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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1949 BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS Soviets Launch Livestock Plan Three-Year Program Aimed at 50 Per Cent Hike in Output by '51 By Eddy Gihnore MOSCOW. April 19. Soviet Union has begun a three-year plan for development ot livestock to bring a 50 per cent boost by 1951 in production of meat, animal fat, milk, butler, eggs, leather and wool. The plan applies only lo herds on collective farms and stale farms and does not include animals belonging personally to workers on collective farms or to Individual peasants. Pravda, Communist Party organ, and government newspaper, devoted their front pages and two inside pages lo the plan.

It appeared in the form of a decree by tlie Council of Ministers (cabinet) and die Central Committee of the Communist Party. The decree said the Russian grain (lie irar and drought In considered basically solved. It said this was not true In the 1 case of "animal culture" which "is backward in our country." it explained this backwardness existed before the war and that the war had resulted in killing off great herds a', domesticated animals. Despite this, tlie decree said, the level had been reached. The decree outlined many steps to help provide the increase In full blooded animals of al 1 types, emphasizing that all farms would have access to breeding animals.

The role of artificial insemination also was underlined. Private Fliers Arrange for Big Air Show The Cole Brothers, Mnrion, Arnold, Lester and witli a total of 15,000 hours of air experience are to be presented May 1 the Blylheville Municipal Atrrwrt 'n a two-hour and a half air show, iponaored by the Blythevllle Pri- pliers Association. Aerial acrobatics will be presented by tlie four brothers, along with Byron Bryner, who rides the lip of i wing as a part of tile show's ex- iloils. Five planes, a clipped wing 'Iper Cub, livo Stcnruiim bl-plnnes, and two Stinson bl-plnnes. will participate in the show, which will the municipal airport to trans- cm pilots from 3 lo 5:30 p.m..

except for a 15-minulcs Intermission, during tlie show. The stunt teams specialize In comedy, precision aerobatics and dare-devil maneuvers. They have toured much of the United States their 80 air shows, Including such cities as Chicago, Detroit, Winnipeg, and Minneapolis. Smoke letter and parachute jumping will also be included In tlie show. Endurance Flight Begins to Pay Off In Financial Aid for Pilot's Ailing Son Suit Charging Police Brutality Is Dismissed JONESBORO, April 19 StOO.OOo damage suit charging police brutality has been dismisse: "without prejudice" as to three ol the defendants "Without prejudice" means the suit may be refilcd if the plaintiff de.slres.

Defendants against whom the action was dismissed by Federal Judge T. Trimble here yesterday are Criltenden County Sheriff Cecil V. Goodwin, the City of Memphis and the Fidelity and Casualty of New York. Otliei defendants are West Memphis Patrolman J. Johnson and Charlie Burrow and Police Chief H.

D. Holland. i Jack Dunn, Memphis Negro. Alleges he was beaten so severely by Johnson and Burrow last Jan. 2 that he was injured permanently.

Dunn later convicted of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Demonstration Club Council To Meet Saturday The county council of Home Demonstration club will meet Saturday at the Bhickwater Gym, Mrs. Gertrude B. Holiman, home demonstration agent, announced today. Each of the clubs in North Mississippi County is scheduled to present an original skit, showing what home demonstration work is.

as a part of the recreational projects, and training for dramatics tournament to be conducted in May. The skits arc to be presented to the state home demonstration coun- 1 for judging, and the best skils to be circulated in other states. Prior lo the jwt-luck dinner al oon, home management projecl nders will meet nt 10:45 for ader training meeting, and al tlie handicraft leaders wil udy demonstrations to be given meetings this month. Two films on the care of gardens nd home grounds will be shown i the Kdernoon, prior to the pre- intation of the skits. MIDWAY CITY, April 10-yenr-o)ri Dickie Hlcdel smiled from his sickbed nnd said shyly; "I (eel belter already." The youngster had reason to be linppy.

when Dick Riedel, his fnth- cr, and Bill Harris look off from Futlcrton Airport near here March 15 to set a new endurance flying re. they were giimbllng every- IhliiB (hey hurt. They belterod the old record of 121 hours last Thursday and they're still aloft in hopes of slaying up 1008 hours. Hut their gamble now is starling It) pay off financially and llltle Dickie, crippled with arthritis, may be able to walk again. Harris and Riedel each have two children, nnrrls' 2-ycnr-old Kirl, ally, suffers from acute asthma.

his son, Steven, 15 months, hns re trouble. Doctor bills come That was Ihe two pilots staiicd their ndurance the hope that ameotie would sjxmsor their vcn- once Ihcy broke the record. Yesterday, ihcy received a check or $5000 from R. S. MncMllInn, 'resident of the pclroleum corpor- tiou which domilcd the gasoline or their plane.

The money came as a surprise to he Harris aiid Riedel families They atliciTd in the living room of the niedels' small bungalov; to discuss heir good fortune. The idea of such a flight, Mrs explained. Is this: You solicit the use of so-and-so's product. He pays you for the pub- Icily he rerclres. Fivit Harris and Riedel had al- 'eatly tried three times for Ihe ccord anrf failed Nobody Tvnntcf take a chance ou them aga They re.solved to go up anyway nd the Futlerton Chamber tanuncrcc took up a collection to gel them started.

Pine Bluff Woman Dies In Little Rock Hospital LITTLE ROCK, April Mrs. Joseph Annie Duncan, 89, Re 6. Pine Bluff, died yesterday In a Little Hock hospital. She is survived by three sons, Little Rock: A. Stutgart; and Almond Willcford, Memphis and two daughters, Mrs Troy S.

Carroll, Lonokc, and Mrs J. D. Sexton, Pine Bluff. Funeral services were conducted today at the home of Mrs. Carrol In Lonoke.

FARMERS LOANS Tractors, Irucks Cars and Farm Equipment to responsible people. Also Real Estate Loans and on Farm Lands UNITED INSURANCE AGENCY First Ingram Blilg. "Friendly Service" Our Insurance Kales Are Low i REPAIR I and -i-Day Service un Any or Model Reliable Workmanship Phone 2642 i We Call for and Deliver I Fred Callihan i Electrical Appliance Co. Authorized Motorola Sales Service 106 So. 1st.

SI. I Have At All Times For Sale several tractors and equipment, both new and used 1 have John Dccrc. Farmall. ford and other makes I non have new Ford irarlors and equlpmcnl readj for delivery at dealers' price. 1 wil) trade for most anything yoo have.

Terms can be arranged. See F. C. CROWE 1 mile south of Rrafrfradocin. Mairiage Licenses The following couples obtained larriage licenses at the office liss Elizabeth Blythe, Saturday: Elmer Virgil Womack and Mis Helen Frances Gann, both of Jones Troy Poplin of Hermondale.

Mo Miss Norma Alsup of Blythe Walter Howell and Mrs. Elsi Lois Hammond, both of Caruthcrs Mo. William M. Otsdott of Morrtsoi and Mrs. Dorothy Walters Sterling.

111. Read courier News Want Ads. PAGE THREE Missouri Man, Son Killed When Train Hits Car SRINGFIELD, April 10 fnlher nnd son were killed yos- crdny when Ilielr enr was struck by i Frisco froiKlil Iraln nt Rradc craving near Dluclns. ubont 25 southeast of here. The victims were Identified as Miirdn Scliroeder.

42. nnd his U- yoar-olrl son. Lulhcr Wnyne Schrocder. Dob Bersinan, funeral director nl Seyinoin, said SchroMter and his sou had been lo Fordlnncl and were. rctuniiiiR home tn their U13'2 Chevrolet SK'HII ivlicn the nccltlent took phiee, He satd the vvus only tew yniils fom ISIshivjiy CO.

lit licilnt where (he highway nncl tracks are parallel. The St-'hroorier furtn adjoins Ihe rallroncl nnd the Schvocder liomc wns only iibout 75 yards fom the uccldcnt scene. Tiie Irnin. SprlngflcUl to Thavi'r eaftbonnd local, demolished the car, Schocrter and Ills son were tlirowu from the cnr. 53 freight Cars Pile Up In Santa Fe Derailment RAN BERNARDINO.

April work trains are clearing the wreckage today of 53 freight cars anil a caboose derailed in Pass in what railroad men describe as the worst plleup in Santa Fe history. One crewman suffered minor injuries. The wreck occurcd as an 80-car westbound freight train started down the grade. The diesel locomotive and 27 curs passed the derailment point safely. The rest of the train leaped the curve rolled 35 feel Into a narrow canyon early yesterday.

Railroad officials tentatively placed the loss at S300.000. Cause ol the derailment lias not been determined. The wreck ripped up 2.800 feet of track. Women's Club To Discuss Plans For4-H Dormitory noli Wimbcriy, representing (he Arkansas Council ot Home Demonstration Clubs, of Little llock. will meet with the North Mississippi County Girls 1 4-II Clubs House fund committee in the county extension office nt Blylhevllle, nt 10 a.m.

tomorrow and at Lcachvlllc at the Home Demonstration Club House at 2 p.m. Progress nnd prospcfls for the comity-wide effort to solicit tlie North Mississippi County quota, will be discussed at the Some 40.000 home demonstration club members tire working to raise Sion.000 to complete residence for 4-11 girls while attending the University of Arkansas. Members of the North Mississippi County Committee arc: Mrs. B. A.

BUBS of Blythevllle, chairman, Mrs. Lee Slilcs of Blytheville, Mrs. T. n. Walsou of Armorel and Mrs.

Geii- rude Bond Hollnmn, Norlh Mississippi County home demonstration agent. Stassen Suggests "MacArthurPlan" For Aid to Asia PHILADELPHIA, April in Uiiruld E. Stn.sson allied jvsU'nlay for "MacAnhnr Plan" In Asia lo inaUMi tin- Plan In Kuropc. Tlie termer uovernor of Minnesota, now president of (he University of Pennsylvunln, set forth his pluii In letter to (he Evening Uullclln. He silk! he wiinl.s to nmke dear that his xpcorh al MnssnchusHls Inslltule 'IVi'hnolocy curlier tilts inuiilli wii.s not to urtic aid solely lor China but for all of Aslu.

The lit lender Indicated Unit lip llioiiKlit miiny porwm.s tuny luivc- hl.s M. I. T. address In his Utter SIH.S.SCII wmlc: "The actions of our goveiunenl In Asia silU'e (he end of the war have been contrary to the Judsmenl, (he advise and (In 1 counsel of the overwhelming majority ol (he best informed. Impartial students of I lie world." Sliirspti said (he European Kc- covery immram lor Uuropo fostered by former Heercliny of Stnle Clcuritc C.

Mnrsh-ili is "(he most slunlfinmt single Miliu; we have done since tliir end of (tic wur." He added: "The to have a similar coor-liimlcd, elcme-nlitry approach toward Asia im been our most, tragic failure since the end oi (hi 1 war." New York's Welfare Rolls Show Increase NEW YOHK. April 10 New York City's public asststance rolls last months had the largest single monthly 1937. increase since December Cases rose by C.441 from 141,402 in February to H7.Q03 in March Welfare Commissioner Raymond M. Milliard reported. Milliard said "the ruse Is clearly attributed to the unemployment situation now prevailing." crime Involving moral turpitude; thiil no license to sell beer by the.

undersigned has been revoked wllh- tn five years last past; that the undcrslnned hns never been convicted vlolntliiK the laws of this stale, or any other state, relative (o llio sjilu of alcoholic UquoiH. Appllcnllon Is for penult to be Issued for operation benlnnliiK on the 1 day of July, 1019, and lo cx- plic on the 30 day of June. 11)50. Bessie Hoblii.son. Applicant.

Kub.vrllU'd und sworn lo beforu me Hits day of April. 104(1. Mrs. Marshall Blackunl, My commission expires: NOTK'l! Nollco Is hereby Unit tlie uiulerslBiicd has wllli the mlwlonor (if lii'vcnues of Ihe Htale ol Arkansas for pi-mill to dlsiwnse at retail on the premises described as 111 Bo. Main 8t.

Lcuchvlllc, Mississippi County. The imdcrsltjiicd slates that he Is a citizen of Arkansas, og good moral rlinnu-ier, Hint Iio lias never been convicted of a felony or other crime luvolvlni: moial turpllude; that no license lo sell beer by the undcr- siRiu'd has been revoked within five jviii's last pustj and that the un- ha.s never been convicted of violating tlie laws of this slate, or any olher stale, relative lo the sale of alcoholic liquors. Application Is lor permit to bo Ksited for operation beis'imlng on the 1 day of July, and to expire, on (ho 30 day of jmif, 1950. Alexander, Subscribed and KWOIM to before me this III day of April, 1040. Dclxion Alexander, iSEAl,) Notary Public.

My Cfmiml.sslon expires': (J-1--1U, The Irish Free State wan septr- from Clrcat Britain In 1923. The Better Buy for BIGGER Value Missouri Magistrate Dies in St. Joseph ST. April in John r'rauklin Roolofson, 81, Judne of the Mil ruin Court, division No. 2 Noclawny Oonnly.

In Mnry vilk', died here yo.stndnv at the home of his dau htcr. Mrs. Paul Sawycr.s. luul IJCPII Hie Nocliuvay County Public AdminislrnUir tor 12 years. ixillce Juduc at Miiryvlllc for fU'o year.s iiml Ju.sticp 15 years before the of lieu was cluin- uea lo mncl.sliatc.

HL'i body will he laken lo Mary- vllle. funeral iirrunKeinenl.s hnvi- Jiot boen unnouucctl. Condition ot Famed Jewish Leader Worse NEW YORK. April Stephen S. Wise was reported todny lo be "weakening and losing ground" at Lenox Hill Hospital.

The 75-year-old world-famous Jewish leader rested quietly riurlnu the night, a hospital spokesman said. The last official at midnight-said Dr. Wise "has failed to sustain his rally." Dr. Wise, who has been critically 111 since Saturday, entered the hospital March 30 for nn nbdomlnnl operation. Trlf JO With the Courts Chancery: Eivell o.

HU'wurl vs. Orrnr- Del- ync Stewart, suit for divorce. NOT ICK Nollcc Is hereby given Ihul ihe undersigned has filed with Ihe Commissioner of Revenues of the Slate of Arkansas for permit to sell and dispense beer at reliill on Ihe premises described as Ala Kim st. Blythevllle. Mississippi County.

The iiiiulcrslgiicd slates that he is a citizen of Arkiiusns, of moral character, that he has never 1 309 East Main been convicted of a felony or olher Because of auUU IcnlhlK and fnclurinu fnclllUcH of till) wnrlil lurKt-'Bt cxuhiKive protltlfer ol commercial vuliklcs. Because of nnlitniwldit tirt- wnrh of npccinlly ecuiippn! mil lined fnulory Immulioi uml tlenlur nervlco ntntiitnn. nrliig (nut, dUlrlbutlon of CMC lo ismry of country. Because of product, thnt truck-bum provldlnK nncl Hint rnnmui, for long-lira, low-coil ojiernlloti.

CRfATfR JKUCK VAIVI LEE MOTOR SALES Phone 2056 ROAD-TEST ALL FOUR The MOST MODERN Costs M75to $2,428 Less to Buy In one new car today Nash Ambassador will discover of handling, comfnr! and roadaliilily exceeding any tiling yon know. Here is the one car of America's finest four that offers you all tlie advantages of a Lni- lized botiy-and-framc. A fewer center of gravity. Greater rigidity. Complete aerodynamic efficiency, with all four wheels enclosed.

The result is a complete new feel lo an new power efficiency. 'The iS'ash wild the oilier three fine as much as 30 cent more miles on a gallon of gasoline. Tlie superiority of Ihe iNash Ambassador can host be appreciated hy those have driven the other ihrce finest cars. Yet it costs from $875 (o S-V1J8 Let your dealer place a iNash Ambassador at your call. Tilt- Onlff Fine Car trlfh High- Cuiilprrxiiinn 1 till Kiifflnr-, irilh 7-Hfiirlng Kyv Snmrm Sftrlnginfl nn nil Ftntr II in COMPANION CAI TO THI NASH AHHYTI UKdon in Aptil 11.191* fi Diiition Naift Kttvincter Corporation, Dtfrofl, M'cfSi0o SHELTON MOTOR COMPANY 215 South 2nd Rhone 4438 Prevents Erosion Lowers Plowing Costs Gives You Higher III ill III I 1 I 34 fl.

Plow 8 TO 34 HIT At DREIFUS MV THE PLOW THAT SAVES THE SOIL! CHISEL THE SOIL AND KNIFE WEEDS IN ONLY ONE OPERATION With Pat.nt.d Gr.Sam Combination Ckiiel and Knit. AlUch- menl. Fully lo any depik overlap anougK to cut all la lion. Ait (of mtC-FOlDCt and THE GRAHAM- HOEME PLOW COMPANY, INC. r.

Q. Ho 2030 Phoru Amliillo, 1O BIO ADVANTAGES I. Doubles Sub-Soil Moisture 1. Prevents Soil Blowing 3. Prevents Erosion by Water 4.

Built to Last a Lifetime 5. Self-Sharpening Chisels 6. No side Draft 7. Extra light Draft 8. Nothing to Grease 9.

Cuts Plowing Costs in Half 10. Plows all Types of Land without Adjustments SEE A FREE DEMONSTRATION! yourself what tills plow cm rlo! We can cither Like the ptaw oul to jour farm, or lo save time, ue can slinw you the plow in action In a Held clnsc hy. AH vou have to do is drive nut lo our place on N'orth lllgluv.iy 61. 61 IMPLEMENT CO. No.

Highway 61 Blytheville fr raft kSI Accou IV-' $14.95 curved ft eo M8.7J Fiiiuoiu Parker "51" (icni. 21 JEWELS ll.intKomo]? alyturf. suprcmelj must nintlcstly iirlrcrt Tor llmrpJpce of out- DHEIFUS Mun UVar niiimnnd Electronic PIANO TUNING Have your piano tuned the perfect way. Radio Repair AM-FM-Tclcvision Every Job Guaranteed licol Aliisic Ratlins Records Everything In Music BROOKS MUSIC STORE 107 E. Main Tel.

811 fi.

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