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Cedar Falls Gazette from Cedar Falls, Iowa • Page 1

Cedar Falls, Iowa
Issue Date:
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Sice over Dale XelloisVDrag Store, 3rd floor. TKHMS--52 Per Annum In Advance. of Advertising. Space. jl 1 Square Squares 4 Squares Column ij Column li Column 1 Coltuun 1.50J 2.25 2.301 4.001 S.T3 B.50 5.00[ 7.00 C.23 S.50 7.00 12.00.

s.oo!'.i8.oo'so.(xi n.nono.oo|i3.ooii5.ooM.t.ou ia.OO|U.OO IB.00118.00,25.00! 10.0070.00 fi.OO Bu Advertisements at legal rates. ss Cards of five lines oc $5.00 per year; wich a4ditioual line $1.00. CARTER HOUSE, lllllt PROPRIETORS, HATS' Streot, Odar Fsllfi, Iowa. 0-2 INMAN HOUSE. Second Streets.

Cedar 1 low.i. This house is centrally located, nml runiishud with good accommodations. 1 HOUSE, K. K. PHOPRIETOR, Comer 3d and Main Streets, Dnhnque.

lown. T3EMONT HOUSE, EO. 1.. mCKIWSOX dc SOX, Corner Sth and Iowa Streets, Dubnqne, lown. WILCOX'S RAILWAY HOTEL.

L.WILCOX, Proprietor. Illinois Cen- 4 tral and Dubuqne Jb Sioas City, Railroad Da- pot, Dubiiqne, lown. 52tf ACKLEY HOUSE, BOLBrVDEIt, P11DR1ETOR. ACKLEY, Iowa. This hoimu iu entirely new, and lias excellent accommodations rorfrnesw, WILLIAMS HOUSE.

ARKERSBCKGH, IOWA, has been well IHtud up for tho convenience of the trav- islins public. Livery Stable connected witlitue AMERICAN HOUSE, FULL'TSR, PROPRIETOR, CORNEK Bank and Seneca Ptreets, Webster City, Hamilton county, lowfi. Iliis houfc. having been thoronchlv ra.arransied nnd furnished. wiH le kept a firft-cmss Fnre nnd accommodationB 'iron a.

and chnnrcB moderate. A good Livery Stable is attiichecl to the premises. IOWA HOUSE, RS. IG. 1TI.

HOLLO-WAY, PROPRI- Fifth Fort, Dodge, Iowa. Rood StaWinp Attached. This house huvliic been Umronslily. re-nrranscd nnd furnished. th- Dire and accommodixtious will he good and charges moderate.

J. A T'i'ORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT Ollice in Block, over Miller Wikou'rt Store. CednrFallH, Iowa. PACKARD It, BROWN, 7. n.

rowEcs, Ji. c. HEXESWAY. POWERS St. A A TTORNEYS COUNSELLORS, OF- FIC.B In Case's Block, Cedar Falls, Black tlawk County, Iowa.

A. F. TTOKXEY AT LAW, CEDAR FALLS, TV. IOWIL Will practice in the Supreme nnd Vnitod Staten Courts. Office in Mnluirky'n Block.

J. BEEMER7 A XTOKNH AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC BUI! Asenr, will give Spcciul Attention to lluvlns and Selling Real Estate in ButlBr nnd Ciriiudy conntief on Title, mill Pay for NoDresidcnti-. Par- Untler County, Iowa. DR. J.

H. WYATT, OMEOPATBtlSX. OFFICE AND RES- iiliMicc. on Main street, over Dale Cednr Falls, Iowa. 10-10 S.

N. I VSICIASf AND SUitOEON. OFFICE IN OveniumV IJInck, Cedar lown, L. W. WARREN, M.

D. rjTjUc of HIS rilOFESSTONALSERVICES to tin- iwople ofCcdur and vicinity. Of- Plutnmcr'K Druj; Stnre. Residence on 2nd Sfrt'i-t, In-lwucn nnd'Clny. ML best refcrenccf given ifdecired.


Residence-, Mrni'i- of Sisth and Friuiklin Cedar Fulk, Iowa. WM, ROBINSON, M. Surgeon of tlic Ith Iowa AS LOCATED IN CEDAR FALLS, FOR the practice of Medicine nnd Snrsery. Of- Ice nt J. L.

Colu'K Druft Store. Residence Orel viuiHC xonth of New School J. W. YOUNG, M. OULD UESPECTFULT.V IXFORJI TIIE people of Black Hawk that he hns permanently located in Cedar Fallfli ffor the practice of profOKHioH.

Specliil attention to th irnktniiintor Ihe Eye nnd Kar. Ofllce over Cabi ni-iil Union, Siirtori'8 lilock. 10-Byl S. WATERBURY, M. FFKK.S hth fcrvtco to tlic citlzeiiH of nnd vicinity.

Prompt nttentinn "iven to calle. Mrs. A. GIBSON, FIOTOfirtAPII CORNER 1st and Jtuin Cednr Falln. nwa.

Pholozmphn. AmbrolypoH, Oenw, Porcc- and Ivorytj-pc Pictures of every Ktyle, tjilten )n i-hort notice: OVERMAN I ROW FODNDEBS AXD GENl-IKAT. r.i.iniftH, Cediir Kalln. Iowa. Hlenm Engines iiid Mill ranflij and Window and Door C.IIK nnd Store mndo order.

Iron tlaininir done to ordor in the style. Ordi-rrt Riwpcctfiilly Solicited. Cash paid for old ntid Brass. Miss A. McNALkr, KALERS IN -MILLINERY FANCY Ciixinx.

Keeps constantly on hand complete n-BOrtment of choice Millinery. New Roodn every week. Oppoxite Townacnd it Knapp'g Bank, Cedar Iowa. MRS. O.

L. POOLER, IT.LINI3R DRlfSS WAKER, hand a good Mfiurtmcnt a Intent styles of Jtiliincry nnd ie pro jmred Lo do nil tiniln of work in her lino on nhor notice. R.ionw i Uishi.pB Dlock, Rear of Cole TiiitV Drugstore. 7tr J. WYTH, TATEiOIL.

FOITR D.MII-H poiifh of r-olij-K Drnj; Slnrc. Ccrtnr nva. Kepaim neatly nnd promptly cxecntcd on reasonable twins. S. W.

A I it, ItASCPACTO- RV, comer or and Third strecto, I'nrlier Wnlvon Uvcry Stable. We arc tt till all order? on lisht wort. Pnrticn- arntrentlnn to all klndii of and heavy and fl--25 H. C. DAVIES, OUJiE, SKiN AND ORSASTENTAL PAIN, Raiser, Shop on nr Fnlli-.

Iowa. CHAS. NOLTE Mj ATTKST) TO HOUSE nrininsnnd I'apcr Cnnnrodnca on corner 3lh and Cl.iy E. A HOUSE, CARTHAGE AND i 1 i tlr taknn n. WildV place at Falls, nn.l will give entire cntnwt, him with work in hm of freer wa 2 on -hop.

han-ins ically done J. A. I iHPonTKn op HAVANA AND JIANU rnrturtfrof llomwtic cictam. Duah-r in chew- 1 iM 00 nml Wooden Opposite Siucly'a ery Store, B. C.

JENNINGS, A TTHEIIXION WRAT MARKKT, KKEPS ITL r.on*tjiEtlv on hand a Km other artlcl on hand a -rood assortment of tiTM ncn mraweirt other articles In tilt; market line he ix ncliinjr at the lowest llvin; nricr- Main Strent. tlrst dortr North of Campb Crockery Stori-, Cedar Palls, Iowa. MORRIS LIPPOLD, AXT HAIR DRESSER. OVER Crocory Store, Cedar F' W. T.

MEDARY KALBRS IN LEATHER, SADDLERY Hardware, Shoo FlndinsK, Saddles. Cedar KaUs, Iowa. Cash paid for hidee. A. I OP AND DEALER ill bi Boots Show, Main street.

Cedar Falln, Iowa. A Full tuppiy always on luuid. U-li I. M. FARWELL, RACTICAL WELL DRILLER.

Residence, Comer of Twelfth and Cedar Falls, IOWA. Prompt attention gjveu to all orders. I Rooms in Block, over Miller Wilson's Store, CEDAS FALLS, IOWA. All worfe. Mechanical or Operative, clone in the inout upprored manner and Warranted.

Complete nppnratnn Tor tho insertion of Continuous Outn in full or partial Sets. OFFICE nouns, rr.ox A. x. TO 5 p. x.

Cedar Iowa, June 9-13 A OFFICE, Dr. C. P. ARTMAN, In the new Brick Block, over TpYiso't Drug Store, yon can get yonr Teeth cleaned, filled TT or extracted in the approved manner. I nleo insert Teeth on Gold, Silver or Rubber haec, never forgetting; that Tieauly, iifcrulnesc, comfort axd durability nrv required in ull purruct artillchJ denturoe.

No inducements will ue odd out by on'ering to perfonn opcr.itionn for xmnll compensation. Patii-iUrt t'arorinj; me with tliuir cnntl- tlcnce, may rely upon mv exertion to pcr- every operation iu ns perfect manner ne Jlilc. C. ARXMAIV. Main Street, Opposite the Leather Store, Coarse Fine Harness Currycombs, Cards Brushes, Ami everythiiifr msitnlly kept a First Class Harness Shop.

Alwayn on linnd and Tor pale at tho O. C. P06LER. Cedar Falls Feb. 21 ISfiS.

W. N. WATSON, EC LR. Can be found at REKT) LOWRY'S ReBtau- rutit, iluin Street, Cedar Falli, Iowa. FAIRBANK'S OF ALT, Fairbanks, Greenleaf Kii 25S l.ike Chicniro.

i Market St. Loiiix. J5?" Be Cartful lo lltiy only tlie Sokl in Cednr Fjilts by U. C. IIUKT.

SEWING MACHINE. JOHN COX.L3JCA.IV, Ie for Uio American Shuttle Sewing The in the world, lit for Tailoring, Shoe-Making, Ores- Making, Family work, fcc. No extra Tlircad. or Oil rctinired. It sewn with any pood tlihiad, innlcuy the name Ktitch tlie and coutH About half much.

For xale at J. Boot Hhoc Store, Cedar Iowa. ANY KIND OF CEO. WOEHRLEN'S, K) Main or on Sth St. Corner'of Bhiir, 9-Sy DUBUQUE, IOWA.

W. A At Home, at the Old Stand Formerly occupied by rcmcE SAWYER, MATX STIIEET, TWO DOORS C011NER OF FIRST STREET, Where maj found ncomilete nwortmcntof General Hardware, MOBSE, BODDIK XAMILTON, Jewelers and Silversmiths, NO. IS6 LAKE STREET, TT.T dealers In American aud Swiss Watches, Diamonds, line Jewelry and Silver Ware. 4Umft LUMBE YARD. E.

W. I UUOII IX I ALSO, BLACKSMITH COAL. Office north end of bridge, Oct. 5, 1S6S. 27yl STOVE M4MMCTORY! VAJT SATIN BENJAimr, A A J.

M. BEXJAJUK. New Meat Market. AVE flltcd up in tho most ncut nnd tasty stvlo n. new Meat Market on Jluin Street cant eide.

'oppoMte Campbell btorc, and nro prepared lo supply the (xsoplc of Cedar FallB with aU kinds or Vrcsh Snlt McatK, Poultry, And evcr-lhins nmialiy kept at a First Meat Market, and respectfully iuvitc- a share of the iiub- The mnrkcl price In cash paid for stock. "WALLACE HITTER. Cedar Fnlle, Sept. IS, 1SG7. LIVERY, FEED AND Ciwtomeru applied with good Horses and Carriages Ofall at A I I THOS.

LANDGRAFF Would rppiicflfully Infiirm tlm rilizcnK of Cedar and vicinity ho ban opened a Shon nt Fiist Door South of Ohase's Fruit Bazaar, Where he will he funnel at all timcp, ready to Cut or Make Clothing, Of every description, in thn neatest and moxt FoHlilonauIu Style. SATISFACTION GUAKAXTEED. All those In want of nro Invited to rive me a call. THOS. LANDGRAFF.

Cedar May 9-S I mmm OF CHICAGO. For Good Reliable Insurance, C. C. AGENT OF Republic Insurance Company OF CHICAGO. G.

B. Van Saun, S. Wilson, E. Townsend, F. A.

Pfotchkiss. B. Culver, A. G. Thompson, H.

C. Wright, H. H. Carpenter, S. Fox, T.

B. Carpenter. C'. C. KIVAPP, INSDUHCE Fire Cnfi os Of Ilnntford, Connccticnt, SAM.

BLONDIN, STOVES, TIN, COPPER SHEET IRON WARE, ACRICCT.TCILVL IMPLEMENTS, CATiPENTETtS' JOINTERS' TOOl, HOUSE TRIM MINGS TABLE POCKET CUTLERY, Anil 1001 other nsefiil and notary in hln line ortrulc. Job Work in Topper. Tin nnd Sheet Iron, done iiratnon nnd dispatch. I wntild tlwnbs for pan nnd cspect and roiifi-r Plea.o slvc-mo a rail nnd htaminr: for youmeivoo, trnc way to orilartfonl, Conaocticnt, Homo, Of Now York, Of New York, Se oiuri ty, or New York, Ooim br Xew York, Of Cincinnati, Ohio, Stato, Of Clinton, Ioiv.1. Tlic Accident Insurance Or Hartford, Coilnccticnt.

W. B. HAMILL, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6. 1869, The American Separator, Adopted by the Chicago Board of Trade. IMPROVED FOR 1869.

Mills of all Sizes for LIME! HESSE, prepared to EH ail ordera for Umo at all times. A FULL SUPPLY AJ.WA.YS ON HA3V30. Also Plastering Hair kept constantly on Cedar Falls, Jan. 20. FANNING MILLS.

W. H. STICKNEY, Cedar Falls, lo-yvn, On hand or made to ordor. BlaJl Promptly Attended lo. A.

SPAULDING, BRIDGE BUILDER BRDlCEATStAIIBtEBOCK. 210 FEBT SPAN. And Civil Engineer, Ccctar BEFEREXCES I Hon. IMcr Mulcndy, Ccrinr Falle, Iowa. Hon.

A. O. Case, Nashua, Iowa. Col. W.

T. Shaw, Anamoxn, Iowa. Hon. Claw. H.

Conkliti, Vintou, Iowa. Hon. A. Hitchcock. Iowa.

Job Clark, Marble Rock, Iowa. Mr. Bpanldliig hae huilt bridges at each of the Lbovc He ie now prepared toImild Iron Bridges Patent of any length up lo t-wo hundred-feet at prices within reach Jf our counties. Thie bridge has hocn adopted hy the Hew York state Engineers over all other Iron Bridgiw nnd norc than 500 arc now in nee In that Slatu alone. He IH prepared to hulld them on nhort notice, and will cheerfully gire nil Information desired.

TOWNSEND KNAPF CEOAlt FALLS, IOWA. Exchange Bought and old on the Principal Cities of the United States and Europe. Dealers in Gold and Government Bonds. ay xx TO COL- LECT1XG. INTEREST ALLOWED OX THIF.

nEPOSITS SPECIAL ACIREEMBNT. n.2T. W. B. HAMILL Dealers in Exchange Cedar Falls, Iowa.


S. CLAIM AGENCY, W. B. A I Will proscCGte claime nsjalniit tha Government for Original and Additional Bounty PAY FOR SERVANTS, ZPIEIbTSIOliTS- Rf cover Urn rtmonnt dlid from Htate of Iowa to memlierH of tluJ Sd alld 3d Infantry for Grey Suit. UtiVff Altomcyo in Wellington toprcurntclain direct to Dcpartmontn.

which facilitate prompt payment. Particular Attention gi7en to Claims oJ Heirs of Deceased Soldiers. TN KARTORI COIDICLVOOLLEYfrGO, CHICAGO, ILL. Saddlery Hardware, Sole of PATENT HORSE COLLARS AND I I OAK DTTBTTQUE TRADE. ALPHEU8 PALMER, (SurccMOrto W.

J. Gilbert,) Bookseller Stationer, ALSO DEALER IN Wall Paper, Musical Instruments, NO. 110 JtAIX STREET, DDBUQUE, IOWA. ortcrs by Mai! promptly filled at the lowest Cush Sy W. H.

BOBBINS, DEALEI-. is ALL KIXDS Fine Clocks, Watches, Jewslry and Silv'er Ware. I I Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Joseph N. Waggoner, NO.

96 MAIS STREET, ITCTBTJQTJE, IOWA, DEALER IS Valuable Books of all Kinds. Liberal Discount (in quantities) to Dealers, Clergymen, Teachers, Sabbath Schools and Public Libraries. JOSEPH TRUDELL, Manufacturer of WAGONS, CIMIIGES Cl f9 mrfj JL V3r All timber need la UVoin. And all M'ork is Warranted for 3 Years Corner of Sth and BInflTM DUBUQUE, IOWA of Iowa Paper TOaiinf Company. M.

W. BRIGCS COLTVCjMISSIOISr PAPER ARMOUSE Constaiiliy on lumd nnd made to order, News Print, Book, Wmpping, TVtaniila Queen City Printing Inks 123 Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. F. A. HOTCHKISS, ACEKT, Wholesale Retail Denier In PROVISIONS VOODER WILLOW'VlkRE, CROCKERY, Glass Stone Ware, A full Hock of the above named Constantly on Hand, Wnlcti ho orient at prices that cannot he boat FOR CASH Highest Market Price paid for Butter, Eggs, Hides, Lard, Haras, Potatoes, Main Street, Wei-t Side, Between SSeCond Third RESTAURANT! LUNiH WARM MEALS CONFECTIONERIES Green, Oannod Dried Praita, Alto a ffood s.oct of TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Main oneiloor Smith ofSeclfr.

REED A. LOWRY. Dec, I. IW, Oltl Wise a serpent, harmless a dove. Cool OH a philosopher, warm as trae love.

Silent aa tho "rave, and grave as a priest, Sober as a deacon, drunk ns beaut. KeatlcsB as the ocean, calm as a clock, Soft aa the down, and hard ai a rock. Still as a moose and gabbling aa geese. Sticky an glue and tlcck as grease. White as a swan and hlack as soot, Thin aa a wafer, thick iif.

your Yellow ta an orange, blue the iky, Bad as the toothache, good aa pie. Black a nigger, white ae BUOW, Sharp as a razor, dull as a hoc, Full as a tick and hungry as a dog. Poor as a crow and fat aa a Slow as a. poker and as a cat. Keen as a brier, blind as a bat.

Fierce aa a tiger, gentle as a lamb, Mad as a hatter, happy as clam, Bold as a lion, timid as a hare. Playful as a kitten, cross as a bear. Sour ns vinegar, sweet an honey, Plenty us dirt and scarce as money. Noisy as a mole aud still an mice. Hot ae fire and as ice, Talkative as women, dumb KB a atone, Wet as water, dry as a hone, Fresh as a lobster, salt on the sen, Idio us a loafer, a bco; Slirnaj as a rag, tough aa a nail, Swift as an eajle, slow ag a snail, Urcen as a cucumber, ripe ae a plum.

Slack as dishwater, tight aa a drum. Straight aa a cob and crooked as snnke. Limber as string and stiff as a etakc, Black as a coal and pale a ghost. Cold a barn aud warm OB toast, Tough an oak and brittle as glass, Dry stubble nnd green aa grass, Hcnvy as lead and light UB a feather. Fixed as the stars and changing aa weather.

Sweet as arose and bitter as gall. Square an a brick and round as Shy a fox and brazen ae brass. Bright ae stupid as an use, Dirty as the pigs and neat a pin, Good as on nngel, ugly as ain. Black OB mldnljrht, white as a sheet, Browu ap a rueset, red an a beet. Rough as grater, slippery as nn eel, -Flut an a pancake, round ns a wheel.

Dark as a pocket, light as the pay. Wet ax sop and dry as hay. Tough as eolo leather, sore as a boil. Savage as a mcat-asn, plencant ai a sniiic. Thick us pudding, clear as a Sweet as IiuiKef, sour as awill.

Old an the hills, and natural as life. Blunt ns a pick-axo, sharp os a knife, Bright the sun and pulo an the moon. Crooked as the rainbow, (straight a loon. Fickle as the wind und regular us the tide, Teuderas your eye and as hide, Proud an a peacock, modest a pink. Moderate ns grandBlre.

quick an wink, Worthless as rags and good as new. Poor as Job's turkey, rich as a Jew, Close ns a mlsar, frco as the air. Green as Jonathan, ripe as a pear, Crooked as a rope and straight as a lino, Steady as a judge and as nine. Tender OB yonr eye and tough of yonr heel. Rough as a saw and smooth as a Sour boiinyclabhcr, Bwcct as a smile, Tough as a whet-stone, rough us a flle.

nptiou tlie The Proponed Now Dogma of (lie Clmrch of Home. tho It is reported from Koine that the orth coming ecumenical council is decree one of its dogmas thccor- oreal assumption of the blessed virgin. Some English journals cast dis- rcdit on the report, though we see 10 renson for disputing its authenticity. The worship of Mary yearly ncreases throughout that great church which does homage to her as he mother of God nml quoun ol Heaven. Wo are quite prepared to find devout Romanists seeking now to lavish upon her some new idola- ry- The biography of Jtnry is one of most charrn'ing fictions among the legend of tho saints.

As the story runs, Joachim, a rich Jew, married Anna, a beautiful Jewess. The married pair dwelt near Mount Carniel. Their lives were ornamented with every beauty of wedded lovo, except one. There was no offspring. Among the Jews, to be without children was to be without honor.

On one occasion, iu carrying his offer- ugs to the temple, was repulsed by high priest, who declined to accept such tribute from one whom jod had long disfavored by denying iiim issue of his bone and flesh. The childless husband turned 'away in sorrow, sought gardon, aud with iraycr and tears called upon the Lord to purge away his servant's, shame in Israel. At the same hour tho pious Anna, sitting under a rel tree, observed a goldfinch feeding her young. Tho motherly bin: awoke iu the childless Wife a pitlfu sense of her and inspirec her to utter a like prayer with her husband's. The Lord heard both en treaties, and sent two swift angels to the garden--one to Joachim, the oth er to Anna--with mutually corrobor ttting promise to the married pai that a daughter should be born to them, and that she should grow to be the most illustrious of her sex Each of the future parents then rose to seek the other and communicati tho wonderous intelligence, when be hold at tlie garden gate they unex pectedly met; the husband fervent! kissed his wife; and, according one of the legends, at that inomen the babo was suddenly laid in her mother's arms--born as the supernatural fruition of Joachim's kiss a gentler babe than its sterrl proto bout to disrobe it and wash the flesh, uddcnly it cauglitaway in loud out of their sight--in order (as ouie say) that her comely and im- uortal limbs might never be seen of inful and mortal eyea.

Or, nccord- ng to another version, her body (like ler son's) was laid three clays in a cpulcher, and at the end of that ime, at her son's command, was up- iftetl from earth to heaven, while he vacated sepulcher was found trewn with lilies by unseen aud angelic hands. This is the second, or corporeal aa- umptiou of the Virgin. For twelve centuries it has been a Romish custom to celebrate the piritual assumption by a solemn east, held annually on the 15th of August-- the traditional day of her death. The corporeal assumption has lover yet been made au article of aith; but the Council if report be true) propose wow to make her corporeal like her spiritual a dogma of tho Romish creed. emergence tuitl Sepax The following account of a clerk iu one of the Bepartments at Washington, growing out of an acquaintance "ormed through an anonymous correspondence, was printed in a recent ssue of the Waverfy Mugasine: IrTthe month of February last, a rating man who was a clerk iu one of tiie departments at Washington, userted a call for lady correspondents iu our and shortly afterward, among tha answers he received, was one from New York city that specially attracted his attention.

was written in a delicate female land, evidently from a young Miss of education and refinement. In the course of eveuts photographs were exchanged, to the mutual satisfaction of the parties interested and close ipon this a declaration of love and proposal, which was also accepted, leither of tho parties having as yet seen the other. Indeed, so far was tho affair carried, that a day was ap pointed for tho wedding; and a few days before the appointed time, the over started for New York to meet Us expected bride for the first time. The'meeting took place as appointed, and tho parties proceeded direct to the authorities, by which they were united in. the holy bands of matrimony.

He now, for the first time, learned that his new-mtide wifi was the daughter of wealthy parents, who were in blissful ignorance of their daughter's conduct, and were aboring under the happy impression hat she was at that time visiting friends in another part of the city. After a brief honeymoon of three days at a hotel ou Caual street, the happy bridegroom found it necessary, by expiration of his leave of absence, to return to Washington, and as a matter of course, had no thought of leaving his wife behind him. Aftei a short consultation, the happy couple determined to wait upon the lady's parents, and inform them what had taken place, procure thoii forgiveness and blessing, and depart peace. Never wus "love's young drcani" more rudely broken. The young bride's mother went into hysterics the father raged and stormed; the sisters out-Niobed the famei daughter of Tantalus, and the brothers, of whom there are throe, proceed ed to reek summary vengeance upon the intruder, making an attack iu force upon him then und there.

Bu the newly made husband WM, fortunately for himself, of agood physi que, besides being a scientific boxer and soon placed the two eldest hort dc while the youngest mad his exit through the- back parlor window, taking with him the poke with which he had armed himself Matters being in this condition th husband returned to his hotel, Jcav ing his wife with her family. Afte several ineffectual attempts at a rec the head of the fam ily; ho obtained aa interview will the mother, who utterly refused to allow him. to see his wife, as she di not think her daughter could be kep in a style to which she had been ac custorucd on four dollars a day, th amount of his salary. The young man being firm in his determination to have his wife, her father finally gave her the choice of going with he husband, and being disinherited am cut off from her family. She ehos to remain but iu a short time began a clandestine correspondence will her husband.

But this was soon dis covered and stopped by the pryiui mother; and a short time since, was notifnd of steps being taken fo a and a lawyer waited on him to offer negotiations to that ef feet. Upon this, the younjj man becoming disgusted with the affair made a package of her letters, pic turea, marriage certificate, an expressed them, valued at "one cent, to his wife. He was agreeably sur prised, a days afterward, to re ceiveacheck from his father-in-la- of $2,000, and a promise to inereas the amount to $5,000 jf he woul leave this part of the country. resigned his clerkship, and sailed fo California about the first of Jun Well pleased with this he terms it. Bloody Riot.

clwern HaCtMiucii and Stmnfboat llmud; oil tHo cd Ktuuy erx In at Bock Iilaitd. R'ock jfsLAxu, 111., July 20. A horrible affray occurred on the Bubuque, after leaving this ty this forenoon, which terminated the killing of two negroes (deck ands) and one raftsman, and the adly wounding of two or three oth- rs. As near as I can leant, the originated as follows: Fifty aftsmeu came aboard the boat at uveuport, and the clerk ordered two the negro deck hands to stand on unrd at the gangway while he as- orted the deck from the cabin pas- engera, and not to allow any one to ass without his permissiou. One of he raftsmen tried to pass this guard nd make his way to the cabin, wbeu le deck bauds ordered him back un- his ticket was examined by the lerk.

He, not liking Lliis, com- iieiiced pitching In to the deckhands, rho'got the of him, when the aftameu, to the number of over one und red, came to his rescue, stab- ing end beating the two deck bauds ntil about dead, threw them into 10 river and made an assault on the estof the deck crew, succeeding in illingt.hree raoreof them and throw- ng their bodies into the river. One the raftsmen was also killed in ie melee, making six iu all killed. As soon as Hampton was reached, aptain Rhodes landed the boat, the raftsmen drove the deck rew ashore, injuringsoveralof them ith stones. As soon as this was ver, they went aboard the boat, and rdered the Captain to proceed up .10 river, or they would burn his oat. He being in their power, and earing they would carry their threat nto execution, headed his boat up tream, and in the menn time telo- raphed to too Sheriff here, who bartered au extra train, and left a largo force of men well armed, hey over took the boat at Clinton, nd immediately look posession of cr and started for this city.

On their arrival here, theru were the river bank, togeth- with the crew who weie driven off he boat, and with their and other ortions of tho crew's assistance, hey succeeded in recognizing forty- wo of tho men, who were tnken to ail under a strong guard. A large orce is posted about the jail, and no urthcr trouble is expected. The city is full of raftsmen who amc ashore, but an extra force of oliccmcn hag been stationed about he city, mid it is thought all will be uiet for tho night. An examination will probably take place to-morrow. There are men on tho lookout for he dead bodies thrown from the ioat into the river.

type--Minerva's armed from Jupiter's brain. So much for the fable of Mary's birth, An equal fiction hangs like an aureole around lier death. Oooc Catholics believe that, after stirviv ing her husband Joseph for manj years, she was et los.t (some say a sixty others at seventy-five) fore warned oJt the hour of her transla tion; that, in view of the solemn eventj she prayed to her long ascend ed son to give her aconvoy of angels that c. palm branch was brought by one of them and lodged in her hands DOMESTIC bnnes of do that she to bequeath her 11 mestic life are littleness, falsity vu blessing oh the apostles who were garity, harshness, scolding, vocifera then scattered over the of the earth, and suddenly John, who was at Ephesus. -who WAS at Antioch, and r.ii the restof theglori- ousanny, from whatsoever city they tarried in, wero transported through the air at midnight, and set down in the bodily presence around her bed; and that, to crown the scene, the Lord himself appeared among them in splendor, received his mother'sex- piring soul, and bore it to heaven.

This is the first or spiritual assumption of the Virgin. HerlifnlcsH body, which remained tion, an incessant issuing of superflu ous prohibition and orders, whic are regarded aa impertinent interfe ences with the general an repose, and are provocative of rank ling or exploding resentments. TI blessed antidotes tbat sweeten an enrich domestic life are rofinemnn high aims, grout interest, soft voice quiet and gentle manners, niagnan mous tempers, forbearance from unnecessary commands ordicUUioi and generous allowance of mutu freedom. Love makes obedience lighter than liberty. Man wears a XHc "Futwi-e ol" "We talk of New Englnml as the live of mar, fact res.

I put this prediction on record, and I won'1 vaifc ten years to sec it fulfilled Cali- brnia aud Oregon are going to almost rival New England in manu- "actures. I believe it. "With ftll the lundreds of millions in the lands routing the Pacific sea, strefching ut their bands, ns they will towards his country for those articles that jan be manufactured here, you will see tho infant manufactures of the Pacific states leaping forward with the gigantic stride with which our country has illustrated its entire history in the annals of the whole world. Have you thought how wo are swelling iu population? Goinj as I did two or three weeks ago, ant ooking back on ancient nnd modern listory, I found no parallel to it. The advance o'f this country, no alone in its wealth which has mon doubled every ten years, but in theincreaseof its population, whicl silver, has been six times more than Great Britain, nine times moro than cVustria, ten times more than France tnd is destined to give us a hundret millions at the end of the century and beyond it our nation is to be, ii its power, in its grandeur, in its terri torlnl area, in its resources, In its capabilities, and in its opportunities what I dare not attempt to predict you.

It is to come, if we are faith it is to come if we are just; it 5 to come, if we are true to ourselves from Orient to Occident, from moun tain to mountain, from Atlantic Pacific, from hundred-harborec Maine to tho Golden Gate, the futur of this great country, If only pru donee, wisdom, justice, right ant peace, shall guide it, shall be beyon the portrayal of language, beyon any words that my heait could de vise, or that my tongue can expred to you upon this joyful night, th opening of the new history of th American Col Jax. NUMBER 19. viitvt Heon ILoKt lay SontU inicl WJkat Mo- lo Gained. i the Macou (Git) Journal ant! Messenger, By the war we lost at ono blow ie accumulated wealth of two cen- irica; we Joat our llljertie.s, we lost 1 those rights, privileges and 1m- iiiuitics which we had enjoyed for irce-quarters of a century, and wo 3t the protection of coiistitti- ou which we thought to be the em- iditnent of the perfection of huinnn ivernmeiit. Wo may not have lost em fairly.

They who deprived us them may not nOmit we lost em. They mny pretend, as they that everything they have done, redoing, nml mny yet do, la wnr- by the cogstitution- JJiit it is at the less true practically that wo ave lost all thut we have stated, aud la equally true that Democracy, Vhiggery aad State's Righta can nn ore help us to retrieve our than can bring bock to earth the great unders of those pnrtiea, and get i em to "invoke the genius of the institution "in our behalf. Ve can however, recover all that wo ave Io3t. have a great future if only act wisely. We can regain ur liberties and our power, and bo most prosperous people on tho can never do so if wo ose our times and waste our energy mmagiiig in the political duatheap the past, and trying to fan into ti ime tlie expired cinders of defunct ilitical parties.

Instead of constan- luvokiug Virginia ami Kentucky esolutiotia, let us apply our hands nd our bruins to develop and utilize ie limitless resources with whlcli rovidonce has surrounded vie. Jn- of profitless wrangling overtlm list, let us look to the present and uture. Instead of mourning tho wo have lost let us go to work acquire new aud greater-wealth, ustead of addling our Irniius by aiu retrospect of the perfection of iho octal system that no longer exists, Hd never can exist us use ur intelligence to found another ystem suited to tLo times in which 'e live. 3-cii. Slioi-ninn itt moirtlt ColiojfO.

General Sherman made a speech at ie commencement nt Dartmouth allege iu the course Of which ho aid: "It is a cottimon feeling moung civilians that soldiers are ncn of violence. There is i urthcrfrom the I appeal to lie history of America, to the his- ory of our own country, from tigton until the present moment, to how that tho military men of thin ountry have always been subordin- te men--subordinate to tho law, sub- rdlcate to tho authorities, never acting up their own in an- agonism to that of the nation, but xecuting its i when that will had ound expression in law with a fldel- ty beautiful to behold) and HO long as I continue to hold power and Influence, shtxll over direct that pow- and Influence to the end that tho military of thin country, whether a mall force scattered all over the na- ion, or a vast army of volunteers together for some special sustain thelawsof tho aud arid support the authority you nay place over me, therefore, I feel he sumo interest in education that 'ou do, It lessens my task it It-s- ens the task of every Governor; it essens the task of tho Chief Magis- rato. Where throughout tho land, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Florida aud Ohio, where schools and colleges are founded, where men aro taught what law means, what order npaus, what civilization means, whut refinement means, it Is far easier and noro pleasing to govern intelligent men'than to govern rude, unlettered men. The pne acts from a liigh motive and principle, aiding and supporting you in carrying out your purpose without confusion, whereas other must be driven to it by 'orce. Therefore I have personal in- education, and in every in- Ind I meet I sec that which I hope will pervade all America, and when it does, there will bo no need of armies and very little need of Courts." behind, was tenderly caressed by noble allegiance not as a collar but as pious women, who, as thc-y garlaud.

to Wife. From MIC St. Txniia INTEHXAL REVESUE--IMPORTANT --The following correspondence, cently held between a citizen of thi State and the assistant assessor of hi district, will be read with interea Wo especially commend its relation to matrimonial privilege, an have no doubt but Mr. Dalrymp has determined this point in a mat ncr entirely satisfactory to th.r» nue Department, however it may considered by gentlemen matrltn nially involved: "LKBAXOX, May 30.1880. TJ.

DAT.KYjrn.E, Assistant As sessor, Jiolivar, Missouri: have notified me to pay a tax that don't think I have any right to pay I have never sold an acre of land, a lot belonging to any one butnv self. Excuse my impertinence, bu permit me to ling my own wilV, you please. "Respectfully, I "Bouv-AK. IftOfl. "I W----, MiK.sour Dear Sir--Your note of the 30th ult in at hand, contents noted and foun satisfactory.

Consider no import ncneo. Permission grantor), nnd a. sistance furnished, if Respect-fully, C. tho At a political meeting tho speaker and audience were very much dis- turbod by a man who constantly called out for Mr. Henry.

Whenever a new speaker came on this man brawled out, Mr. Henry Honry! Henry! I call for Henry! After several interruptions of this i at each speech 1 a young man ascended to tho platform-, and was soon airing his eloquence in a magniloquent style, striking out powerfully in his gestures, when the old cry was heard for Mr. Henry. Putting hand to his mouth like a speaking trumpet, this man was brawling out at the top i voice. "Mr.

Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry! I call for Mr.Hcn- ry!" The chairman now I-OHC and remarked that it would oblige the audience if thegcntlcman would refrain from any calling for Mr. Henry, as he was now speaking. "Is that him said tiie disturber of the meeting. "Thunder, that can't be Mr. Henry! Why, that's Mio little cuss that paid me tohollci!" CHECK ox THE door-keeper at Piper's Opera says the Gold Hill desires 1m to notify iii-togiiijj children in arms), vc a-re liable to, disturb the aniiience, that they will have to leave these aforesaid iufasUa, In the side rown next to the box office.

All will be properly checked. or tagged, in ordor to prevent'nvxt- nro or ombarrasing AH unclaimed babies loft after the performance io over will be sent over- Carrie's auction MAN'S No man lias any right to manage his affairs in such a way that his sudden death would bring burdens ami lossea on other people. There mny be rare casea where a man really cannot help en- tanglcment.1. or whore, from inexperience or lack of judgment, he lias brought his into snub, a stato that 1 the interest? of others depends upon his life, i make all I. S.

Assessor, possible haste to cxiriralo fiona such a position,.

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