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Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska • Page 7

Omaha Daily Beei
Omaha, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OMAHA DAILY mmSTOVEMHKH 20. isno. SPECIAL NOTICES AilvprlUemrntu for tlienc polnmn nlll lie tnkrn until 12I.1O p. in. fur the cvrnltiR nnil until p.

in. for tlic inornliiir nnil Snnilnr pilltlom. Ailvrrtl pr by rrttttvitlue tinni- liprpil check can Iinrc nimwrrii nil- -ilrf iMl to ti nnnilirrnl Icttpr In riirr of The liceAnnvrer no nililrr cil nlll IIP ilellvereil on prcnentntlun nt tlir clipcU only. Itntc 1 1-Sc tvonl Hr ln prtlonj Ic nori tlipronftrr. XotliliiK tnkpn for lp tlinn Iti' hp fir1 Inner- Itnn.

Tlipxc nilrprllvcniruli must lie run com SITUATION'S SITUATION As'lIOUSEKEPprn I1Y WOMAN who and care f'-r A Mr V. H. Hrr. A iut.r. WANTED AN IDEA WHO CAN THINK OF otnt simple thins to patent Protect your ld i.

th ra brlnic you wealth. Writ John Wedderbum Co. Dept. V. Patent Attorneys.

Washington. D. C. for their Jl.tB prl offer and a list of S0 Inventions wanted. D-ItS WANTED TRAVELING PALKMKN FOR eticarr old reliable house experience n- ary extra Inducements to costjm.Ts J71.W to tlXM per month and expenses.

Cbarte C. ntfthop li. Co. St. SALARY.

KW PER wnnK AND COMMISSION on an entirely new and rwney making bail- nes. C. F. Adama Co. 1S So.

th St. WANTED. IIRICK MASON 4C HOD carrier ITHc mannok. out town. 09.

Canadian office. 1SSS Douglas. MWO SO" AVriJH FKMAMi WANTKD-A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Mrs. Milton IlOKer 3 4 S.

Kth SUC Hoc WANTED. KIRST AND SECOND GIRL MI ST hnve experience and reference 7 IJodse trett. 5 WANTED "cfRt FOR GHNERAL HOUSE- work. 1515 CaM. S76 WANTKo aOOD GIRI.

SECOND work reference required. Apply U4 S. FOU HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. THEO F. vii Company.


Y. LIFE 111 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGE ALL OVER the cltr. to 0. Fidelity. 17 rn m- L-MIGK LIST OF HOUSES.


BROWN BLKIfTH and Douelai. K1C.HT-ROOM MODERN FRAME. DETACHED. 1719 Ioppleton avenue choice IJ9 -r ym moJ rn brick N. 1.

3SM. room mwlern brick. C14 S. th. JS.M.

mo-lern. JSth aftd Woolaorfa. CS.SO. C. A STARR.


Inveclment Ca. 1 Dodre SU D-MTO BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LAFAYETTE rUce S-roomi all rnodern rplendlil condition nev been rented before now offered at a loir rt-ntal to flrst-cass tenant. Fidelity Tm Company i Farnam St. D-MS5 BUITE OF 5 ROOlliTsiODnRN. i LEAVEN- wortli.

J. W. Squire tti UeeJlUs. SM TWO MODE I IN BRICK. 19 1I-ROOM RE3I- di-ncen floors smd flnl mantelj.

trmtes laundry and ery convlnence. 10 toil So. SUlh Ave. Inaulre of owner on premises. BTRICTI.Y MODERN 1S-HOO3I COTTAGE.

N. W. comer SSth an-1 Jackron lane lot half rrtC'B. J. W.

Squjre. 145 Bee. P-l. FOR iTENTT MIOOM HOUSE AT SB BURT M. all conveniences low rental.

Inquire or E. U. Zimmerman at county clerk' cmce. dur- 1ns buanra houn SJO HOUSKS FLATS. GAIIVIXEROS UU FARNAM I 26 FOR IlENT T-ROOM OUTSIDE FLAT NEWLY papered modern.

Lanse Block. C-ROOM COTTAGE 3S HALF HOWARD tent J11.00. D-IS FREE-BALANCE OF NOVKMBKR-SI'ECIAL rate for winter. rooms and alt ve. all modern houfe in choicest location.

Fidelity. 1TK Faraam. 7 ROOMS. 117 SOUTH UTH ST. iibUNTZE PLACE.

MODERN HOUSE. J. J. Glb n. Ml First National bank.

FOR RBNT-NINE-ROOM HRICK. IN FIRST- cUs all mwlem fac- inc on Hannrom Park. Innutre of John Dale. RESIDENCE. FOR RENT.

7-ROOM MODERN COTTAG AT Siic N. St. Jd door north of LaVe. at fll COte to dcilrsl-le party. Motlrrn S-r hou fft month SSS Dar- tnport.V.


NICE FURNISHED ROOMS LIGHT HOUSE- keeplnz. IIU S. Ilth. rrnxisnED RooMS. iiousEkEEriNo.


W-Jf ruit.M.siir.n ROOMS AMI HOAHU. IXR RKNT. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR wltjuot tx-ard steam heat and all modern clai low rates for the winter. Mlllaml hotel.

th and ChicaBf M. J. Franclc. VA pr erttor. r.OOil AND BOARD.


GOOD HOARD RATES Tbe Ros tUt Hun I-OH nn Ti.M''UHMsiiin uotuis. CI1AMBKUS F-3R HOUSKKKEPINO. MAN ant wife water In UUhcn inV. Sl N. 17th il i KOIt STOKiS AMI OI-'FICKS.

"UUICK. STORi 11UILDINO UIl Karnara tone tones and nient ulll niter 13 rait tenant iuw rent. 1)1 1st Nfl H'k bUc. I TRACICAGE WAP.EHOUSF.rCl5NTRlvLLY LO- K. Cunis.

1M H-iuWy. I-MIM Dll it'tNT. Tm soRY IKICK BUILDING at tH Farnain su Tim LulUInK biu a Oreitroof cem nt taxmrnt. cumple steam twatinc fll- turn wmttr on all ttown itc. Apply at th sfflc of The live.

1 SI A w.vxrun. WANTED- KllY HOMK-LINCOLN'S Eir irM.ipotlon IToolniwtlsn UluMrateil B. iplrndid litliceraph SkiS telU at Uht trrrlt ry for sale ur aceuts wanted tauiiie. II. ITucUmsltOB Ca.

Maryvtll 11 o. J-MUt WANTED LTvB PEOPLE IN EVERY LOCALIty Ity at lli.w i-eklr salary and expenses to take orders -fur I'hnmnai Goods permanent crar lmrnt If Hthu Msnutictumr. P. O. noston.

Mats. J-MiSI DSJ D. ON GUARANTEE ARII ramassltu arent haMuc HJ IiJlucr ss ful cii rlfnce In sclllnc by subtrriptK-n cnmllltons of a ir mlary nd pu buuu of very Unje onte thw man ftiorrssdtl Uk lteur.1 sloe Giant's aolrc. Aiidt lln eii rtnoo. name atu numWr of I Ji U.

salary Mirl ttr. Guonr.l CVV. Cor. OHv auj 11 sts. El.

uts. J-M a STOIl.UiU. I'ACIFIC jrrORAGE AND WAaiBliOUiiB CO. MI-IUi J'HHt. Utnrral stor and fu oi.

AN sr nur. TO LEAFK t.rt DUT. BLEVATOR OF TBN OR fifteen ttiovnand ei cltr tn South I'Utti country. Addreti A "i care Omha Dee. N-411 N5 Suf FOR Johnston's Peoples or Phamb Kncyrl ni 1U edition.

Al Weh ter' International Die- tlcnaty mnt be In ir-wl condlthin. up to date and rerr cheap. AddreM. otatlne prtce and where can n. Wee ofllce.


1C1S Faroara sU N-4K WANTED TO BUY. HOUSEHOLD FURNISH- Inirs. ms More. bf burner dlsbe curain etc. Address Re roit 5is AXO AVAHOXS.

FOR SALE CHEAP A TEAM OR SINGLK with can-lace and cutter. Apply at 15 N. Y. Life bulMlns iC5 1J KOH SAI.K MISCKLLAXIJOL'S. CHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN-CRID- blng made.


1UC FARNAM Ml. NN LADIK CLOAKS. FURS. DRESS GOODS easy yrent drop postal and will call with tamples. E.

Hlrsh office Drexel Hotel. SLEIGHS SLKioHS SINGLE AND. POUnLEL Draramond Carriage Co. ISth and GARDENKP. OR GROCERY WAGON ALSO furniture wmron nr lns.

Drummondr Co. lltn an-lnsrney St Q-54S-D1S DANliY GOOD TOP UUGGY AND TWO GOOD family corrUses cheep. Drummond Carriage Co IMh an lUrcer. Qt DH A NEW FRANKLTN TYPEWRITER FOR PALE at bargain. Address Omaha.

Neb. P. O. NEARLY NEW "RADIANT HOME" RASE burnsr. 54 South Twenty-sixth MAGIC LANTERN AND STEREOPTICON OtT- flti and cameras bcuxht.

and exchanseJ. Richards Ulrch SCO Nlcollet live Mlnne- uptlls. Minn. Q-M50 JIISCHLLAXnot'S. FOR RENT-TEN-ACRE TRACTS OF LAND on Inns time ultat le for gardening.

The O. F. Davis Co. IMS Farnam utreeu 5 1 J5 oMAiFA co. REMOVED TO 7 N.



SMITH. ItM DOUGLAS. ROOM IIAS- sage and steam baths. MiS SI MIPS AMES. VAPOR 11ATH3.

MASSAGH 5 7 S. 13th SU. rooms. T-MSSi DC PHHSOXAL. MISS VAN VAI.KENHURG DESTROYS PERmanently manently by electricity superfluous hair moles warts etc.

Room 41 N. Y. Life lllds. RUPTURE CURKD NO PAIN NO LETE.N- t'on from business we refer to hundreds of patients cured. O.

K. Miller Co. 717 N. Life building. Omaha.


HOME TREATMENT FOR UTERINE troubles. PhyilcUn In attendance. Consulta- tlon or bealta book free. 3 Bee bids. SEB CARTER HARDWARE CO.

14 DOUGlas las for mantels frates tiles marble work. etc. 1S5 DOOKDINDING. UUP.KLEY PTG. XIiY TO I.OAX HKAL iSTATK.

ANTHONY LOAN TRUST CO. US N. Y. L. Quick money at rates fsrcholfe farm loans In Iowa northern Missouri eastern Nebraska.


1'axton block. ANS ON IMPROVED UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith Co. lt Farnam.

MONEY TO O. F. Davis Co. Farnam SU PKP CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA refl e.utei Neb. farms.

W. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates. Bulldlns loans wanteJ. FJOMUr Trust company- TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA Thomas. First National LOAN ON GOOD roortgases for sales.


PIANOS. horn wsKons. etc. at lowest rate In city no removal cf irood strictly confidential you oS at tlise or in any can the an any OMAHA X-131 MONEY "TO DAYsT FURNI- turi. nos.


MINION TYPE. 7(4 Ibs. agkte. ISO pair two-UilrJ cases. 49 double Iron stands for two-third ca This mat 'rial wa on The Omaha Be and li In fairly iroc4 condition.

Will be ffld cheap in bulk or In quantities to suit purchaicr. Apply In erson or by mall to The Ere Pub- Il hln rCo. Omaha. 7U RETAIL DRUO STORE FOR SALE GREAT bargain write. Harle.

Haas Co. Council Itluffs. la. MilJ A FINE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HARD- ware. sxoves and tinwarevlth a cuoti cstab lls.wd busln stock will invoice about I7.

nothing but caih and sbort time uvr will buy this sleek a rare eliance that will tx-nr tnTcMU'tton DO traders. AMrrsa A Cf M3S1 11-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. In every nri Mt 1 lu boarders month. Addre Bee r.fflre. DRUO STOCK.

LINCOLN. GOOD LOCATION Coml liuitpeu iart cash balance time or trade. Nc Journal. Lincoln Neb. M5 S3 IXR STOCK.

INVOICING about P.iw. includes tinner's Uols. store. furniture etc. no liai tstabllthed It years other buslne reason for tellies.

Ad- dreis Lee Son. Exeter. Ntb. J-S5 UllOWNS' RKoTAfHANT LARGEST. I1EST.

oldest eti.Lr.hel Linvoln at bargain legislature this wider. Y-Mi-S FOIl SAl.IJ HKAL nSTATK. ABSTRACT THE DTP.ON REED COMPANY. He IS Gto. I' ax Rral lnt Co.

Poxton Blk. lie SM WB IIAVK "uAiKSAaxs" "HOMES. ALSO farms ami want more. List yuur property v.llti us now. G.

1L Nattin er Sc Co. ITH Farnam. RE MS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Improved sud hicblr cultivated fauna In the chl'-ory and sugar be belt this tand lies nlthln mile of VaHrr. Dauxla county.

N.b. tbe farms eontaln 1C ami IJ9 sent rt-spre- tltrly. and on met Is a subttanUal 5-room ont- aiij-one-balf-stor frioi huuw besides otit- bulliltnsr. oreh-inlj etc. furtoer particular call on or address Rel-J.

Va lry. Ntb. RE WK ARE AUTHORIZED TO OFFER FIFTY act. nrtt-ch. fruit ve table i wit tarcv mll of tir ity UmlU at t20 i an acre on easy trrmi.

iic largaln fcr some ene. See l-a Le Hardtr. 7tfS Karuara BLIe. SAVK MONET BT GOING TO Orntlit. 9H Nona Hth ft.

lownt wifrz cuaranteed palnUn examir.k- tloa tree cpm cvenlncs. 3ii NS 3IUSIC AHT AM UVMJl'AGK Gi jRGE K. GKLLKNr.KrK. BANJO. MANDO- lln aud rviur tuttwr.

Room in Ue ItWe. TeL nt 1W ii.octTiox. KLLA DAY R. DID FLOOR IX S. 1 T1L i n'RNITUKK PACKED FRKIOHT rates ired and bills of Iodine iwueO.

Onwha Furniture and Carpet Co Ill I-II Farnam TeL 1UL -MM Dtt IMWMIIIOICIH.O. H. MAROWIT2 LOANS MONEY. 411 N. ST.

notions PLKNTY OF FEED SHEDS AND WATER hone called fur and delivered rates. It per nvnth. Address Dalley Crescent City. la. HORSES TO WINTER BI SHELTER Mtl.fnotion maranteed.

Write O. A. Wolcott. Elk Cltr. Neb.

11 Dll SWAPS. WANTED GOOD IMPROVBD FARM FOR A 1 city property. Address A SS. Omaha Be M-iSS D3- HATH HOOMS. RUSSIAN.

TURKISH AND MEPICATED baths cents also exclusive depart nent for ladles everything new ladles' hnlr drefstne an arber shop In connection. 107 S. 14th. UPIIOLSTHHIXG. GO TO M.

S. WALKL1N FOR RIGHT PRICES on furniture packing repalrtne. mattresses couches cushions. Sill Cumlng. Tel.

1SL HAXC1XU SCHOOL. A CLASS FOR ADVANCE PUPILS IS NOW formlns at rand's to meet everj- Monday at p. m. ticket for 10 weeks. R'-J until used.


United Typewriter Supplies Co. 1 9 Farnam street MtSfl June SO HICYCLKS. BICYCLES CLEANED AND STORED FOR THE winter. Jl.SO. Omaha Bicycle Co.

3S3 N. icth. 4 J3 IIAIItimKSSI.VR. THE PALACE nE-MTIFrU 1515 DOVGLAS hBlrtrejslnB. mBnlcurlnp.

5 ase n-J com- rlextnn treatments a rpeclaltjr. ilJM D7 AXD NEW HOltr. HOfSEHOLD AND WHITE fen-Ing machine oOce. liH Cap. ave.



B. ASS'N PAYS 6 7. ii cnt when I. 2. 3 years old always rf- dtenable.

1TW Fanitm it. Natttnger. Sec.1M 1M HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on Apply to Omaha Lv ti D. Ats'n.

1701 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger c. c.US IASO.IVOR 1C JOIUIER.



RRD SORREL HORSE TWO WHITE FEET ivhite fac center on rubber tire Concord buiw Saturday evening suitable reward on return to 153 Douglas- TeL 17J7. LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOG COLOR white anj tan. thadln to yellow blind In one eye large led flow In movement. Suitable reward for his return to 11(1 S. Slit St.

or OTOM Gun Co. Omaha. Neb. Lost 1st 15.W REWARD FOR RETURN OF LARGE T- micthe-old black pup. part Newfoundland and r.ater jpanlfl.

UulT Green 15th and Stnnba. L-jst-MSOI SUES CO. PATENT SOLICITORS Umaba. Nclir Advice and Patent Roe FIIEE. BA1LWA TMK CARD Leave lBfRLlNGTO.N i MO.

RIVER. Ornar.a Union Litfxit. Kill Matua u. Oumtu Expre j. -V-an lk Hlllt.

Mont i'uget nj Ex. Denver Express. xa cal ex SunJa Local tex. Sunday Mall for Lincoln Jailv. Leaves CHICAGO.

BURLINGTON Q.Arrvef Omaha Union ix t. 1Mb A Mafon ita-i Omaha fpm Chicago Vestibule 7SOam 9:4 am Chicago Exprvu 4li 7.Xt and tit. Louis Expreii. ll iara Pacific Junction Local ClOpra FastMalI Leaves CHICAGO. MIL.

ST. PAUUjArrUw OmahajUnlon Depot Kth Mason Sts. Omaha 0 pm Chtcaco Limited ll EipreM tx. Sunday 3S Leaves CHICAGO NORTHWESTN. I Arrives Depot.

I0th Mason fits. Omaha Kfiim Cactern Expreu (0pm 4iim Vestlbuled Limited iMupm i pm St. Paul Kjprese St. Paul Limited ipm Carroll toux City Local iru-pn. CJiJinn.

Omaha Ctlcaco Special ai MUtouri Vall yLocal 9du Leeves CHICAGO. R. I. PACIFIC-'Arrtvei OmahalUnlon Depot. 1Mb Mason Sts.

Omaha EAST. Atlantic Express ex Sunday JSpm NlKht Exprex 4Supm Chlearo VettllMileJ Limited. Paul Vcttibuled Limited. 6M5p n. Oklahoma Texzi Ex ex.

rpm Colorado Llmttea lC pm Leave i cT STrP lI. V. fArrlvM Ooiahal Depot. 15th and Wet ter Pt -i Omaha ux CHv AccoromoJstlon. SWpm City Eivrtu rfn.

St. ivul Llmlteii IOnm Leaes I F. E. MO. VALLEY.

JArrive Omthal Depot. ISth and U'et ler St I Omaha 3fltl Fa Mall and Expms 5 pm Sat Wyo Ex Mon SJj ro 7M Local Kumiar only 7iOam Esprm ex Sun poi Su Paul KrpreJt Leate I K. CST. J. i C.

It Arrives OmahaiUnlon Depoc. Milt Matoa Su. Omaha j.ttam T.Kan City Day Exi rei CIOsm 10.T pm.K. C. Nltht Ex.

via U. P. Trans jaaim avej I MISSOURI PACIFIC lArrives Omahal Depot. Uth VvUu-r Sts. I Omaha 3Mpm.

Nebraska Kanoas I.lmlteil. 5pm 4 Kannas Cltr xpre ZUipm. Local rx. im. JArriveT Deput.

liih and ur gu. I Omaha CUpmSC Paul Limited Leaves SIOUX CITY PACIFIC. lArrlvea OmahajUnUm IVpat Ufa Mawn Sts. Omaha St. Iaul I'aKM-nser ltam City PatM-ncer.

5K.un SC Paul Limited Lravrs I UNION PACIFIC. 'Arrives OmahaUnion Depot. ICUj Ma. on Stj.i Omaha f-oam Overland Limited. IJeafce i ex J-Vpm Jlpm lilanl Eipreis ex Sim 5 3 pm FJit Mail lu Jin Leaxes I WAUASH RAILWAY lArrlvn nlcn Drput.

10th Ac Maicn SU. Omaha SU Loulm Cannon Dal 11-JOam Of men. wumen and cured without pali. UJ by toe FH'ELITY METHOU. No pay t-rtil 'l HCO rat tn six yean and vrar.

rantrd fir life. C'all or ren i fir rirealan. UnKI ITT RtTTUIlB CURE. Suite 304-5. 1' ns Onvti.

WHCOK. COMPOUND. fat taure rellrT. IK-trr UIL dun aielmltillnnt. AtallHranlxs.

Urlutur B'rw WILtO UtOl- cui CO. a bu. lfeUi I'ttaail. Pa. They don't agree your pocket-booh and your wash-board.

One tries to keep your money they other wastes it. You'd better consult your pockct- FXT book do your washing with Pearline and put the wash-board "out of the house. There's no room or place for it with Pearline nor for any of its wearing-out tiresome rubbing. You'll be doing your pocket-book a good turn and help toward making it fatter and sleeker if you'll do all your washing and cleaning with Pearline. Thousand for Trade Mark.

ACCIDENT TICKETS. Company ot Xev York. THREE HCNTHS' insurancs $1,000 for $1.00 to men or vromen te IS and CO rears of ape. ngilnit fatal Etrcet AcclJ-iti n-foot. or on Ulcyclcf.

Herat M'agciu i. Cart. Railroad can. KlrvatcJ Brt jre. Trolley Cable curs.

Steamrlilvs. Ste-ambMts and Pteam F-rrlrs. J1W 0 with the Insurance Dtrartmtnt of the rtate ol New York for the recurlty of the Insured. Kor Pale by Chas.Kaufitianii 1DC2 Douglas b'trrct. TeL Omaha.

NOTICE. S'-alcd propjsaja will be Deceived at anytime on or before 2 o'clo. k. on the Mh day of December lSj fir the printing of all hills for the legislature- with soh other matter as may be ordered by either huus" thereof to bt- printed tn "bill form. which is shown and deslpnated as cl ss one 1 under the printing laws of the stale of Nebraska.

For the printing antl binding of one thousand (1.000) copies evach of the blennul reports of the auditor of public accounts treasurer secretary of itate commissioner cf public lands and buildings bur nu of labor and industrial 'ylliUstics and braska fish commission five hundred jt 0 copies e-ac-h of the bi jnnjpl reports of the attorney general fur-rlitende-nt of public- Instruction state librarian and adjutant general two thousand 12a copies of th-- biennl-il report of ihwVtwtfr of ex-soi-liers. sailors and marines. Ve'srainc In Nebraska June 1. 1SJ7 one thourstid I.i li copies of the annual report ot the State Hoard of Transportation for 1SH-7 two thousand 2GW copies of the annual report of the State Poultry association for 1S37-S and five thousand (5.WJO copies each of the annual reports of the SLtQ Bourd of Agriculture for ISS5-7. and the State Board of Horticulture for and all other reports and documents ithaj may be ordered printed by the le-pislature.

exctpt such as may enter Into and forhi part of the journals which class ofwork Is known and designated as clas-s three (3) under the laws of NefrasKa. Two hundred MO copies of each of the r.bove reports to bo bound in cioth covers and the remainder paper govers with the exception of the-reports of the Nebraska Fi commission' nd the State Poultry association whtoh will all be bound In paper and the. reports of the State Board of Horticulture. State Board of Agriculture and the roster of the ex-sol diers sailors and marines which will all be bound iu cloth. The bill work executed under class ono shall be printed In Fmnll pica type on paper fourteen (14) Inches long by eight and one-half (54) inches wide single page paper to be twenty-eight pounds double cap to the ream and except the title page each page shall not contain leas than twen ty-five (23) lines of solid matter of srven 7) Inches in length exclusive of the pace folio and the lines shall be success-lvely numbered a blank only In each space between the lines The title page of said bills shall contain not less than eighteen 1S lines as above with three Inche-s additional space allowable for display title hiatter.

Each bid shall state what the bidder Is willing to do the work complete for. per page for the five hundred a' cople-s of each bill. a the price for additional hun dreds that may be ordered of the same bill at the same time us the original five hundred Including composition paper press work stitching folding punching and all work br material entering Into the work required. AH work executed under class one shall be de-llvcred In good order by the contractor to the ofllce of the secretary of state within three (3) days after the receipt of the order by said contractor from the chairman of the committee In either branch of the legislature. All work executed under class three (3) shall be printed in long primer brevier and nonparlel type on papr.

to be nine 9) inches long by six (6) inches wide single page paper to be forty-five (15) pounds to the ream of twenty-four (21) by thirty-six white book. Eech bid under class three (5) shall state what the bidder willing to do the work complete for. per page on each re-port or Hem in the class including composition paper press work smchlr-g and all work or material entering Into ttie work required. Galley and page proof must be furnished when requlreu by the otacers of tbe executive department or the chairman of the committee on printing In cither branch of the legislature. Work when completed to be delivered free of expense at the state house.

Proposals for work In each of the above classes will not be unsl'lered unless the- saroe 1 accompanied by a bond the uni of five thousand iKXO'u dollars with two or more suretk that In case the party proposing for such contract shall be awarded the same such party will within five days after the award to him of such contract enter Into bonds for the faithful performance thereof as provided by law and the term of these proposals. Proposals shall be marked. "Propoaals for Public Printing and addressed to the State Board of Printing. In care of the Secretary of State. Llnojpln.

Nebraska. Contracts on class one (1) as above specified will be awarded Jis.nwhole. Contracts' on class tMve (3) as above specified will be aw.rnle-d In whole or In part as the board may' Vct. Samples of the work to be est-cuted under i lass one and three may be en at the office of the secretary of state. Contracts on above classes one (1) and three (3) to run two i from December 8.

li The State Print Ing Board reserves the rlaht to reet any or Jl bids. Dated this Ilth November. 18W. J. S.

BAHTLEV. State Treasurer" KrOKNK MOOICR. MIIIH- Auditor Public Accounts. J. A.

PIPER. St-cretary of State. STATE PniNTlNG BOARD N-15-d-l DUFFY'S' PURE MALT. WHISKEY All Druggists. EVERY WOMAN Deras.

a reflabl DR. PEAL'S PEHNYROYAL RILLS ufeoixlcert lalfi result Thaceca I'col tui Sherman McConncI Drub' Co. 1SU street. Ladles Who Value A refined conplexton mtni ue Pouoni' Pcrw-i dcr. It prodaccjosofl ujlioontiful tkin.

ft AMUSKMIJXT Rub Ruy and National Pageant by Request MA CONSCIENCE Prices Matinee. 15e children adults. S5e. lrKs Evening. I and no higher.

ar th "McGregjn Gatherlns" sung by Julps LumLard. I IMK GRE.GHTON Mitiaecm. Fcur Nights Comment-ins MAY. MiMliit TOMpKixs' BL4.CK CROOK. 3 Iremlere Iian eu.

3 Corps ile Rallet 3. Only matlne Wednesday. Peats nannn rale. Prices EC. c.

TSc. II 05. M-Ss Whitney Opera Co. In "Rob Roy. GUAM M.



PopranMR JOSEPH GAUM. Planlt. 1'RICES c. Toe. Ji.uu.

IIOTKLS. BARKER HOTEL. TIIIHTIINTII AMI JOMJS TiinTs. 14r ms. baths steam heat and all modern I nvcnlenr-fa.

Rates. Jl 50 an.l 00 per day. Tutile unexcelled pt iai Ii.w rites to reuular FRANK HILUITCH. Mgr. I Jens P.

KIM.AY. 1'rop Jos. Mpr ifi-Ulii LATE McTAGUE'S First-Class Grill Rooms. KATES 81 00 TO 52-50 A DAY. All rooms tcatn beats and every thin tsrletly uiodcrn.

1509 PAENAM. TEi.ifjiiAPiiic niuviTiis. Domestic. suffmse was efi ated In the lious of the Vermont by ISi to S3. Prince Lane of St.

Louis has been ap- milntcd private secretary to Secretary Franris. Plant Cloak Manutacturlnt company of New York assigned with liabilities and assets of about JM.OOO. Nat Goodwin Maxlme Elliott. Ml5s Gertrude Elliott and the rest of the company have returned from Australia. Mr.

Good win says his tour was a Brent success. Dl'lrict superintendents of the American Ilible society are In executive session at Ft. Louis. The society Is now In Its eighty. first year and rapidly increasing Its work.

James n. Wimmer. who killed Samuel Thalhlmer for cnuslUK the ruin of his daushtt-r. has been acqulltctl by the Jury nt Richmond Va. after being out only half i an hour.

George Kelly who killed two men who Interfered -while he was attempting to rob Dr. Hurnslde Foster of St. Paul. Minn. was sentenced yesterday at Centervllle.

Minn. to hang- Seblom Bloomqulst. a Minnesota farmer. shot his sister-in-law Mrs. John Hloom- qulst.

and then shot himself. Ho is dead she may recover. No reason la known for the crime. Impressive memorial services were held at Ycrk. Pa.

for Colonel Thomas Hartley. an illustrious revolutionary foldler and statesman. A costly tablet was unveiled In St John's Episcopal church. The Frazer murder case at Eureka. Kan.

ended with a verdict of not guilty as to Llchll hter. Cox and McBee. The case against F. S. Olney charped with the murder of Frazers pa'rtner.

was dismissed. President David Starr Jordan of the Leland land Stanford university a member of the fur al fisheries scientific Inquiry com mission. is In Washington and has had a conference with Assistant Secretary Hamlln. Plve members of the- sophomore class of Lafayette collCRO at Easton. Pa.

have teen suspended for hazln H. M. Payne of Southhend. r. I.

and as a result a number of the students drummed Payne out of town. Augustus C. Graullch against whom the American Express company tiled suit laSt Mar -h for fiS.SCO the amount stolen in the noted express robbery case of October 1S95. has llled suit for KO.OO against the express company. President Cleveland has su a proclamation readjusting the boundaries of a naval reservation in which was found to encroach on land belonging to the Ork chtircl.

In contravention of Russia's cession of Alaska. Rev. J. H. Nason of West Superior.

Wls. C. F. Robe of Dulnth. Minn.

A. Hlnes of Itoch ster. N. V. E.

S. Curtis of St. Louis and J. IX Harblck of Evanvilk Jmt. told of the work done In their rwpective districts at the lou of the National Gospel Mission union yesterday.

The Metropolitan Steamship company of Boston has handed over a check for ISU.JTS.ia to satisfy a decre returned in the suit of W. K. Vanderbilt for the slnkins of his yccht. Alva. About J3.MW of the amount was for members of the Alva's crew who lost personal effects.

Thomas Cronin. under five years Xpn- tenet- for car robbery. Jumped from a fast moving train whileen route to Riverside penitentiary. Warden McCrae Jumped after him. but fr-Il on his head and broke his neck.

Cronin Injured and was captured and taken to the penitentiary. Certificate of Incorporation of the New York Minine excha' filed cwas yester day. with Stephen White. Robert A. Jrwin.

E. M. Downr Irwin C. Stump H. T.

Martin. J. R. Lynch. W.

linnidreth M. F. Wooter. Louis Ross M. W.

Nlvcn. G. I. Laroon and W. C.

Dnnvin as direc tors. Peru's congress will cloae Us session to day. day.Bandits Bandits stole flLCi In specie from the Cartagena railroad In Colombia. Noel I'arfalt. mnmbur of the French Chamber of Deputies and an author.

Is dead. i Sir Edmund Hornby British exp rt I In Intnrnatlonal law and arbitration has Just died at Rapello Italy I Mm Ecott Slddons. famous as a dramatic I rcoi-r. ilU-d In Kruncv a axe and her 'iody has been shipped to New York. I SrwuiUh securities on the London Stock exchange UN-online to the Timed of today were firm on the rumor of an armistice tn Cuba.

The Intercolonial postal conference at Sydney. N. S. W. has decided to send a dek-cate to the International postal conference nt Washington.

Pre ldi-nt Fuure. ministers senators and ambauadors attended the Inauguration of the. University of Paris established by law during the prownt year Franco Paulo tbe Greek anarchist who killed a merchant on the utreet at Patras has committed suicide by exploding a dynamite cartridge In his mouth. Mr. Arthur Balfour.

speaking at the cut ler's feast at Sheffield. England referred almofct In a tone of alarm to German com. petition. Sir Donald Smith the Canadian hitfh commissioner suggested that England mlcht approach the colonies on the anbject of closer trade relations. IOWA FARMERS PROVE EASY U.

of N. Has Little Trouble ia Winning Its Game. THORPE'S LONG PUNTS COUNT FOR SCORES Well I'lnonl KlrK'o ltr ult In Toncli- DIMVM from Soul Are Kii ll Mntlr A Oner It- LINCOLN' Nor. 15. Special.

Bteren agricultural ttttdents trom the Iowa Agricultural college at Am me to Lincoln today to play foot ball with the boys of the I'nlrerelly of XebrMka. The visitors played a good game the beat that hM been I'layoj In Lincoln this season but they couldn't score much. They crowed the line only once and then couldn't kick the goal. The final score TVW Nebraska. 1 Ames.I.

It was done something In this fashion. Nebraska won the toss anJ Chwe the eJt goal having the advantage of a ettff north- cast wind. Ames kicked off. Nebraska punted on the first play. Ames at once lost on dowDB.

but Nebraska could not hold the ball. Ames did the most of the playing for a minute or two. and then Nebraska got the ball on a forward pass. Thorpe punted fifty yards fending the ball over the touchline and an Ames man putting the Nebraska players on side Ilenedlct knocked him donu and Wigging fell on the ball. This was a touch-down for Nebraska Thorpe kicked a difficult goal.

Ames maile the next touch-down and did It by straight hard line-bucking. They took the ball at Nebraska's 15-yard line and never lost It till they sent Wilson over the line. Hammer missed an easy goal. Score Nebraska 6 Amrs 4. The first half ended without further scor ing.

The ball was In Iowa's hands and thirty-five yards from Nebraska's goal. In the first half Ames clearly out-playeJ Nebraska In every way but In the Hecond Nebraska braced up. Both sides fought hard and the battle extended from one end of the Held to the other. Hack and forth they went each side losing the ball repeatedly on down Nebraska scored once more. The teams were on Ames' 35-yard line and Thorpe punted fifteen yards.Vigglnn caught the ball on the run and carried It over the touch line.

It was one of the most neatly executed trick plays ever attempted here. Thorpe kicked goal. Score Nebraska. 12 Amc 4. The gaay ended at 5 o'clock the ball being In the center of the field and Ames having Just lost ten yani by a neat tackle of an end run.

A miserably small crowd witnessed the game but those who stayed away missed a great treat. Nebraska was lame behind the line. Packard played a fine game for Nebraska. wil on did the most of the work for Anita. The line up Ames 4.

1'osltlcn. Nebraska 12. loft end IJ nllct Howcll left tackle Duncan Hummer left ruanl.Kellar Hansen Van Campcn Melford Tarr right guard Turner nice right Oury Damon right nd Wiggins Crary quarter Thorpe Tarsons loft half Parkard Parker right half Corby Wilson Garrett The officials were K. D. Cornell of Lincoln and D.

German of Ames. Llnt-smcii Ike Pace of Lincoln and French of Ames. HBAIir FOIt HATTLi Prlnretoii nnil Vnlo IVnmi In Perfect Phvxlrnl Condition. PRINCETON. N.

J. Nov. 13. The coachers ers gave the Tigers light work today and the undergraduates were permitted to watch the practice during the first half after which spectators were excluded and playing was continued In secret. The form that the Tigers showed this afternoon was very satisfactory to the coachers and undergraduates alike.

The men worked well together and played with speed and en ergy. Interference was very strong and team work perfect. The 'varsity scored three touchdowns made by Hannaril and Whe er. Most of the time was spent In practicing sicnaU. so that the injured might have light work.

Little kicking was done. The "varsity advanced the ball by rushing uslnir straight foot ball to the exclusion of tricks. Dr. Ilcrgcn. the team physician pronounced all the players In prime condition.

Thire is little lale money In town. Yale asks odd which Princeton men decline to plve. The players will leave Princeton on Friday afternoon for New Yorlc. McClung of Yale has been chosen by Prlncetoo as referee but a linesman has not yet been found. NEW HAVEN.

Conn. Nov. 5M people assembled on Yale field this afternoon to see the 'varsity eleven hold Its final practice for the Mr game of Satur day. All the men played In their regular positions lining up against a. scrub eleven for about thirty-five minutes' play.

The trainer. 1'lLzpatrlck. paid tonight that he never saw a collection of athletes In better condition for a contest the only exception being Hlnckey. who has not fully recovered from an attack of tonsllitls. and Gil more the second sub at half back who is suffering with a twisted kne The unprecedented demand for tickets has caused many disappointments and there are nearly SCO undergraduates as well an several of the faculty who are unpro vided for and the apportionment to the players has also been reduced.

New York men have been In the city offering J10 and 132 bonus something never before heard of. but the management has yet to discover the first case of a student disposing of hU ticket. The team will leave here tomorrow afternoon on a. special drawing room car. The regular ele-ven.

fifteen substi tutes. Keene Fitzpatrick. the trainer and a corps of half a dozen rubbers will be taken. TAVHXTV THOrSAM Vim fiKXTHV. Kins of lie Pnc Sold nt Auction III -Tv York.

NEW YORK. Nov. 19.John Gentry. the fastest pacer In the ivor'd sold for S199JO at Madlfon Square Garden His record Is 2 u. His race record is :01 4.

He Is U.2 hands foaled in 3SS8. bred by II. G. Toler. at Wichita.

Kan. His sire is Ashland Wllke dam. Dom Wood by Wedgewood. When great pacer was brought out the Immense crowd In the crand stand shouted. Someone said tl.WW.

He wan Lout WornlSer. Another bidder svent a thousand hotter. That wjs Ixuls J. TewkesbUry. and then they had It.

Thousands were nothing for a time. "Ten thousand. yelled Wormser. "I go you a thousand better. said Mr.

Tewkesbury. L'p it wen" to I9fOO. and then the auctioneer heard Wormser say ili.wn. "Well. I say SJ09 better.

came from Te leel ury. That meant J19.SCO "He's your cried out Sir. Harnes. after he had Mlri one. two.

Hire and the greatest pacer the world has ever produced in the opinion of the porting world was In the possestilon 3f Mr. Tewkesbury. Mr. Teakesbury is a 'well known New York banker. He has long been a lover of fast horses and ha several fine ones In his stable among them HolKTt J.

Amonc other notable sales of the dav were the followlnc Nutshell m. 1-Sso. by liayonne. clam Nutmeg by Jockey Prince. record 2Ii Edward Garnea.

New York. J1.1W Dick. b. K. IMS.

Klb rton dam IVIIlah. by Kentucky Prince record 2-12 4. Colonel A. F. Snowden.

Philadelphia. 8 ttS Peerless to. m. JiSU by Equity dam Lucy. George Clauten.

New York. Jat-k naw in br. f. 1:171 IW. by Director.

dam Knvorlte J. H. Pratt. Verona. X.

Y. J1.SM Jane m. Jt3 i. WO. by Mlka Oah dam Flight.

W. C. Harrington Troy. N. Y.

ll.SSO. the consignment from the Kalamazoo mazoo farm was reached tbe auctioneer put up WurlocW horse which after bavin been sent from thin country England was brought hark here ncRlu. Warlock It only 10 yeirs old. has a great podlrree anil once sold far m.C-O. At tha aU today ha brought only J120 MrAnllfTc mill Carroll TunlclM.

SAN FnANCISCO Nov night. Iwfore the St. Georire's Athletic club Jiicl McAullffe the IlKbtwclsht champion. and Jimmy Carroll his old and orUtent rival for that honor will me jt In ten- round contest for a decUlon. They hint met In thU city In 110.

whan won In th forty-Cfth round the- tide turnIng IngIn his favor when he was all but out. Both men are In fine condition unJ lovers of boxing- are expecting a contest well worth seeing. McAullffe In a nHglit favorite in the Uttlns at 9 to 10. Annllicr Offer for BOSTON. Nov.

Lwl dent of th-- Greater York Atirletlc club came In from New York today and made I is offer to Cortwtt tonight nt the name tlm wiring Ktusl.nmon In san Fr.irci cij. offered to pat up a pur of for A content twfor his club on or about January II. The two flinter must however make deposit of lf.l ch on IXTTttirrr IS. hlch win go to the club Incase neither appears but If one then he takrs the forfeit and Iwi I the IWM. He will depo lt 5.0 with Al Smith soon as the men arropt hi ofter.

Cor- belt titrd tonight that he would annoum-n hl decision on the thrx- offers tomorrow nhtht. As nothing has -n heard from Stuart the om of Lwls Is the be I ewta hopes 10 receive an answer from Kiz- Simmons in the mornlnar. 1C. f. I.c-i Tout rnll.

UVWIlftNOB Kan. Nov. Pnl- verrity faculty had a Ions and stormy wlon thin evening discussing th dnngrers of foot ball. Povernl nwmbrs were In favor of abMlutPlv al ell hln the as in element of dancer always pnsi- ent hi It. but othvr thou ht tbe dnns' nort could be ellralnated.

The wboK- mutter was concluded by the adoption of a rolannn that ordt ml the facult advisory rommlttcr on athletics to Invcr-silitato the subject of the mime of foot ball with r. f- crenco to th danners Involvinl and possible means of their elimination and nt rt to the faculty. Hector Cowan the fn liall coach. Is a member of the advlsury committee. A signed statement was received nml prr onttd at the meeting from all the IXMine players mylng that the gnmo Saturday WHS free from brulMng or vicious playing and the death of young Strf a pure accident.

Foot llntl Trnmi llunrrol. ATLANTIC. la. Nov. 19 Special Tele gram.

This afternoon the Normal and Huslness coIU-ge played a game of foot Iwll with Griswold. Till the last two minutes of the cume the score stood 4 to 0 In favor of Grlswold. While the last play was being made Grtswold's captain led his men from the field assorting thrtt tlmo was up. As the Normal college made a touchdown In the last play ami klrk--d Koal the referee gave the game to thnt college by a score of 6 to t. Iniiiliiur to llnrry.

TORONTO. Ont. Nov. U. Jacob Gnudaur has replied to Harry's challenge to row for the championship.

The champion snys he will not go to ITriKl.ind unless he Is allowed fair expenses but If Hurry will como to Canada he will row him for any amount. Should the Kngil hman decline to do this Gaudaur will row him on the Thames next s-prlng for J2O side. Can nil In ii Clinic. TORONTO. Ont.

Nov. l-The winners of the Ottawa college-Toronto 'Varsity Rugby foot ball match next Saturday will challenge the winners of the Yale-Princeton game to plav for the International cham pionship. They propose to play one-half under Canadian rules and the other half under American rules. I.ii kr -It SU-liille. 1.

MOSCOW. Nov. 19. The fourth and fifth games of the championship chess match resulted in Stemltz and I-a ker winning one game each. The latter beut Steinltz yesterday In a giuoreo piano after sixty-five moves.

The score Is now 4 to 1 in favor of Laaker. AIIPY coriir unrn is rxs.irn. Onlrrn the Cro il Kent lilt of tilt Conn Itootn. It is reported that the court house of Sarpy county at Papllllon is In an unsafe condition and will have to be repaired or abandoned. The structure was erected in 1S74.

when the county seat was located at Papllllon. At that time. In addition to that place Sarpy Center and Bellevue were can- dl1tes for county seat honors. While the building of the court house was the settlement of tbe farmer contest for the spat of county government. Its collapse is likely to prove the beginning of another struggle of the same kind in which Papilllon Gretna and Springfield will bo th active factors.

Judge Slabaugh is now holding a term of court at Papilllon and during the progress of a case yesterday a. crowd of considerable dimensions assembled In the court room on the second floor. Owing to the condition of the building the judge ordered the courtroom cleared of all persons except those necessary for the conduct of the court and parties interested in pending litigation and informed the sheriff that unlesi the crowd could be kept out he would refuse to hold court In the building. The court room was cleared and tbe sheriff will keep tbe crowd out in the future. The county board will meet Monday and an effort will be made to have that body order repairs made to the building which will render It safe.

This is expected to precipitate the county seat fight as the friends of the other places will object to spending any money on the present structure which Is a two-story and basement brick the basement being med for a Jail tbe first floor for offices and the second story for court pur poses. Police Detail nt Mfilit. Captain Haze acting chief last night ordered eight men of the day squad of police and two of the dete-ctlve force on duty to patrol the alleys In the business district In an effort to head elf the gans of burglars now working In the city. Orders were given to arrest all parties who were not known or who could not give a good account of themselves. IF rot it FOOD TUissis YOU TaUi Ilornfonr Acid P.lioKiihiitr.

It aids the stomach to digest the food and Joes away with that full feeling alter eating. AST OF TOU.IVS U'KATIIBIU Gtnrriilljr I'lllr anilVnrincr In the Priiiii fcir Vt'IirnoKn. WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.

The forecast for Friday Is For Nebraska and Kansas Gcnenilly fair warmer northeast winds becoming southeast. For Montana Threatening weather warmer variable winds becoming aoutli- FoVVyomIns and Colorado Increasing ckmilineaa probably showtra or light snows warmer south winds. For Missouri Threatenlnc. with occasional showers lu the southern portion north winds. For Iowa Fair warmer In the eastern portion fresh northeast winds.

For South Dakota Generally fair warmer north winds becoming vuriablo or cast. Lorn I HrcMiril. OFFICE OF THE WEATilKIi BUREAU. OMAHA Nov. 13.

Omaha n-cord of temperature and rainfall compared with'tho corrci i ondlns day of the fast three years ISM. 1S85. ISM. JsSO. Maximum temperature 6 2S 43 Minimum temperature 13 IS Avenipe temperature JC Ilainfall 00 CO Ittcord of temrH.rature and precipltn- tlon.

at Omaha for the day and sincd March T. Normal temperature for the day 37 Deficiency for the day 17 Accumulated deficiency Bliicc March 1..111 Normal precipitation for the day. .03 Inch Deficiency for the day OS inch Total precipitation tlnce Mar. Inchr Exec-PS since March 1 Inches Deficiency for cor. period ISM.

10.11 Inclnn Deficiency for cor. period 41 Inchi-a IU-1'urlB from Stnllono nt p. in. r-if- STATIONS AND STATE OP i 3 i WEATHKIl..

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