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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 7

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 1HI NASHViai TINNKSIAN, MeWsy Memlag. Fearesry 1. II4S Dam Over Roer River Captured by Yanks Roose velt de Gaulle Pingshek Won By Japs Again Willkie's Memory Honored As Others Receive Awards 1 Having More Trouble CHUNGKING. Feb. 18 UP In Getting Togeth er Counterattacking Jspanese, at- NEW YORK, Feb.

18 Lf The leal ideology or form of govern tempting to close a gsp in the, memory of Wendell L. Willkie was mnt-" Canton-Hankow railroad, have re-honored tonight at a "One "111 Balawtn or Connecticut, sua capturtd the Kwangtunr province; dinner, with awarde to press, radio Winkle -appreciated aa h6 other as ao many prominent Americans border town of Pingsferk, 165 miles and motion picture executives! American of his tima that th have departed for pfeiumable con whose work was held to have, atrencth of our Institutions and international under- the increase of our national wealth ferences with the Chief Executive somewhere In the Mediterranean. "strengthened PARIS. Feb. 1 CT-Preident Roosevelt's movements cloaked in secrecy tonight, but on thing seemed certain the President and General de Gaulle were having a hard time getting togeth- None of them has yet returned.

north of Canton, the Chinese high command announced tonight. Chinese forces recently carved out the 25-mlle gsp on the rail line into which the enemy now is advancing. The Japanese struck standing." Those cited were: i 1 1 were intertwined Inextricably with our relations with the rest of i the world." Several days ago ths best infor s- mation here was that the President Kent Cooper, executive director of the Associated Preia. for efforts t- as" probably would visit both Italy France before returning to In the mountainous region mr This haa been Interpreted bvl52" and Pingshek and the nearby town of now of news between nations in S0 fjierS Appeal from vrii.ari. m.fcifh h.

h.r.n 30 veers on. Ichang in Hunan province. Many Things Considered American relatione have worsened. aeo." iTiAntk Tr HnrJ' TotiflV Strike Aimed. at Ichang BrisnSe-nT tfa vfcT Samoffr" HrestH" --J- While one enemy column retook Pingshek and pushed northward another struck toward the railroad east of Ichang, the Chinese said.

dent of the Radio Corporation of! LONDON, Feb. 18 JP An ap-America. as "an early believer" in pea from the death sentence lm-the Importance of radio ss a cul- pose upon Karl Gusts Hulten, Ma sW jm.x i not among the people, but regarding the chiefi of the two nations, one rich and fighting the war to ita end, the other poor and try lng to regain its place in the world. Officials Disappointed This belief was held by several important generals and others usually well informed, although it was said at ths time that a number of factors, fncludlng business at home and the President's physical condition sfter the strain of the Yalta conference, "might govern In Kianesi province Chinese! lurai ana eaucauonai genc. parachute soldier from Cambridge, Frettefc-of fietat -wre -disappoint-" troops continued their sttempts to1 Dsrryl F.

Zanuck. vice- president be nMr(! tomorrow by sever the Japanese supply line from 20th Century-Fox lm a three-man tribunal. H.ngyang to the lost' air "Xvw.Vd awaene'ss tf "Xrrs. Elizabeth M.rlnOon.eiir cities of Sulchwan and Kanhsien. victed with Hulten In the death ef Chinese units have attacked Jap- its respsibllltiea to ths nation anese positions nine miles south' nl th Inesllne i ti ne Tj.h..

i Mrs. Hjordis Swenson wss chair-, PnjT eo aoout being left out of the Crimea conference, but still would have welcomed RooseveIt-d Gaulle the final decision. Political nuances of ths moment also might be a determining factor in whether the President would stop off In France, I was told. In any case, military authorities here went ahead with the most elaborate arrangements to receive the President and guard him in casa hs decided to come to France. of the awards committle.

The A i route. The Chinese also navel was held on the anniversary thrown back a Japanese counter-; b'rtn" I attack nine miles south of Yungsln, Llyi Stratton, secretary of the another key point farther east Associated Press the press where the Jspanese line bends' behalf of Cooper and. southward to Sulchwan and Kanh- "'1 in prepared address that. AP Photo This is hew Osm. No.

5 scross the Roer River in Germany appeared when It was captursd by troops of ths U. 8. Ninth infsntry division of the First Army on February 4. Bomb snd shell craters are at the foot of the dsm. This picture was made from stop a hill en the south sids of the dsm.

SOOTHES YOUR THROAT Caffery Mating F.D.R. PARIS, Feb. 18 Upt U. S. Ambassador Jefferson Caffery has left to visit President Rooievelt somewhere in the Mediterranean and it waa believed here tonight that on purpoae of his mission was to try to- smooth ruffled French-American relations and difficulties between the President and General de Gaulle in getting together following the Talta conference of the Big Three.

laftencies hsd "a trust never be-; Battle Esst of Rail Town ifort to ieBd by example" In LSI mgnung rommueu ui of world press Mow thm gorgf fin Canton-Hankow railroad town of rM(jom. Price Ceilings Put On Cotton Garments Local Seaman, Nazi Captive, Coming Home Dr. Bralliar Says Onions First Crop Planted Safely Chenhsien in Hunan province. ine; Tne 0f enemv-occu- Japanese there are battling to safe-ipled parU the QXA need factual their grip on ths line. news first and foremost," he said.

The U. S. 14th Air orce an- r.i.i,i ih.t By DR. FLOYD BRALLIAR Tsnnsssean Garden Editor same distance should be put Ana v-V apart. The sets n0unced it destroyed 55 Japanese! I.eaiitCally supporting the agency In the row about aircraft and damaged 69 othera be-or that sincerely de and a half Inches, tween February 8 and February 14.

nd nrint Seaman Andrew William Drew, WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 UP The OPA tonight snnounced price ceilings for low snd medium-priced cotton garments which the govern- formerly of Nashville, and a mari t-ernaps me very eariieai cropi De0Dle forget that onions Mn.t nf th total resulted from the n.r.i,in time prisoner of the Germans since Each Cough Losenge give your throat a 15 minute comforting treatment. Really Mothmg because they're really medicaxed. Used by millions for coughs, throat irrita- lions or hoarseness resulting from colds or smoking. Only VH box.

i COUGH LOZENGES that can be safely planted is onions, grow normally on top of the ground gtrike against Tsingtao on Shan- (0 whicn we' are devoted have a rwmhr 194? I. ment expects to be bade on store No plant is more definitely a cool not under or parity unaer ana Ulng peninsula by the reasonabl chance of success weather crop than is the onion and nnce mey are inc io pian American wing eoruary onion sets too deeply. It is best rive beck in the United States' shelves in eomparativs plenty by Wednesday. early summer. Sesman Drews Is one of 42 mer-' Thls "ctlon came as the War Pro-chant seamen, the first to be Board prepared to in-home from Germanv inH will tomorrow the lists of wool- in this country, if we expect to get t0 just bareiy C0Ver them with conversations which might have smoothed out difficulties.

To this end, it was learned on good authority, the French renewed their invitation to Roosevelt to Visit Paris, and would have been satiafied if be bad visited Southern France. Instead, it was further learned reliably, they received a message Roosevelt would be willing to talk to de Gaulle In Algiers. This waa a double rebuff. Not only was it a refusal to come to France, but a good yield we must get them out soil. Stratton also read a message from Cooper which asserted that "people everywhere must be granted the right to know" and i that "this csn be accomplished if information and news is made available to all.

regardless of polit-1; New Jap Political 1 If we set out onion plants eith rlve on the exchange ship Grips- 8n rayon clothing items for of the way before extremely from our own cold frame or those se holm at Jersey City. which manufacturers will receive dry weather sets in in th. Smith th 2 Party Seen Soon The Nashville man was taken priorities to ontain tanric ior inceptive by the Nazis as a result of expensive garments. Prices for mere aje three distinct ways of hp spt th digta planting nnd growing onions. All everv wav that we recomm these will be fixed later.

aubmarine action. of these have their advocates hut for sets, and of course, fertilizer also an invitation to the head of the French stste to territory which nlanted ii I puVundir By Th. AssoCated the row no matter how we plant Tokyo Radio says a ne new no matter how they are political lo) i aiDr. Prentice Pugh's had been French for mors than century. U.

3. Navy Uses Algiers the onions. Ipsrty soon win arise in jepan spon- The Bermuda and Spanish onions sored by the Imperial Rule Asslst-grow much larger than the Amer- ance Political Society (Iraps), par-ican varieties and mature a little liamentary wing of Nippon's power- nnn.r hut thev are hard to keeD ful totalitarian party, which has they require very rich, comparatively loose, loamy soil if they are to do well. They grow better on clay loam than on sandy Icam though they are not overly particular about the type of soil, in which they are planted just so it is very fertile. r.enllv onion land should have Rectorship Honored The longest rectorship of any Kplscopal church in Tennessee was As is well known, the American Navy has used Algiers for the last two years, but to the French it seemed much as It would to Americans If some foreign ruler hud said to the President of the United been severely critical of Premier Ceilings set today spply to wearing apparel on WPB's priority list of cotton items announced 10 days ago.

These are examples, at retail: Men's regular sized shorts, a range of 49 cents to 1130 each; men's business shirts, $1.80 to women's regular sized house dresses, $1.95 to slips, 85 cents to infants' and toddlers pajamas. $1.05 to rompers, $105 to $240; girls' school dresses, 1.65 to $3 40; boys' wash suits. $130 to $2 70: and hoys' shirts and blouses. $1.05 to $1 35. The ceilings range, OPA explained, to cover differences in quality In kind of cloth used, and to allow for higher retail ceilings on gar for any length of time.

Production Good The American varieties In the end will produce just about as gee i celebrated by the Church of the Ad States, "sorry I can't come to you, but you can come to see me in Honolulu." vent nen yesterday, when the 29th anniversary of its rector, Dr. Prentice A. Pugh, was commemorated. Kuniakl Kqlso's government. A broadcast reported Iraps president, Adm.

Petzo Kobnyashi, had conferred with Kolso and In "the next two or three days" the Iraps will select a.commlttee to form the new party. The broadcast gave no hint as to how this political move would affect Koiso's government, but observers in the United Ststea and nren neavuy icmiizea last iau manv bushels per acre as will the it had not already been pnniah and Bprmllria varieties, year by year until it is very full hut be counted on to keep of humus. In planting onions by jor mnntns sny method it is well in almost. W(1 thinl to put jn about any soil to put a little two pounds nf eQod complete com American Amnassaaor jenersoni Caffery left Paris three. dxy Ordained deacons st the 11 clock worship service were Wil apparently to see the President say two pounds to each 100 feet mercial fertilizer for each 100 feet of row.

distributed an inch or two of row, about six weeks after plant ments brought from wholesalers lng. This hould be put about two 'China have speculated that recent th. onion row half 1 American military successea in the than when they are purchased direct from manufacturers. YOU CAN'T MATCH FOR COTTONS helow where the onion is planted. This fertilizer must be rich In both phosphate and potash.

And particularly in the latter. carrier PhiliDDines and the navy liam E. Sanders of Nashville, and Thomss E. Morris of Johnson City. The Rev.

R. K. Yerkes of the Se-wanea Theological School delivered the morning sermon, and the Rt. Rev. James M.

Maxon, bishop of the Tennessee Kpiacopal diocese, officiated at the ordination ceremony. Officials of the church, the newly-ordained deacons and their families were guests at a luncheon following the service. OI II in uiip snif una linn un uici nrv. other in little trenches nbout two a'd' Joky pr" inches deep. As soon as the fer- Drill Onions in Rows Ullve I'lt inn ui til.

The Eovernment of Koiso's pred- FOUR DAYS ONLY FEB. 19-22 Books of All Publishers At Creatly REDUCED PRICES BAPTIST BOOK STORE 127 9th N. Hours 8:30 to 4:30 'Jay Goulds' Probe On Nazi Aid Charge If we mean to grow onions is distributed these trenches seed it should be drilled In rows'should be filled, nbout 24 to 30 inches apart just asj eaily as the soil ran be worked jercssor. Gen. liidekl Tojo, could I not survive the American capture of Saipan and Guam last July.

'Kniso succeeded Tojo July 23. Members of the Iraps committee Ho form the new party will include former members of both houses of Williams' Religioift Bishop Maxon delivered the anniversary sermon honoring Dr Pugh at the service last night. The srrd should not he planted more than an inch deep and there should be enough radish seed mixed with the onion seed so that one will PHILADKI.PHtA, Feb. 18 -Secretary of the Treasury Henry F. Morgenthau, today Identified Mr and Mrs Frank Jay Gould as Beliefs To Be Aired be dropped on the averaee of everv Navy Ship Survivors the Japanese diet, representatives of all societies and leaders of the central and district areas, the broadcast said.

the "very famous American couple three feet. Onion seed are rather I nr, I I WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 UV-Aubrey W. Williams sits down In under investigation in France on 'glow in coming up and do not begin suspicion of collaboration with the 'rapid growth for five or six weeks Germans.

after the seed Is sown. Of course At San Francisco "I want to make It clear," he 'it is necessary to begin cultivation the witness chair before the senate added, "that the facta to whstwiihin a a ii i. i SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 18 did or did not do ara In the if r.

tn a Hundreds of survivors from four; hands of the French government. 'and not have to Ho fineer rlinnin i tne "1mber" whether ne De- naval vessels destroyed by Japa-' not the I'nited States." Radish seed come ud almost im. lieves In the divinity of Christ and nese action in Philippine waters! Mrs: Gould the former Florence miwiiotoU. th.,i wh.ih.r h.

the tenets he and show insP-Wherrtfie Tdw Is aWOf erthe socraHsm or communism. ure Island receiving snip in nan husband "undoubiedl were the th. ninn. ti, Francisco Bsy for re-outf itt-irig counle refened to in an inailirV1 ran h. rnltivnlorl h.for. inrr. Bay for pending, the start of 30-day aur-' concerning her reported investment up and while they are to small to Naval Dis- last July 5.000,000 francs or about see the row clcarlv. vivor leaves, the 12th trict announced today. $100,000, in a Monte Carlo bank con The U. S.

S. Ommaney Bav. Should we plsnt onion sets they should be planted in the ssme kind of rows, and should be the 000 ton escort carrier, destroyed by trolled by the Nazis. She said she Invested the money so the Germans would not taks her multi-millionaire husband to a Nazi na 10 a rtazi Japanese aerial action January 4 in the Sulu Sea while en rout with a carrier squadron to Luzon. The U.

S. 8. Hovey, destroyer Committee members want to know the answers to these and other questions before they vote, probably late tomorrow, on his nomination as chief of the Rural Electrification Administration. They had planned to hear two witnesses testify to Williams' early religious training at the expense of the Presbyterian Church. But the witnesses, the Rev.

Joseph Broady of Findlay, Ohio, and J. C. Hodges, Birmingham. businessman, will be unable to appear. Invited by the committee to tell what they know about.

Williams' religious beliefs, one is ill and the other has previous commitments. 1 Bloodier War concentration camp. Morgenthau was in mine sweeper credited with sweep ing more mines than any other ahlp for an appearance on a radio program tonight on behalf of the treasury department's bond selling Predicted by Gandhi hi Pacific waters, sunk by an aerial torpedo in Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, January T. fimi 1 1. tS 77 rr li i S.

T. 750 destroyed without BOMBAY. Feb. 18 CP) Mohandas K. Gandhi today predicted a new and bloodier war unless the casualty by a Japanese aerial torpedo in the Sulu Sea "recently." Phi Delta Kappa To Initiate Today But Chairman Elmer Thorns.

Ths fourth vessel, a landing craft problem of India and other nations iD Okla). said the committee type, was not further identified. like it is solved. wouid go into Williams' religious criticizing tne government on the beliefs irrespective of which wit 7J00 Reported Lost nesses showed up. The members want to know, he said, mora about his political leanings and his religious persuasions.

recent arrest of certain members of the All-India Congress, Gandhi declared in a statement: "If things go on as they are doing in India, the victory that the As Nazi Liner Sunk Six new members of Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educational fraternity at Peabody College, will be Initiated at ceremonies to be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the east parlor of the Social-Religious Building. All members living in and around Nashville are invited to attend the program which will be followed by a dinner at 0 o'clock. New members are William Eng- Allies win nave win Da only so- LONDON, Feb. IS CP) The Finnish radio reported tonight the sinking of the German liner Wilhelm Gustloff with the Moro Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Her lt plus mi wtr to OTereome ioos. pltt discomfort.

FASTTbTTH. to improTed powder prink led on upper and lowr plates holds them firmer so that the feel more comfortable. No called, because they will also have India and other nations in the same plight bleeding at their feet "Such victory can only lead in the near future to a war bloodier if such a thing is possible than the one that will have closed, for loss of 7,700 persons while she was sallors llsh. Pan Healy, Edward Stone. evacuating refugees and iL.

R. Street. Thomas Whitfield and from Danzig. i vi inula lumBiT ummy. coocr pastr taste or leeiing The broadcast did not state how; Father.

Barclay. mean that out of the ashes of It's aJkalin tnen-atiat. Does eat. ur or when the German ship wasi Dr. Irving Wolfe will ds master Check "piste odor" (denture brettn TH lodes fc fciu drui it ore TEST rasTi unk, but said that of the 3.700, of ceremonies.

Officers of the fra iujv ternities are: A. W. Holladay, pres- naval personnel and 8,000 refugeea aboard, only 1,000 were saved. militarism win nave risen a new monster that will seek to eat all lt sees and In the attempt will be The Wilhelm Gustloff, a passen eaten up, leaving I know not what ident; Wallis Beasley, vice-president; C. P.

Hogarth, recording secretary; and Lute Wooten, corresponding secretary. ger liner before the war, had been converted into a troop transport. President Calls More Reporters Navy Officer Asks Annulment nc 2 WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 -UP Of Wedding Forced Upon Him The White House today authorized y. J-puhlication nf what Washington SAN FRANCISCO, Feb.

17 CP) US) naa Known for a ween inai an Associated Press reporter and two others had joined President Roose-j velt at his invitation. Lt. Clyde Monaghan, 30-year-old navy air service pilot, has ault on file in superior court here to an When you've eaten something you shouldn't, and you pay the price with a sour, upset stomach, tmkm nul a marriage which he charged There was no indication when their stories would hs -released. Douglas B. Cornell, representing waa forcsd upon him by his com manding officer and ths command the Associated Press, and two re SEERSUCKER STRIPES 5.98 Hope Reed's bright entry for Sprint and Summer.

Two piece seersucker suit striped for smartness. Very spie and span with crisp whit pique gilet. One button jacket, pseudo pockets, tored skirt with front kick pleat. Remember, Hope Reed frocks are care-fully Sited for true measurements. Red, green, blue, or brown.

Sixes 12 to 20. Land O'Cotton ShopSecond Floor. ing officer's wife. toothing PSPTO-BISMOL. Tastee good and does good.

Ask your druggist tor PtPTO-BisMOL when your stomach Is upset A NORWICH PHODVCT This At the story set forth in Monaglhan'a petition, filed February porters representing th United Press and the International News Service, were flown from Washington a week ago to Join Mr. 1. YOUR DRY CLEANER doing a modern job? Dry Cleaning methods change with the times just as anything else. We're proud of the fact that our scientific service is the newest "and' finest pos-sihle. Try it and see the difference! Mnnsghan was a house guest at Monthly If Slok or Scared! DR.

HEADY CHEATHAM Ldj Ckircprtclor 8 Mr polk 411 Kkson Bldg. Nashville. Tea. J-I17J Hears 10 P.M. the home of his commanding officer in Atlanta.

In November. 1843. A girl Identified as "Nacy" Went to? him, said she wss to become a mother, and demanded that ha marry her. The commanding officer's wife backed up ths girl's demand by telling him that unless hs married the girt "that day" hs would "suffer ths humiliation ef being court-martialed." The commanding officer said transfer, papers which Monaghan asked would not be signed unless he complied. Other officers refused to sim the papers.

Monaghan married the girl, took her to Washington, D. C. but did not live with her. Furthermore, the petition asserts, he is not the father of her child. In Washington, Mrs.

Nancy Hill-berg Monaghan, 20, yesterday termed "ridiculous snd absurd" her husband's charge that he was forced to marry her under threat of court martial She said she would contest the suit. "I wish to maks no further statement at 'this time except to eav that he is the father of my child and that the whole thing is perfectly ridiculous and absurd," Mrs. Monaghan said. "I don't know when the suit will start, but I will "SOLD SEAL PLAN" AIm Pays Ui to SI.800 1st Aotiftatal Us provides up to 8000 accumulated cash for accidental loss of Bfe, limbs or sight, NO, Uua is not the usual "United" policy. This policy pays as specified, for ANT and AIX.

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I-I41S Hews ta kef A AAJ in. 113 M4fMltwtll PfSJS) Wwfl -i and Hos- Toli-v ErV MAIL at big saT Tab policy that costs only to men or women, 13 to i montn. vet r-vs bene 69. NO MSDICAL th't are t'i cr.tugii to be TION required. Interested persons worthwhile.

This new Service "Gold Seal" policy provides monthly Income up to $100 month for either may eeiiin tlus policy ior iu DATS' FREE EXAMINATION without cost or obligation by sending; their name, age, address and name of beneficiary to the contest it" 1700 STATf STMfT Mrs. Monaghan Is ths dsughtsr sickness or accident disability plus hospital benefits to over $630 for a Serrioe Life Insurance Company, of ths lata Comdr. W. R. Hillberg, SUM Ja aa airptaM em ta lMfcl atiufe seiMnvint, gaEq atinjaQiiflLj.

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