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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton, Illinois
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HUH (ioinnionccil ii CUTTING SALE 01 tliolr MiiKHiMonit Stock of ALTON DAILY TELEGRAPH. FRIDAY QOT. 21. OITV COUNTY NEWS. Tim IIOHt In DRESS GOODS, Tllll lIltHt.

Hlll'KHllIM III SATINS MOIRES. Wo Sol II A UTF.RAUY and musical sociable nt 0. P. olmrch, this evening, followed by an oyster supper. Ladies' Laeo Ties, splendid assortment, at tho Globe.

It SoMMof tho "Tiistflutions" about the the basement of the city building seem to need cleaning. Tliis kind of iv day ninkoa ono interested in what t'iorson CHIT say about their largo stock of flannels. It Klegant Dross Novelties at wfsdw BOWMAN'S. CHEAPER THAN.ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY BECAUSE WE CAN AFFORD TO. Woalwriiysd )IIH well Cornur iMiftrinii-rs onr advortlsemoiitH proinlHit, and Mimirtlmot) a fow points bnttor.

Wo.oirnr one of very handsomest linos of Rubber Circulars, Dolmans, Ulsters, Walking Jackets, Cloaks, In the city. The. ntnwt, xlot-k of and Olilldrcn'h Evor seen liore. See them I All our imr- incuts tti-o made, of tho vtuv bust niulei-lals and am porfnot fitting. A nnd llghted room, devotod to the (Monk and Shawl Department.

Blankets, Flannels, Comforts and Underwear, VERY LOW TRICES. A douse fog previvilud Una morning for hours, darkening tlio sky uiul OIUIH- ing a dampness that was "too utterly utter." New goods arriving daily at FIugg Hewitt's. 21-2 RESOLUTION OP ttKSI'ECT. lly tlm Aid Hncluty of llm M. K.

rliuri'lii to tlio inoinory of Mrs. Mary Ann wlio died AugiiHt 20lh, lasi, iitfo.l years, II months iAU 2 iluys. It having iilciiHoil Almighty Hod to rotnnvu from our midst, sister Mnry CHIT, and wlilln this oocliity IniBloHt one of ftn workers, advisors mid fliii'porlorfl, nnd at Mm thno of Jim- donth our ulUplmit President o( tlio And whllo wo inlBg lior lovlnir voice, imr irontlo presence, nnd fool lior dapnrttiro from our Hociaty deeply, "Vot our loss is lior ctor- niil ffiiln." Thnroforo, wliilo wo bow with submission to tlm ordering of "Infinite wisdom" wo nrn In- lixproHBibly mid, nnd that wo irrlovo with mi- fnlKnod sorrow, nnd regret tfint so soon our sister hug cuiigod to llvo nnd work with us, and Mint wo extend our aympntliioa to tlio brcnvcd liiwbnml, sister nnd brother, nnd llewlveil, That those resolutions bo recorded in the mlnntei) of this society nnd that a copy of them bo sont to friends of tlio lly ordor of tho Surah Silks and colors nt dw COMMITTKK. Satins in lilnck and Fresh Butter just received at J. Uyrie's, Hello street, 2t A.

HON Jehu Baker, cx-Congressiiiiu fi-oin this district, now on his way home from Venezuela, was in altendanee at the Yorktown centennial celebration this week. BOWMAN'S. PERSONAL. only at wfsdw BOWMAN'S. 03 EH CQ PQ H.B.

BOWMAN, North Side Third Bet Belle Piasa, ALTON, ILL. CQ A line piano for sale, at a very niotlcr- ite price. Also ono piano, in good order, $70. J. FLOSS.

20dw2w A pear tree on Mr. A. Invoen's-place, lunry street, has borne three crops tins 'ear, the first time large fruit, the sce- )iul smaller, and the third lime rather liminutivo, and now is bearing the fourth )looms. Something to see at Wanted Immediately, two stove bliiekers, at 1'ilts Hamill's. l'J-8 SOUTHDOWN Wm.

Watts received yesterday, by express, from his hrother, Mr. Jos. Watts, of Ottawa, two full blooded Southdown sheep, (buck and ewe) imported stock, both valuable animals. The sheep arrived here in good condition and were taken out to Mr. Watts' farm at Godfrey.

The Bee Hive is famous for low prices on Dry Goods, and can be relied upon for selling good goods be drawn away by flattering inducements by other houses, as wo will meet any reductions made. FLAGO HEWITT. 21-2 1 would call the attention of IhepublU 10 my fine selection of wedding presents, and line stone rings, diamonds, turquoise, etc. Respectfully, -3 U. 11A K.

A Mr. Samuel Davis, of Chicago, was in town last evening. Mr. J. S.

Elwoll, of Upper Alton, returned from Colorado this morning. Mr. E. L. Sargout came down from Chicago this morning on a brief visit.

Mr. H. U. Flagg returned from Chi- eago, this morning, where he went t3 purchase a stock of carpets. Col.

A. F. Kodgers, Capt. J. A.

Miller, S. F. Wood and others returned from this morning, where they had been in attendance on the Prisoners' ot War re-union. Mrs. Charles Phinney returned from an eastern visit Wednesday.

She accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stone, of Boston, who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

E. L. Dimmock. News was received here yesterday that Mrs. 1).

S. Dutro, was seriously ill it lior home in Chicago. Her relatives Mrs. M. M.

Dutro and daughter, Miss Sadie, of this city, wont to Chicago last evening. Mr. J. Gnitiau has favored us with he programme, received from his son, Win. (Iratian, of tlio llydo Pier Band, rendered on the occasion of the funeral ceremonies at Ryde, of Wight, England, Sept.

2Gth, in memory of Pres- dent Garlield. Monday we will open a Him stock of Body Brussels, three-ply, extra supers Ingrains and cheap wool carpets; also oil cloths, rugs, mats, at very low prices. These goods were bought at manufacturers' prices and will be sold at a small profit, so wait till you sec our stock before you buy. 21-2 FLAGG HEWITT. KUUUIOUS.

Oil nec'oiinl of the absence of the Pan- tor, who is attending the General Association, there will be no preaching at the Baptist -church on Sunday, Oct. By ordor of the Clerk. 21 2 The "Donu'sliti" takes the lend in every respect. Ladies of Alton and vicinity intending to procure a first class Sew ing Machine, will find it to their interest to call on Mrs. Fernow, S.

W. corner of Third and Henry streets, and examine tho "Domestic." Prices from to $53, including all attachments, oc-1 dtf ALTON (tuned to our fair considering I he min, for wo return Alum always did do well for our fair. This is impromptu and not ordered by the 'fair Democrat. BRIGHTON. Married, last evening in Brighton, at the residence of the bride's parents, bj llev.

Dr. Diinond, Mr. Jaqua, of Iowa and Miss Mary Iveas, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Isaac Koas. The happy cou plo loft on the C.

13. evening trail from their home in Iowa. farn Money to oan on improved property. For particulars, apply dwtf MISSIONARY MEETING. This evening a Missionary meeting will bo held at St.

Paul's Episcopal church, at which addresses will bc 'dcliver od by llev. Mr. Larrabeo, Hector of St. Paul's church, Springfield, Kov. Father Belts, of mour.

St. Louis, and Bishop Soy- See our choice assortment of Cloaks, Dolmans, and Shawls, at the Golden Eagle. MRS. II. C.

SMITH. Black and Colored up at dw Velvets from SOo RIYJiR NEWS. ferry wharf NEW STORE Having Opened an Entire en THIS- Cor, Fourth State of Alton and Violnltv nro ro- the Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Syrup, Canned Fruit, etc. Wft J. WILLS.

FRUIT DEPOT. COR. STATE THIRD STS Co. imvo moved to tho uliovo corner, nnd tiro prepared to Hell at Very Low Figure's. A choice line of Canned OoodH, ItouHt Chicken, ItoiiHt Turkey, Deviled Hum t'orneo Jieef, Deviled Crabs, Mackerel, jjobKtorH, ClaniH, 8ur- dinert, etc.

1'otted GoodH, for Lun- chex, Picnics: llnni, Ton- Ifiio, Chicken, Turkey, Hum and Chicken, Ham nnd Turkey. Alno California ISxtrn White Heath I'oa- Full Cream Cheeno, Dutter. HOLL18TEU CO. Uenj. Garde, of this city, has tho contract to put the tin rooting on the the new buildings of tho penitentiary at Chester.

The space to be covered is squares. The tin has lioim ordered from Philadelphia and as soon as it arrives the work will proceed. Mr. Garde has sold his property, corner of Fourth and State streets, to Mr. Win.

Uodemeyer. Something new, at Danvers Neal's. Your house is not furnished nor your home pleasant without a piano or organ. I will soil you either at very low prices. V.

WALTER, 12d 1 in Cor. Third and Piasa sts. Those Black Cashmeers take the lead for quality and price at wfsdw BOWMAN'S. "BKWAUE OF hear a strange story of a gentleman who wont to marry a widow, or rather was "sent for" by tho lady, matrimony being tho object in view, but was frightened away when he arrived at tho house by tlm sight of a big, stalwart, formidable looking Methodist minister who was on hand to perform tho ceremony having been invited by the fair would-be-bride. In justice to (lie frightened gentleman it may bo stated that he was not aware that ho was to be married at tho tiiuo was sent for, and hence feared some trap.

TIIK Concert and Gymnastic exhibition, ut City Hall, will take place Oct. 20, 'yi. Tickets (or bale at Seely SonXChanjberlajn's, H. Bruggemann's, Danvers Noal's, II. Gossnw's.

Admission 860. IQeodtd. Tho Lariat Stock of Fine Dross But- ever shown In Alton at wfxdw BOWMAN'S. VVuiwc a wore cross- tnvok oast of The "Boom" cigar is the best live cent cigar in the nmrkct. Try it and see! II.

Hruoggomami, Second cast of Piasa. Silk Moires in all shades at wfsdw BOWMAN'S. Capt. Starr moved his boat up the levee to-day. The river has risen nearly ton inches since a o'clock yesterday.

A rise of four feel is reported as coming down. A prominent, river man gives as opinion that ten inches more will Ix the maximum of the risehere. Elegant Lace Fichus, in colors, at the Globe. it SEARCH FOR BANK 1101511KKS. DAKHVU JUNK ROltBERY.

vuhlulu was run-into llt and the coupling broken. The fell down, the nil bed IllrtHUH, liowuvur. "untalning tllO exception iiialorliil Two men entered Dr. Wesley Park Son's bank, at Fieldon, Jersey county, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, presented revolvers at the head of Dr. Park and compelled him to unlock Ins safe and give them $3,000 in casii, when they wont out into the street, mounted their horses and started off.

Park followed them to the door and fired upon them, killing one of their horses. The rider got on the horse with his pal and they rode off together. The names of the robbers are Charles Clay and John Burruss. They have been about Fieldon for some time. Clay was married to Lizzie Smith at the National hotel in Jorsey- ville last month.

Ono thousand dollars the amount taken was gold, tho rest bank bills. They are both dark com- plexioncd, dark hair and mustaches, and one of thorn cross-eyed in left cyo; each weighs about 170 pounds. Floor Oil Cloths "very cheap" at BOWMAN'S. U1TER ALTON. Deputy Sheriff Kudershauson and Captain Browning, with Marshal White and Policeman Kinsloe, of Jerseyville, went on a "still hunt" last night, in the Wood river bottoms, for the two men who robbed the bank at.

Fieldon of Wednesday, also incidentally, to look fora thief who stole a horse from Chesterfield. The search was in vain, but the officers did not spare efforts, and were out. from o'clock last night until '2 o'clock this morning. Neither did they find the Maxwells or the James brothers, or they would have given a good account, of them. The important Hung forlho public.

know is, that at Pierson Carr's, they can find a complete slock of Rod nels, by the yard and also made up. It Something cheap atDanvors Neal's. HIH1IOP SEYMOUR'S RECEPTION. The September number of tho Collego Review is out. Tho October number will follow in a few days.

Under the editorial management of Messrs. W. F. Wiemers and Frank Hoblit, it promises to bo prosperous year for this paper. Messrs.

V. Lansing and P. Van Brank- on, of Albany, have been visiting relatives in town the past week. Mr. Frank F.

Merrill, of DOS Moiuos, is back to Upper Alton on a short visit. Ho is greatly pleased with tho city of his present residence, and speaks in glowing terms of its constant improvement and bright prospects. Mr. W. A.

Hildobrand lias lopped off his "branch store" in Upper Alton. Mr. 11. U. Hays, manager, has resumed his place at the parent store in Alton.

Mr. M. MaUou has extended his stock to fill tho spuco lately occupied by the Globe branch store, and now has the whole room. Leverett's bookstore has been removed to the room in Johnson's new building on the northwest corner ol Mivin street and Cullujjo avenue. Mr.

Lee F. Spring, of St. Louis, has lately been visiting friends in Upper Alton. Jliiiiltli, Htrimulli, uiul vtoir m' 1 mmloiiHouritg tiffiiuUul. by iiKluu llnnvn'H Iron mttmu UH mile IN ImmoiiHo.

tti-ii wk A large company, including the delegates to the Episcopal convention now in session hero, the -members of SI Paul's church, some of the ministers of other in tho city, uiul many others, assembled at the residence of Kov. T. W. llaskms last evening, to attend the reception given in honor of Right Kov. Bishop Seymour.

The occasion was a very pleasant one, the hours passing in social conversation with line vocal and instrumental music by ladies and gentlemen present. All were made to fool thoroughly at homo by their entertainers and at a suitable lime refreshments of icos and cake wore served. WIKIC MIJKHKKRR Marshal Reilly this morning received a dispatch frdn an officer at Greenfield, notifying him that a man named Stanford Noe or Hoc had murdered his wife at that place yesterday. The murderer was 50 years old nnd is described as being fi feel 10 incite of slender build. DKATII OF MHS.

Frost, wife of Mr. Kbjah Frost, died or Sunday, the 10th in the 70th yea of her age, of asthma, from which sh had been a sufferer, more or less for 1 ycars.hcr last illness months The funeral took place Monday tin 17lh inst. from the family residenci near Godfrey, llev. Mr. Lee of the K.

church officiating. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church Godfrey, a most estimable lady, am leaves a husband and four grown daugl tors to mourn her death. VICINITY JSOTES. JICIISKV C'OUNTV. (Kii)in the Jursny County Dcinoc'rat.) Lust Sal unlay tho 25th sinnivor- sury of tho wuddingof Oliver A.

Tiff and Ann Horton, was celebrated at thoir honii! on street by the happy couple, who received many costly and beautiful presents. Coroner DII llaihvay hold an inquest on the body of I'eter VVeist last week, supposed to have died from a congestive chill. He was buried allMeldon by the Masonic order. There is a company with two artfe boats ilwilgiug up sa'nd neaV the island above (irafton. Bishop Seymour, of Sprinsjliolil, was Lhepucst of'Mrs.

Lucy V. Seniple Ames, 'Clsali, last Sunday. There is a rumor hat the Bishop will ijuild a residence at Clsali, as it will he convenient, to Spring- ield as soon as Ilia new road is linish- d. On account of the had weather the 'air Association lost, about by he, late fair. The S.

(idverninciil uses Howe Send for Catalogue to Honlcn, Sollifck (ieneral Agents, St. l.ouis, Mo. y-fel)-2C-dly More of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Tills, than by any other means. 21 wk ESPECIAL ATTENTION Is asketl Hi to week to our Trimmings to Match. I 8 A T.

P. NISBETT Second Street, Opp. City Hall, Alton, 111. We will not mention everything we liave in stock, for that would require more space than the can spare. AVc can say, however, that everything- good' to cat pleasant to the eye will be found in our store, and ntNiicli prices as will leave 110 room for complaint.

Besides all the staple articles, we are constantly renewing, and adding- to, our stock of Fancy Groceries. We respectfully invite an inspection of our feeling assured that wo will be able to please the fastidious taste. RAYMOND GREGG, IMPORTER of DIAMONDS A 1 1 in Diiiiiioud Mountings INS. Corner Sixth and locust Street 10w ST. MO.

I'llK roof of the being Ur.suliiK! (loavitiit Something pretty atDanvers Coui) wood is bt'gining to on the streets again, but, like the river, it is "high." Something rich, nt Danvor.s NealV. IE.icoui.Ait meeting of t.he Tuiiinwiuiro Club to-night, in the room over 1'feif- fer's shoo store. AN inlet to tho Third street being put in for Soely Us Son's ami Chamberlain. Choiee Hnttor at S. K.

Connor's. It Mic. L. U. (iillliani reports a good oi'upuf apples this fall in his big orchard on the bottom, lie is more I'orliniiile than most horticulturists.

UNOKHTAKICU, Ktc. WM. L.KLUNK, UNDERTAKER, AX!) IIKAI.KK IN Ready-Made Coffins, Metal ic Cases, Caskets And Burial Robes, Kiir l.nclir.-, l.rnlli'iilril uiul Cluldivil. Oili ce and Shop on State street (Ivurlilart's l.ivcry Slnlilc. Will iillitnd to Job Win 1 mill furniture.

JnSilw 1'Yosh Oysters Connor's. niul S. I- 1 -L' For iv irouil cigar try ihu "1'iiiwn," iiiumifttuUirwl by Hron; is also am) ohoup for 10 ooiita. A COITON plant lUjoul lliroo foul (ugh on whluh urn nix lioll.s, run In; Kt-cn at Connor's morn. It vvus ruisoil on Mr.

Connor's timl rnnus'ity. If yon urc nervous or ilysjuiptii! try Ctiruir'n Mill" Nurvo 1'ills. you luirvous, uiul norvousiuws nmku you ilyspnptK); eltlmr oim you lillln ('ills both. -Jl-0-wk JOHN SUTTEH, IIKVI.KII IN ii. Mi AMI CO.MMON FUENITUBE! A Full and Complete Slocli on Iliuul.

Illll II fllll JIV IMII'I'llllH roitiiH oil STATE OPP. THIRD 11(11 BAUER HOFFMAN, in niul Maiiuliii'liuc'in of FURNITURE. SECOND STBEET, Uii'lrilnKiM'-i. uiul llmliil lUi liirun UHHiirlllH'lll on mind. Rich'd Flag-fir's, i 9 32 Third street New Medium and Dark Prints.

1 New Bleached Muslins, 5c up. New Dress and Apron Ginghams. Two Cases Cotton Flannels. Brown Muslins, 4c up. Ladies 9 Chemise, Night Dresses, Drawers, Skirts, Etc.

Gent's White. Shirts 50c to 1.25,'. New Laces, just received. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. Richard Flagg- MARSH'S mtUOSTOUK.

Parlor Extension Lamps; Nickel Student Lamps; Nickel Parlor Safety Lamps; Brass Parlor Safety Lamps; Glass, Plain and Fancy Lamps; All kinds of Prime CHIMNEYS; White and red, all sizes, WICKS, LANTERNS and Globes. WITH AU, KINDS OV DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, CIGARS, SOAPS, at MARSH'S DRUGSTORE. TJ-I15 Golden Eagle Store. Wonderful Reduction in prices of Cloaks, Dolmans, Shawls, )ress Goods, Underwear, Flannels, Canton Flannels, lams, Woolen Hoso, Yarns and Table Linens. Imvnjiixl rDculvi'd IlKUilmvu our inoltti null li.ui'i tin 1 mum), ivn uoiiilH for tlio Kull Trudu, uud our motto In liirjjii ami Hinull Wo oitu it (or tlio rumHYuo'foiTv GOLDEN EAGLE STORE, Southeast Cor.


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