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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 38

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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sr-s-v riGHTaociEry section SUNDAY, JTJ 1VJ Radio Xcws and Gossip THE PITTSBURGH PRESS RaTHo Xwh and Gossip Social Security Adds Game of Buckpassing To Problems of Radio Networks, Sponsors, Agencies and Bookers Would Like to Know Who Has Right to Handle Money By SI STEINHAUSER Before the social security status of radio performers and studio employes has been determined, some one is going to find himself in a jam with the Government. That's just about as certain as that today is Sunday. Legal departments have tried to untangle the mess, but the more. they, unravel interlocking situations, the more involved they become. Theaters are having just as much trouble.

Advertising agencies, bookers and sponsors are caught in the whirlpool and calling for will go off the air for eight weeks this summer to allow Cecil B. De-Mille and other program affiliates to have a vacation. It returns in the fall at the same hour via CBS. 7 (j Use Dana Suesse Music ir To feF fk'O I 1 TornelU Otis Skinner will be Composer of Famous Radio Song Hits Writes Theme Melodies for Great Lakes and Fort Worth Expositions IS ja.J II VVCAE at 10 o'clock. le WW 'H By NORMAX SIEGEL CLEVELAND, June 5 When Dana Suesse, -the 24-year-old "Louisiana Liszt," sits right down and.

lifts, her. pen it-isn't to write herself a letter. Rather, a tune hit is the usual result, for Dana writes music. tMxrole like to hear and sing. i a I Most of the music in Billy Rose's Sponsors of the Joe Penner show have decided against any show at all during the summer.

Comedian and company fade June 27, returning to the CBS airlines Oct. 3. "Snow Village Sketches." featur ing Parker Fennelly and Arthur Allen, fade from the NBC airlanesl June 26, to return in the fall. Billy Wilson, former scat-singer with Ben is the third singer to join Johnny Green and Company. Wilson will debut with the rest of the company Tuesday.

The singing Vass Family has been signed as a permanent feature of the Ben Bernie company through the summer. City folk who have never been I near a farm and wouldn't know! what to make of a general store if they saw one are the most ardent admirers of rural drama, Chet Lauck, the "Lum" of Lum and Abner fame, is the authority for this statement. He bases it on an analysts of the fan mail which has greeted the programs since their inception in 1931. "More than sixty per. cent of our letters come from city residents," he declares.

"The most continuously interested groups are to be found in New York. Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D. C. We know this cmx? mm of them keep on wrUi tQ comment on variQUS or situations we present, Sande Williams, novelty now playing in the William Penn Hotel, is being heard each night over wtAL. me boys plav Mon and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 6:15 to 6:30 p.

m. Sunday on (DAYLIGHT (Programs under each heading are KDKA WCAE I i Joe Likes Baseball The Yankee StadiUm." and Polo Grounds are not big enough to swallow up Joe Cook, as the comedian has found out. A rabid baseball fan and I lend of most of the outstanding players, Joe is Invariably spotted in the ball park, by a horde of autograph hounds and is often delayed by a solid wall of al bums until he is the last to leave the grounds. 8-9 tonight KDKA KOADCAST FROM HOLLYWOOD BOWL LUCREZIA BOM FAMOUS OPEHATIC SOMANO JOSEPH BENTONELLI YOUNG METROPOLIAN TENOA OTTO KLEMPERER C0N0UCTINB THE LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Brine this Ad and This Week Only Or All Wavts Onr Si GENUINE PUSH-UP CROQUIGNOLE STEAM and OILS 50 SURE-CURL Don't sacriSce Quality for Pries glamorous new styles, soft and flattering. witn Deautttui ctiris.

Equals Any HO Wave In Town Ctsiplfts wltk Ssasisss. Flssw Win m4 Trla REGAL OIL arlttit HK S3.50 "'t tkl GENUINE EUGENE s5 teltt4 ts $4 wltk. tklt as THE MOST PERFECT MACHINELESS Wsnstrfll fur hair that It illtleilt ts 1st for wait sr any kalr. With This jaj OPEN TUES. A THURS.

EVES IY APPOIMTMERT EGLER'S "A 501 MARKET STREET tar. Ms At. ai Marttt It Ais4 frail Lsrsar't Dran Sntf Atlantic 1191, A SPECIAL MESSAGE RUPTURE SUFFERERS The discomfort of hot weather for tma wearers will soon be here. If yon re wearing sn appliance that absorbs perspiration and body seerelions with unnecessary and unsanitary rlestriirtivsj tinderstraps whioh rtib and titll between our leys, causins; nervousness snfi fatisiie. you should then consult the fitters at HITK'S 1RI STORF.

shout a new sanitary, lightweight and comfortable ti-iifca that is inspiration and water piuut. it will slay in placa) ai.vs witlioiit iii.Ueisirais or any suo-poi i fuieiirii to tne truss. It will hold the rupture IX.HiDE the -abdomen with a soft veivety pliable pad. no harder than the abdominal wall which it supports, dt-liverinar gentle massage 1o the weakened walls, helping- to increase blood flow and sfrenirth to walls. Our truss has no elastic or spring- to ti and bind, but fits the contour of the body WITHOUT pressure.

Thsi psds are adjustable to the EXACT tristir required in themselves, and will nojf) with a. fiurer tin rrii with tha) least pressure of any truss pad. -We are here- every d3.y in the; vk until p. m. to keep your truss comfortable and secure, if we fail, ws wilt itlniul your money.

Uou try to be fitted by mail or Tisif-inir filters wliu cannot give you service. Never wear an elaslie or sinftie: or iloubie spniif truss, which does not hold the rupture insid the abdomen where it belongs, and thus presses the pubic txme. causiug undue soreness and cutting off of circulation to the glands and paralyzing- the nerves. -Don't buy a truss from anyone tintll you sllow us to explain why OCR TRIM IS TIIK WOKI.IVS BEST. Our fittinr rooms ere air conditioned.

Ave have the most modern flttms" tables and equipment. Our fitters are experts, with many years of experience. We fit Scholl's 'oot Arches and Camp's i'liyriioluiiicai Supports. years this location msrantee ritri word of this advertiseflieiit lie Hie Irmii. S.lTISF.At'TIHN fil'AR XT ED OR ONKV KKH NDEI.

Come to the Old Reliable Hite's for comfort and anatomically correct appliances. your doctor first and thea asM iiite s. H.if Mark Warnow. Conducts Dance Band With All the Airs of Symphony Leader the musical numbers and the corn- ''Spectacle of Splash" Aquacade Baton Maker Knows Stars Dave Rubinoff and Calloway Are Boy Maestros Isaac Cary, who makes all the batons for CBS orchestra leaders, has never met half his customers But he thinks he can they are like by the type of baton they use. Andre Kostelanetz, for example Is an Idealist.

He demands perfec tion. Mr. Cary spends three hours just picking out flawless Maine birchwood for every1 order of twelve batons Kostelanetz gives him. When they are finished the balance must be so perfect that the stick will come back into poised position of its own accord after the hand whips it downward. Mr.

Cary can tell that Cab Calloway ij a sensational showman and an Inveterate clown. He breaks two batons a week just for fun over pianos, chairs and his own knees. In ipct, he outbreaks any other conductor In the business. Ozzie Nelson isn't finicky. Mr.

Cary's only problem is to devise a baton so light that Ozzie won't know he's holding it. Freddie Rich is a new customer and Mr. Cary hasn't analysed him yet. He can only say that Rich uses the slenderest baton in the business only a bare sixteenth of an inch at the tip. Judging from the number of batons Rubinoff breaks, Mr.

Cary thinks he's the strictest leader in radio. Dave splits most of his sticks over the band podium during rehearsal and with sixty breakages a year ranks second only to Cab There is an impression of great system about the "Hit Parade" studio as Mark Warnow conducts the band. In the center is the band's microphone, on one side is the announcers' mike, still further over is the one soloists use. There are even different announcers for Your Radio SAVING TIME) listed for quarter-hour periods.) WJAS M. 8 A.

M. (Program Starts at 9 O'clock 9 A. M. Ensemble Music M. Orch.

St. Patrick's Church (Father Cox in charge ot services) 10 A. M. M. Church of the Air Church of the Air Romany Trail Sianim) (Gypsy nif'loUies) M.

II A. M. Church First English Lutheran 8 A. M. 8 A.

Goldthwaite Children's (Stopait Orchestra) to you is from the musical pen of the country's leading feminine composer. Her Lake Erie score includes' "It Happened in Miami." which will be sung by the Frazee Sisters; "We Rule the Waves," for the Eight Peppers' octet, and "Happy Birthday to Love" and "It Can't Happen Here," two of Bob Lawrence's solos. The Aquacade tune lineup will also include a medley of old-time favorites for the Coney Island scene, "The Camera Doesn't and "Strangers in the Dark," by Belle Fenstock, a newcomer in Tin Pan Alley with a "hit" future. Billy Rase, who has been known to knock out a song hit or two, wrote the lyrics for all of the music in the show except "The Camera Doesn't Lie." Most of the arrangements are by Archie Blyer. The "finale" arrangement, of "It Can't Happen Here" was made by Hans Spialek, the best song doller-uppcr in the business.

Dana expects "Happy Birthday to Love" and "Strangers in the Dark" to- be the hit numbers of the show. And we might add that "It Can't Happen Here" will be another Old Man River." Miss Suesse first startled the tune world at the age of 16 With "Syn-chopated Love Song." She followed, this success a few years later with "Jazz Nocturne," from which came the popular "My Silent Love." In the popular music field she has since had such hits as "Whistling in the Dark," "Ho, Hum," "You Ought to Be in Pictures." "Moon About Town" and "The Night Is Young." However, Dana really goes in for the more serious stuff. She is now working on a double piano concerto for symphony and two pianos, having scored about 160 pages of the number. You'll aLso hear two of her new compositions Lauy Luiiwii as Lulu'' and "Handlebar Mustache" at Rose's Pioneer Palace in the Streets of the World. And if you Journey down to Texas for the Fort Worth Fair you'll get another earful of new Suesse music, for she's doing the tunes for that spectacle.

Yes, the "Suesseiana Moon" is shining brightly in melodyland. Beginner's Luck Jack Brinkley, who had never played golf, borrowed a set of clubs from experienced golfer-announcer Stu Dawson and proceeded to beat Dawson three up on the first 18 holes. Play In bsnd or orchestra lor fun and profit. Yon -an Jearu aiiKhly under our couipeleut instructors. Free Adaptability Tests Instruments and lessons furnished on Kasy Payment Plan.

4sH 1 I I I 630 PENN AVE. ATLANTIC 626T i llfj! ran while. "the performer's and studio" employes want to know who has authority to deduct a percentage from their weekly earnings and turn it over to Uncle Sam. If a star is employed by an advertising agency, through" a man-ager or booking office and works on a commercial, no one seems to know who must handle the social pcurity deduction. The sponsor pays the agency, the agency pays the network for time, and the manager of the star for the star's services.

Lawyers have given conflicting advice, so the networks have appealed to Washington for a ruling on commercial and sustaining employes. Theaters here, presenting radio performers and bands have refused to handle social security deductions. Band- leaders have, however, insisted that the theater is the employer and one went so far as to issue a check payable to the theater management for social security for all of his men. The theater manager refused to accept the check, the band leader told him he'd accept or the Government would be notified, and finally the check was sent to the theater's general until something is decided aboufc- when is social security secure. Theaters, like networks, would like to wash their hands of the deductions, for keeping records means added employes and the busi- ness of passing the buck to agen- cies and bookers is a lot more fun and not so expensive.

While they're actually passing real bucks, everyone in the game is afraid that he micht wind tip with his fingers burned. Lucille Manners has been pitch a sensational success on the Friday night broadcasts that her sponsors iwvC un to sented. Last year she substituted for Jessica Dragonette. This year she has Jessica's old job and everyone acclaims her as the radio "find" tfti? i i i. knows what to do with it.

And she rioesrrt screech 1 i nv. so many sopranos. Kay Ks'ser winds up his tour In Boston June 21,. to open an engagement at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel- The International Radio Club has awarded life memberships to Rosaline Greene, radio's first lady, and Lowell Thomas. They are the first so honored.

NBC is promisine a Max Jacnhs-Clem McCarthy talk about; heavyweieht championships instead ff a. Braddock-Schmelin? fisht next. Thursday a 8 on the KDKA network. Some high school students interviewed Lily Pons, and their last question was "Are you really married to Andre Ko.stelanetz?" Miss Pons reply was "Who can tell?" When Kfram Zimbalist played Thp Bee" (the same one Jack Benny couldn't play he told Ben Bernie, his radio host, that he hadn't sepn thp music in 35 years. Yet flow he played it! Ben has a new laugh cue for his studio guests.

Every time he strokes his hair (what's left of it they're supposed to laugh and they do. Thfv cot in free, so they might as -well laugh just to pretend they're grateful. Penn State campus will be the wen of part of the National Farm and Home broadcast on Wednesday, June 16. Krrol Flvnn and Fiances Farmer co-star in "British Agent" on the Radio. Theater, WJAS, at 9 tomorrow flight.

Next Tuesday's Pittsburgh' Varieties will be devoted to a dramatization of the life of Jackie Heller, from his days a Pittsburgh newsie to now. Jack If home for the mar-riasre-todav of his sister. Shirley, to Richard Mills of New York City. Pan! Metcalf. socialite composer and a.

relative of the late Ethelbert Nevin has written ft new song called "Champagne, a Gardenia and You." gecms a bootlegger get along In this world anymore. Two licensed amateur operators- were testing equipment in Wilkmsburs and a couple of unlicensed broadcasters protested a dout mienn j- Uncle Sam is talking turkey to the bovs 'ho had been on the air without first getting permission Boot-leeeers may interfere vith standaid wave listeners and licensed opera-Tors. but when they fcross airwaves with Uncle Sam, that's another fellow. The -Postoffice Department's annual auction of unclaimwi and undelivered packages will be broadcast from the San Francisco Federal SldJ. 'over the KDKA network next Wednesday at 3 o'clock.

Mvrt and Marge finish their current script show stint in July, to be succeeded by another script offering to come Hollywood. The Monday Night Radio Theater if -c Society of Instruments Ferde Grofe, as Artist Vernon I.lnd, caricatures him. Fcrde, radio's ace arranger, comes into bis own, as maestro replacing the Philadelphia Symphony for the summer on radio's "bank night," Friday's at 10 on WJAS. 3 Frances Farmer and Errol Flynn will co-star on tomorrow's Radio Theater, WJAS at 10 p. m.

4 Constance Bennett will be Don Ameche's guest at 8 tonight on WCAE. Listen for the highbrow talk. ages during high school days. So he bought 150 pennies, seventy-five Indian heads and seventy-five Lincoln heads. He picked one batch after another out of the bag until he had a total of 6,000 chances.

The law of averages worked out almost exactly. About that time Mark blew himself to a day at a race track and decided the newly proved law of averages should be a guide to betting. Weights were given, 112 pounds for one horse, 118 for another, etc. Mark thought that was the weight of the horses, so he picked the medium weighted horse and risked $5. The law worked with horses as well as it did with pennies, and Mark's horse came in.

He didn't gamble any further with the law of averages that day. The next couple of races people were asking him for tips, which Mark willingly pave. He didn't have much faith In the law, so he named a different horse for each person. That gave him a winner in the second race. KQV 8 :00 a Aunt Susan's, lii wo a.

Russian G.vpejr Folk Sous. 10:15 a.m. Eddie iJiuuih. 10 .111 a. in.

Laymen Bible Hour. 10:45 a. m. W'atWitower. 1 1 a.

m. 4Jci nmn K. P. 1 Church. 1 Moon Polish Hour.

1 Ave Maria. 1:00 Say It With Music. 1 Tr.ecbn Slovak Educational Hour. Two Guitars. 2:15 Hal Grayson T'ptowners.

Adventures With Aunt Helen. 2:45 Marion Vatix. Danny Dee. Philosopher. 3:15 Freed Harmonica Lads.

Musical Interlude. 3 :55 Baseball Scores. 4 Pallo Orchestra. 4 Choral K-hoes Cathedral Choir. Delln Barney.

5:15 lTniied lres News. Kaebiill Seoi-es. 5:30 Msrsrit Herteedus. un Don Alberts Or.heslra. Follow the Ball Savoy Swigs Session.

7:00 Polish Hour. Hi hired Humphries Orchestra. 8:00 l.ou Bolton's KOV Starlets. wwsw 0:00 Tlassical Gems. 1 0 1 5 Grei-ian Program.

1 0 :45 Watch tower. 1 1 Crusaders. 11:45 Chester Owstrowskl. 12:00 Slovak Radio Club. 12:30 Lithuanian Hour.

1 Polonia Radio Club. 1:15 Aristocrats. 1 Croatian Radio Club. 2:00 Neopolitait Echoes. 2:15 lierman Profrram.

2:45 Paul Whitemah JFaTorites. 3:15 Club Cabana. Hawaiian Ehoes. briron 'Recitai MaiyihalT Ttidwell waicnioiAer riyf itu Baseball Resume. 5:15 Chapel Vespers.

5:30 Boothbv Tabernacle. News Flashes. Anna Mae Shaffr. 6:30 House ot Peter MacGresor. :45 Studio.

P. A. A. Dance Musie. 7 :30 Chorus.

7:45 Mni Baseball Scores. S-iiO Variety Show. 8:30 Mozart Strinr "Ensemble. 8:45 Recommended Pictures. Wati-htower.

9:15 Studio. Symphony Hall. Kav Kvser. News Plashes. Fireside Memory Hour.

11:15 Eddie Peyton. EASY CARE. Permanent Waves Individually Styled, With Personality VERMEr" SCHNEIDER BEAUTY SHOP 6202 Ptnn Avinat Hlland 0296 FREE DIET WORTH $5.00 ENJOY QUICK SLEEP STEADY YOUR NERVES ENKEL SEDATIVE KONTROLS NERVOUS-NESS Sufferers from oer-loaded. "on 1r''" nerves rave about this safe remedy. So other pervin contains "Safety-Sleep." Just anybody who has taken this AMAZING discovery by H.

F.SKEti. Overioyed. Mr. Tuben of Pittmjrh. a victim of NEaV-ITlS.

wrote us: 9 A. M. Juvenile Program (Milton Cros dirpclint children's hour) 10 A. M. Russian Melodies ditto Melodies Slim and Jack II A.

M. First Presby. Church Church Church ditto IS Moon Sou therna ires Southernaires. songs Radio City Concert ditto I P. M.

Radio City ditto 9 A. Harold Nagel (Rhumbs moeicl" Studio -Studio 10 Bible Highlights Dr. Fred K. American Ancient II Sixth U. P.

Church Hour Glass Sunshine (With Lillian I P. Rush Morgan Musical A. A. (Retular Fahhath 12 Noon- House lnercial blurbs. Mark conducts with all the airs of a symphony leader.

It seems a little absurd at first, such elaborate motions for dance music, but after you follow him awhile you see the various sections of the orchestra, actually are following his cues. That's a surprise, In radio so many orchestras go through the whole program with scarcely a glance at the conductoiv The program acquired a new girl singer, Freddye Gibson. Just to makte sure about any debut nervousness Warnow left his music stand, walked over to her and gave her a cue under her nose when time for her chorus began. She showed no nervousness, so he didn't bother with elaborate precautions on her second chorus. There is a studio rule for Buddy Clark, the program's male soloist.

He must sit within Warnow's sight during the whole program, because a couple of weeks ago he wandered off in the middle and forgot a whole vocal chorus. Mark "Warnow approaches all his dunce music programs with the earnestness of a Toscaninl. He was asked about conducting a program with one of the important summer symphony orchestras, a Handel pro gram. Most dance leaders would jump, at such a substantial tribute to a reputation Mark refuse! it. "Sure, I'd like to do that," he explained.

"But. I'd want to take a year or so off to prepare a concert like that. It would be sacrilege for me to go out and conduct Handel music now." As another example oLhis earnest nature he doubted the law of aver- O-o-K Yeah? Ken Murray's Collection Of Freaks Is Blank Ken Murray claims: He does not collect pipes, French postcards, first editions of mail order catalogues, antiques, dried-out sea horses, Egyptian scarabs, or old bridge tallies. He does not have a "lucky" pair of shoes and a make-up box which are a "must" for every radio, stage or motion picture appearance. He does not have a fan in South Africa who sends his cannibal noserings as souvenirs, nor does he have any Peruvian admirers who have sent him rare cut-glass mustache cups.

He hasn't ever received proposals of marriage by mail from 163 heart-enthralled faminine listen ers. He is not writing a book. But he has read one. He doesn't like to swim, play golf or tennis. He hates badminton, monopoly, crossword puzzles and all other forms of strenuous exercise.

He doesn't have a dog which has been trained to waken him and then turn on the bath water at a par ticular temperature. Orchestra Headlines Musical Recordings Ted Weems Kilbuck Plavers (Popular tunes) I FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR iMISCHA 2 P. M. News Parade Interlude Mystery (Thatcher Colt) 3 P. M.

Tapestry of Melodies ditto Widow's Sons (Dramatization) LEVITZKI Symphony Orchftra of 75 T. M. Magic Key Marll rtiipre. Kafhrine I.orke. Ji1p Garfield) 3 P.

M. Press Air Circus lMjor Al William heading- famout flier events) 4 r. m. EUGENE 0RMANDY CONDUCTOR TONIGHT WJAS a 0fl. T- 4 p.

M. Scores: Melodies Melodies Serenade ditto Shadyside Pres. Church (Siinda.r reaper) Shadyside Pres. Church ditto f. M.

Rov Shield Orchestra ditto Paul Martin Orchestra ditto 6 r. m. 5 Marlon (Opera, tmzer) Ed McConnell (Bom 6 Talley mv wna m. i 1 1 I I I I 1 If Hrmome) Hour Church (Sabbath) 12 Noon Major Bowes (Canitol Family) Salt Lake Choir Maione) M. ditto I P.

M. Church of Air ditto Orchestra News Exchange Poetic Strings 2 P. M. St. Louis Serenade ditto Bible Dramas ditto 3 P.

M. Amateur Hour (Brian McDonald and his amateurs) P. M. Amateur Hour (With McDonald) Spelling Bee ditto P. M.

5 P. M. North-W. Sesqui. Sesquicentennial Rep.

Ellenbogen, talk Baseball Resume P. M. 6 P. M. Joe Penner Kallock) (Also Gene, Austin, sonri) Dave Rubinoff Orch.

Irene) (With guest stars) M. 7 P. M. CBS Workshop orcheatra) (Demonstrated broadcast) Phil Baker (Orchestra and others) P. M.

8 P. M. Show Moore and Broderick (Comedy and orchestra) James Wallington (Variety show) 9 P. M. Sunday Symphony soloiata) (Miscba Levitzki.

pianist, with Detroit Symphony Orchestra) 10 P. M. Lucy Monroe) P. M. Community Sing (Also variety entertainment) Kaltenborn, talk Singing Strings II P.

M. Art Giles (Dance orchestra) Jay Freeman Orchestra (Dance melodies) 12 P. M. Signature I Christian Endeavor, talk Catholic I nnn r- Swingtime mum P. Frank Morgan, record Jack Hollister.

sports Golden Gate Band 7 r. m. Helen Traubel, songs Helen Traubel, songs Ozzie Nelson (Danes orchestra) 8 P. M. (Rev.

John Fun In (Tim and 7 Jack Benny (CoiiiHj and Fireside Sunset 8 Recital Dreams, music From 3 to 4:30 P. Si Stoinhauaer, RaJim Editor of tho Pittsburgh Pr, mil imtorvioua tho Amateur Act from the Wilhent Amateur Revue at the Stanley Theatre. SPECIAL PROGRAM Winner chesn by th popular vet during broadcast will rocoivo paid gagomont and join Amateur Acts tomorrow with tho Bennett. W. C.

Ameche, BTfen, I.amour) P. M. and Album Promenade Concert ILiiTPZn Bori, Jo. Ben-tonelli. J.os Aneoles Philharmonic) 9 P.

M. Shep Fields Orchestra iRhvihm Revue) Walter Winchell' Choir Symphonette 10 P. M. Bernie Armstrong music) Y. M.

C. A. Program (Ridyway Choir) II P. M. Music; News King's Jesters Jimmy Joy Orchestra All-Star (Constance Tielda.

McCarthy. 9 Merrygoround (Orchestra Musical (Frank Munn. 10 Sunday (Corncli Jane James 11 News Parade Varzos Lunceford Party Emm 5 Skinner, Pikenn; Melton) P. M. Orchestra Orchestra 12 P.

M. Deacon Moore Orch. (Dance' melofllen) Blue Barron Orch. 7 Phone VOTE GRant 5-6-2-3 Like raacir. KNKKI.

SF.DATIVK calms mr nerves when upset. Nothinr else overcome mv sleenless-ness like ft. and there's no morniocafter hang-er." KNKKI. eertainly -Is easy ta take and surely wnnderfol." You'll feel entirely different alter lakinr this marvelous medicine. ana mail orders sent.

Cosis 5c per dose. Whv risk delay I Try RELIABLE ENKEL. SEDATIVE today! SUN DRUG STORES f1Hkttreh. M-1-ifrt Wh melon. Vt.

0rafra iy duty front 1 to 4:30 P. II P. M. Ted Lewis Orchestra (Dane orchestr) Reggie Childs Orchestra (Orcheatra) (Dance orchestra) -ST.

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