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The Evening World du lieu suivant : New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
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1 fi uiii.iii timnnii.m.n.iiii.ninimmii.iiiiiniiiinn i. iiiiiiiiniii.iiin.iifi.iiii Jjfl 1 joiQDIN MULERfl MEW BTOar, nxTIX' I THE RIDDLE THE FRENCH POLICE I'THE BURIED RIVER "1 "-C- 1 could not souve. I KlP r3TSr The Most Kxtrnortllnary Story of Mod prn Time. iWaaaai THIIID INSTALMENT )T J)i vTPirVk I IN THE SUNDAY WORLD, tfitrlkfk iPMwiifi fft.i 5 THE ASSASSIN PHAOO'S Cltm I II WITH A nfeSUMt OF PREVIOUS OHAPTEIIS. 3 iXttl Si ill I AS VrTmmVXMml WUlll CXI 1 (MUsl ifll I 'I ifaT 1 III I 'I JwH ThrlHInr Komnnee of Hidden Oold and Hubter.

3 wWi 9 1 llvVfrJffllf-' HMrt llbNlk l)IKlffJ UvW IIdIMIM Inl rTltlluiJI (aIi vr WT i 1 1 4 (I 1 A 'IfB ATU i. California. JiMlffiiyYf. iWMlKm xsH CONTINUED IN MONDAY MORNING'S "WORLD i mml Siiiiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiliiliiiiiliii'ii'ii'iiiU'i'iU'iiiiiimiiiHiniilHliiiniiniiiiiiiiB KIH PRICE ONE CENT. JVEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1889.

PRICE ONE CENT. 19 KtLBY'S PERMIT GONE, The Comptroller Says the Briber Is as Bad as the Bribed. Will It Be the Means of Muzzling tbe Other Stand-Holders? Barrels, Not Boodle. Flowing In Upon It. D.

Brown. Comptroller Myers has revoked the permit of 0. P. Kilby. a stand-holder iu tho Kew Vest Washington Market.

This Btateincnt, simple ns it may appear, means that tho investigation into tho allotment of stands, in progress before tho Com-jnissioners of Accouu's, 1m practically ended. After ninny days spent in tho tedious ex-animation of witnesses by Mr. Nicoll and tho Commissioners, the charges that bribery had been resorted to to obtain stands, was sub. tuiutiated in at least one instance Charles 1'. Kil by yesterday sworothat ho had paid Lewis Schoonuiakor, Assistant Olork of Markets in tho Comptroller's office.

$600 to socuro his stand permit, and his testimony was corroborated by his employee, Henry IL Uriinin. The Comptroller, when informed of this fact promptly suspended Schoonmaker, and at the same time revokod Kllby's permit. An Evening Would reporter interviewed Comptroller Myers on the subjoct this nioiuing. "Yes." said ho. "I have rovokod Mr.

Kilby's permit. I consider him ju.t as guilty as tho man who nccoutod the bnbo, if not more so. "Mr. Schoonmaker, I am told, has been in this department sixtoon years, and has always borne tho Inchest reputation, and now comes a Satan with a bribe that tempts him to his lioll. Certainly the tempter is not less guilty than tho man who succumbs to the tonipta-tiou: nor should he go unpunished.

I revoked his iormit at once. Hut, did you consider," asked tho reporter, that you may hove obstructed tho rni estimation before the Commissioners of Accounts? Have you not, by revoking Kilby's permit, closed forever the noutlis of other stand-holders who may have paid mouov to tocure their permits and wlw may novo desired to testify, but who will mm' keep their own counsel for tear of being kicks out of tho market and having their business ruined 'lint was a poser to tho Comptroller, who amweted: I had not looked at it In that light I viewed it from a moral standpoint only. 1 could not sea how a man who confessed to an act of bribery should le entitled to any consideration a nl had no thought of the effoct of my notion on other witnosses. Besides, I acted on the a ivico of tho Corporation Counsel." As'vtaut Corporation Counsel Wickos, who lab been the city during the In-te-tigu'ior entered the office at this point tail corroto. the statement of Comptroller lij'ers, and added 1 do uot think that the action of the Comptroller will havo tho effect suggested.

I lulormcd that the investigation will not just longer than next Monday, auyway, and iiisimprouablo that the objeotors have any cthor witnesses who can testify to epecino lets of bribery. While tho Comptroller expressed a desire to facilitate the investigation iu progress, he said that he did not feel that be ought to offer immunity to bribe-givers by promising not to revoke their permits if they testify. lie said farther I started in to organize this new market on a certain basis, and I propose to carrv it out. Everv cues of violation of my rules brought out by this investigation will receive my imniodiato attention. 1 have already revoked tho permits of ex.

Assemblymen Finn and John Tubbs, and Mill revoke those of Mr. Howe and every other Bub-letter who has sub-lot without the permission of this Dopartrnout. 'the man Boyle, who resides in Hoboken and who obtained his pormit by representing himself as a citizen of Now York, has been summoned to show cause why his stand should not be taken from him. "I stand ready at any time to give the Commissioners of Acoounts a full and detailed statement of all my oflloial acts rela-, tlve to this market When informed of the action of the Comptroller in revoking Mr. Kilby's permit, tbe Commissioners of Accounts woro unanimous iu declaring that thoro Is no necessity for further mveftigation by them.

Commissioner Holahan said that It will now bo impossible to secure testimony of farther acts of bribery with a threat of loss oi business held over tho head of every lUuid.hulder. "Will von bring tho Kilby and Grimm evi-denco to tho attention of tho Distriot'Atlorl Commissioner Holahan was asked. There's the rub," he replied. "-If we it Mi6. cloSo Mr- Sohoonmakor's mouth ana be will not.

be available as a witness lo-iore Ho will bo an accused person and can avail himself of a refusal to answer." i i w'" remember that Bchoonmakcr i did not get a cent of tho VVC, Vlmi that It went to others. Wbothe benetlciarios were we desire to Sohoonmoker alone can tell. he Comptroller's offlco has agreed to produce him on Mondav, but we havo sub-, Pana-seryers looking for him." "eearding the suggestion that tho would couolude next Monday, Com-? IIolan said that eighteen wit-that ein BUUPajnacd to appear on 5 i''8, of Standholder Richard D. Brown umil uiisorabto by his joking fellow.marketmen. tue witness of 'ime he is hailed every time he hows himself around the market with cries of 'Harrelsl" aud liko pleasing )SlheU' while Innumerable small bovs have "en employed to carrv to his stand all sorts i oi coska and barrels and ollor them for sale.

ti the Arlon Uall. he ball and carnival of tho Arlon BocUty will 1 opeuod next Thursday night by a line military My of tho various committees having tbe ot whom, to the Prevattlnff style of Hundred UruB T1' Motets has been very and nearly all the boxes ro sold. "'rdit ltoll of MerU a trie Schools will The Time ou llrcord. 1 too f.d.lrf0ctlon of tho nearent drntr store. not Sth aJly ucon to make who is troubled I liver compfaint'or fiiuHw1 l' therefore, in nocd of Dr.

one a dote, SHE WAS TOO TOOlt TO LIVE. MUS. ANNIE WEBER'S SIMPLE REASON 1'OR 8EEKINQ DEATH. Hho Took Potnon In City Park, Driven to Despair ni tbe Tlionglit of Her Hungry Children Five Little One Waiting for Ilrrail In Ihr nilserablo Koomi of Illvlngton Mtroet Tenement. Mrs.

Annie Webor, of 310 ltivington strcot, died this morning from tho effects of a doso of arsonio which she took with tho vlow of ending a life of poverty and sufforing. For days sho had Bought for work In order to earn bread for her little ones, and at night sho was compelled to toll them that hor applications had boen rofused. Finally, yesterday morning, about 9 o'clock, sho found herself seated on a bench in Madison Sijunro I'ark. Sho saw about hor all the ovidonccs of wealth and comfort, gazed bitterly upon them as sho thought of her little onos waiting at tho hovol in Eivingtou street hungering for bread. Truly, life had no charms for hor.

Bho was full of despair, and with tho last few cents she purchased the deadly drujf that ultimately caused her death. A policeman came sauntering by. The woman bad begun to writho with pain and ry out in her safforing. A curious, gaping crowd gathcrod around and looked at nor. Tho policeman summoned an ambulance.

It come and the unfortunate woman was taken away to the Kew York Hospital. No one of tho crowd had inquired who sho was; no one seemod to care. The incident was soon forgotten by most of those who bad witnessed it- At the hospital the woman gavo her nomo and address, and when questioned as to the reason for hor act she only replied I was too poor to live ony longer." Tho doctors labored hard, but their efforts were fruitless, for sho died at 6 o'clock this morning. A viBit to her late home by on Evknino World reporter brought htm to two little rooms, almost destitute of furniture Five small children gazed with wldo open oyes at tho callor. When the reporter asked whero their mothor was tho eldest said simply i She's doad." Ho's gone for tho undertaker." Why did mamma die Papa won't tell us." You are vorv poor, ore you not?" "Yes.

sir." Mr. Weber cannot speak Encllsh, and it is probable that tho neighbors will have to bury the unfortunato woman. STONE JURY NO. 2 DISAGREES AGAIN THE JOCKEY ESCAPES CONVICTION FOR MILLER'S MURDER. After boing looked up for twenty-four hours tho jury in the caso of Jockey Btone, indicted for murder in tho first degree for killing a Coney Island bartender named Henry Miller, camo into tho Brooklyn Court of Sessions this morning.

They told the judge they had taken no less sixtoon bollots, and had sat up all night aud morning. The foreman said they stood six to six for conviction, and he had no bono of coming to a dooislon. They were then dlsoharged and the colored prisoner was taken back to ltaymond titroet Jail. This is the second alluro to conviot tho jookey of the killing of Miller. After a five-days' trial last November the jury had also to be discharged without a vcrdiot.

A MURDERER EXTRADITED. John Kuhn Itrouglit Hack Iron Queens-town for Killing a Man In Wisconsin. The steamer Britannia arrived from Liverpool this morning. When the vossel reached her pier, one of tho first paasengors to come down the gang-plank was John Kuhn, who was in company with a United States Deputy Marshal. Kuhn was brought back from Qneenstown on extradition papers.

He is charged with the murder of a man in Wisconsin. Collins with a Cross Iinrled Apart. In deference to tho wishes of Archbishop Cor-rlgan, who recently asked tho Commissioners of Charities to assist him In identifying Catholics among tho pauper dead in tho hospitals, the Commissioners have made a new rulo that the oofilus of all Cathollos dying in tho institutions ho branded with a oross as a token of their religious profession, It is made tho duty of the heads of the various institutions to see that the rulo Is complied with. Archbishop Corrlgan has blessed a portion of I'ottor Field. In which consecrated ground Catholics may hereafter bo burled.

Twenty Colored Gamblers Pined. At 11.30 last night, Capt. Murphy, of the Twontleth 1'rocinct, with a Bquad of men, raided tho unlicensed saloon of Winilcld Brldiio-ford, at 408 Seventh avenue, kept as a for colored men. Tho proptietor and twenty colored gamblers, were arruutod. Bridgcford was held in fROO bail for trial.

Tho gamblers wore fined $4 and each. Broker Edward Hatch Palls. Tho suspension of Edward Hatch was announced on the Stock Exchange this morning. He had been a member sinco July, 1883. Clifton Kutrlcs for Monday.

ISrXCllL TO TBE KVIHIMO WOULD. 1 Cuiton Kac Tiuck, N. Feb. in Here is tho programme and probable starters for tho Clifton races Monday, Feb. 1H: First 1U Pnrn) sli and ono-lislf furlond: nolllni iJlonrsuMS.

Bslmont, 11 Uoodla, 10U; Kred Unli, 101) i llowewm, 104 CUttur. 104 1 VounLln. iD4; bhsnMllor. 104i Arerr. 104.

Wtl, 104i Mlm louu. IOOi Lord Uuoonansld, 100) Anule, 1U0 AKt4100i Il'nry yor.e. 100 lb. Second llc-l'urietVSOl eTD.elbths of a mlln. FrUr, la'JiCoiirtler.

llOlMar.o. 117l Ida Weal. 117; fialudV 1)7. Urri 117s Eollne, 117l SiHwawsIl, 114iOraeksman, 1071b. Third lUco-Huriio ISftO on rolls aalUnc allowsnoas.

-Ylttlanoo. Ill); l'slatka. 112: PUoT. lOfiiOsborns, lOfii Ilsisna, lljoi Wheal, lOhi Tas-datberar. 105 1 JlanUope, 105 1 Day Kllf, 105 1 Pofasua.

1031b. Foartb IUry-Pura aSOpj liandltaDi ons rolls. Oraoksraan, 118j Rrneat. flit Oiid. ,114 Van, 108; Mattla I-noram, 1001 HarmlU-, 104 lb.

Filth lUca-Pura 250 1 aUrtilba of a mils i maid. Hank. 121 i Ftm Lane. Srlla, 1U1 llpi K(naford. 117( Nsrlna, Iletta.

)lg Jaok ifarkaway, 100 1 lUady Munsy, lOUi Mo Murtt. 101 lb. In tbe Pleld of Labor. The Furniture-Workers' Section will not meet next Friday because It is Washington's Birthday. A committee hat lieen appointed to arrange for a mass meeting at Cooper union Hall next Friday uronlug under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor to agitate the enforcement of the eight-hour rule, beiriuulug May 1, 1800.

It Is expected that the finale of thp beer boy-cott bribery matter will be reached In the Con- iral Labor Union to-morrow. The Building Section, has eipcclaUy Instructed all of is delegate to be niuseut CAUGHT IN THE RAID. Harlem's Gilded Youth Maroliod Off to the Look-Up. 1 Police Interfere with a Little Hill at the Crib Club. Forty.NIno Prisoners Arraigned nntl Discharged in tho Ilarlom Court Police Justlco Murray was surprised to find about fifty woll-dressod mon arrayed beforo him when he ascended tho judicial bench in tho Ilarlom Polico Court this morning.

What have these men done ho asked. My mon raidod the Crib Club, at 17 West One Hundred and Twonty.olghth stroot, where a prlzo-flght was in progress last night, and these gontlomon wcro found thcro and taken into custody, as wU as tho pugilists, explained Capt. Westorvelt, of tho East One Hundred and Twentv-stroot station. The Crib Club uumbors among Its mom-bers nearly all tho blooded scions of wealth and fashion in Harlem. Ten days ago tickets at 95 apioce began to circulato qulotly about town, entitling the holder to witness a prizo-fight for a purso at tbe olub.rooms last night between Tommy" Russell, tho Yorkvillo rusher, and Tommy Kelly, known in sporting cireleB as the Harlem Bpider.

The rlDg was pitched on the top floor of the club-room, and at 0.30 o'clock last night Frank llanhom, a diroator of the Club, jumped into tho ring, declared himself referoo, and warned tho spectators not to interfere with tho sport Thoro woro about oighty men prosent, among the most prominent being J. L. Mott, ir. son of Jordan L. Mott, owner of the Mott ron Works.ovor Harlem Bridge; OusQroth, the billiard-ball manufacturer; Aloxauder Clark, Will Ileiman, Bookmnkor llidgo Le-viuo, Ed Kearney, sou of tho auctioneer; Billy Hose, of tho Astor Houso; Charley Armstrong and Johnny Heraty, Timo was called at 9.SS, and tho littla fellows went to work with a will.

Thoy were stripped to tho waist, wore tights, and sparred with four-ouueo boxing gloves. They hammered each other very well, and soon the ropes, floor, their bodies and faces were stained with bltod. It was difficult to restrain the enthusiasm of the witnessos, and their shouts and shrieks of oncouiagement could be plainly heard in the street. Tho o'ghth round hod opened auspiciously, and Kelly had the best of tho mill, whon a ring camo at tho front-door bell. Banham rushed to tho head of the stairs shouting Let no one but he was too late.

An alert servant had opened the door to find Ward Detoctlves Mott and Frioe with a platoon of polico behind them on tho steps. They pushed thoir way iu and rushod upstairs. Banham rushed back into tho room where tho mill was iu progress yelling) "l'oliool police I Skip, jump, get out!" but there was no way of getting out The police entered with pistols drawn, it is alleged, and otdercd every one to surrender. Banham, Mott, Heraty, Armstrong and about a dozen others who seemod to lmo a pull walked out unmolested, but forty-nine others, inoludlng five reporters, were marched two by two to tho station-houso, with a big crowd behind them. Tho raid was mado about 10.

SO. At the Sollce statiou thoy wore looked up, four and vo in a coll, ana kopt thero while waiting responses to urgent messages sent for bail, Frank Hardy. Tom Mullins, of tho Mount Morris Hotel, aud Oakey Kerker, the Harlem saloon-keeper, camo and bailed overy one but tho principals out, in the sum of (500 each. Justice Weldo went to tho station-houso and took tho bail. The last man was not bailed until 3 o'olook this morning.

The men arrestod were very indignant becauso Banham and the others wore not arrested. and Kelly had a lawyer this morning, who had any number of witnesses to swear that it was not a prize-fight, simply a sparring exhibition that took place in tho olub-rooms last night Tbe polico had no direot evideuoo to disprove this, so Kelly, Russell and tho other prisoners woro discharged. A DINNER TO MR. MORTON. John F.

Plummer to He Host, with Many Distinguished Men for Carats. Cards of invitation are ont for a dinner to be given on Monday evening, Feb. Sfi, by John F. Plummer, the dry-goods king, at his resideuco, 24 East Fifty-sixth street. It is to honor Lovi 1'.

Morton, Vice-President elect, prior to his departure for Washington. Covers aro to bo laid for about forty guests, aud tho cuisine will bo under tho care of Delmonlco's best chefs. Among tho guests will bo Gen. W. T.

Sherman and his other. Senator John Sherman, of Ohio; John Wanamaker, Matt B. Quay and doorgp W. Cliilils. of Philadelphia: Omiurcss-mau Farwell, of Chicago; Senator llawlny, of Connecticut; Congiessman William Vt alter Phelps, of New Jersey; Warner Miller, Cor-ncllus N.

Bliss, Chaunccy Depew, T. 1). Clarke, Treasurer of the Dry-Goods District ltepublican Club, Elihu Hoot, Al lMummur, Whttelaw Held, llev. John II. l'axton.

U. Logau B. Murray, George Ullss, the banker partner of Mr. Morton; (leorgp F. Baker, President of the First National Bank and Treasurer of the Union League Club; Congressman B.

White, of Brooklyn; John It. ltockcfeller and Henry Flagler, of the Btandard Oil Company: William L. Strong, Joel II. Erhardt and Bulllvan. of Bullivan, Vail A Co.

New Faces nt the Hotels, C. 0. Oilman, of Chicago, and F. B. Norwell.

of Boston, arrived at the fifth Avenuo Hotel this morning. Edward J. Ovlngton, of Chicago; 11. K. White, of Providence, and C.

B. Pearson, of Bostrui, are at the Hotel Bartholdl. F. II. Prinoo, of Boston; II.

J. Mulford, of Buffalo, and N. W. Taylor, of Clovelaud. are registered at tho Albemarle.

Prominent at tho Hoffman Houso are F. Howe, of Boston; Kinil P. Colt, of Ilhode Island; of Wlucling, W.Va., and B. B. Btin.

son, of Philadelphia. At tho Bt. James Hotel are It B. Stockton, of Trenton, N. J.B.Doris, the circus manager; William F.

Johnston, of Philadelphia, aud W. B. Pettet, of Utioa. George M. Bond, of Hartford: Goorge Wat-sou, of Baltimore, and W.

0. Vtyman. of Chi-rago, are among recent arrivals at tho Hotel Brunswick. C. P.

Turner, of Byracnsc. and B. P. Bliss, of Nowport, arrived at the Hturtevant this morning. The Gilsey House register bears tho names of J.

H. L'Amoreaux. of BalUtoii; W. Hackett, of Ut os, and N. o.

Pennington, of Jacksonville, Fla. Among the Grand Hotel guests are Col. F. Moans and Lleuts. Urmond M.

Bissak and M. P. Maus, U. 8. A.

I Ik Tripp, of Chicago, and tttausl Acker, of l'hiladelpk, a. THE LAST DAY OF THE RACE. IT FINDS STANLEY TUB ALMOST CERTAIN WINNER AT THE (lARI)EN'. Tho interest iu tho Madison tiquare Garden blcyclo ruca has grown daily and tho gatherings of hpoctators havo increased in number pioportionately. Tho rnco will wind up this evening and riding will begin at '2 o'clock iu tho nftornoon, instead of 3, so thnt tho raco can be cou eluded at midnight mid without any infringement of the Sunday laws.

Lottie Stanloy, tho Pittsburg midget, still maintains her pluco at tho head of tho pro-cession, all the efforts of Elsa Von Bluinen to orlako hor proving futile. Sho is clear grit and pluck, and her speed is remarkable She hosbcon fatorod by Dame Fortune nnd has lmd no sortoiiB ncoidont or ailment during tho work. She scored her 500th mile ut 11. St o'clock last night and announced that Bho was going to boat tho (laidon's rooord that mado by Qeorge Litttuwood in December last in a go-as-you-please. It was 623K miles In 142 hours.

Mist Oukes, In tho bluo and white of Columbia College and Miss Von Blumon, who displayed streamers of tbo College colors, wcro tho recluiouts of much attoutiou from a delegation of tho students last uight Miss Oakes almost snatched third placo from tho Swallow, boing only ono and a half miles behind her at 1 a. m. She will tnako that up readily to-day. Tho stalwart Armalndo was cheered on in a mad effort to rotaln her fallen fortunes by tho strains of the Marseillaise by tho band last evening and turned off 24 milos iu 100 minutes, only Stanley, of all the other racers, being able roach within two milos of that flguro. The result of the spurting was to leavo Stanley 27 milos in odvonco of Elsa Von Blumcn.

All but Armalndo and Brown will probably cover tho 400 miles requisite to entitlo them to a share In the division of the gate money. Sickness has deprived those two of their chanco. Tho score at 1 o'clock this morning was as follows: Stanley, 618.3; Von Blumon, 401.4; Swallow, 441.0; Oakes, 440.1; Lewis, 425.7; Baldwin. 419; Hart, 859.0; Woods, 318.3 McShano, 313.2; Armaindo, 221.7; Brown, 193.6. THINKS HE'S WATCHINQ MONEY.

The Hlrnnge Conduct and Murderous Attempt of Husbnnd Meyers. My husband," said Mrs. Catherine Meyers, a tidy-looking housewife, to Justico Patterson, at the Jefferson Market, this morning, "tried to cut my throat with a carving-knife last nicht. "Tho poor fellow acts very strangely. Ha keeps walking about his room in tho house, muttering all oortH of things to himself, and whon I remonstrato with him ho gets angry and tells mo to mind my own business that he is in tho Treasury and is watching tho money there.

I thought I could soothe my poor husband by speaking to htm, but my interior-euco Rooms to havo onraged him. Meyers was oommittod to tho care of tho Commissioners of Charities and Correction for examination. A Million Expected to 8re the Play. The attendance at the Academy during tho twenty-six weeks of the engagement of Dcnnian Thompson in "Tho Old Homestead" ending last night has boen over fivo hundred and eighty thousand. Tills is a record coueodcdly tho gitatest over attained by any attraction in tills country.

Evory one who visits the Academy speaks in FTaise of Denman Thompson, aud It is expected ho half million people already rcooided will bo the means of swelling tho number to a million before Mr. Thompson's first season ends. This is a practical Illustration of tho adage that "Nothing succeed" like success," aud Mr. Thomson's most intimate friends are not alono iu wishing him a continuance of his pros polity. CHIPS.

Horrors There wero only nine Bcnators at prayers in the United States Sonate Chamber yesterday. a Somo of the papers appear to have doubts about Warner Miller changing woodpulp for gardening. Mr. Michael Murphy, Hobokcu'u defaulting Water ltcgister, has opened a palatial gin-mill in Ducnos Ayros. a Tho Drugqlst' Bulletin makos tho interesting statement that whale's milk is used as a cure for consumption, and its correspondent says ho saw a whale milked for this purpose.

Tho other day Parliament issued a "blue book ou tho Backvlllo-West allair, and not to bo outdone tho Gorman llelchstag now oomes out with a whito book for the Samoa matter. a a Tho colony of United States defaulters at Win-nilieg has been inci eased by C. B. Leach, recently treasurer of Maysvillc, Ky. There aro nineteen theie altogether.

Now tragedies are continuallycalling attention to the Hamilton-liurrduclling ground near Wee-hawkon. A young man shot himself theie yesterday. Thero havo been six suicides on this historic spot in about as many years. Pretty Cora Do Hadlcy, of Brooklyn, has been ariested for marrying Gilbert M. Atwood.uf the same city.

Bho know that ho had another vtlfe, but Gilbert told her that ho was divorced. Tho Court holds that sho should havo consulted with tho first wife before tho marriage. a a George William Thomas Brudenoll Ilruce, Marquis nf'Aiicsbury, Is suing for an absolute divorce from his wife, tho nnco notorious Dolly Tester, of tho Alhamhra coips do ballet. Tho noble Marquis Is well known in tho London police courts, whero ho has frequently been arraigned for drunkenness aud disorderly conduct. i is i New Nummary.

All tho sophomores of Lafayette College. are susjended for hazing. Masked men enter the cottage of Jacob Faw. celt, at Mount Olive, N. and kill three women and a child with axes.

Five women panenger of a street-car aro badly hurt by being run into by a train on the Baltimore and Ohio llailroad, at Chester, Pa. Advices from Aden state that H. Aschmoff's Sxpedltion has hoisted the ltutsian flag at agallo, which is alleged to be Fronch territory. Itev. W.

N. Cleveland, a brother of the President. Is rejicU-d or patter of tho Presbyterian Chuichof Southampton, L. by a vote of mu tout). The ballot for Unltod States Benator in the West Virginia Lcglslatuie result in even votes tor Kenna and Goff, with the onovoto necessary to a choice to auother candldato.

WEISS'S GOOD. NAME. i Indignation That ihq a P. 0, 0. So-oioty It.

The Loss of Ills Child Thought to Be a lleayj Enough Blow. fcv Mrs. Welts Llvlhft In the Hope of Seeing Tina Soou Again. Wero tho Amendment to the Children's Bill a Law Such Outraeot Could Not Be. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT.

iaifn yit waH-Jtrtotrn Cttsrf Jwhit. 7 All preceding undsr this section (Ar. 2U1, '-070, niti 18H1, and CXap. 411, UV 1884), "ban a commitment ahall boan mads, sbajl bs aubjiwl to lerlew by any court o( record, upon kutlorarl on the faots and tha law, and In auoh a procsaolnc lbs oominlt-mvnt order or Jndgmsnt maybe afflrrotd or reversed or modified In sucb manner and to such extent as msy seam beat, or a rehearing of the charge ordered. Landlord Danziger, of tho teuoniont-houso In Broome stroet whero tho Weiss family livo, was more indignant than evor this morning after reading iu yesterday's Evening Would tho mado about him by Supt.

Jinkons.i of Mr. Gerry's Society. I remcmborVery well tho offlcor of the Socioty who come to see mo to make inquiries about tho Woiss family," ho said to The Evening Would reporter to-day, and he tried his best to got me to say soinothlng against the people I told him that I did not like to have two families living together in one set of rooms, but I let the Welssos stay thoro because Mr. Weiss wanted to get rooms in the camo building, aud thorn was not a vacanoy just thou. Whon Woiss had a chanco to get thcin he paid mo for a week in advanco before ho occupied them.

I nover wanted to turn thorn out, and as I said yostcrday I regard them as my best tenants now. Their rooms are always paid for in advance, and thoy are the neatest and tidiest in tho building. I went into tho room when thoy were staying with the Gensburgs alter I had talked with tbe Socioty's egeut.and I saw tho mau lying ou tho sofa, who was reported as being drunk, and I know that tho accusation is a lio. Mr. Weiss does not drink to my knowledge, nor do any of tho peoplo with whom he was-living.

Thoy could not stay horo if they did. I don't understand wh tho Socioty is try. lug so hard to make them out disreputable and give them a bad character, unless it is to manufacture an exouse for the oulrago it has committed. You will do mo a fuvor to mako this pub-lio, for I havo been asked by dozous of poo. plo about the matter, and I want to nail tho statements of Supt.

JIukens and his offlcor, whoever he may bo, as lies." Mr. Dsnzigor further stated that overy day ho had callers to see the Weiss family and in-quiro about their affairs. Among them wore many ladles and gentlemen who camo in their carriages. As Mrs. Woiss cannot speak English, theso visitors have to depond upon himself and his wife to interpret for hor.

As the mother is much broken in health, the interviews bring on nervous fits of cry. lug, for the good peoplo can do nothing for her, although many offers of monoy and as. Distance havo been made. One gentleman who called two days ago offered to send his lawyer to fight the case, and evory ono who has visited the rooms has expressed amazement at the high-handed proceeding of Mr. Gerry's Socioty aud express srinpatuy for the mother and father iu their distress.

Mr. Weiss told tho reporter this morning that ho had yet heard nothing from tbe Society, and was still relying upon tho promiso made to him tiy Mr. Tuska aud Mr. Allen, of the Unltod Hebrew Charities Society, that thoy would let him see his child again. I am a strong man, and able to work for my faiuilv and support thorn comfortably.

I havo aiwavs beon able to do so. But I have had trouble over since 1 came to this country, and being unable to speak the languago and not knowing tbe customs here I may not baye mado thu people up at tbo Society understand my caso psrfeotly. Thoy urely cannot say that I nover made inquinos for my child till six mouths after It had beon committed, for I have any numler of wituossos to show that I went to the So. cioty's office as soon ok I got back to the city from Long Island, and fouud that Tina was gone. Thoy told mo at first that there was no such child thero, and then afterwards they said she had been sent away.

They mado so many promises that were broken that I did not know what to believe. I did everything they told mo. and then they put uiu out and told mo not to show myself thero again. "Now 1 havo to sit still aud see other people doing for mo what I ought to do myself. That makes me feel almost as bad as to lose Tina.

Thoy say all sorts of bad things against me and my wife, aud I cannot contradict them. Sometimes I almost wish I was dead I havo so much (rouble. "I have a father sixty years old and a mother fifty-five living in tho old country. They aro fairly well to do and so are my wifo''s parents. I caunot write to them and tell them about Tina, and I do not feel like writing to them at all.

"Yet I ana getting loiters from them all the time askingimo why I do not write and tell them bow '1 am getting along, aud iu. quiriugif auythiug is wrong. '1 he last letter I wrote was six weeks ago. They know nothing of my troubles." While tho conversation with the reportor was going on In German Mrs. Weiss was lis.

telling intently and acquiuscod in all her hustund Bald. Sho is hoping that tho piomiscs of the gen. tleuieu who called to see her will be made good, and beliovoa that she will boo her daughter again uuxt week, Lutle six-year-old Hatah. who was having her Saturday holiday, was playing contentedly in the cornel of the room with her blocks. She certainly d'd uot look as though she had evor been Ill-used, hut was us plump aud rosy as any well-carcd-for child of her ago should be.

She remembers ber sister well, and often aalcs for her, Ther telj her now that she wilt see her again boon, and she Is happy in tbe prospect of having playmate. VERDICT SHORT OF MURDER. MYATTS JURY SAY CAVANAUOH'S KILLING WAS ONLY MANSLAUGHTER. IsriritL to True stknixci would. 1 TnxNTON, N.

Feb. IC Tho Austin Myatt murdor trial, which has boen going on at Morcer Court for tho past fivo days, ended this morning in a verdict of manslaughter gainst tho prisoner. Tho jury wero out all night, having retired at 8. DO yesterday afternoon after a charge by Chiof Justice Boasley which was rogardod as favorable to tho prisoner. Thoy came Into court at 0,30 m.

Tho possession by James E. Cavanaugh of Myatt's knifo at tho timo of tho fatal shooting was cominoutcd upon as affording a possiblo grouud for Ihn theory of solf-dofcusu. Myatt had claimed that Cavanaugh approached him with knifo upraised, but Covanaugh's dying Btatemout ami tho evldenco of several of tho State's witnessos aro in Hat contradiction, Myatt will be Bouteucod next week. His vvifo is poor, and bus throe small children. The verdict of manslaughter Is considered tha most satisfactory that could bo given; for, while many regard tho shooting as having been cold-blooded murder, thero aro many others who behove the evidence was not dear enough to justify the extronie penalty.

Si STARTLING DISCLOSURES PROMISED. "The Freeman's Journal" to Discount 'Anything; (Hvru In tbe Parnell Inquiry. (UT CAULK TO THE TMESS MEWS ASSOCIATION. Dublin, Feb, 16, Tho Fretman'i Journal, after rovlewlug the coursoof the investigation before the Parnell Commission, says that even tho testimony of the lost two weoks and tho introduction of tho l'arnell lottcrs is tome compared with what is to come. It predicts revelations of a sensational character which will tako the court and the country by surprise.

A state of things will be disclosed Burpass-Ing fictions of tho imagination. Tho Journal does not enter into particulars, holding Its information in ro-servo bo that tho case of tho defonso may not ba prejudiced by premature publication. It, points out that there will bo a thrilling end to the career of a spy, Informer, detect-ivo and purchasor of false testimony which is destined to become historic for England and Ireland. a- WHAT'S TO BECOME OP THE STAKES? Meyer to Claim Them If McAullfl'e Won't Fight at Onoc- lint He Is Ont ofWelght. fSrXCIAL TO TUK KTENiaa WOULD.

1 Milwaukee, Feb. 10, It is an Interesting question now what is to become of tho Meyer-McAuIlffe Btokcs. Tho former's backors claim to bo cagor for another fight, and the latter express themselves as being only too willing. But tho meeting has not been arrauged, and It is considered extremely doubtful among tho sports here that it ever will bo. It is rumored that a private fight has boen arranged, but this is not credited.

Meyer refuses absolutely to divldo tho pot and has entered his protest iusido of the seventy-two hour limit, as provided in tho articles of ocrecmont. His backor, Kennody, he claims, baa issued a eballengo to McAullOo for auother fight also within this timo limit If the latter refuses to accept Meyer will claim the stakos, MoAuliffe Is said to be ten pounds over weight now and cannot possibly get in trim within tbe specified time. The stakeholder, Harry Ballard, is called on for decision, but is al loss to render It SAW HI8 WIPE IN THE IIALLET. Mr. Wilson Makes a Lively Hcene at the Casino Miage Door.

Florenco Wilson, ono of tho girls who weur tights in "Nadjy" at tbo Casino, baa made spocial arrangements for escort to and from the stsgo this evening in consequence of troublo which happened last night. Just after tho ballet had appeared in tho second not a young man left an orchestra seat aud tried to get uast tho doorkoeper who guards tbo passage to tho stage. Ho was much excited, and shouted that ho had just seen his wife on tho stage iu tights. Ho was Mr. Wilson, 'and tha Superintendent of a hat factory in Yonkors.

His wifo had got stage struck and run away from him. lie raved that tho company must discharge, his wifo. Ha would take her back at all hazards. Mrs. Wilson, who says sho intends to sue for a divorce, escaped by a rear door after tho performance.

a. BURNED TO A CRISP. The Terrible Death of Utile Mantle Hariri at Kllcabetliport. ISFXCIAL TO THE EYEXINO WOELD. Elizabktu.

N.J., Fob 16. Mamie Hartel, aged eight rears, was buruod to death this morning at Elizabethort. Some children built a bonfire in the bushes near hor residence, at tho glasshouses, nnd tho girl with others wero playing around it Her clothing caught fire and in an inUant sho was enveloped in flames. Her playmates fled iu teiror from the spot, leaving the unfortunate child to her fate, Wbeu somo older people reached the scene, shortly after, the girl was found writhing on the grouud in the ngonies of death. Tho lower part of her body was burned almost to a crisp and she died after boing removed to her home.

al STRYCHNINE AND M0LASSE8. Tragic Hulrldo of a Young Ulrl Who Had llren Descried by Her Lover. ISrECIAL TO THE KVEXIXO WOnLD.) Halifax, N. 8., Feb. 10.

A fourteen-yoar-old girl named Laura Bourgolne, whoso father is postmaster at Mali one Bay, mixed a largo doso of strychnluo with molasses yesterday aud sw alio, veil it. She was fouud shortly afterwards in tho agony of death, Vrith the photograph of a young man clutched to ber breat. The young man had forsakon her some time ago. and despite her entreaties would have nothing to do with her. She would soon havo become a mother.

Racing; at tJuItenbnrg To-Day. There will be racing at Guttenbnrg to-day, rain or shine. Track fast, 2 O'CLOCK. 19 iM 'itH HE WAS DROWNED. 11 And William Coffee May Be Eespon-' 'ilil siblo for It.

JH The Lost Han Was the Captain of tho mm Pinafore. 1 fi 11 A Wrestling Match on Dock, a Fall i JH Overboard, a Tragedy. Thoro was a quarrel ou board tho Pinafore jfi xLH at 3. 30 o'clock this morning, and in tho wres- -Tf 1 tling match that followod two mon fell over- 'll board, Ono is supposed to havo been jjf drowned, nnd tho man who was rescuod is Jfofgai under arrest on suspicion of having caused 481 tho death of tho other. 3 Sgl Tho Pinaforo in this instanco is not a man- jH in Her Majesty's Bcrvice, but 1 only an ordinary freight bargo of tho New York Central and Hudson Illvor Railroad vfafl transfor torvice, lying off tha Company's yards, at tha foot of West Thirty-first street.

Owen Malono was her captain, and after hor arrival yesterday ho began to fill up with a lggj liquor. William Coffoo was employed on 'M flH board as a roustabout About 3 o'clock this morning Night Watch- A it man August Wclsmau ov erhcard tho men iggei quarrelling aboard tho boat. They both seemed to be intoxiratod, and during the nl- 9 IH tercation high words weto spoken. ''9 lH A hnlf an hour nttorwatds We sman was in ''a another part of tho yard, when ho heard au outcry aud ho habtouod to the shore. Jlo found a man struggling in the water, iH just off tho shore, and after considerable OK jH difficulty ho pulled him to dry land.

Tha -H muu proved to bo Coffoo. Sj Weismau and a man namod Michael Mo- 'IK iH Cormack who had assisted in saving Coffee, vt DH mado diligent seurcli for Capt. Malono, but wj thev could find no trace of him. Tho two mon then went to tha West Urn jH Thirty.sevonth street polico station and ro- portod the oisa. Officer Morris was detailed gw to arrest Coffoo on suspicion of having lH caused his captain's death, by pushing him F-H off thu bargo.

Whon Coffco was brought in he was still slanei slightly nuder tho influence of liquor. He 4lr iM said he lived in Patcrsou, N. J. JB fl Aflor spending tho rest of tho night in a xtoilgfl coll ho was brought beforo Justico Duffy in ffi the Jofferson Murkot Polico Court this morning. JC jH Tho prisoner said that both ho and tho csj).

31 iM tain had been drinking, and admitted having had a few nuploasant words. lH When askod whether he had pushed Mo- "4B tH lono off tho deck, he said that ho and the iff fH captain had clluchod and had a littlo wres. rM tling bout )M During tho troublo. said be, we made a misstep and both of us fell overboard. 'fti jB Ho denied that thero had beon any bad mrstl feel ng botweeu himself and the missing man.

VPB Justice Duffy decided to remand the prix- iRjisei oner until to-morrow morning, aud ordered 3t the policeman to bring the night watchman sjf to Court to testify. Tho polico express a doubt as to whether tF 'M Malono was pushed off by Coffee or whether W' ligai tho drowning was accidental; but they will work on the cao to-dav, and if there is any j-'-H evidence going to show that Coffoo is respou. jig; jl siblo for his captain's death ho will be held. fi Up to a lato hour this morning Malone'a jf? JH body had not been recovored. He is do- yH scribed as being short and of thick-set build.

-gH He had dark hair, a reddish mustache and a ruddy countenance. x.sggfl -ap 'SS-zSgas A DRUNKEN INCENDIARY KILLED. IfSI He Tried to Fire an Itnllnn's Cabin and ,4. jjTM Was Ulddled With Hbot. ItFECIAL TO TBE EVEMINO WOELD.1 WiLKysDABBE, Pa.

Feb. 10. The body of Jf John Gray, a young man residing in the liggai suburb of Pittston, known as Cork Lane, was found in a field noar tho Delaware and Hud- SI son station at an early hour this morning, 9 lM He had beon murdered. Two loads of bird- 3 shot had been fired into his body, evidently ffl at close quarters, and tho loft side of tha js body was perfectly riddled with shot fl Investigation showed that an attempt had. jj 'H been made to bnru thu shanty of au Italian named Agosto, and the supposition is that ,1 iM Gray and Tigue, coming there drunk, made a i attack on tho placo and triod to set it oa 11' aH fire.

sMlfgai Tho Italian camo out with his shotgun and fired at them. Tigue was found this morning 11 under a water tank not far off. He was still under tho influence of driuk and stated that be rememboroil uothiug of what had hap. Hi pened the night before. The local polios aro now in pursuit of Agoste.

'SCal THAT PECULIAR DISEASE. fl Hoys Afflicted In Another InstU Jt iggai union. Jj iH ISFECIAL TO TDK EVEXIKO WORLD. WouELspoiiF, Feb. 10.

A good deal of ex- '01 'M citoment has been crcatod hero by the break- Mt 1-H ing out among a number of boys of a diseass jl romewbat similar to that which has afflicted the Inmates of tho soldiors' orphans' school -S ggB at McAUUterville. jH They apparently have tho same symptoms. Thoy soo all sorts of Imaginary things an I 9 iM are subject to tho strangest hallucinations. jf In connection thctewith they hare occasional violent sjiolls of nausea. Their symptoms liagfl puzzle tho physicians.

firgefl 1(1 ESBEg Fire Iu Washburn Morn Mills. ISrECIAL TO TUE EVEMIXO WOBLD.I SBgggei WoncEHTEO. Feb. IU. The Washburn 'gVggel A Moen Wire Mills were damaged to the ex- 'wlaggai tent of $35,000 by flro last night Theoriiriii of tho flro is unknown.

The ontiro fire depart. IMaaaal mout worked tluuo hours before tho fire was got Jfi aH under control. 11 Lagan a. uglafggai Dr. aietllynu's Huiiday Talk.

IXgggai At the Autl-Poverty Society's meeting at magi Cooper Union to-morrow evening, Dr. McQlynq Igasgei will sneak on "Balfour and O'Brien: tha. 'aTnaaai Anglo-Irish Question." I 1H vsgaaal t'W iu i aalH.

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