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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE, JUNE 1, 1942 BWAIN THREATEN TO BLAST NAZIS OUT OF WAR-CITY BY CITY Cologne Devastated By Gigantic Armada 6000 Airmen Prop 6,000,000 Pounds of Explosives, Incendiaries on Big City JUST BACK FROM RAID ON NAZI COLOGNE 'Russian War Nazis Shoot 20 More Czechs LONDON. June 'U opean Revolution ni'rii' tha't 14 high-ranking Gt officers hnd brrn The Kii-i MOSCOW June ifl ii rie.i'.t rjuoied ri A Tass js Becalmed dispatches from the attemptd Pin I i i inn nf Heydrich-, V.H Hlld Mo- in nection wil8 the atpmpif nation of Peinirt 'the 1 Heydrich. deputy GeFlapi Prague week The Revolution radio is a (' lr ipderbolt to ledyfs anH in the Ger- it, 1 i'hie' a' er'p. It. erl Capital r.

in a'tRrk Soviet Wedges at Kharkov Guarded; Nazis Eye Caucasus (it. tapo chief, fieri Hitler of telephone broadcasting station in believed to be operated by Prussi; officers opposing Hitler. 2. LONDON. June I The go.

if Nazi firing squads broke lire i By HENRY C. ASSIDY MOSCOW. June iPi--The nt master strategy rather than an isolHted achievement. He tolrf the 1 icjft in a mcKMiK'' bath quiet in Prague three-week brittle in 'he Crime; opened 20 m-rr wr. URS land Ihe Ukrairo hirh th Cnjjnijad Ttom Page 1 proeesaion of death and destruction.

Of perhaps 1250 planes In all. including the bombers' protective fighter escort, in the greatest serial admada ever put into the skies at one time. inus execmn in i 'J i attempted assa Protector "i cnni ai.uiHuun uirfL meir win was "proof of the growing power of the British bomUer forces" and alvo "a herald of what. Germany will re-: l.nh la ccive, city by city, from now on." The British radio told the German people it was but "the first step" and Wednesday. The expci, lions biou 1" Jv! ir ci niber of 1ho-e rrpertirl attack.

There has been no mri -cation, howcur, that any of thoM executed were directly connected Of 6,000,000 pounds of bombs thP Spring camn. on th1 Ktm froiVl' ha-e in '-hr-h fnids nev Ijrev ani! ho'h trir preparing for nrw and perhaps more violent outbreaks. As the result of the early May-offensives the Germans now are holding lines advanced to the Kerch Strait which separates them from the Caucasus, and the Russians are occupying deep wedges about Kharkov in the Ukraine. I if, dropped. Of twice Jhe number of planes and four time the weight of explosive the wounding of Heydrich.

who 1 tith as said to be in grave condition. reminded them that "the Yanks are coming" to add their miht, to Britain'! bombing strength. Soviet Pleased With Mass British Bombing MOSCOW, June 1 of the British mass honibini! of Cologne AmonE those who went before the Nazi executioners yesterday, the Prasue radio wore two The lull was signalized today by and Incendiary bombs that ever were dumped on Britain in a single night even at of the Ger--man air assaults. Of 6000 airmen in a single, intricately co-prdlnated air attack. Of 100.000 men in ground crews homl lending the planes off from a communique wnirn said officials of the Ministry there was nothing at all to report ture 'n n.

r.Aori-i.'. i and Mor.n'i caused evident sFHsfaction in Soviet cirrleji today. our prices on quality furs to be the low-est in the East Bay coin pore before' you buy. BENK7FF 733 Broadway Pravda published the l.nnrlnn an- ecorec of bases, Even the Germans admitted "great nouncemcnl of the raid with tin-- usual prominence under a two damage" to Cologne, their fifth larg frnm the front. ACTION ON KALININ FRONT Such action as there was to report over the week-end occurred on the Kalinin sector northwest of Moseow, not in the Kharkov zone, where Red Army wag reported taking the initiative in local operations, perhaps -with the idea, ofy beating the Germans to the punch for the second time this year.

The Germans were reported, how column headline "more than 1000 English bombers over Cologne. Ten thousand bombs in 90 minutes." est eityalthougti the Berlin radio scoffed at the British announcement of the scope of the attack, quoting WW9 military sources as saying only ever, massing a vast concentration toCROW "r-ii 'af' TiiiinKinw iiininiiiMniiiinni -J i NEW "about 70 planes took part. BRITAIN LOSES 44 PLANES The British said their losses were 44 planes, picked off by 500 anti-. aircraft guns and many night fighter squadrons. On the basis of British reports that the R.A.F.

used 12M planes in 11, this was a loss of less than 4 per cent compared with the 10 per cent generally mentioned as the 20 U.S. Women Pilots Join Ferry Command LONDON, June 1. P)-Annther score of American women fliers, handpicked by Flight Captain Jacqueline Cochrane, was expected today to arrive in Britain soon to ioin the Air Transport Auxiliary, lying planes from fairies ti Second Pilot Officer H. Baldwin of Ottawa deft) and Flicht Sergeant R. S.

Campbell of Pawlina, N.Y., wear smiles of victory as they sip tea on their return to a British airdrome from a smashing raid ovr the Rhineland during which three-fourths of the ciiy of Cologne Was razed. A.P. Wirephoto radioed from London to New York, Fmnrnhh Term, ft Cnurm of tanks behind the southern front, and Russian reconnaissance pilots said that in one sector they saw an armored column which stretched through streets of a ejty. on through the suburbs, and as far as the horizon. During three days of attacks on such forces one force of Russian airmen reported destroying 50 tanks to add to a toll of more than 100 1 tanks and several hundred trucks smashed during the previous two R.A.F.

fields. maximum losses which still would OON'T BE KOOI.F.I) KY PROMISES. INSIST on WRITTFN monf y-hn. ARANTrF brfnrr yon pay a HO. CAR NO AI)VAN( I PM.

RF, ASONARl.t; RATFS. Htv rfliff from dandruff and itfh'r ara.p in on tratmrnt. If you are yuur if hair irowlh la not nnrmitl if yiui h.iv. that ha.r-dratrnyiitr itchy dandruff or any af the common Benin ailments that BAI.DNFSS. rail for FRKE aealp exam.

Write for information. The ORIGINAL and. alter I. Villi th ONLY institute in Ihe Bav Are to take actual PHOTOS of mark a raid as a success. Oakland' Larrst ind Oldovl Korrler Submarine Crew JAf starves for (Sterilization Law Only Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg and Munich surpass Cologne in size within greater Germany.

Besides The A A. disclosed thai one out of every nine women in the organization now was an American and that the latest American remits were selected from among the 300 wKoyapplied. Now outnumbering the FJeel Air WEEKS IN BASEMENT! 1 1 Jeers at Victims unconsmuTionai being an important manufacturing center of 768,000 population in the heart of a great German industrial region, Cologne also js a great Rhine River port and the hub of rail lines Connecting Germany and France. Though one ponderous low JO AVOID CAPTURE F.VF.RY CASE In PROVE xuXMnleed realta. Come in today.

PI LQN INSTITUTE' 1440 Broadway 1-1 576 Arm, the ATA. is larg" enough lo handle all planes produced by the British as well as the United Stales' output for Britain. Do Not Be Confused! There Is Only ONE George Benioff Continued rom Page 1 weeks. The great battle of Kharkov, which now has simmered down into relative quiet, was the first instance and the Russians claimed it as a triumph. BEATEN TO THE PUNCH On the Kalinin front, a communique "said yesterday, the Germans tried to strengthen their posi- St Market Strrct.

Braxilians' Struggle Amuses Axis Officers; Goat Painted on Tower slay in free country and be a Supreme Court Rule Statute Is Illegal; 2 Other Decisions Tee Martial Law in India Area 10 rn. to p.m. Room 'ill. Srndlcste Bnildinir MON TIFS. anrl FRI.

to 8 p.m. man. Kuwkawa Iwrt been a ianilnr and virtually had flattened a great German city; the raid's significance lay for the British In the, vision It raised of more, nd worse, to come for the enemy. CHURCHILL JUBILANT Prime Minister Churchill himselfj pictured the Cologne attack as part liandymiri at the Levitt home WEST, June 1 (I'l fore Ihe were ordered In WASHINOTON. June 1.

iT'j tions by moving in large reserves NEW DELHI, June l.iPi -Martial law was proclaimed today in the rla nf Sind In the Bombay presidency as a result of disorders among the natives. 'Four offieers of a submarine be- reception eenlery. When lie His-I lieved Italian laiiRherl from the con-1 cu ly in Mav. Levitt was IninR tower of their vessel as th.v.,, worried, hebevnip' the Jaremosp An Oklahoma stahile authorizing but. striking fhrst, the Red Army the stem.7al.on of habitual rrim- "r'? lines" and ich bdoui iiuu oermans oeaa or was held unconstitutional to-1 watcher! members of the crew of a had ioined oihei of his race and wounded in repulsing eounter- torpedoed rtra.ilian mercnantmar.

leri ilic iilv without advanre notice riav bv the Snnreme Coiirl on the HiM Ki. lhC nMr Karly today. Levitt s' son, Aaron, tround thai classified slcahng An 'editorial in Red Star. the Two torpedoes thii.Hlereri in ioirli0'" in'" "1' chickens a.s a crime and excluded Armv newspaper, said the battle imldirt i i Lipid Kon.kaw i of Kharkov showed ma or revisions succession against the shin Mav na lariumir nc s.nv Kuiokawa. emm tj.u nieni.

i near Haiti. Six men died two' of!" ligurc. Th'o Justice delivered the German tac with the them killed by the explosion emanated mid exhausted, unanimous ojimioii, applyini; an 'lJ' 'rmer reckless advances four in the rough sea attempting! by pola r. Kuiokawa Oklahoma curl older for Ihe rilJi carded in favor of cautious pres to reach lifehoals Foi iv.fivc saul lie lino not i for evac-, siermzation ol Jnvk I hkmner of The sinking of three enemy ships. lion.

'I came here and I've staved here vivors reached lurid after hours i in lifeboats, and were brought to I Acriflcniy of Health, Lrmi LleiM nrt Gdtlslones For 1 1 In--'! riir-ri n'p'i al 2 nn rM and fl but an 1 11 List ralrd Mlk nt Mill not hp rppated unil bpiipi makp your way to the Acdflprnv if located at .129 28th Tomorrow's Ircluris nt TlTp Shn in Will hr iH.i.uiy tjfll. '''ll ii iiti'M and up H' 'ill. i and th ir.prtif.4l Tin Fi irlflv. at no T), 1 r-r -1 omen onlv nn Thf C'luii Hc t.ifr Trial Ffill Tf anprn.TchpiiB n( nA tet-turp next Frirtay. Artmis-iorU epp Strppt.

OakUinri Key West. lever he said. a transport and a trawler in the Gulf of Finland, and an SOOO-ton transport in the Black Sea, was iMinounced in the Soviet Information war bulletin i I midnight The attacking submarine had 'he! KuioUaua a.s taken to San fYan-head of a long-horned goal painted I cisco Hosmlal He -was hooked en lower In the snal'. route to Ihe S. marshal mouth was a red rose.

"I believe Italian," said that ine was Kore.ii.ilsu into cuslo-l entered the Chief Engineer ih mi i I A if A I bee. TIitv ii-porierl County, convicted once of 'Icaling chickens mid twice of robbery with firearms Douglas asserbrJ thnl the act was condemned bv ils faihbe to meet the requirements (if the equal pro-lection clause of Ihe 4th amendment." In a 4 to 2 decision, tin' court also i.lcd dial Ihe Federal Dislric: niut. achat in.rei-llv tn contmii-IB nn 1 1 1 .1 aim i i 1 KM.J. a consent aVcrec rolraiiimg Ihe ('hi ler Cor noral.on Iroiu aroinrmg an uiteres! oi any loinr-hi h' finance In a I hod dci i ion. it as rub thai Ihe Kirleial wage hour a applies to employee, cngaeerl in llv matiiienance and o'cratirn of buildings hose tenants produce gnoo roldo Nascimenlo.

"Fr azil submarines that were niarle by he Italians, and their lines are remarkably similar." The laughing officers shouted inquiries as lo Ihe idenii'y and lon-j nage of Ihe attacked Ratisla (Ionic Figueircrlo or-' lieved he under' (a craft was of re-; cent construction. It of aver age size and was fn-lily he said, i A Ria-ilian gun had no np (xirlunity to fire on the ene.rv 'es- lieiou.s- cljai aclei on Ft i(Jj(. A venue. The city found Koreinatsu in the eompan.v of the of an Italian alien He p'rixluced a diafl i rgisl i ion ( which bore the mime of "Clvde they relatefl. and said he was registered with Board No in San I x'andi He declared, Ibey said' that he was of Spanish and Hawaiian di'seenl.

Only BEKS STOKACE gives you all (his proiection tfv1 called sh Police haii'tiian 1 ll "i i i wlh th( dralt bo sel. The caiiyhl Ti'i net 14 men were lorced to leap mtn 'n-sea. Only III were picked nn lifeboat-. The submarine miiI' IB mi. lutes after the ship was intcr.slale coniiTteiwe.

The lice Departrnenl estimated custodial and mainlcnanr.c ployers at 75 00(1. Jiis'l ice -Franh furicr d.dr. rro lo I opinion, 1 1 i I mi' li. i loyees of Ihe Aaoi ,1 -r at ion of N' oi l. I I' A Ki; hi.

on n.pai i li.l.wl. Iplua. 1-obei ts tiled hI no one listed In the nana- of Sand. Then a s--io: of -i li 'end was ca'U in. b'l-i olf.cei that the outh a-.

rpe Is. i anrl hi-; paiei.l had led nursery in i-t Oakland. ontatMi tueii arltnilled In' The attack biouuhl the known total by siibmai ines anains' ships ot Ihe Brazilian fl.ig rven An eighth is long oyerrlue and hebeved destroyed foul- of Ihe total re sunk oil the United States 170 Sh ifs Sunk Berlin alent it He lat, ,1 told his lanilh go to Nevada a-- post STIfL REINFORCED CONCRETE WAREHOUSES E.ver Bekins elepoilr is ruggeeilv rniolrueleil lo provide maximum protection for hou-cholrl gondv arehoupf are clean. Ars and equipped With ihe most modem storage facilities. Axis Council Will Discirss Sea Warfare polni' that he had that he planned to hen Ihe evacuating Instead, he said i Ki ii it vale net 1 a i oom under the HAVING A PORTRAIT MADE he moved to fl wdci he rente RERUN i from Conn, in hi easts.

June I Ul'i The limli 'hi Ni.cni TOKYO i from Japancs casts 1. A Ni He erased hi- rl.spaleii fl I I'hon quoted mand said Gorman planes and 'naval 'name ol' Clyde Sa units sank 024.4IMI tons of Albed "vl 11 ivim' Iron. uid liable OVER 47 YEARS EXPERIENCE t.f hr A ft h.rfiil.j! during. May in oh lilnled ihe 70 vessels lo (he bottom Tin- com- K.a. ina.

dr. ill i. lb. 1.... Iced hal He COPI 1 1 nc "VH l.i ti the firl Hekin office e-ulililicd uuo.nue listed Hfi other slops as 'he l-S.

ike laniaKcri. Submarines w.oo red-1 1 li' I f'. I FOR FATHER'S DAY led ith 140 ships of 7117 4IKI lens bi Ihe Cc iy Thnnigh car of practit ttt xprnrtwr jccjal iffctbuij been de eloped for storing lurniliirc. ru pianos. Deautiful Bronze PORTRAITS sxi2) Supreme on Contlnentnl Sidt or fcan Francisco Rny ELI 1 EACH OAKLAND'S ONI.T LOCALLY OWNED ''i M.y I UNTROLI.K11 DAILY RMahlifthrri Fphnmry 21.

irr BUNION n.iNi Mfmhrr Amerlrnn Newspnppr PuhlUher OWNER -MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY All Bekin elnrage buildings are ouned and opr rd by the RcUins famiN. fl ner-Managemenl reprni bilitv as.ures the best of rare for our Order one or a dozen Voofs fn spprf frnm. We have fun too, as does the little fellow ho fads picture-making a grand new game. Mother and Daddy should take advantage of this very special offer, too! The Price is Low; The Quality High 1, Association I rhatpr MpimIipi Audit Rurpau of Circulation Ft 1um As.voclaird P1 ess Sf-i ni' fni MrnopoTitan O.itand ruli I'nitrd Trpus n-r Pipss is rr'ii Plv hr ikp tnr rpnulil u-ft I mil nf all niu.s ilipnuiiM ripditprl to it nr not nthriwi.sp rrrditpd in this pnnci. and IfO thr tocni nfw puhltshrd hrt'Pin AH ushiv nf nuhlicatmn nf ftppcial rltffpatchpp hpfpin also nrp rrrvprl.

THE TRIBIINl ri Bf ISH1NO PUBI tSHERS IOS ft. KNOW, IjAND. PrertdPril, and Fditor. JOS KMOM'IND. Jr.

AiatRt Piibltfhpr WILLIAM r. KNOW LAND. Avutant Puht-ther DICKERSON BUNION LAST rM tt ii find it rnnt rnirnt nmi helpful to tore your hrlnnew tn a mnt rnir'nt ftcl'i houf during a clutnyr nr trtl in mmt ft hausflivitl. 1 til! for tm-y'vte storage at Peters lroi. i tnt motion.

TELEPHONES: 6700 Hlghgate 6s65 BRI NO A FOR STFf? ri I atT I TiPaurpi- and CJpiu i I PtipLlCATIO Of -FICK' t'liild Inr rniiin' of 'j i. -t (, St err 5 PIkmip I'r puilt Cfpi Entrrpd rs (((ind 1 ,15 tn.ittPi eiftiiarv 51. nt the Pntoffipp I under Act of Much 6 187, Sl'BSCKII'TlON RATFS I1Y AKKIER: (Daily and Sund.iy) Final -lit Edition, ont week 9C One month $1 25 Six months 5750 year $15.00. I I 3g Sr Uat day fowittinfiii for Fathw'g Day -June iHh FOR GRADUATlfrlV riinTUnHAPHS Cp 0d Gown furnished without charge and special student rates given. JlUSTIJV studios i-m I Beautiful Austin Studios in rPntlirn Caliarma OAKLAND 1130 Broadway Phone CLencourt 8617 OPEN UNTIL 7:30 P.M.

SAN FRANCISCO 833 Market St. Phone EX brook 23g DHj henrit a.m. to V.10 Sunday! JO a.m. 4 p. nr.

OTBEB AUSTIN IN: BtRKECLCT. IM CBt Rt Phnn THcirtiu.tll saw jokb. rmt tiw STOCKTON. 4'a S(lr i Phone KICnlMONPf At I'linim rslSMOn'Wi raltsa it. Fhan lH srinalpai CHiH ClUml Here Is a Shoe Designed Kpecially for Women Suffering Willi It.

minus Tlits.e siirntifu-Hlb- constructed ill hf Ir. you BANISH BUNION PAIN and bruit you immcdiale KOOT COMFORT, n.ikcrsnn shoes satisfy hoi Summer r.ncnients. Se Ihrm InmnriOK ou 11 he th "hard-lnfit" and are insulafd ith thflr lomlorl and pleased with their jppc My st Ipd 5niflrt 110, aunoH.v oniya montnj SI. 35 RI'BSCRIaPTION RATES BT MAIL (MI Mail Subscriptions Payable In Ir, -Advance! out 47.1 rf VAN STORAGE CO. OM.CIS 0 AOINTS IN All MINCIMl C.T.II Arch l.iuK Bunion I.

'fist Bros, fnmfnrt One month SI '5 Six 'mouths $7 50 One year $1500 M'NPAY lOMfl FOITION BY One month Fix months One yea 1 Puhhhcd tnnv prune and Sin tie ropie ni edition ftr; Sun Vuknis 4 to II Wi-lllis AAA A to. EE More Wear per Dollar Shoe Salon 1544 Broadway nav pnition jjr 1 nnmhprs Dau tnuion, oc aim and up. day edition, Jc.

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