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The Cairo Bulletin from Cairo, Illinois • Page 4

Cairo, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TilK DAILY BULLETIN mill: bulletin IutiUlne, Washlnum Arenoe CAIKO, ILLINOIS. KM UHKU AT THK J'OHT OKPIC IN CAIKO, XL tJSOIli, AS BKOoNIVCljUs MATT KB. J.AL PAPKKOF cri-YANl) COUNTY SPECIAL LOCAL ITEMS. cluhl cent uer lino for I win it Hue earhiiurequeiittueer-t'ou lU wuvk. cents per lino, tor one mi'iiili, reii'i' nliU- Notice.

Comm. ncing Sunday, October Oth, 1881, ivs, i. trains of the St. Louis, Iron Motin-Mia and Southern railway will arrive at i Cram I'niim ili'ivit. corner Second Ibll'l i i mid Commercial avenue.

Ticket ollice, ') Ohio levee. II. II.Mn.iiLKX, A-nt ATTENTION ROUGHS. A Muri'il meeting will le held on Mou dnv nvnimr, Oct. lor mo purpose of an election to till vacancies.

(Jku. J. Bixkkk, Sec. Pro Tern. Ki ami one unfurnished rent.

Apply Mus. Boyle, Eighth street. On public Opinion" in women and society, Kings and Princes acknowledge its sway, and Public sold only by II. Meyers, sole n-Vnt f.r Cairn, Illinois. Don't tail toob-tan supply.

Katly Rose Potatoes. I revived and for sale, five car loads of olv Rose Potatoes. V. M. Ci-NPiKK, Eighth street Notice.

ik'i Iding due bill from CO. will pieie cad and have vsiu X- tl-i, wm, to tl.At UU' -n oar Uwks, we re-tMek-U: mike payau-nt atone-, as all be closed at Cn as. O. Patieu. Wm.

Wolf. riiM-ition. Ocudicr oJ to 'i JU.iV CK.NTliAL RAILROAD wi; Ion tickets to St. Louis and fa he for the round trip. M'lH (.

i.uv of tickets Saturday, Oct. continue until Sth. Gixl to re- tarn Mouday, Oct. 10th, inclusive. ,1 A.

II. Hanson, n'l Agf, Cain). Oen'l Puss. Agt. Fresh Meats, lliukle Son, Ohio mv prepared to furnish nt retail all of fresh meats at the.

bwest prices liver the Siime free of charge to all Me: J.vcc kin l. parts of the city. Orders for meats by telephone No. 11 will have prompt attention. Oysters by the.

Can at Puma's 50 Ohio Levee. Uuy Lone: or Short, but be sure to'buy enough of "Public Opinion," the best cigar ever offered in this market. only by II. Meyers, sole agent, Ciin, Illinois. Laborers Wanted.

Til HUE IIUNMIED MEN ii railroid, wajes 1..10 per I per For further C. Mmley, Court House U.iy, lb Fresh Oysters ivt iv o'l Leyee. Wliolesilc and Retail, pi. ire I to sell ice by the car- 1 load com 1 in- Or 1 to fir. i I tV' iiiini'l ut prices beyond iiiion.

My will run to all i of tii" city during summer, surving eu loiiiers (lUantitiea to suit. mi i -loiiil lots will receive prompt My ke is Pure Lake Ice, from Ics Kankakee, 111. Td F. M. Wakd.

Select Oysters 1 liuun's. in For Sale at lireenlleUrs Lainlinij, Iii i' "ile my house, residence. ami l.o acres of land. lbuKtom is l'Jx liAeiimg 5 rooms and kit" ii. The location is firrit-dass for busi in -A county road passes on each side the rice.

or particulars apply to Tannkk, (Ireenlield's Landing, Mo Ainyer'rt Oysters. FrfU arrival of Select Oysters at Avin PTiV Thuip's Jv. and Lurojican Ho tel. Ohio next to Cily Iiank I'leiy (hiy, and served up to order in the best sfyle, cooked or raw, at any iiour of day 4ivnir suio at lowest market by can or quart, for family tisn. Select Oysters in cans at I aim s.

A Fine Farm TO I.KVE Full A TEltM OK YEA KB. I will use niy farm ut Pulaski 10 miles lrom Cuiio, to a good tcn.iut for a term of ye The farm Is rich bottom and tim-'" 1 upl ind, good for fruit nnd early fai dening; two living springs of water that loive no signs of failing this present div u-iiii; new two story dwelling of 7 io within live minutes walk of railroad pohtnilicu telegraph ofllce; in raUvaier as good us the best can bo by driving. At a little expenso a bMp Wm wn ina.lo .0,1 Mocked wiih native fisli. The wheat -r tins wtison ykMed 15 bushels to the acre and corn will Imshels'to the acre. As dairy furm, the place is un-upialed.

ew farm implement, cows Imrs'-H, etc. will be sold with the leaso ii desired. Parties are invited t. visit the place or address mo by letter. E.

Jf Low it. Pulaski. Ills. Kn'juiries may bo made at Tun Hi llktin oi.ic; or ot J. JI.

MeU-air, Cairo, Ills. Can Oysters at Do Ilium's -VJ Ohio Levee. THE DAILy GENERAL LOCAL ITEMS Notice 1n thia coiiimm, ton cut par line, ch Inaertton. Mrkert Ilattio 8. an elegant small cigar, at Schuh's.

Havana Mr. II. H. Camleo and family returned to Cairo yesterdny morning. Hon.

II. II. Black has returned from Colorado greatly improved in his health. Mrs. Geo.

Lentz and daughter returned from their visit to Ohio early in the week. Paul II. Schuh took in tho St. Louis fair, and then returned homo yesterday morning. Just Q.

G. Weichert, a new supply of of Meerham goods of all dis-criptions. Look out for George Weichert's uew store. He has determined to make it tho finest in the city. Garfield republicans is what they are called now.

This sounds more euphonious than "half-breeds." Smoke "Tho Independent" the only reliable five cent cigar in town. For sale by G. G. Weichert. Tho Hough Heady Fire Company advertise a Bpecial meeting to be held at their ball to-morrow evening.

Adolph Swoboda is building a brick ad dition, to tho fine business house of Swo boda Scbulze, on Poplar street. The festive street car i3 making its self numerous on our streets. Trips are made regularly, and nearly on Mr. G. G.Wichert has just returned from St.

Louis with a full stuck of new goods of all kinds for his tobacco store. Rev. A. J. Hess will preach at the Baptist church, Tenth street corner of Poplar, at the usual hours morning and evening.

Mr. H. A. riannon has returned from the St. Louis fair.

Mrs. Ilunnon ill remain in the city several days, ris-iling friends. If yon want firKt-cluss boarding call at Charles Schoimnievers' corner Toplar, Tenth and Washington avenue, Gcrmnnia House Restaurant. Mr. Joseph Malone leaves for Springfield nest Tuesday, on a visit to relatives.

From there he will return to his home in Columbus, Ohio. A good girl to do general house work. Apply at residence of 8. Rosenwater, Eighth street, between Washington and Walnut. Mr.

A. J. Aldeu's ten-year-old daughter is very sick at Renton with typhoid fever. The mother was called to her bedside by a telegram yesterday. Gus Botto is buying tho fincub outfit to bo obtained for money, to place in his new saloon.

It will be, when completed, the finest in Southern Illinois. Mike O'Donnol has at his saloon sam ples of an extra quality of roofing slate, sent from the quarry of his brother in Washington county, N'ew York. A discourse will be delivered this evening at the Presbyterian church on the Early nistory of the Bible. The usual services will be held in the morning. The painters are putting the fininhing touches on the front of Tabor's jewelry store.

The designs are Chinese and Japanese, unique, tasty and elegant. Rev. A. J. Hess ill preach this morn ing and evening at tho Baptist church, at the usual hours.

All are cordially invited. Sunday school at half-past nine a. in. Stuart's Popular and Reliable Dry Goods House are the only agents in this city for the sale of the Genuine Foster Kid Glove. See our 2 Buttons Kid at 21 cents.

-Civil service is looming up again. What will President Arthur do with it? Some of Garfield's cabinet pledged to its support cared no more for civil Borvicc than for an old boot. Tho walls of the new opera-house are nearly completed and preliminary steps toward putting on the roof has commenced Tho stage ia precisely tho si.o that inMc- Vicker's theatre in Chicago. lo-nay the iron Mountain trains will commence running into the new Union Depot, corner Commercial avenue nnd Second street, where transfers oi passengers and haggago will hereafter be made. G.

G. Wichert and wife returned from St. Louis yostcrday morning. Mr. Wichert while in that lity, purchased tho fixtures, for his now 6torc, which ho intends shall bo tho finest tobacco house in the city John Reese has returned lrom St.

Louis not especially pleased with a visit to that city during tho progress of the fair. A room could not bo obtained at any prico and he spent ono night walking tlio street shivering in his light clothes and praying for day light. For a quiet, orderly, neat, well-con ducted place, where tho finest of wines, liquors or cigars may bo obtained and en joyed at any hour, as tho saloon is kept open day and night, wo cannot do better than recommend tho Post Offlco saloon kept by jovial Joo Ronekcr. The murderers, James C. Atkinson and Apploton Atkinson, confined in the jail at Gayoso, under sentenco of death, broko ia'll Fridav nifrht nnd Chief Meyers received a description of them yesterday.

A reward of two hundred dollars will bo paid for their appro-hension. They were to hang on tho 28th for tho murder of a woman and little girl. CAIRO BULLETIN; SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOKEft 9, 1881. Tho movemont to makfl Niagara a free international park is resuming prominonco. There seems to bo excellent reasons why this Bhouhl bo done.

But it would involvo a vicious hackmon's rebellion. Rev. Mr. Scarrltt arrived in tho city yesterday morning, and his family arrived by boat in tho afternoon. There will bo prayer and class meeting at tho mcthodist church this morning at ten o'clock, regular services at eleven, also in tho evening.

Sunday school at 8 p. m. The Appachcs havo left the war-path and are "coming in" again. That means that winter is coming on, meat will be scarce, and it will bo much pleasanter and easier to draw rations from tho government, even if the settlers must be allowed to live until spring comes again. The new perforating machine for Thk Bulletin offico will arrive the last of this week.

When wo propose manufacturing receipt books, draft books, blank notes, orders, scratch books and pads to place on the market in competition with Chicago atid Cincinnati manufacturers. Tho police, yesterday arrested and jailed two Irish, ono dutch and and ono colored boy for placing stones and other obstructions on tho street railroad track. Warrants havo been sworn out agaiust other boys on tho same kind of a charge, to bo served if necessary. See our great bargains in Dross Goods. Best and cheapest line of Black Cashmeres ever shown in the city.

Good Black Silk at 40 and 50 cents. Endless variety of Beaded Gimps, Fringes, Buttons, Ornaments, etc. Special bargains in Silk Velvets and Plushes. Stuart. Great bargains in Gents Scarfs at 25 cents, worth fully 50 cents.

We have just received some novelties in Gents' Underwear, Collars and CulTs, to which we invite attention. We propose to make it to the interest of the gentlemen to trado with us in this line of coods. See our Gents' Linen Collar at 10c, 12c and 15c. Stuart. Among the cases disposed of by tho appel late court, and decisions rendered October 6th, we notice that of Bross vs.

City of Cairo. Decision of lower court affirmed. Metropolis City vs. Karr, affirmed; Halls vs. Sharp, affirmed; and Harris vs.

Jackson County Agricultural Board, rehearing do-nied. The first number of "The Three States" was issued to-day. Its publishers Messrs. Leonard Gladden, are educated, intelligent colored men, who will work hard for the republican party and for the moral and intellectual elevation of tho colored race. They deserve, and if they are plucky enough, will achieve success.

It was only a change in a Bingle letter in a name a thing that is like to occur under the fingers of any well-regulated type-setter but it made a carter out of a carver. It was Mrs. Casver that camo from South Bend on Friday, to join her husband, who has charge of the Singer Mf. Co's works at Cairo. The text of the proposed Scottish land act will be awaited with world wide interest.

It is hinted that it will be the most sweeping measure ever laid before parlia ment. The Scotch farmer has a pretty clear cut idea of what he wants, and thero is little doubt that he has prepared a dose that will make the landocrats howl. A gentleman called on The Bulletin late last night, with a letter from Arkansas, in which the writer stated that he could put his hand on a man who had murdered his wife in some county in Southern Illinois, and for whoso arrest a thousand dol lars reward had been offered. Ho is anxious to know who a nd what county wants tho man. Men and teams are at work on filling the last section of Railroad street, between Tenth and Twelfth streets.

Tho balance of the street is filled up to Commercial avenue grade. The council's mistake was in not ordering it tilled to the grado of the Cross streets that intersect it, but thero is plenty in the fund set apart for tho improvement ot that street and it is not too lato yet to have it done. Stuart 'a Popular and Reliablo Dry tods Houso now offer the most complete line of Ladies, Gents and Children's Un derwear ever shown in this city. Full lino of the celebrated Norfolk and Now Brims. wick regular-made Merino Underwear for ladies and children.

Just received Gents' Scarlet Underwear, all wool at $1.00, $1.50 and also, 1000 dozen Ladies, Gents and Children's Hose, from 5 cents per pair up. It will pay to investigate at our prices. Stuart The Argus last evening given another item of news that it has heard from sonio quarter, but like its items of "Earthquakes that turns Villa Ridge upsido down" thero is no foundation to it. Nobody stolo I mulo from Smith Brothers' yard and no body intended to, and if they did Smith Brothers are not tho kind of men to under tako to steal from. All in a nut shell a man who know tho mulo and knew tho owner borrowed him (wo mosn the mule) to work yesterday nnd returned it to him (wo mean tho owner tills time) seme time during tho afternoon.

Tho three young train robbers, who boarded an Iron Mountain ttain a short timo ago (in September), and robbod the pussengcrs, wcro sentencod, day betore terday, to seventy years each in tho penitentiary. This will mako tho youngest of tho trio about ninety years old when ho drops his Btriped suit. Tho officers of tho road and tho officers of the law aro all entitled to a great deal of praiso for their quick and suro work. A fow moro determined cases, short trials and long sentences will mako train robbing a' great deal less popular in Missouri than it has been heretofore. Peoplo are fast losing confidence in both the ability and inclination oi Mr.

Daniels to perform his contract to build tho Cairo water works. He took a month in which to consider it before he accepted the city's proposition, and now when he should be preparing tho foundation of the works, he first asks for an extension of timo in which to commence tho work, and then supplements it with numerous requests for concessions in the details of the contract. We confess to a preference for Mississippi river water, but rather than not havo water works would be willing to tako our share from Oooso Pond or any place that Mr. Daniels sees fit, let us have no more skirmishing around the contract. CABINET MAKING.

If tho Washington correspondents were to announce definitely and by authority just what was going to bo done about the cabinet tho subject would bo exhausted as asourco of daily dispatches; so they keep on asserting and denying on alternate days that this, that or the other member is to remain, or be dismissed, or to resign. This enables them to got a month's occupation nut of what would afford but ati hour's telegraphing if they had tho exact truth. Only the other day it wiis asserted that of course the cabinet would remain; tho country demanded it, and Arthur would not dare remove them or permit them to resign. Then it was said that Hunt would certainly have to go. whwther he would or not, as there was some private quarrel between himself and the president, but the rest would probably remain.

It was next declared that Windom would go anyway, even should the president want him to stay, as he desired to get back to the senate. After an assurance that Blaine would certainly 6tay it was telegraphed that ho was determined to go, regardless of tho president's desires; then that ho was intriguring to stay, and now that it is utterly repugnant to him to remain, and that he will insist on retiring as soon as he can do so with propriety. Lincoln and MacVcagh were at ono time reported as among those who could probably remain; then it was discovered that MacVeagh positively refused, and was solicitous for the immediate acceptance of his resignation, whilo Lincoln is almost forgotten. James, supposed to be an intimate of Conkling's, was first regarded as the ono most likely to stay, and after a week of assertion a. id contradic tion settled down with tho correspondents as most certain to go, and is now reported as having, with Hunt, received an assur ance from the president that their places i were at their pleasure as long as they chose to hold them.

The chief difficulty with the average cor respondent is that being so eager to ascer tain what is occurring to-day and is going to occur to-morrow, he pays little attention to what occurred yesterday. In a word he reads very little history, and being therefore ignorant of the past, he has little knowledge of what is likely tu occur in the future, except when It is actually told him, and in most cases he is dependent upon the statements of men whoso wishes generatu their thoughts. It is not likely that Mr. Arthur has yet fully determined upon a program, or that ho has informed any one outside of his most intimate friends regarding that portion of his program be has thought ot. At tho saino timo it ought to have been apparent to every intelligent person, from tho very moment of Garfield's death, that tho Blaino ministry could not remain in power.

In oursyBtem tho president is not responsible either to congress or tho people, once he gets into power; but, as in Russia and Turkey the, ministers are individually responsible to the autocrat sometimes called czar, sultan or president. It is therefore absolutely essential that tho ministers must bo not merely submissive to their master, but on terms of cordial good will toward him. This has been the rulo lrom the beginning, and tho principle was never so fuMy recognized as it is at present. It reached its full development under the autocracy of Grant, and has not since been seriously questioned. If anything was well known regarding the personal relations of American politicians It was the hostility between Arthur and his friends and the whole Garfield government.

In the face of this it would havo been contrary to all the precedents, contrary to good manners, for tho cabinet ministers to tako advantage of public senti ment and emotion to saddle themselves upon an exocutive who, whatever ho might say out of politeness, preferred to havo his own friends about him. Mr. MacVeagh is reported as having expressed this idea very neatly when ho said that Prosidont Arthur could not retain Gar field's ministers unless ho continued Garfield's work to tho letter, and, if ho intended to continue if, ho was entitled to get whatever credit thnto was In itby doing it with ministers of his own choice. It was, therefore obvious from tho beginning that, sooner or later, tho cabinet must bo entirely remodeled; that tho sentimental talk about continuing Mr. Gar- Something 3STew! -0- To every purchaser of One Dollar's worth of Goods we will present a Cairo Street Railway Ticket.

We do this to enconrage the new enterprise and to'bring the Cheapast Dry Goods House closer to your houses. 0 GREAT DRIVES. During this week in Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels, Oc. worth 8c; 8c to 10c, worth 10c to 12c; lSc to 15c, worth 14c to 18c; Scarlet Flannels, all wool and guaranteed, from 13c to 80c, worth 18c to 35c; Elegant Bleached Muslin, Cc, cheap at 8c; and Unbleached for 5c. Now is your time to obtain your Fall and Winter Flannels and Muslins at exceedingly low prices.

0 To Close Out, We will offer, for this week only, a handsome line of Matleseo Dry Goods, in all colors, and seasonable goods, for 8c4 worth 15c; 10c, worth 17c. 2,000 pieces of Fall Calicos, choice patterns, for 5c, selling everywhere for 8c. 1,000 dozen Hosiery, 5c per pair, worth 15c. We offer theso inducements for one w.eek only, ending Saturday evening, October 11th. FffWe inten 1 to make things "warm" this season, if good goods A.J.D LOW I'HICEH will do it! J.

BTJIRGJSR, 124 Commercial Ave. field's policy and Mr. Garfield's ministry was merely one of the emotional outbursts that frequently tako place at funerals and aro forgotten as soon as tho grave is closed. How tho cabinet will be remodeled will probably not be known until the names of the new ministers arc actually sent to the senate, and this may not tako place until after the November election in New York. But that it will come the country may rest assured, regardless of the rumors nnd counter rumors, assertions and contradictions with which tho correspondents will daily burden tho wires until it is actually accomplished.

COMMCMCATKD. Editor Bulletin: Some days sinco as wo were walking hastily along Commercial avenue, in the neighborhood of the place of our daily toil, we inadvertently struck our bull-hide sandals against an unshapely stone, whereupon the genial kindness, which habitually glows in our cerulean orbs instantly flitted on lightning wings away, and a fierce glare shot athwart our beautiful nose and rested upon a gemini of well-lighted, yellow, and symetrical coaches moving with the velocity and motion of two overgrown potato-buga along Poplar street the half uttered, "dog on it" was bitten into le- tween our teeth, a smile of pleasure hovered like an angel upon our lips, our legs again became lambent with joy and our mouth shot off the expressive, but inelegant term of wonder "gewheelicans" and we our selves mentally added, "I'll bewitched if they ain't running; hurrah tor Cairo, how things do boom anyhow!" After which pround but silent ejaculations, we stepped across to the track and looked up and down it with friendly but critical eyes, and then given voice to those remarkable words. If if (say we) if the horse car company would only just level up a little, and then go to Lancaster Rice's, or to McOahey's, and order two-inch cypress boards and lay it dow for tow-path, they would be acting tho part of good and wise men and, though they bled in the operation doing the best they could, like good Aurilius, they would die acting nobly their part. "Hint." AB0CT EDITORS. Every editor loves to have his friends, and particularly his readers, call on him.

They belong to tho samo family, as it were. But when you call to seo the editor don't stay too long. Editors aro generally busy in business hours. If you havo any suggestion to make, or news to communicate, state it in as few words as poscible. Don't offer an excuse, or indulgo in a long preface to what you have to say.

Blurt it right out; tell tho editor you wish him well, and bid him good day. FMitojs doto on such men as that; they love to receive calls from them. Don't arguo with him; don't try to do it; ho has no time lor argument while at bis work. When you write to an editor for publication, mako it short -boil it. down.

Pitch right into tho middle of your subject, and be sure to stop when you aro through. Editors always like something fresh and original in tho way of communications, and aro especially fond of news. But the editor must always be tho judgo of what is worthy of publication. Of course, every writer thinks his own production tho best, just as every mother thinks her baby tho prettieBt that ever was born. But tho editor may be so stupid as to havo a different opinion.

If so, it can't bo helpod. Don't try to urgo him out of his notion. If hois too stupid to appreciate a good thing, you can't expect to remedy his dullness. You may think you ato a good deal smarter than the oditor, and that may bo true, but tho editor may be rosponsiblo and you aro not. There is no class of men so anxious to plcaso a majority of tho peoplo as editors are.

Tliero Is no class of people so covotuous of tho good opinion of others. It is well to remember that fact. ILLINOIS MATTERS. Aiew i one paper r.vocatm the nam of John Wentworth, of Chicago, as accreta ry of the toreaimry. fl a Pi.nutwiitininn lwi a m-oi, pimu un limi tlljf.

Jill week there are 12,532,512 bushels in store against 7,027,411 bushels tho samn fim. last year. Yinj nicy ai i eiiria: Ax i i ri i.tu M.u.. .1.. ii.u.1 a u-BiauiauL BlQ BnO j.m.j ins inn.

i nen no sat down and fell asleep, only to wako np and find his missing. The police did not arrest tho old man. iniT f.I It. rwa rec stato fair, the Peoria Journal has this to lay: "The festive 'tiger' is perfectly at home in Peoris, and is abundantly able to take, -are of himself; while as for poker, here is his nativij liar, owing to the number ot native liars." TI1E HALLIDAT. "THE HALLIDAY" A Ni-w and Comploto Hotel, fronting on Levee, Ri-cnnd mil Hull road Htrect, Ciiito, Illinois.

rue IJ. pot or the Chicago, St. Lonll and Now Orluaiif Illinois Central; Watianh, ft. Loul and Purl lie; Iron Mountain and Southern; Molilluand Ohio; Cairo and St. Louts Railways arc all jnm aeroa the atrcet; while the Steamboat Landing It hat on iqnaru dintant, TIiIk Hotel Is heaf hj steam, hat steam Launlr, Kj.lriiullc Elevator, Electric Call Bella.

Antoinittlc Flro-Alarma, Hathf, ahuolntclr pnre Sir, and tomplete appointment. peril furtilfhlnno; perfect pervlce; and an on-cxccllc table. Ii. I AltKKR Ac Is-fpom. IN8CRANCI.

I 8 XJ a 6 r. a. yA8TKIl'8 BALB. 8laterf llllnol. U.

II. I.enlll.l. I Circuit Court of Alexan der County in Chancery. ThomaaW lliillfdiiy.Treniiuror of tua Enterprise HnvlNiri Dank of Cairo va. Msry Hmliroi, widow, Ellr.ahoth Orofluwoll, Goorw Grunwll and John lloiiitea adults, Alex-andor llotlKua, r.

arv Uod tfoi and ano II wises minora. flux TO FollKCLOiH MOHTOAOBi Vuhllc notice la hereby Klvcn. that In puriukneo of a decrco made and.untercd by ald court in the above entitled canno, on tho 14tb day of May a-d. IKH1, 1, Aloxandinr If. Irvln, Maator In Chancoiv of the Mid circuit court of Alexander county, will, oa the 2Wh day of October, 1HH1, at tho hour of o'clock In the forenoon, at tho lotith-woaterly doer of tho eotirt hoime, In the city of Cairo, county of, Alexundur ndtatnf Illinois, il) at pnbllc auction, to tin highest and beat bidder, nd lingular the followluB deaerlbod premlaee ana real oatate lo aatd decree mentioned, altuate In county of Alexander and awto of IllmoU.

or much thereof an ahull bo atirtlctont to aatlafy Tho'en'Stir weat on' tor of the north eaat Quarter of section one (I) In townahip sixteen (In) aonlhor ranee two () wont of th third principal nwrtdiaa. Dated, Oclobor 1st, lasl. MMterlnmrtiMry. Green A Gilbert, i. ih 4.

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