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Muskogee County Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 8

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE EIGHT PbM'OCKAl MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA AS GOD This localized version of the age-old, unequaled contest between money and brains is the work of an untrained volunteer cartoonist. It is used for several plain reasons: Because it is the product of a Muskogeean tremendously in earnest, because it is somewhat flattering to this community and this newspaper, because it illustrates once more the versatility of the Scriptures in meeting any human condition, and because itis a rather advanced type of the multitudinous offerings that reach an average newspaper office. The amateur artist was happy in his locale. In the view of New Yorkers there is only one Wall street, and in the view of Musko- geeans there are only two Wall streets.

Mention of Wall street, the world over, brings on impressions of sordid and contmu.Vi gambling of spectacular fights over mythical goods that mean money, and of a cruel, remorseless and largely usleess den of avarice. To some it recalls alwavs the old story of the spider and the fly or of the moth and the flame. Everywhere it is assumed that the god of Wall street is money and that no other god has any claim or consideration there. The main basis of actual comparison in the two Wall streets is that they are narrow an dimportant. Wall street.

New York, is physically as well as morally crooked. Wall street, Muskogee, is physically straight, say it yourself. For every penny there is in or about Wall street, Muskogee, there are a million dollars or its equivalent paper in Wall street, New York. It is because of money that millions go to New York Wall street or send representatives who are believed to be smart or lucky. It must be because of something else that people attach decided importance to Wall street, Muskogee.

For the sake of contrast we may adopt the idea of the cartoonist that brains attract in this alley. From Church to River Practically every man who enters the New York Wall street enters at the point guarded by a venerable church. A great many of them make their exit at the other end of the the bottom of a cold and slimy river. Going through the Wall street of Muskogee, the pilgrim finds no such contrary guardians at the portals, no such contrasts as he will find along the better advertised street of the big He will not find palsied, despairing beggars and grizzled, coarse, heedless groping, graspmg millionaires. He will not fine) billionaires, ex-billionaires and pauper noblemen, all in ihe same in Muskogee's Wall stre of There are no such calamitous contrasts where brains are the medium of exchange.

Here people talk and think of something besides money. TI 77 XA, Wall theatrical press agents, and can- slandered. But the chief burden Love of istke. Root of A11 1 vt MUSKOQEE Tim-mocm WANT-AOS, O.AA Kis Brot his ooweAs cf Comfpa rorrx A. i vv" dw Love, of Godirv hrot he.r ro A 5C -not rbVuH BusinessV.

gilded crooks who gamble away and cartoonist on the soulh's cotton crop have been could probably find many strik- poses no nearer a cotton field than the Wlien we buy potatoes here we Jersey City ferry- We here deal tention with humanity and in tangible assets; in New York they deal with ticking machines and bogey men rl didates for office are alive to op- of papers in this respect is that so 18 portunities for getting into print many people want to hide behind a JoioyrrtuA-) 1 aI Seriously mistaken. A pair of nom de plume and have the paper days spent in office do their enemy-skinning for them, will effectually cure that delusion Probably the Sanest thing thai Newspapers get calls from the just and the unjust, the leal and" the ever comes to a newspaper offio lewd. There is no an i9 a fake account of a wedding, average community that does not Occasionally one floats intb an of- occasionally feel pleasure or pain fice and sometime5 one nt over mention in print. print. In many instances half- Spring poetry, for instance, is a national joke, but it is not a joke bake bovs and in a newspaper office.

The only ne to announce that so-and idea of a joke appearing to the so are married and they are some- seasoned newspaper worker is the times real ingenious in trying word poetry, for not one attempt deceive the newspapers. Th in a million should be dignified by chances for putting one of the name of poetry. There is al- items over are rather slim, ways a spring poem in a newspa- can be done. There are few per office, even in the smallest which cause more embar country shop. The old-time obit- rassment to the victims or uary fiend is not profanity in a newspaper The obituary fiend very often than a spurious wedding an-) takes to rhyme or doggerel.

nouncement. It is a strange and unaccount- There is aways the able fact that there are in this the free advertiser. Keeping folksjt country millions of people who out of print is harder than the other side up phrases which suit their pur- cannot write a decent line of prose, ing them in, and there are tnanjl There is no poetry, ro- and who may admit the fact, yet people who are not happy unlesjf ear oP Ae at tg 0 .11 tkev tkeCtkeeaJCxsi ence is Aey of o3u is get them out of a wagon or at A grocery store. In that Wall street they buy vast soap bubble warc- and Down this way when we hear of a railroad we think of trains and crossties and section hands, but in the houses full of bags of wind call it dealing in potatoes S1LY BUTTER home made cartoon, ie could 'ham- together some plication of the plays are not so ters their verse. That the highest evolved by a man of convictions, and in margins and hot air.

phases that world be plausible, universally direct as are the ap- form of literary expression should has led to this rambling mono- Times are no longer such that not appear to be a human situa- plications of the Scriptures. 7 11 of the logue on things general, and it the pious and the intellectual peo- As a matter of fact there does There is this in favor of the is a puzzle to people hoped that the reader may like pie may openly sneer at money or not appear to be a human situa- cartoonist's idea-dUt taken as and them literary fellers, but it wnter, alight upon WJ- despise the millionaire, but there tion. emotion or experience that a whole, the Bible upholds mtelh- is a painful fact. it and ride it to some big Wall street they seldom en- is extant a crude and robust no- the Bible does not treat to some gence, sanity and morality and Roasling Business. mo es8ons of even a cinder; they mere- tion to this effect; God has great extent.

The reformers cannot in- that, taken as a whole, the domi- occasion there stands out the Acf a deal with rows of figures, a lot contempt for money, for just no- vent any statutes without a coun- nance of money militates against Roasts are very hun that A is more blessed to hvJ of era marks on a blackboard- tice whom he gives it to! terpart in the ceremonial law of intelligence sanity and morality and thus they dominate the rail In the Sriptures. the old testament. The dress- re- The God of the spirit and the god pers find it necessary to their bus- cal Wall street for your tock rk Men who help rob The Muskogee "cartoonist uses formers can find condemnation in Mammon are dissimilar-and they mess to lambast somebody occa- ood than to feed your weal he Fort Gibson potato grower, of some of the more striking Scrip- the Bible for big sleeves or almost are foes. s.onally. Any maj who, men- toJiat other Wall street and hari 1 lulLVJUJ i.i i nrrmnnenn Writinp for the Papers.

honed in an unfavorable vesta bale of husks trampled the results of their year work tural allusions to wealth and any other foible. The proponents Wnhngjt Qr never saw a potato vine; and the dom. Tl lose HIDDEN STOCKING I IS AN UNSAFE BANK 'I'll-it n. Ft rk up HKtr a UC't IllRil'. thut $14 bank, In a Smith Mi i.

Wi'l had tu-cn WIFE WHO WAITS EAT a. it POLE MYSTERY Federal Term at McAIester to be Remarkably ing Next Monday. i s. YYVn ill.iih nn Id it 11 IT that 0 4 nnfl nn- 7 13 wprc T. h't liri'lit the 1- i in 11 I 1 to the clm-f FU'O cts cour: tin JI la ye; a and McAh'sliM iv wpi'k.

I calendar Is bi 1 my a i, a i got )i(-r i i i 111 tl: whit slavery and i Th- ciimin- al c.isi'.s 1 ifi I'd Tin rv iur i.f ensf-s, a.g.i i MKt rd 1 nr Kd aid i and rani! 1- Th''y an- to Jjav-e ti.e Btul'f at Tulsa. wri-'v 1 i oi: IIL'LH. in white slave inan it-im, and 1 Is oharpt-d wuli II.M.S;- 1 I era wile. Noah. I 'a.

1- lc Ing" whiskey and UJT peddliiig dt'iMa. I Monday is to iriottnn day and most of the eases nn railroad miturs. Cine of the old asi-s is il.ii nf ih-r- ritt J. Kern.i W. This lnvulv.

th-- -as at Mr- Al ester. I'M-'k'iua is a bitf In his own country lie is a i lander nnd republiean lead-r and will probably be the republiean nominee for of MirliiKan. the eh rk's fnree, Bevf-ral of Marshal ni'Mi and the district attorney's furec will be in. Aleater Sunday. pi-d in said tha' her ho had I 'i -i di aw his tl'T 1 fi iv to th.

111 and sb Tra- 1 wrap th" w.el tip-own ind IratiK hd idota i Ruling Price in Chicago Is $1,25 for This by Bugs. BLIND FANS GO TO BALL GAME hr.stball fans to the number of 76 weje enttrlann-d by President Lannin of the Boston Sox when the world's champions and WTilte Sox Boston. The sightless fans are inmutea of the blind commission In Each guest was accompanied by a guide who led him to seat and remained beside him throughout the contest explaining the workings of eacn play. a gradual he jo ijhei priee irels at about 'hieago. 1 low T.

1 'a yne, a loe. during the mi a l''i bems vi according I brulier no THREE-FINGERED HURLER GAINING Oborlln, Ohio, June college boasts a three-fingered pitcher named Tillman, who Is fast acquiring a state-wide reputation as Blrtkeout lexpert. Tillman has a knack ot one of the three stubs tucmnd the ball so when he delivers It the horBehlde hops up to the plate Id bewildering fashion. The curves (tofl shoots frequently fool. Tillman's iMMaqr mete, Glauque.

POTRENCE IS THE JBPME PE CARTAINS fjumaiMlk MBM, may rightly be of College CaptainB." lm roU ct honor: Bingham, daotafo track team; SnOe tra haaebaU; Riley, Dart- motrttT FwWxw, Dartmouth MaBaachusetts Tech -tatOu CarroU, Niagara BmiiiiK fft Mim'a football of lEaota i ne hi expected soon. Tie- tins will prutjably fall br tie normal yield, dip' to tlin a 11 by the rat us and bv joiato bny.v Faynn ib.ii out of al'out 'led in ntiahboibood ol iibkoyee and Fun jjej haps thirty or forty per eeit will be of no value. The po atoes which have the bugs and water will probably be of tui unusually flno quality. Buyers plan to begin work In Fort Gibson, and Muskogee In the next few days. WE ARE INCLINED TO BELIEVE THIS McGregor, a buatllnsr city on the Iowa ban'k of the Mississippi, has submitted tlie season's best fish and it's true! Charles and Erail Kurtz, brothers, pulled a female sturt'eon measuring six feet in length from the river after ensnaring It in a trammel net.

They had a terrific battle with the fish after bringing it ashore. Finally they tied It with four stout ropes and left It In the shallow water for a day until It thrashed-out its strength. What a whopper it wasl It weighed 126 pounds and one dressing yielded 19 pounds of eggs. These brought $1 a pound; the dressed fish JG.25. brothers trot $26.26 for their catch.

It Is estimated that the sturgeon- was at least 76 years of age. A -witness in the Canadian graft Inquiry testified that "everybody in the United States accepts commissions." Still there are a few citizens hero who have not been members of a goyernor's The war has abut off the supply of silk flaw for the Fourth of July. Well the klda can worry-alonr with a few buatebea of flMcracken made In China. Ambition of Husband, Lost 11 Months, Is to Solve Secret Which Lies at End of Earth, Says Lady Shackleton to Mary Boyle O'Reilly! London, England, June For 17 months Lady Ernestrj Shackleton and her three children have waited in vain in London for news from Sir Ernest Shackleton, lost somewhere in the icy wilderness of the Antarctic. In October, 1914, Sir Ernest started on the greatest of all Polar daring dash across the length of the South Polar continent.

He and his party were due at the Pole last Christmas day. They I should have reached civilization, in 1 March, 1916, but nothing has been heard from the explorer. No explorer could have a braver wife than Lady Shackleton. Tall and slight, with a fine face framed; in hair just touched with silver, dark eyes which shine unshed tears as with our June begins the winter of unending night. An Antartto winter means Incredible weather, 40 to BO degrees below zero, and by September the polar storms are awful.

On the last day of 1914 the Aurora Bailed from Island for the great loe to await the explorers' coming from the pole. Three weeks later she reached Ross sea base and three of the crew with, dogs set out to lay stores ashore. Next day and two explorers left the shin 1 stores for a sledge Journey. A wee'K later (January 31) elx men carrying stores started south over the ice. March and April passed.

Then on May 6, 1916, a blizzard of hurricane force cracked the four-foot shore ice. sweeping floes and rescue ship to sea. The men were left ashore. During nine months In the midst of polar blizzards the Aurora's wireless snapped out O. but the nearest stations, 1,000 miles away, were silent, for one-time listeners had gone to the war.

At last, on August. 17, came a faint, unintelligible message. The Aurora, laboring round and round a berg- sea, discovered the only exit and, April, 1916, crept Into New Zealand. She wag terribly crushed. If Ernest and his companions coming by forced inarches from the Pole reach their will find the windtorn flags of previous explorers, the stores and fuel left by former expeditions.

There should be plenty of food and fuel cached on Ross island, with penguin and colonies of least enough to support 20 men for nino months. But clothing lh more necessary than 'food, and skis, wlndproof silk and Balaclava helmets cannot be re-, placed in the Antarctic. Nor do we know if the expedition ever landed from the Endurance. It is a year ago last Antarctic the Endurance took the expedition down to Weddell sea to begin their great march of 1,700 miles across the South Polar continent. My 1 husband's.

last letters were posted they look toward the map of the )Antarctic that hangs on the wall of South Qeorgia. December 4, 1914 her home, she presents a picture of patient courage. Lady Shackleton's story of this great South Pole mystery, has been secured by Mary Boyle O'Reilly, ihe famous Times-Democrat correspondent. It is given herewith: By Lady Ernest Shackleton, mi told to Mary Boyle O'Reilly. The explorers of 'the Enduranoe did not plan to claim new lands, nor to find mineral deposits; they set out to solves the eecrota which the South Polar continent has guarded for untold ages.

1 From ultimate mystery they dreamed of wresting the earth's greatest secret. 1 It was to be the epio adventure of modern timee, To safeguard the expedition two polar ships were Endurance and the the first to carry the explorers to the edge, of the hie, the'second to meet the eledged -from coast to. coast? across the forbidden continent. v.f"or there are two ways of reachlno; the. liatin-Amertca couth to TtfeAden and from New SSejgand to-HpJW soa and the great leevhanrjer.

Landing on the the polar route rU ftxtaifet-, and miles to altitude-of Mt Bianoi' wnJite continent' the jrpute jfUnB Since then we have no news. The Endurance was to have reached Buenos Aires by the end of March, this year. She has not come. 1 has foundered or she has been frozen into the drifting pack. In that case the little vessel cannot get out of the Antarctic this'season: -Therefore not-one, but two reBOue, ehlps must start at once for Ross andl Weddell seas to find the men marooned on either shore of the ice-bound continent.

Time Is pressing. Relief ehlpe leaving in August cannot reach the arctic before the beginning ot next year. The South 's pole's prisonersnumr her about SO OT 40 explorers and Crew of the Endurance -and 11 Ice meft from' the Aurora. All the great explorers me hope for the best, tot 1 know that whatever has) happened my hus. hand will nevw glvy up." TTJEY MIGHT, MEMORIAL Observances at: Green Hill, Wheift- Many Veterans Lawn Party, Memorial services at Greenhlll cemetery and a lawn party at the honu of Mrs.

Walter Jackson, boulevard, were principal features confederate memorial day In Muskogee. There was a good attendance veterans belonging to Checotab. and Brewer camps of veterans, the- General Forrest chapter of Daughters, ,,01 the Confederacy, the Dixie airlfl 'anq Albert Pike camp, Sons of Confederals: Veterans. There were eighteen veterans par4 tlclpatlng and In.the afternoon thejr told war stories, sang old'tlme. songs, and heard reminiscences of the tre mer.dous days of the sixties.

1 The veterans others assembled at the Severs hotel and. rode to cemetery in automobiles decoratec with the American colors and confederate flags. The thirty graves of veterans at the cemetery" were decorated with flags. Mrs. G.

B. Hester, venerated chaplain of the Daughters 01 the Confederacy, opened the memorial exercises, and Dan Meredith, the HOT of a veteran, made a brief' address Mr. Meredith recalled, the peculiar Incidence that the federal' constitution provided that the importation of slavH should not be barred except by nom' inal fine until June and -thai on June 3, 1808, Jefferson born. Confederate memorial. day 14 seyeral states Is observed on the blrthJ day of the only president of the.con-l fede-racy.

In Virginia' and the: Caro-f linns May 20 is the memorial date. At noon the Dixie Girls veterans and Sons -of. Veterans with lunch at the Jackson'- home afternoon was, happily spent by old floldtern and their Hunts. A remarkable fact developed at th' Informal reunion today. CI Tyson and W.

J. Myers, the only KUT' Company; tucky, Jn Forrest's command, -are hotuj residents of FOR FISHf 'Td like, to fcavtt this said Former Police yjfaAifflt "And wnVf.

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