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The Cairo Bulletin from Cairo, Illinois • Page 1

Cairo, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ClrcDlt ildife 0. J. Ktilcrr. Circuit Clerk-A. 11.

Irvln. County Judge U. Yocura. 'ounty Cli-rk H. J.

llinnm. Comity Attorney M. Damron. Couuty Treasurer Miles W. barker.

HherlfT John Hodges. UronurK. PlttKarnld County Cnmmln.lonurs T. W. Bslllday, J.

Glbh. and Peter hasp. City Omcera. Mayor N. 11.

Thi.tlewuod. Treasurer J.Kerth. Clerk Dennis. Ifoley. Couuselor Win.

B. (ilfhert. Marshal L. II. Attorney William Uendriuka.

BOA SI) or S'lrtt Ward-Peter Banp. T. M. Klmbrougb. Mocoud Ward-Jeiae lllnkle, C.

N. Hughes, Tlilrd Wtrd-B. Blake, John Wood. Fourth Ward-Cherle O. Patter, Adolph 8wo- bKlfih Ward-T.

W. nalllday. Krneet B. Petttt. CHURCHES.

UK.0 UAPTI3T Corner Teuth and Poplar airueta: oreacbina flrt and third hondaya lu acb month, 11 a. tn.and":: P. in prayer meeting Thursday, p. m. una ay chool.

CHCUCH OF TUX KKDBKMKK (Episcopal) Fourteenth street; Bundey Uoly Kueha.lsl; am. undy school 10:46 s.m., Morning prsyers; Slio p. evening Tyers. F. P.

Davenport, S. U. Hector ttlKRT MISSIONARY BAPTIST Preaching at 10:) a. 8 p. tn and 7:30 p.

m. Babhatb stbool at p. Kev. T. J.

Shore, plor ITllBKAN-Tblrteenth street; services liable bath 1 m. Sunday schoolip m. Rev. Knsppe, pastor. METIIODlbT -Cor.

Rlulitb and Walnut streets, Preaching Sabbath a. m. and 7 :80 p. m. Sunday Hcbool at m.

Itev. J. A. Scarrett, Paator. I)KKSHYTEKIAN-KIbth etreel; preaching on habbath at 11 a.

m. and prayer meetlDK Wednesday at 7:) p.m.; Sunday School Hip.n. Kev b.Y.'ieow, pastor. CT. JOHKI'H Catholic) Corner Croe 0 and Walnut street; services Sabbath 10:80 a.

n. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Vespers p. m.

service, everyday at 8 a.m. Hot. O'llara, Priest. ST PATKlCK'S-(Kornsn Catholic) Corner Ninth street and Washington avsnne; services Sab-oath and 10 a in. Ve.per.

8 p.m.; Bunday School p. in. services every day at 8 a m. Hev. Maaternou prieat.


TKASS AHKiva tMail ra KxpreM Arcoin'dation. Mall tKxvrees tAccomdetloa. a WISH CENTRAL vil i.viaii AST Accom'datlon. 1 Express. (Narrow Gauge Op.m vr i i II H.

EipreM. I'tErpreaa tccora uatiun. I tAccom datlon II a WABASH, ST. 1.0 VIS PACIKIC H'Y CO. Mall I 'Mail A 9:49 Duly except Snndy.

Dally. JLLiKOIS OKNTKALR. It. THE Shortest ami Quickest Route TO St, Louis and Chicago. Tho Onlv Lino Kunning 0 DAILY TRAINS Ii'rom Cairo, Making Direct Connection WITH KASTK11N LINES.

TAixa I.iatx Caiko: Mil MriI, Arriving In St. l.oiila a.m. Chicago, 8 :8nu.m.; CotiBw-iliiit odinan.1 EfflnRham for Cincinnati, Louisville, liuliuMiipolia aud polnta Eaat. 1 1 () St.

unit Weajtern Arrivlui: In St. l.o,in7:0R p. and conmcting for al! point W'eat. p.m. l''imt Kxprwa nrSt.

Louie and Chic ago, arrlviuj; at St. Louis p.m., ami a A in, Kxpi'faH. Arriving al C'luilnuMl a.m.; Louutrtlle Indiauupolli" 4 a.m. I'aaaenera thia train rcaili the above polnta Hi to 36 Hot US In unvance oi any oin-r route, tiyThp p. m.

expreaa haa PULLMAN SLfcEPlNU CAR Cairo to Cincinnati, without Change, and through aleeperf to 81. and Chlraijfi. VnHt Timo J'kist. yn-u throuuh to Kant. clSCllCrS puluM without any deUy canaed by Sunday lnUrvonliiK- The Saturday afternoon train from Cairo arrive, in new York Mouday mornliif? at Thlrty aix hours iu advanccof nv other mine, ry-For tlirouuli ticket, and further information, simlv at lllinol.

Central Railroad Depot, Cairo, mil mwik .1. II RH. Ocn. Sontbtirn Awnt. Ticket AkvdI.

A.M. HANSON, Ooo, Anont. Chicago IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Arkanaaa andToxaa Expreaa 1 a.m. Dally 11 :10 a.m.

Dally Tickei onico: No. Do Ohio Levee. PnYHlCUN9. EORQE II. LEA.CII, M.

D. Physician and Surgeon. n.wi,,i imldto the Homeopathic treat Bient of aurKlcal dlaeatos, nd dlscaaoa of womou nd children. Office: On 14th strout, opposlto the Tott Oince, Cilro, 111. DRNTI8TS.

E. W. WniTLOCK, Dental Burgeon. Ornc-No, 136 OommercUl Avenue, between eighth and Mutu Btreeta JjR. W.


Oar Ijoads a Specialty. OK KICK-. Cor. Twelfth Street and Levee, CAIRO. ILLINOIS.

HILL AND COMMISSION. HALLIDAY brothers, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Commission Merchants, DIll.BH. IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND HAY I'ropnetorsi Egyptian Flouring Mills Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat. CAIRO AND NEW MADRID PACKET REGULAR PACKET TO NEW MADRID.


J. K. MUSE, Clerk. Lrave. Cairo for New Madrid and way polnta every, Thursday and Saturday at i m.

Returning leavM. uw Heuue.aay. rnaay, and Monday at 7 a.m. ror freight or paasacc apply to JAMES BKMJS, Agent. WOOD TAP.D.

W. WHEELER, ANTHHAC1TK COAL --Ann Summer Wood aud Kindling eouiiAully on band STAVE CLIPPINGS At Seventy-five cents per load. Stave Trimmings At one dollar per load. The coarae ahavtngi and make the beat summer wood for cooking pnrpo.ea sa well a. the cheapest ever aold In Cairo.

For black ptnlth'e naeln.etting Urea, they are unequalled Leave yuor order, at the rerun street wood yara INSURANCE. 1 8 TJ tst 4 td pan S3 Jj t3 Si A aw I -s! tti BBS? El FERUYROAT CAIRO CITY FERRY CO. FKHltYBOAT THREE kEto STATES On and after Monday, Jane 7th, aud nntll lurtber notice the ferry boat will mako trips as follows LIATIS MAVIS LI4TIS Foot Fourth st. Mlmourl Land'g. Kentucky Ld 8:00 S.

m. m. 8:00 p. 4:00 p.m. 3 p.m.

8:80 m. 10:30 8. m. p. m.

4:80 p.m. SUNDAYS 3:30 p.m. a. m. 11 p.

m. p.m I p.m SHOE MAKER, E. JONES, Fashionable Shoemaker HAS REMOVED BIS SHOP TO EIHGTH ST, BETWEEN' COMMERCIAL AT, AND OHIO NEAR TO ESU. COMI.NOS'OKFICK. Bs has received full stock of the he.t Leather, end guarantees both the fit and ths workmanship.

tVOIve him a COAL, WOOD ICE. F. M. WARD, DSAI.IH IN WOOD, COAL and ICE, Big Muddy Coal by the Ton or Car Load, delivered in any part of llie i.ttv WOOD OF ALL KINDS. ty Leave ordera st my Wood and Coal Office.


1HE CITY NATNOAL BANK Cairo, Illinois. CAPITAL, $100,000 OFFICERS: W.f. HALLIDAY, Tretident. H. L.


T. BJALUTIAT, BSKBT BAUJSAT, ft. ft. CUIMlXftlAH, i. iriLUAftanK, amo, a.

a. candii. Eichane, Coin and United States Bonds BOUGHT AND BOLD. Deposltsrecelved and a general banking ba.lneta eona'acud. VARIRTK STORK.


Nineteenth str.ot 1 Puil'A Til Commercial Avenue I VyttllU, 111. M. BAXTER Manufacturers of PURE LIQUID PAINTS, WHITE LEAD Zincs, and Colors, No. K2 Pearl Street, NEW YORK, Our Liquid Paints are ready for Immediate use on opening the packages, no oil, spirits of turpentine or dryers betug required, Parity. We guarantee their absolute purity end their freedom from liarytos, clay, alkalis, water, benzine, soap and other article, which are uaed to tdultorate liquid iuie.

rvivarlna Canncltv. They wnlirh (floen to all teen pounds to the gallon, and will cover better and more surface than any chemical paints or those containing baryles or ciay, a. mese add weiani without hnitv. Permanency of Color Great care has been taken in selecting colors for tinting, ana we use only per manent color, conseanently our tints do not fade. Convenience Anv one who can nan a n.lnt brush can apply thnae paints, aud being ready tor use, there Is no wa.te or excess of material, as is thecsso often when lead, oil and turpentine have to be purchased The colore can always be exactly matched and therels no necessity of bavins two or three shades on the same building, as la often the case wnen lints are maae experimentally.

Our Pure Llqald Paints are put op in email can from 1 to 6 and also by the gallon, In packages from earn of 1.1, 1 ana 8 galls. to keg of 10, IS and 85 sad bbl. of 45 jails. Sample Card and ts Lists mailed to any ad. dress, noviu futi(wa Blood Poison Scrofulous Ulcers aud I tcli i lie- Humors, Abscesses and Glandular LEAD POISONING troubled with bad burner on baud, and uerk, cMKud bv lead poiaouliiu.

'Uei a palufr.) Al time It would break out. and the aepa rate from the tle.Ii In lara picia, k' continual- itclilnirand Purchased your remedlea; ii.cil i. vtlcur inlarnally, and Cutlcura and Citlitura Moan eziemallv. and in le. Uian three month Mtrerrt-dkeonipletn cure, aud ha.

not Ixien irniibled Corroborated by Hull. rd rosii'r, or 'jiflials tsnnLu u. on JrZl. ticura RnnitMlk. are Urn grualest medicine on earth Had the wornt ca.e salt, rheum In thin county Mv iiiothcr hail it twenty mid lu fart dlod from it I would have her life.

My Iin and bead wore covered for three which nothing relieved or cured Until I n.efl I lie Cutlcura Rnaolveut Internally, and cmlrura and Cuiirora Soap exU-rually. w'ic Carpenter, K.o iired of or of v) year. by Cuticura Ko.olvciit Inlei ohIIv, anil Cutlcura Cuticura Ho.p externally. The mort wonderful fa. eon record, Curea certified lo before a Ju.tlro of the pear and prominent citizens.

All afUlcted with itrhluu and dl.ea.e. to u. for Ihl. le.tlmoulal lii lull. lulr IMioinil Tho.e who have rxperlenred Ortll ltheiim cau appreciate the Rgnny thai I endured for until cured by the Cutlcura Re.olvent Internally, and Cutlcnra and Cutlcura Soap externally.

MRS. WM. PJCLLINOTON, Sharon, Wl. cuncuia. The aliciira trealnient for the cure of Skin, Scalp and di.ea.e..

eonsi.l. In tie Inturti.l u.e of Cutlcura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, and the external u.e of of Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soup, the great skin Price of Cutlcura, bore. Vic; larje bole. SI f'Mllrtlr. it SI tturltnltlft f'litli-nr.

Soap, 2. Cutlcura Shaving Hoap, Ifc-. Hold by all uiiiBiilxis Depot, WKKKS A PolTSR, CATARRH. Sanford's Kadical Cure, Complete Treatment poit si. i 'tear bead and voice, ea.y breathing, brealV liurfect smell, and bearlnir, no couuh, no r.ho.

king, no Thc.e happy condition, are brought about In the of Catarrh, iy tha' moat agreeable, economical, ep-eily. ale aud never-failing flc, hanford'. Radical Cure, t'omplete and infallible (reslment, cnn.latlng of one bottle of the Cure, uue box oFCatarrb. al Solvent and one Improved Inhaler, all wrapped In one package, with and directiona, and sold by all druggist, for $1. A.k fir Nanfnrd's Radical Cure (ieneral WKKKS POTTER, Boston, RATS, M1CF, RO AC Ilea.

Water Hues, and Hi nrcl Hindi Ant. rat PARSONS' KX1KRMINATOK and die. fear of bad rnella. 'S and hon.ebolil. of ten cleared in a single night.

Real and rheape.t Vermin Mllcr tn llie world taiiuro in Kvurv box wananted. Sold by all erocer and druggl.t.. A.k fr Mailed for av. by Jtbll.3 I'Ull Iioniun, Jinn TIIK EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society, 120 Broadway, New York, DOES TIIK LARGEST BUSINESS of any I.lfu In.urance Company in Tin: wohij). Becauaie tt alons lsai.s Incoiitestiblo stipule ting that the contrscl of In.ursnce "shall not ho ilisti'itcd" after It ii three year, old, and that such pollcle.

shall ha Paid Immediately, on receipt of factory proof, of death. Hecauso II. policy 1. clear and concl.c, and contain. NO ARDUOUS (MDITIONS.

II. -READ YOUR POLICIES. Compere the short snd form used by tha Biiultable with the long and ob.curo contracts loaded down with technicalities ls.ned by other companies! Because Its CASH RETURNS to policy holders arc I rnprecedented. N. B.

Sec the many letter, from policy holders their gratinYatlon with the retitrni from their Tontimc Savinos Ft'ND founts. Houuu of iln Financial Strength. Outstiindinj: Insnrance 190 MILLIONS. Assets Securely Invested MILLIONS. 3 1 tu 1 at tiAUtAll tlllil I IF 10 MILLIONS.

KA.nUHNKTT.ABont, Offlce, corner l'Jlh and Washington. November 1881. mdw (IIILU.VK' (1RKAT WINTER Excursion to New Orleans, Oil TiU'llHtMT, DRi'BMBCR 15, ISSl. The most (liillghirul season of llieyesr visit tne wrescnut uiiy, uu rnur.asy, ueeomoer i.i, 7 o'clock a. siieclal traluwlth ampl first cla.s accomnuidat tins lncluillliv very best day coaches, Pullman palace utonpera, a well kept Hefrnshment car will loavs Cairo and run through to New Orleaus via C.

St, and N. It, n. Round Trip Fare from Cairo, 12.60. Tlckols good lo roturn for lOdsyi. The attention or the ladles in particular, causa 10 mis loumou Ticket for sal at Cairo by Mr.

Biggs. Fresh Oysters. Menu. Hewitt corner of Eighth street and Ohio levee, will open on Thursday, 10th with a full assortment of Baltimore and New Orlean oystera in hulk and cam, also freeh ami salt water Hah various kinds; aud liopi) hy careful attention to rm'rit a continuance of their last patronage, and of other who dnlight in choice goods at low prices. Save Thirty-live Per Cent.

Thiity-livo permit, saved ly huyiuyaud iiinf Cut and Ground Feed, at corner of Wevcntcunth street and Washington avenue. Ground Outs per bu 55c Corn 80c Important Notice To Ihe menihcrs of the Womriu's(Jlul(aud Library Association, Cairo, 111. The Woiuana Club and Library Association will hold a special mut'ting 011 Thutsrluy, December 1.1th, 1881, at o'clock 1. M. at tho library ronui in (Jsiro, for the purpose of considering ami voting upon a proposition to donate the property known ns the public library, to the city of Cairo, us a foundation lor a frp.

tuiblic library and reading room, to be or'miizod under the laws of tin: state of Illinois, relating lo the establishment and maintenance of free public libraries nnd reading rooms. By order of the llonrd of Trustees, MHS. If. II.CANDKK.Secv.. Cairo, 111., Xovemlicr 15th 1881.

CrtrpeiiNiring: and Puinliiitf. W. M. II At.K. BUOTHEH, f'ONTH TDK iNO BftLDKBR.

Painting and Carpentering done by the job or day. Repairs aud job work promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. A share of the patronage solicited. Leave ordets at the Post Ofllee, box HO 2. Truly yours, W.

M. IIai.R. Cairo. Nov. 24.

1881. GKNKRAL NEWS. Ilanibcrt, an amnestied communist, haa been choseu to represent Lyons in the French chamber of depntk-s. It is rumored in Washington that Charles II. Reed, of Chicago, is to take charge of Quiteau's defense to-day.

The stores of H. Hyde and Craft ii IVnnoyer, st Oakland, were wiped out by tire, the loss being A solicitor's clork went from Dublin to Rathdowner to serve writs for rent, and hi body was found by tho police with the skull crushed in. The Swiss government i bombarding Reaikopf, in order to drive in an opposite- direction the loose rocks threatening the town of Elm. Mahone held a quiet conference with a number of Virginia democrats at Washington, anil inaistod on their aiding to make Riddlebnrger sergeant at arms of Mm senate. Secretary Folgur will recommend the rapid reduction of the bonded debt by using the treasury reaerve above 40 per cent, in the purchase of continued ft" and 5 per cents.

Reports are in circulation at Salt Lake that rresidout John Taylor recently took with him on a pleaching tour a wealthy widow, to whom he nnnicd in the new temple at St. floorge. Miss Reynolds, a young Irish woman, who marehod before tho evicting force anil urged the tenanta not to pay rent, has been servod with a mmrnoni to answer the charge of criminal conspiracy. Brooks, chief of the ecret. aervicojof tho treasury, ia to be decapitated, and Chief Chirk Powers baa been removed.

The state ment that Tom Murphy was to receiva an appointment, is now denied. Father McCarthy, pariah priest at Greenfield, was fatally almt by David McMillan, because the latter was refused admittance to tha parsonage to aee his wife, now serving the priest ss housekeeper. Milwaukee detectives have arrested John Mac-key nnd William Schaefer for robbing the picture frame establishment of J. C. Iverson Co.

of goods valued at $1,000. Schaofur was the shipping clerk of the firm, and Mackey kept a retail store and disposed of the plunder. At 4 o'clock on morning flames appeared in the PilLry flouring mill at Minneapolis, operated by C. A. Pillsbury A Co.

They speedily oitendcd to the Ft-celsior, the Minneapolis and the Empire mills, ami the cotton factory of Porillus Morrison. Then they attacked a train of loaded freight cars, at which moment an explosion occurred in the Minneapolis mill, leveling the walls, killing three men and severely injuring othora. Among those who lost their live were Cornelius Fredericks, assistant chief engineer of the firo department, and a hook and ladder man named Tuhey. Windows ten blocks away were shattered to fragments. The Minnenpolii mill had been shut down for some timt, and the explosion may have resulted cither from gas or flour dust.

The mills destroyed represent one-tenth of the capacity of the city. The total loss Is $410,100, nnd the insurance $.107,175. A NEW DEPARTURE IN CRIMINAL LAW. Wo learned incidentally yesterday of what may be culled a new departure in the trial of a criminal; At the recent November term of the Massac circuit court Judge Baker pormittod the attorney for a prisoner, who was on trial for murder, to make the doling argument. This appeared to so different from what we supposed to be the rul that we Inquired particularly into the eircumataoces under which the decision was made.

Qua Peter Buries wa being tried for murder1. After tha evidence for the proaecution was heard, showing a brutal r.iurder, our informant states, the lawyer for the priaouer Informed the court that he would Introduce no eiidDce for his client; and that lie demanded the right to open and close the argument in behalf of the prisoner; claiming that wherever the defendant Introduced no evidence in his own dfpncp, hit attorney had the right to make the opening and cloaiug speech to the jury. Thsi wtirt yielded to 1I1 demand and permitted the attorney for the defendant in a murder trial, to make the opeuiug and doting apeech. If thia decision is good law, and, knowing the cafe which Judge Haker exercises In rendering his decisions, we will presume) it is. it will be another help to the uol'oi lunate criminal classes, who think they are greatly persecuted.

We had hoped the difficulty of convicting men indicted for murder would bo lessened by a careful itudy of the law. but this decision of the judge seems lo us lo make another point in their favor Tub wide ipread I'aineof I)I. HI LL'S COUGH BYRUPia justly won by its own merits, and the reputation it has gained ha been secured by it universal use. PERSONALS. Col.

J. B. Hudson is at home to pend the holiday. Mr. Lee Boicourt is on his way to Louis-villr, on business.

Miss Clara Baughen has gone to join her father at Burlington, Iowa. Commissioner Oibbs wss In attendnce of the meeting of the county bonrd Monday. The relatives of Miss Coulter, who lots been very sick, arrived from Morgan City, Sunday. Miss Ella Clodl'elter is in thu city again after a short absence in the country, during which she became ill. Rev.

Davenport is traveling in Tennessee with a fried, but will be here in time to occupy the pulpit of the church of the Re-dwtnar nett Sunday. Mr. Lon. Hayncs, formerly of Cairo, but now of Fulton, paaaed through thu city several day ago for Bt. Louis to purchase a stock of holiday goods.

Tho layer of rock found by the Illinois Central shaft sinker at a depth of one hun dred and 6vo feet below the natural bed of hw river, was three feet thick. It has been cut through and the shaft sunk ninety feet doeper without discovering any more rock. A DISPATCH FROM DANIEL. The following dispatch which was received yesterday by Mayor Thietlcwood from Mr. Travers Daniel, who is in New-York city, will eiplaln what the latter is doing with regard to ths Cairo water work Nw Yobi Citt, December 5th.

To N. Tblstlewood. Mayor: Have contracted for stand-pipe iron getting many bids ou water-pipe; foundries are full of orders, but will place contract this week, Cairo works will be finished iu August, sure. Tuavebs Dasif.i.. Thcbe is not a farm, I believe in our neighborhood where a bottle of HAMBURG DROPS can not be found; for Chills and Fevers are vary prevalent with us.

But fhe'fblkl know well, that If they only use Harotvrirg Dropa in good lime, they can (Btvej many a doctor's bill. E. Lanok, Morrison, Mo. Suiloh'i Cchk will immediately relieve Crotip, 1 Whooping cough and Bronchitis. 14 When yon have had Catarrh lun enough, just lend 10c.

lo Dr. C. R. Sykes, I6tt Madison Chicago, for hlsTrua Theory of Catarrh. Mr.

Rrrt bnstein, Boston, writes: "Your SPUING BLOSSOM has cured me of dyspepsia, of four (4) yeara standing. I have regained my normal appetite, can sleep well and feel like a new man." Price 50 cent, trial bottles 10 cti. Paul 0. Schnh, Agent. An DM Friend.

He wai afflicted with a lame back aud general debility; he wns recommended THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL which cured him at ooce. This famous specific Is a positive remedy for bodily pain. P.G. Schuh, Agent. Fob Drsriii'BtA and Liver Complaint, you will have printed guarantee on every bottle of Bhilok'i Vitalizcr.

It never fails to cure. 1.1 Tmk beauty and color of the hair niav bo safely regained by using Parker's Hair Balsam, which ia much admired lor ita perfume, ctearllnesi and dandruff eradicat ing properuei. Our Glorious Independence. What can be tcore glorious than to be independent of anffennfj, caused by dyi-pepaia, indigestion, constipation, sick headache or othet diaeascs emanating from the etowh. Thia can lie eaaily gaineil hy a tfmelr use of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

Price $1.00, trial sire 10 cents. Paul O. Scbuk, Afftnt. A btaVaTj tiMfcroii free with each bottle of BMlh Catarrh Remedy. Price .10 centa..

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