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The Weekly Republican from Plymouth, Indiana • Page 2

Plymouth, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GENERAL NEWS SUMMARY. rONttRENltlOII.lL In the Senate, on the 1st, ao business, from the Impeachment trial, wu In the Hon-, on the lat, the resdin of the journal was dLpeaed with, and tb Hons reeolved itseir lot Committee of the Whole and proceede to the Senate himher Oa nacm bim od receiving the report of the Chairman of tile Committee of the Whole, the House ad-J In the Senate, on thf 4b, a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Macksmltba aad machinists of Indiana, praying that eLht boars be made a day work in Government employment, waa presented and referred A renxnstraace waa pNNMri and referred fr the citizens of nana against the passage of th- Mil now beforj the t'ummtt'w on and Mean, presiding that a atamp be affix- to each cigar To aaendmente to the oill regulating the Court of Claim were offered and reierred At the hour appoint d. the mpeacb meat Court was opened. In the II-m oa the 4-h, the Speaker the message from the President In relation to the treaty with the German Power, respecting natural! Uton. Rtferred Resolution were pr.

-ened ant, refrm-d of the orgia Constitutional Contention, ask tog the removal of po-llncal disib Mties in semtaj eases; of the New tat 1 Methodist Conference to ref. tvrce to the state of the country. On re-aasembling a'Ur the Impeachment proceedings, a motion was adopted that the ua acjjoru until the 8th. la the Sonata, oa the 6 a resolution from the Legislature of Minnesota, endorsing the action of Conzr In regard to imp achoient. was tabled i ns from the same Legislature wire presented ai referred, for the imirovement Of the i liver Bil's Were it.troduc aan rHirr tor the completion of a branch miLt at Can-on City, to relieve the poti'lcal of certain citizens of bi i called np and to refund the duties paid ander i roie.t la U67.

on the bell imported from France, and donated for St Mary's Inviitue aud Notre Dame Umverxty. Inulaaa ''neSiavil Mil amended in Cumai'tt-e of the VI bote, Ot toiled in the --et; ate, ad. wnh'jut action, the Senate adj utaed. In tu coate-, no tlit 7 a iia'. of tbe Legislature of Montana, prjyiDir I ra gratt of laid for ettacati and agn.

iura! purposes, reierr- f'tton of a (0 or 3.C odort si xi of ou'h Carolina, Gori and Althams, aek ng rnm- at to aid them in migrating i 'k rut ir An amendment to the L-eistaMve, Er- Cutive and Judiciary Appropriation nill w-i ff red and referred wa ad- pt it. struct u-? me Commi't a P-n-slot. to hi in in a oil. to so am- nd the Pension Uw tht: u.amige of a d-c- a-ed soldier's wiuow siia 1 a forfeit ire of her pensiou. The hill in litlon to r.c charter of the Ci'y of Wash-lLg'ou ae call.

up. aoM-uded and bill remove the political troai A Builtr, of n---, was recomnaitted The vy Appropritt iu hill was called up and de-ba't d. h'-u th-- Sitiatew-iiit uuo bSMattea acs eioc aj.d toon after a- jourucd. GF.NERlL MTV. A emcn dispatch of the 7th says: 1 he tide of emigration for the preset.

spring iof tbe Uaited Spates has com menced with increased volume. It is estimated Hal upward of 7,000 emigrants left Germany during the past week fur American pors." The New York Assembly has passed the bill submitting the new Constitution at the Ni veuibtT election. Atiopz tac itrjtffef strmtnored in be-hlsY of in President, are H-m. John II gac, of St. mis; Solicitor Jordan, of the Treascry Su.i ale Department, sl I B.

of i he York World At Gnnad. oa the 7ib, D'Arcv litG.e was atwt dea'i, by an unknown as-nHi, a lw was entering tne house where he 1 on S- srk Elreet. Great excitement because of the tragedy, and tbe nrud was attributed to Finians. arteen thousand dollars reward is of fcred f-r the apprehension of the guilty parties Tbe Sergeant at-Arms of the Senate, on the 6th, issued sumionst-s fir II. F.

Zer der, George Kcapp, George Vi. Ford arjd Daniel G. Taylor, ail of 8t. Lonis. but then in Washirgtoc, as itnesses -r the President.

The writs were made returnable on lb i Stecdman had arrived to attend the triaL The triai I- -sor Darh was, on the 3d, poetportd till the seconri day of May. SeATgeant Bates reached Kai igh, N. on the mt rnir of the 2d. He waa received by the Mayor ard Gommiesioners and as ttndeitd the hospitality of the city. The President of the nth American Republic of Uruguay baa been murdered by a con'tdtraie of Lis i.fcul'Luä son, FortUDn- The A ig'o-Americm "Mr.

Adam we believe, will ne leave London, aud vacate his appointment, as soon as expected. If ur inlormation be correct, he has at least for the present, to remain at hi post," In the British Parliament, on the A'h, on the Irish Cr.urch question, ths Liberal p-trty triumphed by a maj riy of aixty. Tae Loalon sys: "Now Ireland ay take t-fi itnce. She is sustained by tbe btlance of opinion of the r.g-dom. The wrongs of ages are to be ended, and riht done amid the acclimations of the nation.

This must guarantee pace." Toe Goremr of Illinois issued HOdsBfltta, desig'iatirg the 15th of April, the auiiiver ary of tbe asaassic i i- of Pretid.nt Lincoln, as a day of lasting, humiliation and prayer. Wet-n has accomplished tak of alking me LunJr and three miles in venty three hours and Iii iy eight ainutts. General Soh "field has appointed General Henry H. Well ss Gtivcrcor of Virginia. Lieutenant Gtneral Suerman reached Omaha on the 1st, aid received a ttlegrum lrom Washington summoning him as a witness in the impeachment trial TOE 1'II'l Ai T.

After the opemng of the Couit on the lot a motion waa fruhroiited by Senator bumner that the Chief Justice bad no right to Tte on any lesisrn arisitig during the triaL Nnratived-21 to 27. Tbe question of admitting Mr. Burleigh's testimony, about a nverJttion be eeu him and General Lores-s-i Tr.omaa, was sub-milled to the Senate by the Chief Justice, and alter a three hours' deba'e ine eas and naa were taken, and resulted in a vote of 3d to 11 Mr. Burleigh was then called and examined. He teaiihcd that General Thomas said thai he should use force to get poaaessi- of the War i ffice.

Samuel Wi kiuat-n ttstihcd that Thomas hud tx preasea to him an intention ot using force to get potseaion of tbe War efflce, ard would, it call on the Ueueral of the Army for assmtance. George Kirgever tes.iöed that Thomas had said to him that "in a short time, be would kick that fellow out." Witneas understo-d him to refer to 8tanton. At 5:10 the Court adjourned, the Senate going into Executive atssioL. At the beginning of the trial, on tbe 2d the galleries were e- tban bait full. Con- greseman Terry, of Michigan, testified that he was prt sent at the War Office on the 221 of February, when Gecerai Thomas came there thai Mr.

Stanton asked General Thomas it he intended to use force, and be was replied to by Thomas that he did not care to use force, but bad made np bis mind as to what be she aid General Emory testified, giving an account of his interview with the Fret. dent, regarding the law requiring all military orcers to pass through the hands of the General of the Army that the President thought the law anooBsmutiona) and derogatory to his authority as Commander in Chief; that Robert J. Walker had advised the witness to obey the order Maued in conformity wiih the new law. Documentary eviUeuce was offer hL including a portion of tbe Johnson Grant correspondence objection was i lade by the defense to the admission of President Johnson's letter to Generai unless the enclosures mentioned therein Were also produced by the Managers; objection lost I 20 to 29. The order of the President appoin'in General Thomas Secretary of ar ad interim was produced and read at the rt que of the cuanse for the n-apon-debt; i.u order add retted to Mr.

arjton, removing him, ws next read. Gnerai Wallace waa called and sworn bts vi tlon was made to a portion of the testl mory on-red trroogh this witnesarecard ing tae object of the Pns u. nt ia appoint irg Trtisirer; objection sr.sUiner -27 10 23. Charles A. Tiuht was sworn, aid IsjStsfad that he hi.i char.e of tbe a Union Te e-graph in Washington; formerly had charge of tue telegraph I ffice in the War Department.

Identified a copy of the dispatch from Lewis Parsons, of Moptgojaery, to Prt8i ient Johnson, The reply thereto as follows Xoktooxirt, hu. 17, 19C7. His Excsnercv. Andrew Preei-i Lsris'ata-a In ses ion efforts made to reconsider vote oa euaatitattonal amendment; port from Washington says It's probthle an soanilu act will pass. Wade sot koaw -hat to be.ueve.

Sued) LiW a Ct Pai.soks, Excnau-te llotel. r.vtTED Statu Militart graph. ajtrcunvK Omca. Washinotow, Jan. 17, 1898.

To Lewis C. Psrsous, Monuromerv. Ala. What possible rood can be obtained nj reconsidering amradmenir 1 know of core fa the preheat postum of sfftirs. Idono believe tbe p--ople of tte whola count it will sustain any set of lndlvidnals to change 'he wbole characurol oar Oxvernuent by ei acts to this way 1 believe, oa tbe contrary, they wilt fMi.M nphold all w.n hart patriott-m and c-n sgi to stund by tbe CoLstltuua and who place their cuLfldrpce fo the penp e.

There should be no falterinx on the part of those who are un-est in tbe de'erm'natioo t-t snstaiu the several coordinate meijr- of tbe Uovetnmsnt iaaccotd-ancc with its original decign. (Sigurd) Axnrtxw Joiiksok. Ol ction wfio made to the admissi bility ot thisevidecce; dee'did admiasirile 7 to 17. A motion lo aojourn was put, and decided affirmatively by the casting vote of tbe Chief Justice, The Senate then d. In the Impetchmert trial on the 3 1, James (J.

Ceiphcne, Deputy Clerk of tin-Supreme Court of th i Dis-rict of Columbia, ttatif. r.oe ruing the Preside: 't'. speech, which he hud fceen ergaced to re-jori at his requtst Mr. MeFarur.d wrote a literal. rejjort of tbe Fori i.i's spetch on the Ml) Aviynst, 180 Jarnea B.

Sheridan, Mr. Tinker, eis Smi'h and Colonel W. Moore, tie I'rebleni's Phvale rcretury, ell li .1 regarding the President's is.h ot A uust tpeccti, which they were engaged in re porticg at tie time of its delivery. Mr. proposed to i all thi var ous rejort8 of Ue fpetch.

and put item in evidence Mr. Evnrts of -ct ed that ibe report of the Chroni-'le wms not proved by evu! i Lt-. a Tr-ce-H oi Iii. et ii n.inuies, a motion to ad-j urn was lot 19 to 23 Mr But'erread i he Associate: Pa ss report of tbe Pied dent's speech. Wm.

II. Hu ot tbe Cleveland Leider, tei-tided C'-cceming the level.uid speech, in Sep ember, IBM had his orig'md notes. C. Mc wen, a thort hand reporter, produced a stenographic re portof tbe Cleveland ecb, and also an accurate traurriot ot tbe report written out and banrd to the seetit of tbe As-socuted iwin Staik, short-band reporter, was examiued, and gave and centred to extracts trom Cleveland fpetch. Object! beiDtr msde to tie LtaiUr report of the sp- cch, the Chief u.

lice thought it inaJon8tbl de cided admissible C5 to 11. Mr. Bin! i iht-n offered the report prepared by McEwen; 3Ir. Eva.rt! obj-ced Mr. Botler il tne repoitof the C'eTelacd SRtrUd; Mr.

rwarts objeclt j. On motiou, the a-j urD' .1. In the impcacbuvi.t Court, on the 4'b, L. WsaMltfge, rt 'M'er, testif'eJ to the-correctness of his re ort ot the President's speech eie ivered at Su mis, Scpleiuber 3, and the speech was then put in as tail i es by Mr. t'nt'er.

Jose A Dear, sTenogrupber. cognized a paper shown him as au tran. cnpt ot his Mti oi the peeb made at tie Southern Hotel in St. L'iuis it wsb as ti ftme ns ed by the hut witness. Robert 8.

Cicw, i Chief Clerk of tbe Sr.ite Depirtmeht, eviiencc as 1 1 the mant er emmirsions for certuin eflices in the Treasury acd State Which are prepared in the Slate Depart nient shortly the or ihc Tenure of Lfflce acta cbanir wa ma le the form of the ct mini--; tir ce the paesage of the net no cr-mu a been out in the ol-l furrrt. The Managers put in evioerce the executive jowf nal of the Senate for My 12, 1800. Mr Creecy, appointed Clerk of the Treasury Department, was sworn as to the aa-thi nticity of the letter from the President to the Secretary of the Treasury, notifying him of the ruspension of Mr. an ton, the appointment of Gen. Grant Secretary ot War ad ir.Lrim, Acg 12 18C7, under the Tcnure-r-f Office act.

Mr. Bug bam otlered in evij are the Executive to toe Serale, of tbe 16 and lO of December, lc ,7 ar.d January 13, 1868; in which ilc Pltsirhpnt trvel his reasons l-r the suspension from rfflce of several offl cr. Also the communication irom the Secretary of State arcompanjing one of the mtssaecs, in which be reports ti arti under the Ter.u-e -ffffl-e lw. Mr Bat 1 informed the Senate that the CJtta on the part of the Hm of Bi preaeBtativea was cubf-tantially closed, aiihocgb they might ca on a tew more wimt ls wbost; testimony uld be only cuniulative. On motion Mr.

Curtis, on bna! of tbe President's counsel, the Court aeij urned until the jeu 37, ays 10. Gen. Grant and Xeruperacce. The following is trom the New York Sam, Mr Dana, the tdtor, wu3 wiih GeLcral Grant in the field neatly two jeart at sntiws whereof he writes General Grant has been accu-ed of intemperance. The Copperhead fiht him wild tak about his aileeed bid bthit, just as the rebels loughi him with powd and ball in war; but the cse is set right in a little speech which the Hon.

Dodge on Thursday evening Mr. dge Said that he had Juat been iu Wash-intoo, und bad a lonir interview with General and, ooutinmd he, 1 left 1 him with the ion that ntither we nor the trienua oi temperatce have an for anxiety in this Mr. dge ia President of the National Tern ranee Society, and no one can be more hostile to everything approaching intemperate habits in a public man. ThcUuib ia, that the practice of Grreral Grant is total abstineLcc. In camp he ahnos? nl-me.

ail the prominent tffixrs of the army ueVcr tolerated liqaor or wine -ii her at bis table or about his tent. -tiguing marches and the excitement and exbnustion of baiiiea did not make Lim break over his rule, no: to touch or taste anything alcoholic Again ami again pre have seen wine lTered him at public ana private dmneif), oulv to be steadily refostd We are aaaUied that now, in time of pe ice, ftrd in the soctetj rf Washington, he still the saaie cr Horn. His enemies nust invent some other ttory. The peo pie will never be ieve that G.neral Grant is a drunkard and if, fr-m tot personally knowing Grant, tbey are not sure of the fact, they will answer as President Lincoln did 1 Let me know the kind ot whi-ky Grant drinks, and I will send a barrel to every one of our GT Josh Bi says Thozs fame-lys who are really fust class never ar afraid that tha shell git cheated out uv their while the family are always nervous lest tha mite;" which truthful remark we commend to the consideration of the Democrats who fear that, if they have as equal chance, the negroes will become their superiors. Lir.EHAi.

viii'M. Rats, viewed from enny plait rm ju kan bild, are uospeakid )y cuss id, and i would be willing uwmake enny man who would destroy awl tbe rats in the United 8tates, a valuable keepsake, say sor instance either tbe lite and sutferings ov Andy Johnson, 1n one vtllum, calf bound, or a reoipt tew cere the blind staggers. -Joth BOLms. i Tllfi'Chinftisr Pnt tlnVa wrliatovar I eke the Mc agera may or may not prove against the President, they have certainly convicted Mm of Ngh crimes and misdemeanors against the Enali-h language. At tbe election in Connecticut on the 6th the Republicans carried the Legislature, thereby gamin? a United States Senator in place of Dixon.

An Eastern exchange thinks that CLIPPIK 3S AND DRIPPINGS. HI nu Item. ApTil C3 1 signaled as fast day in Michigan. Texas has p'antcd 7,000 acres of the castor Only 5 OOO.OCO out of 30.0COC0O acris of land in Michigan are improved. There are bogus Maximilian Mexican dollars in circulation in New York, A Burglar Insurance Company has been started in New York.

During the four months ending last September, Botton bathed people gratis. An American JSronautlc Society is to he established bluntly, as a branch of the Eaglish one. A Caliiomla Chinaman doing a profitable business in fattening rats The Mormons expect to bring at least immigrant i from Europe this no son. Twenty-two handled gallons rf mineral water arc shipped fiom St. Albans, weekly.

Indictments Inve been found at Richmond, Va against thirty revenue cflL-ers, ior iraud. Eairuates of the amount requited for liver and harbor improvementa lor 1SG3 arc 4,012.500. It is contemplated to reduce the force of the New York militia to 30,000 men. Its prestnt number is 45,000. Jtffl-rson Davis and wife have gone to Canada, there to await the next call for his trial.

The Mtrylaad urc has passed the law AxiBg ten boojm as a day 's labor in the factor lea the Slate. 1 Urge ships are loading at Noi folk, V.l., fur Liverpool, being the first instance of diiect truce slice the war. The Marjlitcd Penitentiary being Wood, G.ivernt Swann recently par-u in 84 of the most deserving convicts Pennsylvania has 542 lodges of Good Templars with an aggregate membership of Twenty thousand Norwegians, Dines and Switlcs tre to arrive lu this country mis spti whose destination will be CuieUv to tho West. Kobinson, tbe circcs rider, has been ued ia Cincinnati by a mother to recover osea ioa ot her children, a boy and a girl, who were being trained for the ciicus. Mr.

Greeley saj he could not be pro rpkcd into sting a man for libel. He thiijkbhbcl UK.oonot pay to either party. This ia the verdict ot common sense and ceiumon experience. A Kentucky stutute eives to the widow and minor of a person allied by ue careless, wanton or utalicious Use ot Uecdiy weapons, au action against the person cvinmiuiug the khliDg. E.o.i statistics carefully prepared lrom au hentiCM-u tees, and reliable at any other public cocunienis, it has been ascertained that the cost of strong drink for eook man, womar.

and child in tne Lhileii st itts ia tictniy dollar. The New York Erenivg Tosays it is a cun us tact thtt tbe uemand for children ttooption is in advance of the supply. The number ot petrous wiifiout chiidien Ike own, who wish to have a child to ormg up, is Urge and increasing. A "brilliant and lovely" young married m.aa la New York, aged twenty-hve, now sports her fourth husband, hav inu sought relu tt rough the divorce courts f.otn conjugal uiipleasaninesses mrea t.mes since ner first uitirriage, in lnij. There is a little town in Vermont ben ine people have considerable fun a Im ce viewers." One of the iflicers vejgha three hundred pounds, another is nx feel three inches tall, and tae third is extremely small.

It was recently voted that all fences on which the fa inan could sit, which the tall man mldn'i s'iaddte, nor the little one crawl larouyn, su- uld be deemed legal fences. Pe pit who :ec.ive circulars from New York or eJeetrnere contaiuiog sam plejf.f prints of srhien twelve yams will oe sent lor a dollar, or ten yards tor eighty-five cents, tre auvised to suspect a swln Tne addreai of one concern issuing such clrtui irn wad veiled iu New Yoik UN day, and it was found that the place was in charge ot a boy, and that no tiuc'nees was transacted there beyond receiving which usually numbered ii dx thirty five to fiity a day. Tiie ratio of persons entitle! to vote to the whole population in Iowa, as per I etiifius, is 1 to 11 the ratio of actual voters to ipulation, 1 to 5.02; the ratio of persons between the ages of five and IWeittj -one years of age to total popula-tioB, 1 tj 2 03; number ol colored peo pie, namberol deaf and dumb, l6i, number of blind, 411 number of insane, i 1 number of foreigners not naturalized, l- excess ot white miles over le-maes 821 number of dwelling houses, 155 758, for a total populatiou ot or an of nearly six persons loa veiling. A lawsuit wa3 recently brought by the lather of a young lady against a young man who had ueeu courting his (the fath-erV) Luciuda. The tuit was brought to reejv.r use of room, lights, fuel, meale, while the young man was courting at the csv of the plaintiff.

The pruat cation shjwed that cefeudant was at uit u.e trom three to five nights per week that he usually remained until lour o'clock in the morning, and often limes till after breaatat. 1 he case attracted much attention, lue decision is one of inter est to all young men who are in the habit of -sipping do from the bewitching cup oi tl is" until tour o'clock in the morning, inasmuch as it allows them to continue stpptng such nectar without tear ot la rvsuits ior damages. The ustice rendered a verdict oi 'ijo cause of action." Carlotta has Bent Vic jna a lock of ber hair. Drumming out is abolished in the Brit ish army. About thirty million newspapers pass through the English mails every ear.

King Ludwig, of Bavaria, left a for tune eight and a half million dollars. Eoropean physicians have decided that, in many cates, consumption is con- It is said more books are now pub li hod iu Germany than in any other country. There is laboring in China about one ordained mitBionary to every four million inhabitants. Mr. aurgeon's Tabernacle in London now numbers 3 034 members, the increase lor tLe ear having been 224.

Of twenty thousand chl.dren annually sent out of Paris iu charge of hired nurses, not lesi than fifteen thousand perish. An Edinburgh newspaper contains the following advertisement i Young lady wantei, about seventeen or eighteen, to go to a bail on the 14. Mr. Carl le says of Disraeli, that on ti whole he is the dttest man for the place because he is the honesiest. He is a scoundrel, it is true, but he never pretended to be anything else." The Imperial library of Paris eon-tains 1,000,000 volumes and 3 scripts.

In all France there are 0 233,000 volunee. In England there are only 000. In all Europe there are 2b volumes. In January last. Mr.

Maynard, while crossing the ice at Quebec, broke through and lost his portmanteau containing in silver. It waa recovered by a party of men who searched for it for a n'ib, and restored to Mr. Maynard, who gave the salvors one half the money. The first Sunday School in Prance was held in Paris in 1822. There are now in that city and vicinity 51 Sundsy Schools and 8,000 pupils.

In the departments mere are CSC Schools, with 3 1,000 children. Ar. imposing display of ti Paris Sunday Schools, has just been held in the Cirque Napoleon. Mission agencies hwe done most ol the work of education in Jamaica since tbe emancipation of the slaves. At that school houses, and the grant were gradually withdrawn.

Out of 19 733 scholars, 1" Wi are in the schools of the various re- ligiois bodies. Accounts from tfce Jnpnnrse civil war show that, while that atdute people are ahead of the Chinese in already having adopted the occidental de precision, aid breech loaders at that, the. fiht in prt tiy much the old Chinese cong style after alL A letter to an paper describes them as poing out iu the morning and fighting lid ten then breakfasting, and fighting till three; then dining and goinrr home wiih one man killed and another frightened to death." There is a mountebank in London who hurls up a pottto many feet in the air, and catches it (in both senses) on his bare brow. Tbe forehead, subjected to this vi-itation. is constantly kept inflimed.

You know," sa)t "there isn't anoth er man in London that can do tbe potato trick. I'll give any man round me a sovereign thu will attempt it, letting the tato fairly strike his head. Whs1, no bid Then I must try once more myself." And with he flings up a big potato as high as he can, and down it mes presently up his bumpy forebcaa, where it fl es into twenty pieces, much to the delight of tbe spectators, who pell bim with half pence. Here is a Parh-mn story to show how poorly a man comes off in any conic -t with womenkind. 1 he other day a Paris ian aud his wife went to Bru-sels.

The first thought of the lady was naturally to visit all the and especially thote renowned for lace-, Mh met with some marvellous bargains as a matter of course, gave a glowing nccoiint of them to her husband, and proposed to take a quantity of the laco home with her, smuggled umi her dress 'the hit? band, like a husband, remitted. It would be incurring too crcat a risk, be raid vehemently the lace would be -und and confi-cated; ho would not mset' i to the arr.irg ni nt. The lady agreed that she shou.d, like a good wife, go without the lae. And so the pair started for Paris, n.iiur well pleas that he bid avoided ihis new iX'rava gance. At the fron'ier tney were met a Uf-ual wi'h the demand, Any thing to Ihry said "No." It was enough, and they were allowed to psss without lurtber trwuttle.

Now here beg to show itself the foily of men. The lady gave her husband a hok, and the husband beiran to foresee the bitter nproiches of his tender spouse. It was evident th tl she in gut have the lace with mt danger. Bhe would certainly take fa vengeance lor the lois of her eotHe I prize in a good lecture. To avoid th hwror, it became necessary to convince tbe wife that there really was danger.

She mu-t be searched. Monsieu wta pers to one of the Cust uns' fillers that he imagines the at his side hss boom lace hidden alniut peism. She was immtdiately taken aside, at.d in a tew moments the fiver i Customs rciurmd, bis face beaming wuh satisfaction, lo inli in the geallem nil a profushin of that that his euppos-tioa was well founded. The lady had at least 10,000 francs' worth of lace hidden among the folds of her dress. Incident and Accident.

Second growth parsnips poi.onedtwo families in Fort V) ne lately. Twelve-ntgroes were drowned, on tbe 5th, in (Le hotomac, their boat being swamped in a gale. Two ti-hing boa9 were wrecked out side Goderich (Canada) haibor, on the 4ih, and five men Utorvned. A letter was mailed al Chicago lately addressed to "Mr. Coidfacts, the Senator of Congress The morality among children is said to be unprecedented this ipriLh' iu San Francisco.

A fellow in Newburyp-rt has boasting that he fa .3 a brotner twelve feet high. lttt.ins out that he has two half-broihers, aith six feet high. A woiknim in a coal mine near Peoria, 111., using a stronger blast than tbe occasion warranted, had every rib torn from his spine and died a horrible death. At the readings of Mr. Dickens at Worcester, Mass ia said that the first three rows of seats were reserved tor deaf persons, an arrangement which deVelopea au amount ol dettuess in that city wnieh was most astonishing.

The funeral of General Orlow Smith, in Eih-rd, Henry coun.y, Ilk, last month, was attended by over twelve hundred persons, in two hundred vehicles, the procession being over two miU'H long. He was, Colonel of the 05 Ohio infantry, and received wounds at Chickamauga and Franklin. A singular accident occurred in Chi cago, lately. Two ve nicks met and collided. The horse attached to one of the wagons fairly leaped into the oihvr whitou, which contained a lot of coal, and the natural const quence was au upset, the horse falling bnckward ar.d the coal piling noa him.

he wagons were aim completely mohshed, and the suffered the legs of one of them being broken. At a wedding in Delaware, when all was arrar g-d and the minister called on any to speak who objected to the marriage. a husky voice from the corner cried out, I do All eves were turned in that di rection, when a man emerged from tbe evowd, holding bis handkerchief up to bis yes and blubbering, "Why do yon ob j-ct?" asked the minister. "Because I rant her foi There is a gentleman in Taunton, bo is now approaching the end of his seventieth year, who, in tbo course of a long and laborious life, has never attended a sirglo exhibition ot amusement of any character in his life. It isiu per-formince of a resolut'on made in early life, that the years of his existence op to seventy should be devot td to labor.

It is satisfactory to add thai his industry has secured him a competency. The Fall River Tim's says a well dressed young mn, who had been indulging in lici ior to ncc-s, attempted to take the cara for Providence, and wis guilty of the atrocious act of knotkim; down his own mother, who was endeavor ing to dissuade him from his purpose He was secured by the ticket master, and spon fell into a drunken sleep in the de pot. As soon as be flept his poor mother supported his bead ia her Isp, aud remained there while he slept off the effects of his potations. In the darkest days of the Atlantic telegraph a fiierd of Cyrus Field boueht $10.000 of stock for a $10 bill. Mr.

Field magnanimously offered to take the stock at a considerable advance. Well, but. what do you advise me to do, Mr. Field?" "Take your stock home," was the reply; "lock it up ia your safe, and never look at it or think of it till yon come to mc for your dividends on it." And that man is new receiving, on his investment of ten dollars, $800 per annum in goTd. A poor old farmer, living in Bucklin, on the Qiincy and St.

Joseph Riil-road, who had been up to Qiincy and raised a thousand dollars wherewith to cancel a mortgage of that amount on his farm, was lately swindled out of all by a couole of sharp T8. He was in the cars, going home, when accotted by a "gentlemanly individual, who, Deiner by a confedi 'ate for a bill, was unable 1o pay it, having nothing but a bogus United States nd, with coupons attached, for which the farmer exchanged his bard earned money. nTeUn-loas aad atidnrmilonal. The Detroit Mechanics Society library numbers 3.000 voiumea Nine million dollars were donated to American Col ges last year. The Second Adventists purpose building a theological seminary at Wterbury, Vermont.

A prayer meeting was recently held in Baltimore which continued twelve hours, twelve clergymen participating. The Methodist Sunday-School Missionary 8ociety of New York city owns, clear of debt, $71,030 worth of real estate. A Christian shnuid never plead spirituality for being a sloven, If he be a shoe-cleaner, lie should be the best in the taking down her bank hair and scratching her head. Eichty thousand children f. rm the mi suiucncy of tl'o First Schn' District of Pennsylvania, comprising the uity-of Philadelphia.

A man describing a church in Minnesota writes 10 a friend: "No velvet cushions in our pews. We don't go in ior style. The fattest person has the softest seat." The various educational Institutions of the Baptist Church, since have been endowed, so fat as cm now be estimated, to the amount of A Convention of the various Presbyterian bodies in Iowa is to be held at Iowa City on the first Wednesday of May, to consult in regard to a union of the churches. The nam? of the Female Seminary at Like Forest, 111 has been changed to lhat ot Ferry lnotiiutc, in honor the late Rev. W.

M. Ferry, ho gave it munificent sums of money. One of the be-t Boston pastors illustrated genuine Christian politeness, in leaving the altar, one tiunday afternoon, to carry a hmn book to a deaf and dumb parishioner in the pewa, and point out the selected mn. No trait of character is more valuable tl- i -ession of a good Mnper. lb me can never be made happy wiUkmbI it.

It is like flowers at spring up in our pathway, reviving and cheering Us. Kind words and looks arc the nui ward demonstrations; patience and forbearance are the sentit wilhin. Tne Peom says that Rev. Willis Nelson Beecner ha been chosen lo position of President of Kuox College, vice Win IS Curtis, resigned. It is expected that Mr Beecher will occuoy thi? oosilioii ot Pieaident pro tan.

until the dote of the college eat, in Jane next. Mr. Pulnam, the New York publisher, says ine school books used by me 5.0U0,-000 of chihiien in the schools of thiscoun-try would make a road two let wiue, lead ing the e.trlh to the moon. And he might have udJed thai amnyot them could be put to no more aopr.pria'e Qs-e, their author beingevidently Luna struck. Personnl aad Lateral.

Dan Hick's tacttd cow is dead. It COel 0J. Lows, first Mayor cf Omaha, died on the 3d. Professoh Day, of, is writing a philological book. M.

husband rf Carlotta has hecoaic insane, is hereditary. An admirer of the deceased languages has done Encch Arden into itut. Biekstadt has taken a studio in Rome, and ss ct some large pictures. A copy of Audubon (4 vols.) has been sold in New York lor ne than $2,000. A Grand ItArins (Mich.) Mtsdunitll has lallen heir lo A Gn.VND Nii.CE of Bemdict Arnold is a Department cleru WasLiugton.

Daniel Drew, in early life, labored in New Haitford, Oneida county, N. fur fitly cents a day. John Goroir, the temperance lecturer. i raveled 5 miles in daj 3, and made 72 hpeeihea. J.

Bom Browne, Minister to China, whr Irwonrly printer on the Columbus 40 flsfsinm Aiiniwr. has a boy nam.d Cio-mau, who is cix jears old, and weighs but 24 pounds. Clnlral Grant has been ptttnctaattng his liiihei'b leite rs him. Tait is, he has put a full stop to them. George Francis Train writes antnl a page a week lot the New York Wond, and also conti ibutet? to Mrs.

IMaSlOn'u llecolution. The daughter of a veteran attache of one of tne Boston newspapers, through the death of her uncle, has become heiress to $200,000. Phofei-sob Wm. Smith, of Bowdoic College, the mvtbmlicJ scholar, died suddenly at his residence in lirunswick, Me on the 5th. Carlton Dow, of Ellsworth, Me.

rc ceniiy nad au ouuee buiiet removed lrom his face that hd been there eicce the battle at Frtdericksiiii'g in 1SG2. Joseph Smth'si widow pretcntis to have received a revised edition of the Mormon Bible, commuuicated to her by a spiritual revelation fiom the deceased Prophet. A Telegratiiiic Feat The Franklin Telegraph Coinpar.v have, for the past two Wieks, been constantly tending and receiving telegrams between this city and -sum at the same time upon one wire! This feat was accomplishes upon some of tbe lines in Germany lu 1855, and alfo ans of the iln-he' l.i.-lruinent in tiom Boston to S.iniiü 1J, but has never been made a practical success, in any country or upon any lines, until tl present time. Tne principle upon which in-s' rammt is w. rked is turouu a -n ot current through double coil magnets, the coils of whica are und in opposite diiections, and lie current made to divide 'iy the introoucion of resistance coils to equal 7.

tbe resiatance of the main line so that the current from the battery atone end passiog around 'he coils at the tame end produces the effect of repelling with the same power upon one roll as it attracts tbe armature upou tue other. On the sig na8 arriving at the terminus of ihe circuit the e'ectricvy p3 ss around but one of the coils, thus dis urbing tt quilibnnm and producing the same tifect as is usual in the passage of a current an uud the common electric magnet te Turk Jf til. Remarkabl Discovery is TEyxEs-seb. the Chattanooga Union says that Mr William Staple-, whi digging, recent ly, in a salt lick oa his farm, twelve miles northeast of King-ton, Tenn, struck a solid limestone rock, abont seven i ba-low the surfa -e. He found in it a well, about eight inches in ditmeter, tilled wiih very salt water.

After tbe discovery of the we.l, Mr. prosecuted his in vestig and found to his surome, a line of sali kettles, or rather tbe remains of salt kettles. The kettles were of stoneware, made of the sam 3 mtterial as that ued by the Indians for taeir home ware, such as plates, dishes, eta The kettles were broken, but the ourvature indicated that they were about taree feet in diameter, and wore about forty in number. A most striking fact connected with in is discovery is that these kettles were found at a depi of seven feet below the aurtace of the ground. Growing above them wer trees poplar snl o.k which weie evi fitly two centuries old.

Currency. During the first year of the war, when change was scarce, and Some large merchants weie issuing currency of their own, a farmer went to store in a neighboring town, bought some goods and gave the merchant a five dollar bill, of which he wanted seventy -five cent back. The uur-C3ant counted out the amount and handed it over to the farmer. He looked at it a moment, and ii quired What's this?" It's my currency," said the merchant. Wal, taiu't good for nothln' where I live." said the farmer.

Very well," replied tbe merchant, keep it until you get a dollar's worth, and bring it to my store, and I will give yon a dollar bill for it" The farmer pocketed the change and departed. A few weeks after he went into tbe same store and bought goods to the amount or one dollar, and after paying over the identical seventy -five cent, he took out a handful of pumpkin seeds, counted twenty-five of them, and passed them over tc the merchant. Why," said tbe merchant, hat is this?" Wal," sy the fanner, this is my currency, and when you get a dollar's worth bring it to my place, and I will give you a dollar for it." It is not to be wondered at that Johnson's habits are bad. He has been out of practice so long that ho can't make good fits. icky Republican paper A si lit TUE Tliltt HOW A PLANTATION at inauf.d after the stvl op looks in I8td-MB nasby finds att AN ONE, AND REPORTS THEHE0N.

T05T OFTIS, CortVTOBTT KOAPS foans. 1 SU, ISO. (wicb ia ill ihe State uv March On my return from the ornery and biate uv Michigan, I fell into a sta'e uv despondency from wich I found it difficult to recover. The horrors uv stay in in a community totelly unused to the cx-hilerasnun uv the flu win bole, tot ell impervious to the soothin inflooence uv the fl ids wich we in Kentucky eggist onto, and where the Dimocrisy are in a hopalis minority, made reason totter onto her throne, and intelleck to reel In a highly re iculous manner. To dissipate the im-prespion, I bi-rrered Bascom's mule and Deekin Pogram's siddle bags, and fillin the first with oats, and the latter with a loaf uv bread and a gallon uv whisky, madly plunged orf into the interior uv ihe State, that I might in rooral solitoodcs give full vent to the melancholy that op-prest me.

Two days travel up the mountins brot me to the most ioteriorest county uv the S'ate. U. mote lrom railroads, off uv the stace liue, and not within several days' urney uv the telegrafiV, it wuz trooly a Arcajen spot. Here wuz the log cabin in its primitive simplicity here wuz sirctni-onto wich there wuz no mills litre wuz roads without no fencesh re wuz women without no hoops. Ridm along, 111 sin onto the quiet beauty uv tht landscape, I heered a swingin, swi6hin sound a whistliu thro the air a dull, heavy thud, aud then I oh joy 1 a shriek I 1 wuz ia the wood, but there wuz a cleerm beyond, and lrom that cleerin the sound perceeded.

Puitiu spurs to my tccd, or ruther, to get down from the elegancies uv descriptive writia to aetooal fact, thumpin Bas corn's mule over the Lead with the club 1 carried, I soou emerged from the forest and beheld wich made my heart kep for joy. The re wuz a house nigger-quarters a wbippin post and, Good tit ins, lhat I fcbood be so blest a nigger tied lo it and a vigorus old man uv sixty, with a broad brimmed bat and a pious look, a lay in it to him good Wuz I uwako or wuz I dreamin! Is these reel or wuz I the victim uv some s-tDt illucinashen Dismountin, I tu-hed up to him and feil onto hut neck. "Now, sed I in extacy, "let thy servant depsrt in peece bhakin me 01 fand continyooin coolly till be bed rceched thitty she-s, the old izentlemau bado two niggors standin by to uutie him, take him to his quarters and rub his deliteludy lasserateu b.sck with salt aud water, aud turnin he ezelaimed, who in Ll.izes are yoo?" 0 speek tbtm words agin!" eed striaia a atiitood, "I've bin in Michigan, anJ ihera words is music to me "WcM who In thunder areyoo?" A Dimocrat a aute-war Dimocrat wit owned niggers, (this wuz a lie thrown iu tor eflck) but they've bin taken from me by a crooel tyranny. To see yoo, a too Sutherner, handlm uv em in the troo Suthern sty le, quite onmas me. fepecL bow hevjoo managed il?" Slowly rolliu over his quid in a quiet and manner, he asked me to the house.

On the piazzer wich fronted it, we eat down, and he told me tn: II name wuz Rasper. He knowd uv the mncipashen Proclani ashen, but he hed kept ii keerlully from his niggers, ez be 1 all the planieis in the deestrik. Determined that solely for the gocd uv the helpless niggers one sekshun uv Kentucky sh hkI be held stkrid that her old, time bonered institushens shood be maintained at leaat in one place, he hed held cm ail in the same condishen tz before the war. The naborsfor ten miles square hed organized a league, and hed swore asollem oath to keep their niggers likewise to shoot at sight all uv em wich attempted to run away or even to communicate with other n-irgers, and thet by drawin a cordon, as it wuz, around em, they hed been kept in a stale uv tollable subjeckshen. It cost em ten or fif'een times ez much to keep em ez tne n'gges made, but wat uv that Kentucky wood never give up.

her niggers or her DeiEocrii-y, and in one spot, seklooded tho ii wuz, they were determined to hev a troo sample uv both. At this pint the son uv my host node up onto a gray eldin frcm another plan-u- Leu wich the old man owned six miles away. "Ha! John," scd my venerable friend, how is tbirg over the Run All's well, did," sed he. Joolius got suffiihently over bcin chawd by tbe dorgs to do his regier work?" I thot so. He played orf a little while this mornin but we catted him till he wuz willin to give up bisobstinacy and go at it.

He's done his average." Hez Cei.zer got well of that charge uv buckshot?" "Ceezer, no I he died. He tuk cold in the and it mortified." my luck He wus the best hand I htd on the place. my friend obr-erve the etTeck in a hasty temper I Ho giv me too much uv his lip, I put a charge uv shot into him, and now he aint wuth tbe powder that druv the shot. Oh, how hev I wratled with that ungovernable temper uv mme I H- toat stranger up the run bin looked after "Yes. Me and Tim Daggins specie him uv bein aemissery.ez he took anoose-paper and bis wife hed been seen combin her hair, and we inquiaited him.

He took 1 Noo York Triboom, and a party uv us gave him ten miuils to git out. Ez be didn't git out we thot him. His fam iy is e'iil on the place, but they will probably leeve soon, ea we shel barn the cabin down tc-morrer." How is Kitty "I coodu't do much with her. Sence her bahy wua born she hez never bin wuth much, and to get sbet uv her, I traded her off to on the Eist Branch, for a bay mare uv bizzen and a bull pup. He umped me to play seven-up, best three in five, sot the lot, and I lost.

The baby hi a strong, heal try look, and I give it over to big to bring up by band. Simpson sold Kilty to Ambrose, off on the West Branch, and she wuz earned over ther jesterday." Well, come in. Its well nigh nite. Come in to supper." We bed supper, and afterwards prayers, and after that cut-throat loo for dollar stakes. The next day wux Sandy, and a most happy Sandy wuz for me.

The preech-er t-upported by the happy flock wuz uv the reel stock, wich is oufortunitely goin out His sermon in tbe mornin wuz a most movin dipquiauhen on tbe cuss uv lin inkulkatin the grate trooth that nig pers wuz created from tbe beprinnin for ihe sole purpose uv bein the servants uv the son uv Japhet, and, incidentally, he wove in a roost concloosive defence uv the evangelicity uv ketchin niggers with dorgs. To the master he recommended just is, tempered with sich Christian forbearance ez he felt he cood afford to the servant entire submist-ion. ez it wuz the will uv the Lord. Ez the old man wuz in his pe her wuz heerd up the swamp the sound uv dorgs. The yelps in the distance, ez faint ez the whisper uv a mother, grew nearer neerer, ontil tha melojus vi ice nv the whole pack wax achimin in our ears.

The preecher slept and prickt up his ears, ez did everyone in the congrega shen. The rejort u7 a rifle heerd, acd a shreek fullered it. Be I sod the good old man. It's notbin. Perkimes man John, run away last Thursday, and this mornin Perkins started out after him with Bustin's dorgs.

It's all over now, and you kin render That shot linisht the desprit man, and the dorgs are by this time onto hint, whv will these perverse spirits try us so? Why will they run off and make the ketchin uv em even on the Sabbath a work uv necessity and mercy." Just then a fresh yelp from the hounds showd that the preecher wuz wrong. The nigger hed not bin hit, but hed flayed and hed started for a fresh ran. be congregashen started for the door and in a minntt the7 were out pell mell surround in the clump uv woods into wich he hed taken refuge, Ina few min its the dorgs chafed htm out, and revolver shot laid htai a cold corpse. Peacefly they returned to tbe church where the pastor, his Gladly wood I hev stayed then, but it wuz Impossible. Fox tne (ho ootifiick I am needed where there is flghtin lo do.

The next day 1 borrowed seventeen dollars uv my kind entertainer and rode away feel in that one day thus spent wood com peneate me for all I endoored among Michigan scoflcrs. Wood ther were more sich oasises. Petroleum V. Nasbt, P. (Wich la Postmaster.) Tne GrandHhlldren t'omuf.

After all what is the use? We setup our house, and one by onechildren fly into it, like birds out of some foreign wood into a cage one, two, three, four and more. With each one comes also a cry and that is the key-note to which a hundred sorrows add their voices and gradually swell into that strange chorus which men call human life For each child there is to be a fringe of care on the edge of every day. Each child brings burdens and anxieties. Tears in tneir eyes are but harbingers of many more in the eyes of all who love them To shape them from infancy to goodness, to teach their hands, to drill their head9, to repair mistakes and secure their firm tooting in an honorable manhood, who can measure the thought, the feeling, the endeavors? And then, when the long task is done, is there no compensation? Or do they not, by one, detach themselves, and like comely fiuit, fall from the bough on which they grew, leaving it bare and empty That daughter just as 6he bee an to be a full companion to repay all the labor of her training is snatched away by some one who has known her fewer weeks tnsn the parents have years; she goes. The house is empty of her.

Her rooms, her drawers, her books and school tasks, fondly preserved, carry a sadness to the moth er's heart every time they are looked xi oa The boys, alrnoit before you drem that they have to be asking tho lather's blessing on a newcomer. By the lime tuat father and mother are contchua of age and infirmity, the whole brood is scattered and too The old house is solitary. It used to be straitened for room when all the children were at home; but now there is room too much. It used to be unquiet and Loisy, but now one might doze ail day for all the noise that is made. Only the fire, snap ping out suddenly, or the drowsy old clock ticking behind the door, or a kitten mewmg to get in, or to get out, or a squeakintr mouse or rat, make any audible noise.

When children are all ut home, a man is like a Norway spruce, whose well-grown branches, beginning from the levd of the ground, rise up in a perfect pyramid, shaping the tree to exquisite proportion. But each chiid married is a bounh lopped ff. having a wide spice, until the parent trunk is finally trimmed up like a shaft, und all the verdure left clings about ihe top. In European communities, the children often marry and settle down around their childhood home. But this is rare in America.

The endles3 circulation that is gob on sweeps away the children; and to be married is almost synonymous with going away from home. All this, Mr. Bonner, describes mv state of mind last week. It is very different now. Word has come that the grandchildren are coming home.

Coming home What I both the children? and their mother? for a good long visit? Bless their little hearts, let them come. There's nothing in this house too good for them. Now, then, we shall nave a household once moie. Children are the flowers which God sends down from heaven to enliven and cheer this life. What was I saying, a little while back, about the care, and anxiety, and pain, and trouble, of bringing them up Stuff mere stuff, Mr.

Bonner, I assure you. Don't believe a word of it. 1 was surely in a dream. It was a half nightmare. I am awake now aud do assure you that he who is fit to have, and to rear children, will see ten, a hucdied jcys to every sorrow; and the sunshine of their will turn into rainbows every tear which they shed or cause to be shed.

If there i9 anything in this world that pays as it goes along, it is taking care of children, liaising flowers is all very well But flowers have in them no mischief, they behave too well, th lack human ni-ture, they need the iridescent qualities ot dispos on that flash from every surface of a cbilu's life. Children a trouble? Do 1 hey pout? fret? disobey and go wrong? m't you wish yt ur asters and hi ney-auckles would show as much life What would ycu give to have a singing vine, or a flower that coukt learn to say its prayers Why, trouble in the nursery is a parent's pastime. If one don't believe it let him be left for awhile without children. He will soon be glad to hear that the grandchildren are coming home Well, we must get ready for them. Let the drawers be Oiled with candy.

Getout the crib, and put up the dear little narrow bed again. Hunt up the dolls, the wagons, the play house, the picture bobstaj the strings. Tvnere are the tall chairs for the tab and the little cups, and knives snd nwks for a child's hand? It looks like living again I Now we shall be waked up ia the mora ing by a chubby rogue climbing up on the bed, aad Dlaying tricks with my eyes and nose! Then will come the trooping diwn to breakfast, and all the table autics. Then we will all go up to family prayers and what a time those children will make of it. Children are not naturally worshippers.

But how patient will we be Nothing shall fret us. Already we are more robest, and shall let out the buckle of our girdle one or two holes, la short, the grand children are coming; and, in bringing tht mselves back to us, they bring back the childhood of their parents, too, and bring us back to ourselves! H. W. Beecher. A Story- from Paris.

A Paris letter tells the following stoiy of a Twelfth Night file in that city: A wealthy family in the aristocratic boule vard Malesherbes were amusing them selves in seel irg the King's portion, or the ring in the festival cake, when a lady of the company says to the hostess "I wish my portion to be given to the poorest little boy we can find ia the street." The servant was dispatched on this freezing night, and not far from the house he f. uud a ragged urchin, trambhog wish cold and hunger He brought bhn up, was ordered into the saloon where a thousand lights glittered and a sparkling fire gladdened and surprised him. He drew his portion, which the benevolent lady bad promised, and, as lack woald have it, tbe little fellow found the ring" (beans they use in Paris instead) and, ot course, he was King," They all shouted out that, being a King he must choose a Queen. He was asked so to do, and, looking round the company, he chose the very lady who had proposed to cede her portion of cake. He was asked why be chose her.

He aa I don't know she looks the most like my mother Mother whose mother My mother 1 I never xnew her, but was stolen away from her, and here is her portrait With this I from out his ragged coat a likeness, which proved to be that of the very hidy herself, who, in Italy, had her chill stolen from her, and' now he turns up a poor, little, lagged Savoyard, dragging along a miserable existence in Paris, while bisjnother, by intuition, perhaps, rert that in tbe air near to where she was wus one so dear to her. A Dream The Mineral Point (Wis.) Tribune reporte two aecl-deats by the caving in of mines. Mr. Wm Euhler was drifting in a shaft when tbe cap rock fell, burying him ander it. He was dead before the rock could be removed.

Strange to say, Mr. Euhler had a dream the night before the accident, amounting ton presentiment of what followed. He waa so impressed in his dream with the idea that he was being crushed with a rock, that he got out of bed while yet asleep, and called for some one to remove the cook which wss ciuahing the me odt ot him. Herttatert his tretm to his wife on being roused from his sleep. She tried to prevail on him not to go the disffings that day, but he remarked that It waa only a dream, and promising to THE MARKETS.

i HEW YOKE tprii yji ion MtMUa jhu i Uilra W. KYK- Wi-Pieni OKN-New Wtiateni Mixed OATS Nt-a W.i..rD... BA KLEY Weeterp ihK Hew '-'s a a au 10 Ml 1 W) 1 33 tt k'. S7 1 1 vl ss S7S1 tl Uil ti LAKI Good to Prime a7 CHICAGO. ss air QibOM HUGH Live Ei-Prph FLOUn Wbite Winter ORAm-Onnj-Trrew Barley No.

Oata No. 1 Re No. 1 I 0 SO CM) .40 IS BJ a('i St 7 iS 75 IS 18 75 10.6 I SSi Vi; a 8 4 8 03 .17 SC 7 WLoat No. i i Mo. i.

in. LAAD PORK-Mes ti 1 CINCINNATI r-LOUK Family 10 a ft WHKAT-Red Winter ft J6 OOUN-Np Rax c7 OATS No. 1 T5 KYB No 1 lb' a 1 fi BARLEY Fall fOKK Me-S teiO tl 270 LARD j.6ff .17 sr. loci FLOUR TX (9 WHEAT Winter CORN ShtUcd OATS KYB BARLEY Spring 8 POUK-Mess 86 LAKD 50 ft tit r0 ft 7J a so a 15 S70 1KA .17 st ftfioro ft 7 a i ft a) ft MII.WAIEEE. FUJUK-Spnn? Kxua 9 WM BAT Sur i uz 1 COKN-NcvT OATS No.

RYE No. 1 1 8 CLEYiOiANA FLOUR XX Sprtai 10.00 ft 11.S0 WHEAT No 1, Spring 8:10 ft CORN No I. ft OATS No 1 74 a .7 BA KLEY No 1 8,5. ft 8w RYB No. 1 1 15 ft i TO Uurii talt-d.

Nothing that hua ever been kronen ot beard of as a tonic so tnixh to ibe rcMriunt pow. of tbe human asteir. ander circum-micci' unfavorable to health, as HOsTETTER iOMACli BIT-IEKS. If joa escape tbe latt-rmitu-Dt feverr, fit of it diction, btlloas attack and bowcl-complalatr, ol which cold m.d dump are th frqnnt rine the I IT I ao a "RO-1 ECTIVE MELI INK Tt.i? ihe n'-r: hm. It air- an an u.v.iid.

Try the a RESTORATIVE afSkWoaae lull nhaimi raaj be placed upon re efflewry. There ta no mystery ahout the of it nc-craa. It is the only tomachic and a'tt-ra ive in which are combiind the itrtnd quii-m a mild, pure and age tabic Mimnlant, with tbe flneat reli ction of ionic, aMi-tr ioaa, antl-acorhuiic. aperWnt and depu ative b-rbe, plunt. roots and hark th.t bare ever b.en ic-er-mlxvd In a medic uw prei'tiraroii.

The Bitter buTi- this nctn Quality, which in not bared. It le beJlevtd, bj av i vtkid or extract In tbe world: Iiaoca i puUe. thouzh it lnuie a drirre of vigor Into the nervnu-aVvVt-m. ai trentbaas and sutaina the physical or-gai '-z atmm. California An-'r i.a baw eaapba'tearly a-dorsed it aa the MINER'S ML I) I NKjMr 'x-d-Unee, and in Spai.i.D Amrica and xll lS tropical ciiuiatf.

it ia a sidervd ibe oul rliobie aiiuuuM to epidemic feren. Tne already immrio ard sti'l ircafin cob-pnmntion or U'ISTLTTEK fcTOMA' II blT-TEK9. hacked by many or the mor li i.tial physicians through, ut the c. uu'ry. should con-vincf- the most skeptic.

I that It'ia worthy tb confldeiiCe and apprubaliun of a 1. TO 0O5ltKH'riVt. The Hev. EDV? a KD a. iLsos wli rd (frot cr caarn) to all who desire It Ok pretcrlt'lon Ith Iba llrectlons for miking and ua'na tu bct.

he waa cared of tuna aflecrJui? an. thai drr-ad Hs'4se, 0oiu3nitltn. HI- jM-rt fasu. fjt ina and he hopes evi wil' try Lis pr crtp'Joa. ac It will cjst Uea.

a leas rir P.i-ra- ad Jres Kkt KDVAC' A WI1.MIS, No. zeemr' wii-KW Vera IMoii.j hp. Jjfiv matlo-. zcvaaoeeu tc r. Srowth of hair up-u a lv a be id or Nrdlei a recipe toi tae remoTal i Blot lona, on the sain, learln ue i itrnrta.

BeaattraL can te l. i ar lr .1 hwTMnsl Fi CM APHA Noithwestern Fertilizing Company. nfaCurrra of BUGII'S OtMlltCIAI iffftIS, Adapted to all P.anta and Crops. Thae ho'e prpa at'ant have bt- i (1 bv Bauih A SO'is. Pi I kde phi ras pas', aud their aorks i mat ir ol f.i.- moil ex-lanaive od lee char nr.

Th articles a vea helo'. mar.ufactur Mi in itfinz ate e-t ntally thet.Hie. The prodnet oi I v.r cue- etl irk-. Pht aoiii i tha Ca'nmet Bone Wo k. Culcaxo, ILe brand and mtnurial starbt tr T3 V.

T9 Til 1 a Banirh'c -n Tlnnn Pr-fi 1 Bangh's Chicago Blool Man uro. Tie h'C'i esfimt'lon in mh ni urr- hsve been held in tue Et em and Tt a.i-s rs pa-t, a. active lenahle tr.p p. ytiu via be ji sustaineJ iu fuiu.e XoRTHWFSTm FaRTILIZtNO IaNTFI T.RKSg, ortice, -m ert-Ui l.ldc. ccu-Lt; Liue kju street-.

Chic gj. Mintit Ofll, Xj i S. Delaware Ae 'phia. CHOKE I'LUUEUs. Pool's Eotanical Gardens TIIE BEST collect on of NC.

FLASH a the West, at LOWEST FBfCI s. Mai CM free. Addreaa ISAAC A. POuL as 00 01 W'e-tL ke CL; eo. HOP TREATISE.

Jt'sT Pl BLlSHrwA TroaOaa vm a tittuaand tne r.actira' Dei 'tout 8.. erO aitd Prepa at on ot o' -e tinj and Cu.ti a'on of ihe Han it, cWii g. yl K. Pre-rin anl irkt-iiie the Clop, is aci.i ed t' 8t ou-ln. i i.

a ouM hae oe -rf t. use hi o. RLDD. Pr-ct far Tfop Ctore of In said om.ty Einlote Flfiy i ts to GEO KG Bit PROWS Ko. Stale it.

Ci.ic.tio he all r. trm mail (po-t paid) a co -y is i sa4a ao k. Ten SMlaB to addrea. 4 tuenl es BS SJSW $iJSU. hank ounly ii Ciu-ter wis by Ot BL'RUO biat.

St CL cao. UOOU AGL lsl WBmT Harriet Brei her StOwe't NXW v. "MEN OF OUR TIMES." No book since fre Tom's CaMn as popular. The leuiard is v. ry lurte.

Agents say it sy Every one waot it nothing equ 'I it. Wi advise aii tt. at expect to sell boo to engage at one- an select terrt-Ury. Fur p.ri. r.

I DPaKl A CI. eao, ri. NEW AND DESIRABLE BOOKS For Farmers end Gatdene s. Fuller's Forest Trees 1 99 1JS IM Fuller's UrapeCu tura ullt-r a sima 1 ruit. dd' Farm r's Manual "oi I.

ii 1 00 i asi 130 i.eo IS lodd r'armer's JI muai Vol. 11 tasaaaeai's Grape ana Wine llenrtt ron' Garden! inr I Jacqaes' Manual o. the Paras Jacques' Manual ci theGard Jacques' Mau jal ol ti t-arn tW Any oi the above hooks sent ataJL po-n-patd on receipt ol nee. bend ior a general caiaioguo. sy.

w. uuuiiu.tMb, Aprical uiral book Poolister, S7 Prk Horn-. Ni Verk. PHILIP tHMVORTH -r Of Clothin? Gent' Furn sbio Goods, Staad St ke OhtaftaV III. EUROPEAN LARCH.

Thousands o. aatea 01 rl 'a tree be'nj pla.tadtn It a mos! Ami lb j''" arowiu. ourab 11 rube tte-; mot ln Otalile to raisu or bulldlns, aosls isll.oatN. A Tre. ero ei ia-t, strat7ht.ta:! -over one roadred tset baetUnl tallage an ev rvew.

Firm erg, lose not a a-aton hefore piantii thera seed, aauii should eouearlv. Paexsaes ot Seeds 01 oi-e-Sjt Vcr pounds, sent Ma'l. Prfc- io ar HEN'ItV WILBT Tt, Oran -d. Mich. RtlKKTl KIT PCM.

1 doa. Pers (assorted poi U. r. Hvid-er lualled pn paid, on recei pt i 50 cents. A.

8 aKN'KS ft Hew York. HOPS! HOPS! HOPS! Good, Bound Hop Foot frrn V't 8 tk OwiT Taids, furatehed in desired rnn'1tJi bj Skr ander-abraed. Having a rncticsl experience of seven JfM bop growers Ii Sauk county, we fUrn'sb owr paar, i be reauli of onrexp rience, in parnplilet forth Ihe heat um bod Setru, Fo'lnCiJelvalsnii Best Mode of tu'e Hr I)in- rtst Bfc lo-elattl o. Drv House- Drying. BtM tact, asSplete atrur-tesw to insure suce es in Boi Gro "All Boots paced it Mos-, nnd refstotte oasUiy ot Mibe Ua(a acre arau paaavBge.

T. B. IT. O. RtTIiD, Beedfbnrr, Baak wis.

nraBiJicaa rev. Radd A iU a rW Suk county Mkok Curtis Bates. Banker Second Nat on 1 il.r.k ItarabaU a UK v. Ba-lr-s F.eedbejaK. Baraboo Wis.

iu vw, a 111 ikee. i TStBBt I ur.ful. mttrtrated Book, wort a Thon ar.d dollars, seat free to any aJdrees on receipt of centt, by a dressing Professor JOHN AK It KttPOUL, Ko. York Cltr. a -1' NDER80W PATENT MB I.

KT A Aw HAyGlXGS. Thf re-cl ilarfng loear 1 -adtustirv rke trrmer Slsrh-r sis si mora work with lees powt-r than ary othrs. CDs A WILKES. rin hio. sole mantrsaemrera, ex-e- pt i inr t.te of Marne ana ftntmylviisa 8 rd for chcala-v UARKEL MAt'HTN ERY Greenwood's A FaSmt Stave and Beading star.htr -ry, fbr TIgtit and Black Work.

g. Ker.ion raiect gu vex OF ml mt OF.

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