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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW Summer Hilks AT H. B. BOWMAN'S! NEW Black Silks AT H. B. BOWMAN'S.

NEW Dress Goods, 10c, and upwards, AT H. B. BOWMAN'S! NEW Percales Ginghams, AT H. B. BOWMAN'S.

NEW Calicoes, oo a yard, AT H. B. BOWMAN'S! NEW SPRING GOODS, In Every Department, AT H. B. BOWMAN'S.

BARGAINS! BARGAINS! And Earthenware, At the Crockery Store on Third nearly (opposite Belle. QOODS Bwelved, Comprising Best Iron Stone China, a splendid (took of Plain Fruit Bunds and Lamps: Best quality of Silver Plated Ware; table Cutlery; Tea Bin) Cages; GRANITE IKON WAKE. Also. Wooden and Willow Ware, Japan- Bed Ware; and Home Furnishing Goods which I oner at LOWEST CASH C. M.

LAND PLASTER, FLOUR OF BONE, SUPERPHOSPHATE, SHAKER SEEDS. Lettuce, Radishes, Pie Plant, Asparagus, Oranges, Lemons, Canned Goods. HOLLI8TEB CO. Child's Hose, In best nrlety or Iho seMon, reoelTed lo-daj, by )t FLAQO, PISRdON CARR. Tin rains dssoended and the flooJs' oitme, last erenlng, and grenl WM the fall In the rmdwajs, for they were built upon tbe sand.

Sivslil ladlss went from this olty to Jerseyfllle this morning to attend Woman's Missionary Contention of Allen 'resbrlery. Mmiu. S. W. Farbsr Co.

reoelTed a etter from Texas, yesterday, slating rbsat harvest oommenoed In that State on ho 29th ult. Oranges, lemons and bananas. Fish and.oaaned goods at 8. F. Connor's, third street.

Fresh lake fish on Friday: dtf Strawberries on Saturday. FleiirdeLyN Lodge, No. 68, Knigkti of Pgtliat. Castle Hall, Third Street, over J.W.tH.Bohwoppe's Store, Rouular Meeting, next Thursday Evening April leu, BOBABT. Chancellor Oouimandir.

Business Change. I have tut. day sola to Messrs. HMILKY my entire once 1 1t 1I 1c 5 n( thjllberal upon me. r.

BavlnM tnls day purcnased of P. BKWIT Kal Batatt Buslnosj, wt are prepared to continue thebujlnessal the offlo. (uiwerly Mr.Hewlt. Mr, E. li.

BLAlBfiKLL will represent us amatomoe. WHU-PUt BJiifcEY. The Ferry oa Sunday. S1200 Alton Dally Telegraph. FBIDAY HAY 18781 eenu a Une win be obarfed Mr eaeh ineerUon'of all BnitauM Notlees this head.

CRT AMD COOTsTT MATTXBS. FOE a good Olgu try Neinlntjer's Msgno- lit HI CoUm'i Drag Blore, tltwt. THI riter li rising. Niw moon, last inning, A glance to the right will show where to get yoor parasol. It Tna St.

Lonls Journal of publishes dsfence of Communism. Fresh Btnwkntles, at Uolllster Go's. dll A MTTLI or last night's rain, psstponed until some hot dusty day next July, would lave won more general appreciation. Money to loan on farm lands, in sums to Bull. F.

RUDEUBHACBRN fie It Insunnoe and Loan Agents aplBdlf Oontennl.l Baking Powder Niw UBOOSUI Mrs. H. Fish as opened a new grooerj store on Belle street. Besd Adrertlsement In this Tamar Indlen, one of the finest Uathartlo Oonteotions, a fresh Importation, at dtf ROBERT B. SMITH'S.

BRIEFS. The street cleaners are abroad, to-day. Qraftoa will aoon have a new ferry boat. The Webash road will shorten Us running lime nest month, A colony from OarllnvHle Is about lo illle In Daoolah Territory. A tiny bouquet tht lappet of jour oat is tbe'oorreot thing now.

There Is now lively competition between makers of rival agricultural machines. There Is a gap In the accounts of the ale Olty Treasurer of OarllnvHle of attral $1,800. Ur. Wm. UusUneon, 0.

roadmu- er, Is repairing the sidewalks on Flasa I reel. Soda fountains expect to do a good business (his season following up the ribbon movement. Seymour are now shipping hlrty boxes of, upstagns per day, from heir forty acre plantation. The city has not yet cleaned out those gulteni on Fourth slrset, as the Ooorl was til duty lo do. There we 0,000 Sociallsla in St.

Lonli, ill sworn members. A part of them are armed and drilling nightly. We have received from Col. Morrison a lopy of the Congressional Becord oontaln- ng six solid pages of Southern claims. Owing to the forward season, flowers will be scarce by Decoration Day, Hay 30th, Hoses will have entirely dlsappear- id.

Country postmasters are beginning lo nqulre anxiously when the government li going to set them up In Ibe banking luslness. Capt. Henry Adkins, having complete! he warehouse at Qulnoy for the Eeokuk Northern Line Paoket will erect siml- ar structures at Hannibal, Louisiana and jagrange. Centennial Baking Powder. aplSdlf WBT should a ninety-nine cent store nk higher than a dollar establishment; Because It takes more "cents" to properly conduct the former.

It Is very safe to say the most fattldious guest never leaves the Colonnade Hotel, Philadelphia, dissatisfied with his visit lo that famous hostelry. SOdwlw F. G. Whlte'e favorite theatrical troupe, which has played here heretofore to crowded house, will give an entertainment next Monday evening, at Mercantile Hall. Glass Shades and Wax Flower Materials a full and fresh Une just reoelued al R.

Smith's Drug Emporium. mSatf Centennial Baking Powder. aplSdtf publish lo-day the particulars of a course of lectures to be! delivered In the Unitarian church. Tho leotures are all by eminent upeakers, and will prove a rich lilerary treat. A Tousa man named Louis Wassner, of Marino, committed suicide by shooting ast Friday afternoon.

His body was found a before yesterday, with a gun shot wound In tbe forehead. Centennial Baking Powder. aplBdlj A beaullful lot of Imported Meerschaum Pipes, also fine French Briar Boot Pipes, be found at B. B. Smith's, Drug Emporium.

18 dtf at St. Louis for April during eight years: April, inches) incuse, inches! Inches; Inohesi 1878-225 Inohesi Inches! Inches. These figures, of course, apply approximately to this oily. We would advise all families Ic get from Ihelr druggists a copy of tho circular concerning Dr. Blanks "Black Medicine," Tha doctor guarantees the truth of every word in and whoever bas onoo need the medicine will agree with him in all stale- menu.

Jawlvr Thousands of persons have their eyes turned towards Wall street. That li where thousands of dollars are made dally from Investments ranging from S60 lo The reliable brokers, Alex. Frolhlngham 12 Wall street, New York, send their Financial Report which explains fully. D. B.

Sparks Co. are aelllng their ew prooeas flour al 26, (eoond rate, OonUnnlal Baking Powder, aplBdtf Tin heavy rolo last night made many breaches on slrootn, leaving a number of places dangerous on the wav to Mlddletown. Why not sow grass seed on the various banks and bluffs around the ollyt By forming a sod the wash by an ordinary ralnj wonld be very much check, ed, If not entirely prevented. If you desire cheeks with roses of health upon them, If you want that peculiar brilliancy of complexion so prlnd by ladles and admire! by everybody, If in, a word! you want that perfection of phvsloal Appearance that pure blood Insures, use Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture.

John wbo was recently arrested In Greene county, on (charge of poising Munlerfelt money, writes to his family from Oarrollton, that he Is Innocent of the charge against bio. and expscts lo tsoure his rslease In a few days OB a wrl of corpus, and return homo, Strayed or the resldonoe of the small black and tan dog A'solloble reward will bo paid for his recovery. W. 0. O.UIGLBY Statistical report of the Alton Public Bobools for the month ending April 19th, 1B7SI number eaics corporal punishment, e.

TUo whole number In the High school Is The following were and above In scholarship. flBRIOB GLASS. Minnie Bclmlto, 100 Battle Nichols, 109 Bertha Ferguson, 100 Aggie Milieu, 100 Ella Uatos, 100 Kate Armstrong. 99 Clara Olllham.w Bmma Fletcher, te Battle'Squler, 06 Belle Davis, DolHe Hardy, 97 Nettle Hutterfleld.N MaryK.lser,» Battle Rusiell.M August Dlobol, Bmma Slmms, 9J Charles Hardy, 01 Hollo Eaton, 01 H1PDLB GLASS Edwin Hand, 100 Mary Noble, 100 Lmoy Breofcenrldgo.WLuoy Hanson, 99 Llule Grossman, oe Jennie Uooper, 98 Alice McCarthy, 9f Wm., Bmltu, 96 EvaAKard.M aattle Filler, Boeo Tranobery, 91 Eugene OaaKlns, 9i Arthur Jounstono, 9i Fannln Hauler, LHllo 01 Ambrose Bibb.

92 Life Oballaoombo, 93 Bmma frioe. Sidney Baker, 94 Maznle Smith, 93 Fred Job, 91 MEW riRH. The undersigned will open In the oily Alton, in the elegant store room, Second loor east of the First National Bank, on Monday, May the 6th, a first class whole- ale grocery and commission, house. And although we do not propose to do uslnees for the benefit of our neighbors lone, or to oell goods "at oost," wo do ntcnd to koop Jurat class goods and to ell as ohoap as the cheapest; and as the onlor member of the firm has had lany years' experience lo. the uslnesa in the city of Louisville, we feel onfident of making it to the Interest of he community, to give us a parl, at least, their patronage, We shall, at all times, be prepared to pay the highest cash piloe for every thing which the farmers may have for sale; or If they prefer it, we will hip to our house in St.

Louis, and aell commission, advancing, without inter- si, two-thirds of the Alton market value the articles shipped, and make Immedl. to return of all sales made by us. We shall keep at all times a full and omplete etook of everything In our line, nd shall take pleasure in ordering through ur house In St. Louis, anpthlng that our customers may want, whether In our par- lonlar business or not. HALL, SCOTT 00.

RBFBBBKOXS. William F. Crow St. Louis. H.

D. Mann SI. Louis. Third National Bank, SI. Louis.

Ohase Cabot, St. Louis. John O. Wells 81. Louis.

Collins Brothers, St. Louis. AITOX, May 1, 1878. wf wlf As the season for Fainting and Paper uanglng advances, don't forget to go lo W. F.

Eo8inger, on Second street, two doors west of Plssa, where he Is prepared to do all work in his lino, promptly and on easy erma. Alton, Fob. Cth, '78. d3m QtjtBv: "Why will men smoke common nbaooo, when they can buy Marburg Bros. Seal of North at tbe same price?" deo27doodly WiUHiiD the prlnoipi! nidges In Foster township were washed away by tbe heavy rains of last week and he great rise in Wood ri'er.

The people of that township feel that the loss is too heavy be borne with equanimity, as ither parte of the oounty, Including Alton, areas much interested In the matter as the people of the Immediate vicinity where the oss Is Incurred. Trade) Is Interrupted by want of passable thoroughfares; hence the noonvenienoe Is not confined to onelooalt- alone. To paint well and economically, don't be persuaded lo use anything but nilller.Bros. eadr mixed'paints. Bobert B.

Smith has the sole agency for Alton, and warrants every gallon sold, 5 dtf jost received, now and improved.Silver. plated, Brass and Japanned Bird Cages, at 3. M. Orandall'a orookery store. Third street, nearly opposite Belle, Alton 111.

0-dw2m JUITIOB CfcAfiS. BOOK 9, Battle Dolbee, 93 Bert Hollliler, 97 Win. Uontfomery, 93 Harry Ferguson, 95 Jamee Armstrong, 93 Boph.Er>penberKor,93 Daisy Johuion. Florence Adams, 9J John Fernow, 81 Nollle Uouplaad, 91 Helen Topping. 91 William iiubboll, 91 Eddie Connor, 91 Frod Uawloy, 90 tlae atanton, 90 BOOX'ZTO.

s. Annie Warnaok, 100 ffimma Miller, 9ft timll Walters, 9j bUxle Ulllen, 96 Mattlo Harytlte, 93 Bailie Trenilall, 91 George Bquler, Nellie Koe, 99 Tbose ISO In deportment were as follows: Luolnda UoLaln, Annlo Warnaok, Henry McKee. The number In tbe Grammar schools Is 180. Tbe following wero 90 andjabove In scholar. iblp.

Fred Watson, 99 William Blory, 93 Anna Harris, 93 Nellie Andrews, 90 Hello Walker, 90 Boom 4, Hattle Parker. 98 Bertie Cnldwoll, 93 Hoed Stanford, Frloda slon, 92 Nellie Agard, 91 Lou BuUerllDld, 92 Jennie Holllday, 91 lxiuliHanman.91 KelBer, 91 Bmma Myers, 90 Charles Topping, 90 Tbe following pupil was 100 In deportment: Alice Bllswortb. E. A. HAIGHT, Sup't.

IBB Altona fire bell rang alarm yesterday afternoon, about four o'clock, and many persons thought It was a water alarm as the rain was pouring In (orients at the time. The Bremen, how ever, with unquenchable ardor, turned out and went lo llunlerslown lo find that the fire was confined to the chimney of Mr. Mclaughlin's house on Second, near Ridge strsel. Mo particular damage swat done, but several men got soaked. Money to have $100,000 to loan on Improved farms.

BUg25 dsly WHIFFLE it BUILEY Prevention of are very iipl to neglect tbe nrst symptoms of disease, thereby entailing protracted suffering. In Iho early stages most every dlseasa can be controlled and prevented from becoming serious. Uow often we hear a patient "U1 had only taken the remedy In season 1 might have been saved Ibis pain." For a household medlclue, adapted to al diseases of norvous origin, and for at pains or Inflammations, internal or exler nal, Ibe best Is Union's Curative, and tbi lime to commence using It Is when thellrs Indication of disease Is fell. A belli, should always be kepi In the house, SCHOOL ATTKKDAItOB. District No.

1 District No. 2..... Dlitrlct No. 8 District No. 4......

District No. 5...... District No. 1109 981 83 109 338 a TottcrluB Tsriirlo Is a system of vitality and Irregular In its functions. It Is only judicious, prompt modloallon which can save It from a speedy and total collapse, Tbe tonic and regulating properties of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters partlonlarly adapt that benign lo revive and reform those bodily Irregularities which are a barrier to its permanent restoration.

lousnesss and constipation are totally overcome by It, and the digestive activity and thorough assimilation which It promotes bavo tbo etloct of Increasing the vivifying nnd nourishing qualities of Ibe blood. The Bitters aro an excellent detergent of the vital ourrent, since they communicate, a healthy stimulus to the bladder and kidneys, which are the most Important channels for the escape of Its impurities. Pure, agreeable, and of botanic origin, thorough and prompt, but never violent In Its action, the reasons for tbe transcendent popularity of this medicine aro both cogent and appreciable. 29-dwlw When you see a bright baby, pleased with Itself and everybody else, tie sure that Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup bas been used.

Only 25o a bottle. LECTURES AT UNITARIAN CHURCH. The second lecture of the course on Tuesday evening, May 7th, by Prof. J. K.

Hosnsr, of Washington University, St. Louis, Subject: "The Qiant in the Spiked Helmet." Third lecture, on Tuesday evening. May 4th by Rev. Dr. S.

H. Sonnesohlen, Jewish rabbi, of SI. Louis. Subject: "Three Religion, Art and Science." Fourth leoture on Tuesday evening May list by Rev. 1.

C. Learned of Si. Louis, anbjeot "Religion and the Tbealro," The fifth leoture, and last of the course, will be announced in due Lectures lo commence at 8 p. m. dSt.

Fir Tbe building on Fourth street, one door oast of Belle; arranged for a store and dwelling house. Store room on irat floor; eight fine rooms on second third floors. Good cellar (under whole building. For terms and particulars apply this office. apSdlf Lookout furthe Filing Dutchman.

aplBdtf Air. H. U. Rhoads, of Shlpman, was in town, to day. Mr.

Besm, wo learn, has been greatly benefitted by his trip lo Chicago. Supervisor Doollng and Road Commissioner Penning, of Foster township, were in, town K. J. Pierce, editor of iho Whitehall Republican, favored us with a call this morning, on bis return from the meeting of the Republican State central ooommllloe In Chicago.

He reports an enthusiastic gathering. fufftt, or ever and Cure. This preparation Is obtained by a newly discovered process, nnd all the Hive inedioltia! principles of F.aU India Cinchona bark, groon on iho Hills, from which all the In Hunt properties have been eliminated. It In nature's own remedy for all dlgoaaes arinlng from malarial poison. Palatable, powerful, ill.

periodic and tonic, It never falls lo oure fever and ague, dumb chills, congestive chills, bilious foror, periodical neural- gla, and all diseases of malarial origin. J.C. K10IIARUSON, Prop'r, Ht. Louis. For sals by all druegllls.

ap4 dw-tw Yon Mast Cora that Conuh With Bblloh's Consumption Cure you can oure yourself. has established the fact Ihot Consumption can be oured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, aud all diseases of Throat aud Lungs, it is absolutely without an equal. Two doses will relieve your child of croup, It Is pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to the younger', child, and no mother oan afford to be without It. You can uso two-tuirds cf a bottle and If what we say Is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 DO and $1,00 per bottle.

If your lunge are sore or chest or back lame, uso Sblloh's Porou.i Piaster. Sold by R. B. Smith, Alton. Have you Dyspepsia, aro you paled, have you a yellow skin, loss cl ap petite, headache, II so don't foil to use Bblloh's System Vllallser, It Is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you cau be oured ou such terms as these.

Price 10 cts. and 76 oi Sold by It. B. Smith, Alton: 1 Wells' Persian Perfume "Ilsokmetick" Is rloh aud fragrant, try It. Sold by R.

Smith, Alton. uilltlw There Is no quostion but that It. Smith has tbe finest and largtst assortment of brought to Ibe oily of Alton, A Remit. II makes no difference how many Physicians, or bow much medicine you. have tried, it is now an established fact that German Syrup Is ths only remedy which has given complete Batlifaction In severe oases of Lung Diseases.

It Is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cougb, who have no personal knowledge of Boiobeo's German Syrup. To ouch we would say that 00, 000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Consumptives try just one bottle. Regular size 76 oenle, Sold by all Druggists la America. sep20dwly Beyond tbo Haach of Human Skill Is tbo power to restore tbe hair to bald boodn when tho bulbs at the roots aro do- Htroyod by age or dlsoace; but tbore are doubtless many becoming bald, wbosc balr by careful attention might be restored to ItJ original luxuriance and beauty.

Parker's Hair Balsam Is an elegant preparation, designed to meet the public want for a harmless hair dressing and restorative. It cats like magic, oom- menolng at the very roots, removes Dandruff and all bnmors from tbo scalp, and never falls to restore gray or faded balr to tbe original color, and tbo soft, rich and appearance of yontb. slonal use falling o( tbe balr Is Immediately chocked, and a luxuriant and beautiful growth of young balr Induced. The exquisite perfume ana tbe purity of 1U composition are blghlyapproolatod, and as It la not a dye and doca not stain tho skin or clothing, It Is a growing fevorlto of the toilet. Buy a bottle from your druggists, CHAM.

UERLAIN 11AQBE. Alton, Illinois, and teet Us merits. Keep John. Butter Is agent In this ally for the celebrated Alaska Refrigerator, the best, and most perfectly contrived Ice chest ever Invented. It will keep articles of food pure, fresh and cold, and combines every requirement necessary for this purpose; secures the best results 1th the smallest quantity of Ice, and Is offered at a low price.

Call at the furnl- turo store on Slate street, near the Hxpresc office, and sec them. apZudlm The latest news Is that the Soda Fountain at R. B. Smith's Is In full operation his specialty, the "Red Ribbon" soda is particularly delioious, and not a drop of spirit is dispensed at this fountain. aplSdtf HEW ADVERTUEKEMTB.

SWEET fine ihtwing giiatilitt tfedltnce and fatting ctia naer ivMtenlnff and jlawHng, Tto belt tobacc our bluo it rip tnde-mtrk cloMl 'J? 1 1 nft ja plot, KMdV dual. frM, lo C. A. Jicwow A I'cicnbiui. The Co-Operative Newspapers.

It has been assorted that one-half of alt money paid by Mew YorK advertisers for atlvertlMng outnlde of ttiat olty goes to tho OO-QPKBATIVB NEWSPAPKIUI. If thiu statement id true ttiore It no acca- for Hurpritte that prominent papers wulch are still charging wnr lor nd- orilBlnK feel culled upon tu abuse a rival ith which they aud themBelvott uaabta to maintain a competition. Full partloulnrH about tbo Co-operative NowBpapere, together with catalogues nnd advertising mailed free on application to UEALS A FOSTER. en em I Agents NKWBPAPfitt Uwiow, 10 bpruce street, New York. I CURE When I iay euro I do not mean merely to Btop them fora time and tncn buve tliem returu attain I mean a radical euro, I am regular phyelolan, and bavo made the dJHtliBO Of FITS.

EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS, a.Ue-.onB study. I warrant my remedy lo oure the worm oasos. Booaaso otberi have fulled no renflon fir not now receiving a oure from me, Bend to me at ouoo for a and a Free BottU of my infal- Ible remedy, dive expreai nuu pout offloo. It coils you nothing for a trial, and I will oure you. Addronn Or, li.

Q. lioot, 183 Pearl street, New York. JJKFORK JJUriftU OK JtBtfTIffO A Cabinet or Parlor Organ BO Hare to send for our LATEST OATA- ton UK And CIUCDLAMH with NKWHTTLBB, rBicRs, aud muoli InlornisUioH. Bent free. MASON A HAML1N OROAN Botiton, New York or Chicago.

aw A DAY to Agents canvassing tor tbe DsT Tira.1 d0 Vt.ltar- Terms and Out- iree! Address F. O. VlCKfcJUY, Augusta, Maine. 40 11IX1SI) OAUDM, M'ltll imnjll. 10 outfit, 1U OU.

JONES A MMU, N. Y. He tail orloo $280 only ftOB. PIANOS rotnll prloo $5AO iiiily $135. Oront Imrsalufl.

Boatty, WasUlUKtoa, N. J. Fancy CarUa, ftnouiflakc JJamatk. AB- Aortod lu 'J5 Hlyloi, with tiuuio, lUoU. NHBHRU Card WftSHftU, N.

Y. Loaro Telegraphy, itid uiirn from $40 A $100 a mautb. Bmall tmlary whllo Icnrnluic. Hltimtlonn ftirtilHtied. AOdreoB .1 onoef B.

VAl.BNTZNB, fOUNG mi HE A KING KEST011ED! OHKAT INVKNTION by ono wbo was DEAK lor 2O stnlnp for par- Jia. Oannort, Lock JJoz 80, Jlacliion, Inil. FOU KENT. IN a Jjrlok sloro, lultiiblo for IJry Goods and Grocery business JWHI- danoo on the seooild lloor, If Lo- nueil ou tne principal busluviiii htreot, one blook from tuo Addron. ItlUUABU MoppNALD, oraaawlm' Uetlialto, 111.

Sltorlliorn Cutlk'Tlcrlithire Swine And SODTHDOWN BUEEI', al Harristown, Illinois, (Seven mllos west or Uooutur,) WBDNBaDATT, MAY 80th, 1878. ror CuulOtfUoi or any pnrlluulars, addro'H PIGKB1CI.L KIHHINOKB. HH. Hurrlmowu, Jlllnols, gg Or Ol The loadlug Araerloau powdor. Tut fiillllweleht and full "trengtU, raado from nuta Grape Cream Tartar.

Makes most delicious, llKht, white, and wholesome cookery. Keeps any length of time in any climate, and docs not cake or deteriorate. loose or In bulk. AH grooeri authorized to gunmnUeJit, il' BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. OUR PARASOLS HIVE COME.

FLAGG, PIERSON MT LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOULDER BRACES, FROM 75 CTS. A PAIR, AND1UPWARDS, AT MARSH'S DRUG STORE. AUTEN HOLDEN OFFER For the of April a superior aaiortment of GOODS, AT SPECIiL BARGAINS. Bleached and Unbleached Table linens Towels and Napkins at Bottom Prices. New Styles Cassimeres and Jeans for Men's and Boys' Wear.

Shirting; Percales; Checks and Cheviots. Demins and Ducks for Overalls. Crochet; Honey Comb and Marseilles Quilts at Low Prices. ISole Agenta for; Especially adapted to tho wants of all AIJTEN dfe HOLDEW, THIRD STREET, ALTON, ILL. CLIFFORD'S FEBRIFUGE FEVEMGUE BBADIOA1XS AIX MAJLAWAl DISEASES from tfco SYSTEM.

J. O. BT. 1.UUIB. FOR SALE! A Desirable I House tot on Twelfth Street.

I offer my corner of Twelltli nnd AluvVlreitH tomato. hou.o contain. Ten Rooms, lesldes pantry, collar, wood- 'AUan'i April 0,1878. lf FOB SALE! Tliat Beautiful llrich Cottage, boon 1 0 1 WUl B. TBHKB.

APPly on premises, or to mar2Ddwtl nl blrool, Allun, DR. A. D. BUI.X. Will return to Alton, April Itlu, open an ollloe over Smiley Shoe Store, Where He will bo ploanod lo see Ills lonnar 0 uprUdwlyr GEY, LIGHT, FADED, -ABRED HAIR few bcnulffiit auburn ur lo tlio dark, colom of youthful trtsspa.

llimiotn, DandriilT, Itclilnp of tno Swilp, mu. Fnlllnn of the Hnlr, nrn nt oucc curoU by It, Where thu hnlr folllcka nro uot dcatroycd, It irlH ravine Imlr to Rrow ou lienrto. It ia jwrfumed with uxtrncta from frajfinnt flow- era. All whu me It praise It. IMce $1.00 per Botl.e.

Gelds, Coiislis, Aro nlk'vlnlnl, ami In moHl CBBCH cured, by tho uiviirthlH PAIN KKAUH'ATliK. It Is 111 lu- VBlunltle Fnnilly Mudlclnc, nffortllnff relief iiliydloliin can bo rcliclifil. I'ronlirf our rlrculnr, ubovo dUcunci, nnil Ilielr projti'r mont, tuwl you will Wu8u tlm rcmujy thul eucli IiuMlng, Vl'lco 85 els. per llutllc. PREPARED BY E.

M.TUBBS 4 CO. Prcprlatoro cf" Blng'B Ambrosia," MANOHE8TEH, N. H. For Hale by Qulnloy, Her Wholesale OruggMU. and Mi pruggist, Alton, III.


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