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Muskogee Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 7

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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ITMES-DEMOCRAT. MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA PAGE SEVEN We Want Your Patronage We cater to those who are hard to please. Our waiters are courteous. We are here to in order to stay, we have got to deliver the goods.

Come and see if w.e don't deliver them. We appreciate your patronage. Give us a trial. Merchants Quick Lunch I ID North 2nd St. Opposite Phone 2228.

i MIM) 11111111! il 1111111 1 11 111) 1111H11 Ml I i 1 1 11 1 IH1II111111 Nobody 10 Warm The Blondes '(Continued from page 6.) wouldn't want to aviate with any one of 'em has something wrong with his elevator and his volplaner. Yet they didn't. And poor little Beth looked as lonesome when she hit the Parker- Washington down Third street day night ns she did on the pier the night she lost her heart to the night she wasn't anybody and the big world was picking on her. The story dealt with a lad whose professional way of earning a living was working father. In Paris, with everything at his command, he became infatuated with a dancer who trimmed him of his last dollar and then turned him Into the streets for the Apaches to mutilate.

He wired dad and dad told the Apachetf to go to it if they wanted him; for he didn't. But the boy soaked his watch and got a ateer- ticket. home and, on the boat, he of a time when a real woman might come into hla life, and she came, like a he pinched- her and found she was real. She is the unwitting tool of a smuggler and the pearls fall Into the boy's keeping and 80 does the girl, for that matter, and the mlx-up that follows In his room at hoijie is wondrous, and is augmented by a dozen or so who want to marry him and a detective who after the pearls. During the action of the play, the triple trot, lirtatldn gentlne, waltz aviation and the dream waltz are Introduced, and a sextet puts on a real hit, called "Come Along to the Movies." Love is such a funny little a little love for an admiration loving chorus would have helped "When Dreams Come True" a lot.

Try it oh the next bunch of blondes you meet! CLEARING HOUSE. Nov. statement of the actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companleij for week that they hold $193,845.370 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This is nn iiiorease of over last week. mm) TO HAVE ABOUT THE HOME PLAIN METHODIST IS 0.018 ERT Negro Educator Talks White Conference Out of a Lot of Money For School.

Keeaao, LeSaint And Kyne (Continued from page 6.) drama of the days of the Rdward J. LeSaint, who produced "The Long Chance," Is regarded as one of the foremost directors of the day. He combines artistry with dramatic Insight and is a stickler for detail. Added to this, Mr. LeSaint has the ability to get the best there is out of his company and he la a natural manager of men.

He was born in Cincinnati, of American parents. His fnthei-'s ancestors were French, which The Rev: John Wesley Gilbert, who, though black, isn't a hyphenated Chris- tlon, because, after the war, his, folks stuck to the regular Methodist tfhuroh with some 70,000 others, talked the I seventieth annual Eastern Oklahoma I Methodist Episcopal church. South, Instantly Stops Indigestion, Gas, There are 300,000 negro Methodists In dOUmeSS, tieartOUrn or the worm but, as the Rev. Otibert put A'pitlitv stuck after the war, the nciuiiy. balance finally Joining other churches and becoming A M.

or hyphe- "Pon-'. nited Christians, Afro-Americans, Af- 1 be Moment rape Uiapepsin iike the German- Reaches the Stomach All Americans got themselves Into a fix many are now trying to back out of. tress uOeS. I John Wesley Gilbert is a smart proach- 1 cr, and he has been to Africa, and has walked 900 miles past the last bout landing on the Congo, and he's Intpr- eated In Payne university at Augusta, and, on the endorsement of Itlsh- op Mouzon he, Friday, got a lot of white folks Interested with him. He asked for aid and, at the close of his AB there is often somfone in ynur family who suffers an atlnck of Indl- frestion, acid stomach, or form of stomacti trouble, why don't you koop Papo's Dlapepsln In the house handy? Thl.s harmless blessing will digest i addressTWt" money" anything you eat without the sllghest, table where he stood, and a hat discomfort, and overcome a sour, gassy passed for the small change-and A Picture You'll Be Proud Of Better have no Photograph than a poor one.

Better to have the best it is possible to make than one that is fairly good. Qur specialty is the making of Photographs of living people and making them so well that they bring the thought, "There's a picture I dm proud of." We make them in all sizes and in all the latest flesigns at prices ranging from $4.00 per dozen up to $60.00 per dozen. Better Iiave tliose Pliotographs taken today six weeks until the yoiir order in early. stomach five minutes. Tell your pharmacist to let you read he formula plalnjy written on these Detroit Electric $1975 to $2275 -absolute silence in operation The motive power of the Detroit Electric is a perfectly fluid, continuous streini of electricity.

There are no explosions, no intervals between impulsei, no over-powerful engine pounding away at 2000 revolutions per mioute. nothing to jar and tire yon, nothing to batter the mechanism and pile up heavy bills for repair, replacement, and adjustment. be surprised at the distance yon can ride in a Detroit Electric without the slightest fatigue. And it is the preferable automobile because of its cleanliness and freedom from the fumes and odors common to gas cars. On any day you say we'll be glad to arrange a demonstration for you.

Prices range from $1975 to $2275 Showroom and Service Station, 418 West Okmulgee, Phones MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA. Electrical Appliances Make Charming Christmas Gifts Shop Early while stocks are fresh and complete. Purchase from your electrical supply the dow displays. I No other Christmas gifts have grown so fast in popularity as things electrical. Every woman longs for more electrical in her that's why these gifts are so much in demand.

Muskogee Gas Electric Go. 23-25 WEST OKMULGEE AVENUE not accounts for his nanre, but oO-cpnt cases of Pape's Diapepsln, for the very artistic streak which runs then you will readily see why It makes through does. He was educated Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn In Cincinnati. land other distress go in five minutes Mr. LeSaint was In business relieves at onre such miflcrlea as to the stagre, and Tils first position was with the Q.

C. R. in the nudltlnff office. The life was far too quiet and monotonous and he answered the call of the stage and joined a stock company in his home town under the of James NelU He stayed with the one company for two years and wan encouraged to develop his talents. For 15 years he played In most of the prominent road shows all over the states.

Playing every imaginable kind of nart he was regarded as one of the most able and useful men in the profession. It la hard to find an actor who has been in stock that did not at one time or another play with He with the Brady forces for three years and played the stock broker In The Man of the Hour." Mr. LeSaint next Joined the Klnema. color company and turned out some of their best pictures. He remained with the company until it stopped production and then accepted a splendid offer from the Selig Polyscope company and stayed with them for about two and one-half years, until he took up his position with the Universal, In fact.

Edward LeSaint is one of those producers who believe In good dramatic action combined with genuine heart Interest and his artistic touch is always evident In, his plcturea In fact, he 1B a capable artist In both oils and water colors and has exhibited on several occa.slons. He Is a reader of classical literature and is fond of home. The New Yale is showing a big six- reeler every Sunday. Tomorrow tfye picture Is "The Frame and oroduced by Otis Turner, with George Fawcett In the leading role, Player's Long Name Mistaken For Code belching of. gns, eructations of sour, undigested food, nausea, headaches, dizziness, con.sliputlon and other stomach disorders.

Some folks have tried so long to find relief from indigestion and dyspepsia or an out-of-order stomach wJille wo are one with with the common cvory-day cures ad- crtlsed that they have about made up their minds that they have something else wrong, or believo theirs is a case of gastritis, catarrh of the stomach, or cancer. This, no doubt, l.s a mistake. Your real trouble i.s, what you eat does not digest; Instead, it ferments and sours, turns to acid, gas and stomach poison, which riutrofy in the digestive tract and Intpstine.o, and, poison the breath with nauseous odors. A hearty appetite, with thorough digestion, and without the sll htest discomfort or mlgory of the stomach. Is waiting for you as soon as you decide to try Pape's a lot of folks signed cards agreeing to subsdrlbo cash later Gilbert, when allowed to address the conference, said: "Christianity has two legs to stand Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man.

"I tell my people they have the for. mer leg only and. If they over do get to heaven, they'll have to hop it In, for we believe It better to get the klnks out of our brain than out of our h.alr, we believe it better to have a white heart than black heart and a white you in the Fatherhood of Qod, wo wo can be mighty separate when It comes to brdtherhod of man and social matters. "We have some smart young men, we have big, fat, black bishops, and wo study the white man's books and preach the white man's sermons. "Many a white preacher has made good preaching to black congregations.

Wo are a responsive congregation and It comes to put more 'force' behind our argument than the white man." He said that, of the 460 graduates of Payne university not one has yet been convicted of that the white man's books Jtave done much for the race from tjle dark continent. Studio open onSun- day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. tn.

Greene's Studio 210 SouthThird St. Phone 1060. FOR RESULTS, USE TIMES-DEMOCRAT WANT ADS. Cftrlotta De Felice, the beautiful and engaging young actress who is featured in "One Million Dollars," i the five-ilart Rolfe-Metro production just completed. In which William Fav- ersham Is starred, has threatened of- flcials in a local cable office with a civil suit over the belated receipt of, a cablegram sent her from Marseilles, France.

The difficulty is at once se- rious and humorous. The actress Is of French-Italian parentage, and her complete name is Carlotta Nevada Evangeline Jeanne Genevieve Marie Antoinette De Felice. She never uses the entire name, but members of her' family abroad do. A cablegram sent to Miss De Felice recently by one of her kin was held up for twenty-four hours by the cable company. The wording of the message was my-ste- rloua, and this, coupled with the un- i usual name, provoked the suspicion that the many names were part of a code.

Investigation by the cable offi- clala and censors evidently delayed the i message, much to the annoyance of Miss De Felice. GREATEST OF ALL PICTURES COMING "The Soul of Broadway," an amazing photo-drama whltfh has, without doubt, created more comment than any other motion picture production on the screen today, and one which, at the pre-vlew In one of the largest movie theaters in Los Angeles, was termed the "great- teat of all pictures In point of production and elaborateness," cornea to the Broadway theater Monday afternoon and night. The stellar role Is played by the fascinating stage actress, Valeska Suratt, whose Buccess In "The Red Rose" musical comedy a few years ago was hailed throughout two con- tlnents. Miss Suratt has played at the HInton theater several seasons. In this picture Miss Suratt wears some of her striking and amazing gowns, making a complete tfhange of costume 150 times William Shay plays opposite her.

In brief, the story concerns the life of La Valencia, a typical woman of the New York stage, wonderfully beautiful but old In sin. Her lover (portrayed by Mr. Shay) becomes a thief that he may shower luxuries upon her. He is sentenced to prison and for five years eats his heart out In solitude, to emerge at the end of that time a sad- faced, gray-haired man, entirely cured of his mad Infatuation. By accident Valencia sees him and her old passion for him is Revived.

It means nothing t3 her that, since his release from prison, he has fallen In love apd married a good woman. She tries to win him buck and, when her fascinations fall she threatens to expose his past life, but destiny takes a hand and, with powerful suddenness, the end comes. Other plcitures for the week are: Tuesday, "The Flower of the Screen," featuring Mary Miles Minter; and the J. RufuB Wolllngford series; Wednesday, Laura Hope Crews In "Blackbirds;" Thursday, "The Green Cloak." starring Irene Fenwlok) and Friday, "The Chorus Lady," with Cleo RIdgeloy In the leading role. A ANOTHER STEAMER DOWN.

London, Nov, British steam- ship 0ir Richard Awdry, of 2,234 tons 1 gross, has been sunk. The vessel was built 'In 1912 and was owned in Lon SENSATIONAL BANKRUPT SALE EVENT! The Only Thing to Avoid is Delay When in the history of Muskogee have you ever had such a golden opportunity? The Bahkrupt stock of the Varsity Clothes Shop put on sale at the very beginning of the Fall when you must buy a winter outfit. The entire stock of Kuppenheimer and other famous makes of Suits included, not one Suit being withdrawn and no cheap Suits added for purpose to mislead you. We are selling the bankrupt stock intact, just as we bought it at the sale in the Bankruptcy Court. All Men and Boys' Suits All Men's and Boys' Hats (Stetson hats excepted) Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Big Saving Three Ferguson McKinney Shirts tor the Price of Two E.

W. Full Dress Shirts at HALF PRICE CAPS FOR Sl.OO Also an Assortment of Cheaper Grade Caps Underwear WINTER UNDERWEAR Twenty Per Cent Off. SUMMER UNDERWEAR One-Third Off. Men's Hose Wilson Bros. Regular 50c Quality, 3 Pairs For $1.00 25c Quality, 3 pairs 50c Varsity Clothes Shop 219 West Broadway '1 4.

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