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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 (Lbe (Omcs-jUcmocrat: ribaii, fptrmbcr through the streets crying for lost ones. LOCAL. EVENTS TO-DAY FAUSTS ACCUSATION. WEIRD TALES TOLD OF FRIGHTFUL WOE Victims from Stricken Galveston Detail Straggles Made day night. They bad Intended to return koine, but were delayed, and bad decided not to go until Monday.

Our home was on Aventie 81-2, between Thirty-sixth and Thlrtv-seventli streets. It is within a short distance of the bay, and Sunday morning there was not even a splinter to tell where it had stood. The storm had wiped away every place of habitation for six and it was In this district that the greatest loss of life was reported. As soon as I could get my family together at Iloiiston we boarded the Southern Pacific. We have come to New Orleans to stay.

I will never return to Galveston. Everything I had Is gone and I will begin life over again. However. I am cheerful, as I atn thankful that 1 lost none of tny people. "I would like to be put on record as saying that the people of Houston are acting nobly.

The refugees could not be more royaily treated were they guests of honor. All of the Galveston survivors are met at the landing or at the depots and taken In charge. They are furnished with food and clothing of every kind. Some of the unfortnnate have no coat. Against Wind of Death and the Flood of Destruction.

were broken. She said, 'Pray for me, Ethel, for I am A moment later aud she. was washed off tbe raft. I do not kno'w what became of my sister. When I looked for her she was not on the little piece of roof with me.

She and my aiece had been thrown off. I suppose, when tbe floating bouse struck us. "I floated about for some time on a few boards, a part of a roof. The wind was blowing toward the gnlf, and I was carried out a distance of a miie, as I was afterward told. I was resened by Mr.

Carter, of the Galveston Tribune, who had luet his whole family. He was Coating on another piece of roof, aud when be saw me be Jumped into the water and swam out to me. He climbed on tbe little raft. The wind was still blowing, and we continued to be blown out Into the Gulf. At 4 o'clock Sunday morning the wind change and blew toward the center of the city.

In the meantime I had fallen asleep, and when I awoke Mr. Carter was carrying through water several feet In depth. He tk me to Rosenberg's school, where mere were a great many people who had sought shelter from the storm. "A few hours biter Mr. Carter took me from the schoolhouse to the Model bakery, a few blocks aaay.

When I arrived there I was given breakfast. A physician arrived a little later and examined me. He said I was not badly hurt. The trash on my head was only a flesh wound. He tint A ft.

tct i trti In inv hitl htthi Hundreds of victims of the Galveston coming trains on the Southern Pacific road were crowded with refugees from the City on the Sands. Some were unharmed. The majority were racked In mind or body by the horrors through which they bad paused. Some were Injured and bore plain evi 1 saw one Door man who Bad lost every thing walk up and down the street with bowed head, suffering from an injured skull and broken arm. closely followed by his heart-broken wife, who could barely keep up the terrible strain.

It was awful. Alnt Snnday neon we started to bury the d-ad. I hose who were iJenttaed were given a Christum burial, while those that were not recognized were carried out to tbe Gulf. Ever) body was pressed into service. Some of the men appeared very stnblHirn 11 1 first, but when five or six guns were pointed at them thev fell line ami did their share.

In one square we picked up fifteen bodies. In the block on which our house was located more than thirty-three ie.ple were drowned. "The wnrk of bnrvlng the dead progressed verv siowly. The lMidiea were de caying rapidly, and could hardly ban. lied.

We then betid burning them The highest pile we burned coutained eleven bodies of Human twines and two dogs. The pile stood twelve feet in height. The remains were placed in rows between long pianks. The piles were then freelr sprinkled with kerosene and lighted. Many of these fires were bunt through the city, aud in this way a large number of bodies acre cremated.

"The streets in some quarters are iui passable, caused by debris and fallen louses. It Is tboiignt that there an1 mauy people buried lu the ruins, and wiil "The committee looked ofter the wirsts of the survivors. The Santa re Kail road seized two carloads of provisions, wiitcn were distributed among the em ployees. tine man bought up all the foodstuffs In town and turned them over to the general committee. Distributing stations were established In the twelve wards of the city.

People simply flocked to these Maces for rood. "The tug Lawrence was the first relief boat put in commission by tbe govern raeut. It carried refugees to Texas City. We were among the number. We rem bed lb uston nt 4 o'clock Wednesday arternoon, after which we took the irain for New Orleans." Mrs.

Cox ami family went to live in Galveston about ten years ago. lr. Cox is a daughter of lieu. James J. ragan the distinguished Confederate soldier of Arkansas.

Gen. rugan was the lust one to surrender at Shrevcport, and he ha always been spoken of as the "plihcarer of the Confederacy." Mrs. Cox has lived in St. Ixnils. Dallas and Palestine, at periods Mr.

Cockle, who accompanied Mrs. Cox to this city, said that Houston was crowded with crving men and frantic wo men from all parts of the ftrintrv. Thev had hoped to get to Galveston, but no one is allowed to en'er. The mayor's oibe and telegraph otiiccs are liesieged with anxiotis crowds, waiting for some news of a relative or relatives who were iiu tbe storm-swept Isl'ud. I-arge crowd stand in the depot nil day long.

A train left Houston nt i cioce Uednesdav morn ing. Mori than 3U people paid no heed to the order of the railroad tact a and boarded the train. They were taken to Texas City, but were prevented from going to Galveston hv tne soldiers. Some few did get by the lines and crossed over to Galveton. but were refused admittance.

The people who weut down to Texas i ity spent the day on the prairie. without T'mmi or water. "1 lie conditions are such." said Mr. Cockle, "that the citizen of Galveston themselves have been forced to rennest all outsiders to away. Evervoue wlio comes in aggravates the situation.

The cltv is too crowded and there is not enough food for all. The presence of visitors only Dampers the general com mlttee in Its work." DETAILS FROM VELASCO. Mr. Fremla Receives Them from Ilia Daaahter. The little town of Velasco, at the mr.uth of the Brazos river, has almost been completely swept away by the severe stcna that wrought such destruction In Galveston Saturday night.

Out of the 2 or dwellings but six remain stand irg. The others are either blown to fragment or so badly damaged as to tea We them unfit for habitation. Six peo pie were hurled to deatb by the hurrl cape, and scores of others were severely lcjcred by flylug debris. The situation at Velasco Is appalling. The Brazos was rising rapidly Sunday, and It was feared that the entire section would be floodeib About f0O people are mate nomeiess ty tne awinl destruction to homes caused by the hurricane.

The few bouses that remain standing are sciged by the unfortunates whose places were blown away, as many as nrtv men werr.en and children were quartered in one Home. The magnificent Velasco Hotel Is a total wre-k. The large hostelry was built at a cost of and was up to dite in every respi-ct. It did a very thriving business during the flourishing days at Velasco. bnt since the great out flow of people to Galveston business bas been rather dull.

Velasco is located about four miles from the Gulf, and was right In the path of the form. On the night of the hth in stant the wind blew with a velocity of from RT to 1" miles an hour. Houses were lifted from their foundations and carried great distances by the wind. Broken glass, wood, debris and anything else that lay In the path of tbe hurricane was picked np and blown away. It was dangerous to be on the street, and those few who were unfortunate enough to be out at night were badly injured.

The total number of Injured has not lieen ascertained. This is the first authentic Information that has reached the city from the wrecked town. The startling news came in a letter to F. Fremiu. a flo-rit, livirg at aud Dryades.

from his daughter. Miss Florence Fremin. who with her brother Louis are living at Ve lasco. hey had two narrow escapes froui being dashed to death. Mr.

Fremin was happy to receive glnd tidings of his children. He left Velasco about five year ago. In her letter to her father. Ml rremln states that the storm was at It height sbout 7 o'clock Saturday night. 1'p to that hour many houses had been de-struved.

MU Fre'uiiu was at home with her brother. Suddenly windows were smashed. Ten minutes later they were startled bv another and louder crash. The roof had fallen in. They left the building and fiew for their lives.

Tiiey sought soeiter it a neighbor's house. Leaving hi sister iu saf.ty. Louis Fremin went out to see if he could render any assistance to unfortunates. While he wa away the windows of the house were broken, and ten minutes later a large cistern, wnicn stood near the uiuse, toppled over. The storm blew fiercer aud fiercer, and soon the roof which sheltered the Fre-niln and other person wa torn away.

Tn- parry then went to another dwelling. Loui Fremin carrying the Children. The storm increased in fury. People were screaming on an sines, ana tue greatest excitement prevailed. It wa about tin nine tnai i.ouis rre mln nd a strange experience.

ii- wem to rescue a woman from a partly de-stroved building. He picked her up in his arms and started to run to a place or safety. The woman became hysterica 1, and catching her rescuer by the throat. Imost strangled him. Iremln continued to run despite the terrible strain.

Finally th- woman relaxed her hold. He carried her to the house where hi sister was sheltered and fell in a dead faint, com pletely exhausted. It was several minutes before ue revived. The little town was clothed in oarK- nes. Huildllig after nuimmg succuuinoii.

ud finally the big clasco Hotel gave wav. lrty people were suenerci in SUinner House, oue of the few bunding that stood tlie hurricane. The food sup-t i limited and assistance is needed imniedlafelv. Twenty two lives were lost iu Velasco. Kt Angelton.

the county seat or ve lasco. fifteen mile away, food Is needed fVen worse than at 1 o.useo. tuny rnrec houses e-cupod injury. No lives have been reported lost. Fight or nine year ago i elasco had inn of about but since the ue ii of people to Galveston several vesr ago me pufiinail'iu uecrenseo iu Mltollt or -i4 i.

ty.tizens or 1 elllsco are of the opinion that the town will le lulir up again, and mat many of the large number who left years ugo will re turn. WILL STRT LIFE AEW. K. Mark Loses Everything. Bnt Is Thankful IIU Family Survive.

A. Murks, who arrived iu the city yes terday with his family, and who was formerly connected with the firm of A. Lehman in Canal street, had a home in Galveston at the time of tbe Fortunately he and hi family were visiting In Houston at the time of the hnrri- cane, nnd alfnougn nis pretty urtie cot tage and its content were destroyed, he rejoices that none of his family were In the Island City at the time the city was desf roved. It was only by a force of circum stances." said Mr. Marks, "that none of my family were la Galveston oo Satur- The School Board will meet at 'x30 p.

an. The rejralar master of the Loatsi-aaa Field Artillery will take plaee at Talaae Hall at p. m. A apeeial committee of the Board of Fire CoaamiaaloaerB will fn-qalre iato the maaaaremeat of the Morris Balldlaar Fire at m. I The Third Battalloa will be mastered at Waahiaft-toa Artillery Hall at 8 p.

m. BELIEF BY sorrnERs pacific takes disinfectants TO GALVESTOV Conference at the Local Board of Trade Deeldea I poa the Course The Goods Are Pnrehaaed with Money from Relief Fuada Carbolic Acid aad Lime Ea Roate. Tbe first shipment of relief supplies by rail from New Orleans to Galveston was made yesterday. It consisted In a liberal supply of disinfectants that left the. city by the fast freight over the Southern Pacific.

The supplies were purchased out of the money subscribed from different sources, and they were bandied free of ail charge by tbe railroad company. The shipment consisted In seventy-five barrels of carbolic acid, fifty barrels of chloride of lime, fifty barrels of copperas and 100 barrels of lime. The disinfectants made exactly three car loads. The shipment was decided upon by a conference of' the different gentlemen from the Bosird of Trade aud Cotton Exchange who have been gathering subscriptions for tbe relief of the sufferers. The conference was held at the Itoard of Trade and was presided over by Henry Lafaye.

Those present were: I'dolpho Wolte. representing the Board of Trade: V. II. Masters, of the Southern Pacific: Abraham Brittin. representing tbe Cotton Exchange: Mayor Caudevielle.

E. L. Cone. Justin leuechaud and F. B.

Camors. Mayor Capderielle urged that, as Mayor Brasuear had wired that disinfectants were what mas needed more than any thing eUe. tbe committee should look to tnat matter nrst. lbe Question of food. clothing and other supplies eould be taken up at a later time.

It had been asked that disinfectants be aent at once. lie other minters of the conference airreed.with tlie liavor and as a result tue different disinfectants were ordered lbe next question that confronted tbe committee was that of transportation, 1 1 ere was no aoiiot about tlie la cillties. but wbst had to be chosen was the shortest possible method to cot the goods to tbe stricken city. It was In tbe discussion of this matter that Mr. Masters came to the front with a full and free offer of tbe services of tbe noutnern 1'ncine.

lie said that It was according to orders from headouurters. and that there ans no doubt but that the rail trip would be a great deal sieedier than auy waterway that could he chosen. He agreed that If the coods were readv at the depot tbey would leave within a couple of hours, and that they would be rushed right through to Houston. There tney could be taken by the International ana ureal ortnern as far as Texas City From this point. Mr.

Masters exnlained. tbe Southern Paeiflc would convev the roods tbe rest tt the way on their big arges that are running between Texas t-ity ana tiaiveston. It wnu HJii) when tbe conference end ed. The Southern Pacific afternoon ex press left the city for Houston at 3 o'clock. Only a few hours remained to place tue.

order for the disinfectants and cave them delivered at the depot. Mr Parker, representing the wholesale druc company of L. Brunswig, bappcued to be present. He said he could the three-carload order If allowed to do so In two hours. He was given permission to try and fuliv kent hla word.

This matter disposed of, the committee went Into a further dlscubslon of future movements. It was decided that No. Magazine street be chosen as a ceutral point for tbe accumulation of contribu tions of supplies, lhe store in question is a part of the Board of Trade property, and was donated for tbe purpose. Messrs. Camors and I'enecbaud were then ap pointed as a committee to have charge of i ue receiving ana snipping or tue con tributions.

Tbe office will be opened up at once and it was promised that there would al ways be someone In attendance to receive contributions. The gentlemen in charge requested that those contributing packages should mark on the outside lust what tbe package contained. This will greatly faeiiitate tbe distribution. With tbe disposal or tbis matter tbe question of steamer transportation was taken up. Mr.

noire presented a telegram from Washington which practically places the Stranger In the bands of the committee. It was: "Stranger loaned to State of Louisiana for drill purposes or naval militia, therefore nndr Jurisdiction of the Governor. Apply to him." After several telegrams bad passed yesterday between President Wolfe of the Board of Trade, Acting Secretary of the Treasury Spanldln? and Acting Secretary of the Navy Hsekett. orders were issued from ashlnrton connterniandlnir those Issued yesterday sending the tender Arbutus to this nort to currv contributions to Oalveeton. In place of tue Arimins ine renner wanerove.

a larger and more serviceable vessel, now off the coast of Florida, will come to this port, first stopplns at Mobile to take oo some provisions that have been col lected mere. NOTICE TO L. AND N. COAST PA TRONS. Hereafter only one excursion to coast points Sundays; leave New Orleans 8:03 a.


AMISEMENTS. The Crescent Theatre. Tbe entertainment given by Herrmann, the magician, at the Crescent Theatre, Is drawing large audiences every evening. "Cremation," bis new Illusion, was put on last night and was startling and effective lu the highest degree. Several changes in the programme were made and were well received.

On Sutidav night "McFadden's Flats." the big farce cum-edy success, will appear In New Orleans for the first time. It is of the rollicking, tuneful order of stage entertainment that is no popular now. Grand Opera House. The Baldwin-Melville Stock Cotnnanv will begin tbe second stock season at the Grand Opera House on Sunday, and will present for the first time in this city Henry Pettit and Sir Augustus Harris" melodrama, "The Prodicai Daughter." The company has been diligently rehearsing. Every member of the counany will be in the cast.

Great preparation" have lu-cn ade for this production, which will be given in the most elaborate manner. A FINE SHOWING. The Stml-Aaaaal Dividend of the People' Homestead Association. The Board of Directors of tbe People's Homestead Association met yesterdav evening to receive the semi-annual report of the secretary ami to declare dividends. The statement shows that for the six mouths, ending Aug.

31. Ihui, the net profits of the association were Of tbis amount were apportioned In dividends and traus-ferred to reserve. Cash dividends at the rate of 8 cent year, psjalile on demand, were declared on permanent stock and fuii-paid stmk. and on current stock dividends were ordered on pssUoks as fallows: each share of series 1. JT' fX': series 1.

$: series 11. '1 5: serie 12. series 13. f2 5: series It. 2: series 13, 7T: series 16.

fl 25: series 17. II; series 1. 73 cents; series 1H. 0i cents; series 2X 2o cents. The People has 1nt oiened a new series of stock, whicb is being taken rap-Idly.

Contents of Residence This Day by Auction. The furniture, piano, con tained in the Melbado residence. No. 4003 Carondelet street, corner of Constantinople, will be sold tbis day. E.

Curtis conducts tbe ttl. fUABGES ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF DOOVAX WITH ABISE. Another Erba ef the Bin: Fire Proprietor of Transfer Com pa ay Claiats That the Firruaa Abased Ilia Sam la a hanrfl Maaarr Chief O'Coaaor Preaeata Ilia Report. At the meet ins of the Fire Board last communication was received from William Faust, proprietor of 'the New Orleans transfer. In whlch be asked the commissioner! to take eognl-rnoe of tbe action of Assistant Fire Chief J.

I. Donovan at tbe fire on Canal and Camp streets, when the Fairbanks and Morris building were destroyed. Mr. Facet charges that Assistant Chief Don-tovan abused Lis sou, W. Faust, sin a shameful manner while tbe latter was endeavoring to brine In wagons to wove tbe transfers from the depot of tbe at No.

611 Common street, be-twn Camp and St. Charles. There were, be Bays, fully 100 trunks on the premises, many of them very valuable. The assist ant chief claimed that tbe hose would be cut. After tbe Intercession of friends Mr.

Donovan permitted tbe trunks to be and no hose was cut. 1 Mr. Fa uk. furnishes tbe names of the follow In witnesses who are ex leotei to testify that be was abused by Assistant cmet ionovan: uene uarcin, Peter S-no. John Lartl.

Charles Davis, I.ifBl Barrelll. John Leahy, Edward Barelll and Charles Briee. CHIEF O'CONNORS REPORT. Chief O'Connor In bis report for the month ending Aug. 31, states that the department during that time responded to twenty-five actual fires, live unnecessary lilarms of fire and two false alarms.

In the first fire district, tbe loss amounted to the insurance Involved ieing tMd: second district, loss Insurance third district, loss ftf3So, Insurance fourth district, loss ivm, insurance fifth district, loss insurance the total estimated amounted to fl3L2, and insurance Involved Tbe chief reports relative to tbe fire at the Fairbanks and Morris buildings on tbe night Aug. 31 that tbe details of cqerafion are fully set forth in the reports of captains of the various companies in crvb-e on occasion. These reports bare been submitted to tbe president of the Ixiard. The chief reirted having made a number of transfers and assignments by direction of the civil service committee. on the matter of supplying truswd ladder for- Hook and Ladder Company, No.

8, Chief O'Connor reported that since he made the recommendation be has that changes and alterations will have to be made involving a larre outiay of money. He. therefore, suggests that' tbe chief engineer be allowed to prepare specifications and an estimate for the altering of the truck with a view to ascertain if It would tiot be more economical to purchase an entire new outfit for his company. Tbe report was referred to tbe apparatus committee. chairman Fitrpjitriok, of the supply committee, reported the receipt of bids for anthracite coal and for gasoline.

The coal bid was asked for the period from tinxr until the 1st of January, but was off'Ted for one vear. He asked that the bids for these supplies tte referred back in tbe committee, and tbey were so referred with full Dover to act. Charges were preferred against tbe fol lowing members of the fire force: Capt. t. J.

engine 17. conduct un becoming and insubordination; Assistant Chief A. J. Lvnen. breach or discipline Tbillp Weingarter, plpeman of engine No.

lntaxieation; M. J. laay, pipenian of No. li. intoxication: John Doyle, lad rirman of No.

intoxication. The application of Ben Honsell, pipe-man of encine No. 10. asking to be promoted to driver was referred to the civil n-rvice committee. Kevert.1 applications for fire badges were jrra tiled, Tbe petition of Dr.

James 3. Blensrd for payment of damages to bis buggy was received. 'Tbe claim was ordered to be pii id. The petition of the Board of Commissioner of Carrollfon avenne for permis sion to build a shed for a sprinkler in the rear ot the house of chemical No. K.

at Fern and Jeannette streets, was referred to the committee on engine bouses with power to act. The aoimratns committee reported hav ing made tbe following transfers: Engine No. 1 to engine House NO. engine ao. 4 to engine bouse No.

U. and engine boose No. jit to me warenouse. tne committee also r'iorted having transferred the hose reel of eugine No. 27 to the house of engine No.

12. They further reconmiemb-d that tbe chief rig up tbe aerial track as a water tower at a cost not to exceed At the meeting last night there were prcsett President Barker and Commissioners Fitrpatrick. Bishop, Meister. Fischer. Cooney, Sullivan, McShaue and Peterson.

INTERESTING REPORTS. Commissioner Ilishop Receives the Kilt area from I'rlsoa and Jail. Commissioner Bishop, of tbe Depart-tnent of Police and Public Buildings, has received tbe following reports from officers under bis control for the month ecd'ug Aug. 31, lf0: From the Superintendent of tbe Tolice Jail Receipts: White males 113, females total 1-bJ. Colored males 111, fcmaleSi 132: total grand total average d.iov 12.17.

Mnintained: White males 1-1't. ft-males ti'l: total l'Jwl. Colored males 1471. females B'2s; total grand total average daily 17o.3!. Bread consumed ttXiS pounds and meat MSI jniiiiids.

Men employed during the mouth: In the markets SSy. in City Hali and c.iirts 114o. wmaros streets Hi; total Women employed durlne the month: In tbe markets in City Hall and CiHirts OA: total Wi; grand total averare daily Indigent insane: From last report, July j. 5: rereived dur-lur Ai.giit. 21: released dy coroner 4, ftent to hospital 1, on band Sept.

1 21. Indigent sick and dead calls: Necessary Vfi. unnecessary total ir; average dnilv mraun furnished li. From the Superintendent of the I'arish Prison Total white mles in the Instltu lion CSSn. females total Colored males colored females IfiM: total 12: rraud total of both iS.7.

Total amount of biead consumed ounds niest 11. From the SuiNTintemlent rif the Fire Alarm Ofhce Actual tires 2. genera! alarms 2. estimated "loss VJ2.7i.". estimated amount of lu-u ranee cause of tires: unknown 11, defective Hue 1.

explosion of oil stove 1. carelessness 1, overheated steam pipe 1. WILL INVESTIGATE. Morris Baildiair Fire Was Taken I by Speeial anulllrr. The iuv-stipation of tbe of the alleged mismanagement of the lire which destroyed the Fairbanks and Morris build hits, will be resumed by the special of the Fire Board to-night.

The tee yesterday summoned the ft.l-lwii:s James Walsh. Company; C. B. Stroud li.o-k. C.

VV. Graud-an. iuspctor 'f the Insurance 'i'. J. Kohl.

Iusiiraue Company; Jack iiis-e t.r of tlie Liverpool aad ilobe lnsmriiee Company; Geo. l. of the Gertuania pai.y Theodore Valx, iu-h; the Tentoiiia Insurance C-om-I---nv: "harlcs Ki-e. president of the Land and improvement Asso-ia 1.: T. L.

Macon, or the Security enia: Company: B. F. Parkinson. Ir.nrau-e Company; Scott hern lusurame Company; T. NiTtou.

ii.s'irance Juiues Ire K2 iit: A. P. Nli. W. E.

In at Viiid.eator. 1 oCi.i.i.or hrs t-ad the following Juli'is Keiffcr, Leon It. Keirter. A. Baldwin.

Henry L'Lit-ii: W. II. Byrnes. H. H.

Hodi- Wcvdis. A. Loeweccardt, ft. Ki 'n 1.

P. Gaffney. P. T. 1' J.

Kilulea. E. Byan aud A. J. I-VLch.

THE LADIES. TLe pleasant effe and perfect safety ai-U wi.icb ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under ail couJitious, makes It their favorite rrrn.dy. To get the true and genet ne look for the name of thi Cklif Fig Synip Co. printed near the bottom of lbe package. For sale by all ircgg'jts.

a horror reached the city yesterday. In painful way to their respective destina faces tbe tense, open-eyed look of terror experiences. Their stories, horrible In are subjoined. six corpses, which had been embalmed and were being taken to Houston for burial. "The atmosphere about Galveston Is pol loted by the stencb of dead bodies for a distance of fifteen miles.

At Texas City, where ail tbe bodies are supposed to have been buried, the odor Is unbearable. Ten miles from Texas City, at a point where the land can hardly be seen, the passengers of our Tessel still breathed the vitiating, impure air which envelops the devastated city." ETHEL WAI1K ALIVE. Little Girl Rerltea Her Terrible Experieaee Daring the Storm. Ethel Wark. a little New Orleans girl, was one of the survivors of the great calamity which visited Galveston.

Her sister and several other relatives were killed before her eyes, and that she is alive herself Is due to the heroic bravery of John Carter of the Galveston Tribune. Tbe'little girl is the daughter of Alexander F. Wark of the Western I'nion Telegraph Company, and lives with her parents at No. 1120 Pocyfarre street. She is a pupil of the Jackson school.

In Mag tine strett. At the time of the storm she was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, wife of W.

J. Johnston, an employee of the I'ostal Telegraph Company in the Island City. Mrs. Johnston, her two small children and ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Holland, were swept aaay by the storm: those who escaped deatb were little Ethel and Mr.

Johnston. Ethel and ber father, who went to Houston to meet rr: 1 bis little daughter, arrived yesterday morning on the Texas express of the Southern Pacific Railroad. It was sad scene at the pretty little home on Pocyfarre street when tbe two arrived. Their coming was expected, and there were path, ered friends of the family, two good Sisters of Mercy and the priest of the Catholic church Ethel Wark. at which the family worship.

The mother was awaiting at the door for her little daughter, and their meeting would have moved tbe stoutest hearts to tears. Mrs." Wark clasped to her bosom tbe child she bad once given op all hope of ever seeing again. Little Ethel was injured about the head aud lody during tbe hurricane. She was dressed iu a neat l.ttle dress of black per ale. Her bead was tied up, and she walked with a slight li r.p.

She was pale, and seemed worn out, but was calm and self possessed withal. When she met her mother her rent-uo emorlun lrfe for sheer joy. She was carried by. loving i arms to tue room wnicn nad le-n prepared for ber reception. She Is a sweet- faced, gentle little creature.

When she told the story of her fearful experience a reporter for The Times lemo -rat she iu uer iiiouit 3 nruis. 1 ue iraii nine body which had been buffeted about wind aud wave was clad in a night gown. Over her shoulders her mother had thrown a shawl, and during the narrative she would kiss the child and every few moments would murmur, "Mother's dear little girl Is saved." Ethel told a singularly concise story of it' i Catherine Cox. escape from death. Her hands t-em- bld when she gesticulated, ana her voice quivered, but her narrative was sustained the end.

Mie said: I left New Orleans on July 17 to visit sister. Mrs. J. Johnston, who livd in Galveston, in Avenue L. Tenth aud Eleventh streets.

1 to return to New Orleans ia the spring. My aunt's house was about frani the beach aud directly faced Gulf. The storm began about 10 o'clock Sat urday morning, and within a few hours there were several feet of Her in our yard. Our house was built on a foiinda- 1'iU. and was about uine leet fMve tne el of the ground.

At 2 o'clock my brother-in-law wanted to move the whole family to the centre of the city to a frb'iid's house. It wa raining hard, aud sister was not In favor of moving the snail children in tbe bad weather. She not realise the dauber we were in. did ber hushand. The water rose higher and higher, and at last we were driven from the house.

There were ir.y sister, my sister in Mrs. Upland: brother in-law. n.v little niece A aged four, and Clifford, uiy li: ie baby phew, aged oue year. and 7 In tbe evening we prepared to leave. We could see waters rushing through the window.

wiud was bbiwing. cud ail of ns knew there was very little nance be saved. Had we stayed iu tile botie have all lx-en drowned iu a minutes. As my brother-in-law opened door a larse piece of roof was floating past. He succeeded In getting bold it.

and be put of us on it. We floated across the street, and were caught the top of a cedar tree. We stjyed there 7or some time. being aMe to loose. Every few seconds pW-es of living debris wou'id strike near us, and ail is were struck several "I cannot sav how my sisfr and the others lost their lives.

1 was trigljened, all I can say is that letore ne a large wixiden house floated down upon our raft. It crashed into cs and the piece of roof Into a djzen pieces. iter and the smaller baby were knocked into the water and were probably drowned, as we never them again. I saw mv brother-in-law tryit-g extricate mv nephew from under some timber, bnt I knew from the appearance the child that the poor little fellow dead. A pie-c of tiuilier strnok brother in law nd srunned him.

He loosened his bold on the little boy and the fell into the water. About this time Joist fell on my slster-In-taw. It struck aNo. cuttin? me on the head. My fell, bleeding about the bead, fche out to me, saying that hex legs few I dences of their wounds as tbey made their tions from the train.

All carried In their which told In emphatic fashion of their many details, and pitiful in their entirety, Many fearful stories have been told of the horrors which reigned at Galveston after tlie jreat Btorm of last Satur- F. i. Cox. day, bnt the Incidents that came nnder the observation of S. B.

Davis of the American Security Company of Baltimore are more grewsome than any that have as yet been printed, but fully confirmed by The dispatches. Mr. Davis arrived in the city last night from Houston, having left Galveston Thursday afternoon. He Is now en route to Baltimore, where be will recuperate from the effects of the terrible experience he had during the hurricane. He stayed on the Island City for several days after the storm, assisting the injured and helping to bury tbe dead.

Mr. Davis' terrible story needs no euibellishineut. "I was in Galveston when the terrible storm struck the city. I was staying at the Tremont Hone. A few days before I left Houston In company with five travel lug salesmen.

Only three of our party escaped death. 'Wben the storm reached its height the oecupanls of the hotel went up stairs to tbe top floors-. stayed there all night. No cue bad any idea of the damage the storm was doing. We knew that the wind was strong and that the streets were flooded.

That hundreds of lives were lost never suggested itself to ns for a moment. "Although the calamity was terrible In Irself. the real horrors of the situation did not beein until the next day. I never dreamed that the human species could de scend to such low depths as the negroes did at Galveston during tbe two days that followed the destruction of the city They showed the inborn cowardice and fiendishness of their raee by carrying on their brutal, devilish work while the city was in a state of turmoil. The stories of the blacks actions that have reached the outside world give no idea of what really happened.

Tbe revolting details will never te known. "For several days I helped to bury the dead. It was terrible work, and at the end of the third day I had to give up from sheer weakness. Those who are engaged In tbe work of collecting the corpses and burying or burning them are not able to retain anything on their stomachs. I saw yesterday morning several men with an improvised litter, upon which they were removing dead bodies from a build ing.

As tbey came out Into the yard they had to pause and place their eerie burden on tbe sidewalk for a few mo ments, as nearly all of them were sick at the stomach. "We found one old man sitting in a room in Lis rocking chair. He had been dead several days, and bis body had begun to decay. His head was on bis breast aud on his lap was a Bible. It was Impossible for him to have been drowned, and there were no Injuries on bis body.

It was supposed be had died from fright. 'There were many terrors connected with the aftermath of tbe storm, but none compare in a uuiuonefu wr witu one cuniniitted by score of organized negroes. Seven negroes were arrested and shot for violating tbe dead b-dy of a seventeen-year-old girL When the fiend ish scoundrels realized that there was no hope for them they confessed their crime and stated that twenty negroes, thirteen others besides themselves, bad desecrat ed the same dead. I think this is the most horrible crime in the histories of the civilized or the barbarous worlds. It makfs the blood of men tingle to contemplate such a thing.

"Yesterday morning 400 guests were at the Tremont House. Many were women who had gone to Galveston to learn something of relatives. It was a pitiful sight to see some of them go out in the morning with hope written on their faces and to see them return at night with despair and grim misery depicted iu their 5. ryA vv. i Si iLLS John T.

Cox. every facial movement. The halls of the hotel were full of cots, t'pon them men. women and children, many strangers to one another, slept side by side, all laws of conventionality being swept aside by the situation. "I left Galveston on the steamer Laurence.

About 400 persons were on board. Many were lcjured. Xue trig carried -A- awful to by her to niv was feet the lei lay did nor mv the The ing few tbe of itj get of and it tore Mv to of was bodv a me aunt cried and when they reach Houston are nearl 11 naked. clothing. "The leading society women of Houston have volunteered their services as waitresses at the relief restaurants.

Hands unused to toil are washing dishes and the like With them it is a labor of love." The following is a copy of the meal tickets furnished free to the Galveston survivors: Good for tine Meal. ol2 Travis Street. RELIEF COMMITTEE. BETTIE BRYAN. Chairman.

MRS. SAWYER'S STORT. Passes Throash the City from Mexico. Mrs. A.

M. Sawyer of Boston sustained some of the reflex effects of the storm. She left Mexico City last week and was on the prairies of Texas when the wind was at its greatest force. Mrs. Sawyer rested a day in New Orleans, at the Grnnewald, before continuing her trip to Boston.

She says that the train was delayed thirty-six hours, aud that the passengers suffered from lack of water and food, the train being baited in a barren district. At another time the roadbed seemed to tie founded ou a quicksand, and the passengers were afraid that the rails would spread. On all sides were observable sign of desolation, the train passing upon the edge of the district that had been inundated. WORD FROM GALVESTOt. Harry Da route Receives a Lettee from His Son.

One of the first letters from a Galveston survivor was received by Harry Da Ponte yesterday from his sop, L. B. Da Ponte. Young Da Ponte is at present doing rescue and police work In the destroyed city. His letter follows: "Galveston, Sept.

11. ll0O. "My Dear Father This is to mke you acquainted with my interrupted existence, and that I am well In respect to my person, but down-hearted over the sudden and dreadful death of so many of my friends. "Harry Mayer Is all right, and so is bis family, but his borne Is almost totally destroyed. "I found Pete Brophy In a terrible plight, his ears having been spilt and his body cut and braised In innumerable placet.

I have him at th Tremont Hotel, and have tteen taking care of him for the last two days. "Tell Leon Labatt that all of his people but Henry and Willie are lost. "The storm was beyond description, and the human suffering in this city Is su'-h as would bring compassiou to the heart of a savage cannibaL "I lost all of my effects, as the water tore through my room aud washed tbe house Inside out. "Food is very scarce In the city. "Send me some money if possible.

"I am on guard duty to-night, and suppose It will devolve cn me to execute the edicts of my commander, which will tie to shoot down without mercy every person of any color who may be caught robbing or mutilating the dead: for although very many have been slain, there are many more still at libertv and engaged in "the hellish practice. Tour affectionate son, L. B. DA PONTL." Later in the day Mr. Da Ponte received a telegram from Houston speaking of the frightful condition of affairs.

The telegram was from Mr. Durel of this city, who attempted to reach Galveston to "search for relatives. He was stopped at Houston, and so notified Mr. Da Poute in his message. Rl BY PHELPS DEAD.

Visiting the Labntt Family Whea She Met Her Fate. Judge Leon L. Labatt, who resides at 1641 State street, spoke with manifest feeling last night concerning the death of a distant relative of bis. a young girl named Ruby Phelps, who lost her life In the terrible storm at Galveston. MJss Ruby Phelps was born In this city about eleven years ago.

and was a daughter of a Mr. Orlando Phelps, who was formerly connected with a lumber firm here. Orlando Phelps married a Miss Labatt, a cousin of Judge Leon Labatt. The deceased child bad not resided In rw Orleans for nearly two years, having taken up her abode with a cousin of hers, a Miss Phelps, the secretary of the Galveston branch of tbe Daughters of the Con federacy. Miss Phelps resided with the Labatta at and Forty-first streets, about three blocks from the bench.

Judge Leon Labatt last night said Mis Ruby was a bright, winsome child, aud gave promise of developing into love ly womanhood. She was a child of ex- ceedinglv lovable character, and was a universal favorite with all who knew her. With the exception of two sons, the entire family of Judze II. J. Labatt, Including the head of the family himself, were killed in the catastrophe.

Their names were: Judge II. J. Labatt and his laughter. Miss Nelli. aged twenty-one: Joseph, a son of the Judge, aged thirty his ife, who was formerly a Mis Moses.

daughter of the late Alexander Moses this cltv. and their four children, the e'det aged fen. One of two sons of the deceased jedgo wm escaped was out ii another pirt of ex as, neing a travel ing man. and the other one. La tin, ives In another portion or tne Miami.

The latter two escaped with their lives. but lost all their belongings. LOT HI LIFE. Henry Riemana Dies While Trying- to Reach Galvestoa. Henry E.

Rieinann. a prominent citizen Houston and a brother of Mrs. E. C. Pamore of this city, lost his life last Monday owing to exposure.

Mr. Rlemann had relatives in Galveston, anil he was ne of the first to leave Houston In quest of their fate. The train he traveled by got 'stalled." and the deceased. In bis nnxietv to make connections, tried to get to Virginia Point on foot, intending to take boat from that place. He waded through water ami mud aud tnally fell exhausted.

The Ix.dv wa picked up and taken brick to Houston and prepared for burial. Deceased conducted a Jewelry store, was prominent socinlly. and a member of the Houston Guard. He was married to a New- Orleans lady, who, with oti child, survives him. Foand Safety ia a Garret.

It was learned yesterday that James Oliver Webb of Walveston, a sot of Capt. C. o. Webb, marine reporter of The Times Democrat, had been saved, as bad all hi family. Mr.

Webb has many friends In this city, where his father has lived for more than a lialf-century, an1 the announcement that his family wi.s not lost wiil be received with rejoicing among those who know him. James Webb, his wife and two children, and Mr. Bean, wife and live children, were sheltered in the garret of the home of Mr. Rlvaux. through he gmnl-ues of that gentleman.

Rlvaux. Ills wife ai-d two son wore In the gar ret. Save for hcln? frighfenel, none of them suffered phvsieal hsrni. All of Mr. Webb's household goods re swept away, and when Sunday ilawned he realised 'hat his famiiv had nothing but Cvntiuued on Tage 10, Col jma L.

the bniises on my "body, aud toid'me that I would soon be with mr mamma. I ha been at the bakery only a little time ahen a friend of my brother-in-law came aud told me that he had sen him only a few moments befora. My brother-iu-law thought that all were dead. When he was told that I was at the bakery he brrrried to me and took me In charge. It was not until Sunday evening, though, that he learned I had been saved.

"Sunday night ray brother in-law took me to the house of J. A. Jefferson, In the center of the eity. This is where we were to have gone Saturdav afternoon. Mr.

Jefferson works for tbe i'ostal L'nioa Telegraph Company. A saillsaat was chartered the next day and we sailed across the bay to Texas City. ruriug the trip we counted forty-five bodies Heating in tbe bay. "We bad looked In vain for the bodi -s of those we had lost. We asked everyone that knew them, but we never heard a word about them.

They were probably buried beneath the ruiiis of wrecked houses, and when they were found were likely unrecognizable. "From Texas City we walked several miles Inland, where' we boarded a freight train. This carried us as far as the track was in good condition, and we tiien resumed walking. After we had gone a few miles we met the relief train and were carried to Houston, where my father was waiting for me. "I was treated with the greatest of kindness by everyone in Houston.

All of the gentlemen in charge of receiving the refugees treated Jne as tenderly as if I had been one of their little girls." SEES THE DEAD Ul'RS. Fasaa J. Cox Rreltea His Experi ence la the Ialaad City Mrs. James T. Cox and her four children, one grown son, two daughters, aged seven and seventeen and a baby boy three years of age were pas- sengers on the Southern Pacific train which reached New Orleans about o'clock yesterday morning.

Mrs. Cox was aocoiuanied by C. li. Cockle of Farrar, ioras Sc. Kruttschnitt's office, who went to Houston in the hope of reaching Gal vest on to -uakc an effort to find his sister in-law, Mrs.

Cockle's sister. He did not reach Galveston. He remained at Hons ton. and It was there he met Mrs. Cox and her children.

The Cox family was reported to bave been drowned. Their home was at No. 2220 (J street, which Is just oue square from the Beach Hotel. Tbe house was swept away by the storm, as were all tbe houses in that square. There was much rejolc itg when the family visited the home of Mr.

Cockfe. at Dryades and Dufossat streets, yesterday morning. Tbe Coxes will be tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cockle, That the Cox family Is alive to-day Is a miracle.

Its members were right In the heart of the great hurricane. Driven from their own comfortable little home, they sought refng? at one of the friends' honses. a short distance away. Tbey did not remain there any great length, for the water kept rising rapidly and the wind blew at the rate of 10o miles an hour. It was so strong that It shook the house to its very foundations.

It began to wobble. To remain longer was certain death, so the Coxes aud Frosts started on a perilous Journey to the School biKise, more than a square away. Young Fagan Cox and Mr. Frost carried the children over first and then the older members of the family were taken to. a place of safety.

From the Frost home to the School they walked In water up ti their necks. B'Kifs. gates and debris of ail descriptions Impeded their progress, and It was only after a fierce battle with wind and debris that they finally reached the schoolhouse. Fagan J. Cox was Interviewed by a reporter for The Tliues Tieniocrnt.

and he gave a vivid description of his narrow escape and condition of the island as he left it on Wednesday. "We lived in the first row of houses from the Beach Hotel, In street." said Mr. Cox. "Friday night when we retired the wind was blowing strong, but I had no Idea that it wouid reach tue velocity it did. However, when we (t up Saturday morning, the wind had Increased to a gale.

The tide commenced to rise Friday night and at 7 o'clock the next morning It was way up on the beach. Ail the tracks a-ere submerged and trarbc was discontinued. "I didn think much of the risiug tide at that hour, for I had frequently seen it as high. 1 went to my wrk lu the auditors office of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. About 12:40 I telephoned a neighbor of my mother's and Inquired about the water.

1 ass informed that the water was rising very rapidly, and as the street cars were stopil I thought something was up and started for home, this time the streets were submerged, and I had to aade home. My home was rear fie beach and 1 had to wade iu water up to my waist to reach it. Jnst then a laundry wagon drove up. or rather a as one block sway, and tbe driver asked me if I wanted. him to drive ray family to a place of safety.

1 accepted the and immediately began to transport my mother and sisters to tbe wagon. The wiud was blowing about eighty four miles an tour, and It was all we do to reac'a the vehicle which was In waiting. "We were driven to the Frost borne and remained there several hours. At 3 n-lmli the wind was blowiug ats.ut li miles an hour, la tbe meantime housetops were blown awav as if they were so mauy fertbers. Entire structures were blown to the ground aad carried off by the great tidal wave; large brick butldiugs were demolished, ships were knocked high and dry.

bridges were carried away, wharves" were swept out to sea. and in f.o Uerever oue btoked evidences of re i de-t ruction loomed up. "The house began lo sway to and fro. and we expected it to toptile over everv minute. The large schd building a distance away was the only brick scnool tlwt withstood the storm.

We saw many people seeking shelter under Its rod, and so we made up our iniuds to go there too. We carried tbe little oue over first. Mr. Frost carried my sifter Catherine and I took my little brother. fUc wind contiuued to blow and waves and debris dashed over our heads, fhe tide raa verv high: In fact, it was so tierce that it carried Mr.

Frost oj lils feet and carried he and my iter undo the water. I thought tuey were lost. Iiu; happily Mr. Kro-t revalued his f-ct and we continued our long journey to the S' lexd. We left the children in the school aud hurried back for the grown peopie.

Leaving the doomed bouse, we walked iu single tile, arms clasped about each, to the school building. on the M-ccnd trip Mr. Frost took some biscuit and apples. It was not long afterward tuat the Frost home was d'-srroyed and everything lu it carried out to sea by tbe raging storm. It was aiaiost darx wheu we u-aoe tue last trip, and we oitld Lard iv rid our way to the building.

We grvped around In the dark for tea or hf teen minutes before we found the stair-war. There are sii large rooms in School, aud each one nntuiued afrtiut Efty or more refnges. The school build ing lived through the storm. "Toward morning the wind abated and the water on the streets of Galveston receded very fast. By or o'clock the water was almost gone.

"I never wiil forget tbe sight that met my gaze when I got on the street. No pen can ever accurately describe tbe awful scenes. The dead bodies of men. women and children were on almost every street in the island, and dead animals by the hundreds could be seen. "Grief-stricken mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, rushed frantically.

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