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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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6 The Pittsburgh Press, June 12, '57 (Advertisement! 1 Advertisement Advertisement) IAdirtUMBltt The Story Behind The Name of ROBERTS UUlW UsD UJ (Zo6n Hfloherfs and Son Co. Below Is the Original log cabin store roam of John M. Roberts and Son founded in 1832. It via located at FiTth Ave. and Market St, noted fcr its fins hitching post and p'atfarm.

Management cf This Venerable Institution Has Ceen Pasccd Down From Fatter to Son For Well Over a Century Steeped in tradition that started in a I03 cabin, located at Fifth Ave. and Market Street 123 years ago, the Name ROBERTS is linked with the pioneer history of America, as well as with the city of its inception, Pittsburgh. The log cabin that served ,7 1 WOOD AT DIAMOND PITTSBURGH MfciM mii i ii ii ii i wwii ii i i Tim i FEATURING GREATEST JEWELRY VALUES If YEARS as the first ROBERTS store was built in 1790, and was converted by John M. Roberts I into the shop that started the oldest jewelry family in business in 1832. In this conversion, 'weatherboard was placed on the front, and the sign, bearinfi: the name and business of the owner was so large, in proportion to the tiny store, that it partially excluded the view through the second story front windows.

For a time, the first Mr. Roberts and his family lived above the store. Founder Once Boy Apprentice The founder of Roberts, of Scotch parentage, came to America when a small boy. He gained his first jewelry experience as an apprentice to a man named McFadden. Each succeeding generation of Roberts descendants has added its improvements and, today, the four-story structure, at Wood and Diamond, plus a suburban location, is mute testimony to the initiative of the men who carry on the Roberts name and its traditions.

llliltii Oldest Jewelry Family in America Holds to Traditions John M. Roberts II, son of the founder, took over the management of the institution in 1892 and directed its progress, till his death in 1931. J. Loughrey Roberts entered the firm in 1900 and John First Windows M. Roberts in 1916.

Both ROBERT'S FAMOUS QUALITY Just as they were 125 years ago Roberts diamonds are today PREFERRED diamonds. It has been truthfully stated that it takes 50 years of study to really KNOW diamonds. Let our Gemologist help you choose. Tremendous Selection! FINEST AND LARGEST SELECTION IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Thus Pittsburgh is assured for many years to come, that the Roberts traditions will be carried on by direct descendants of the founder. I i 1" Roberts introduced tlie.

first display windows west of the Alleghenies; also installed the cities first electric lights in their windows and building. Today this tradition of progress is still prevelant at Roberts plus the desire to do all things that are good for the 400. CO Diamond Rings now einq bein Many 100.00 Robert's Diamond Ring now binj featured at actual savings of 30.05 CQ95 S. them! featured at Robert i AAA lavina of 111.00. Jfc03r shared the responsibilities of maintaining the highly esteemed Roberts reputation, until J.

Loughrey's death in 1950. Like their fathers and grand-fathers before them, the present generation of Roberts young men are dedicating their lives to upholding the principles -of the oldest jewelry family in America. The present generation includes Joseph L. Rkrts Jr. and Steele M.

RouC-rt; sons of J. Loughrey Roberts. John M. Roberts IV, Charles Beyer Roberts and William Drake Roberts; sons of John M. Roberts III.

San the 175.00 Diamond Rings now at Robert's reduced and which will save you 75.05. 95 485.00 Diamond RInqt ara hera for you to lalect from at Robert at aJO 525.00 Men's Diamond Rings your lelaetion at Of1.50 Robert's reduced First Stock Imported The stock of Roberts first log cabin store included watches imported from England, diamonds and various types of jewelry, ivory miniatures, Bohemian garnets, glassware, and steel engravings, but all were procured after many hazardous days of journey from New York. Most of the trip was through wilderness by coach, horseback and canal boat. 7 7 Com early! 200.00 V4 Carat 300.00 Carat uimm mm ummm mm NOW 1 25 00 now 1 85 00 Large Selection 8S0.00 1 Carat WEDDING RIHGS Dlfl'iiDfiD RINGS how 25 OFr- now 599 Very Large Selection 31.50 to 37.50 DIAMOND RING RINGS MOUNTINGS A 95 ALL REDUCED! N.wo,iy is very active in business, Civic and sports associations. After four decades of sharing the responsibilities of maintaining the tiighly esteemed Roberts reputation, John M.

Ill is turning more and more of the active management over to the younger Roberts. 850.00 Diamond Rinai are here 208.00 Emerald Cut Diamond Rinqs hava baen markrd down at John M. Roberts III John M. Roberts III joined the -organization In 1916. Ho ser ved in the Navy Aviation Division in World War I.

Past president of the Retail Jewelers Association, he splendid array for Robarft lifQ.CO your easy selection at now I 2.250 Diamond Ring. Just think what you save now) 555.00 This value I invites I 03 325.00 Men's Diamond Rings You will see when you 10-50 come m. Save 55.00. I 07 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX DIAMONDS FROM ROBERTS Your Guarantee of Finzr Quality Select How and Save to 41.. BUY ON TERMS TO SUIT YOU IMPERIAL PEARL SYNDICATE World's Largest Importers Of Cultured earls Our best uishes on this vi omen tons occasion WATCH BANDS 28C0.

FLATIHUI DINNER RING 1200. PLATINUM CIRCLE PIN Extend Congratulations 125.00 DIAMOND EARRINGS 0.95 1650. DIAMOND BRACELET 42 Diamonds, total I OIO C0 about 2 12 Carats I AHW 1 lnrpe cpntpr 5fi monds, pliii 2I9S rtiamonds, plus 88900 31 Diamond Masterpiece on your 1 NOW bout 3 Carat yottr-12Dthr-Amtivcrmry JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO. I VI mm JtW 125th Anniversary JOHN M.

ROBERTS SON CO. uu i Make it a Real Match with matching wedding rings by tm MANY OF OUR FfHEST IFT WITH A Mm- GRADUATES PREFER WATCHES Those who want a watch are really in luck for you can deal handsomely now at Robert's. This sale will not only save you plenty but will give you also the tops in fine watches. Tremendous selection! FROM ROBERTS Larger Selection mm 'MM GUARANTEED FOK A llfiTIMEl Sinfe 1850, forf most ttyling, unexcelled craftfmanhhip have made ricarreifi matching wedding rings the overwhelm- ing choice of young couple everywhere. Over 300 stylet to choose from.

i sViianiiW" Pleas, don't crowd us too fast but here are 24.75 Watches tor real early I O.50 comers at AUtO.A SIT Groom's $45.00 lint S3 50 As seen tit LIFE and LOOK Sincere Congratulations on the occasion of Tr.J. mirfc rr. rl.1 Intfl. rw) TlK. niisw nlirrd lo misprint No, 1 7 83 You'll think this is a 15-jewel ladies' and men's 35.75 watches.

If you want a 62.50 Ladies' 21-jewel watch at half-price hurry to I .25 Roberts' I 67.50 Men's and ladies' 21-jewel watches now await your selection at 71.53 Men's and ladies' 21-jewel watches for those here ST. 75 tomorrow at 9.30 85.00 Ladies' 14-K solid gold watches. Limited number. Come in tomorrove your 125 ih Anniversary JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO.

Yes, Robert's have priced 2 1 -jewel 49.50 ladies' and men's 75 u.l.L.. i A-ti Men's 69.50 Ladies' 69.50 FAMOUS MAKE 17-Jewel DIAMOND WATCHES 24.75 WATCHES 34.75 Ladiei 585.00 Ladies 139.50 1 7-Jewel PLATINUM 17-Jewel DIAMOND WATCHES 9QQ.50 VATCH OQ.50 14 Diamonds fcVV 44 Diamonds WW toeres' 750.00 110-00 S0UD G0LD 17-Jewel PLATINUM QQyiR yyjCH I WATCH CQQ.50 30 Diamonds WWW Included 55.00 watches like more, SO have been slashed in Cif two, now are on ly af 59.50 watches are now beinq offered. 21-jewel men's at exact'y You might as well save l2 if you need a watch. See the S7.50 die. mond-diel man's half price.

OQ-75 Rush! watch ALL PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX It. A. 1L1LLOU CO. Inc. Established 1868 Makers OF Jewelry 1'lease let us congeal ulatc you on your longeily and success the years.

There are not many jewelry concerns in the United States as old as yours and still oper- ating under the same The long li.t of people hearing your name is ery impressive. JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO. I II mm mm mm Best uishes on your 125th Anniversary JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO.

Values to 8.50 Ladies Men's fine gold- I filled watch Regularly 10.95 Men's extra fine quality watch GO bands now wey Ladies' reflularly 15.00 Watch Bands with 2 fine A QQ Diamonds now.Vre Regularly 9.95 Ladies' smartly styled gold-filled A watch bands H77 12otli Anniversary DIAMOND WATCHES 1 i 2 PRICE With Hamilton Movements Manufacturing Jewelers jlM8WSt1l Values io 10.00 Values to 1S.C0 Costume Jewelry Costume Jewelry N.ekloees,' A ftf Nehloees, 'ft Eorrinjs, I UU Earrings, aS.Vjf Bracelets Bracelets Values to 20.00 Values to 25.00 Costume Jewelry Csstume Jewelry Necklaces. ftft Neelrlaces, fifo I.rri.S. 4,99 ,99 Bracelet. Bracelet. Values to 6.50 Regularly 2.50 BILLFOLDS GOLD BASy li-L RINGS 1QQ yalues fQ U50 Regular 8.00 to 13.00 14-K SOLID GOLD PEARL RINGS S5slC0JS i.oo Super Special! Sterling Silver Crystal Clan CULTURED PEARL ash" J0.OO Finely- 3.50 Sterling tdqe Graduated Strands and Hand Painted CULTURED PEARL CHINA ASH TRAYS NECKLACES 1 8" 1.75 10.00Plastic LlnTd English Sheffield STERLING SALT and 5-Pc.

Silverplated PEPPER shakers TEA COFFEE SEOT Pqir 5.95 dSdT 99.00 Ladies' 8 1 0.00 Diamond Watch Ladies' 645.00 Diamond Watch now reduced to 1 A now reduced to Congratulations to one of our oldest dealers for this remarkable achievement in the retail jewelry field HAMILTON WATCH CO. LANCASTER, PA. iNew Vtirk, Y. I OFF at 405.00 OFF 322.50 Ladies' 840.00 Diamond Watch Ladies' 675.00 Diamond Watch now reduced to 1 now reduced to 1 I OFF d. 420.00 OFF 337.50 IIaj)py 125tli Anniversary ladies' 1 050.00 Diamond Watch Ladies' 780.00 Diamond Watch now reduced to 1 now reduced to 1 A OFF J- 525.00 OFF 390.00.

Thtst Sit Wocnes Suoi'ecf to JO. Ftderol Tei watch you can I 3.00 Silverplaied 3.50 Siherplafed gravy 4 nn Servin8 1 nn LADLES FORKS 7ZTT. I Mues to 2.50 Each 5.00 i nfl Tea Spoons A Aft KNIVES 'W lock now wear is a Among the thousand of well wither, far and near, for John 31. Koherls Son let us be one to extend, to you and all at your esteemed firm our sincere good wishes at litis time upon the oceasion of this rare annherfary. We are proud and grateful that for the 28 of those 125 years, ve have been faored, uninterruptedly, and steadily with your valued account.

America's Odest Jewelry Family mSl iSr''. iK JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO. JOHN M. ROBERTS SON CO.


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