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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL MENTIOJS. i The Weaiber. CFrrrr op the chiep signal officer. v. ami: d.

December 22. 10 a.m.? For the middle Atlantic states. partly cloudy a at her and local rains followed by clearing wather, north to west lwer temperature. For Tuesday, colder clearing weather is in Heated tor the AtlanMc coast and kuif states and the Ohio valley and Tennessee. a decided cold wave will be led In the Ohio valley and Tennessee and westiculf states to-night and ou the Atlantic coast to-morrow afternoon or evening.

hoke aboct the coming cold Cold-wave flag has been ordered up at Washing- and the temperature will probably fall ten to thirty degrees In the next hours. v. it Desire to call the attention of the public to the immense variety of useful holiday presents contained in the mammoth establishment of w. b. son, corner llth and str-ets northwest.

he public is cordially invited to call and Inspect. Fp.esh saddles of prime Mlnne- bota venison, also game, terrapin and all ktnds of poultry for Christmas trade. i Invite the public to inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ed. l.

Barclay, Open dally. 6to, 605, 606 center market. Jaxstau selling toys, 730 rih at great sacrifice, a Best Qcalitt of Blue, Drab and Olive Flannel Overshlrts In double breaaeed and lace Franc's, earner 7tb and streets, the Only Strictly onePrice Hat and Gent's Furnishing store in the city. Crr Rate Sale. Eiseman cor.

Tth and e. Purchasers receive a bottle of cologne, with a Christmas card attached, at the Oriole, 822 Tth. Christmas banners, 83c. Gould's, 421 9th street London Cough syrup, only sold everywhere, i Please call and buy at Morrell ca's wholesale a and retail cigar depot, 734 6th st. n.

bet. and holiday presents, 25 fine cigars in a box.HOe. to $1. a full line of smoker's articles constantly on hand. Cut Rate Sale.

see our $10 overcoats, the price must sell and will sell them. Eiseman corner Tth and e. Wonders for children! j. Jay Gould, 9th street. Largest mirror at Sautter's Restaurant, 502 9th The Most Elegant Holiday Artists at Home, photo-engravings of the leading painters and sculptors of the day, with biography, imperial quarto.

limited edition, uncut edges, gilt top; lie- turesque Europe; Picturesque America; Picturesque Palestine; instalments. If desired. d. Appleton 1 437 7th street. 1 Rtert Style of show cases, sho case tables, at manufacturer's prices, constantly on hand at Morell ca's depot, 734 6th st.

n. w. h. oprenneimer has recently fixed up his ladies and gentlemen's eating saloou, at No. 1006 Pennsylvania avenue.

In Urst-ciass style. Give him a a calL Reasonable prices. Free lunch every day Irom 12 to 2. 1 a Fine Panel given with every dozen cabinets during the hoddays only, at Merrltt's, 711 Market Space, open Christmas day. i Woodward Lothkop will keep their establish- ment open evenings, commencing Monday.

de- ceniber 15. and continuing until arter the holidays, for the benefit of those unable to make their purchases dunng the day. Ctrr Rate Sale. Eiseman cor. 7th and e.

Ocr custom boots are equal to any 112 ordered boots. Young's, 402 7th street. Sole agent for the celebrated 12.50 electric shoes. a Tree trimmings, toys. j.

Jay Gould's, 9th st. Ocr $1.50 ladies' and gents" fur top gloves, with iprlng fastening, at at the Oriole, 822 7th st. Weather Strips. 8th street nortnwest. Whitman's Candy, 25c.

per pound; five pounds for $1. Rich fruit, pound, silver and jelly cakes In great li variety; home-made mince meat and piea. Jarvls, confectioner, 426 9th street northwest. Those who are eating heavy dinners about boll- day times should wasii It down with Duffy's Malt Whisky diluted with water. Two-thirds water and one-third whisky, making a drink that no wine can equal.

Try It. See Paret'p "Special about visiting cards I for Sew Year's. 3 Taee a Looe in Beck's billiard and pool 631 Louisiana avenue and 630 street. Everything new and remodeled. Cut Rate Sale.

See our $10 suits, the price must and will sell them. Eiseman Bros, 7th and e. ora Christmas Souvenir consists of a pair of Rubber Shoes presented with everv purchase of Ave dollars' worth of boots, shoes, slippers, arctics or rubber boots. Yountr's siioe House, 402 7th st. Look for The Old Woman In Window.

Satin Lined Toilet Boxes, comb, brush and look- ing-glass. $1.39. Purchasers receive a bottle of co- logne.Chrlsimas card the 7th. Ice Cream and charlotte full a line of Mailiard's candles, fruit cakes, pound cakes, Jellies, mlnee pies and every nice thing for Christmas, at Fussell's, 1427 New York avenue. Crr Rate Sale, a special department arranged a for the fio suits and overcoats.

Eiseman cor. 7th and Our Christmas elegant 18x21 steel Engraving presented to every Purchaser at Halm's Shoe House, 816 7th street and 1922 Pennsylvania avenue. Crr Rati Sale. Eiseman cor. Tth and x.

8 weatber Strips, 318 8th street northwest. Established 1850. -Headquarters for rare and early veiretaMes, c. Enttel's Sons. We are recelv- dally French mushrooms, choice Boston headed 11 lettuce, new tomatoes, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts.

Burr artichokes, etrg plants, and lmoorted Italian chestnuts; also, a complete and select as- sortment of fruits, orders by mail solicited. Orders 8 filled with accuracy and promptness, and delivered free of charge. Just received prime lot of Newtown Pippen apples. Telephone Call c. En-gel's sons, 587, 588, 589.

590 and 591 center Market. Jrsr Received at sinshelmer's. 808 7th and 3151 1 streets, a beautiful assortment of toilet slippers, suitable for holiday presents, from 75c. up. All Shoes reduced from 10 to 20 per cent during this month, at Sinshelmer's, 808 7th and 3151 sts.

Corr.Hs, Colds and Sore throat yield readily to b. h. Douglass Sony Capsicum Cough Drops. Saxont Wool ackets In all imaginable shades; the largest assortment In the city; prices rock- ii bottom. Franc's, corner 7th and streets.

The i Only strictly one-Price Hat and Gent's Furnish- i lng Store in the city. Appleton's Encyclopedias for a Christmas the best edition now, when they a can be purchased on such terms as advertised in the "For Iscellaneous'' column of this paper, The Weather had a pood effect on the morals of the District people. Judging from the police reports 1 4 for the 24 hours endlntr at 8 o'clock this morning. Thertftras but 22 arrests la that for a3- sault. one for larceny, seven for drunkenness, and the others for minor offenses.

Enlarging, drawing pantographs, 25c. Hemp- ler's, down town. CITY AND DISTRICT. 5 1" AnnMmeuto, 1 Ford's opera Opera Company in "The Drum Major." National 1 Private Secretary." Albacoh's Opera Youth." Hemzog Kimball's Opera Company in "The Mascot." The ati a Slddon's combination. 1 Dime ma Toy shop7 and i lties.

Wili.ard's Ward's Mesmeric per- formance. 1 fipth Baptist l.ocal*. Street lamps will be lighted at 5:15 p. m. and ex- Ungulshed at 5:15 a m.

1 St. Teresa church, Anacostla, Rev. Thomas b. Hughes, pastor, after belnz closed for three months for repairs, was reopened yesterday, when a mis- alon was begun by the Fathers of the congregation. The church has been much Improved, and very 7 handst meiy frescoed by f.

w. Strlebey, an i artist employed at the CapltoL 1 i The Knights Templar of Columbia Commandery. i k. a. Chapter, and the Masonic Grand of the District, with many of the craft 1 from subordinate lodges, yesterday arter- noon the funeral of wm.

Kit Post, g. a. also united In the escort. The ser- vices took place at chapel. The remains wen- interred at the Congressional cemetery.

To-day. w. n. Thomas and James e. Wausrh 1 were accepted as Jurors in the criminal Court in 1 the places of Charleti Worthlngton and John e.

1 Libbey, excused. Julius Haas, who was arrested on Saturday by 5 Detectives riff and Block, as a suspicious cbarac- ter. as published In Saturday 's star, was sentenced in the Police Court this morning to three months on the fann. Dr. Huntley's lecture at the Foucdry m.

e. church has been postponed to January 12th. James Boston, colored. witn assaulting Jennie Miner, also colored, pleaded guilty in the Police Court this morning and was sentenced to six months in jalL Christmas and New Year the b. b.

as usual, will extend holiday jcrtetiugs the ahape of round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates over their entire system The low rates go into effect at all stations on the main line and branches east of Ohio river.lncludlng the Pittsburg division, on the 381, and those who go to take Christmas turkey with frlcnis may remain until alter New Year and enjoy themselves to the utbosc It they do not want to go on that date they caa purchase tickets on the 84th, 25th, 30th and 31st oc December, also January 1st. These tickets are all goad to mora until January mh. inclusive. Tfce pUn adopted tor thia company of issuing round trip ttckeu has toon In vone for several years, and has become sot only popular with their patrons but uite aacceeaful In a pecuniary point of view. For rortterUjCormaOon aw large posters or call on statw Minnesota the renowned MumuCa patent flour is so very cheap now that feftttetM reach of everybody.

It makes dellMnb ftmd, roUs and btacults. The Proposed Catholic Uaivenilft ATHKR CHAPKI LK MAKING AN EFFORT TO HATS I ESTABLISHKD IS THIS CITT. It will be remembered hat announcement wa nade not long ago ol the donation of the large son )f $300,000 by a wealthy young Catholic lady S'evr York for the establishment of a college to higher education of the Catholic clergy in thl country. At the recent plenary council In Bait! nore the offer was accepted and the matter wa referred to a committee of bishops, who will mee next month to deckle upon a suitable location hus far ibo Idea has prevailed that the collet ivotild be established in New York, but the Rev. Di lhapelle.

pastor of St. Matthew's church, In thl Is inaklmr effots to have the college estat ilshed here. He has already argued with the com niuee oa the subject, and ne thinks that, as Wast niiton Is not only the seat 01 the government. Mi a.v (fettluvr to be the center of science, and afford ng unusual facilities In the way of libraries, Ac. institution should be established here.

Th Ls believed to be favorable to the sug restlon, but wherever the college ls located th atholic citizens of that place will be expected one chair, which will cost $50,000, an Father Chapelle has submitted the matter to hi ongregat ion, urging them to seriously consider 11 it. Matthew's ls a rich congregation, and It is be leved that If a half dozen of the more pronunen adles took an active Interest In the matter th mm needed lor the endowment could easily raised. 4 Sudden Death of a Ptiymician. Dr. Amos N.

Williamson, a well-known physlcla if South Washington, died this morning at 10:3 iclock, at hla residence, No. 486 street southwesl roni a heart trouble. Dr. Williamson was abou 6 years of age, and had resided here about ears, during which time he built up quite a larg practice in South Washington, and he also prac Red in the lower part of the old second ward laving had an office at So. 10U2 street northwes ilso.

lie was a native of North Carolina, and wa it one time quite well to do there, but he lost near! verythlng he owned during the war. He cam lere about 1800 wiyi his wife and severa hildren. some of whom have since ettiing in South Washington, by his strict ntten ion to business and sociability, was soon well ani avorably known. Closing off Two Fairs. The voting at the Ilomcopathie fair, which Saturday, resulted as follows: The Kemlngtoi ype-write, Mrs.

Coweil; surgical case. Dr. T. erJl; gold wateli, Mrs. F.

L. Freeman; medlca ase, Mrs. Dr. Winslow; three etchings, Mrs. Van erllp; manicure set, to the most beautiful younj idy, Miss Kitty DeBoys; Spencerlan compendium Tof.

Bryan; a handsome doll to Miss and Maggie Tyler, and a flag to th' Ugh School Cadets. The tir-i for selling th ilghest number of tickets was awarded to Vis ophl.i Verdi, second to Mrs Wilcox, and third t( Has Kutherf ird. A silver pitcher was Sorrell, and a vote of thanks tendered irs. Sara A. sjiencer.

At the Carrol Institute fair the ward ed as follows: Miss Emmi Phillips, dlamonc lug: Master Bryau liuyck. bieycie; Miss Krnma laug, sewing machine; J. W. Carroll, gok kutch for letter carrier; Mr. T.

W. Murphy, od an I reel: Mr. Ralph Jeffersou, Shakespeare'; tork-; Dr. l.uuca.uer. physician's afghan; Mr.

Jno Iogan. gold-hea led cane; Miss Annie Schwlng uly's dressing lobe; Judire Wyile, sliver pitcher lr. Neuliefeer. chased pitcher; Master Lawrence onueli. cadet's sword; Mr.

G. W. Stewart, Remagton gun, and Miss Anni i Ruppert, lambrequin The CbrlMmaai Club. There was a large attendance at the meetingo he Christmas club at the Franklin building Sat irday afternoon. Badges were distributed ainon: 11 who paid dues.

Th11 adges are of ribbon, witi he Initials C. C. C. Si" rlbed upon each. fficers present were Nellie Arthur.

Edit 1 'ard and Julia Messrs. Clayton McMtchael Wm. O'Neill, Frank W. Sackett, i has. 11.

Sher ell end Horace Wylle. Another meeting will oa Friday next for the purpose of distributing iadges to members, children without badge; not be admitted to the hall. Persons resldinj the city east of the Capitol knowing of chllilret rh by reason of poverty or sickness, an? deprives "a merry Christmas," are requested to sen-, iames and of suc'i children to the chair of the visiting committee East Washlngtoi aristmxs club. Mr. John Hltz, corner Penna.

av nue and 6th street southeast, before Tuesday, De ember Deattt of an Estimable Adallni tlrge. who died at the residence of her daughter Irs. F. II. Smith, at Ilyattsviile, yesterda: camc to Washington with her late hus Cyrus from Mlddlebury, In lbM ler eldest dautr liter married Rev.

Dr. J. E. Raukli ii Mrs. Birje was known to a large circle lends as a pattern of quiet Christian courtes; nd benevolence, and her death will be incurne: all who knew her, both In her New En jlan-JKini ler Washington home.

Her daughter, Mrs. Kan was with her la her last sickness, the docto ilmself having been detained In his new parish a )range Valley, N. by a threatened attack Talk ABorr Drawing toe Coi.ob Line at has been a good if talk among the colored people lately In regari the recent marriage or ex-Congressman Lynci nd viss El.a Summervllle, and the distinction nade upon that occa-lon between the "llsrht color rd the -dark color." It ls alleged that for th ilacker element among their friends an afternoo! as given, and tor the lighter and mor irlstocratlc a swell evening reception. Allthes tories, however, are denied by the friends or th lewiy married couple, who state That In the aftei ioon he bride received some of her school friends tut that no such distinctions were made In the In nations that were sent out. Some of the friend the bride are thought to have been rather indls reet in their remarks, which have given rise to i reat deal of the gossip.

Howard Carroll's Play to bk First Prodccbi Howard Carroll has written a pla' ailed "The American Countess," which has beei lurcnased by Mr. J. W. Morrlssy, Mile. Rhea' uanager.

tor Its llrst production, it 1 tated, will be at Washington about the 12th anuary. "The American ls intended ie a delicate satire on lie tendency of America! iris to marry titled lori-igaers. Grand Holiday Exclusion Rates Ovbr Penn vlvama usual ncral excureloi overuig Christmas a ad New Year's holidays las been ordered over the entire system of th r.a.road east of Pittsburg and Erie "nder this arrangement excursion tickets at great yie luced rates will be issued to all prominen lolnts on the Pennsylvania raliroad system Iron ashlngton. Thes- excursion tickets will -mber aw, 24i 25t and 31st, 18H4.

an: 1st, lor the return trip unii unuarj- 5r a. inclusive. regular five days xcursion Washington and Baltimore fo 2 will not lie afTi eted by this arrangemenL Thesi xcursion tickets will net permit stop-off prlvllegi xcept at Phlladelpula within limit; tlcicets belitj alld only cn con-inuous connecting trains. Fo nforinatl'in rates apply to ticket office: street and Pennsylvania avenue and Balto. i 'otomac railroad station.

The Mat Morgan Art Pottery Sai.i.?The this superb collection of gwds will take plan Dowling's, 11th and Pennsylvania avenue, to morning at 11 o'clock. Tills Is the ale of this class of goods offered in Wasldug on, and it surpasses la many cases the fines IJrnoges. Ti.e catalogue embraces abou u0 lots, and parties mierc-t' In really artistic ar leles of American production should not fall to at end. The Y. M.

C. A. tlilrtv econd anniversary of the Y. M.C. Association, thl lty, was held last evening in the Fo-indrv M.

hurch. The president of the ussoci ition. Mr. B. 11 Varner, presided, and seated ith alia on the plat orm President McCosh.

of .1 4. Gregory, Rev. Dr. S. J.

Dealeand Mr.T. A. Hard ng. In hLs annual report, the secretary, Mr. Hard ng.

stated that the dally attendance of joung mei it the rot'ins. as compared with last year, loubied. were made by Preslden Mr. Gr -gory and Mr. Robert Weldensali if Chicago.

Mrs. A. L. Powell sang a sola The Faith eight persons braved th ileet yesterday to attend the faith healing meet ng at 312 stree: northeast. Elder W.

G. Rav nond gave an recount of the work done In Baltl nore. gave her views respecting lealing through faith In Christ. Mrs. Perry he band had snent the whole of Saturda lsitinif the

She said that one lady on Penn avenue southeast, who bad been aid hlrty ears, was healed In about an hour, and la West Washington fifteen years old, who tun iever walked, was greatly benellted, and she bt leved he would be entirely healed. Recent Representative Cox, S'ortli Carolina, had his pocket picked on an avt iuecaralew days atro of a gold watch valued a and Saturday afternoon, on the same line ars. Mr. John F. Sauni, of Louisiana avenut iad his i ockct of a gold wach vaiued a ioi).

While's shoe shop, tvenue, was entered by thl ves last Friday nigh nd i'j worth of shoes were stolen. Saturday after ioon a horse blanket belonging to Eiphonz I'oiines was stolen from his team whde standln; liont of his store. 9.h street northwest A m. M. Boyd, to i northeast, reports stole: rom a hat-rack in Assemidy ehureh.

an overcoa ilued at flO. Ballard Morris, 131 street norti ist, reports stolen yesterday a blcjcle valued a isa Toys at Duncanson Bros, wi: sell to-morrow morning, at 11 o'clock, withlu thel salesrooms, a consignment of toys, sleds, Ac. UNDOUBTEDLY THE CHEAPEST DRESS GOODS IS WASHINGTON CITY. BEAUTIFTT. serge CASHMERES, vrrj' fine all colors, 12 3 urdit for real vaiue a Priitm No Credit t'LOTH SUITING, one yard and a half wld nuin.

width, iu iir.jwa 'and Gnty, rw cash TV. St'UrtH CA-sIIMERES. very finest quality, nearly on v'? only cash value CASilMfcUL SERGtS. tli lore, widiftt double widtl all j'ure oaly caHh value 50c. OOl.ORLD SILK reduced to COLUUI -sILK VKLVETK.

(XJUOKLD SILK PLCSHE8. UOLORi.I> SILKS, heavy quality, cash vail HI. ivuuceti to 70c. BLACK SILKS from the York auction tale ial tl. JS, BI.ANKE1 Sat actUd Cost I'nce.

WH1TK WOOL BLANKETS, immense redncc Wi BLA. CASHMERE SHAVL9L (U pure woe dii CARTERS. TU Ihiui Sraoa. CITY ITEMS. away those fellows.

Bring me Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, J1 l'onr Chance. M. 817 7th street northwest', having quite a large stock of toys yet on hand, and wlshs Ing to dispose ot same at once, offers the following great bargains tor to-morrow only: Large bisque dolls, with jointed limbs, reduced trcm $1.75 to 50c. toy tea seta reduced to shoofiy, large express a eons, with seat, 11.50 doll carriages reduced to 96a; f3.50 rattan aoll carriage reduced to fl.JH; large Iron axle express wagon, with seat, velocipedes and balunce of our entire stock of toys ten per cent tieiow cost.

Also, decorated dinK and chamber sets At half their actual value. Jj 889 7th street northwest, carvers. 1 Bailey, ftS 7th Club Skates, 24c. 1 Bailey, 889 7th White Handle Carvers. 99c.

Itallejr, 829 7th Acme Pattern Lever Skates, $1.69. 1 Bailey, 889 7th Club Skates, 75c. 1 Bailey, 889 7th 8L, Rodgers' Carver and Fork, 1 889 Plated Nut Pick and Crack, A Few ore Left or those splendid Sewinc Machines at $25. Special reduced price tor holiday presents. Every machine 0 warranted lor Ave years, at Auerbach's, cor.

7th and sua. 1 Johnion'e Oyster Saloons and Restaurant, 440 and 442 9th street northwest, received to-day 200 bushels of choice oysters. Half-shell, steamed, stewed, fried, also by the quart or gallon. The celebrated Lynnhaven Bays lor half-shell. The besi steamed In the city, all selected.

Leave your orders ror Christmas. Sent to your house. Ladles' saloon flrst floor. 3 il a Immense and InequaJeri Bargains, i- Handsome Plush Coats, $4.50 and $5 at the 1 Excelsior, 7th street. 3 You IVlli Save on livery Dollar by going to Auerbach's Knit Jacket Depot.

7th aud 1 lor very finest quality Men's and Bow Kid oves, Dogskin Gloves, Buck Gloves, Castor Gloves, Cloth Gloves, Woolen Mittens, Kid Mittens, Handknlt Gloves and Mittens, Fur Caps, Silk 1 Lmbrellas and SUk 1 Square and Bound Crown Hats, In brown and black, price $2, just received at ranc's, corner 7th and I). The only strictly one price hat and gent's furnishing store In the city, Jamrs Ferry, Grocer. 441 X. J. avenue N.

W. says "everybody wants Llpps' Premium Soap." 1 I Gold City Optical Store, Iiod, gers' Cutlery Building, Pennsylvania avenue. 1 Bailey, 829 7th X-mass tree-holder, 55 1 1 Bailey, 7th Arm- pattern lever skates, $1.69. Bailey, 7th st. Acme pattern lever skates, $1.69.

7th lever skates, polish steel, $1.69. Bailey, 8897th st. Call and select your Christmas presents; give your parent and trlc-uU KoUger cuts lery; cut everything but love. 1 Kodirer's 1-blade knife at Bailey's, 829 7th st. S9c.

Hailey-w tine steel Rodger pocket Kj.lfe, 99c. 1 7th skates from 21c. to $3. Bailey, 829 7th, life-preserver, 25c. (Ice creepers.) i Rodger's plated 44 Bailey, 7th set Rodger's plated forks, 12.09.

Bailey, 7th, set Rodger's plated Bailey, extra flue steel English carvers, 84c. 1 3 Bailey, Engllsa carving knife and forks. Sic, i Bailey, 8S-9 7th Acme pittern lever skates. 1 $1.69. This is extraordinary low, similar skates selll lng at i i Handsome Gentlemen's Kllk Scarfs 25c.

Only at Auerbach's Knit Jacket Depot. 7th and H. Ext tra Fine English Scarfs selling at $1 everyj where. 1 Nothing can be more acceptable to vour guests for the holidays than a bottle of Duffy's Barley i Malt Whisky. It Is for sale by every first-class i.

grocery house In the city. When you send your i basket down a bottle. Your holiday dinner will not be complete without It. 4 1 Bargains In Holiday Goods. Excelsior, 804 7th 1 street.

3 Xinas Scissors In cases, and Ladles' Cutlery Sets; Dressf for gents; Pocket Knives, leading makers; Table and Carving Knives In crises, Ivory, iieari and stag handles. The Rodgers Cutlery Pa.av.5 1 Holiday Style Silk Hat? 1 at Auerbach's Knit Jacket Depot, 7th and H. 1 1 A Bottle of Choicest Perfume given to every caller at Douglass', 522, 524, 526 9th street. 2w Our Chrrstmas Card. 1Rye Whisky, $3 per 75c.

qt. bottle; Glbe son and Arlington whisky, 44 per $1 qt, bottle; O.d Scotch whisky and Jamaica rum very fine; fine old port and sherry wines. McGee's, 9Ui near D. 5 Best Sealskin Plush a Yard. Just in from auction 5 pieces of Plush, worth $8 a at Russian circulars, Newmarkets, Jersey coats, $1.50 and upward.

"Excelsior.1' 804 7th street 2w 500 Dozen Jlore 1 of those elegant Dogskin Gloves, lined and un3 lined, at $1 a pair, at Auerbach's Saxony Wool Knit Jacket Depot, cor. 7th and H. 1 3 On Thirty Bays' 1 tlie voltaic Belt win crni flr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial tor thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous detilitj, lost vitality and kindred troubles, speedy and complete restoration of health and juanly vigor. Address as above.

N. risk incur red, as thirty days' trial is allowed, Thornton's Fmtilsion i cf pun? Cod Liver OU with of Lime and soda for coughs, colds, consumption, impaired 1 nutrition and general debility; easy and pleasant to take. Prescribed by Physicians. Sold by Druc' gists. Large bottles, 50c.

Manufactured by W. 1 iiornton, corner BiUiliuore and Harmon streets. Baltimore, Aid. Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and 3 I rfnary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, stone, Gravel, Catarrh of the bladder. $1.

Druggists. 4 Fur and Sealskin Garments. C. C. shayne, the well-known Wholesale Tur Manufacturer, 103 Prince street, New York, will tell elegant Fur Garments at retail at lowest cash wholesale prices this season.

This win afford a splendid opportunity to purchase strictly reliable i urs direct irom manufacturer, and save retailer's profits. Fashion Book mailed free. "Aldernev Dairy Wnyoni." Fresh Aldernev Butter, churned everv moraine, and delivered In half-pound "Ward" prints, 45a ner pound. Also, Cottage cheese, Buttermilk ana sweet Milk, sc. per quart.

Cream 10c. pint. Nick And Useful CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 1 lemaire and cre8cent opeka-glasses. gold spectacles and gold eye-glasses 1, will be sold during Lo HOLIDAY SEASON 20 per cent leas than anywhere else, as we are new begriuuers, at the vienna optician co.

i Also. a Fine Selection of Brazilian lobbies, and Everything' Pertaining to the Optical Buaineaa. il EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND one PRICE ONLY. cc31-3m No. 1304 FSTREET NORTHWEST.

Bargains For This Week. 'i now is your chance. (, The following Prices for thin week onlyi Tapestry ls C5c. per y'd, iormer price 75c. 25 rolls Tapestry Brussels 75c.

per y'd, onuer price 90c. 40 robs Tapestry Brussels (best) 90c. per y'd, former 0 price $1.05 per y'd. former price $1.25 60 lu Brussels $125 per y'd. former price $1.40 1 hese are special cash prices for this week only Don't fail to take advantage of them.

furmturb at lowest cash pricei. w. H. HOEKE, dl? 801 Market Space. 308 and 310 8th street n.w.

ghirts retailed at wholesale ruy Comfort Shirt, elwrnntly made, of the o-Uslm and "100 liuc-n, rei'ilorced, aud only 75 cents. Fine Unfinished Shirts only 50a Finest Percale Shirts only 1002 street vyater removed permanently fuom cel labs and cesspoc)ls le withoat labor. pumps, cement or drains, at a trifling 1, c. kemp. 74 Charles street, Ample teat allowed and guaranteed AATALKKR'fL 3W10THIBTREET NORTHWEST; MOTH PROOi' CARPET UNIMO 1 Wnaff "A ca8aleggl street Northwest.

HOLIDAY GOODS. Specialties For The Holidays. 8EATON PERRY, (SUCCESSOR TO perry BROTHERS IRISH AND german linen damask TABL1 ctothk. ai.l widths and wit1 napkins to MATCH. FANCY LINEN DAMASK FRINGED LUNC1 cloths.





dl0 Christmas and Holiday Gtoods. Wc Invite special attention to our unusually largi and varied slock of Fancy rocerics. and feci con tiden of able to offer special inducements iu our line. We enumerate in part: Crop) Royal Layer Debesa, Valencia, Ondura Layers. Wiesbaden Figs.

French and Prunes. New Nuts in endless variety. Moir's Enxiish Mum Puddiug. Richardson Robbius iMiui Pndding. Plum Pudding iu and 41b.

Domestic and Foreign Pickles and Preserves. Cape Cod Cranberries. Florida Oia.iu-.--i. Malawi grajh-s. New Elime -nd Sngirerl 1 iirs.

Atmore's, Aunt Abby's. Boston Market. Home-mad) and Gordon fe I'ilworth's Mince ais. and Tab.e Sherries. Catawbas Scuj'pernong, Madiera, Ports and Champagnes, of al popular bran Is at jw YoK: pri s.

Conserve I Fruits in Fancy Boxes. Mailiard's. Whitman's, Ridley's Canlie3. at prices low as the lowe; t. BRYAN'S PalDE FLOUR.

c. bryan, d20-at 14 '3 NEW YORK AVENUE. Choice Out 1' lowers. ROSEBUDS. ORCHIDS AND OTHER RARE FLOW ER.S.


OF JFROME F. JOHNSON Manufacturing and Wholesale and Retail confectioners d20-4t 312 9th Street, near Pennsylvania Avenue. Christmal Gifts. bonnets and hats. gifts.


Christmas Gtoods of EVERY VARIETY. n. w. burchell, d2? Ct 13.5 street. Gr i Books AND juveniles.

prayers and hymnals. portfolios in alligator and seal christmas cards. JfAMES J. CHAPMAN, Agent, 915 Pennsylvania avenue. Best New ork Buckwheat.


w. burchell, dCO-Gt 1325 street S40 $100 AMONG THE ATTRACTIONS OF TIIE CHRISTMAS times none comments itself n.oro particularlj than thu HALL TYPE-WRITER Simpler In construction. AND $60 CHEAPER, than its more i retentions rivals, anyone cr.n operate it. Ladies depending 011 tluir own exertions will find this machine of great advantage. Where then, is there a better Christmas Present from benevolent? Pl -ase call and see the superior work ol this new claimant for public patronage.

(120 R. ii. EVANS. Gemral Agent, 1321 FStreet. Domestic Mince Meat.

SWEET CIDER. N. W. BURCHELL. d20-4t 1325 street A I A FIFTH AVENUE New Yonic marvelous exhibition of FANCY BOXES fob CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.

ALL ORDERS OF AND ABOVE FIVE WILL BE DELIVERED BY EXPRESS, FREE Ol CHARGE. LIBRARY. 80 14tn street northwest. New Books and Periodical wobm published. Also fine at low prices u20-3tu Mrs.

G. T. WASHBURN CU II -fc HOLIDAY GOODS. a Cold Dat. xmas a eainy dat.

gifts a disagreeable dat xmas gifts I BEST dat XiLAS to visit tbi GIFTS PALAIS ROYAL. xmas gifts On fine days call early as you can, 1 bo as to avoid the crowd. XMAS GIFTS A single article at wholesale price. XMAS An endless variety of expensive GIFTS and cheap articles for presents. XMAS Presents suitable for gentlemen GIFTS and ladies, boys, girls and babies, all at wholesale prices.

XMAS GIFTS 9 FOR A SERVANT. XMAS Cashmere Wool Glovos, 25c. GIFTS Patent loth Umbrellas, S5c. Nurses' 17c. Hursts' Aprons, 29c.

XMAS Felt and Flannel Skirls, 93c. GIFTS 1 Jerseys. $1.94. Linen Collars, Linen Cuffs, 12 V-c. Coi sets.

46c. XMAS All-Linen Handkerchiefs, GIFTS Warrstt AJ-S Handk'fs. 25c. Is'ignt Di esses. 06c.

Hosiery, ail styhs. i XMAS Merino Merino GIFTS Merino I'udervesta, 30c Kid Glcivee. 931-. Itolled-Gold Sleeve Buttons 25c. XM AS Lac? I in.

25e. GIFT8 1' Uib and Comb in rase. 79c. Note Paper in Fancy LSox. 15c.

Pocket Necessaries (hathercuse), 21c. XMAS I'us iaii IKre MafTs, 89a GIFTS Ka. 49c. Plush cketbooks.lSc.; Expanding Satchels, 49c. XMAS Li.ce I gifts St i ii'ijf Silver Earrings, 19c.

1 e.ih -r ans, 49c. XMAS GIFTS C. 25c. XMAS 44c. GIFTS Fa Lose.

Siar Underwear, $1.25. xmas fciik Mufflers, 48a gifts Pulse Warmers, 25c. Manicure Set in Eox. 21a Lined Kid Gloves, 98c. XMAS Cloth Gloves, OOj.

GIFTS Dress Shirts, 89c. Night-shirts. 75c. Linen Collars. 15c.

XMAS h'carf Pins. 25c. GIFTS Satin 'l ies, 25c. i PPP A A II KSS? AA AA II 5 PPP A A A A II SSq AAA AAA II 3 A A LLLL A A II PRK OO A AA HUH A A li AAA li OO A A LLLL 1117-1119 pennsylvania avenue. open evenings 19 First Clearing sale of the season.

KING'S PALACE, 814 seventh street. Fi ty thousand dollars' worth of Children's and Ladies Cloaks and Millinery to be closed out. We have come to the wise conclusion, in order to save money lor all in need of HOLIDAY that are useiul as well as practical, to reduce our extensive stock of Millinery and Cloaks at tnis early stage of the season, aud as this is our First Clearing Sa'e we expect to sweep the entire stock at priccs thai will insure a re sale. WE OFFER FOLLOWING GOODS: 500 Children's Coat aud ilavclock. ages 4, 6.8.10.

12,14 and 10 years, at $2 50, $0 400 Misses' Newmarkets, leading shades, most stylish and nice, from age 8 to 10 years, at $4. $5, $7 and $10. LOuO Ladies Wraps, in Diagonal, Ottoman, Sicilian, Silk, Brocaded and Beaver, Berlin Twilied. with Astrachun and Fur Trimmings, in Russian Circulars, Newmarkets and Dolmans. Jackets at $3, $6, $7, $8, $9 and $10; the very betd and tinest from $10 to $20.

worth from 425 to $40. Extraordinary bargains in Plush Wraps. We will sell an elegJUt Plush Coat at $23, worth $35: elegant PIusli Coat at $29, worth $40; elogant Plush Coat at $o5, worth $50. There are only left 85 of the Tiush Coats to be slaughtered. worth of Millinery are bound to be sold.

Remember now is your chanca 30X) elegant nnd stylish Felt HaU, in all the leading shapes and desirable colors, at $1, $1.25 and SI 50. Birds. Plumes, Tips and Wings of the latest importations. Ribbons, Velvets, Velveteens, Kid Gloves and Corsets, and other articles in the Millinery and fancy line. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING.

KING'S PALACE, dl8 814 seventh STREET. Suitable And Seasonable Mementoes. Having Just returned from New York, and taking1 advantage of the depressed market, we offer-bargains in LADIES' SACQUES AND NEWMARKETS in ALASKA SEAL SKIN. Price $150 to $400. Also garments of the same style and finish, made from the Fine Seal Piush, $40 to $80.


WALKING STICKS. SILVER HEADS. $2 TO $5. UMBRELLAS. Largest stock in this city of Fine Silk Umbrellas, handsome carved handles, selected for presents for ladies and gentlemen, $2.50 to $15.

B. H. 8TINEMETZ SON. dl8-6t 1237 Penna. ave? next to corner 13th at.

jj olid ay offering. E. G. DAVIS, 719 market space. grand display of holiday goods.

we have on oub counters now the fine8t line of holiday goods we have ever things at about half price. will also offer special bargains in oub black dress goods department. popular goods and popular prices. e. G.

davis, da COR. EIGHTH ST. AND MARKET SPACE. You can buy the light running nsw "Leader" aud all other first-class Sewing at toe lowest price and easy terms from wm. STIEBEl.ING, I 1717 Pemtsrlrania avenue, near Corcormn All Galtar.

No csavsssm. Machines rented. Best fasllltiss for rspsirlng all 430-1m I 'I'' HOLIDAY GOODS. Christmas Supplies BY THE TON. lbs.

Pore French Cmum lbs. Purr Chocolate Orwma. 600 lbs. IHre Bou-Boun. 800 Sonml Burnt Caramels, ali flavors.

1.000 lbs. Pure Drop- iod Kails. 1,000 Hire Broken Candy. L0U0 lbs. Pure Gum Drops.

Sultanas, no Selected larv Loose MuscateL Fxtra law Ouduras. Choice Valencia. Selected Clusters, for tsble. Extra Select. Flat citron, Leghorn Citron.

New Orange Peel. New Peel. Zautcj Currants. New lYnneilee. New Pates.

Big Fat Fin. Choice Layer Dates. Princess Paper Shell Almonds. Genuine Languada Almonds. helled Almonds.

Genuine Naples Walnuts. French Walnuts. Kew Brazil Nuts. Large Best Pecan Nnts. Shell Bark Hickory Nuti to arriTe toon.

Sweet Cider. Pop Cora. Plum Pudding. Homemade Mince Meat Vermont Dairy Butter in small whitewood Pails. 8tem-Cut Florida Oranges.

Malaga Grapes aud us other seasonables at our BIG NEW elphoxzo youngs. 438 8th street, Let ween and dl8-2w Washington, d.c. Choice Books For Gifts. Sketching Rambles in Holland. By Boughton.

Nature's ton-, Illustrated. By lT. P. Roe. P.ubaiyat of Onier Khayyam.

Illustrated. By Veddcr. Some modern Etchings. French Etchers containing twenty etchings. One Year's Sketch Book.

By Jerome. All the new Books an 1 of the season. WM. BALLAN l'YNE SON. dl8 428 Seveuta street.



PUFFED AND FLAT SCARFS Our price for these Scarfs has never been less than We shall sell them this week for FIFTY CENTS EACH. dl7 522-524-526 9th st Look Out For The Holidays. CHRIS. RUPPERT. KR'SS KRINGLE HEADQUARTERS.


MR. RUPPERT takes great pleasure in informing his friends and the public in general that has received through his apen.s Europe the tlnest selection of TOYS and FANCY NO I'lO have ever been introduced ia this section the countrv. Ireneh and German Dolls of designs. Toys, Games and Soldier qui- ments. Russia Leather Glove ana Handkerchief Boxes, Writing Desks anil Carers.

Musical Boxes, all sizes and styles. China Vase and Ornaments Workstands and Fancy Baskets. Hobby, fcprintr and Shoo-fly Horses. Boys' bud Girls' Veloriiiedes and Doll Carriages. Siewhs.

Wagonsand wheelbarrows, sc. Bicycles, ali siz-s. of differ 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention. To avoid rush at Christmas time, our customers are invited to make their purchase early. Selected Goods can be laid aside until Christmas.

If desired. Holiday This being the season of Presents, the misfit stoke, CORNER 10TU AND STREETS, Offers the following bargains thus enabling everybody to give a serviceable and useful present at a very smail outlay. FOR BOYS 4 TO 11 YEARS OLD. Suits at reduc from $4. Suits ar reduced from $1.50.

Suits at reduced irom $6. Suits at reduced from Overcoats at reduc.1 i Irom $3.75. Overcoats at reduc-d irom 75. Overcoats at 84 reduc dfrom Overcoats at $5.25. reduced from $7.50.

Overcoats at 56, irom FOR BOYS FROM $12 TO 18 years old. Suits at ixduced from $5. Suits at $4 reduced trom 50. Suits at $5.25. reduced from $7 5tt Kuitsat .50 reduced irom $ft.

Suits at $7.50. reduced from $10. Overcoats at $4.50 ixduced from $6 50. Overcoats at reduced irom 50. OvercoatB at $0 50, reduced from Overcoats at $7.50, reduced from $10.50.

FOR YOUTHS AND MEN. Suits st $6. reduced from $7.50. Suits at $7.50, reduced from $10. Suits at $'J.

reduced irom Suits at $11, reduced Irom $15. Suits at $15, reducad from D.B. Diagonal Suits $10, re uced from $20. Black Broadcloth tuits at $2J, reduced from $25, worth $40. NewinarUet Overcoats st $12, reduced from $15.

Surtout Overcoats at $2'J. reduced from $J5 Best Chinchilla Overcoat at $13, reduced from Fine Kersey Overcoat tt $10, reduced from $'J0, worth $30. D.B. Chinchilla Coat and Vest at $7.50, reduced from $10, at the MISFIT STORE, cor 10th and streets, N. sure aud come to the corner of Tenth and streets.

Open till 9 p. Saturday till 11 p.m. dl8 Holiday Goods. We have a large assortment of fancy silk handKERCHIEFS. from 25c to $1.50.

LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. ElKc. to 75c. LADIES' LACED KID GLOVfcS, Mather's Patent, the mostTKjpular iuove in the market. LADIES FUR LINED GLO A largo line cheap DRESS GOODS for presents, 12He, 15c.

aua 25c. We have also a nice assortment floor druggetsb from $5 to $3.50. shawls aud cloaks, very low geo. j. johnson.

713 Market Space. Rare Attractions for the ladies at CHS. RUPPERTS, nos. 403 and 406 7th street northwest. The attention of the Ladies is respectfully called to my select assortment of Embroidered Slippers, Cushions, Table Covers, Tidies, Broom Holders of different designs.

Fancy Worsted Work and Knitted Goods of every description; complete outfit for Infanta. Merino Cloaks, Children's Laos, Satin and Velvet Bonnets. German town and Zephyr Worsted Yarn, all colors and all kinds of Embroidered materials on hand at the lowest market prices. din 6'Quite holiday goods. WE ABE NOW READY TO SHOW THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED HAVE EVER EXHIBITED DECORATED POTTERY AND PORCELAIN.

FROM ALL W. BEVEBIDGE, nol3-Sm Ho. MOB PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. H- A A iissvsi 8oo? i HOLIDAY GOODS. Most Sensible Holiday Gift.

ladies' and children's wraps. At The following have bm reduced to bits ou patrons chance to select what we term "a moat mum holiday jift" at a very reasonable holiday reductions! Style finest brocade silk, ol poid and black combination. with Chenille fringe match, red need from to Style 2 of eicfant damima1 silk, wit! fur trimming, reduced from $20 to Style English Walking Coata, hearil braided front and back made from besof twii cloth, reduced from to f7. Style Circulars, in all latest trim mol with astrackau down front ana collar, rvducv froia $15 to Stylo Damissee Dolmans, with fu trimming and lined, reduced from $H0 Our $45 Seal Plubh Coat. 42 inches long, redumd a discount of 20 per cent on all Fur-lined Circulars.

Misses' Havelocks. of all-wool cloth, at for 4 at $1 for 16 yn Nowmarfa ts. of lin twill clctli, ast racial collar and cuffs, at $7.50 for 10 ars. nurses' caps and aprons reduced to 18c. a 416 7th street northwest.

Geo. Ryneal, 418 7TH STREET NORTHWEST. FOB the Holidays Offers a stock of Decorated Broi7M. Stat nary. Oil nd ANater Color s.Drawitiir lustruiicnt." Chandeliers.

Library and an Ilea variety; also the Genuine German stmicut Lamp, For a bright and Sale iigLt use Roj al Sc cur.ty Oil. GEO. RYNEAL. Ju? Artists' and Painters' Supply Depot, dl52w 418 7th street northwest. fe rates.

Skates. A'd kinds, from 05c. np. Sleigh Pol all riaiw. krt Knives and Scissors.

Also, fine siock of Hodjfi Table Kuives. g. uaktio son. 1(01. corner 1k stasels dartlnm C.

Pl'LSLLX, BootbELLnu. Cfft-rs the iH'St and brightest Books, hn'itifully? brilliantly bound; the chci -e-l col.ection of Christtni ii ds. styles of Stationery and Fine Fane OoodS. 41S 91 STREET NORTHWEST. LaXSBURGH BROTHERS' MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT is HOLIDAY array.

what to buy and to pay. a few hints to prospecting holiday purchasers. On our main floor we have arranged on saie the Wo1 dtrful of Creations trom Berlin, Vienna, and New ii.rk. FANCY WORK YES. lin -d in Crimson.

Old Gold and olive. sii.k umi with fine Ivjry and Carve Handles of unique design. a LIGATOR and VPANESE 8ATCHELS and HANI BAGS. Magnificent display of Turkish.

Morocco and Russia Pocket books, Cases and Shaviutr Sets. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Traveling in Leatiic and Pmshes. PIANO COVERS, TABLE COVERS and SCARFS selected for our great Christmas Sale. To the left of our main aisle will found on Gentlemen's Scarfs, lies, Emliroid? red suapend'-i Silk muifi-rs Handkerchiefs in every coucuivabl quality and design. Our great Book Department, which was an success when first organized.

has now reached slupeu dous proportions. Why pay $2.50 for a Book at other places, when ell the same at (1.15? Why buy a Set of Books for 824. when will bu it at our house? ON THE MAIN AISLE the display Toilet Can-m. Colonic Case. Bisque Ornaments.

Piu-h Scarfs. Tidi w. Lace Bangles. Bracelets and Earnaiw, Hosiery for Ladie and Gentlemen in a.1 its gorgeous huco, can be bough at reasonable prices. to the right of aisledress goods! dress goods! dress goods All-wool French Shoodas, English and French Cash meres, Bison Cloths, Drap Casiimer, Tricotlnes Wool Ottomans.

bilks! silks! silks! VELVETS! velvets Have you ever passed through this Department? wi pride ourselves its com pletencae. ONE WORD BEFORE CLOSING: Do not fonre that you will save in your purchases by buyini from laxsbcrgh bro, 420. 424 and 425 dll beventh street. For The Holidays. Just received worth of Fine Goods, consist in Of ELRY.

SILVKR asd I-LATE1 WARE, which will be sold at a slight advance of cost. w. a tap! an. 604 9th street, three doors aliove f. Opt owile u.

s. Patent Oilicc. Cialij at W. h. MORRISON'S.

475 avfwte, And ce the large elugaat asso. iment of CHRISTMAS CAR Its, BEAUlIrlL GIFT BOOKS both religious Mid Also, latest sfylt-s in Stationery. holiday goods on Moouii fl or. uttracuons in of Plush, Leathei Bisqnc etid Urass, UriERMUMt TEES in designs. Children's BOOKS and T'iY-v Ch'isuuas Tree ornaments and german fa VOKh, PLACQCF.S.

BRACKKTS. FRAMES and BASK TS Every customer be presented a Inautifu Pocket Calendar lor Icisi. 05 Christmas And New ear Cards together with a full and complete stock of goods for the Calendars for 1885. Thackeray, Tennyson, Enskin, Emerson, Louglellow, Littler. md others oieni-4 to-day, to which i mvive an early call from my fneua and public to insure choice ct stock.

g. a. 1'26 110o i tftoisyUania Avtuiua Booksi Books: Books AT BAUH'S, I 416 8KVKSTH STREET KOBTHWE8T. Wc are in constant receipt of the latast publications Which we sell at a discount of at lewt 30 -ut. have just rsoeired An American Polithrian.

by Msrlof Crawford; a Youmr Girl's Wooing, byE. P. RoeTiIik many others too numerous to meniirsi. toou tratod Gift Books, including inferno. iUustrw former Price 910; Pa lAst, illustrated by Dotw only (M, fonaer pcioe $10 Oar InpsTed Hate sua 50 cards, only 80c.

The wori tecxecutM in thf at vie Call and examine our stock at Books and Stationary raarantoe our prices to bs ths ioweat Ui the THT GREAT "HOUSEHOLD." WITH oitt NEVt Attachments, in a Velvet-bned Box. maksi holiday goods. Harris Sfliru, 'bvclcki. ms msnnvMu avenue, mauv in diamonds, watches. silver and plated french clocks, vasci goods, 6a ij p1ahomw.

cvll attntlon to tlie terrnt Diamond Jewthy. lli aunt ai.d at lowiwt tnc watcher. Special attention -all. I to nur flne Wu 1m I i. uiad.

t. our wuorO r. Ourntoikui Ann matchiw complete. clocks. wd Trut'litutClucU, of our own portatiou.

0 opeita-u asses. a Euuurl and LMtkifoovcr.j. sterling silver Ta PVln b. wl- aid Pain t'mr Gooda. Solid 4 Silver Punch wl, the handsorueit Ueenrn aud ever shvwn to tlii? city.

EorKa an i simoim id tf-rrwt variety. plated ware 1. Our of 1 Ware the nntt and Uwt v-n in We can a iw (w t.6'ha~ ti'l si ttiil iti'rill kfkw clal attention to our neta. Ouratock of lee in unequal i. 4 Irr liuk aa low as Try Soup Turw'im, card Fruit c.vatora.

ouumfbim. and tt ick t'f go siiwr-ln-ad Cutina IVarl. ivory 1 l'um laUe OaUttf, Carv itu; in caaea. du-yt nit rsrm tttt jj It mhh a 11 It it 111 77 1 tiuk at tot baza Aft. haxdsomi; holiday a erberg'8.

v. CTI vri.Br., every kind SIIA ERBERG S. 1 slovh In lirhr Wirt 1'tli 1 'hi da erbe.rg's. lXlllm't every piaatililr- aim, kind did rtyte, tin. si la ERBEliG's.

Kir- emmif. Nt.wni -s. st-1111 lii bwaun f.ljilku's, li 1 Toy a. vi.t)?'l^un-rux. sua tnukrci's.

mi 1. itof fv' ry kind. ritHEltG's. en i.a and and i.kih a lh of 1 irauirtuif fr tn 6 up, silvf.hbkrg'8.

i work ivinv, Totlrt ami fi.fl b. nl.axsilverbhrg'a, irnr h.i. ki ,1 ik r. iil.f ia.h,?.k1^s^ m. (vlt-i-4 .1.

mi ibitmi. a um- Mir-orn, 11-i1 Alltuuia. Aulo 1 kRBKRti's alining, fci t'aiil Ntaiida. Ertjlt silvkrrero'h. k.r oihh, lu silt tr.hi h(j si tu euw-r.

Nai kiu lkilux. of silverherg's. '-v simr? i li'iidrm. ac tic. SlLVEUBK.uii's.

1 1 t- Satin rk Itaxki'ta, rtt liaokftK. i.uij. li itumki w.irk lkbkko'8. SI iihIk, luxk ko. SILVLKIiEIUi'sk flaliind TYaaxti.

Pltiah oluUct i ati.m. It iii 1 i euhvro's. Uuhitii and other ih-. v'r lu lanre variety, at very h. 1 i tie imported Oil or ftlvf.kb!.k<;'& 01.nart?|4m miie ou tiuim and h.iiri.b(i 8.

lit iiwiimh.h and very low id imth't ilu" in tmrnenan vnii- ty, Uauilul atjlun tud vtsrr euulrg's. hp. iji 11v Plunk Batra. lovely irooda. silv i.kb'.lkg's.

from jm- uji. aud oiildreii'a w.i.i ts 1'umeH and tn ev? Kty erberg's nrv and toum Oawa, anil Faiiey ood IKuka i-rberii'm aiMl Unrklmiw. 1'im-ke' BoyV Rnlvew. krbh-bo's. Kin- inhauin Ilolilini, lliinii'liauiii Bird cimfea, froui yve up i ipe iue Seta.

Iukfttan.ia. Panr wi 'rhi rtnuin'-terw. ac fii.e i raya. siiaebblr i s. uli.siani liMiidkeivitlel liuiia, tn, i 'nnl can- a.

SILVEUBliKG's. Toll: iri? and oiriok Hand and Toilet silverbeug's. of style, kind an i aize. couilfl of every mz i hlverberg's. all a vi rtie'? nrka.

erberg'h, vv Booka t'l. 'ilr-nv troin tip. Tey i iirw. t'radlea ami in 1" ti, i In- ainl other silverbekg's. a'l uii.x c.rrv a vi-ry liaii.laniu* 1 our mriu al- ekbero'r at and our i iiifli ijirvw All deprive your ial att.

na silver berg's o011 in fineRolledOold Plate 3i we offwr Imri i-to in SIEVEIlBEIUi's v. r-y mihi we have luada ry inanition our wallsilverr! lUi'h mrn il reputation of aellitiK reliable SILVEUBKiiU's. at r-sent la tlx larraat i ev.r ofleivd. Ottr variety of silverberg's. 1 "is in il: --t bew.lo<-hti?r Our 1 pr we low.

If 1 silverberg's. lower tiiau any other in th? Atlu tii a ml 11 iiava silverberg's. in uirhi ot you aatinllm 111 yoli liavi' Hav -i uiolie) silverberg's. To a old tli rilab wu Lave jiiftt tie- lioliiiayo. and i silvekberg's.

t- pr iia-rly waited up iu.wi would ask call early to uiake your i sllverbi rg's. tioiia. m. 61lvkh1ikrg a 31- at met ami Hen dlO mm mm a kss. toys, a xx nm.m1i a a toys.

mmk a a ss? ttivs. xx aaa 2 toys ii ii a hii tuvs. xmas cards-toys xmas h4nskk8 xma" banners. xmas panels. xm as panels-tots.

1 a r. Oo1l tin! silv. r. en-teh 1 laaim Pap- r. Gold ami 'liiiw-l, i'-uidim, (ilaKH BuliH, ItK'leH, Ollt A'liiuula, Dee iratlVe lielimw.

Scrup lteturiM. i for Milk. Botdera. bmxlit.4, wiiiiie Owkm, Favora far tli. '11 -m-m.

Toy ikiokii. wi tb for the bhect Music cts. 1, j. jav gould, 4'jl yni sthekt, fa. aud btrwta.

Drews Drug Store. cor. pennsylvania avenue and 9th street, has just a cli 'ioe Aaaortment of gifts for the holidays! conirriniiw all the newest novlti.w in plush and leather toilet cases. odoe cases, cabas an handsome cutglass toilet sets and bottles, bisgue figures, So. We have alao the and Boat irttnout at manicure sets In tue in conneeti in with the alior? we hava full line of French aud Liotliah Perluiaia, Colotrntis, Sc.

manicure goods a specialty. open all kight. d2 lxeadquartixs (, an dies. frake 8harplehr, manufacturing fection Ml pennsylvania avenue. largest.

freshest and purest stock 09 fine candies in the city. SPEClALXin: caramels, butter cups. boston droi-s, cream mints, li ice drops tud boston chips fl these good8 are i-TtESH every dat. we make them in the store ui of kvbuyoke. twenty-five cenes per pound.

1 frake sharple8 8, the leading confectioned Ml pennstlvakia ave. No eonnectii-na wltli any I Cologne! Cologne: Coloohhi flowers of italy cologne. An exquisite liupr. vnatioo ofHlomutiie oraiwr.samluary, bkltu. Violet and made only by nairn ogram.

Phamuh iato. 16th Htreet and New York aveuuc northwwk Alao fnll line Cul-tla? Ware, Pluafa Caaaa. sharing Canea. etc. Holiday Presen ts.

the latest, best and only perfect sew. ing machine the light ruhmng new hove. Acknowledged to be th kvheirt hieveiuant at ml mechanical akili in the country. i a complete new ae- ot ilna 1 t.rr new and wide rainre of work. a Call or aend for circular and fsmiiiaa ui wuck al i v.ppenheimeu'4.

tVf 9th atreet il Ckmd BuUlat All klnda ot Sewrtnr Ma hinea for rent. Repaidaff sewiiik- Macltinea of all klmla. LadW aoJaatabUforml i for nttins- and draiunt, druaaea. dl as 1 cr call at 1 OU surnl. betww.

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