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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LATE NEWS BY WIRE 8pokane Oat Off From Railway ommunication fir Hours. 10 TRAINS TO aILB UMMA Working Hard to Save Mt. Vernon, From Destruction. FLOOD IN THE NORTHWEST SPOKANE. November has been practically cut off from railway communication with the outside world for twenty-four hojrs; No Northern Pacific trains ran either -ast or west yesterday.

The trouble on the Rocky Mountain division prevented the west bound overland from arriving and the carrying away of a span of the Natchez river bridge, rear Yakima, prevented any train arriving from the west. The Great Northern Is laid up in a similar manner, and has run no trains since yesterday, except one as far west as Leavenworth. Traffic to the Couer d'Alene country Is suspended by reason of the high water. SEATTLE. November a railroad train reached Seattle yesterday, but the railway managers claim that they will be able to get trains out today.

West bound trains on the Canadian Pacific were reported last night as getting through. Superintendent Riton of the Great Northern wired here that between two and three miles of track was under water near Sultan. No estimate of damage can be made until the water subsides, Reports from all points on the Northern Pacific show that the rains have ceased and snow is taking its place. There were four inches of qnow at Black Diamond. The conditions are regarded as favorable and railroad men are hopeful.

A Post-Intelligencer special from Mount Vernon says the present flood in the Skagit valley is the worst in Its history. The whole valley is under water, and great damage will ensue to the farners through loe of hay, stock and fences. Between Mount Vernon and Laconner Is submerged. while to the south there Is ene vast lake. At Mount Vernon the water is fifteen inches higher than ever known, and the town was saved only by great exertions of the citizens.

The dykes were manned all of last night, and it was not until this morning the flood began to recede. A special to the Post-Iwtelligencer from Kelso says the Cowlitz river is higher than ever and still rising. All log booms have broken loose and- millions of feet of logs and thousands of cords of shingle bolts have gone. The valleys of the White and Black rivers are covered with water, and the losa to farmers will be large. AUtiORIA'S SHAFT BROKEN.

Foretunate There Was a Dupleate on Uaard of the Praetued Seetion. NBW -The steamer Mobile. Captain Layland. which arrived this morning from London. brings the news that ithe Aich6t- Liner Anchorla, from Glasgow for New anehored in latitude 40.40, longitude 70.50, having broken her shaft.

The Mobile sighted the Anchoria yesterday and bore down to her and asked If assistance was required. Captain Wilson of the Anchoria said he did not need assistance, as the ergineers were then engaged in placing an extra length of shafting in position; but he requested Captain Layland to give a passage to New Ycik to his purser, Mr. Matheson. Captain Layland consented and Mr. Matheson was sent aboard the Mobile in one of the Anchorla's life boats.

At Quarantine this morning Mr. Matheson said the Anchoria had beautiful weather and a rrosp-rous voyage until 6:30 Sunday evening, when the shaft snapped without warning. An examination showed the break to be in a length of which a duplicate was carried on board, and the chief engineer reported to Captain Wilson that he would Ie able to make repairs and might expect to be ready to proceed this evening. Accordingly, Captain Wilson ordered soundings to be made, and finding only thirtyfive fathoms, he anchored the ship. The passengers were Inclined to make merry oter the affair when they understood that there was no danger, and only the possIbility of forty-eight hours' delay.

The Anchoria left Glasgow on November 5 and Moville -November 6- She had on board 1. first cabin. 118 second cabin and 52 steerage rassengers ana ai ftifl cargo. All the passengers are welL The White Star Line freight steamer Tauric loft her doek this morning about 8 o'clock fo 14verpooL dispatch received rom 'Sandy 'Hook says that the tinMer apPS-r to-have touched bottom on the south side of Gedney channel where she -asr'bees- or 'tweflty minutes without being able to move herself. A dispatch from the observer at Sandy Hook auasnstates that he signaled the Taurs'e, askring if she required assistance, and the answer was: "No; expect to get off at flood tide." High tide Is at 5:32 this afternoon.

SUNICIDE NEAR PORT TOBACCO. Gwyan P. of Charles County Cats His Throat. Special Dispatch to The Evening Star. LA PLATA, November P.

Oliver, a member of the grand jury of the cireuit court, cut his throat with a razor early this morning at his home, Rose Hill, near Port Tobacco. He was seen kneeling In the field a short distance from his home by a young man on the place, who approached and found him praying. Mr. Oliver told the youth to go and get him some tobacco, and wh-'n the boy returned he was lying down with his throat cut almost from ear to ear, the windpipe being entirely severed. Two physIcians are in attendance, but although stti alive they say that it Is impossible for the unfortunate man to recover.

No cause can be assigned for the rash dleed. The would-be suicide said when first approached that he had nothing against any one, but trouble caused him to the deed. Mr. Oliver is In good circumstances, and has many friends in, t4is county and in Washington. NOT "BRYAN" CLUBS.

The Late Candidate Suggests "Silver" or "Biametallie." KANSAS CITY, November J. Bryan, In a statement printed in the Thmeu, urges the formation of clubs to chntinue the fight for free silver dnring the next four yearn. Jealousies that might arise, he suggests. that such clubs refrain from naming -themselves for him. merely calling them a silver or a bimetallic club.

"The cause," he adds, "Is greater thn any man and will travel upon Its own merits." READING REORGANIEATION. Omleer. Eleeted-Cptal Uteek Piled at Twenty Millions. PHILADELPHIA. November 17.The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company.

reorganized today by the eleetkcn of a president, a secretary and six directors. Thes, officers were elected: President, S. Harris; secretary, William R. Taylor; directors, George F. Baer of Rading, Charles H.

Coater and Francis Lynde Stetson of New York and George C. Thoasm Thomas McKean and John Lowber Welsh' of Philaelphia. The capital atuck of the company was fixed at to be issued in four hundred thousand shares of fifty dollars each. The ocars elected will serve until the first Monday In May, 1817. Gee.

to Canten. CAN'TON, Ohio, November Chairman K. A. Hanna is in Canton this afternoo with General Osborne. Preeib dent-eleeg Momaiey want to the depot In the emmily carage to meet the visitors.

This is the 3.rst time the President-dete and the national chairman have met sinee THE SOUND MONEY MEN Spionulatinn a to -the of the A1Hianna Silver Men Think Gold Demeoeats and Will Mr. MeKinley'i Task. It is the prediction of Some of the silver men that the alliance between the sound money democrats and the sound money.republicans cannot hold together much longer; that it will go to pieces as soon as it strikes the tariff quest-ion. silver men ask, can men like Mr. Carlisle and men like Mr.

McKinley co-operate in the matter of taxation, when on the one side is advocacy of free trade and on the other advocacy of high proteetion? The tariff is likely up ahead of the currency question, and the hope of these silver men is that by the time the tariff is disposed of so muck bad feeling: will have been engendered between the free traders anrd the protectionists that a union after that on anything will be impossible. But there are some very observant and experienced men who take no stock in such talk. They are silver men, too. They rather look for the other thing. Their fear is that the alliance for a long tipe will hold good for everythag.

They are icokIng for a compromise on the tariff question. The bare fot, they think, that the question of revenue will go ahead of the ourrency question Insures moderauon cn the tariff. Men expecting to work together so soon afterwards on the currency question will see the neyessity of avoiding too sharp antagonism on the question ef taxation. It Is likewise suggested that since the campaign of 18102, when the two parties were at antipodes on the tariff question, some important history has been written. And that history, rather than past party Platforms, will be the basis of future negotiations.

Revenue reformers with the WiIson bill charged up against th-An cannot now stand out against protection as a principle, while Mr. McKinley himself, it is recalled, stated several- times during the campaign that his party was committed to no particular schedules. As this makes it certain that he McKinley bill will not be offered again, and as both sides now are in effect protectionists, the more anxious of the silver men see nothing that promises disruption to the sound money coalition. The revenue refarmers may not accept the tariff bill of the republicans, but it is hardly likely to be of a character to seriously offend them, or prevent cordial co-operation on other measures. It Is conceded.

too, tlat Mr: McKinley will be a wpowerful factor in the White House in the interests of good feeling. lie is a promoter '5f tat- -article. He has patience and tact and much good fellowship. He knows, personally and intimately, the leaders of both- parties, and even the men who differ f)om him in opinion the most radically hold him in very high regard. He will take oflice with a full scsese of difflcultiq irk his He will try hard -to surmount them His of course, will be fully aroused, and with the prestige of his great office he ought to be able to d6 greifitthfiigs hf the Way of bringing and keeping men together.

He knows all about tariff bills and a goad deal about currency bills; and 'as- President lie will be consulted about every important move made by his party friends in Congress. Consultatione, indeed, as the silver men note, have alrealy begun. That is to say, Mr. McKinley Is already receiving by mail suggestions about le situation and assurances of good hes from unexpected. People who voted against him, now that he is to be Presdent, are tendering friendly sentiments.

And very naturally. Success for the new Preaident means prosperity for the country, and only the most extreme of the silver men appear to hope that so little can be accomplished during the next foar years that free coinage will have an easy thing of it in 1900. MR. WILLIAMS HURT. Struck by a Street Car While Riding a Blieree.I Mr.

John the New York Herald's bureau in this city- was painfully but not, It is thought, dangerously hurt by being struck by' an electric car of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company on East Capitol street between 1st and 2d streets at 10:45 o'clock this morning. From eye witnessestof -he affair4t' was learned that Mr. Williams was riding on his bicycle on the space between the two tracks, going west, and wAs talking Yo'ilwife, who was In a train going same direction. At the moment of the-accident a wagon was that it got in Mr. Williams' way.

and in turning to avoid a collision the latter ran directly against a car going east. The motorman. stoppe his car as quickly as possible, and before it had run more than a few feet furtifer; bit'the force of the collision was so great that Mr. Williams was thirwir a distatice of fifteen feet and rendered insenslis As soon as Mrs. Williams saw that her husband was struck by the car and before it could be stopped- she' jumped from the train and was throirn to the ground.

The noise of the Impact and the Bight of two prostrate human formns on the pavement served to create much excitement and to attract quite a- crowd. As quickly as possible Mr. and Mrs. Wiliams, the former In an unconscious condition, were picked up and carried into the residence of Dr. G.

W. N. Custis, No. 110 East Capitol street, where their Injuries were dressed. An examination revealed that Mr.

WillIams was severely but not dangerously cut In saveral places about the head and face, and that while Mrs. Williams was but slightly bruised, she was suffering greatly from nervous shock. Dr. Custis told a Star reporter that there was no probability that Mr. Williams' injuries would result fatally, After remaining at Dr.

Custis' house for a couple of hours they were removed to their home, No. 151 street southeast. This is the second -time that Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been hurt by a street car, the first being about two years ago, when while riding on a 14th street car a collision occurred between it and a Chevy Chase car.

On that occasion both Mr. and Mrs. Williams were hurt. His Head Cut. Samuel Burgee, very much under the Influence of liquor, suffering from an ugly cut In the back of his head, was taken to the Emergency Hospital by the police this afternoon.

He had been found on the pavement in front of the American House. There was a large crowd attracted there by the sight of the wounded man, and it was stated that he had been thrown out of the hotel saloon. The wound in his head was sewed up, and he will probably be able to leave the hospital when he gets sober, School Centreets. An interesting question affecting a contract has just arisen. Some time ago.

the District advertised for bids to erect a school house on the Conduit road. The lowest bidder was Beers Co. While the bid was accepted, a contract was never signed. In the meantime, one of th0 partners, Mr. KIrby, died, and then the question arose, would the signature of Mr.

Beers, the survivn partner, be suflicient. It is understood ti Commissines wil cancel the unfinished contract and make out another, giving the work to the surviving partner. Could Wet Attend Baeet, Owing to the fact that he is engaged in the preparation of his annual message to Congress, the President has been compelled to decline the Invitation to attend the annual banquet of the New York chamber og commerce this evening. Walienal Utatiatieai Asseeitao. The regular monthly meeting of the National Statistical Assoc.tion wll he held in the reemption rcotm of Colnubiag University, corner and 15th streets northwest, on Wednesday evening, The followhng pape wRi be presete: "The Farmer and the Msure of Values," by Mr.

Henry PaF-a. CONGREGATENAL CHURCHES. Annual Loeal Conference in Session Today. The annual session.of the Washington conference of Congrigational churches is being held today in the People's Congregational Church. street between 6th and 7th streets northwest.

The exercises began at 10 a.m. with a devotienal service. In the absence of the presidefit, Mr. John Hess of the Second Church, Baltimore, J. K.

Mason of Herndon, was elected moderator pro tem. Mr. John B. Sleman, of Mt. Pleasant Chufch, Washington, was secretary.

There was a good attendance of delegates. every church belonging to the conference being represented. After the appointment of a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year, the program prepared by a committee appointed for that purpose at a previous meeting made their report, which was adopted. The subject of "The Workers' Outfit" was then taken up. It was divided into subheads as follows: "For deacons," Rev.

M. Ross speakr; "for- trustees," Prof. A. 1-. Skinner; "for Sunday school 1mperintendent," Rev.

A. P. Miller; "for Sunday school teacher," Mr. J. F.

Johnson-; "for C. E. worker," Rev. A. Reoch; "What Characterises An Ideal Choir?" Mr.

A. E. Hosmer. The delivery of the above addresses and the discussion which followed on them occupied the attention of the conference up to the hour of recess for lunch. Upon reassembling this afternoon Rev.

Dr. S. M. Newman will, after devotional exercises, make the annual address, "Congregationalism, In Its Beginnings, in Its Principle and What It Has Done for Education," will be discussed In the order named by Rev. S.

N. Brown, Rev. C. H. Crawford and Prof.

J. L. Ewell, D. D. During the session the Lord's Supper will be administered by Rev.

-H. W. Ballantine, D. and Rev. Adam Reoch.

The program for this evening's session comprises: Song service and devotional; addresses on "Is Congregationalism Adapted to All Classes of People?" by Rev. J. H. Jenkins, and "What Is the True Relationship Between the Pastor and His People in a Congregational Church?" Prof. Isaac Clark, D.

discussion thereon and election of officers for the ensuing term. SUITS ENTERED. Legal Echo of the Recent Big Storm. An echo of the recent severe storm that caused the fall of the west wall of the Abert building, on Pennsylvania avenue near 12th street, demolishing the structures in which were located Kelley's cafe and Beatty's restaurant, was heard late this afternoon, when Thomas M. Kelley filed suit at law in the Supreme Court of- the District of Columbia to recover 110.000 damages, the defendants named being William Stone Abert, Architect Glenn Brown, David T.

Cissel, John A. Schneider and Charles F. Schneider. Mr. Kelley.

in legal verbiage, charges the defendants with erecting the Abert building carelessly. negligently, in an unVitrk-' manlike manner and of insufficient -materials and workmanship, and did not so guard, brace, anchor and protect the'sama to prevent it from being blown down. Moses P. Rice. the photographer, this afternoon entered suit against the same defendants to recover $25,000 for the same reasons.

Attorney Henry E. Davis represents both Mr. Kelley and Mr. Rice. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT CASE, Closing Arguments in the Hearing Before Judge Cole.

On behalf of the United States Electric Light Company, Mr. Jere M. Wilson this morning addressed Judge Cole in the hearing of the company's efforts to have tb District Commissioners permanently enjoin. ed from contracting with the Potqnlac. Electric Power Company for lighting certair' streets and avenufs in the city cast--of Rock creek, and also from permitting the Potomac Compay to occupy said streets and avenues for such purpose.

Mr. Worthipgton will follow Mr. Wilson, and the argdment may be finished today. GOLDSMITH DISCHARGED. The Alleged Insane Fugitive From Pennsylvania Goes Free.

The hearing of the habeas corpus case of Isidore L. Goldsmith of Philadelphia against Maj. Wm. G. Meore, superintendent of the District police force, was resumed before Judge Hagner today.

Goldsmith was arrested here at the 4he superintendent of the Norristown (a.) Insane Asylum. Goldsmith, in his answer, denle4. that, he is insane. The hearing was a prolonged one, lihd late this afternoon Judge Hagner granted the petition and directed charge from custody. DAN WILLIAMS' DEFALCATION.

The Sam Taken Amounts' to Nearly Twelve Thousand Dollans. Nearly three months have elapsed -since the arrest of Policeman Daniel Williams, who made collections of lines in the kolice Court in District cases as tiid rbpt'esentative of the police department, and late this afternoon Auditor Petty submnitted to the Commissioners the result of tlie investigation of the officer's accouhts. This report shows a deficit of betweert 31lttd and 812,000, much more thlan thtpiger's friends imagined. EDITOR CONN'S CASE. Expelled From the Order by the General Assembly, K.

of L. ROCHESTER, N. November to-day's session of the general assembly of the Knights of Labor, principal was thle report of the- committee on appeals and grievances in the case ol the Washington Times and its editor, C. G. Conn, ex-Congressman from the thirteenth Indiana district.

He was expelled from the order and placed on the unfair lhat. The committee on the state of order reported a plan for extending the organization, which will not be given to the public. It is expected the election of officers will come up tomorrow. NO NEWS FROM THE FRONT. Rumors at Havana Regarding the Insurgents' Movements.

HAVANA, November news, official or otherwise, is obtainable here concerning the movements of Captain General Weyler and his army, which is supposed to be in.pursuit of the insurgent forces. under Maceo in province of Pinar del Rio. No news from a Spanish force in the field, as a rule, means bad news, and the insurgents- are making the most of the situation by circulating rec ports of Spanish clefeats. In truth, however, there seems to be ground for the belief that the captain general has not met with the success he anticipated, and, while he is reported to ho moving along the northern part of Pihar del Rio, Antonio Maceo is said to be south of him and not far from the trocha, or military line, which would indicate the possibilty of the insurgents turning the Spanish Sank and making it difficult for the captain general to return to This, however, is conjecture, no news being allowed to leak out from the offices of the headquarters staff in the palace. From a private sounce this afternoon it was said that Maceo, hitherto understood to t-i occupying positions between Candelaria and Artemisa, had moved south of the former town, going westward toward the mountain of Guane.

Another rumor has it that he is pushing a strong force through the swamp south of the trocha. Both reports are given for what they are worth. On the other hand, It Is no longer denied that the insurgents have captured the two quite important owns -of and Guahmara, in Puerto Pincipe, as intinhated some 4t1me ago in these dispatches, in spite of official denials to the contrary, and there is no doubt that an insurgent army of about 10,000 men is advancing upon the city of Principe, capital of the province of that Congresamnn-Elent Blnes Dead. SpiBrITA, November 17-B. P.

Ofles, Con from the first Missouri 'district, died at noen today. The funeral wiRl be held at Palmyra. Thursday OFFICERS tmion of the Nationa T. U. EORFCVI ECOUIlE COMh Delegatts'ftirred Up Over a False Report From Washington.

"WOMAN'S BIBLE" DEPLOREE ST. LOUIS. November thI next to the list day's session of the twen ty-thtd arinuil conveltion of the hational W. C. T.

was the most important dj any yet hel as officers for the ensuing year were. elected. The early morning prayer meeting at Schuyler Memorial House was followed by the convention in Music Hall, whiel was called to order by the president, Miss Willard. The report of: the executive committee was adopted. -with blight changes.

It provides that the f'eld fund be placed in the hands of the superintei.dent of organiza-tion. to be used, field work and organization, under the direction of the vu perintendent of organization and general officers; that state presidents and natio ial superintendents siall not be listed as na Vonal organizers; that the matter of ax application for the national organization I referred to the superintendents of organizations in conjunction with the other general officers, and recommends that the Loyal Temperance League be made a branch department on- the payment of the usual dues, with a superintendent and general secretary. The following resolution was adopted without much debate: "Resolved, Thai while we recognize the right of women tc make commentaries on the Bible, as mer have doue from the beginning until now, we regret that the name 'Woman's Bible has been given to any volume, and lwe turther deplore the misapprehension or tiht press, secular and religious, in styling thi ccmmentary on those parts of the Biblk rerating to women as 'A new ver3lon cl the "We further disclaim any connectloi whatever of- our society or of our rational president with this work." A numbet of letters and 'iessages a greeting were read, one being from Clari Barton of the Red Cross Society. The. of the credentials com mittee showed that forty-five states ar represented in the convention, With delegates and officers.

of'All th4 gelrterasnoffileers, naowofti.he departmen vice presidents, state offi cers, national organizers and evangelisti and editors of state papers, A delegate announced that it was report ed that the: house in Washington in whici Abraham Lincoln ied was to be turne into a saloo.n. This caused a flutter of ex citerpent and a protest from many present As i result a resolution was adopte memorializing Congress to take the neces sary aetitn to prevent tr The. -neSt order of. business was the elec tion of generql officers for the ensuing year. MN Stqvens, vice president at large taking t4l chfr While ihe lots were being distributet and collected, tev.

Wilbur Crafts of Wash, ington made a short characteristic addres. to the liies. 4'here being no opposition all the 6picers were re-elected as follows with hedquarfera In (1irg'd? Fances Wiflard, llinoiivie epriden1 at largeP MrV Stevens Mitire' errespdnding secretaryMrs. Kathe rine Leite re cordimg' Mr-'-Clara -C' Tloffman Mrs. Helen M.

Barker Illinots. The hense which President Lincoli died is now the property of the Unite( States geiernteat. the deed having beet recordedi btybhout a week ago. TIlE ThItID, PAY'S SESSION. National Counil of Jewish Womex is New York.

NEW a the appcinted hour the third sessiow o1 tIhe first'an)ual conveuuton9 tc INAtiona Council of opened today H1ar. nah (Stomnd intItahhair and a goodly attendanee of detegates ani 'The session was given over tc three the mc're imp'ortant 'stanafrig com mittees, reports rm w.hich were read their chairmen. First was the report Miss Julia Felsenthal of Chicago, chairmar of the committee on 'religion. One purpos of the c9pneil, the -report said, 'wa' arouse the interest of Amerlean Jewessei irr J6daism, its literature, history a th Bible." "We have lost." it. continued the rever endis rit that pervaded the every actio of -our ancestors.

That spirit cannot be re stcredy but it may bt substituted by nobler jiride. "We believe especially that the centra work te! stengther votal point of our religious activity the wailtrr intei est 'ir "We are to charnge a dor mant spirit of apathy into a -desire foi The national committee on religlaul school work, Miss Julia Richman of Nei York, chairman, was the second to submi its report. "I claim for our said Mis: Richman, "not only the key the perma usefuliness of the 'National Council Jewish Worpen, but the. key to the perma nence of all true, earnest, spiritual ju Chief among the defects of the presen Sunday school system, according to Mis: Richman, are the improperly-trained teach ers, a plarr' of work, lack co-operation between parents and thi zechool, and. absence of spiritual aims a horne.

She recommended, among othe; thimgs, the- formation of- infant and post confirmation classes, the establishment normal classes for the training of teacher; and the introduction of a- more spiritua tone in the Sabbath schools. INSPECTING THE OREGON. Examining Into Her Readiness foi Active Work. SAN FRANCISCO, November members of. the United States battle shil Oregon's insipection board, whichr had beel erdered by the Secretary of the Navy te inspect ind- -on the fitness of thi vessel aeintle work, convened on boars the- ahiphryestetday.

The'inspection WIl cover of. aeveral days, two which wfli perat sea. a OFFERED. The Bo misaClub Wants to an NEW communi cation wigq fogwarded today to Corbett and Fitzsimmons by C. Henry Genalinger presiden' of iIe Bohemian Sporting Clul of this it, pring 325,000 for a twenty round atsft take place in New Yori city in of January, 1897.

jd flieyele CollisIon. There Ollision this moe ing at 8thr pnd streets, in which consid erable amage was done the wheels, bi very little to the riders. Dr. Hopson, employs 'of the general post office, while oa iris way to his office got off the machis he was -riding at- the corner abave met and just as 'be did 30 a Whomai camne around the corner, going fully the rate of-eighteen miles anr four, as Mx Hoeo and -his friends state, with eawythat ie cotild not make a ulror tur rs a into the machine of th post' ofle clrwhich wasa staning nsa the hlethe machines were bot injupred the ticycle of the -soorching wheel map, who is claimned was Bolioemaa Belertson of the bicycle squad, was asmasl ed and arcked badly. The mate wil be invetgated.

Hopson, who has bu ne leg. rides a three wheeled machine, DISTrR1CT GoVEME411N. Ybe Asghang Contract. The fight for the contract to light the streets of Washington between the United States Electric IJghting Company and the Potomac Electric Power Company is Oe In earnest and the outeme Is watched for at the Commlsdioners' office with more than ordinary interest. It has developed that Commissioner Ross did not sign the ansher of the Commissoners to the injunction, and, further, that 'the special couse Mr.

A. S. Worthington. was appointed during his absence from the city. The question has been raised concerning the compensation that Mr.

Worthington was to recete for his work on the case. It seems no understanding was reached between the Commissioners and that gentleman, the former following the general rule of the Attorney General's ofcae in makring no bargain. There Is no appropriation from which a special attorney can be paid, and 1 the Commissioners will be obliged to ask for a deficiency appropriation to pay his bill. Some people are disposed to question the policy of the Comml --ers in employing I special counsel in thisrcase, claiming that the attorney's oflee of the District was competent to defend the sult. There Is, however, but one of the assistant attorneys who would be available for the case, and that is Mr.

Mason N. Rich- i ardson. Both the attorney for the District 1 and his assistant attorney. Mr. A.

J. Duvall, have already expressed their opinion on the merits of the case and embodied their views in a lengthy opinion to the Commissioners, in which they hold that I the Potomac company has no just claim to the contract. So It would be manifestly improper, they think, to participate In the I case. It was upon this showing that the Commissioners employed Mr. Worthington as the special attorney to represent the interests of the District.

Some Orders. The Commissioners today ordered: That lamps on Harvard, Princeton and Roanoke streets between 13th and 14th streets be moved to new curb line; that lamps on I street southeast between 9th and lith streets be moved to new curb line; that lamps (gas) be erected and lighted as follows-Two in 13th street between Kenyon and Kenesaw streets, two in Kenesaw street between 13th and 14th streets, two In 13th street between Columbia and Harvard streets, one corner 13th and Harvard streets, three in Harvard street between 13th and 14th streets, one in Yale street between 12th and 13th streets, two in Roanoke street between 13th and 14th streets; that lamp port in street soatheast between 11th and 12th streets be moved to new curb line; that 245 feet of six-inch main be laid in North Capitol street north from street, and that fire hydrant at northeast corner of North Capitol and streets be moved to west side of North Capitol street, opposite north line of lot 9, square 630; that 170 feet of six-inch main be laid in Princeton street east from the intersection of 13th street northwest; that 4740 feet of 15-inch sewer be constructed to replace sewer in south side of street southwest between and 0th streets east. cost. $893. payable from appropriation for replacing obstructed sewers; that twenty feet of twelve-inch pipe sewer be laid in south side of street northeast between 8th and 9th streets, under permit system; that brick sidewalk be laid in front of 1414 36th street northwest, under the permit system.

Sweeping the Streets. The superintendent of She street and alley cleaning department submitted to the Commissioners yesterday afternoon a report upon the cost of doing the work of streetsweeping by the municipality. He estimates the er.ttre cost of the work at $210114. THE RICH GOLD FIELDS. Mr.

Seruggs Says the Treaty Wilt Give Them to Venesnela. Ex-Minister Scruggs. who is acting as coufsel for the Venezuela government, called at the White House today, but owing to the cabinet meeting did not see the President. Mr. Scruggs says the effect of the clause making fifty years essential to constitute "settled districts" in the Venezuela boundary disptte will be to give to Venezuela the entire Barima gold country, which is the most valuable tract in Venezuela, and also the entire Orinoco river co'iatry, including the waterway itself, the banks, the mouth and the islands off the mouth.

RECIPROCeTY. It Will Be an Important Feature of the Tarif ill. Tho who are figuring out what may be done with the tariff by the next Congress are generally well satisfied that reciprocity will form an important part of the measure adopted. This feature of the bill, it is believed, will be more nearly what was proposed by Mr. Blaine than was the provision In the McKinley bill, and it may also be ntade the means through which a certain amount of silver may be safely added to the currency.

Considerable silver, it is thought by some, might be used in connection with a reciprocal trade between the United States and the South American republics. Personal Mention. Postmaster General Wilson left today for New York, where tonight he will speak on "Free Government on before the New York chamber of commerce, John Taylor Arms, who, on account of Ill health, has been away from the city for some three years, has returned, and, his many friends will be glad to learn that his health is completely restored. Private Secretary Thurber has resumed ris official duties at the White House after a short absence, due to Illness. Chief Engineer Stacy Potts of the Essex is in the city.

Lieut. W. S. Sims of the Richmond is at 103U 17th street on leave. Commander W.

H. Brownson is at 1i01 18th street. Maj. D). D.

Wheeler, quartermaster's department, Is In the city on leave of absence, Alexander, United States minlater to Greece, Roumania and Servia, who has been In this city on leave of absence, will sail from New York tomorrow for Greece, While here he was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. S. Payne, 1427 Corcoran street. IHawaiian Foreign Minister Cominag.

Mr. H. E. Cooper, Hawaiian minister of foreign who recently arrived in this country with his private secretary, Is expected to visit this city shortly for consulr' tation with MInister Hatch in regard to the relations, present and prospective, between the United States and the republic Sof HawaiL. The presence in this country of Minister Cooper at this time has rekindied 3 interest in the Hawaiian annexation propoa sition, the outlook for which has been un, I doubtedly istproved by the success of the I republican ticket'at the last election, Mr.

Hiatch has gone to Boston' to meet Mr. Cooper and will probably induce the latter to return to Washington with him, The Deep Water Commission. The commission recently appointed to locate a deep water harbor at San Pablo or Santa Mcnica, have decided to meet at I Los Angeles, on December 2 for a inspection of the two harbors, 5 The commission expects to spend. most of the winter In southern California in the prosecution of the work. So far it has discussed the matter only in a general way.

The commission will hold no meeting after today until its sessions In California begin. Naval Orders, Surgeon A. F. Magruder from the marine a' barracks, Washington, D. and placed on the retired list, Ensign F.

B. Sullivan from 0 bection dut at Munhall, and placed -on watting orers, a Indian Agent Appointed. The President has appointed James Cowam olf Portland. Oregon, to he agent for the Iadians of the Warm Springs agency in Oregon, vice Peter Gallagher, deceased. Govyernment Useelpia, National bank notes received for I redemption, anna m.

Governmae recipnI Froma internal revenue, miscellaneos. Ellam5 FALL- RACES AT BENNING le KuAi-g Inuaguutma Undw FaowMme Poat Taek, Large Fields ad an Attendance That Wasn Gratitfing -MaIny present. The first meeting of the Washington rockey Club. eosing the -racing of the mean of 100, was inaugurated at the BenIng course this afternoon, under the most bvorable circumstances, perfect weather, ast track, large fields and an attendance vhich was gratifyingly large. A demen or more members of the turf exhange were on band to accommodate hoe who wished to place bets and specutlon was unusually brisk.

The attendance local race goers was largely augmented Oy titse from New York, an these premment in racing circles here and elsewhere a the east being on hand. The free adlssion of ladies was conclusively shown be a popular innovation, the attendance the faar sex being particularly large. Tinge, Tremargo, Takanaise. SuccessfuL, Lrabian, Ross 0.. and Hawardin were cratched in the drat race; Purseproud and Aoch Glyn In the second, and Traylin and ne Chance in the fourth.

The jockeys and odds in the first race foiowe: The Swain (O'Leary). and Trenargo (Nostrand). 2) and Hanwell (GIf'ord), 20 and Zanone (Doggett), 5 and 8 5: Forget (Slms). 10 and Casseopia Hirsch). 8 to 5 and I to Chic (Walter), 7 .0 5 and 1 to 5.

Chic Takes the Pheft. The frst race, five furlongs, was won by "hic; Zanone second, Casseopa third; time, The second race, five furlongs, was won Py Kitty Floral Park. second; Rockceller, third. Time, 1:05 1-5, Tommerrow's Entries. The entries for tomorrow follow: First race, three-quarters mile-Deanwood, 107; Venetia.

II, Juno. 100; Lauelton, 106; Telegram, 106; Tanis, 113; Royal Princess, 103; Lambent, 10; Grasiosa, 113. 'Apprenticeship allowance claimed. Second race, five-eighths aile-Maud Adams, Braw Lad, 1'6; One Chance, Lo1; Altonwood, Takanassee 115; Contractor, 104; Hurl, 144; Sonnet, SO: Belle Dick. 90; Rifler, 106 alowance claimed.

Third race, mile and one-sixteentb--Septour. 110; Brisk. 100; 92; Wi). allowance claimed. Fourth race five-eighths mile-Miss Prim, 105; BillIli, 1W; Buddha, 10; Ross 120; rrayline.

105; Euphenia Kinnacinic. 108; Arabian, 1M. Fifth race, one and one-half miles. hurle-No Knee, 167; Sir Rodrick, 139; Flushng, 1N; Waltser, -146; Ecarte, 11S; Red Mloud, 13; Tom Moor, 142; Longatrlde, 3L. WANT TO BE REPRESETEM.

est and West Washintemn wave Candidates for Conmamssiener. The possibility of a change in the personmel of the board of District Commissioners, when the tdrms of ofice of President Ross and Cot. Truesdell will expire, has renewed the agitation which usually occurs at such time in those particular sections of the Aity whose citizens are of the opinion that their localities have a just claim to special representation in the local government. This is particularly the case with those populous wings of Washingzon ukhich we known distinctively as East Washingon and Georgetown. Citisens of both sections, therefore.

are ow engaged in an animated discussion, Lnd it is understood that every effort will exerted to have East and West Washngton represented on the next board of 7ommissioners. In East Washington the name of Mr. dlichael I. Weller is frequently heard in with the succession to Mr. Ross.

is pointed out by those in favor of Mr. that he was one of the irst among eading democrats in the District to belt Chicago platform and its candidates, and this, in addiIon to other recommendations. is regarded as a strong point In his avor with the present administration. Georgetown has a candidate also, but ils identity is thus far shrouded in mysery. The West End Advertiser, published Georgetown, had an editorial on the sublect in a recept issue, in which it was infiated that induential citizens had picked favorite son, and.

at the appropriate time, would present him to the President. Societtes. The regular annual session of the of Columbia Association of Fraternal Beneficial Societies was held last night in 3ppenheimer's Hall. Representatives were present from, mAy of the fraternal orders. rhe committee on legislation, through its Mr.

Alvan T. Tracy, made a report. Announcement was made of the death of Representative F. E. Slavin, late president ft the association, and appropriate resolutions were adopted.

The following offcers were elected for the nsulng year; President, D. C. Morrison; rice presIdent, G. M. Thomas; secretary, Mlsa; -treasurer, Alvan T.

Tracy executive committee, G. W. Callahan, J. D. T'errill, F.

B. Curtis, (G. M. Thomas, Alvan E. Tracy and Chas.

S. Willis. Sentenced Most Ken to Death. FORT SMITH. November L.

C. Parker, a well-known Arkansas jurist, died at his home in this city at 2:30 o'clock this morning of Bright's disease. Judge Parker was famous all over the countrp for his fearless administration of justice having imposed the death penalty upon more criminals than any other jurist in the United States. For twenty-one years he had presided over court without missing a day. Fresh Treomhie Liely in Crete.

CANEA, Island of Crete, November 17Placards have been posted in this city inciting the Mussulmans to engage in a holy ear against the Christians. Government.Bends. Quotations reported by Carson Macartmey, bankers, B3d I Der cents, I per cents, of 11107........ iW0j I per cents, tered of 110 a et, ee i.rcet, 113 I per ecats, tCered of 1904.... 118 Doreecy per centa of Durrener 6 per enmt, of Iireme per centS of 19......

Baltimsere Martkets. BAfEDmOBU, aesenaher 00 beri.Wetwe-qpot and meath, S' bail; December, 67 bid; steagmor Ne. 2 red, 14,464 busheia; as mane; stck 004,460 lshs; sasthera wet by saflnple, SiaaS: do. es rae ibrs easy-qpot ad maa9th. November ad I nisae ew ad eld, 8j.a0; 3'6m ateemmer huied, 1ecia 6i6bushels; e3 more; 8,16 ibre; sales, 2114,00 esaothera white cos, 50; do., 26am0. Dlots quiet andl steady-No. 2 white, No. I mied, 23sSa cep140 ta 7.026 r-de-etinothy, Grata ter h-nad ega bd, 1.nunds, 1 do. 35psa.1 22 pWhnds, us1.mahed, Grain and Cetten Markets.

Furnished by W. B. Hlbbs 1421 street, mlembers New York stock eirchange, porrespondents Messrs. Thatmann New York. Wha-ee4a gh.

Inow. a. 2 ..8.00 T.96 T.9 4.00 .00 FINANCE AND TRADE Steady Dead fr Am S. cmitie in IM Thitgs to Affect its Speculative Value, GENERAL MARKET REPORTS Special Disatch to Tie Emesme Star. NEW YORK.

November Price this morning were generally steady around lest night's closing figure, and were we" supported throughout the active trading period. LAndem cables eparted a steady market for Americans, but contued demorallaation in anilg shares at that ceter. deterred purchna in the railway invetiment lint. Local selling, as yesterday, was cnducted by a small clique of room traders, and was credited largely to se. short account.

Conservative houses are 'dIsposed to caution clients against co-operating the room in its attempts at depmesdm. believing that underlying conditions a-e opposed to such a course. The scarcity of stocks of the better clas and the abasnce of significant liquidation add color to the growing belief that thnext movement of significance will be on curtailing outstanding short contracts. The course cf American Sugar will bt watched swith unusual interest ftrom now on. as its course is likely to Influence the general speculative list.

The prevailing arguments are. in the Main. opposed to Immediate material improvement in this property. The intrinsic value of the stock is almost univerwaly admitted, but Congress has always been regarded as an institution hestile to the best interests of this security from a speculative standpoint. Incidents in the campaign just closed, the radical changes the personnel of the next Congress and the public cry against trusts are factors certain to be revived during the early winter.

Manipulation in the face of such conditions would be opposed to policy and without it no advance movement would follow. Once the stock becomes active for special causes, concerning which the usual differences of opinion will arise, the general list will be deserted for this active apecialty. This vie- Is founded on wel-established precedent and there seems to be no reason for supposing that any innovation is likely at this time. A reduction in all grades of sugars during the afternoon was annunced somewhat auddenly and the Priee of the stock. -mmediately yielded.

A more careful, and perhaps a more general. analysis of the recent figures submitted by the Manhattan- Railway Company has resulted in some selling of that property by disertminating- operators. The policy of the comapany. as will be demonstrated by the treatment of the dividend quesion the near future, will be awaited with much interest by investrs and speculators alike. The Metropolitan Tration.

the reorganased rival of the former company. held an importat meetng today to other things, the advisablIty 4 decladog a scrip dividend of 20 per cent on Its capital stock. This action has 46een contemplated for some time, but is believed to have been delayed, in common with similar ente-rprises. until the result ef the presidential elections became known. Thls action.

if sanctioned, will increase the diflerulties incident to a consolidation of the two companies, it in believed. Sterling exchange was reported to be steady. under an average demand from remitters. The quantity of hills being oferemt Is slightly in excess of the actual demant. but tihe market is in a condition attracting little attention as a speculative factor.

The money market presents no new features. and Is, therefore. not responsible fOr the movement in stock issues. The character of the trading during the final hour was unchanged, with irregular net results prevailing. FENANUCA.

AND The following an the opening the highest and the Jomast and the elosing pries of the New York stock market today, ad -eported by Corson Macartney. members New York steek Corrpondnts, Meont. nm Schiae. No. a Broadway.

Own. ih Low. ae. American 11 117 1176 American 16M Ist 1n AprieWTet 2611 Amerteam CofttOn tag 14 U4s 1 15j Daltimorea000 Ba ineOm U8 1 to leg 40 4 do Canada Pibn 17 IT 1T 9 six VtU six Ccg. 19 IBM Of a (NOAo 6n6 1M6 16 166 I 7w DVa.

4d3 18 1... 1.. Aeawma i Lndlds Si 1U 166 166 18 116 1St koasaa.Ea 08 National .26 96 New desy Cens. 166 146 166 16 Mew tort: Northern 1596 i5l Nerthern Pcic, North 59 sug 16 1696 16 16 Pacise 363, 1796 379 3396 PFasemme c. 1al 56 1as unheafRy.

al Pla. 6696 Teza. 10 10 Tea. Coaad tea. U0 Ue Uiis 19 U.S.Lassaer 62 Wabash, 17.

Wheellug L. Wheelna L. Ere.Pfd. 3396 3396 33B 319 Weiera Ct'nTel. Gg si si Wnshamtem Steec Exc-angmae.

Sales-n-ultar can--12 o'elemt ur. .6. 4,, neist-red, pe00 at Natloeal nBank. 7 at 100; 1 at 360. (tbempisebe ad Fetase Telegueheme, at 60; lo at es; 6Oat 66; 14 at 68: 4 at 60.

Djistrict of Ostenabta feud 11i3 bid, 3afed 66gM 110 tid. Wate.r Ta, 901, ll aern cstatt T. 1o763, bid. Misceliameaus Raflemd 5S, 106 bid. Meteoplan Railred corny.

6. 116 bId, I1o eahed. Metreeltan Raitred certiisteu eaf Indebtedares, 116 bi.Belt Raiteesd S. SI aded. Rau t.

IS9 esked. (leturnidi Rallseed 108 asked. Wasubteo I.s 4Crnpisy Eseries Nid. OnE Ow.sete 113 bid. Chespeake and bild.

AmerIces Security and TustF. ssd 1es bMd. Aasericn A.cartpnd Trust A. end 0., 100 hild. WashIngte 1st Gs es 06 bd.

Waeihtajirien Market Oampsmmer lap. 6., 10s ld. Washaincijtee Maiket Cpayeat. 66, 106 bind. Maxomie Ra Assectation 6 103 bMd.

Natismal teak -Bash ot Waebmagt-'a, to bMd. Bask ot th Reptanle, 248 tbid. Met ualtaa, 230 lid, 306 asked. Central, 270 bId. rer snd Mechasieu', 178 bid.

130 131 sed. (Rtiness, 128 bid. (blnabla, 120 teId. (hpitaI, 116 bid. West Dad, 104 bid.

110 Taudems, 5 lid, 106 ambed Lammoln, 166 tend ltU asked. OhIO, US ashed. 6afe Degwndt ad Trust Safe Depesit ad Trust. 115 bmid, skd Washingte. Len and Tt.

118 baid, 125 ased. Anserh as Siecsity and Ttest. bId, 145 asked. Washingtes BallndStss-4apltal Tractsn Company. bid, 61 ashed.

et.item, 114 115 asked. tasked.l~4 Gas end EUectete Lht Ga, 46 bind. 4f ake. Gorgtws Gas, 40 bud. U.

S. UBsette liht2 teid. Immree Stt-4rem's. 33 lind. FPaalim, 66 tad.

Msrelza6 bid. Osrema, SO hid. Petemae, 66 US lid. Ge.rmas. Amnerican, 816 hid.

156 asked. Natisual 'I. 0 b6d, 14 aed. 12 hsd. 14 asked.

ae. ee' hsid. 6 akd hSd.5aidmed. Osmeseal, bid, Title trsannee Staas.s-Real Eltate Title, 115 maed COsbmbia Title, 5 hid. maed Titte, a d.

Distriet TMtte, ased. Ila-re---sses ad, b.nes em amarnhs. 4 astML.

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