.

i.f a pu Ii fvi liMk Kn ti dolntf a -ty remarkable wuik tit tlw ri'pr-KJut'tiyn if -i a b' ttillv ini 'i. Ii -lii. I h- iMifu t. iA taw ii.rviwu.-uv lw wurk too ciJ Luuwti to a much of i rj f.i' ittKinirnh. It pHntwl aiii h- nnt.

TliMr ffonn r.tlv mow oonv. ni- nt th in ho ntt t.rti i4 in mii trf v.nid nil iirt't in Ihx.K in.aklii!' jk in im it Livt ii i.f. iwirvil kit 1 tlitt Kiut -t ttlllKi-it'- al fklll, mhI tlvt. Iil-mr 1:1 i -uotwt It nutk'w lit litntfr nrtM'l' w. In-iru -tiv an.1 tit.

-t'-i luai Ut-n oiui'ftti, nntl pttw'iitJIy lt tht hl-tfinpnt ml I.ou'.t up th- s-r Ulff dt lt. liutol- ytV, in fact, Li ct th tJ.tTi i rt nil fllC" -Vt'. Cirti'iflhftll, IMO. ft lu L-ivfii lt nl I'lfH-tur to rtttinini'ml onr noll nf ttH'i' Mi -uh i liavt-1- w.tli tho-M of Hwusnl, ('olstit-n, NitfhiuiKu' jtw, altt-n, mi i K1. 'U, ic- it tini.t- if, r.

iVt-nih ndiry Ii. It AKKkTr, Itlt'liiiion-l. Via. I urn wfll n'tih thm. Yttro.fPwnTl4 nr th" i thmi to viit.iy untl.

It mki nt f. I fftjl lu ltk ui y-or inul' Uj 'U rvi ti- Mt uf if ptipia. H. Wakikr, titlklii rolh jot, Nrth '1 KrHi.u 'I- -f lMi4nnf' on tlit'tiirtii ho iuvm-tl iTiniiiii, thou nn- f- ttm t- -i i Um tfot-f h-ft How cnuntrvtrifii. Tho Utctk whf 1 hiv t.v 1 tiviii)yjarf isvli'lt nul mvitny t.

Lv KtLto, 1 fcilor huruti, hiU-ilrr( ia Standard Bookse lit. HniTUm!" nMilt trom tT-'O 1 (IIM-i, HIsTfirV "inwi" fiwn to tins, lloluu'n An. i. nt ti S. IlltflWl I.

l.niitwid,'' DuliiS'a l'nnn--." M. -n-l rl. TMrU Vrr" V.r," rwjr' BjU u( lh Woild," Kfu'L) 1 Wm. i.t rich of tlie rt authors irlio hr" won rlj ic fatiw i t. irkA, but you ran m.

ljitr rlulh In.ii-.I, lurif. tyi I- l(. U. ucjl. i ii-.

uH I-. ilri-u it t- Inic. A lei II: III. Ficticn. t.

v. ik. 1 I 1. Artvil. "I Klcrt'B ItomoU.

Ilulw-' I'lhii-'O lli.irfc.ui'. Itiiliv lrrlnir'1, l.i. Tti.v-ki nii N.wroiiw," srf Hi.iis t.T"- titun." Iir HU.S' ifniMlonaid'. Alt-' t'-lli Muluvk'j Jil.u ii. luricenMlTl i U-r uul Bon." Itul U'V St Uttlr." Trntyeurtit irtitiulArd tx.

f.i-j'vd in rn'. rr.msi- I.m tvc. II fnl innte, Tl-n'-: i 'r-n. lllii'l," trlil. Jt "UkI' ut Ulio id.

In i I l.nKliih'iirr rr.ltist fm ir. I tlPrflllirP M-uUj- r-- from to fl -t. kllWI UlUI Ua FrutMrt's t-TirolUclr ll-un f1 00 Im 1 ji in livm t-' Im JK AfuAricaa 1'Atriutltfni," ceuU. Poetry.

I nv. -i'k it-d from ts.Ti to II A Mtitu-hiuiwn aud 'hilllv-r'N lril- MonM Ul4 tUllxK 1 cent, kM I i lu yurT Utn.t." -v v. i. r)lW roBroMUnr- xv.

CrtM it rmin Wi 9'- i- i.i.- i.t,.- Kitu -i rclowBdi." frum llil.ou lu iai, SuiltU WorLa." tl M. -tor-Al lUrutr llltwi." IHlnitU.l7 rnf. tlriilh kv ytrn-i-." a'. II-" in 3nr-ntit Cur. trf ui.r am f.

of lnuera." ft crtlU." trvm Oiry otn nM l)rr c. fl I II Brotfl "Th Art of r-lilltf Ii Beautiful Homes. ito. Wm.CurtlJrsiI,ufuUf (uulriMiul tiix tluu rlr u-J s. an -Mt sw u--' i 1 1 vat i roi.

filisceilaneous, it trt-ry tntt. 4vr Ki Utrl.l" Revolution Pamphlet ha hlhrat rlwi ara puUIAavl br srwl thy or. K- lfiwr IvniMl. To Ultulnu wtl jt-muOAruii umr uuiut. It a-t itai.l.

at Iha pnm luunn Ufarf I mtrrlrk (ha (iraal Foranar prlca. II I arl I. LHV Koar KurBa." lurmar vv. ttt. Uif I' II.Un.lnuLI rm.r vi.y II A ImMltlf'ii l-'lt.

I.rv. Cbni." ftuwr m. I if'n IJ1 tat- O'-a-n Ufa," by Larruu-tla-. Korwr pruv. II I H.kl.

Ill Br Otlrar toUanilth. Bra. a-r pa. ta-autt'ul print. 1.

io.n l-UnriPt. mTa." Kia.t lyi. taadrj tauiitm t-ru-r a lw-rth-a aatakHraa aaat fraa ntl paqoaat, Bai by bank trail, HWU. JT urjrr. I -r 'Ijr Fra.

wm Jol-w maj ax-at la uMarr atamra. AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, 11. ALDEN. Manaoer. Trilmnt F.ullli:-t.

N-w I I larxr A I A I r. ftl Lil.B I Uluui.l Kan Kunrl I Cu 1 ll. ran a i k-axL Aldaa rkawtr. aui. atraat; otTuT; lu unal.rr kraua lia aadu buojUrr, il) in a vaara.

All Orders Should bo Addressed to! SOLE AGENTS FOR OTTAWA, ILL..

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