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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 8

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL MENTION. '1 ho PiiHur. office of thkchikk signal offirrr. Oct. 1 SHfl.

'21 'i uiin ui 3 p. in. For District of Columbia and iralnia. fair wenther, variable winds, easterly, slightly warmer. C.

W. Spates, paper and celling decorator. 631 -Ireet northwest. opposite Hlgli jikt re vived a fine election of wall paper-, i'roinp! attention given to ail orders. Ail work guaranteed.

Latrobks Repaiked. at Shcdd's, 4099th. The to leave your orders lor ail of and -alt water li-b. Kenrebec salmon, lob-terv terrapins, game of all kind-hi season, at K. A.

ttoiden's Potomac v. iauie and Fish Stalls Center Market. Telephone, T-'t. black. i rown.

navy, cardinal and garnet r.tshnn re all wool double width cBineis hair. Lonsdaie cambric, at Bro-iliead it Tns W. S.Barring' Ink MTgoo. iS0G7thst. FCKXA' Es Rkpaired, at Shedd's, 409 9th.

John r. Kfi.i.y will have the finest Washington dressed beef that has been in our markets at his stalls next week. The cattle from Hay tleid.part of the Mt. Vernon estate. farm contains seven buudred acres, and is eijual to any grass land in the state of Virginia.

This farm is the property of Win. K. Clarke, 3d and Estreets Mr. Clarke's connection with the stock yards of this city enables him not only to get the ilnest. but the best quality ot cattle.

This beef will also be sold at H. B. I' ily 15ih an streets, and Duly Price's, No. 1760 street. Rtisi50EK'9 ice cream.

at. n.w. bsattiki'l photogkaphs at most reasonable prices. Flioto. Art Pa.

av. Pise Portraits. Kets Keinettiy. 1109 Pa. ave Cure of Liver Com pi, a Hardin Iowa, June 8, 1885.

I have been using Allcock's Porous Plasters for lour years, and think I could not get aloug without them. For a long time I was afflicted with a paiu under my right shoulder biade. 1 also had considerable" difficulty in breathing. I applied an Allcock's Porous Plaster on my back, and one on my chest. I kept changing them every lour days, aud at the end of three weeks was entirely cured.

E. 8. Stevens. Ranges Repaired, at S'nedd's, 409 9th st. Now 19 the the place for fine photographs.

711 Market Space. London Cough Syrup, only at Druggists Yard-wide Percale, 904 7th. Stain glass substitute. 411 7th st. n.w.

Fusskll's IceCream. Charlottes and Candies. Special regular made hosiery at reduced irom 25c. So humbug, but a great drive. B.

Miller it Son, 3120 n. w. The Best is the Fuller Warren "Splendid" fireplace heaters, furnaces and ranges before purchasing. B. F.

Guy 1005 Pennsylvania avenue. Gabtbell, 815 7th, repairs latrobes, furnaces. Dress Suits for hire. 414 9th street. Splendid Glasses, $1.

Hern pier's, 453 Pa.av. CITY AND DISTRICT Amnaenienttt lb a a Vokes in a triple bllL in "Maru'xeile," Crockett." from Life." kkrnan Pastor. Manassas and evening. Dime to Death." Condensed LoesK The Equity Court yesterday granted a divorce In the case of Mary C. Snioot against Benj.

S. Srnoot on the ground oi desertion. At a meeting of the Virginia Democratic association last evening a resolution offered by Mr. Glasscock was adopted instructing the campaign committee to solicit ironi all Virgiuians in office in Washington subscriptions to aid in sending voters to the first district. Mr.

Samuel G. Brent, ol Alexandria, and others made addresses. Minnie Peters, the woman who shot Alicia Ayers, iu West Washington a lew days ago, states that she did not shoot at her busbaud; that lie was not near the house at the time of the snooting which was purely accidental. G. 1.

0. oi O. Union Kriendsuip Lodge No. 891, will celebrate its fourt.etii anniversary by a reunion at Bethel hail, street, between itiib and 17th streets north west, Thursday eveuing, November 4th. See adv't.

Tile funeral of Mr. Andrew J. Joyce, son oi the late A. J. Joyce, (whose death was mentioned in yesterday's will take place tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, irom the residence.

Wm. Lee, colored, charged with larceny, was brought into the Criminal Court on a bencn warrant yesterday and committed to jail. Solomon K. Henuagan was charged iu the Police Court to-day by Catherine Buckley, a nurse, with insuittug her in Laiayette square yesterday, and he forfeited $10collateral. A baggy, in which were two men, collided vesterd ty ullernoon on 7th street road, near Howard University, with a carriage, in which Wire two ladies.

1 he buggy considerably damaged, but no one was nurt. About o'clock last night an oil lamp exploded i i the bou-eot Peter IVgiot, street north west. The flames wereexuugaished by Officer Madigun. Fined $10 for Disturbing a Salvation Stewart attended the Salvatio.i Ar.ny meeting Washington several nigiiis when the captain called tor cr Stewart said "yes pray at once." The locked the door ami sent lor the police, but beiore the tliecrs arrived Stewart smashed the window, jumped out, aud escaprd. A warrant was i-stied against uim for the meeting, and this morning iu the Police Court he uiead guilty to the charge.

He was lined 9I0 or 30 days. Children's Entertainment for the BknFF1T OF THE iKLf.SIOV SfFi parlors of Mr. F. W. Storch, In West Washington.

were last evening kindly placed at the disposal of about a hundred happy ladi-s and cntldren, who were agreeably entertained tor about two by recitations. sinking, calistlicnus, by M.S">?'S Castle, Alice and Eva E.iiMonsttMi, Marie and Lily storvu, Neiiie Lyddane, Bertie Margie Kdlil liston, and otlit-r-. Miss Marie storch presided the piano. Mar.e stolen treated th children to ice cream aud cakes. Tue proceeds ol the entertainment aniounb to 810.H5.

which sum has oecu dt to The f.vcMMi lor the beueiit 01 the Charleston sufferers. A the Court, Juuge MacArthur, tue ease ol Campbell. ed lor an assault aud battery with intent to kill Margaret Campbell in April last, was concluded by a verdict 01 "not guilty," and be was discharged. It was aliened that aiupbeli had a diffieulty witu Mary Campbell, tue daughter, aud threw a butenet at her, whicti strueK the old lady. Tue deteiisc was inut Campbell, getting tue hatchet from the girl, threw it out, aud it struck Mrs.

Campueii. Taken to Prince George's H. West, colored, was here a month asto lor stealing a pair of shoes and sentenced to thirty nays iu j-ui. whien will expire today. Yesterday to see him.

and he consented to 40 o.tck to Prince coun Maryland, without a requisition. In e. Hill, e-t, it is cbarui d. robbed Tooma- and 1 nomas l- of ciotuiug, money and a pistoi. Sueli reieuse, and Sneritt lour, itini to lor tri.ii.

He Lost His A a colored boy, wuiu- 4 beyond was in tiie ie arm 1 1 accidental uiscnaige 01 zuu. ile taken to the Frecdinan's hospital, wnere amputation Was louuu to be nece--ary, an i Purvis succe-siuily perloi met operation, ided by Dr. ttliedd. His Tkvnk of the resid i.f 01 Wiln tm o.bert. No.

1131 13in street luii wt, one -toie irom a trunk in story, a witiiout ii.imiu any ciue. utiuutes in li use were out most oi the day, ami vxeepi tor m-i ihe thief able to li.uii ai will the entire house, lie pro.entered by tue irout door and secuied tl. ,1 tout rat dug an alarm. Mr. Colbert Was not aware oi the loss ot his money Unit ia-st when he notified tue police.

Aoainst the B. a O. ie erday Mr. F. W.Joueg,lor Jaiues L.

Owens, 1 a suit tue liaitimore Jc Onto Itaii' ad m. auy ior damages by reason 0, iUju ie- received ia tne colnslou ot: the 01. tiie -1st Aiixurn last, witeu Owens, on h.s iv Orove, in Montgomery County, nau baca njurea aud was n'ruisCd. Catholic Con rkiiii io.ns for the Eakthtltaki. i i kkeic-.

1'he cut 11 piete of sue laa iu the atholic ciiur. in-s o. the urciiiiiuiese ot lkiltiiuoie lor tue He re 1- earthquake itavc utfll received lUrv. Al. a.

ti chauo llor, and aggregate 01 9I.200contributed in large suius by members ol tbe catucdiai 1'St'i B. seventh ai.uuui meeting aud the eighty-lourih mou thly meeting association ui ue Held VS eUnesd.iy November Mi, lbMi, 7 p. at NatKHta. U.fies luill. Shares i-au be subscribed lor the iweii.n and ihe first payuieut made tneieoa al tuis meeting or dany al the olhee.

wl. 1- stifci irom a. 111. to 111 Soinerviiie, John Joy eiretary. Interesting to Building konr Near tue U.

s. Cafiiolto be at u1.1c 1 nomas isher 4 Co. ui sell, by dtreeitou of trustees at public auction, ou next, Ocbajei in iroui ol the ai 4 o'clock p.m.. a uutuber of flue buudlug lots on Deiawar avdiae. between and streets Burlaw, aL Tuese lots comprise a toiaiii 01 -J3i? leet; ihey overlook the city and Capitol grounds, great inducements lut duliiuas purptibttk THE HARMONY CEMETERY.

Brine miit to Uiiin nlon of the (ironnilit. A bill was filed yesterday by Messrs. H. ft Lawk and J. M.

Israel for Wm. Syphax, Calvin Cbaw and others against John F. Cool John 11. Brooks and others for conveyanclnj i accounting, etc. The bill Is brought by tta Complainants, as they set forth, as lot ownet and In be half of the lotownersof I he Columbia Hurmonr cemetery.

It sets lorth that prior I 18'J9 there was in the District au unir corporated beneficial B'iclety of colored peopl alled the Columbian Harmony society; on th of January. 182b, J. Elgar of public buildings, convened to George Heal Josepn Warren and Francis Ditcher, as agenl oi the society, square 475 "for the use an purpose of a burial ground tor all denomitii colored peopfe." The society accepie the trust and a cemetery was duly estublisbe in maintained said square unt the act Congress AU-'Ust llih, autb r.xed the ty to sell the sai square and in lieu thereof anotlic site outside the corporate limits, upo me condith that no contract lor the sale an the reinvestment of the funds ball be bimiin unless the Secretary of the Interior approves i In pursuance to the authoiIty and with the aj proval ot the Secretary, the bill says the squar was -old and the pr ceeds were reinvested, an on July 1857, there was conveyed to Wit Slade, for partly cash and partly i notes, secured by deed of trust by Moses Kellj a part of a tract called Youngsborough, con tab ing sixteen acres and thirty perches of lafic On the 7th ot February. 1803, aud 3d 1803, Harriet Breut and fbe heirs a law of Y. Brent conveyed to Wit siade, for the use and benefit of the Columbia Harmony Cemetery association, a piece of Ian containing four-fifths of an acre.

DEDICATED TO CEMETERY PURPOSES. The said tracts, the bill were" duly lai out and dedicated for liie use and purpose ot cemetery for all denominations of colored pec pie, ana a large number of lots aud grave site iherein were soid on the faith and represents tiou tnat the said tracts would be forever so st apart and maintained." Tne bill turther recounts the history of th society and cemetery until, as it siates, tii time that the death of Benjamin McCoy, Ma 31), left John F. Cook sole trustee. Th tract ot lour-fifths of an acre couveyed by Mn Breut aud the heirs of Robert Y. Brent toSlad has not been, the plaintiffs say, released any person for the use of the society.

The; aver that a large sum of money lias beei augmented and increased by the sale of loti and this has gone into the possession John F. Cook, as trustee or mauager, director agent of the cemetery. THE SOCIETY, they state, has ceased to exist except as repre sented by the lot proprietors, but the detendan Cook claims and pretends to hold the muue; tree from any trust tor the lot proprietors or au; obligation to apply it to the improvement, oi nameuiation or maintenance of the cemeter grounds. The complainants aver that Cooi conspired with A. Lewis, Cornish, Wormley, C.

liaiie.v, J. A. Simms, Walker Lewis am George McCoy to defeat the rights of the lo: holders and pretended to allecl a reorganize tiou ot the society, whereby the lot proprietor are deprived of a voice iu the selection of tb trustees lor the cemetery or iu the inauagemeu or control ot its affairs, and are otnerwis greatly wronged aud prejudiced in their rights They pray that John F. Cook as sole survivini trustee be compelled to execute his trust by a conveyance of the title to complain ants; that the heirs of Slade be compelled deed tiiem the tour-fit't lis of an acre; that Cool be decreed to account for all moneys receive! on account of tile society, and turn over ti them all moneys found due and applicable ti the improvement and maintenance ot Uiecemc tery. They ask Hint J.

F. Cook, J. 11. Brook; A. Lewis, L.

A. Cornisli, W. H. A. Wormley, 1.

C. Bailey, J. A. simms. Walker Lewis, G.

F. 'I Cook, S. L. Cook and George McCoy be com peiied to account lor moneys received by then since their assumption ot theotbeeof trustee Ac. Thi'j also ask that a proper person be ap pointed to take possession of tlie moneys, of the society, and manage the cemetery ness during tne pendency of the suit.

at Ivy City. AN IKiHT-UAY RACE MEETING PROBABLE. The Ivy City grounds now have tbo appeal ance of a lively race course. Nearly all th stables due here have arrived, aud will trainers, jockeys, preparing fo next week's is anairol bustle a the track. The plan now is, the weather cot I tinues favoiable, to have four days extra rue uiug, thus extending the mcetiug toeigui day; Real Estate Males.

Geo. W. Liukins has sold for Willamin Sovyu sub lots 3 aud 4, block 4, Meridian bill to M. J. and T.

T. Keane, for 33,750. A transier was placed on record to-day fron Cliarioiie A. J. Maun to Win.

J. Kehoe, for lo 53, south grounds Columbian College leet), on stoughtou 14ib, lor JoUn J. Bogue, real esiate agent, has sold lo M. lo George W. Cusiiear part 17, square 37, Old jUeorgeiowu, improved for The following sales are also rt ported: Capt, Wm.

E. Beil to G. T. Koseubustj lot 183 aud pan of 184, B. aud H.

audition square 85, improved, for $5,500. Edwaru Snoemaker to John W. Waiker, part of lot square 49, Old Georgetown, improved, lo Sl.tiOO. Aiso. In me county, on leuleytowi road, Jobu T.

Lipscomb to the syndicate, quarters ol an acre uorthol Georgetown, 10 Georgetown College to the syndicate sixty-lour acres ou Tenley town road, known a "The College Villa," lor Messrs. Fltcti, Fox iiruwn have sold through Francis B. Mohuu. tor the estate oi th iate Gen. to Col.

Jouu C.l-sels, lois llj 2o, 23, 25. 2U square 121, for iuis proper.y is situated mi liana lliii streets norm west, and it i- understood tu.i Col. Casaels proposes 10 commence iimueui i ately the erection thereon of six flue resi deuces. The Kynmi of Baltimore. INTERESTING CEN rtXMAL HXKUCISES to HKIJ) IN BAI.1I.M0UE XKXf WEEK.

On Tuesday evening next the synod of Baltl timore will meet in the First church, Madisoi and streets, Baltimore, and as it is tbi centennial anniversary ot the organization the synod, appropriate exorcises will be held Tiie sermon Tuesday evening wiii be preachet I by the retiring moderator, Kev. Dr. Bartlett oi this city. llniu I lie synod are compriact presbyteries ot Baltimore, Washington Now i asile anu Kio de Janeiro. The session i o.

tne synod will continue ou Wednesday, unci probably on lii which day also bi a- Id in Brown cnurcn. Park avenut I aud lowusend street, a reunion oi the Sy nodical Societies oi Home and Foreign -Missions. On Tnursuay, iu the First chinch, tin centennial will be field, Kev. An drew B. Cross will preside.

There will be reat quite a number oi papers, including three bj Kev. Dis. Siiudcrtaud, Cluster and Bitliugei oi tnis city, "Histories ot Churches of vht Washington Fresbytery." Elder J. V. L.

Gra I bain wilt present tne subject of a centenuia bait, wnicii it is proposed to make also a me nionul to the late Be v. Dr. Hack us. OELtUATES 1'lIoV THIS CITY. The ing will represent the presbytery of Washington city: Rev.

Dr. Bartlett. Rev. Dr Bittinger. liev.

Dr. Chester, Kev. Dr. Sunder Kev. George B.

Patch llev.T.fs.W> nkoop i iiev.F. 11. Buruick, liev. J. William Mcltvaiu Kev.

James M. Nourse. Kuliug Win. Sir. Justice C.

Drawe, Mr. Wiu. Doutai, Mr. C. A.

Snowball, Mr. O. B. Browi and others. In Montgomery Connty.

HAPPEN INGS AT K'K'KVILLE AND klse about persons. Corresj.oii.lenc* of Thk Kvkxixu -xaii. IbK KVii.EE, Ui-t. testament ary on tne estate ot the late Lewis Reiser havi been granted by the orphans' court to Elia K'-iser and Cyrus Kelser, cxectutors. Mi Leonard Chapman, of Washington, has pui i'has tiie Spates farm, situated aboutamili ot ille, being on bo I ti sides of mi -Metropolitan branch of the B.

A O. railroad aad extending irom tiie Georgetown vity Toad. Tne price paid 87.UOU. i'ln I court has granted a divorce in the case ot 11 M. Husband Ann Husband, giving the re spondent the custody oi tiie Dr.

I- Stonestreet lias gone Koauoke, tout tend at tne bedside her Kev. L.K Green, lies seriously id with typhoid lever J. 11. Virgiuia, hasacceptet the pastorale of tne Kockvilie baptist church Oyrsies are encamped on the grove nea lialpine siatiou. A new store and B.

Jt O. ex press ollice has been opened at lialpine, witlj Mr. Epping as The family of Mr. in oi est ashiugtou, who have beet summering in ltocKvule, returned lo tliei boiue in town to-day. Mauie Wilson lying quite sick at tne Uoiue ot ber sister, Mrs near Montrose.

Mketing At A Rocla nice.nig ol the ctuigregalion of tne New Yorl i eiiuc Fresby terian cnurch was held las I venlug iu ll.e lecture room of the chuicl edifice. As tnis was tiie first gutberlngof in aiii i since the improvements in the btiiidiu have been coniptel tiie occasion was In the lisfht of a "iioumj warming." Tb party consisted ol the pastor am Mrs. ti.irilell and ttie oflieers of tne churct the evening musical selections wer rendered by I'aul, Kale Scott BHD Nettle Bradley. K' soinely served by a committee of ladies. Kourekies G.

Meade, 70 II-! street sou invest, reports stoieu from bi store yesterday by a sneak thief. 13 boxes eigars, valued at 91tt.oO. John W. Meizunf J1 sireet uoi tneast, reports sloien from in room an amethyst ring, valued at $5. Alvoi reports stolen irom in tnint ol bous 11 lo street, a tricycle, valued at 8ane Enough to be Maaot a young colored man whose actions iliat his miud is uoi evenly ba.anced, wa wrought upbetore yesterday and wn to btep aside, but tfie Judge told tiie cler, lo urraigu bun- Uiat he looked like lie woul piead guilty.

don arraigued he sbitok bi i.eau iu au indignant manner and said "at gaiify." The Judge smiled at the manner li ubicu be bud been but wbeu wi nesses swore ugaintt Mason a One of 86 wu An f. O. If. Anniversary. friendship lodge entertains visitors raltimore.

Friendship Lodge, No. 7, O. celebrated I to eighth anniversary last night by a reception at the National armory, which was very it largely attended by members of the order and tbeir ladies. One of tbe of the evening ie wax the visit of Eureka Lodge, No. 6, of Bulling more, the Omega Legion, and representatives 01 other bodies hf order in Baltimore, numbering in all nearly five hundred.

They were re? ceiveU at tue Baltimore and Ohio dcpd at i- o'clock and escorted to the haii. There tiiey were formally welcomed, speeches bajng made by Mtssiit. J. M. Ricnards, J.

W. Tnoinpson aud J. Newton. A presentation of a gold badge was made to fast Graud Architect Richards by Mr. 1, Thompson in behall of Friendship Lodge.

Alter the reception a urogram ol daucing was carried out under the direction of a committee composed of Messrs. E. K. Plant, J. W.

Carter, J. F. Hauer, J. Bank and W. H.

Duliug, The committee in neneral ctiarge ol the reception comprised Messrs. J. Newton, W. 8, Seymour and O. E.

Newton. The present officers of Friendship Lodge art J.S.Seymour,'worthy mas" ter; J. rignt. junior master; T. K.

Heaih, cor' responding secretary; O. E. Newton, lluancial secretary; J. M. Richards, treasurer; B.

Elliott, chaplain, ami J. Kaufman, conductor. Tbe BaUimore visitors returned to their homes at two o'clock this morning on a special train. '6 The Rock Creek Church Tournament. i.

The tournameut held at Mount's woods last Wednesday, under the management of Mr. B. F. Joy, lor the benefit of the Rock creek church I. Sunday school, and briefly noticed in day's Star, was a success lu everyway.

The judges were Major B. F. Kitten house and CapU Robert Carlln; the heralds, J. J. Burgess, E.

C. Wineberger and J. N. King. Lee Robinson, delivered the charge to the knigh.s.

The music of the nay was rendered by iue United States Soldiers' Home baud. The nrst prize was carried oil' by Mr. T. Shugr.u, who crowned Miss a Annie Miller as queeu; second prize, Mr. Geo.

Goldensirauff.crowbiug Miss Scott; tnlrd prize, Mr. Lawrence Seibel, crowning Mary 8 herniation; fourth prize, Mr. Otto Lay, ing Miss ulia King. The amateur knights won rize9 In the following order: First prize, John Abbott, who crowned Miss Heider; second prize, Robert, crowning Katie Go.deiisiraufl'; tliird John Slack, crowuiug Miss Reina Day; lourth prize, John Mount, crowning AmnseiuentR. National Effle Ellsler will be sten at this house ttie coming week in a play entitled "Woman Against Woman." in wnich she has liad much success in the north and west both this and last season.

Miss Eilsler has been 1 before the public lor several years, the last few seasons as a star, aud she has met with great encouragement irotn the best and most disy criminating class ol patrons of the theater. She has quietly pursued her career, with no atv tempt to create lor her-elf premature tame by the means so well known and frequently era? ployed by theatrical managers and stars. She has, nevertheless, steadily won increasing favor. EUsier's play is ol tin emoUoual character I 1 and art'ords her ample scope lor her powers in that direction. Her company has been spe1 chilly selected and the performance is said to 1 be evenly balanced.

Alhaugh's oi'era Helen Dauvray, the young actress who will next week make her tlrst appearance in this city, comes 1 with a reputation that should Insure her 1 a generous welcome Irom the theater patrons o( i Wasningtou. By dim ol indomitable energy, intelligence and hard work Miss Dauvray has, in a comparatively briel space of time, won lor herself an honorable position on the American i stage. Miss Dauvray is not, however, a novice in her profession, as she went upon the stage 0 when still a child, retiring after some years' ext perience to devote herseii to study in Europe. 1 Danvray's great success dates from her 0 appearance in New York last season in the 1 play in which she will be seen at Albaugh's 1 next week, "One ol Our Girls." This is a high class comedy Irom the pen ol Brouson Howard, perhaps the most successiul of Aniericau dramatists. The play was well received by the i- New York critics, while so great was its success 1 1 with tiie public that ii ran through the season.

Miss mvray is supported by a good company. 1 Opkra this nouse next week the bill will be Fisher and Hassan's i- comedy company in the three act comedy, C'oid Day, or the Laplanders." This is oneof those light, flexibly-constructed pieces wnich 1 ample opportunity lor the introduction 1 ot all sorts of lun-makiug. 1 Kernas's International Star company will furnish the amusement fur the numerous patrons of this house next week. Tue company includes among its members the 1 i'avanillis, the musical pavors; Maude Beverly, 1 the singer; Frank aud Fanny Davis, the sketch 1 team; Frank the black-hue comedian; I Billy Wilson, he "serpentine Car- iisie, the magician; aLd Kelly and Murphy, iu a exhibition. Manager Kernan, la answer to a general demand, has concluded to reduce prices to a popular basis, beginning next a week.

Harris' Bijou first operatic 1 engagement of the seasou at tills house oc- i curs next week, wheu the well-knowu Wilbur Opera company will appear in a number of I popular operas, including The Mikado," "The Merry War," and "TueThree Black Clo.ks." The compaiiy is 40 strong, and brings its owu 1 if orchestra of 16 pieces. 1, The second Battle of Bull Run, trans- 1 ferred lo canvas at its most exciting point, may be daily seen at the Panorama building, loth i street and Ohio avenue. I t. dime lavorltes of the patrons of the Dime museum, tue Leonzo brothers, with tueir woudenul acting dogs, Tiger and Lion, will lurnish the entertainment at this bouse next week. Alleged Attempt to Burn Government Sj DiiJo clock last, nigiit a lire occurred at tile government stables on 14tli lf street, between and streets southwest, which was extinguished by the employes without turning in an alarm.

The stable is sups postd to have been set on tire. Jonu Kane was arrested ou suspicion by Oificer Walsli. Kane i uid not give a satisiactory account of himseu, and made contradictory statements asout his j. place oi residence, inorniug he was laken io tue Police Court aud sentenced lo give bonds or serve three months a- a suspicious character. The Probate James.

estate ui rsopuia Delti; November 19tn appointed lor seuleuient. Estate of Ellen -1 d.tcey; ciiation returned. Estate Cilon Ohiob nuuuro; inventory returned. Estate ol Tuoiu.tS E. eisii; will proved aud letters lestameniary issued to Charles Weisu; Liond in re.

Je-sie F. auiuorlty given guardiau to 1 expeud Estate oi Mary J. Laudic; rule on returnable UOth I EsLate oi Arthur Foster; J. D. Croissant ap- i pointed adiuiiiistrator; oond Estate of I Pielro Bacigaluppi; letters oi adinimsiraiiou I granted Bacigaluppi; bond In re.

i i nomas G. and Joseph U. Bird; C. 1 ilird guardian; bond $tiOO. Estate ot l'eter 1 Fag.iii; order allowing executors sell personal csi ite.

Estate of Jas. Gratly; Bridget A. Grady appointed administratrix; bond tnaie oi Joseph L.biiey; order Ol rciereuce to the reg- I Estate ol David Mclnlire; order disal- luwmi: claim of li. J. Ram-doll und directing re umling lo ihe estate, instate oi L.

i i Fuller; caveat to alleged will Illeu. Estate of Julius autii; will auimtted Lo prouale aud rec- 1 oru and letters tesUououtary issued to Edwin B. Alteu; bond lu re. John and Eliza- 1 bet'n ilatcuer, niiaorv, oner James R. Harrover guardian; bond Estate of 1 George W.

Adams; 11. L. Adams appointed Co- auniiuisirator witu tue wiuow. lu re. orphans ot G.

VV. Ad.tins; James it. Young appointed guardian; boud Court in Ginkral Term. Yesterday, Brewer agu District of Columbia; argued and submitted, liryau Duncan; judgment below reserved uud cause remunded i lor luriuer proceedings. Equity I.ouut?James.

Yesterday, UiU agt. Hitz; trustee authorized to receive all cash; Votidcrlenr agt. Stewart; 1 appe.irauce of absent ueicudaut ordereu. sawyeragt. Jarboe; C.

M. Mattuews tuosttltiled HS trustee lor George W. PascUelL Smoot agu Suiooi; divorce granted. Circuit lingncr. Yesterday, Huuterd: RHieinpocnagl.

verdict ior plaintul'iMr 99. Miichell agt. Duify and Leouarda; verdict plaintiff lor Klugtieiz agi. Freiderieu; judgiueiit by dei'auiL. liarues agt.

Dutch: motion new trial. 1 agl. Duucau; order of pubdeation. Criminal Co Mae A rthur. Yesterday, John W.

L'ainpoell, assauil with inieui lo kill; verdict, not guilty. Clark, murder; arraigned aud pleaded uoi lankliil alias Otis F. Hain, secnou Revised Statutes ITnlted Spates; recognizauce in Apollo taken. Widiaui Lee, appeal, larceny; deiendani coin 1111 tied. i What, llo There! I The wires on Saturday last brought good news to this city and some ol its A 1 pa ten giving the which drew the large prizes iu the Royal Havaua Dot tery, drawn at 1 Havana ou thai day, and whico always detnde the tickets bearing the same numbers lu the Original Havana (Gould of whica Smpsey Compauy, l'Jl'J Broadway, New Yorit city, are general agents, auuou.iced lUat llcicel I No.

75:1 null drawu the capital prize ol 4 and advisiug thai ihe same uad necu sold uere. 1 Sea re was made lor tue holder or holders of this evidence 01 loruitie iu asuiallway, and they were louud In the persons ot C. H. itooerls, aitoruey and ouuseior-at-iaw. No.

1528 29m i street norm west, wuo hetd tvvo-lluhs; H. D. 1 Goodaciier, No 1TIM sireel north wesi, who neL? oue-llilh, and the remaiuiug two-hlths 1. were held by a geuttemau resident lu Wusii- iiiglou, wHwc church standing would not perj 11111 niiu to allow the use ot his name, but who assigned his ticket mr eoi.ectlon lo John W. 1 Rossly Va.

Mr.RooertsandMr.Clarke 1 left here 011 i eveulng "lor the hoodie," 1 wnich was paid litem utlo.UoO lu bank notes is aud in gold con.) at the Brooklyn bank on a check ior luat amount early on Frlduy 5. morning. Tuey stale luat there Was no hesiiaa liou lu luo p.ij ti.cut 01 ihe mouey ta them or iu the redemption ol ticket No. the second capital prize in tue same drawing, amountiug lo winch was presented to the general 1 ag-juis in ilieir by a Mr. Meyer, of Ex- Place, New eity.

1 The geuil-'uiau who paid these amounts said it was subject iur congratulation that some one uad been found who vvus willlug that their names aud address should be used us prize- Holders. He said under their system of busi- uess they never used such names without the a consent of the parties hotdlug the Ueaet, and 1 while it preserved the confidence pulrous who l- were lucky reposed iu mew It necessarily made s.ow worn in building up tue JLatue Havaua JUpubltcan. Fill Itolta Thefii. clou or the national convention xw NEW YOKK. Correspondence of Thk KvkxixoStar.

Hew Yoke, October 22. At the national convention of the Pbl Delta Tbeta society, which adjourned to-day, nearly lwo hundred delegates, representing thirty states, responded to the roll-call. Delegates were present from Massachusetts and California, thus linking the chapters ol the fraternity from ocean to ocean. The fraternity has chanters now iu seveuty-flve of the leading colleges and universities of the country and a membership of nearly five thousand. Among those prominent in politics are Postmaster General First Assistant Postmaster General steveuson, lien.

ol pensionsSenator C. S. Blackburn, of Kentucky; Senator George, of Mississippi; Senator Harrison of Indiana, and Senator Waitbatl, ot sippl: Congressmen Win. S. liolman, Ward and Hamilton, ol Indiana; J.

c. Shorwin, Illinois, aud J. A. Anderson, of Kansas. A banquet was BpreaU at the Grand Central hotel last night, wuicb was presided over by Dr.

J. M. Worrall, ol New York. The table was stretched the entire leugth of the great dining hull ot the hotel, and two hundred and flay members sat dowu to the least. Mr. Kin- 1 caid. ot Washington, responded to the toust "The Pbl Delta tfieuw In Public Liie." ttre a number ol the irateruity residing jp Washington, among whom are Gen. V. Boyuton, coi ol tUe Ciuciuuatl commercUil-(JuzeUe; Samuel D.

Fry, of tne Naliotuil Republican; Col. George Baber, ol the board of pensiou appeals Geu. J. W. Foster, ex-miuUter to Spain aud Mexico; Dr.

J. K. Bonde, ot tlie Pension office; Capt. W. E.

Speneer, ex-chief clerk ot the United Slates senate; A. Williams, C. H. BuUer, D. W.

Herriott, A. Speel, C. S. Jones, W. S.

Yates aud R. A. Hooe, Jr. The convention adjourned to meet in Bloomingion, Illinois, the second week in October Many of the delegates Intend stopping in Washington on their way home. -3 The World's C'liamplonnhip.

THE 8T. LOUIS BROWNS DEFEAT THE CHICAGOS AND AKE ONE GAME AHEAD. The St. Louis Browns wrested another game from the Chicago League champions In St. Louis yesterday, the score being 10 to 3.

The American champions have thereiore won three of the world's championship games and the 1 Chicagos two. The White Stockings received a very severe drubbing yesterday, principally because oi weakness oi the battery. Ausou bud intended to piich Baldwin, the young twlrler who was with the northwestern champion Duluth club. When he came on the lleid, bowever, in ilie Chicago uniiorm ten thousand or more people howied tneir objection and the UrownsTelused to play with him. Fl vim's arm was sore, so Williamson started iu to 'pitch He gave way to nil in tlie second inniug, Out he Browns continued to make runs, lludsou aud Bushoug were the Si.

Louis- battery and Flint caught lor the Llucagos. Tne victors made i eleven base-hits, with a total ot seventeen, aud throe errors, wnile the Cnicagos Secured but three hits and were charged with lour errors. The Convention. WORK OF THE OKXEKAI. THEOLOGICAL AND ING FUND.

The general convention of the Protestant i Episcopal church resumed Its sitting iu Chicago resterduy. The committee on the General i Theological Seminary reported that the iudica- Lions of preseut prosperity were very gratify- lug. The receipts of the past three years were lully fllty percent more than in any three precediug years iu the history of the Kev. Dr. Goodwin presented two reports from the committee on canons.

The first on the report ol the Joint standing committee ou rnarriage and divorce, aud the message ol the House of bishops on the same subject, with which the committee was unable to agree iither in whole or iu part. Thecomiuitte recommended tnat the house of deputies do not cou- Bur in the message irom the uouvs ol bishops, and recommended the adoption of a canon providing I hat marriages not authorized by God's 1 Worn ure unlawful; that ministers, admonish irom time to time, tnat the church toroids L'landesiiue marriages, declaring that the public iolemnization oi marriage ougut not to be dis- I peused wuli except for good aud safttcieut cause; Uiat no miuisier shall solemnize the marriage Lit persons under eighteen years of age, unless the parents or lawiui guardians are present or have given consent iu writing; that marriage may not be dissolved except lor adultery; mat die guilty party in a divorce suit be pronibued from marrying again during the ilieoi theother party. 1 he report iu its other features wus the jame as presented by a special committee iarly during the session. Placed ou the calendar. The report of th9 board of trustees ot the A-merlcan Ctiurcb Builulug Fund Commission was read.

It showed that during the past year I Lhe trustees had gran leu louns to 64 ind missions, in sums varyihg irom to The total amount paid out during the tear was 8:45,000. iue uoard of missions agreed Lhat the appropriations lor tue remaiuuer oi tne y-eur should not be reduced. Mr. R. Fulton putting, ol Mew York, was elecied treasurer.

On the board ot managers, Kev. Win. Law- reuce, ol Mr. Brown, 31 York, werechoseu iu place of lie v. Dr.

Schenck, deceased, and Mr. Cuttiug, made treasurer. Geronimo and his band, under a heavy fUard, leit San Antonio last eveulug for the lorida torts. OABVS SKIX. INFANTILE AND BfP.TH HUMORS SPEEDILY CUBED BY CUTICURA.

For Cleansing the Skin and scalp of Birth Humors, i for allaying itching, aud infl munition, tor curing lhe lirst symptoms ol Eczema, Psoriasis, Aillk iscald Head, scrujulu and otter inherited skm md clood diseases, CCTICUBa, the great sU.n Cure, 8 mid CUTlcURA hOAF, ud exquisite Skin Beautilier, ex- ernaiiy, and uticuka LesoLVEn ti.e new blood I'urilier, iulernaiiy, are lulah.ole. Aosomtely Dure. MY OLDEST CHII.D, Sow six years of age, when au in fain six months old. vas attackca with a viruleui.

malignant skin disease. Inordinary remedies failing, we called our family 1 who atti-mpteJ to cure It; bu. it spread with umost lucred.b.e rapidity, uiuil the lower portion oi' litue fellow's person, l'rum the middle ol his back iowti -o Ills knees, was one soiid rash, ugiv, paiut'ul, uo.clied, and malicious. We had no rest night, no jeacebyd.iy. 'f ile physician did not kuow then, and loes not km.w now, what ii was.

Finally, we were ulvUed to try Cuticura itkmkoiks. Without the knowledge of our physician, 1 procured a box of UU C1CL-ba and a cake of The ell'ect WAS SIMPLY MARVELOUS, Jsing the two together, lirst washing him thoroughly vith Cuticdra soap, ilieu auoi huu withcuTiXUa. Prom the lirst application a change for ilie tetter nppeared. The doctor said had uo furtuer 2 leed ot him, and ceased h.s visits. In three or four I veeks a cumj.leie cu was wrought, leaving the dtt eliow's person as white aud heathy as though he liad lever beeu auucicei.

in my opinion, your vaiuab eniedies saved liis life, an I he is asiroug, lealthy child, perfe tly well, no i ep titiou of tlie ditase having ever occurred. You are welcome to make ai? use oi this you may deem best. ULO. B. SMITH, Att'y-at Law and Ex-Pros.

Att'y, Ashland, O. Reference: O. WEIST, Druggist, Ashland, O. CUTICURA KKMKD1ES Ire sold everywhere. Prie 50 cents 3 $1.00: rOAP.

-5 cents. Prepared by Pox Druu asv chemical Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Cure skiu Diseases." Cuticuba Soap, an exquisitely -ner'utned Skin Beaut tier. RHEUMATIC Neuralgic, Sciatic, sudden. Sharp and Nervous and Strains relieved in one mintte by tlie uticlua Anti-Pain Plaster.

Warranted. Atati iruggisis, 26cents-, live for fl.oO. Potter Drug aud Boston, Mass. oclO Lmmense As ortment Of BEAUTIFUL FALL DRESS GOODS. CAMEL'S HAIR HOME-SPUN DRESS GOODS mre wool, wide double wid.n.fioc.

OOODS PIN CHECK-, TRICuT CLOTH FA Xfv 1ASKHT STY 1.10 liOOus cajsII Oe.RES.widtdoub.e width.all pure fine wooUnuy PURE SIi.K BLACK MERVELIEUX 85c. WOOL BLANKETS, soiled! at price reduced to S-J. ,6. aolIea'' SLLK 37, 4ii, BLA CASHMi'-KK 'ii AWLS, pure wool SI VI OYAL Sfcliut, beautiful mil Oress goods' (exact mitaiion of the gooos). wide ldl colors, tncludiug biack, yards for A Pair ot our immense size handsome Damask Towels, worth or a large slie Bridal M.oO, presented to eacn customer who ifio worth of Dry uoods.

oco A gRRK COU A A It It 1CKB marked SPACE. Near 7th Street. ocl4 It is All ltioHT! Hnd since the day we ipened, wtiica iliustra es tUe iact that the peoples Sod out where tUe bem. good-. to be iSu least money.

You should examine our stock oTwlu tnd iue-Wale Diagonal iW aw the Uorkaci ews are sUu favor liov. ever aiid in the town In Cheviots. Cashmeres, Overcoatings and stock complete. See our rfUlO ARB AN A BENNETT, 1231 street air. TirALKER'S.


THB FAN BUYKB. THK DRESS TRIMMING BUYER. The NOVELTIES SECURED have already ai rived, so we hope to see you TO-MORROW at the PPP A A It RSSP AA AA II 5 8 PPP A A A A II SSSq AAA AAA II a a a a II sKSs RRR OO A ti AA KRR YY A A 5 AAA oo a a THE PROPRIETOR WRITES TO THE ADVEI TISINO YOUNG MAN. Belvedkbk Hotel, Oct. 21.188ft Sib i have the buyers to torw rd a lis of the Goods they have secured, which please advei Use in The Star.

Yours truly, A. LISNER. tSf" The advertising man is suffering with cold i the eye and can't see to write, so the letters arepul lisheUJustas received. LETTER No. 1.

Bei.vedsrk Hotel, Oct. 21.1886. Dear Sir in Tlie star, at be sure and place my department the head of the lis tor we shall be able to sell the ciost Elegant Orient! Portieres for $7.98 a pain and you can say Messr of 6th avenue. have them marked in their windows at S8.50. Mr.

tells me to murk thei S7.9S so we can say we really sell below New Yor prices. The Antique Lace Toilet Sets, with ribbot run through, are to be sold for 98c. a set. and the Pincushions for 30c. Those trtmwd with lace an ribbon are $1.39.

These are being shown every whei In New at a little higher price. Howl pour eye? Yours truly, G. HESS. LETTER No. 2.

Belvedkre Hotel, Oct 21.1886. Frtend i have secured a splendid line Evening Silks: and the following lines of Black Good advertise as soon as passible, and be certain to met tion the prices, for tbe New York prices are ten pc lent higher: Black Wool Diagoual, 42 inches wide, tc 58c. Striped Boucle Cloth, U8c. 8erge, 55c. Pries ley's Camel's Hair, 72c Priestley's Silk Warp Henriett Cloth, 8uc.

Hoping you are belter, and tbat my pariment will be the most conspicuous in The Star, Your triend, C. O. UiTON. LETTER Na Belvedere Hotel. Oct 21,1886.

Dear Sir: If you want to startle Washington yo' lave ouly to adver.ise on the top of Ttu or column th rerseys sent on. They are good Boucle Clotb, in navj and black; cut short on the hips, and with poi million backs. We shall sell them for $1 68, but yo tlaim them worth S3. "Truth is stranger thai know, and it is no fiction if yon also ad rertise the Scotch Plaid I'ls; era at $5.98 to be wort S0.50, for 1 saw them so marked on 6th avenue. Hoping your eye is better, Yours sincerely, K.

DAVID. LETTER Na 4. Belvedere Hotel. Oct 21,1886. Sir: Please advertise tbe Ornament Gimps Jus 'orwarded.

I guess they will be the finest in ngton They range from $6 98 to $16.00 a yard Dou't forget the uimps and Galloons in hades, and tbe Ribbons are splendid value 10 piece: -lack Gros Grain, 9 inches wide, at 10 piecei surah Picot Edge Sash. 12 inches wide, SL68: 1( jieees Fan Edge U. 8 iucbes wide, $1.25, and thi rery latest novelty: 10O pieces Fancy Rdge Gros Grain 55c. a yard. I hope you feel better, and try and uy department first, on the list Yours truly, U.

BOYLE. LETTKR Na 5. Belvedere Hotel, Oct 21,1886. Dear Sib: I hope tbe cold in your eye is better, and fiat you will not be so modest in tbe ftuure as to sli lose to the door when iu church. You may advertise he fashionable Kan is to be made of Crepe de Client nd spangled.

Mr. Lisner tells me to find out what Ie.ssr& oi 23d stre -t, selling them for, and or us to sell them a little cheaper. Please make a lisplay of them. Your friend, M. GRAHAM.

THE GLOVE BUYER still in Washington, but requests advertised the ollowittg Job lots. He claims them extraordinary alue. You might ask to see them. .00 dozen 4-Bution Undressed Kid Gloves, Tans and Black. 68c.

.00 doren 8-l'utton Undressed Kid Mousquetairc Gloves, Embroidered Backs, 98c. THE UMBRELLA BUYER lon't leave for New York until next week. Opened only yesterday the following: .24 Gloria Cloth Umbrellas. $1.85 each. 24 Gold-top Silk Umbrellas, $2.65 each.

24 Silver-top Silk Umbrellas, $2.65 each. 12 silver-book Silk Umbrellas, $3.98 each. 12 Gold-hook Silk Umbrellas, $4.65 each. 18 Carved Boxwood-handle Umbrellas, $3.98 each. 12 Ebony-handle Silk Umbrellas.

$3.38 each. THE NOTION BUYER i branching out into fine art Among other noveltiee rill be seen "Rococo" Frames for Photos. They are uade of brass, in antique designs, and studded with mitatlons of rubies and turquoise. They have an fleet most solid And artistic. Prices from 79c.

to 13,50 each. PALAIS ROYAL, (a. lisner.) pennsylvania ave. abb ml. oc22 405 and 407 13tb ST.

n. W. CITY ITEMa RfwNr Maetelara (tlx 65 of different makes, which have taken in exchange for the Silent Nov American No. 7 and New Howe, at 7th and H. Telephone 422-2.

1 15 Oat-Go to J. E. Dry Family Store, 736 7th au Cloaks Cloaks, Cloaks. 3 of la nr article which ao richly the entire confidence of the community as Bmvu'? Bronchial Troches. Thoae sufferini from Asthmatic and Bronchial diseases, Oouxba and Colds, sboulu try them.

Price 25 cents. eo Fran to-day on we will sell our 25a rubbei eye glasses, at 50c. rubber eye glasses, al 29c. Spectacles at same redaction. m.

silvekbkko A 312 7th Street. Scott's Emnlftittn or Pare Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, Almost? Specific for Consumption. The thousands of testimonials we have rejceived from sufferers who iiave been cured by Sett's Emulsion satUties that it will cure consumption iu ita earlv niaget aud alleviate if not cure in its latter Rave the Mloc. Royal" glues them. Broken glass, china, oruameuta, furniture.

eo2m A Mont Liberal Offer! The Voltaic belt Marshall, offer send their Celebrated Voltaic Belts and Elect Appliances on thirty days' trial toauy man alfiicted with Nervous Debility, Loss of Vitality. Manhood, etc. Illustrated pamphlet tn sealed euvelope with lull particulars, mailed tree. Write ihem a', once. Antnmn Crocus is the only sure cure foi Rheumatism and Gout.

The prescription ot well-known New York physician. If you can'i afford to rl6k a dollar ror a boi tie, call aud free trial bottle of our agent, Z. D. Uilmax, 62" Ir Pa. av.

Jy2tt-eo3tt John C. Raker A Cod Liver Oil and Malt is the finest preparation ot the kind in the milrket. Its tonic aud uutritive effects in wast iug diseases truly wonderful. Sold by all drug st When Baby was sick We gave her Castorla. Wnen she was a child She cried for Castorla.

When she became a Miss She clung to Castorla. When she had Childrcu she gave them When Baby was sick We gave her Castorla. When she was a child She cried for When she became Miss frhe clung to Castorla, 63 Per finllon. 75c. Quart Bottle, No.

1 Rye Whisky, best in the world lor the money il Orders by mall. Mc-Gee's. 9Hi. uear st. Hnitw CleHiiefl.

guaranteed at C.PUTSCiiE'8,1729Pa.av.iii,w.s3n 11 Freah Alderney Butter emirned everj morn iug and delivered in Vj lb. "Ward" prints, 45c l3 per lb. Also, Cottage Cheese and Buttermilk Sweet Milk 5c. per quart. Cream 15 cents.

Pickwick Cino is the Came On The RECOMMENDATION OF a FRIEND, Is the exclamation of many people that come to OAK HALL The first time. hat does this denote? It satisfies ui that our fixed ruk-, to sell cloihiug of a bigb gradi only, and at prices iiO per cent uuder others, ujeeis Uii approval of Washington's people. The following are a lew of the latest bargains received Is A good strong Overcoat at $5. worth S7.50. An all wool al cT.oO, woi th -a A fine overcoat, made uj equal to the nest meicu.ait tailor's woi at ir any made to order tor l.

A lull line oi iglu and heavy weight Overcoats be tweeu prices, all good A line ot and Hress Suits. Iron lu cousis. lug oi Cutaway auu Piitui Ali erl feuiLs. Rest maieriala bes.

workmanship am lowest prices ever seen in Washington. FOlt BOYS 5 to 13 Good Suits at $2.75. worth $4. Better Suits al txi.OO. wortn $5.

Besi Corduroy Suits at sell elsewhere at $6. A nne uf fine cassimere, Tricot, Wiue Wall and corkscrew Suiis Lorn up. troni to $10. Best of bargaina FOR BOYS 14 TO 18 YEARS. a Good Suits at $4.50, worth $6.

a All-Wool ai $6 50. worth $8. A iuli line oi line cu.sumere, coricscrew, Tricot ant Cheviot uiaue in style at prices not j. be lou.hed jy any house having large store Overcoats in hill line t'roiu to PANTS, 1- A complete line for Men, Youths, Boys and dren at prices lower than ever before. Oar motto: No trouble to show goods at, OAK hall 0C22 CORNER 10TH AND STREETS.

719 Offering. 71S CHOICE GOODS, CORRECT STYLES AND LOW PRICES G. DAVIS, 710 MARKET SPACE. COR 8TH STREET. 5 We have recently added largely to our well-assorted i stock of Black Dress Goods.

Black Silks. Black and White Goods. Grey Mixtures, Embroidered Robes, We make a specialty of BLACK DRESS GOODS, aud it will pay you to examine our stock. We are offering a genuine Barnsley Table Linen, inches wide, at Bargains in other Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Ladies' and Children's Meriuo Cnderwear, Corsets, I Collars and Cuffs, Umbrellas in great variety at very low prices. 24-inch Silk Plush, beautiful colors, at $2 per yard.

Kid, Cashmere, Fur Top, Dog Slciu, and other Gloves, reliable makes. The superioilty of our I Lace and Embroidery, Dress Trimming, Button, i Ribbon aud Fur Trimming Departments are so well known that it is useless to enumerate. E. G. DA Via 719 Market Space, cur Stb st.

A Confidential (Jhat. "I can't make it out," said the old-fashioned clothier, "I don'i see how that 'ere uolden Eai(ie Clothing Co. make a living; violate every of the clothing business, as 1 understand iu They aim the hist idea ol ruuuin' a clothing store. Why, they oughier've been bankrupt long ago, and now they are doing the nicest business in Washington to-day. Why, sir, them 'ere people buy their goous for cash, discount every dollar's worth they buy.

They dou'i credit nobody, so luey never have no oad debts, aud that's wny they kin sell Rich fine clothing lor met: and boys for about what they'd cost me at wholesale. Oh, they sell the finest Kinds of goods for the lowest prices you ever beard of. They don't wora oil no old suill'on their customers, but gives 'em just whut expectbright. crisp aud tashiouable goods every time, and then I hey gives em their money back if the selections made don't please everybody to hum', includin' the hired girt. Now, you know as wed us I do, ihatamt co way to run a e.o.hing business.

Why.peop!- that'll act like that must be crazy, but here they are uiaknig faster than iiauu can trot! They've made haif a milllouin one year, and yet ihey give tne people their money's worth right along. Durmd if I can understand iu" Uoiu Well, good day; but what do you think of THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING COMPANY. N.W. CORNER OF 7TH AND STS. (all blue signs.) oel5 J.

m. GRaDY. Manager. OUR 90.00 kMjr COACH Reduced to fT.OQ. coach Reduced to Our LOO BABY COACH Reduced to Our $12.00 BABY COACH Reduced to Other COACHES reduced in proporuwu.

Headquarters tor LAWN lENNIS, ARCHERY. CROQUET. Special nam ui duos. ch. ruppert.

jrO 408-406 7th su B.W.. near DsU L)unlap's Fifth A.venue STYLE OF SILK AND DERBY HATH TOR FALL AMP WINTER, HOW READY. WLLLKTT BUOFF. Batten and Furrlsrs, 906 ava Battler ife (Jo, 1 topi Mfati 01 ihe olu and wall known PICK WICK CLUB WHISKY, have a mutter nue Ry? Whiaktes, whtck they or mm mjjl is 7 AMUSEMENTS. I i.Hand opera house.


l.i Last lime of the PeerVts Comedienne, A I E. Jeasop and GUI's Farcical CutneJy, MAM'ZELLE. 1' ui Next weak, "The Firest.le Favorite." KFF.E KI.Ls KK, i supporte i by Mr run Wm.iiu a id i company of excellent merit, lu Frank powerful p.ay. WOMAN AGAIN WOMAN. 111 "There the tue ring In'Woman Against I -Sew York IVorUL CI "Stronger than Foi A Evrmna oc28 ERN'A N-fTwAb UIX A Tt.K THE TIDE OF POPFLAR FAVOR FLOWING.

I GO WHERE THK CROWDS GO. Enterprise and Laterality rewarded WITH STANDING ROOM ONLY. I TONY PASTOR 8 TONY PASTOR i I AND HIS OWN GRAND COMPANY pi IS lu THE PITAL'S COSIEST THEATER MATINEES TI'KMUY, THURSDAY AND KATUKHAY. I Next STAR SPE- CIALTY rpiiE ASiiTNGTON T-aITI TIII A it-adinc eoiored Mi isters of the District and the Monumental orchestra will present at the coinpiinientarv li erunuuieut to ev. s.

i.vrian I the Cadets armory. 7th and stii n.w., i 1 t-er liU. Aiimisiinii only 15 eenta 111 (jtoodwin's ox Ivy 1 Races. in rib; KS OV I.Y.J We shall H. pofN on all 1 at the above meeii We are prMDlwd a Wll MNidttfll biji HT HiiHHKK Ml itll I Ikii A mirtnz wegave MoNOP AXD 'i tirst ilavs at we sji.Ve 11 winners I 1 and 3 seconds i ut oi 1- laces.

me.inline the 1 DlSi RRANCa-. SJJ, FaL-KJ-I'KP i an.i PEGASFS S-7. aotMcrintlon. ajiply or for circular to uooDWiN I liuoiuM. Hifc" liuusi-.

It Li Jockey Club IJaces. bi ol Tlie Fall Meeting of the NATIONAL JOCKEY CLUB ill take place 5 TUESDAY. OCTOBER 26. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. i THURSDAY.


1 JM Trains leave the B. and O. Depot on Race Days at and a.m and 12:10. m. Return trains in waiting at termination of each day's racing.

Round Trip 11clcets 15 centa RACING WILL COMMENCE AT 130 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. I Improper cbaracten will, aa heretofore, be ex- i 1 Kl eluded. ocl6-llt d. I is I I .1 I I Ml National air Association. Stockholders of the National Fair Association can 1 0 tulo their i ket to the cliei ub apply- lng at the udice the In Vernon Row H.

BI.OWNING. President. 1 BIJOU THEATER. t.VERY AFTERNOON AND EVERY EVENING DL'KlNu 111E WEEK, The Celebrated American Actor, I E. F.

MAYn, ti In the Beautiful idyl of the Backwoods, kt DAVY CV.OCK A Cast oi Eveellence. Scenic i fleets oi Next he l-avorile WILBUR Ol tRA CO. oclbOt NINTH-sT. OPJbRA UOL -li. CommencinK MOX October 18, 'lire Latest Loi.don nud New ork O.Vii I TAKl.

FROM LIFE. By Henry eititi. amuor of "The World." Preseme-l t)v i OR ATIC COM i With all or.filial scviiery ana effects from J. ttiiltfCuS Yorti. in 1 1(1-20 AliJulbSiON.

lO? 25. ia Fverv Afternoon at 2 h.very Nig at I Next MlLD DAY COMPANY. PC 18 I Dime i V. en 'lLe popular Resort the Ppwpln. Every>ooii and Night tins, week I 'liii'Oi i Theater in I H.

with th. sf.nie three gn u. blurs in tlie caat: A A NIL AMKS. K. DIlXuN and CHAs.

n. FXT, Agiea play lull of rilling iu.erest. 45 A illar pe: a dmie. Seats recei ved any peiloimaoceUuilng the week. I i.C 1 S-Ol PHIVATE DANClNt.

LESSONS BY A Roui.d a Leusoi.S KI veil a bt'urp ihed luv.hod. AOaresS Mis? A. tar I oilice. ClAPTTAL CYCLI. NKW YORK AVl 1 c'lea, Taudem, aud I01 rent by the Lour, day, wevK.oi

Tricycles 10 nn.n.n. i-uUitfi -o ems each nour. lu u. PANUlUMA OF BA1TUC OF HFLL RL'N, 15tl? two stWili 01 Peiinsyivania ava I The realistic Battle evei (laluted. AI lglHed ai ni.

lit by elecntc a.u OjA-ii liom 10 10 p.m. Adiiiihfti. u.5o nt-s; thiiaren uuder 12 years. 25 CenIk.

on Sundays halt'pritv. 1 EXCURSIONS, PICNICS, ETC. U.MjU W. CORCORAN wa Will niake daily excursions to Marshall nail and uW mom, lem dk at lO a.Di., airlv nig at asluuetoii tit p.m. '1 he o.d Manor House at Marshall Hail I.lltti up Willi elegant iteeplion roomlor lauieaand geiilleuieii, and truit.

ice, ice cream and lunch supplied excursiouisla. aie round-trip cents. fo On buulays the Lout will niake two trips to Mar- (u rl.ull i.aii. leaving a. lu a.m.

ai.d2 p.ui..reluruiiig Wi, 1 anu p.ui. 1-aie ivouial nip lai st.ainer W. CORCORAN" aii2Q II. II. Taylor, 1 iwj oil 933 PENNSYLVANIA.




aM oaM gn MuirlfMta aft ai I i if i i K11 Hi s1' mull or ITdCK IN PltmT uf Equitable i Ivf H' ll 1. wilh offer. Will 1AM. Mat ortt.e ja i iw rim Horn one other Can tx at lOth M. D.C A I.K? KA PR TI vTT; I I K.

evcet or gen: i.n I a drt ver. ei lyr mole ar: Juini and artless. ply cumJ.n* it" ra i.Ykr. n. c.

OKSAI.E-O ri I Ki ll MU.VM; 1411 lilllf uwd; Kl.i ch ap. Private i JO 1 St. II ll? iuu COMMbTa N' 1 No. 7. No lor uii.

will be up. Wood mid Coal Yard Uib fA I.K A I'ATI XT IX1IIK t. ttl rtcnmmni Patent. -late-i ana Address 1137 iv? m. LmM.

Mo. It vmJw i i i i oji commission. par 4 Mutes. mbei w.oioii or ait. A.RiN Puit 1.

1i, La- V)K ML) ERY lyi ilolii-- a cootl (kimiii'M. No trouble ut It. iqmie at HAi INKOIAl CAHH iiaiu 7ij-oo ave 1'iirliclit Pianos, at -I t.i.pmrw iu warranted. price tti g.o.t id cover: at u. L.

BR 7m jc-S-I BILIJA'i) I Hi I I I I i finished wlin beveled varytlilu.r III o.tler. Inquire at 1.1W i -I ii HU ON'tv WALHH" A cost walnut liming ladle 6 lo. Aitdrvn M. L. mm uSIiv E-A KINK, DARK "BROWN year old: -u tatue (or coupe or family car r.

aire Inline 1..24 Ttu SAL. A kK I OK H1ACK-MITH "lo. but little ill very lor Ht llK. iroing to leave ihecliy. luuuire O.

Nt.Ls*' anil i in KILLINKK1 AN" ancy llA.l XI I aat ip.tul tMlML AV I'lAK JAM lip.vKtou. the and i-ber. bat in very hoi.M' where there l.u-eil a o( etWI It i-like aelitil Kttie abolefltuiUjr I Ills work hil ibe t'lun oe olv Ined at on snmtl tuuiiiUly lut nt Box Mar ufficc. fiOK SAI.K? A RKAl TIKI urtlrohe: a no.

an i 1'able. at 'RMIII. 1 7 Id I it. 'R I.E? A MnMi.DMi IIV UITton bt.K'k, Croin t.Kii-* ii MMI EL KAI.M KA R. I Paul Mrt SAl.K A NTYl.lMl BAi sl'iTAtile for or liflil vafuu.

Price, fi.KI. Now OliKi.N'Ji-lmles. ii.w. i A HVOKIK.i I i XfKU lent PIANO, hi 1 ld N1 6-Jl i ltb opi IU'V. lltl HALE BltlM A fOKL IMN I i i itiiar Hird-, the rl' up.

1 the bird 1 i.w MAM I l.i. i i. ro'l SA I.I-. HROWN HA I lady an drive tier; a itimiU lauiiiv ttiare: ar.evt andite.itiobe>eeuat I'. t.L.

aoove ave II Kl A'l NO ANIi HI NM Inquir? at 4iWN. HALE A MAN OK VERY N'IVMHH tonrli liotite-. Inquire at UUtli'T A OO'N Htat'le. II beiMeen ami 14th. ARHIVEl.

KRoM a of iitn eltlinicM, live ami alx o.d, lull uUicin; or iluublv. AImi, irri-l inns. ola; tiue driver. Ilia acme ami Orlv Irotti NI to J. I Y.

kit llinacnw. A LK-M KllFl RO KEY Morne. irom limi ato good dilv. or tub.e; s.ife mill nuuuil ttve years AUd en a Y. ia: afcet, roll H.tEc.

VK.R\ HANUtjtoME BUCK WAU nut Wa nut Biirinn. aauatailv. au.i Hitleb ard iriiar le Und Id's Apply ut owe, tiu 1Mb at. O.W. ha I.e.?t'l' tilt EAT BA Rl.

VEKAL eiui Itul Hquare but little us at f.tMJ; 'St. ttuiu ui fii.i(i paytiie laosly itj lontd; oovers stoois Be sura id see I Ii 111 before on buv. THE 1'IANO AC HAN ti WAKEROOMS. tfiti si. RAKE CHANCE-AN iJiT anil liaiidsome case four round cornel Bru'tkury 1 u.irr Piano, lu nice condition iitlii tone, itooti as ne? ai r.iiited 6 eats.

176 iunk or c-'ki uiontbly cunt JfJKI. Ilandsoiue emb. cover OOlKo Willi t. AplJ.V THE I'lANU WARERO MS, ii SALE-A "RAMANT HOME" PARLOH stove; grale Apply at iib n.w 3tiR I KIM YOi.f>. RENT i ti.e iiionlli, 1U; trial money lo be irtv de.

idt? to purctluse; VliMt Bicycle i4(W ew Vorkave FOR No IIKlwiV abie oiler fuseil sold ulitn ten day xitu in uood Hurkn.g order. Hpieutliu cb. i.t* or HH1. capital. No trouble auuut iHt'iae.

J. A. (K'IH FLEU A XT VoTxt i HoUhE iive ear-old: Hue sit ltju, lilgb) and buiiilaotoe, luai spirited, aa.e and aotiu an. Liidilvebiiu Inquire at LEAUi.SOiiAXI A VV. lav7 II.w.

oc)ft-1111 111 RltEKlE made specially lor prob-asionai and in or will be Mold at a low linure or ntvd at a ouera.e rate. Adiire-s K. ar otti -e ALE-O VKi INKCHK ER1 XCTHVIC ARE terms. HliiU A. .5 all st.

u.w., aoie afeuu lorSobmer Planoa. rent. HALE- rxjllt Al AO XIKICEX PI A S(M' iucludiiiK HUeff. KraDK cb. nickering atnl uiakrs.

cau be bought ut a bargain lor canb. 7tli st. o. w. sALK-sLATE MANTELS: ST place in tbe ct.y to get geiiume Mt.c Mantels at vv prices IS auulaclo.

4H7 SL LAJHV AM) K(JU iJ. UHl? HtlOAY. NORTH CAPITOL HI, -ma 1 Black ami Tan Uyp: long and vaei trimmed collar. oi rteru to 81. ii iv.

and receive 1 BRlMtL ANltVi HiTE i.U.I Tei tier bud collar and tat; an w.r?lo name Liberal rewaid for L.i return to Kit Hi. if. UBT-OX OCTOBER UH. A OINIT WHITE A and re set er bad on lag reward il' r. turned to -d st.

u.w. osl -U 14 rtl hT. il TW I.E.N UAViAChTTj it- a I'eiinsyoania a suoc. Reward. ipiv 1 i'Mt 17ib -t n.

U.vr-?I.N HETU EEN HT. a w. and l.b -L a i i.g of I be nil er it iiiMUni and suiL.oi>- tewaru by aoUre.v.nm 4>. aV Ii. w.

U-i-llI L' NTIKTOHEK 21 A LA 1 111 OH near at i.eorg*?n. uiarkeii L. oi. oac ibe linder will ba le.t at Hlgb st, OHT-ON OCTOBER 22117A Bl OKnEVEM or elglll keys. Etocrai rewald if at ft at.

I7a.i lo: si. W.r~A I -mail Brown i'og bile on leet, brea-t and of ck. snort re(is. (ox- ike bead 11ad ou sirup t.41 (bl'-UM UtTtiBU UIU, i 4 ouianooid uvMual tuiq one 1.. ibe eud daiker tuali tne otbec o.

A itward toil t.e paiu if to uupsiitre ave. u.w. ia -A liilLE ANH A I Nt. i.llt, ON unday, Octo er 17tb. near tne Long i can base by paying a reuaru.

liiqwiie J.t-M ill, laiiu ave. aw. tOl.N. -s WUlatMiiAf oil xt.dler's Honie roa 1. owner ea-e Com pay dauiagea, pr ve prop rty ana use tbeia aj.

iiiAuLti A B. -L. w. OVI A PLAN OK A Hoi w.tli tin- iisaic ol jauit? ti Htil It. iteward i iut lie to New 01k ave.

oc22 OK bI KAVi.O. ON THE 18. OKS itorse, uootii u' Uauds. Any oue uulaw taiiting lue .1 lie maticu jaaater, Ji utiiil s.anoii, uod o. h.

it. BUSINESS OllAAOUi. UlUMAfl Vi IiH sOAIi. CAPIi U11, wauted iu eilu'jiUuvd Also, notes ior sale, iiomi ou biiiull couiiulssluils. Aduri ss HtaT ice.

OK AMI I.KA1N BltOK RAoE otbce auu bxiurc ottioe wed vneap nieim p.ivaie aires wi.lit iiiteits. -el. cn II at ouje. jau IAI.n, Star olb. u.

A II JO. NINO "KAI.OKAMA" OX Tn r. Mkr'l MI't. Ve offer for sale 'be unlis profierty, 2- acres, UN uortii p. 1 uicb J.i bo Id tne ol .0 ciner me vaiuaoie waier ii? o'ovTiileUls.

ulcn ol a Itr.c. and stone 7ur yili. ban. I- uay Cap 01. clilua-lfoUbi t.1 00 Sliuc.iou..Ogetu.r witH le.

out-udatngs. C2t.S?r Kat u.w. CKXIii OPPOHT- XiTV is OilEi.Eu A ui ica. to join in op mug a bar lu ui Uie loc-t iu cuy. mail capiu.1 'red.

Address Be. T. "Ui outce i i.K, 11 Vt tut to live iiuuured to engage la Builel'. Meat, auu i.u auu refcad. beat 111 ti.e cliy.

A.uieai HtaT ottiua. OK FoR TUKrJC y. ai-s. st ecurnjr, (d.J real estates tt par a auu no coiniuisa uua. Adaruss LA jOu.ce.

TUKOUUU Tilt. bOL'Nli Kb, liable Western i arm Mortgage Co. u. c-pUal and Mirptua. o.iiuo Cai tfu.iy Led 1st jsorigage LuiUk uayanle lu X.

reu per cent 1.1.ereat guaraiiUsia lip ties. Absoiuie satlslaci ion, io years' experience in sea to ibtrd b. ut V. city; ttonal bank, and liunureds tors, lot Iml uiloi mailou cad upuB or aduioas hi. Ki lT i ihumics.

Md. LoDllFOBKIlHIKOa bare reoolved another abipmeot of ae.i and liar.lord carp- ia. cotup. utug Wu.011'% ily aiid extra Mlot-r naraiut: Mv Hie, Velvet ai.Q Akoxoury lapeauy: aenaiugUM bquaies all bUa PiUsne-, nui and iicy H.Ik uroiture lovartiiga, 4nsb 1 ouit, owml iny and oiling nam Lace tiranes. Kaw alia and eueie covers, ail sMua.

'iuoae want Mue will bud tt I hair to diMM atoca utsiore puicuasag. HOOE BRO. iOO, cl atroK. 1 TO H. WALKEK uraoHa Work- beat laciUtlea la ib work sid Yard hi fcurt" rear oovariuutriu um?.

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