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Stilwell Democrat-Journal from Stilwell, Oklahoma • 4

Stilwell, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STILWELL DEMOCRAT-JOURNAL STILWELL OKLAHOMA Page Fcur LEGAL NOTICES Thursday Msr27Ij54 FOR ATHLETrS FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC It tUHT81 orp the totaled aatcr aAto cwpaao toned fonri sod kito an UV4 torn araowG aoraaaieii taooi-a T-4-L at an drn aaed IV OWE ROCS I how ot (to Ilia Bra Go STILWELL DEMOCRAT-JOURNAL musnco EVERT THURSDAY AT STILWELL OKLAHOMA nK CMU Mini hWhlit iwlil riM ull Ruliir at It root tHtir at BtllwvU OUaktaa a a Bar the act at Caaaraaa a Mai laa -ADtlBT1ING uni BOatumON BAlif I gaw oAtwoo la bdotr and aaaaliaa 2 VP tttaattttaaatataMttat Lac at aw ntaaa hub I prr aalaai lark Clamtwd act art (wnirr bails on arructnok 1953-4 OKLAHOMA PRESS Alt OCIAYION WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit so shall ye be my St John 15:8 a Hal Eioimrraa! aoiory Clcralduic klllt aaiary Uanriu IX ooiiaa Miary I Juanita Borin Miary I otuaali TrirpJMu I'a ucloJiomo lirr and Buaoir lorn Shall Miary Ruin Albany aaiary Wanda Jraa Rich IMilwrll TVirohuoa CW natal Maya Miary Clrora Duuahrriy aaiary Aim lx Paorn Miary Imadrua Bradford aaiary diuwrll TrirahMw Ob 77 Kr puller aiM-BMi eiiniutr CO Prrd Bottuma Miary Uanueaurra Miary Belli wrier aaiary Jor La nr Miary dulweil Ttieponua Ca rental loila Rutwru Punrral Huaia' charity CXadfeua Hila Btoard tma fur poor I- Reeve aaiary Lratrr hevrra upkrea Luna Bell Lhr Co uakero tVrtifod Electric CWra Wr Burch rlrciioa i I Kuaacd rerrciaurtriu Hannah rrreiu Waiaraup irrrau roicra Jwaio Adair rrmialcrlnc mca lni CtirMopbrr tow twtra i lmWniu Westville Funeral service for Clark secretary cf Social relations scc-60L of Robinson community near retary of Youth Mrs Raymond Bjiam Springs father of James Cooley secretary of childrens Clark of the Cincinnati com- work Mrs Gilbert Pickens sec-munity northeast of Westville retary of literature and publications Mrs Shankel promotion secretary Mrs Anna Parker unity northeast and brother of Mrs Chloe Ray of Summers Ark was held 6 WEST PE A VINE Mr and Mrs Marvin Thttnas cf Lt bock Texas are visiting i his brotheis Mr ird Mis Lu'-iej Thomas and family and Mr and Mrs Eub Thi mti cf Wrights Chi pel Mr and Mrs Raymond Kum-1 uMurrv taws aaa ifeiiaiatifi mingbird of Kansas City Kans 1 w1ui- i Defendant visited home folk over the week- i korun or rtouraTiov end hi parent Mr and Mru rrd tn Gat Hununingbird ond wri ipgijM wiiieia a uiuiry mn Nancy Alberty and folk Lani Mr and Mm Jack Ammons visited her mother Mm Alice Skinner over the week-end Mr and Mm Carl Crittenden are adding another room to their house Mr and Mm Luland Tuell and baby Mr and Mm Jasper Bailey and son Gary all of Tulsa visited over the week-end with Mm Nancy Alberty and family Mr and Mm Formley and daughter and Mr Henry Capps all of Hominy Okla spent the week-end with her brother Mr and Mrs Lonnie Tatum and family Mr and Mm Alex Sunday and daughter Mrs Anna Pauline Tiger of Tulsa visited Mm Sunday brother and family Mr and Mrs Noah Ketcher A large crowd from here attended the Strawberry F'estival Church and Sunday School were well attended It was announced that rhurch will start 30 minutes earlier on Wednesday and Saturday nights Mr Bert Thompson's house and everything in it burrjed up Mm Ina Lee Francis of Skia-took and Mrs Alta Anderson visited Agnes Tatum Thursday Mm Eugene Pruitt and Mrs Call Crittenden and son visited in the home of Mm Susie Tatum Mm George Tiger of Baron is spending a few days with his i Mf a aa a amiiisixt SIHIg lllllg sister Mm Cyndia Ticaskie ROCK SPKINGS Gene Bowlin of OBU Shawnee will bring the message Sundry at 11 o'rloek Mm Willaby of Yales Center Kansas is visiting her son and family Mr and Mm Willaby Viva Dobbs and Janice and aaiUiK Mid defendant quietlnn till la Fiances Auffctl took dinner with Mild MrOn and eonlirnuna Ina poMi-evioa af (hr follnwuin ml properly in Adair Otmnlr Oklahoma la-wlt: SW4 of BW of Srruoa Tnwnahip IT North Stnn Bait and NW of SWI af NE'a and S'a of BWi of NE'a and all that Mrl of (ho NE'a of NW'a of BE' Irina South and Writ of Baruo Creek and SP" of NW of and SW1 of NW of SE'a ond SWI' Of NE of St and E1 of RE' of SE'a of Section 34 Town-ahlo 11 North Rnau II BaM: barrlac and rnjohnna aoid drlradoa'a front a Ur run onr rhhi tit or imereti la or la I hr ml proocrir above drrerlbrd Witnrao air hand ond Lhr oral of mart ihti llih dor of Mor ISM SEAL DANNKNBERO Coart Clerk JEAN It REEIX Aitornrr for Plaintiff PuMiard la Stilwell Democrat-Journal Mor ill Juno 1 10 ISM I Mrs Lillian West last Sunday Mr and Mrs Eluyn Guffey and family of Okmulgee visited Saturday in the Dubbs home Mr and Mm Earl Wilcox returned to their home in Bell Gardens Calif after spending two weeks in the Tiny Hill and Wilcox home in Fayetteville Mm Hazel Dobbs visited her mother Mm Cole Sunday Mr and Mm A Hill and daughters Miss Gahlcelah and Mm Yvonne Wilcox went to Now open the Hiway Cafe at Baron adv PltnuCT fWIT or ADAIR coi xt i' 91 in or ukuhuma fcA 4 MrtSurrr id Mfturia If Miraf lhr aoauir of AvJlia Loaoiry iknx (iron haoir la unknuoa and Thrai Ratuwou and II aurrird tho aowua of Tarma Babidrai ahuac naaio la ua- kaoou if Mid Baoird jwa aro Inina and drrfakfd ina unknoma hrira ra rcutora odmiaia'raiors oriana truataaa aa-una ciaiaiauia arid firthtura and rrmoir of WUllam A auirrird the aaouM of Willia: ohm aivao uamr la unknown Bntio II Lanairy and if marm-d iho aoouao of drlvta Bl lainrlay oam run naata 1 unknown and Thrort Rabidrou and oiarrird Ilia aauiur of Ttirm-a BabMroa ulHao anra aoair unknown Von an horrtoy ro'itird that you hm barn ourd la thr lartrict court af Adair Count Oklahoma Or Lraoord IX Mr-Blurry ond Blauiuio klc Murry huabaud and wiir to ouirl lilir to Lhr foiiowiaa dr-aci'Ord lauda to-uit- a I of Of KE'a and BW of SE'a of KE'a and of NPa of SP'a and North frrt of Ba of NE'a of BE and Brat S0 fort of aoti tl ot'T frrt EW -t NE'a SE'a of Kretlua 1 and of IW1 of HrriHio 4 Taanahta IS Nunh honor Baal Adair Cuunir bkio-hutoa and lhai rou mual anawrr Plainiilff Priitioa oa or krfun lhr Bih oar of July or BOOM will br takrn aa truo and ludanwnt rradrrad occordind Is rrlirf marrd lr la lhr prntuia oa hrrin aaaiuat yaw and oath af you imird i ina iwh dir of Blay ISM SEAM DANKENBEHM Cburt CTrrt RUSdElX EUUXX Altonwy fur Plamtnfa iPuMiahrd IB Bulwrll Urawcral-Jouriiol Mar MX 31: Just ISM) tura Imntwiaic Imualry and If I lam A Laulay CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to sll our faithful friends for sll their kindness trough the illness and death of my dear husband Mrs Routh FOR RENT FOR SALE OR One hone buggy in good condition Waters Motor Company APARTMENT FOR Roberts MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE We now have first class mechanics operating our repair shop We sre ready for complete overhaul jobs No better job can be done in town Waters Motor Company north end of Stilwell HARD OF HEARING? We Carry Hearing Aids at $6950 and up We have supplies and fresh batteries for all hearing aids HOME SUPPLY CO PHONE 160 BUSINESS SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Telephone 399 Tahlequah For Service FOR SALE A social hour followed thebusi- ness session presided over by the retiring president Mrs Langley and a miscellaneous shower was given Miss Anna Larwood in recognition of five years of perfect attendance at the society The newly organized WSCS at Watts church invited the members of the Westville rhurch to attend their meeting Wednesday May 26 in the home M- Evans at Watts Refrh- rvcd hoft' esses and then the group was through the Beautiful rose nf thm u-hm nm garden of the Bests where some 100 roses were in full bloom 4 ir FOR SALE Four-room and bath modern house Alberty addition north StilwelL Terms can be arranged Inquire at c' Atchley Sallisaw Okla Those attending were Mrs Shankel Mrs Ed Fusselman Mrs Graves Mrs Langlev Miss Anna Larwood Mrs Ellen Nunley Mrs Johnson Mrs Leslie Carrington Mrs Shackelford Mrs Charles Brooks Mrs Rose White Mrs Dean Murray Mrs 11 Hamilton Mrs Effie Connor Mrs Floyd Dudley Mrs Bust and Mrs Frank Allen This is the first meeting that Mi's Allen has been able to attend for the past 18 months because of illness Mrs Shackelford will be hostess to the June meeting on Wednesday June 16 The regular 5th Sunday meet ing of the Providence Missionary Baptist Association will con' vene with the Ward Missionary Baptist church northwest of Westville beginning Friday night May 28 and continuing Saturday night and until noon Sunday- The public is welcome to attend and enjoy a spiritual feast Mr and Mn Leo Beard of NUKllbiOl luaio ilul'f wu iri uf uj ii rht Bitancu pinrLl CfRt nab (rtco luAlrf kiby n4 Tm Krtier JdriuDrrta TX l4 i BLAUT iVk GIKIKIL ri'XD 0 O- OrBt SOOS1 I (x Jr CottUir Aiiurnrir S54 09 Be live il TVsrpbuk Co miai ABd to A Hrary Bukacr oaiory Bru Adair aaUrr I Kokh aaary Burra aaiarr I 46 Hi51 leu 44 lb on lee 01 lei 23 led 21 0 00 I 5014) 000 Hi lid Aid 224 Ihddl 1021 150 41 4 15 302 34 10 21 154 01 1521 4 lb did 115 4 duo 15 51 15! 20051 00 35 00 33 30 135 90 22 10 35 11 4 ft I120B IV 0 10 Id 40 1100 30 00 0 to 10 120 II 50 10 so 1120 21 00 2d 00 34 50 40 70 it10 4100 1740 3120 1110 2140 32 40 32 00 4210 40 42 20 224 BOO 120 1H no IB 00 10 00 70 00 155 00 3 00 10 110 ISO 00 Bon 104 1100 100 nut 500 00 190 OB 350 00 45000 15473 ua aupoliea auppiiea and trauaawna- uakrra rolrra rolrra rtiiMcr rolrra A Rar irnwialrruia rotrre Coke rrrea lalrrun trotrra JiihB pane rrrraiairnau rolrra Nadiar Haataton rmwia rolrra Jnaa Roy rnnairriaa rwtrn Olana rraialrnna rolrra Bdatr iraiairrinc rolrra Watkina rrriaicrma rolrra Biadalra Blake more mnairrma Mfn rotra'" Parker iraialrrina refers jAtlia Halt rraialrnna eaten Barren South irrrau eotrri Oomo Sukillrr rrrrala voters Jwfby Oirdnrr rrrraia rotrra Porrown mistered rotrra -fra Pbwlrr nmuirrini rotrra XfW- Beaaie Wncda rrrraia rotrra Au Janaaoa rrrrsiatrrini rolrra The Biar Prlnrery kupplrw The Star Pruilrrr auppiiea Mid-Wral Print ilia On M- While aaiary TV Wni Arorn aaiary Ejkrrl Shrlfuld aaiary Frrida Padartl aaiary Ma urine fJooarn salary Iruiia Maro laundry Maurlnr Uudsrn raprraa lllwrll Tele Ca rental and tolls Jrn Read aaiary Ruih Albrrfy postwar TT1- 00 and toils Billwrll la oioc rat -Journal Thr Biar Pnnurr auppiiea Truaalr Blur Print 00 and Supply mouiirnance Obi Rood Mach Co McCormick Marh CO natal Canon rental McCormick Bluch rental The stole lnauranre Pund premium policy nixTRit mi' Tarkir moinlenonce Lincoln product! to maun A Suras Tractor Co motnk 1 Elltana Grease and Oil CO malni Contractors and CommiMloneni Buaoir moint ta Road Mrh ca malnt Okl Road Mach Co main! McCermirk Mich Oo puunt James Cannees malnt Aaron Mfa Componr autnL Sheppard timber DIKTRMT NO Dial Disinfectant ca malnt Cmitraetora and Onmmlaaioners Simple malnt lawi Bril UT Co moint Benums Stm malnt Btilwell Auto Supplr malnt Austin Johnaon malm Fletcher Hdw malnt Okie Rood Mach CW malnt Continental Oil Co malnt Stevens Serv sta maim Feed Morton's sta malnt Churulol Sen sta malnt Uothrrwosd moint Dnbb Repair Shop maun 'l Vacuum Steel Co mo lot Adair Serv Sta maim Mrihenr Serv SU matat Mrmlrk Mach CO Bulat Mttcwrmlck Mach Co malnt A Touaq and Son inc maim DIPTRICT no Nil tier Sparks Equip Co malnt Pernor Hordvort Mint Clir Oormse malnt Jack Devine rental Noll Tire Co Burnt E- tadlom lurrrrlns West era Auto Aaaac Wore mimt CC Ehockclfard maut Contractor and CamatlMloam Sunnly nulnt Omiraeure and Ctommiaaloncrs StiPM aulnl PhllllM Pel CO malnt Bill Galbraith molat 1190 304 2100 moo 184 04 13 21 Id 10 214 00 31810 05 00 1112 31 SO 555 00 43 33 33 5 40 24 12150 5402 13310 21 1014 3400 383 00 1740 4103 180 33808 04 59 70 25 75 180 20 1000 13403 10 SO 3018 13144 8500 BdM 10118 Th Boardmaa Os nulnt Denver Adair malnt Nell Akin Lkr Co molaL Oumaterw maint Mid-central Lu Sr Iranis malnt Mcftarmlck Marh Ca aulnL Herd Equipment CP maun McCormick Marh Cb malnt mail and Bra Tom Keeler Miary Buster Biaby Miary Owen Buffmaton Miary Nay Hembree operator Jim Spencer operator Bill O'Neal truck driver I Lowe operator Smith operator He Nat Lite Ina CP las Tom P- Keeler travels Buster Biaby trrrls Owen Bufflnston travel "oma BILL NO (at Aahtll patrol operator Otto Oirdnrr doarr operator Reeve dower operator Jo Durile Irurk driver mj 0l noyd Cain (rader operator 14 no Chester Swafford operator 138 00 Georoe Klmhle tabor 10 00 Claud CWIn tabor 4a oo 31 00 314 00 135 00 130 00 144 00 143 00 10 00 14200 154 00 120 00 124 00 120 00 128 00 12000 114 00 120 00 14418 15 35 1425 1001 85 101 44 1538 504 23 4100 4 45 14 55 13 85 335 5 219 3 8031 38 22 8000 448 00 45700 Mills Jo Neff doaer operator Clarence Blakemore tabor A Alberty loader Waller Curtla true driver Mwerd CuldwelL operator Hamid Brown tabor Harmon operator Jack Beavers operator Herbert Morris operator Buck We at tabor Rlrh Falona tabor Hamer Snell labor Homey Phillip labor Dare Cummin tabor Hunh Savers labor Morton Porker lumber Wm Kerr timber Sinclair Reftnlne Oa MalnL lAne-Bell Lbr Maim Skelly Oil CPl MalnL Fleleher Hdw Malnt Tar lor Matat Bkelln Oil Ob Moint Omtraciori Gbmmr's Supplr Keevo Tit Cn MalnL Oklahoma Road Mach Co Malnt TWrlar ltaint Sinclair Refinln Oo MalnL Lloyd Brewer MalnL Reed's Hdw ft Pure On MalnL Btilwell Aut Supply MalnL Herd Enlpment OO Mninl Cl rile Rather a ravel Dwnnenbern Court Clerk Monthly Report Torn Shell Cbunty ctork Monthly Approved 1 Them 5i i a Ihrtbrr baaid receeeea for la'er Oat own BimoiUf CVtairaiau SEAL) Sl'STTR BIGBY Meaiber IXlM KiflEK MeOMer TOM ft ELL Couni Curd Bi WUiOa Jeao Bich Drutr StitwdL ObUhamo April IB 154 The Board of Count cemmuawon tad ao mi tho 1M of AprU 154 with oil tne uwmaera present Chairman Owen Biiffin too Busier Ncbr oad Tom Keeler Member Tha feoowlns bualocM wo trsaaocird: Nome Pugmm Amount (X Grant mUii 200 51 Grant O- Grant puaiaa biuwell TV1 oo reulwl pad loll 13 34 400 400 15 00 loosi IdO 40 4 50 113 41 140 21 140 21 00 00 SUM 40 00 10 00 55 14 00 1W01 10021 150 41 110 4 IB SOB 34 ISO 21 70 10 000 ltd 01 ISO 21 0 did Oraat auuu Henry Bucaarr saiary Zak Adair salary Henry Burkarr poctaN Burch aaiary Minnie Ultra aaiarr Bessie E- IPalermoa salary Ra Eiuaneruioa aaiary Grraiain Mills salary Mania Oldham aaiary J-mail a Warier aaiarr OtilaeU Tel Oa natal Baker Molar Co auppiiea Tom BhrU aoiory Ruth Albertr salary Wands Jean Rich aaiary Tam Shell hoi rent dtuweil Id Ca rental Maya Miary Claora Duusbtrty aaiary Maya a ifc-asc Mara Busts Btilwell Urmocrwt-JouraoL eup Alice IX Paden Miary Imadrne Bradford Miary Aim Padea to rent SlUarll TVL Ob rental Herald and Democrat Perrin Print in oa auppiiea 1333 Rad Bottom Miary 00 O- L'annenhrrf Miary 188 01 Betty Werley Miary 18031 Joe Lrarb Miary 30051 dwell Tel Co rental and tolls 4 38 Jo bov rent 2 30 IL lauMtL medical aenrlce 500 Burn Oteea D- aadical IffVkCf aa 00 Jeaa Reed tail aervlce 5 00 Revvoa Miary 135 00 Eaton upkeep 5 00 CHy of Btilwell Itehta and water 048 Word election 150 While aaiary 12 00 3 ben Bhcflirld Miary 12 00 Wa Ccorm salary 1200 Okie Coma tar Crlppbd Children aual 3POOO PnrOa Podsett Mtary 10 IN Mourtne Bod sen salary 159 00 Hourine Dodarn puatoso 7 00 Leotu Mayo laundry 1 00 Stdurll Tel CP- rental A poaioar 1 00 Jeaa Rred Mtary 190 00 Ruth Alberty aostao 800 Btilwell Tel Co rental and taUs 14 15 McCoralca Machinery Co rental 350 00 Oklahoma Rued Mach Co natal 5M 00 Cbrson rental 35000 McCormick Machine rr rental 400 00 McCormick Machinery Cb rental 45000 The Stale lasuraace Fund Premium Poltry 18725 DI5TRICT NO 1 Ptereoa mat 134 Okla Tire Supply Cb maml 40421 llllsnn oreas Oil Ca muni 257 40 McCormick Machinery Co autat 50 85 nines A Caviiieai auut 1042 Flrtrhrr Hdw moint 414 McCormick Machinery Co mafnt ltl DIKTRICT NO I Wtxwhsm Motor Co aulnl 4141 Fred Morton's Button molat 4444 Farmers Supply CP Bulat 800 Elliaoa Oreas A oil Co ms Ull 18040 Slilarell Auto Supply matat 3371 Okla Tire Supply malnt 34 IX Leutheruood aulnl 1004 Chuculale Sere Sutton molat 1422 Calvin BtrvriM main! 1023 Metheny Serv Station molat 10313 Dill Disinfectant Co moult 3444 Hall Tire Co malnt 14743 City County Steel 00 aulnt 27073 A Runs Tractor Co molat 12035 Oklahoma Road Marh Co malnt 745 Oklahoma Rood Marh CO malnt 1 14 Prtromrtal Induaiues maint 3754 Leonard Cni Body Shop molat 444 Adair's Garast moint 5300 Fletcher Hdw maint 1099 Worsham Motor Co- aulnl 10173 Taylor nulnu 3 25 McCbrmirk Machinery Co malnt 0211 McCormick Machinery OP malnt 30129 McCormick Machinery Co maul 170 DIPTRICT NO 5 Nell Akin Lhr Co nulnt 23 73 Sheffield Oen Mer maint 9 00 Bummers malnL 5000 Hall Tire Oo moint 31300 Carrlnctoa Od Cb maint 34519 Carrlnalon Od CP malnt 10547 Pomer Hardware maut 3754 Ora ham aulnl 440 Oakes nulnt F541 Phillips Pel Co malnt 16430 Lee South City Oaruae nulnt 14100 Fred Bottoms surrryins 3310 Clide Rather a ravel 51140 Jock Devine rent 1000 Denver Adair malnL 150 Contractor! Canun Supply matat 34334 Bill OalbroHh Oaroca putaL 4081 Bill Oalhraith putaL 4004 Berofns Bon matat 43130 Ok la homo Rood Marh Co motaL 17151 Oklohonu Road Mach Ob malni 77I15 Oklahoma Rand Mach Co uoML 2117 MeObtuirk Machinery Co malnL 13304 MeCPrmlck Machinery Co malnL 50004 McCormick Machinery Co autnL 7434 Nall Akin Euiilpmrnt Co malnL 1034 Herd Equipment On putaL 1143 Held Equipment Co putaL 21344 Herd Equipment Cb malnt 33400 MAIL AND' DCS Tau Keetor aaiary 19000 Suiter Bwky aoiory 150 00 Owen Bufftaaun salary 15000 Rene narrator 11400 Otis Oird ner dour operator 10200 Edward Cold well patrol operator 19400 Joe Neff doier operator 11400 Jock Dtavere operator 15400 Lowe operator 15400 Herbert Morria operator 14700 Tom Keeler travel! 10000 Poster Biaby travels 10000 Owen Bufflnston travels 10000 HOI KE mix NO SOI AsbllL operator 14800 Charter Bwsfflrd operator 13200 Joe Dudley truck operator 175 00 noyd can tabor 7700 Ovorye Kimble tabor 1140 Jew Walters tabor 4400 Grom You no labor 400 Arthur Mathis tabor 1200 a Youne tabor 12 00 Aim Tillery tabor 3000 Lunula Youne labor MOO Mann tabor 12 00 Butt tabor 4100 Clarence Slake more tabor 11500 Rar Hembree operator 11500 Jim Bpeneer operator 11500 Bill O'Neal track driver 19400 Welter Curt la truck driver 15400 A Alberty leader 13000 alley Jordon tabor John Poor tabor Carl Waid tabor John Arorn tabor Frank Henalyc haullnt Smith operator Harmon operator Rich Pa lone operator Buck West tabor Ramey Phillip tabor Dare Cummins tabor Homer BnelL tabor Taylor matat Taylor malnL Oklahoma Road Mach Ch malnL Oklahoma Rood Mach 0P- malnt Fred Sheppard pulnL Sinclair Rrfinmn Co malnL Ted Quinton lumber John Fhilllnn lumbar Sinclair Neflnlnn Ca malnL Rent Tl Co malnL Tartar maint Eddie Howard travel Lloyd Brewer main! Reeve Tw OB maint Taylor malnL Edmistoa malnL Scruuina wink Tartar malnt Danntnbere Court (berk Monthly Report Tm BhrU County Clerk Monthly 900 500 500 4350 2000 147 00 11500 15000 12000 12000 12600 12000 22503 35270 44 32 1005 7414 17043 15540 3 00 13721 1550 3253 5425 13713 4520 355 97 35004 35600 2528 There beta no further bualneao tho board iteeareo for later date OWEN BUFPIHOTON Chairman (SEAL) BUSTER RIGBY Member TDM KEETER Membyr TOM SHEUa County clerk By: Wand Jeon Rich Deputy NOTICE TO CONTE ACTORS Braird prupomtla by fee late red mall Ihroufh tho Capitol ab-utioa boat office 111 be received at tho office of (he Stale Hlvhttoj CommlMUon IB the cualloi Of lire Buildmo until I JO If June a 1M ta Be publirlr opened and read at 2 00 I nr tht mark liafcd below A certified or raahicr'a cheek la the amount or amount ok aperillrd rho II bo mibmilled lib Uw propucal or propoaala to a suannleo that Iho bidder If aucreeafuL 111 emcr tola MBtrart and make bond la acrordanre with muireoienia of lb tpeelficallaiia tho chock la bo made parable to tho order of Iho Stale of Oklahoma Dr pari moat of Hlehwara ThU work will to don aadcr Uw Oklahoma State Hlehvar OOmmlMMno Mandard Roeclflcallnna far hlobwa eoaatrucUoa edltloa of INI and uador required eon-tract proTlllona for vock financed bi whoU la part with frderal fundi or Modal Ubor proeuiori If naiaerd ontliel with Mato funda Socclol provUlons cover Homo of canMructum not co re red the undacd Rpoolflcotion will Occam pan the prppnool for the pork Ib caw of an du-ereaanc kotwora tht Mandard meelflrs-Ilona and the aoeclal proelaioaB tht oaorlal piwrUtoa incorporated la tb ptopomI will The minimum ware required per hour tar labor emplored on thU oroteet follow: Skilled uua dollar: iBlermedioir th-vent j-flva ceata: Uaafcillod Stventr-llve trull Mdrra muM famUlarlM themaelvec with tho condition and muM hid with tho ua-derMandinc that fnU caapr ration hi carr ina out I he rrauirrmenla of the apectficm-uons and aprciul prpvuiono will be ra Peeled ProaoMl mart be peeaered aa directed the elite aundard apaelflcitlaaa Plana forma ef propoHla contract and vpeerteattuna mo bo no pined st tho Dirlaian Enalnrer office at Bfuakoeee Oklahoma or at the Chief Biolneera ol-tire Oklahoma City Plana ma bo (ecu red throuah the Chief Btclaeer'a affice at 2S rent ner alieet PtopomI forma mual br vecured from the Prequalincatlon officer Department el liiahwora CUpliod office Buildine Oklahoma Ctiv Oklahoma HM RIPTIOV OP WORK AND op PROJECT: Oklahoma State Aid Prejecf No SAP-539 Hi GRADING eonaiatlB of BS3S ml lea of Grad in Mtnnr Drain Btraclure and one Bridie 009 mile la Iranth a follawi: 3-a 2T Li Rdv Skew dr vreea with HandralL Sta 1X7SP on Farm to Market Road brninnin at US at vouih edee of SHIwell and ntendln wen in Adair Count Oklahoma Amount of propnul Rid Cheek: tl- BOOOO APPROXIMATE Rdy Sec I9S2BMU) (law Unrlaut pxrav S3 IRS Sirurt Kacae Unclaao 3902 Relnforcin Steel 54341 Lb 30" Pipe OR UP 30" OCIM Pipe 2d UP Marker Eo 2r ld COM Pipe Arch 30 CGM Pipe Arch 2d Shapine Roadbed 1 sta Water Lme Lowered Water Line Lowered O'-lB'a Br Src Struct Error Unclaaa Handrail Renf Steel Overhaul Claia a Concrete 34" Pine 3d" Pin-La Id Up Rip Ron 3 COM Pine Arch COM Pipe Arch IVldi Blaaiine Woler Met-ra Rewi Water Line Lowered 0--l i S' Or Hr Iron Water pips Rem ef Eviat S'ruct Clav A Concrete 8TATB op OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT STATE OP OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OP HIGHWAYS NTOLDT Mile Hlahwar Director (PubUahed la dwell DemocraUJoumal Bio 27 June 3 1SMI Westville announce the marriage of their daughter Barbara to Edward Wade May 15 in i Sunday at 2 pm at the Meth- odist church at Robinson with Rev Kenneth Sanders officiating Burial was in the Robinson cemetery under the direction of the pyeattc's Funeral Home Survivors include his wife Esther of the home seven sons Carl of Downing Calif Homer of Compton Calif James of Cincinnati Leonard of Route 3 Si-loam Springs Hugh of South! Gate Calif George of Navy and Gary of the home he iurnun five brothers Dick of home five brothers urk ox bi loam Springs Walter of Spring- dale Ark Earl of Lynwood Calif and Arlis of Springdale six sisters Audrey Smith of Goshen Ark Rosie Sharp and Ovie Johnson both of Goshen Nile Tippins of Lynwood Calif Opal Guthrie of Fontana Calif and Chloe Ray of Summers Ark eight grandchildren Mr Clark was a native of Northwest Arkansas and was a member of the Baptist church Mr Clark died Friday May 21 enroute to a hospital after a short illness Private Charles Galbraith son of Mr and Mrs Bill Galbraith recently began eight weeks of basic training in the Antiaircraft Artillery Replacement Center at Fort Bliss Texas Charles is a graduate of Westville high school class of was a member of the football team for three years and a captain of the team He attended Cannot College at Warner two years then entered Northeastern college at Tahlequah majoring in history and received his AB degree in January of this year He holds the unique distinction of having been president of stu- nnate IHL I football at both Connors and Northeastern He is listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and universities won a DAR cash scholarship awarded for best grades in history a member of Rho Theta and Alpha Chi scholarship organizations with a 34 average required for membership Miss Penny Cox of Westville is one of the contestants for rodeo queen for Arkansas-Okla-homa Rodeo to be held in Fort Smith May 31 to June 5 A large crowd of booster! for this rodeo from Fort Smith were in town last Wednesday Rev and Mm Raymond Cooley left Monday for Tulsa where they will attend the East Oklahoma Annual Conference for Methodist churches to be held in the Boston Methodist church Tuesday through Friday Boat is lay delegate from the local church and Dr Graves the alternate Rev Cooley has been pastor of the Methodist church here for the past tu'o yearn Mm Johnson pioneer resident has been ill at her home in the west part of town Her son Clyde Johnson and family have been here over the weekend visiting with her Mm Boat assisted by her mother Mm Ed Fusselman were hostesses to the members of the Society of Christian Service in the Bost home Wednesday afternoon Mm Dean Murray was program leader and was assisted by Mm Charles Brooks Mm Hamilton Mm White Mm Fusselman and Mm Bost Officers for the 1954-55 years were elected and are: Mm IL Hamilton president Mm White vice-president Mm Leslie Carrington recording secretary Miss Anna Larwood promotion secretary Mm Graves secretary of Spiritual Life Mm George Dismukes missionary education Mm Shackelford Mr Wade is owner and Sunday of Wade Advertising "niMri and Company They are living in a and Westville Fayetteville visited in the Tiny Hill home Tuedsay night Our community extends sympathy to the Routh family Mm George Dismukes of the Westville Reporter is in Mil waukee Wis thia week where Tenkiller Lake and dam Sunday Mr and Mrs Wilcox of Fayetteville and son Earl of Boll Gardens visited Monday evening in the Tiny Ilill home Mm Martha Hill and daughter Yvonne visited last Tuesday in the homes of Mm Jennie Smith and Mm Della Presley Evelyn Doherty of New Orleans La and her mother Mm Susie Doherty and Mm Anna £rley ir- Mary Ncdderland Colo and Doherty visited Mm Jen- Irigation System Being Installed at Experiment Station Irrigstion equipment has been arriving at the Experimental Station at Baron according to John McGinnis superintendent of the station in preparation for anew irrigation system As soon as the system is put into operation McGinnis said the public will be invited to inspect the plant LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP ELCCTinV IV STOCK DISTRICT NO AOAIR COl'NTV OKIJIHIIMA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To ill tho ouallfled rolrra of Stork Dlainct No 4 Adair Ooun'e Oklahoma compruinr the followlnu lorntor: Bretnnint at the NnrlheaM center of Section It Townahip 11 North Hanot 2d RaM thence duo Weal to (he North-weal Corner of Srrtion 13 TOwnahip II North Ranae 24 Eavt: thence due South to tho Bouthver corner of See-I loa 3d Townahip 11 Notib Ranee 34 Boat: thence due Boat to the Nonhead Corner of Section Townahip IS North Rant 3d Eaati thence duo South to ilw Soathweat Owner of Section Townahip IS North Ranee is Ebm thence due Eaet to tht Southeoat Corner of Section 13 Tnnehtp IB Nonh Rone 3d Cut: thence a NonhweMerl dlrccttoa alone the Oklahoma state Line to tho HOrthcaat Owner of Section IB Townahip 17 Nonh Rant 3s Kan the pout of becinnlni: that then win held at the Eavt Pea Vine School Houie within Mid Dturtct No aa tho 12th da of Juno 1M an election at which there will he aubmit'ed to I he Qualified rotrra of Mid Dnuct Vo 4 tho a neat ton: CATTLE AND HORSES MULES RE RBITRAIKED PROM JN-NINO AT LANGE IN SAID DISTRICT AT ALL TIMES' The PMH st Mid election win he open 7 00 A oa Mid dole sad remain open until :00 o'clock ca Hid date I REAL I OWEN BUPPINOTOR Chairmen Board of Count OMnmiaaioam Adair Count Oklahoma Attrat: TOM EKU Court Clerk (PuMuhed la iTNlwrll Democrat-Journal Ma ML 37: Juno I9S4) FOR SALE One John Deere power hay press Clarence Garrison FOR SALE Skelly Service Station in Checkcrtown Raymond Williams FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet coupe Good tires new battery In good shape Will trade for calves Earl Taylor route 3 six miles north on England Hollow road FOR Turner Saw Mill almost new Also good edger Bargains Write Blair Tahlequah Loop Route FOR SALE Complete boating outfit 1952 Alexandria Cedar Strip boat 1951 Chris-Craft SM horsepower motor 1953 Pioneer Boat Trailer Catalog for all replacement parts Call 403-R or write Box 128 now if interested FOR bedroom brick and stucco modern home in Alberty Addition Stilwell House fully insulated five yean old and meets FHA and GI standards Lot is 103x120 feet and landscaped There also is a 50x120 foot lot adjoining We leave town coon Call 403-R or write liox 128 now if interested FOR SALE OR One horse buggy in good condition Waters Motor Company FOR SALE Farms and ranches of all kinds tracts and city property cash and terms One farm to rent possession good location EVERY DAY IS SALES DAY WITH US COAD REAL ESTATE STILWELI OKLA Phones: Office 174 Res 247 Hotel 68 FOR SALE Plymouth and De-Soto Tillery Motor- Company Stilwell and Westville FOR SALE TRADE OR Cafe terms if needed Inquire at Democrat-Journal FOR solid rock maple bedroom suites chrome sets baby beds wood ranges butane ranges table top Low at $7950 with bottle Lewis Furniture Phone 74 FOR Two-wheel Harve Case Bciler Olen Guffey FOR SALE Good round-tub Maytag washing machine Call Mra Maybel Worley she is in attendance at various committee meetings for the Methodist church Mr and Mm Langley in attendance at the musical recital Monday evening at the Baptist church Their granddaughter Sandra was among be pupils of Mrs Effenberger who appeared on the program Mr and Mm Dud Odle accompanied their daughter and son-in-law Mr and Mrs Floyd Brazell to their home in Okla- homa City Sunday and while in the city they also will visit an- other daughter Mm Drew Langley and family Mr Walter Craft is assisting in the Odle Grocery during Mr Odle's absence Buy Savings Bonds LEGAL NOTICES Nonce op saie or real estate BV COI VTT TBEASIRER Nolle la hcrobr oltren that tho andor-iknfd Count Tmautvr of Adair Count Oklahoma hai irepltrrd a bid of Ninel SUOOOi made by niia for tho folio Ini dncrlbrd ml aaitic aroulrrd br Adair Count under and virtue af the teaulo Ion lain of the Blau of Oklahoma altuotod In Adair COuntr Oklnhanw lo-vlt: NXV Sr PE' BW of Bert Km 11 NK'k NWi Section is Tooiuhip IS Room 34 nd that the aale of laid properl ao luted hall bo mad at nidi price and for Uw amount af Mid bid and to ouch bidder on the 12th do of Juno ISM a 00 AM aubject to tho approval of Uw Board of Count COmmlaaioncn of Adair Count Oklahoma unleu a hi her bid received on inch dan or Mid property Tho mM ill be made for caah In hand to the hUhect competitive bidder ur to Mid onainal balder if I her bo no hi her price offered and Mid Ml in any aevat will bo cubjcct to tho approral of tht Board of County Couimlraianen la their dll-cretkm Dated at WllwtlL Oklahoma thU ltth da of Bfo ISM BURCH TMam of the Cbunty af Adair Bute of Oklahoma (PubUahed In BtUureli Democrat -Journal Bfo 301 SI and June 1 IBM).

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