The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio • Page 90
- Publication:
- The Akron Beacon Journali
- Location:
- Akron, Ohio
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 90
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Radlo Resume Iharmomc: Eerger I -Ideas of and Brahms' piarkea -wa. tenpy: A hired killer trie a can TALK I -Piano Concerto No. 1 in Dfiden. game. 1 WTAM.
Youth Wants 6-WADC. Theater of Stars: Know; Dr. Konrad Mv Son Jeep: The Ronald Reagan in "New Man." chancellor of West Germany, A- i Mv Little Mar- faces the youngsters. hoy help hi, aiMer for 8.S0-W ADC. My Llttte M.r In a kitchen crisis.
Rie: A parrot play. prank on I Q-E Akron Beacon Journal Sunday, April 12. 1953 AUDIO AM) VIDEO Which Type TV Viewer Arc You? John Dalv'ii ummarv of week's! neuii. i 4 Ouestinn-iGav ":4 I 'Or' asleep and wakes up in time for Warren Guthrie. 7 i 4 fey VfJ I it Commentator Cameron Swayze and his family appear in the travel series, "Sightseeing with the Swayzes," at 5:30 p.
m. Sundays on WNBK. They are (left to right) John John, Tuffie and daughter Suzanne. Today they will show scenic wonders of Florida. TELEVISION SIMIAl, APRIL l.
Channel -1 'If -t WEWS-TV 10 no TVSiinrihv They Come In All Kinds From The Ambitious To The Unlucky r.v ART CTLLISOV Efn Jonrnl Rsdie-TV Writer What kind of a television viewer are you? This department's spy, Matt A. Harry, went into Akron homes conducting a survey on the different types of persons gazing into their video sets. Here are some of the types he came up with: THE AMBITIOUS VIEWER: He has the television set nI two radios on, a book in front of him, three, sandwiches and a glass of milk and a copy of Rarinfr form. THE AVID MfWKK: Hr--watehe tfleNinn every minute. -never even mtssea a coiiimernai or a test pattern.
Wifie tells him "one of hi children just hmke a -)p)f, but he doesn't hear her he's learning how mild a "rliraret ran he. THE CAREFUL VIEWER He's always worried that the set might -b out of focus just a teeny-weeny Cm. n.ei in uir inum rvtri pets a view of anything hut his haxk because he's always adjusting the net. THE CARELESS VIEWER: wnen ne cnanges siauons, ne fouls up the picture and then spenas ine remainaer oi me pro-pram trvinir to bring the picture back. This type usually louses up picture several limes during "an evenine.
iritn OiPTfn 'I I-M'T-n n. iriE LrtUiint, vicvvrjrv; never turns the set off hut com-! nlalna all the time about how hart I every program is. When he! watches a drama, he's so busy i looking for mistakes by the cast that i 11 1. 1 mat ne can 1 Keep irar.K 01 inc I storv II. nA IUn ne CTliiliiainn mi inuui mm Soprano Blanche Thebom visits the panel.
":30 WAKR, People Act: How S3 farm families became a town of Tin Top, by facing and acting- upon their mutual needs. 9-WAKR, Walter Winchell: Beginning a series from the West Coast. 9:30 WHU, Answers for Amer-icaiis: ''Does Russia Really Want Peace?" 10:45 WAKR. Tree at My Window: Special program commemorating World Jewish Children's Day presented by B'nos Cliapter of Mizrachi Women. MUSIC-VARIETY 1:15 W-HKK.
Lanny Ross: Singing with the Al Fanelli Quartet. 2 WADC, Nvmplionette: Cham-Inade's "(iuitare" and Mendelssohn' 2:30 -WADC, New York Phil- Pre Cast Non Skid Concrete Steps and Porches Ornamental Railings Low in Cost Free Estimate Bonders' Inquiries Invited Phone m-mi WUHEMAN CO. 1310 Lakeshore. Akron ReatitifT and Old Homei 2 5 School Hi 10 RPlKfinus Fl.m 1 1 00 Fil 12 0 if r.e Carrol! 1 00 Ho.ka Pa 1 acif 2 luce IjiJ'iri A Tirr.e 2 1 .1 Your Hfjmr 2 Fun With Cha-adps 00 WHU T('lProllrp .1 30 University Circlp 4 00 Crusade In Pacifie 4 i0 Omnibus 8 CO Rnrize Rirler 6 "'0 Sep It Nov. 1 00 Opup Autrv 10 Private Spi rrtarr a 00 Toan of Toon 00 FrP'l Waring 1 30 Alan Yonr.i! 10 00 Foreign 10 to What Mv Line 11 00 News 11 IS Feature Film 8 WAKR, Music Hall: Burgess Meredith takes us back to the 90s W'ADC, Edgar Ber- Rosemary Clooney.
guest gen: Phil Harris: mil aaves his face but has to do some baby sitting to help Phyllis win some Girl Scout merit badges. DRAMA 5 VVHKK. Shadow: "The Death Master." 5:80 WAKR. Greatest Story Ever Told: "The Penitent Thief," how a crucified thief was redeemed WIIKK. True Detective: "Unsolved Homicides Arf Never Money paid in rent may be applied to purchase price later.
$3 1 21" TV al $199.95 75c -USE RENTAL PLAN -SECURITY and Pay SH 1151 ADMIRAL Storm WTAM, Theater Guild: Shirley Booth and Karl Maiden in Tennessee Williams' "The Glasa Menagerie. 9 WADC, Theater: Lionel Bar-rymore and Mrs. Lou Gehrig In a salute to baseball. PROTECT Your Right fa Drive with PAY-AS-YOU-GO Auto Insurance! Ten Months to Poy For )o eost auto Insurance Imnse-dtate protection. Order the TOTKEN-THIRTY Policy the mo complete coverage money fan buy.
Don't1 Wait Insurt New For Complete Information Call FR-5156 Or Moil This Coupon JIIHIIIIIIMMItlHUimtilMMHtMMtflMIHHMMIIMty Pertaf Insurance Afeoey SOS) nosier Are. Akron 7, Ohie Please cell end Information. jlf farther 2 Morning rj Aflerneen Ee. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE PORTAGE INSURANCE AGENCY 808 Wooster Ave. PH-5158 GOOD INCOME 'Interest is paid from date of your i certificate and every 'three months.
of Investment lu (jil I nil." Hid in Norman Pm. 10 4i vtr winr ,11 11 1 1 10 rainain Midnight 00 ('klti'iilc Hour 12 III Fcii' 1 Oil t-'pRtLir Film 2 1o A nit'i 11 Fornm .1 r0 1 pi hni-Scipnre .1 10 I'lav Bali 4 no Kiikia. Fran, oilie 4 0 no Vm rade no hfu'pr 5 acflMonUnrl 4.. Bill nrv 00 MpH The Prp 6 Km RotPr 1 00 Hrrl Shrllon 1 -0 Mr PppoPr 8 Oil Hour 00 1 iiolic 1(1 00 Hip Donor 10 Violnr-. At Sr 1 1 00 Fpio iip 1-nin is ni MO.NDAV, APRIL IS Channel 4 WLWS-TV 30 Test Pattern on 9 00 feature film lu 00 Dor.ii School 10 30 ChKiin Children ill no llnini Cooking 1110 Cant Glenn 12 00 Cnnllr 12 30 -I Bvrns 1 00 P)a holi: 2 15 Por'-iro 30 9 00 Wentern 30 Beautv 10 00 Arthur 1 1 00 In Everv 11 30 Strike It 12 00 Bride And 13 15 Love OI 12 to Search 1 4i Guiding 1 00 Women A Kan.san who sing.s with the Tr nnsylvanians, Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians, is Bernadinc Read.
Popular hal-lads and semi-classical numbers are her specialty. no one else can enjoy same room with hini. TV in llv THE IXDECIDEI) VIEWER: He can't make up his mind what program he wants so he changes the channels several limes during each show. He usually manages to catch more commercials per half hour than any other viewer hecause of this. THE SHOWOFF: He turns off a Cleveland channel to get.
the same prog ram out of Detroit, lie is the only one who can make any i 'PVi a v.l'I nenne out oi uu: jniunr. of the family sees something that Innkc like a rnndernistir naintinc (but in black and white). THE SLEEPY VIEWER: He .1 rril 1 inrna on ine 1 net. inr 111c atin Hinnnr falla Vfl- Newn-Wlnga Of Sonus Reserve For You Gndfrev Fanillv Rich Groom Life 2 30 Dixon 2 45 Chet Lorenzo 3 00 Break The Bank .3 30 Welcome Traveler 4 00 Kate 6mlth 5 00 Ha? kin fallt IS flahbv Havei 5 30 Hovdv Dooriv 1 .30 fiarrv 2 no Double 2 30 Art .3 00 Big Pavoti .3 .30 Mixing 4 00 Feature 5 no Unrle 30 Time For Monre Or Nothing Llnkietter Bowt Film Jake BeautT 45 Dinner Platter miinr.iinie.,y nn tBIK'er Society OVer WTAM! Radio Time Table SAUE SAFETY SCHEDULE Channel 5 WXEL-TV Channel 9 10 30 Pa! tern I 1 no Fal'i) For ToriiT 1 1 30 II 4.1 N- 1 00 HlDDodromt 12 '10 CtpivmI 1 00 Seminar 1 Camera 2 no Fpaiore Film 4 no pnT For Ltvm 4 30 Audition Ambition on Huoer Circus IS 00 You Are There 30 Snecial 4i Walter Wiml'l no Y'l i A-'Ked For It 30 ABC Alhiim a no All-Siar Nfti no Rocy King in pi Mvlot 00 Arthur Mtirrav in 30 Rose Show 10 4S chnstonher 1 1 on Ft ature Film Channel 5 WEXL-TV 9 30 Test Pattern 10 30 Feature Film 12 li All For You 12 30 KeYra and Boh 1 00 Feature Film 3 00 Alice Weston 3 30 N. -Wash Gam 5 30 Desert Deputy Tomorrow Light Window Telephone 1 To Translate? PASADENA, Cal.
CP' The telephone of the future? Mark R. Sullivan, San Francisco, president and director of the Pacific Telephone Telegraph said in an address: "Just what form the future telephone will fake is, of course, pure sieculation. Here is my prophecy: "In its final development, the telephone will he carried about by the individual, perhaps as we cany a watch today. It probably will require no dialer equivalent, and I think the users will be able to see each other, if they want, as they talk. "Who knows but what it may actually translate from one language to another?" Simulcast 2:30 WTAM and WNBK, American Forum: The presidents of New York City's four colleges discuss "How Should Academic, Freedom Be Assured?" TABLE PADS We rut down and recover your old pad.
Trade. na acrfplrd. call with nampltM at nt itra rot. Kuhurban calls made. One wrrk dflivrry.
MIRRORS and GLASS TOPS For All Furniture Regal Table Pad Co. r.stahlished PHONE i n.t.- HE-4581 Metropolitan fall Any Time Blrf(. Ineluitlnf Sundar Channel 9 Annum THE HUNGRY VIEWER He grabs a bite to eat every tune there's a commercial. type is usually extremely heavy. ciallv if he watches tti late movies.
THE HAITI MEUfR: He inalu-s so much noise laughing at the comedian's jukes (or his nun) that nolmdv else can hear the dialog. THE UNLUCKY VIEWER: He; waits all week to a special program. Just when it conies on. some friends )rnp in with then three children. ll.p To Speak President Eisenhower's address keynoting the annual Pan-American Week observance throughout the West ei ti Hemisphere will he broadcast today by all radio networks.
He will speak befoie special meeting of the Council the Oicamzation of the American I States in the Pan-Amei n-an Build nig. Washington. WTAM will carry the talk ai U' p. WAKR at 6.30 and WIIKK at Special I' roc rams At the request of the Air Force. CBS' civil defense feature.
"Bomb Target will be repeated over WADC at 10 tonight. Arthur Godfrey is the narrator James Stewart will lie heard In "The Traitor Within." a documentary drama to he presented Today's Cleveland Indians-New York Giants exhibition game will be broadcast by WAKR, starting at 1:55 p. m. The opening day New York Yankee-Washington Senators game will be televised by WXEL Monday, starting at 3:00 p. m.
ih it the Amer- at 4:30 p. m. today. The story deal with cancer research of yen-' terday, today and tomorrow Pennant chances of the leading American and National League contenders will he aired on a spe-eial feature over WNBK at n. today.
Cannon of the New York Post and ex-Yankee Tommy Hem ich will be seen. There will also he film clips of the teams in Spring! training 1 "The Turnpike-How win ne ine topic of program called "Ohio Report" at 6 p. m. today on WIIKK. State Sens.
Fred Danner of Akron and Joseph Bartunek of Cleveland. J. Cordon McKay of the Ohio Turnpike Commission and Atty. Robert Hamilton will he the speakers. Television Resume 1 WNBK, Feature Film: Ireland and Ann Dvorak in "Return of James." 'i Feature Film: Itichard a I so noil Fnn-taine in "liilt of Wcd I'ldnt." 4 WXEL, Prescription for Living: "Teeth for a Lifetime." 1:30 Omnihust: I.eo-! pold StukoHsiki condiK tH two numhers.
5 WNBK, Theater: "Skipper of the Skies, storv of Nathaniel Rowditch, the man who charted the sea. fi M'XKL. Vou Are There: lis newsmen 'over the impeachment of President Andrew Jackson WNT.K. Meet the I'ress: Sen. I'rice Daniel faces the newsmen.
7:30 ABC Learned Hand will describe! the work of legal aid societies for the 4'iise history pla.v, "Justice," on this neu series FAVS, Private Secretary: Ann Sothern sipns the writer 4f a liest-cller 8 WKWS, Toast if the Town: Rex Harrison and Lilli Palmer, the University of Michigan C.lee Club and scenes from "Trouble Alonff the Way." WNBK. Comedy Hour; Eddie Cantor presents Gloria Grahame, Connie Russell and the Will Mastin Trio. 9 WNBK. TV Playhouse: Dane (lark stars as an ex-champion in "The Recluse," drama of the rinij WXKI, Rockv "Ordeal by Fire." WKWS, Fred Waring: Soprano Vnlarie Iimoree, guest. 9:30 WXEL.
Plainclothes-man: ''The Incriminating' Glove." WKWS, Alan Young: Uncle Douglas' arrival bodes ill for Alan. 10 WXKL, Arthur Murray: Dorothy Sarnoff and comedian Ken Whitmer, guests WF.WS, Foreign Intrigue; Jerome Thor In "Intrigue In Free (iermanv." WNBK. Victory at Sea: "Target Suribachi." behind-the-scenes operation for the capture of Iwo Jlma and battle for the island. tl WNBK. Feature Film: William Marshall and Ricardo Corte.
In "Blackmail." XKL. Feature Film: Kane Richmond and Barbara Reed In "The Shadow Returns." 11:15 WEWS, Feature Film; Sally Nichols and Kenneth Duncan in "Loaded Dice." I I I i i i i I 1 i' i i mi 'l ii fcjoU Erf With Personal PropertT Tax Paid On Our Certificates Aothorlred br the Side ef Ohio far Ohio Residents, Certiorates Issued tn Amounts of (S or More, CREDIT FINANCE SERVICES, Inc. 316 S. MAIN NEAR EXCHANGE HE-2165 Canton Office s.H Clevelend Are. NYC.
F. A. McGINNESS, President Akron" Largest-Akron Ouned trVniV APR1T PROGRAMS Rl Rjr.CT TO WAKR (1590) American Columbia 1:00 Concert Hall 1-15 Concert Hall 7 30 Rev. Wlaeman Rev, Wlneman (Salvation Armv Salvation Armv Haven Ot Rest, Haven Ot Rent 11:00 Newa Kenmore Banttst, fi Pev. Cautoros Kenmora Rantlst 3ft Brotherhood Hr.
Paator'a Studv 45 Brotherhood Hr. Thaver St. Mla)oH 00 Renfro Vallev Melody Parade 91.S Rentro Vallev Melodv Parade 9 30 Rentro Vallev Wlnga Of Healinr 9 45 Chrlat'n Science Wings Of Healing in 00 Newg-coamoo. io Cosmoo. Akron 10:30 Hungarian Hr.
10 4S Hungarian Hr. Newa Hev. Bllllngton Rev. Billlngton Rev. Billlngtun 11 00 Calvary BanttH FlrM Methodist 11 in 1 Calvarv Bnntlst first Methodist 1 30 St.
Paur Kniac. Flrtt Methodirt lit? cu. raui a rirsi 1 no News tvewa 12 15 Pop Tunes Blug Sings 12.30 Nina Magno Classical Corner Masno-Wealher Classical Comer 1 en 'inci iiw.i 1 Dr. Chas. Fuller Big League 1 30 Dr.
Chas. fuller Hlg Leagu 1 45 Dr Chas. Fuller Dugout Interview no acmnhnn. It Cleveland-N York Baseball Oamei Baseball Game; Baseball Gain Basehall Game Baseball Game. Baseball Gaina Baseball Game 3 15 Svmnhonett 1 in Dhllh.rmnnl.
2 45 Philharmonic 3 oo eniinarmonir .3 15 Philharmonic 1 PhllharmnnlP 1 dS Phlltia rmnnlc 4 00 Galen nraKe Baseball Game Baseball Game 10th Inning Bands And Ballads Around The World Around The World Greatest Htorv Greatest Storv ron i unes 4 30 Arthur Godfrev 4:45 Arthur Ciodirev 5 15 Arthur Godlrev 5 .10 House Ot Lord Man (1:15 Stars' Theater Leeis. Review SJlir iVllSB fJIIIIS I lllflirriL 111 Ne A Singing Faith The People Act The People Act American Music American Music American Music, American Music Waiter Winchell Tavlor Grant Humhaid Family Hunibard Family Paul Harvev Sunday Fvenlng Hr. Sunday Fvenlng Hr. Tree At Mv Vlnclow News Cram. Wilson Sacred Heart Here's To Vets IS pnnv fl 00 fdgar Bergen 15 Edsar Beraen a to title Mnrffle i TltllaSfrl 0 00 Theater 9:15 Theater ft 30 Fscane 9 45 Escane 10 00 Bomb Target 10:15 Bomb Target 10:30 Bomb Target 10 45 Bomb Target 11:00 News 11 15 Night Renort 11:30 Night Reoort 11-45 Night Report vJL.Gompare This Broadcasts Confusing 4J To Swede Beacon Jotirnal-t'hiragn HallT News Service CHICAGO- A visiting Swedish news executive says he finds American radio and television broadcasts "rather confusing." The reason: ''They mix news, cultural things, entertainment and advertising all together.
It's enough to make your head whirl." He is Col. Olof Edvard Sutidell, director of the Swedish News Agency. He an lan Modlg, managing director of the Swedish News-i paper Publishers Association, are touring the I nited States as part of the State Department's educa-: tioual exchange program. Sundell explained that in Swe-i den there is little or no advertls-! ing on the radio, Swedish radio is controlled by government monopoly. After visiting the Chicago Daily News Thursday Sundell said he was "highly impressed" with American newspapers.
"You cover lots of news, both foreign anil domestic, in your pa-: pers," he said, "much more than we do. "I think that your papers make it jKissihle for Americans to be very well informed." SERVICE DAY or NIGHT PO-6435 M'MNtK Oerrer Vsed TV'e WHU A Goarantee WARRANTY SERVICE CO. Mj E. Exehange e- i era Hospital Flan That Meets the Increasing Cost of Hospital Surgical Bills Covers Accident Sickness Maternity XXMutual network programs after tc.8p. m.
100 WBltr Time 1 Guv And A Gel T30 Good Taith 9 30 Russ Morgan 00 Vlctorv Jubilee 10 (IO Tabernacle 8 15 Ton Hits to io Sammv Kave a io Brown Rt. Church 11:00 Guv Lnmliardn 8.00 Florida Av. Church II 30 Top Hit" 11 45 Vistas Ot Israel CHANCE WHHOiT NOTtt E) WIIKK (fi40) Mutual WTAM (1 100) Wildnood Church Wlldwond Church Wlltlwood Church Wlldood-Nes Your Story Hour Your Story Hour Jack Arthur Jack Arthur World News, Pock Fa Carnival Of Booka Muspltin SKetches Nat Radio Pulnlt Nal I Radio Pulpit Art of Living News Melody Mnmn'l Viewpoint USA UN Mv Bea' About Your Mind Nev. Furls forum Pres. Elsenhower Inlet mcr.u Sunrise Melodies Sunrise Melodies Rev.
Ulv.ssea Cirav RevA Ulvsses Gray Gosoej tn Song Gosoel In Song Barberton Weslevan Harherton Weslevan Hone For Today Hone For Today Bark To Ood Dark To Clod Peonie's Gosoel PPunle-- rosc.el Voice OI Pronhei'T Voice Ot Pronhecr Grace Lut Vieran Glare Lutheran 1 haver St. lmrch Thaver St. Church Gosoel Mis- Ion i losncl Missjoti Gon'-el M'l1 'on Wlltlwood Church "Youth Want To Know Louia Bromfield Youth Want 1 Know Lanny Ro Masters Gnif Tour. Lutheran Hour Mnatera Golf lour. Catholic Hour Catholic Hour American Forum American Forum News-Show Tunet How Business Bob Considme Masters Golf Tnur.
Opera Mine Onera M'i'ic Traitor Within Traitor Within Masters Golf Tour. Masters Golf Tour. Counlersnv Coiiniersiiv Masters Gnif Tour. Meet The Veep Juvenile Juvenile Jurv Mv Son Jpeo Mi Son Jeep Aldrtch Fnmiy Aldrlrh Family Phll Harris Phil Harris Theater Guild JI heater Guild Theater Guild Theater Guild Dragnet Dragnet Lutheran rloui Lakemore Church Lakemore Church Musical Matinee Musical Matinee Records Tor Sunday Records for Sunday BUIv Graham Blllv Graham Records For Sunday Records for Sunday Music Halt I Music The Shadow The Shadow True Detective True Detective Ohio Report Ohio Report 20 Questions 20 Questions Wallace Deuel Here's Tn Vets Little Svmphon Symphony Pres Eisehower Music Gosoel Crusad'i a Gospel Crusaders Rescue Kingdom He'cue Kingdom WIIKK SIGNS Off Answers XX Proudly We Hall Proudlv We Hail Pentecost Ctiurrh Pentecost Church Barrle Crslsr Murrie Oral" That They Mav Live That They Mav Live News Clifton L'tlev Stars From Paris Stars From Paris Music Is Magic Music Is Magic Music Is Magic Music Is Magic over UHK (MW 12 00 News 12 It Hour St Franrtt 12 .30 Music for Sunday 1 00 Music Room on musk far Sunday 7 00 Sign Olf CHANCE WITHOl NOTICE) WTAM (1100) HHKh 4U) National New s-Alldrews Andrew Andrews News-Andrews Andrew lohnnv Andrews News-Andrews Andrew s-News Oienn Howell ViiM Hnweil Kit lien Club Victor Lmdiahr Welcome 'I'l'avrli Welcome Traveler Double Or Nothing Double Or Nothing It Rich Strike It Rich Phrnse That Pvs Bob Hope Karl Bate-News Aniresi Andiew Jnhnnv Andrews Jnhunv Andrews Andrews Mildred A- Gloria Mildred Gloria MUtner Jav Mlltner Dae Ganowav Kukla-News Mutual Chanel Of The Air Munav-Go-Round New s. Mtirrav Murray Mllrrav-Go-Round Mm rav-New Murrav-Go-Round Murrav-News Murrav-Go-Round Murrav-News Murrav-Go-Round Murrav-farm News Bark to Bible Hark to Bible Saddle Pals Baptist Temnle adies Fair Fair-News Queen tor a Dav Ouren fora Pas' Curt Masset Conitr.efts Barberton Barberton News-Song Sh.on (iarv's Song Shop Garv's Sne Shop Listen Ladies Mrlorlv Roundup Melody Roundup Melody Roundup 1 od yJ3 nmd Melodv Roundup Melodv Roundun Melody Rounduo Melodv Roundup Melodv Roundup Can Be Beautiful Road Ot Life Pepper Young RJght To Happiness Backstnge Wife S'ella Daila' V'idder Hrown Wnmnn In Mr House Pla Bill innl Page Farrell I orenro Jones The Doctor's Wife Melodv Roundun Melodv Roundup Roundup-News Bunbv Benson Bohbv Renson Wild Bill Hlckok Wild Bill Hicknk (U50) .1 30 Mr.
Akron 3 45 Flatter Matinee 4 00 News. Music 4 0 Mr. Akron 4 45 Musical Showce 00 News 5 15 Music Room 5 45 Snorts I'M New-Muste (I no Bl CorrRl (I 45 Sixirts-Newa 7:00 SUnOtf BUSINESS raleulalorsi, comptomrtersi, rheik 1 I I I I 1 Benefits Provided by Your Reserve Hospital Plan Reserve other Age Limit 1 DAY TO 80 YEARS Hospital Plani Plan Hospital Jioom ifclO a Day for Each $1 onn Accident and Sickness up to 180 Days loUU Operating Kooin Full Cost Surgical DressingH Full Cost jlypodoriiiics Full Cost, TT Use of Iron Lung KViTl Cost Surpiiial Fees Tor Operations up to UlTT Vl Special Nurse Expense (for Accidents) TT Ambulance Service To and From Hospital up to la. Trip T1 '-Emergency Ambulance Service in Case of Accidents up to $25 First Aid (Treatment of Minor Injuries) to Include X-ray up to jTfo Tt Denefit (FreRnancy or Childbirth) up to "i i1 Cash Benefits for Anesthesia. Medicines, Penicillin and St it pi o- uiycia, Oxygen, X-ray Photos, Blood Transfusion, and Laboratory Service Yes Benefits Reduced for Adults Because of Age? Benefits Kedncetl If You llave Other Insurance? xJ Benefits Kedueed Because of Female Conditions? Xo" Tj liospital Confinement Bequired for Surgical Benefits? xi 1 1 Ifospital Required for Payment of First Aid Benefit? Any Limit to Number of Times Plan Can Be Used Each Year? Maternity Benefits for Children AT HOME as Well as in Hospital Yel Legal Reserve Protection? Your Choice of Doctor and Hospital? Pood ANYWHERE in the World? Yes TT" (fff Thit Werk'n KfH -VfVTU aVl I lf I 1 IIN' nN TOP OF TH KTA Jf asTl rV HZaf WnRI.Il.ea Paul, Mary lord i fHf (VV I HE WHO HAS IOVK II Kfli The Foor IjiHs 111 rJf ROM N( lluto Winterhsller 1 RfTI C'AVARV Klorlan Zabaeh "Waaisaseaaissses" s.
I a somfbodv stoik mv riAl. Populor Hillbilly ju -Johnnie Rar Polka Clastical AW HI'SH-A-BVE Stan Renton Oljero MONDAY. ATRIL 13 (PROGRAMS BIIXT TO WADC (1350) Columbia WAKR 1 590 American 7 00 Neus 7 15 Unity Views Nft'S Too o' the Morn New s-Top Morn Ness Martin Aernnskv Ton the Morn News-Ton Mot Top the Moin Breakla I Club Newa-Musir 45 Musical Cloclt 8 00 Nes 15 Weather-D-Bk. 30 Nev 45 Mm-mng Musi 9 00 News 9 15 Edith Hansen 9 30 Woman's World 9 45 VVomaiVs. World To 00 Arthur Godfrey Tireakfast ria- Hreaklast (''' Breaktust Ciuo Mv True stow Mv True storv Whisper 8lree' When Girl Mjirries Ton Tune: rler.d In Need friend Ir Need ill 1 rt I 1 1 11 ru lit, in apiVmi nodfrev 11 00 Arthur Godfrey 11 15 Arthur Godfrey 11 30 GrBnd 11 45 Rosemary 12 00 Wrndv Warren News 12 15 Aunt Jennv Nooimmr arietv 12 30 Helen Trent Cteoi 12 45 Our Gal Sunday Answer And Wm TnPoad ot Life News 1 15 Ma Perkins Swep Shoo 1 30 Dr s.talone CslTlnnev 1.45 Guiding Light Tmnev-Crot ker "'J 00 2nd Mrs.
Burton News-jukebox 2 15 Perrv Mason Jukebox Serenade 30 Norn Drake Crorker-Jukebox 1 45 Brighter Dav Jukebox Serenade 3 00 Hilltop House Paltv House Pnrtv Tennessee rnle Tennessee Frnle ennessee Krme Tennessee Ernie News-Matinee Reouest, Matinee Reonet Matinee Reouest Matinee 3 45 Home folks 4 00 Lewis-News 4 15 Commetclal 4 30 Get Together 4 45 Get Together IS PonularTnnei 5 45 Curt Miissev News-Matinee Reouest Matinee Soorts-Mntinee Matinee. Nichols WCl 7:00 News-Jerk Clifton 7 30 Nes-Jck Cillton 8 00 News I Clifton I 50 Neis-JscK Clifton ,..) Nes-Jeit Clifton 30 Mr Akron -s niku Time I. 10:00 Nes-teslie Youne In Humberd Family 10 30 Kathrvn Kuhlmsn 11 no 11 10 Mr 1 1 45 Luneheon 1'J 00 Newi, IJ 1 Luncheon 1 00 1 1 Bulletin 1 10 Mr. 1 45 Crooner 1 00 3 30 Hold rwmTTawri i AS-F all spds- 33-45-78 pM- )h PAYS IN FULL REGARDLESS OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION OR ANY OTHER INSURANCE YOU HAVE For Immediate, Detailed Information About This Valuable New Plan MAIL THIS COUPON! Pur ir in an Envelope or Poire ir en a Posrcord Be Sure ro Do If Today! News-Ertdv Werne Akron Dste Dale News-flona Board Akron Corner News-Ballroom The Phone 3 00 News-Mstlnee $125 TRADE-IN For 16" TV On All Admiral Consoles For A Limited Time Only Admiral QUITTING RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE CO. 705 United Akron, Ohio Dept.
BJ M2 Please send me full information about your Hospital Plan. This does not. obligate me in any way. i I am interested in Individual Group Name 252" compared to 245" A JLiS I TRADE-INS MUST BE I 1 7 4 IN GOOD CONDITION A Ij' For 21" TABLE MODEL FINAL 4 DAYS Portahle and standard typewriter, new and used adding; ma. RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF DALLAS, TEXAS ASSETS OF OVER $13,000,000 chlnen, Marehant Edlphone, desk and ehairn.
NO REASONABLE OFFER REFt'SED Street i R. F. Age Occupation- I Admiral Authorized Service Sunday Call If' A-8-202 1 AKRON OFFICE EQUIPMENT LJ i- a 1 1 i i i me (U A AO AS. I I fl High St. I City,.
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