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The Humboldt Republican from Humboldt, Iowa • Page 8

Humboldt, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm. ffioi fcy.x Department. J. C. BINO, Editor.

This clepartnientnienf. fit the Republican Is rot.lho use of the people o( Oltoten and vicinity. Flouco hand Items to the editor. LOCAL NEWS, returned to my former duties us correspondent from this locality to THB Htmooun dorjMTY. REPUBLICAN, I do so with a full knowledge ot the expenditure of time it requires to gather the write them np in a presentable manner BB abilities may permit me to do.

It By intention to give to the people ot this vicinity as good and newsy a tetter as my time aud ability will permit, and In furtherance of this pledge I ask the co-operation ot all. If yon know of anything which might be of general Interest, I ask that yon take toe-trouble to report the same to me. When our people can use advertising space or Job printing of any kind, I will to pleased to quote prices, bnt I MU not go about the town every day togging a ten-cent patronage from the people. As in the pastyit Is the intention of the publishers ot THE REPUBLICAN to carry as full a subscription list as possible ot those who are willing to take the paper and pay for it. 1 have the subscription list here for this post- office, and am prepared to accept and receipt for do anything properly belonging to the business of the paper at this office.

J. C. BINO. N.H. Murphy Snndayed at Liver- j'tt: L.

Vohs Snndayed with hia '-peo- at Renwiok. and family attended ehairon In West Bend Sunday. VA; Hanson and lady attended evening services at West Bend last Lord's 'vtiUssea Eva Ketman and Kate Bar- twtt, of Hnmboldt, were in town Mon; W. Hhuiok and J.H. L'Jrns Co.

have 'had new signs put np to mark their respective places of business. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, of Badger, were In town Sunday and Monday, fronts of his uncle, M. F.

Kenyon'a family. Miss Ella Burns returned td her borne at Minneapolis, Friday, after a three 1 weeks' visit with her brother and Kennedy received a message Monday, annonnalng that his mother MiT much worn and started to Tuesday. Is located on the of the river, nearly straight fljwt'ot here. The campers are mostly from West jo Hunt spent last week with relatives at. and near Storm Lake and other places tftt part of the staU.

i I OarltTuderberg has bought the one, of bis Martin iVbpM, in the reetaurant, and now be proprietor of the plaoe. to be a very general the people that the pres- weather is seriously in the corn and potato crops. J. entertained thresh- flatter part of last week. So far heard, be was the first to have part of the Baker, of Homboldt, and of Bradgate, wen a short time Sunday.

They the country on yard hae fenoed, replied and a large stock of to sup- PfbUo good an' fjrttf tint ifcent Of thia plao. (tot only such to. oome i personal of the ib bn. A son Was to Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Vlnaas Friday, July 22,1893. M. F.

Kenyort aud O. M. Qnlnby were West Bend visitors Saturday. Misses Edith Kenyan, Leant Burns and Ella Kenedy are at Hnmboldt attending Teachers' Institute. Mr.

Yazel has moved his family from West Bend into the E. W. Darling iouse, and will assist C. W. Schyverln his blaoksmlthing work.

A large delegation from here tbe Kindling Bros, circus at Ester- vllle Saturday and another good crowd went to see them at Atgona Tuesday. A number ot threshing machines lave started their usual campaigns. There seems to be a strong inclination among the farmers to do as much shock threshing as possible this year. Henry Mahlntq.sald his "Good Byes" 10 the people Monday afternoon and returned to his former home, Esther- vllle, where he has secured a situation one of the leading mercantile establishments. Mr.

and Mrs. Goodyear, and little daughter, Dorathy, returned to their lome at the "Flour City," Friday, after having spent nearly a month visiting 'rlends and relatives In this and Other of the state. Messrs. C. M.

Qnlnby and J. W. Kennedy are haying 'while the sun is getting In Its work with so much vengeance. They are getting up a splendid hay for winter use and may have some to supply to their less fortunate neighbors. Bro.Btegger, of the Bode Bugle, was In town Friday evening, in the interest of his paper.

I did not see him, bub 1 understand that be Intends to run an "Ottosen department" and secure a good weekly letter from a special correspondent. Herb and Frank Barker and Martin Vinaas and WillEhrle have gone north to the harvest fields of Minnesota nnd Dakota. At present writing I have not heard from them; but it is understood that there is still agreat scarcity of help in that country. Contractor L. J.Dusold is getting the framing well along for a large barn for Andy Strnthers, who lives west of the river.

The barn is to be 32x60 feet with twenty-foot posts, and framed in the old style of heavy timbers, and thoroughly braced. When completed it will be the best building for its purpose in the neighborhood. An old-fashioned "bam raising" will be in order when the proper time comes; and Mr. Dnsold says that he hopes J.J. Jolliffe will be present, as he Is the beat man in the country for snob work.

It seems that J. J. cannot entirely forget the tricks be learned when a boy in the country where all barns were built to Bro. Hanson has sold his subscription list aud goodwill to Parkin of the West Bend Advance, who sumes the responsibility of collecting from those who are In arrearages to the Boomer on subscription account, and will nil all umpired subsorip- tlonsto the Boomer by sending the Advance. Bro.

Hanson, Is now busily engaged to packing up his outfit, preparatory to moving it to Clermont (the home of Ex-Governor Larrabee) where he bopee to find a more lucrative eitu- atloD. sincerely he not disappointed In his estimate of the plaoe, for he has been a bud-working young man among us, and bis failure to reap a substantial pecuniary reward for bis labors not seem to have sickened bin of the work, bnt only the more to have emphasized tbe necessity of looking np a more productive field. toe Cop last. KeyBl IMMtH tBe Hesj pwtf MVAt IMCINd POWCMH NIW VOM. BRADdATlNEvVS ITEMS Written Especially for the Coitiipg and Going of the Citizens.

WEEKLY NEWS OF THOR 4ewsy Items of Interest From That Growing Town Gathered By Our Special Newt Reporter. Thin department of the RSPUBLIOAH peelally for the of the eltluns of Thor and vlelnlty. All notice, of meeting of ohiirohoo. or ntijr public catherlug ahonld be addresaed or handed to O. OHitimroptttttmoH.

Bdttor Thor Dopartntabt, Thor. Iowa We are having fine harvest weather. A merry go-round came to our towu one day last week. Mrs. Bartholomew wan at Hnmboldt one day last week- Mr.

0. Holm returned from his visit to Fort Dodge last week. Mra. O. H.

Korslund was. an Eagle Grove visitor one day lust weak. Two new houses are being built In onr burg. Thai- is coming to the front. Mr.

Sheldon uud L. Kambestrid were Humboldt visitors one last week. Mrs. G. W.

Field, of Humboldt, was In town last Tuesday visiting with friends here. M. Chrlstopherson's is the place to get your at correct prices. Give him call. Olo Bokko and John Hanson were at Hnmboldt last Tuesday.

They re turned the same day Quite a -pur citizens went to Eagle Grove last Wednesday to at tfend the circus there. Miss Eva Bartholomew, who has been at Clear Lake, visiting with her sister, returned home.last Monday. Louise Oneriem and Marie Guddall were ID Hnmboldt last Saturday. They returned borne the same day. Mr.

Thompson received a new steam engine and thresher one day last week. He Is. now ready to do your upright. Give him a call. Miss Lena.

Willlckson, who has been at Hnmboldt the past year, returned home last.Tuesday. We are glad to aee Lena with na once again. Frank Hlgby is homo from institute. Mr. Hopkins aud Sam Sttndayeti at ome, Mrs.

Jim Sherman went to Rolfe Tuesday. Mrs. Jeunie Gyger and children ate Visiting relatives iu town. "Stias Ireland, ot Holfe, spent iv Tew days last week with Miss Pearl bbei- matt. Mrs.

Blanche Shermau, of Rutland, visited her parents a few days last week. Misses Amy and Ada Hoffman are attending Normal institute at Humboldt. Elmer Jarvla bus been Hick bnt Is about well now, under U.o care 6f Dr. Livingston. Mrs.

Ruth Marohuut and children have been spending a few days at the parental home. Mrs. Rundlett and Miss Maude Hopkins drove to Humboldt Tuesday to 'Islt the Normal Institute. Misses Allie Bristol, who has been spending some time with idlss Eva Goodenbugh, started home Monday. Gbas.

Lambert and Bert Knoblook ire going to Minnesota this week to look at the laud iu view of purchasing there. has a new grain buyer, Mr. Brown, son-in-law of H. D. Smith has located his family on the Darnell place.

Mr. Elliott Is attending the Baptist 3. 8. Assembly at IOWA Falls. Mr Keyes, of Havelook, will probably fill the Baptist pulpit Sunday morning and evening.

Written for the Republican, dance at Rutland'' latt Tuesday night was a very enjoyable affair. Jensen and Miss Anderson were oeJle'rs from Bode Bneday. "Mrs. Phleger'9 mother, Mra. Goodell, of Illinois, has come to remalu wltl the former until she recovers from her illness.

Geo. Hill and Andrew Arent were down from'Bode Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen and Anna WflUams vlsltedover Sunday at Liver- ore. It Is rumored that a wedding will soon take place; tbe groom being a former resident of Maple Grove.

Ah, there! Fred. fred Sbneley and Miss Maggie callers in Maple Sunday, Mrs. Geo. Bair was hurt quite badly In last Mlsa Mayme BobaD. oH.j*Hi;__ Sunday at the WHH Little Pimples Turn to Cancer.

often results from an Impurity in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people Me entirely free from some taint in the blood, and it Is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Cancer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed Into the most malignant Cancer. had Oaneer whleh WM at tint only few blotches, that I thought would il I WAI by Mveral able of Silt efforts the Cancer spread until my condition became alarming, After many nlohths ol treatment and Browing steadily I de? teadily elded to try 8. 8.

8. which so strongly recommended. The Oral bottle produced an Improvement. I continued we meMclne, and In four months the last lit- off. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer.

The disease IB beyond the skill of physicians. 8. S. S. is the only cure, because It is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Cancer.

(Swift's Specific) is the only blood guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mercury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancer and blood diseases nulled free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Just Arrived. We have just received several large cbnslgnnients of the finest Dinner Ware Patterns Decorated Procelaln to be found on the market.

Just imported direct from Engliinrl, and is entirely new and up-to-date. If are thinking buying Dinner Bet be'sure nnd let us make you a price. We buy for ansh and can sell low as anyone. We have the best and.largest stock In Humboldt county. Call and inipect our stock; it will costyou nothing to Best Binder Twine He 1 purchased a lot of 600 tt.

Manila Twine stored In 8t. Paul, from the laetern manufacturer. We guarantee the quality of this twine. Order by MAIL or TELEGRAPH No money neceesarv unlees you prefer to tend tt. Wo will from 8t.

Paul 24 houre after your order reaches ue. Instruct us which bank to send our draft and bill of lading to. Upon arrival of twine examine It and pay draft If satisfied. nomaoiERY WAUB i oo is a quality lost sight of i is, th? onjy -at No. and dally.

All others dally except atlnday. 0. Ul. Dakota City, OOIROIAST. No.O Plyer Pall.

9:28 m. 20 Way Oils p. MVEfTFl fotary Piibl jeT In.uranee, Toarn, loket. for School furniture and H.KInney.M. D.

r-nrmivtmn mt Call, answered day or H. Shellnnbetw, Practice. HOMgoi- All calli answered. Offlee over Kranaknn's ODce 8 to 10 n. G.

Ferreby D. D. 5. tiENTIBT. SM; C.

BtOO a. m. OtDOp. 67 m. OS u.

i 1 A UNO aUHQtON. or STmtoWt. la Hair Work I art of theHhoolhouMlttBun swltchei for iale'eheap. VV. L.

SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huumouyr. IOWA. lIonejrtoLoan. Colloetlobi Devereaux DENTISTS.

admiulitcred. Offlw over People's. bank. Humboldt, Iowa. I KITING A NO PA HANGING.

I will do your work riant, and at reuop. able price. Prompt attention (Wen to aff orders, and satisfaction nuanuteed O. W. LINE, OarmroM Doeaceneral tvan carried to Leave orderiatthnK I DRAY LlNm.

N. O. NELSON. Cries sales In Humboldt and ing counties. Leave orders at RBTUBU- DAN office.

AUCTIONEIBR, THOIt. Date, made on appHeatloo In SSJaW ATTORNEV Practices at all courts. He share ot your patronage. man, mlghlng He took ieoood premium althff State Pair, whll. hta Soffi.

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