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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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wi tinded a'id it was only after much i and at eoftherrorUliy woui-d- ditiicnlty that h-r statement was secured, i t-ii nMth-r and dying sittrr wae an af- spoke scarcely above a ftdiDL' one ini? painfully at frequent intervals It was finally secured and is as follows: "Albert Daub, my bnsband. came to the from the porch to the kitchen this evenine. I my child en mv arm, five month" He faid I want to see your Father was lied. Mother called.

Father came and thev THE COWARD COMMITS SUICIDE A Malicious, Revengeful Spirit Induces Albert Daub to Commit a Most Horrible The Like of Which Has Never Before Occurred in Our Arnold is Dead the Daughter is Not Expected to Live and the Wile is Seriously Shot Himself in Bowman's Milk was Found Lying in it This Made by the Injured Details of the Horrible Crime. MRS. ANNIE DAUI1. talked with each other. Albert said to father that he should allow me to go with him.

Father answered that he did not want to keep house with me before and he couldn't have me now. He then asked me if I would go long and I said I would if they would let me. He paid if I did not go along with the child I could not have it either. He then shot mother, then he shot father, then shot ma. 1 That the c'ime premeditated was shown by a conversation bad tiiis morning at the Daub home.

There it was Faid that Albert purchased tiie in a pawn shop in this city Tuesday. He showed it to the family, teiling them of his purchase bat did not say what he wantf il it He spent some time la'er back of the barn shooting at a target He spent much of the morning at Hoke'i blacksmith and is sai to have announced that be would be enlaced today in hauling manure He drove to Ibis city after dinner, returning home about 5 o'clock. Before leaving he asked his sister, Gertrude, to accompany him to the Arnold home, bnt she refused, faying she waa afraid they would be denied admittance. He an- swerel her, saying, "No, they can't shut me Alter his revolver practice Daub again left home at o'clock in the evenirg ajd driving to this city left his team at the Mansion house. Subsequently he was seen loitering in the neiehborhood-of the Arnold home.

This was but a short time before TWENTY YEARS AGO. An Interesting Meeting Held Tuesday Evening. AT MISS X. EEINHAED'S HOM sent War With. Spalu Dlsctisssed ll Prepared Papers on Shakes pere, Michael Aiigclo and Sloharn ORDER OF THE SIIOOTI.Vfi.

Mrs. Arnold upon being questioned as to (-booting taid it had happened so suddenly that she could not remember exactly how it did occur. Mrs. Daub, however, said she wag positive that Daub shot her mother, then her father and then shot her. She lingered during the night, retaining consciousness, uut Dr.

alter said that when be left the bed side at 7 o'clock this morning that there were no hopes aud her diatn was only a matter of Home hours at the longest Dr. Walter said Daub had held the revolver so close to when be shot him that the powder Hish burned his shirt. Funeral Director Thompson was notified and took charge of the body. WHAT JiECAME OF THE MVBDEKKi: When Daub dashed out of the house after accomplishing his purpose he continued his fl'glit eastward nlong Maple street to Front and proceeded homeward. Upon reaching the farm of Joseph 15ow.

man, which adj lins that of his Daub entered the wagon shed the barn on the north, cl'mbt-'t! into Bowman's milk delivery wapm and, pitting on the peat, pressed the pi tol to In- right side and sent a bullet into his liody The powder Hash ignitnl his clothiig and the Hames roasttd his riiiht side and arm and burned a large hole in the wagon seat. Constable (ieo.A Hunter called at Daub's home at 3 this morning and awakened the family, declared Albert had not returned home from town yet, All detected the oJor of burning clothing and ntadn a tf-arth about the premifee bnt could not find origin. Jsoone iuto the coach shed, which stands some distance from the house. Hunter continued his the crime was committed. That afternoon Daub is said to have visited the store of i'ox Smith, at Xinth and Maple and in conversation with Mr.

Smith is reported to have said that "he intended to have bis wife, no matter what the cost Mr. Smith warned him tc be careful bnt Daub said be wpuid have his wife. team remained at the Alantion house stable over night as he walked to the wagon shed on the A very and profitable mee ing of "The Twentieth Century Circle the C. L. Tuesday even at Hie residence of Miss Kathry Reinbart, on South Ninth street.

Afte a talk upon the studies of circle anc. the examination that can be taken if de sired, the Poly-Chrome Bible oarne for some further passing consideration and the necessity of having the verv best and most accurate translation of th Bible was dwelt upon, as well as the propriety and need of the greatest beaut' of language and perspicnitv of thought. JONA. ARNOLD AND A crime unparalleled in the annals of countv wan romniiited 7'ueedav at Maple street, Independent District. It wa" dipperate attempt at triple tmndi-r tux! hasalready proved as two of the prinripals rre dead, the third is dying overpoweriug and cannot be nnd (he fourth may die.

Thp rommun-1 pictured with the pen. This was the that the daughter, Minnie, the right lung, the bullet having entered at the back and passed out near the right nipple. A SIGHT SHOCKING TO ALL. The sight presented to the first arrivals ity is shucked by the terrible The principals in the tragedy are Jona- Ihfln Arnold, rgcd 78 yeatc, his wife, Elizabeth, about the same age, their daughter, Annie, seed 23 years, nud her taieband, Albirt Daub, agtd 24 yeais The dead are Jonathan Arnold and Albert Dotib, his playi-r. Mrs.

D.mb is dying and Mis. AriH'Kl is fatally wounded. The of the crime shows thut it was carefully plmnird nnd rxc-cnt- with deliberation trnible rfiirt. The ranee nmy If ir.trihuird In the pri Hi- gacy of the murderi'r ami suicide. sn riREii.

From the Hiito-mnrto'j! FtHtrmnnts of tho two wrnien the wna done in this wist: At ubrmt o'clock HP Arnold Mid'her ('aiu-liti-r, Jlrn. I'niib. with her HUing in tht 1 kitchen Datil) entered the 100:11 fn in tho 1 jioreh nnd lo wo futlnr-in- Mr. AiuoM l.iid gone to bfd as Imd another daughter. and Mrs.

Arnold iiifoirpod ol the fact. He Ihrn aekod tl ut tin 1 old man be wakered BS ue I ad somethirig important to tell him and Mrs. Arnold did as he bid her. Mr. Arnold rlippi-d his sliirt and uantaloons ard came down pta'rs walking into the kiichtn whiro hie wife preceded him.

Tho old man took COM- lion stsniiiiiir i cur the ftove while his wife and hi- u-hter, Mrs Daub, with the baby p'tU arms eat on the pettie. soon ns Mr. Arnold entered Daub he wanted his wife to go to The fit her misweud that Paul) rot want to. keep hoiipe with his wife hi tore lie could i not do fo now. Daub rej'liid that he I would ehow them that ho would, es he would take it to cjint.

Ue thm asked Me wife if slip would go with him and the answered thht fhe would with the consent of her parents Daub then ad- dtd that if ilid not gi with him and take the child rotiui not have the baby. Mrs. Arnold rtquitted Danb to go and and he walked towaid thoiliior. Hire Mr. Arnold eaid lie worth! provide for the n.oll.t-r and andD.iubanswered,"« on'i." Wheeling about he wliip pint out a revolver he shot Mis.

ArnoM then turned the weapon en Mr. Arnold tind, ti.en iiirning nt his shot her. The four disi-liargee were in Fucceteiiii. Daub then daehed from the house and disappeared. who was awakened from her sleep by tbe dis- of the revolver and hurried down elaire, faced when she reached the kitchen.

She saw her gray-haired father lying dying on the kitchen floor, while i her aged mother sat supported in the big rocking chair and her sister lay in a iheap on the floor. The wound of Mrs Arnold bled profusely while those of her husband and daughter were marked by only a slight (low, each suffering internal hemorrhages. The girl became crazed at the sight and bfgan talking incoherently. As the spoke of self destruction by hanging those who overheard her became apprehensive of her welfare bnt were rsv msiired by the change mticeable when the baby was given to her. The baby is a girl live months old ana was found crying on a bed in one of the second story Ae Mrs.

Daub said she had it in her arms when she was ehot the ijacetnn ae to how it caaie. to be in the bedroom was 'suggested. Mrs. Arnold in her ante mortem statement explained the matter os she said that after being shot she dis- eoveied tier daughter's clothing to be on tire, having become ignited by the powder and she went over to her and extinguished the (lames. She then toon the baby and placed it on the bed upstairs and returned to the kitchen.

Miss Arnold took the baby in her arms and although it had cried for its mother it soon went to s'eep with Mies Arnold lyine quietly by i's side on the bed. etill occupying the rocking iluirmtlie kitchen Mrs. Arnold spoke to thofe who had crowded inside. She siiiil repeatedly Jlmt Daub had done it and made inquiries as to tbe whereabouts of her husband. After beine placed in bed aud upon the arrival of District Attorney J.

M. Shindel, who directed that her anto-mortem statement be taktn by Alderman C. 0. Booth, Mrs. Arnold then STATEMENT BY MRS AKXCI.D.

search for tbe murderer elsewheie, while the family congregated in the little home awaiting the result. In all piobibility the odor of burning clothing came from the ehed where the young man lay dean in the wagon slowly roasting. Jt was most fortunate that tbe fire burned it- Eelf out for had it not the. destruction of the shed and barn might have resulted and tho body consumed. Had such been the case Daub's file might have remained unlearned.

It wts shortly before fi o'clock this morning that Farmer Bjwman entered the wagon shed to draw out bio milk delivery wagon preparatory to servinst his customprs in this city. As he about to pull the wagon outside he discovered the form of a man tying on the sect, but in the dim light he cculd not distinguish it. He drew tbe wagon put- side and then made an examination, which showed that it was Daub's bodv, and the fact of self was evident by the presence of tiie revolver lying beside it. Bowman 11 once notified Daub's family and the body was removed to their home. Bowman cleaned tho wsgon as well as hecouldand then drove to this city with the news.

All ever his route the burned seat and blood spots in the wagon drew eager crowds. STORY OF THE CAUSE. Bowman farm after committing the crime. The distance is about (hree miles. THE KOAI) TAKEN I)Y DAUB While Daub was proceeding homeward the police were scouring the city in search o.f him.

It was reported that he was seen -on Twelfth street, between Church and Bramlywlne, and at 7'h and Scull streets. Believing Daub bad left the city on a freight train, Chief of Police Stine telegraphed descriptions of the murderer to the surrounding cities, telling the authorities to be on the lookout for him. There were nuny wild rumors circulated among the large crowd of excited citizens.who congrecated in front of the house. Tbe crowd dispersed about midnight. WHO TIIK rXFCRTl'XATE TE- FI.E WERE.

Jonathan Arnold, the murd -red man, was a retired having given up farming the latter part of March, when the family rnoviu to the home, where he met death. lie waa known RO a man who was a lovine husband, indulgent father, faithful friend and good neighbor and led art iipiiuht Christian life. He was mailied twice was a native of th's comity. Mrs. Arnold 1 er ranghter, Mrs.

Daub, are well known and have a large circle of erq laii.tarees who are deeply griered at their terrible experience Albert D.mb, the murderer end suicide, wss the son of Henry and Caroline Daub. flia mother is dead and the homestead in North Lebanon township is occupied by the fither, sisters and There are three brothers and pix sisters. Alb'-rt was born iu East Hanover township, September 25, 1872 He is paid to Imve used liquor but his fatni'y P'lv tliH.y ncvertaw him affected by He to be perfectly sober when he came this city Tuesday afternoon and to he in good spirits. Tbe present war with Spain led to a most pleasing and profitable discussion in which the various phases of the con flict were carefully gone byer, and some of the great principles underlying such war were spoken of. Trjere is no more any North or South, and! the nation is able to present a solid front of patriotic Americans to the Spanish hordes.

The regular program was thenjtaken up. The first paper on "Williarp Shakespere" was written and read by Miss Elizabeth A. Fox. Thia was a very carefully prepared and critical study of the life of the great dramatist. The writer recounted a visit paid some years ago to the birthplace of tht Bard of Avon, which was full of interest and information.

Next followed an excellently prepared caper by Miss Tillie R. Bowman, on the difficult sulject of the great artist "Michael in which the salient points of his lifo and character were pleasantly, accurately and entertainingly brought out. Both of these papers led to aimo extended remarks on the great dramatist and the great aitist, their worksand peculiarities. The circle next considered the life and teaching of "Mohammjpd," and the "Mohammedanism" which grew out of i which pri to be a very entertaining subject. Mohammedanism believes in many prophets, bnt consider that Ihe great ones were Adam, Ifoab, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohimmcd, because these introduced new laws and dispensations.

In writings they lay great stress on the Pentateuch, "the Pcalms, Gospel and Koran. In all this the teachings of Mohammed and the Koran by far take the precedence. This system pays considerable sttention to angels. Beprlnt from the "Dally Xews" ol Two Decades Asro. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24.

Cnrtis Smith, of ciutht a snapper, weighing 13 pounds, near the dam of David Kreider. Tuesday Harry Strubble, a young man of this place, employed on the "Gravel" train, had two middle fingers of his left hand mashed while in tbe act of coupling cars near Daupnin. Upon his arrival here Dr. Kalbach amputated the forepart of tbe fingers and dressed them. Polly Long, the oldest inmate of the Lebanon county almshouse, died Tues- dav morning, aged S5 years.

She was an inmate of the house for over 25 years Monday afternoon some person entered the house of Lavina Maklnson, in Spring alley, and stole from her buieau drawer $11. Tbe money was stolen during her absence visiting a neighbor. Tne body of the late Joseph Bon man, which was buried temporarily in tbe First Reformed cemetery, at noon of this day was taken np and conveyed to Mt. Lebanon cemetery and buried by the side of bis wife. Samuel Kobb, of Londonderry township, whose horse several weeks previous this took fright while pacing orer the railroad bridge near Palmyra and ran away.throwing him out and hurting him severely, died from tbe injuries received and was buried on this day.

A regular meeting of the Lebanon iterary society was held in the academy milding on Tuesday afternoon, C. i- Atkins presiding. The following officers Fere elected for the term of one month: 'resident, C. L. Atkins; vice president, i.

H. Hammond; secretary, R. C. Mish; assistant secretary, T. Altenderfer; treasurer, W.

T. Frantz. Tbe treasurer re- jorted 62 cents in treasury. CHMP DANIEL HUSTINGS, ONE CENT, OUR EASTERN HON. WM.

E. GLADSTONE. The Grand Oia Muu Bro.ith.Hl Ills Ijist Daring Morning. IT IS BELIEVED THE SPANIARDS ARE PARING TO ATTACK If. WITH A LARGE Commander Dewcy, of the Asiatic Squadron, A to Take Care of Himself.

IS ROOI'S PASSING THROUGH. HEHE ZN ROUTE TODAY. attracted to the teem 1 by hearing lying r. Arnold inc chuir uinl They carried Mr. body into I in- Lous cnl aid.

Hi! 5 fiptciice to tho old biivirj: i-sri ntfs afii'r i fom.d Mr. AruoiJ the i-i iu tin 1 '1- l-wr Ti.c vi men were put ti sod j-ctioiif of niMr- liiiiur, niiro-r line uliirkey wire 10 fai. Both u-uiainrd AM ix.Jiuinalion showed tha' Mrs Ari.Xi! ei fi.ot inthi-kf; fide mid Paub two wont lif in tl.o Kick, having tit en hit twice woiu.i'f arc c'ot-e to the spinal column, one tuir.g bt-twetn the shoulders and the other about the niul.Ileof tho bsck. Danii'p lower InnVe compli-tely i condition no efforts at probing for the liuDets wcie made, bn instead every "Albert Daub came this evening to see father. He eaid, where is father, nnd I said he is in bid then: he said 1 should tell him to get up and I told him that I wouldn't unless it was important.

He said it was and I called him and he got up and came down into the kitchen. When they came together Albert said he wanted to keep house with Anna and father said you would not keep house with her before we moved here and cannot have her now. Albert said, he would take it to court Then he paid to Annie, won't you go with and 1 told him we were not cross and that he ponh. should 20 home and be good. Then he ig r.vk- walked towards the door.

I and were together nn the Settee and father was near the stove. Then Daub walked to the door and father walked out on tbe porch and said he would provide for them all nnd Albert said, no. you won't and s'arted to shoot. It wes so quick 1 can not tell which was sbot first, rue or my daughter and then he shot the old man last. Annie and I fell on a heap together.

Anna's back burning and I put it out Bed then took the baby ami ciiried it and came down again." Tiie hypodtrmio ir.iections caused her to speaK with little dituVnlty and her imlte gradually continued stronger. Kariy this morcmgthe doctors announced that sLe might recover. Although they have not probed the wound they are led Tere fiund to he to tllal the course of the bul- and in her weak- It't was deilected alter striking a rib elilld H. to be o'i Vu an. rid about (i ot without it sr.y as- lie was min- regaining and believe the ball is lodged in the back.

8he has shown remarkable vital- eflbit wat confined to keeping her alive St may survive the ihocfc. until her sute-ujortem statement could be taken. Mr. Arnold was shot through I MBS. DACE GIVHS HER VEBSIOX.

Mrs. Daub is, however, mortally Tiie etory of the cause which seems ti have led Daub to perpetrate tLe crime dates back to more than a year nan when Mr. Arnold was cneatcd in in Noitb Lebanon township. Dauh was hired as help and while employed by the fat hi inacie love to the daughter, Annie. The girt learned to love him ami they were rnarrif on Septembei 12, by Rev.

Father Adam Christ, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church. The marriage did not prove a happy one nnd several reasons ere given for it. It is said Daub, who was a Protestant, had promised to renounce his faith and become a Catholic, BE the Arnold's were consistent members of St Mary's church. After a time he is said to have rebelled and withdrew his promise and this caused his wife to refuse to live with him.

He is said to have been allowed to seebis wife and child only at intervals and he finally placed the matter in the hands of J. Marshall Funck, eiq, who recently brought an action against the father-in law for alienating the wife's affections. Another story is in effect that Daub after the marriage refused to support his wife and that he rejected the offer of his father-in-law to furnish them a house. When Daub subsequently desired to go to house keeping the old gentleman refused to allow his daughter to live with him. Danb, it is said, recently had Kev.

11, J. Welker, pastor of the Tulpehocken Reformed church, baptize the child during tha abfenco of the Arnold family. It seem? the question ES to the faith in which their children were to bs Uueht had been decided at the time of the marripge and although Daub bad agreed to have all baptized in St. Mary's Catholic church, he secured Kev. We'ker and bad the service performed.

In justice to Eev. Welker we will here say that he knew nothing of any agreement, "i i -i Daub deserted his wife he made many threats against her and her and this coming to the ears Wiiiigru Arnold, one of the sons of the aired couple, who lives on the farm near Daub's home, recently had Alderman Lsndis A. Gerbeiich notify Danb to discontinue making threats or he wouid be placed under bonrs to keep the pecce. This appears to have only ancered Daub the more. When William ArnoM was notified of bis brother-in law's terrible deed he did not go to the home as did brothers, Theodore and Holley, who live on farms in the township, and his sister, Mrs.

Ambrose Seifert.also a resident of the township, but instead armed himself with a shotcun and went in hiding. He believed Daub would come to his place for his hatred of William was bitter and be awaited the murderer's cornice expecting that he would endeavor to destroy life or propelty. After watching all night and upon hearing of the finding of Daub's body William hurried le hia rfince his marriage he had worked on tbe home fam. The family- announced this mrirning that the funeral wi 1 he held Saturday morning, when services will be held at Kiinuierling's cbnrch and interment tofollow iu tbe adjoining cemetery. WOMEN LIVE.

At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon Mrp. D.mb was reported to be gradually growing weaker ann herdeath is momentarily expected Mrs Arnold was reported to be growing stronger and her recovery, unless theie ia a eudden change, 'is probable. DAUB WAS JEALOUS. Daub was arrested more than a year niro on tbe charge of assault and battery. He had attacked a young man who he learned had been seen in Annie Arnold's company prior to their marriage.

The case was settled. TBE BABY ENCil'ED DEATH. The shot which struck Mis. Daub is believed to have been fired at the baby. fOXDITIl'X UNCHANGED.

At o'clrck this afternoon it was reported lint the condition of the wounded was unchanged. The dead must pass over tbe bridge Al- Sirat, wh'ch is finer than a hair, sharper than a sword, and beset on either tide by thorns. Over this tbe righteous easily pass, while tbe wicked tumble off into the mouth of bell The Mohbiumedan heaven is a place of sensual delights, and its hell is a place where the iiest extremes of heat and cold are experienced. The unity of God and the doctrine ot absolute predestination are at the very foundation of this system. The practical religion of Mohammedan iem consists largely in purification and prayer, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimages to Mecca.

Cleanliness is a religions duty, and prayers must be said in a clean place. It is lo be greatly leared that some of the citizens of Lebanon county would have a difficult time in keeping the laws of the Koran. It prohibits the eating of blood, flesh of swine, playing games of chance, drinking of wine, and the taking of interest. "Thomas A. Becket and His Influence," proved to be an interesting subject.

The next meeting will held on Tuesday evening, May 10, when the following interesting program will be given: A paper on "Addison," a paper on "Mcs- cow," a review of "Spanish History," a talk on "The Origin of the Legends used by Wagner," concluding with a table talk on "The Catacombs of Rome." KOXKR SMIRK'S INQUEST. Coroner B. Shiik was summoned to the Daub Lome af 7 o'clock this morning and LeM an ir.cjur-st. The jury found a verdict of self-destruction. Dr.

I). P. Gerbtrich made a examination aud found that death was in- star.ianei,us. The fonlli-t entered the body between the seventh and eighth plousitjinK diagonally upwards through the hodv, penetrating the heart. He found tlje rinht si''e and aim roasted i.rown by the fUmee which originated by l.isriothug catching fire from the fhsh.

Au wfs held on the body of the murdered Jonathan Arnold, at 9 o'clrck at the home in Independent District, and the jury found that death was due to an internal hrmorrbage caused by a pistol shot wcutd ii.llicted by Albert Daub. The autopsy by Dr. Gerberich showed that the bullet fntered the body on the rijiU side of the bsck, below the thouMer blade, penetrated the right lung and passed out of the body above the nipple. THREE WEDDINGS TUESDflY THEY WKKE SOLEMNIZED IX THIS CITY IX THE EVENING. liolimnn-lliink, Sluittcr-Fi-antz and Uowmmi-Yottcr Xtiptlals In This City.

A beautiful wedding took place Tuesday evening at the residence of the -Mis-es Haak, 837 Chistnut street, when Miss Haak WKS united in marriage to John A. tollman, by Kev. Warren J. Johnson, pastor of Reformed church, using the beautiful ricg ceremony of the Reformed church. Both and uroom were unattended, and only the immediate friends and relatives of the contractini; parties were present.

The bride was attired in a handsome receila costume, trimmed in white satin ribbon ard velvet, and looked very pretty. Tiie groom wore evenicg dress. The parlor was brilliantly lighted and dtcorated with a variety of llowers. Afier the ceremony a fine wedding dinner WES seived. The newly married couple left on the train ia the evening over the P.

R. railway for the fattem where they will spend several diiys. Upon returning here they will take up their residence at the Keystone house. The proom is chief of the Lebanon fire department, proprietor of the Keystone, besides being one of our i on Fourth DRAMATIC RECITAL. Given at tha Residence of Sirs.

John llnnstoker. Tuesdaj- Evening. Tuesday evening tbe Christian Endeavor society of Trinity U. B. church gave a dramatic recital at the home of Mrs.

John llunsicker, Fifth and Cumberland etreete, under the direction of Mrs. Lilian C. Blumberg, the elocutionist and teacher of De'sarte, a large number of Ler pupils participating. The attendance large ai the participants rendered their parts in a thoroughly artistic manner. TLe program was as followe: Recitation, "Mustertd Out," Carrie 'Til take what Father Takes," Thomas Hunsicker; "The Heart of Vanity Fair," Blanche Taibot; a series of Ladies of the Lake; A Veetal Virgin; Attitude of Prayer, Misa Minnie Habecker- recitations, "A Boy's Mother," Roecoe Held an Interesting Meeting.

A largely attended meeting of Qaitta- pahilia Conntil No. 74S, Jr. 0. U. A.

was held Tuesday evening in Sons of America hall, wben one new candidate 1,1. i aa shown the mysteries of the order. st tne ather The council is on tbe lookout for nnbllo beside the dead body of the father gchool houses that do not fly the flag- Brane; "The Children's Hour," Miss Carrie Krfider; impersonation, "The Railroad Crossing," Miss Cora Elf Child," Mies Lola Kerr; "The Counters'gn," Miss Alma Walter; series of rhythmical gymnastics, Tom Hunsicker and Brane; recitations "Mother Fool," Ron Matthews; "Rapid Transit," Olive Siegrist; series of delsarte movements to illustrate the barmoEy of motion, Alma Walter and Lola Kerr; recitation "A Funny Man," Lnln McFern; "The Caller's Dying Child," Carrie Fellenbaum; "A Littie Girl's Lecture to Mother," Ruth Grissinger; "Somebody's Mother," Edith McCurdy; 'The Little School Maam," Josephine Desh; "Papa's Letter," Eva Spangler; "Trie bald-headed man," Snean Eby; "How Grandma Came to Tea," Olive Siegriet; statue Fellenbaum; an the blind girl, last days of Pompeii," Blanche Talbot; "The Three Graces," Blanche Talbot, Cora Btck Minnie Habecker, pandora's box, Carrie Kreider; a group ol siatuary. Much credit is due Mrs. Blumberg.

for the excellent manner in which she had trained the young folkp. The entertainment was a splendid success throughout. The Balsamic Virtues of Pine Tnp combined with tbe soothing properties of Wild Cherry Bark are exhibited to the best advantage in Cleveland's Lung Healer, the King of Cough and Consumption Cures. Coughs and Colds are dispelled by its use as rapidly as the morning mist melts away before the rising sun. It is sold on a positive guarantee.

No cure, no pay. Your money back if you want it. Call on Charles Bigtr, 47 South Eighth street, and get a trial bottle free. Large bottle, 25c. It.

Grotua IsKenily for tho Guard aud tho C. t. IfoUlrond Will Transport Them Promptly. Mt Gretna is beginning to present war-like apoearance and everything is readiness for tbe transportation of the ational Guardsmen by the C. ailroad company.

Camp Hastings will opened in true soldierly style tornor- morning. No details for erecting nts as at previous summer encamp enls will precede tbe guardsmen, bnt ich comppny will be compellrd to put .5 their own canvass. Gen. J. P.

S. Gobin, commander of the Third brigade, has given his regimental commnndert orders to assemble at camp not later than 10 a. m. tomorrow. The genera', in company with Snpt.

A. D. Smith, President B. D. Coleman, Grant Weidman, efq Brigade Quartermaster fl.

P. Moyer and Quartermaster Sergeant Harry D. Rise left for the camp on tbe 10:20 train this morning where they will get things in read im S3 for the arrival of tue troops. Tuesday evening Captain M. J.

FitzGerald, U. S. commanding Co. this city, issued an order that a detail of £0 men, in charge of Lieut. J.

Shin- de 1 afienble at the Ninth street armory at 1 p. today and leave on a later train for Camp to take charge of all state property and erect tents for the Third brigade. Early this morning the order was changed and the captain rii-tailnd Sergeant P. 8. Ulr'ch an 1 Privates S.

J. Adams, John Fire- siine, George Donley, Robert BurkhoM- er, Harper Blyler and Wm. Achey to report at the armory. The squad left on the 10:20 train and erected tents and did other necessary work for headquarters, which will he used by Gen. Gobin and staff.

The squad will return this evening and tomorrow at about 7 o'clock the entire company, in heavy marching order will leave on a special train for the pa-k. Gen. Gobin stated that Battery of Phoenixville, was ordered to Gretna at 1 o'clock this afternoon and would remain on the grounds for the present. This morning a very lively aspect was presented at the local company's armory. Lieut Case had charge of a eqnad of men getting the wooden floors, which had been kept in the cellar, ready for shipment.

The company will g-j into ramp as fully equipped as any in the guard. A. W. Powell, of the Tenth regiment, Second brigade, located near Pittsbnrg, arrived here from tho New England states this morning. He stated be was Want to Bombard American ported From Madrid That a Spanish is Headed This Co-Operate wiih Rowan will be Conducted Safely to the Insurgent will be Fully Russians Regard the Bark at Port Rico.

PREPARING TO MEET OUR SQUADRON. London, April to a special despatch received here today from Madrid, the Spanish minister of Marine, Admiral Bermejo received a cipher message from the Spanish admiral in command at Manila, Admiral Montejp-, announcing that after taking the measures necessary to Organize the naval defences of Manila and Cavite, he was about to sail with his squadron to take tip a position and await le coming of the U. S. fleet. Washington, April is talk of the U.

S. to sail to meet the Spanish fleet if they come. Some the Pelaugo is with the Carlos in the North Atlantic sor where. Plenty of U. S.

ships will be on the Atlantic coai Madrid, April Spanish fleet at the Phiflppi has sailed to meet the United States squadron. A dispatch from Manila says the Spaniards have ci tured an American bark, the Saranac, loaded with coal. WILLIAM E. QTACSTOXE. London, April William 'Ewart Gladstone died thia morning at Hawarden.

He passed peacefully away surrounded by big family. Devices tit Divorce Made. Judge Ebrgood Tuesday handed down decrees in divorce in the proceeding? of Priscilla Stable.vs. F. Stable and Heffelfinger vs.

Jeremiah B. Heffelfinger. Complimentary Concert. Tomorrow evenine the full Perse band. Prof Geo.

F. Tyrrell, director, will give a complimentary concert to the members of Camp 254, 0. 8. of in their room, in Sons ol America hall. Aeilugr Hospital Orderly.

Lyman W. W. Hees, ia acting orderly at the Good Samaritan hospital daring the illness of John J. Quarry. FROM THE SICK ROOM.

Mrs. Wm; Keinhard is seriously at her home, on Chestnut street. MEN ABE JTJIWJKD by what they do. So is Hood's Sarsaparilla, and its great cares have given it a good name everywhere. Jt ia the 'One True Blood Purifier and Great Nerve Tonku COMING TO BOMBARD AMERICAN TOWNS.

London, April is reported from Madrid that Spanish fleet put to sea some days ago and news of bombardment of some of the American coast towns a cities is expected before long. Dover, England, April Spanish torpedo passed her this morning. Stop That Ilend Cold In 1O Minutes or it will develop into chronic cati-rrb. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder stops cold in the bead in 10 minutes, and relieves most acute and deep seattd catarrh one application.

Cures qaicKly and permanently. have used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder with best results. It is a great remedy, and I never cease recommending it" John E. Dell Panldmg, 0.

For gale by Geo Soboolg. 46 ordered to this city by his colonel and report st Mt. Gretna tomorrow morning, where he will join his regiment. Mfjor Mojer and Quartermpster Sergeant Rise, of the Third brigade, for the next several day will be among tbe busiest men on the grounds. C.

S. Havard and a force of men went to the park this morning and will immediately commence work on the C. L. road and assist in handling tbe troops. Qnaitermaster A.

J. Logan, of the State National Guard, has contracted for the delivery daily at Mt Gretna for eight days of-10 cords of wood, 7,500 pounds of oats; and pounds of hay, and Commissary General Ripple for the daily supply of 1,200 pounds of fresh salt meat, furnished by Thomas Bradley, of Philadel phia, and 10,000 loaves of bread to be supplied by the Columbia bread company, of Columbia. Colonel Ripple says he will have to out off some of the extra rations, like butter, dried fruits, and regular army rations will be provided. Continued on Fourth page. ARMORY Co.

INFANTRY N.G.P., LEBANON, April 27, 1S98. Order No. Co. 4th Infantry, N. G.

will assemble at their armory at 7 m. Thursday, April 28, in heavy man-hint order preparatory to embarking on train for Camp Hastings, Mt. Gretna, Pa. By command of M. J.

FITZGERALD, U. 8. Capt 4th N. G. P.

Apprentice Wanted ftt Once. A boy wanted at once at this office to learn the printing trade. Must be active and intelligent. Address in own band- writing, stating age, DAILY NEWS, Lebanon, Pa. PLANS FOR CO-OPERATING WITH CUBAN FORCES.

Washington, April Miles and a representative held an important conference today and wit over plans of operations that had been submitted. The Cubans have arranged for the safe conduct tof Lieutenant Rowan, who will go to confer with the insurgents and agree upon plans with them for the simultaneous actiim of the United States and Cuban forces. The Cuban insurgents will be fully equipped by tie United States government and will move on Havana to cooperate there under cover of our fleet with the Cuban insiir- gent forces. POWDER Absolutely Pure DANGER THAT MAY BEFALL OUR EASTERN Washington, April question is asked, what! if the Spanish fleet still at the Cape Verde islands should clude to go around the Cape of Good Hope, and thence the Philippine islands, to attack the U. S.

fleet there. cials here do not think such a move probable, but Spain order this in the belief that Cuba is too well fortified to captured for a month or two, by the way the U. S. army a navy is proceeding. The American ships dare not through the Suez canal, by the laws of war.

Our fleet Asiatic waters might be in more danger than is genera supposed. It is in charge of Commodore Dewey. The sh are the Raleigh, Concord, Olympia, Petrel, Boston and Ba more, quite a fleet, but not able to compete with the Span: Armada. A very sharp lookout will be kept on the" Q. Verde fleet and Dewey may be shortly ordered to return American waters.

QANICL A. Funeral Director, I Wight Calls, I09M. Ninth Lebanon, Pa. WANTED. ANTED.

AJf UP-TO-DATE DRY Koods man, om that understands the difference between silk and cotton, onetnat can Sell goods when he has a custumer. tiood wages to tha right party fio o'her necdap. oly. 27-tr STAMBAUGH HAAK. FOB GENERAL housework and cooking.

None under 25 rears ueeJ apnlr. Intf N. W. COR. 8T Apply at WALNUT BT8.


B. HOBST, Lebanon. OR RENT. -1 WO NICELYiFURXlSHED 3-story rooms. Locution centrjl.

Apply at THJS OFFICE. FOR RENT RENT -ONE. riVE-BOOM HOUSE CenterSq.naro, No.SUCbestnatstreet.' 2. Aj.ply 7i2 Chestnnt EDWAKO BEBHAKD. I ffOS BBICK HOUSE; AIL conveniences, af Teuth street.

WUl.lfa Cl.O'lHIN&HTORB. RY AND S-STOR BRJTCK near Cumberland- Apply to I MilS. JOHNSIATTHE8, 41)2 K. Cumberland tit, Mejly's Perfect OaUrrh Cure, 75c Schools' Drag Store, 9th and Church ata. BURPEE'S TUBEROSES: 15 and 25c per doz.

41.10 to $1.75 per 100. GLADIOLI: Fine all colors 15c doz. xtranne mixed, all colors.20c doz. Mned superb seedlings doz. doz.

Childsi mixed ri-c HOZ. SHO, Jl 25, and SiOOperlOoI Golden-Rayed Lilly of Japan, I5c each Lilium Speciosum I5c Dahlia, Maid of Kent, double, I5c Victoria, 25 Bulbs at 100 Bulb rate. All oar Bulbs can be relied on to bloom freely this season. goger's Drug Store, 47 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. TAKING MORE SPANISH PRIZES.

Key West, April Terror this morning captured another prize, Spanish ship Abolwar. She was captured off Cardenas and is a small coasting steamer. She surrendered forthwith and a crew from the Terror charge of her. Southampton, April Spanish torpedo boats and a large a ship were sighted cruising at the entrance to the channel this morning. WHAT RUSSIA THINKS-IF Odessa, Russia, April Russian press thinks that if the United fails to gain a naval victory Spain's honor will be saved and European nations insist upon the capitulation of the latter in order to prevent serious damage to eii- COLUMBIA ON A SCOUTING TOUR.

fi Highland Light, April 8. Steamship Columbia passed in DT this point at 5 30 o'clock this morning, headed toward north shore, nndei iy A northeast gale with rough sea was prevailing. GREAT ENTHUSIASM AT PORTO RICO. Madrid, April received from the governor general of t(o Rico say the war enthusiasm there is increasing. He a Ids that two volunteer at- tallions have been formed for the defense of the colony.

JOB MO. 38 SOUT Suith Street, 14 rooms. room. No. 40, South Ninth Street, 00 No.

831 Chestnnt street. Ltoe alley, between Cumberland and tat streets. Appl) to GBO. 9 Dr. Geo.

Boas Drug Store. MISCELLANEOUS. Firemen's Committee Met. Tuesday evening the general committee of the firemen's convention held a meeting in room 4, court house, George H. Spans- presiding.

A report in regard to soayenirs was presented by the priming committee. It was accepted and the committee instructed to have the work done. The Perse band has been engaged to play on Thnreday and on the evening of the ball, and the Grand band on Tneeday and Wednesday. Collector Joeeoh A. Bowman was authorized to collect from those who had promised to subscribe.

Seized With Sudden Illness. While attending the funeral of her siater, the late Mrs. Mary A. Ebur, on SOCIETY EVENTS. SUEPKIJE PABTY.

Tuesday evening a number of friends met at the residence of Mi Snayely, North Tenth street, and body proceeded to the home of Annie Barnett, where they tendered young lady a genuine sarprise! evening was spent i i'DMlNISTBATOR NOTICES-NOTICE IS A. hereby given that letters of admlntatra- Uon on the estate of Ida W. EbriKht.deceased, late of Lebanon, Lebanon connty. have been glutted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to estate of said decedent will make Immediate payment and those having jnst claims will present the game for settlement to JOHN F.

KIMMEL, Administrator. flr. Harriett p. Hooper, Successor to G. KRUM.

IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 505 Cumberland PA. Calls promptly attended to day or nWA In tht City or SURPRISE CLOTHING T630 Cumberland Street. The latest Spring Suitings on hand and made to order. A Iso. a (nil line of Wanamaker samples ot Ready-to-Wear Clothing.

re nC Rev. Theodore E. Schmank left on a morning train where he attended a Abraham Reifsnyder, of 420 North'Elevl enth street, wai seized with sudden ill- iieas. She is 80 yean of age and it wag found necessary to remove her home in a transfer. adouble Perseverance The Lebanon Ice Company, limited, fl preparefT to supply all its patrons with large or small quantities of Ice, at cheap rates.

Orders will be solicited. The office is connected by telephone and a supply of ice will be.kept there constant- 1 LEBANON ICE Formerly Mild'! Coal 7th I.

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