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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 1

Alton, Illinois
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'tto It Italian I company i liquor store ato hold the rra asked the man, What kind, of II, he wanted else and grew pTonsor but he talked Missouri English and Span- at the appeared'to be confdned hien the Italian, foiind had iiiiie for Western Military Academy Cadets after Kaforced Absence ''A lucky throw of the dice enabled the Western Military Academy ca- deta to regain the of etficieit VAlet ma. general utMty Jasper also made'It Dowlble exile to nreturn to his native heath, not the pursuit oT of fleers' nor toeing put behind the '(prison bars. Jasper Rice was fined months ago (for committing some trifling offense and he was sentenced to the street cleaning gang, ibut mot long. Jasper toad good means of 'locomotion and he took ad- yantage ol them, inever stopping in his flight until he (had put many aniles between himself and Alton. Jasper has been Heading a nomadic of the itime, but he longed the f-lesh-0ots of the Depot hotel again and he wanted to come back Farmer Wok Btvta Wtip tfteiyi $own and Bun! Over by Wagon snap if he never did get it hind of "for Mr.

lor hit upon' the expedient of glv- Intending purchaser''samples ie various klnde of (liquors in the -u UD UUUH. illsliment and from the way the jto where he could take tip his the Job (probable Job of i be WlUing to accept the Western Military took would ibe Willing to accept the lot llquor-saiap'ler for Jlfe Id not Insist eight hour days' He drank wihlskey, gin, ale, brandy of various kinds and jgh tie the be In negation when Mr; Tonsdr "Is that it?" -the issirallated a ddzett different of 'liquors 'iihbwlnig, an therefrom Mr. Toosdr came of pure alcohol and direw mpile. The Italian drank this i with avidity and his utility man for Academy cadets. JasQer's euoceas at dice was his one chance to get back 'to Alton.

One night recently he sitting In a game with some of his own race at OolMnsvllle, 111., Just after A ttill xtf tihe dice threw a good sura of money toto Jasper's hands and out his connection with the dice game. He made a chase for a arid catching It came back to Alton. He tendered the balance of his fine, still uoserVedi atjhe time his escape, and now he can, walk the streets with a freedom that brings many Square meals and some good tips to his pockets. with he scouted, im-unan'nv' and nodded 'his violently in affirmation to say. as thestuilf he Weddings la Former hnapps" walked away up-1 Alton FwnUy in Six Weeks.

and happy, enough liquor I Two have takon iplace in of him (to almost any of Mrs. Ju'lia T. Gaylord i. 0 Oh ca 0) fermerl of A lton) wjtnln six weeks. Miss Kate Gaylord, her eldest daughter, was married to Arthur Oakes of Cairo November 8, and Miss Blanche' Gaylord was married farmer near Bast Alton, was badly tort yesterday In 'a rWaway on fatsn, being knookeii and rut over by a team and a he" wto trying -to.

stop the ihors- es. The team had Just fceen hitohoa, u.p ready to begin hauling some to Alton and a son of Mr. Bible was stepping up to mount the seat and was standing on double-tree of' the wagon tongue when the horses took friight and etajfted to run away, circling about i Mr. Bibfttj was close by seeing the danger of his eon he ran to intercept the team and to stop it. The boy was thrown to the ground and suffered bad 'bruises on his body, but was noj Seriously hurt.

'The father getting the way ot -the runaways was struck by one Of (the horses and thrown to the ground under the animal's feet, The wagon wheels ran over his body at the abdomen as he 'lay on his elide. He was confined to hte bed today but It was said that he would recover and had not sustalne-i any internail The team ran a fhra strand barbed wire ffence and finally collided with a tree where the animals were 'brought a' sudden Mr. Bible is a bM ther of Supervisor John Bible. Supervisor Thinks Sthat Hia Chances Mlgtit be Good ehow a official 'ember 8, that in 'lips ha were lr- contest was at Upper Alton. A burglar entered the 'home of Henry Blase on Main street In Upper Alton some time during last night by breaking through a side window.

A pocket book containing $28.30 was foutid and carlred away. Members of the family knew nothing of the burglary until morning revealed it. Supervisor John ttfele ihlnkB that there mltht be fe good chance for him to Institute a the offteo of' and Maka he might, by having a Terersal of retufne of- the elecWoni 'by a ireoount tot. Nameoki and Venice I has ascertained thai regularities Whlchf instituted, would riasiUt in the vote of those 'townships being thrown out. H-euch a contest WSB 'taslKuted it would the ejection of B.

C. Haagea for the Jeglslatare over Link, and for that reason Haagen and Bible will, link' their feaiuees and an Investigation Is being instituted in those two townships today whoh will determine future worse of tion of both EWMe and Haagen. Sir. Bible thdt he believes a contest would have' a effect in these and" would insure a stricter adherence the legal regulations for elections, if some Ihqulry was started. ELECTION EXPENSES CUT BY COUNTY BOAttD, i Supervisor Bible Bays That Finance Committee Reduced Bills tor Registration Days, CAPITAL By Local Assessor Bays Attorney General Stead.

man the makings of 'largo jessorted The, which Ihe "IB rust off diron acid wou'lS eat Iron itseJf, ibut -had no ap- sb1o effect on him. SOOIAX. BVJBNXB. True Friendship'club, which era sixteen or eighteen JolJy, 1 souls, wenit to North Alton to Leroy Webster of Septem- I her 38. Mra.

$J0ter4 of F. and k. iH.tTSiy'jor olt 'this Henry McPike has returned from Saudwky, to a position the McPike, Papgr' company. eof flhelr never a gotfd at the Zerwas liome, and ifreshments eepved are always will hold a inee'Ung Saturday evening 8-o'clock. Addle, conduct the CHRONIC DISEASES quickly cured.

The, special treatment of Dr. H. T. Jones, of JONES' Medical Institute. meeting, and No.

2 band of St. Louis will- be present to aid the musical part of the ALTON, IF SO iu Will be Interested In Watching this Space. ond street, Alton, 111. Dear Doctor: I am overjoyed that I can now hear as well as I ever did in my life, and this afte? a short course pf treatment from you. One of my ears'has been of no use to me last 19 years, and I found i was fast losing the hearing of the act, could not hear except loudest talk, when I commenced treatment with you.

Being able to hear again with ease is a pleasure, Indeed, as I am now past years of age. I sincerely thank you for your services, and heartily recommend to your care all -persons whd are suffering from ear trouble or any affliction of the head, knowing they Will receive the best of treatment With -thanks, I am, Yotirs sincerely, Wm. J. MAHAR. Medical Institute Consultation and exUmtnation free.

a. m. to 8 p. m. 131 H.


NOTB THE PRICES ARB RBAJd BARGAIN VALUES. Springfield, 111., Noy. General Stead today rendered an opinion to the state 'boarrf of equalization to the effect that the (recent few exempting from taxation the capital efeok of mercantile corporations la invalid and that the state board must proceed under law and assess the capital stock. He holds that the local assessors must assess $he capital stock of manufacturing, printing, mining and stock breeding corporations. Under the decision of the Supreme court rendered last month'.

Under Stead's ifowner opinion the board of equalization was at doubt as to Who Should assess tihe capital stock mercantile corporations. There'was considerable 'dissatisfaction among the election ofiftcers In Alton township because of a reduction in their -bills made by the committee of the county board of supervisors. The -reduction did not appear until today when ttie checks were distributed election wmmlttee concluded that was enough for the registration and they allowed the officers who aat at registration pay for itwo days only, considering the rule to allow extra for time over houirs. The committee also decided that the property owners who rented their rooms for use as polling are entitled to only $2 a day registration days and $5 a'day for the regular election day. Bach renter of his room received Supervisor Bible, in order to satisfy the election officers, did not make fcny payments to them until today when he had procured the commHtee reports submitted to rthe county board showing Just how much had been allowed to each person.

The officers whose ipay had been cut by the refusal of the board to allow for over time at registration, and the property owners whose rant (bilto were out, were very much dissatisfied, but 'there seemed to be no alternative and they accepted the money. Narrow Escape of Spectal irom Beinsr Wrecked MAYOB MENTS FOEKOBTH STBMP, Says that Water Mains be Laid Within Ten Dayi, Sewera, Pavement, 0w Within Year IJJed in Jeracjrville. Mrs, Gertrude Horn, mother of Messrs. Chris, and William Horn of this city, died in 'Jerseyvllle today. Five sons and two daughters survive her.

Two live in Alton and in Jerseyvllle, and one in East St. Louis. daughters live in Fleldon: The funeral will take place on Friday noon at Je'rseyvjlle. For Estate! My residence, business property and tenant houses on Second and Third streets, near Henry. ,0.

C. Paul, 6,60 East Second street. Henry J. Kluntc, Bnnmimer. The story la told or an Alton woman who offered $60 to any one curing her dyspepsia, being cured by a 60o.

box of Mlpna stomach, tablets. Earth's Pharmacy sell Mlona under gurantee. THE POSTOmCE BUILDING. The Date tor Considering Other Sites, Will Close Dec. 10.

Postmaster Brueggemaon today received ootlee from Secretary Shaw of the Treasury Department that on December, ifoth the apportunttty to eubmlt further Bites for the ipuibltc building to be erected here "will close. Persons desiring to submit evidence as to the sites offered them do so and will 'have due consideration. ContractingFinn Dissolves Partnership, A dissolution of the between V. And Peter ROD- ertson, doing business under name of Nixon Robertson, has effected. U.

B. Nixon retires and'the contracts awarded to the firm will be carried out by Peter Robertson with David Ryan as the silent partner. A big -bay horse was' kitted this morning at the avenue crossing on Ihe C. A. cut-off; The animal, belonged to Capt Jones Wprden and was the family driving horse.

He had got out of the barn sometime la the night down College avenue to the irallroad and then over the cattle guard. The horse BtroMed down the right-of-way taaA. when the midnight special came down at 7 o'clock this morning the horse was struck by the The of the animal was thrown against a mile post and the poet was knocked almost out of the ground. The animal lived sometime after the accident notwithstanding almost all the bones in Its 'body being and Marshal Malson was sent for to pat the horse out of Ita misery. The train crew thought that fast train had a narrow escape from ibelng wrecked, as -it was running at a high rate of speed down grade when It struck the horse.

JTHIBF STEALS 8HOE8 AND SBIAS THEM TO VIOMM. Jack CaviJl Bound Over to Grand Jury for Quest Offense Today, and Pleads Guilty. Jack Cavtll, who was employed by N. Wlttels, the pawnbroker and secoqd hand dealer, was bound over to the grand Jury in itihe city today oh a charge off stealing two drs of shoes Man Us employer and sellog them hack again through tho agency of another num. CavUl pleaded guilty.

Two pairs of shoes disappeared from the Wlttel's stock and this toornlng Howard Clay, a friend of CaviH, broughe them in be 1 pawned. He got 75 cents for the two pairs of shoes and then Witftels noticed that they were the shoes whlcn were stolen from him. He promptly caused arrest of both confessed (had stolen thi shoes and gave th.era to him to seJ. He was fined to the street cleaning gang and Cavlll was bouijd over to the grand Jury. Mayor Beall has a extenslv6 campaign of improvements mapped i out (for North street for the next year.

He said today tbait the water mains to supply on that street would laid within a Week, permitting, and that a Jong cause of complaint by residents there wiM be wiped out. He further says that has no doubt that within one year street be sewered and gas mains will 'be laid and the street wiH paved with brick from Slxln The mayor Is keeping his p)an for public Improvements the coming year under cover and the, of local improvements and the ordinance committee have been (ping out their campaign on the but it is given out that the end of the present year will find many dlnannee either adopted by the council or In a way to be adopted soon, and that no announcement of what street 'to be taiproved will be- made until the (legal machinery bus been started (grinding. Mayor Beall JB determined to have-contracts let for the moat extensive taprdvemients ever done in city, the expiration tot oil and North street, it is said, will ibe of the streets to be given $36,000 in City Treasury. Mayor Beall today stated that treasurer's report will show there is $30,000 in the cjfy'treasury with about $8,000 'on the (special provemente' fund about tor general purposes. Leo Etrulff, of PIttsburg, Pai, is 1 spending a few weeks with his 'nn- cles, J.


NIT QUICK! Marriage Licenses Issued. Deputy Marriage license Clerk B. C. Paul this afternoon issued marriage licenses to John Richard Burk- harfc' and Miss Florence Edith Mo- Knight, both of Alton, and to John George Thomae and Mrs. Mary Isabel Jackson, both of Bast Alton.

STATE COOTKOL BATES, 80 Says Attorney General Stead. FRANK C. PICKA Successor to A. H. WUERKER, Cor.

State and Third Street. Harness, Saddles, leather Goods, Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, 1 And Severs. Springfield, 111., Nov. uj General Stead has given out an opinion to board of railroad and warehouse commissioners who have jurisdiction' under the statutes of Tlinols over -the express compaTites of the state and has the power to fix the rates between points In the state. The railroad commission Is now engaged in making up a schedule of rates.

The opinion of the attorney general was given last September to State's Attorney Glllham of Madison county. It has kept secret and did not leak out until today. Up-to-date barber snop using compressed air. Electric Massage. Bauer.

In California Issue Gives Omtjion As kt Sis Fnmcisoo, 13. Call will say tomorrow: "Secretary MetcaJf, before leaving for WaMWg4 ton today, confided to a mate riends that the sentiment of the people of San Francisco, if not the whole state, was opposed to il- lowing Japanese or Chinese childratf to mingle freely with Cftuoasian children in the public schools, and that it was likely that' a stature providing that Asiatic children be taught separate schools be strengthened at the coming peaalon ot the legislature. "The secretary further said, according to the Call, that It was his opinion, as a lawyer that the tattfe )etween the United an4 guaranteed to the children of Japanese residents in this- country tin right to an education in the public schools, without dlscrlminati on an equal plane with the a of the most favored nations, uv hat be would so report to President Roosevelt. It was his further opln- on that he word strictly nterpreted, meant natives of Mongola; that the Japanese could not be brought under that designation, and nut the federal courts would declare he state law 3 PERCENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND TIME CERTIFICATES ON BANKING TRUST CO. 620 East Second Street, CAPITAL $100,000.

WE INVITE YO UR BUSINESS Miller Made GET THE BEST A mighty good ploco udvlco for all occasions--from the choosing of a man's "best girl" to tho selecting of our fine stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS Corao and look at our now line ot Kid GlovtiB, Caps of all kinds and Hats that have no equal In style and quality. B- Skaer 60. 704 EAST SECOND STREET. NOTICE! We want our Customers At tbla time to know Vumorous things existing That will cause an Exceptional shortage of Domestic COAL, Why? On account of tho ttillroads not having ears, tiro uncertain, limply cars are too scarce to Run tho inlnos sternly reducing the upply of COAL offered, For Future Consumption. Fowler Fuel Co.

to Fcwler-Degenaardt Fu.l Co. And Dorsiy tfuel Co Both Phones No. ai. FHERE ARE HUNDREDS of Men mid Women In (ho dry of Alton, If you should nak llioiii, would toh vou Hint tho Victor and Victoria Shoes wcro the most com- fortnblo Bhoo that tlioy had t-vor worn, if you tea- nui' foot you do yournc'C an iiiJiiKiIro Jn not ihu Ictor or V'iclorlu full Hlioe. Wo jrtiai'iintoo Unit your fopi will bo bio when your foot IB fittod with full Shoe.

will BIIVO you 25c. to 50o. ou ciu'h jmh- i-r shoo fomiiuv 1 will JICDVO (his Btutunioiit ii you will call seo me Vou TO for low prices Shoe House, the House that saves you money on Shoes..

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