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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Lebanon Daily News. SHARP, AND rKOJ'KlKTORS. WF.DNKSDAY, 11, U7T. Be 1 TIIK 01, KIBIM A I lift 1'rtHt ItM PrcNMlf. Tlifj HlindfH of twining mo alromly bft- giniiing to vwtve Botnbrft talc HH I write, and little hulf hidden Htarftmieui tn ItuiRh at tin' murmuring of dittsifH and violnts, us they Mug in unison tn the IwblilinRs of thu wild romantic Swa- tara'ri Lung Syne, HB they watch another ono hundred and first of our indfpe.ndenco—waiting for the coming of the nionow, it slialj place Itself Hide by side with the other hundred in the dark gray ashy crypts of the bygone.

Here clustered around iind round with relics and imimmbrancea made many years Imforn thu women of '78 proclaimed their rights Hycamprea and chestnuts, gniwn weary arid wolghty with age, tlmir leaves throwing out arrr bients In tho iiir of saddening cadences, Btundsllmold kirk of Deny. Old Uorean has defaced It sotnowhat, but Father Time, for the years that have patheied oil Its brow, has dealt gently with It Here, sitting iu ita ojiaint old grave, yard, Its clmplet of stones tottering with niuBtltiess, neglect and ago, I BCC around mu, between thu waving of periwinkle and tho pennyroyal, tint names of thonu bravo old Scotch-Jrlsh patriots who left thuir homes in the long good old pastoral of Arcadian liincH, When ilwollers In liutw and in nrblo halli, From up to Cnrod little lor lionnois and Ions fur And nothing lor toustublldl) whut in now known us the Irish Pn-Hiiylorliiri churcli of 1'ennsyl- the ground that William I eun deeded to them in 1777. Berry, in which the church is a small jioct town of some two or three hundm! inltuhitunlH, rtn tho line of the Lebanon Vulli-y railroad, thirteen miles otibt of Iliirrlabuig. When tho old original settlers first came ovor In tho years 1716 or 1710, they called ItPaxtang, For a few yours this odd name clung to it until ouo day eome one bogau to sigh for Mu "fatherland," so to appease him they called it after their old home, Londonderry. Fora few years thin name too clung to It, like Paxtang, but another Londonderry springing up In the county Where the (Jouewago washes, they changed it to a.

name which It boars of Barry. Drifting back iu arcluoologlcal lore, nee in halt passing siestas these good old men of Londonderry. Many ol were too of Scotland by the iuteioiurrylng atid intermixing of these old pioneers we now the remains and the liistory for their descendants of the Scotch-Irish congregation that attended thu church at Berry. It iu generally supposed that when William Penu deeded thi.s land to the church he gave some two hundred acres, but the old trustees and deacons mustevideutly not have thought ipucli of ei.tht,f Inflation" or hard money," for they sold out of these two hundred acres one hundred anu uiuetj-flve for the email sum of a shilling per acre. But live acres remain of the original grant, aud this in desecrated by lassies fair and laddieu bold, who make uierry pic-nlca ou its well-worn sod.

Iu the midst of these live acres, 7 neuth the shadows of nuts uud oaks, iu the perfume of daffodils, violets and wild honeysuckles, the old church by recollections of 'the punt, aud glorious and sublime by the thinking of that past. Built in the year of 1720, it now stands bunt and tottering at the age of one hundred and llfty seven. It inbuilt of logs, plastered together with mud and straw, whilu for its foundation it has but merely about a foot aud a half of hugu bowlders, placed upon tbe ground, not being sunken in, in any manner whatever. Jo 1760 it was re-built by the adding of a weather-board and ah ingle roof to the outside, and the plastering of its walls and the alight re-modeling of its pews within. Here and there here a weather-board has been torn off, the sight-seekers can see loop holes, and by them in many places ravages made by tbe piercing of the arrow aud spear.

In the inside, after pass ing through one of the four narrow double one were the way of ingress and egress, we see so many odd sights that it seems hyperbolical eveii to make a cursory sketch of them. There alauda tho old-fashioned pulpit, where good old William Bei- trarn with his guu iu his hand and Ms Bible before him, first, sent out tocsins of Christianity. Just adjacent to it and immediately before it la a quaint box-like apartment, where the first singer of the congregation stood, or where some festive Biuah and gay Luthair took the matrimonial vows, those vows which lead mau either to purgatory or to paradise. Above the a window, which, however, is up to eauape the ravages of hunters, who have already much to devastate this old kirk of Its solemn beauty left it by its ancient parishioners. The sash of it is made of solid pewter and contains apertures capable of holding thirty-eight panes of glass.

The other windows, some four or six in number, each have fifteen panes. The pews, capable of holding about two hundred, are those old fashioned high back seats, which will f.HI the tnle thtkt when they weie made corsets and tight-lacing bodices were ol the future. They are all of different, build, which wight lead one to support- that each one of these old exploring Argonauts built their own pews. Walnut, white and yellow pine were tht: woods they used aud on many ol tin: pews is carving dextrously wrought on by the knife, which must have been their only tool. The doors to them are all riveted on with huge hinges looking strangely odd and Hllll more HO by the burs and nuts they ate nulled with.

Kvory nail In tho building in the old fashioned hand.made nail, made at the anvil aud forge. Around tho old kirk can yet be the weather and time baa somewhat effected same path, the same men chosen to keep guard over the service from the Indians wHlked on. Hut a short step from the path, half hidden by tangled shrubs, can Imseen what yet romaioHof Ueitram'sstudy. In it now Jives tfjd John llutton, the patriarch sexton, wtjo his living cobbling ou the shoes of deftceutlants of those who used to sit, In thp uame njneo in the olden times. Much of the old kirk's history I learnt from John Hatton's mouth, given in that soft patois dialect peculiar to this section of the I late, and much of 7 Which I saw was puinlfcd put by linger, in his room can be seen tjj.e communion service used in the church, ft Is supposed to have been made in tht year 1108, the tenth year of the reign of Richard the Lion Hearted.

Itconsits of four wugt) and two tankards oi pitchers of an alloy of two-thirds silver and one-third pewter, two vwivi'ii of Iron, fauustlcally covered with Richard's seal, aud an It stands to-day in the i ulna of Bertram's study it is undoubtedly and unhesitatingly one of the gieaf est curiosities in the United States. This parish was formerly kuowu by the name of thu Mt. Joy, L'uxlon and Derry congregation, and the first rector who hod charge of it was Hie Rev. Wm. Uertram, who died in and whose body reposes now in Berry churchyard.

Aside of It lies also tiie body of brave old John fioau, the second pastor, who for thirty years raised up his voice against that of Satau lu the kirk of Derry, preaching wan kept up in this church foi' one hundred aud Qfty four years, the Rev. Mr. Mitchell being Its last rector. The old graveyard too is a curious old, odd place, nestling down as it were amid myriads of wild (lowers and made sweetly sweet by their perfume. Almost every step you turn, tiome object whose history is deep in the past meets your eyu.

Hundreds of visitors come to fjerry yearly to see the church whose remembrances come olus. teriug over you aa you view the old ruins iu Phlegethon wavelets. Tlipwjd settlers have come and gone in the long The babbling brook that bubbles through runnells wild, ibrottliug cresses and lilies iu its mad Hpjrtiva flareer, seeuis to teli us that tale, which Is like thooldeu legends and spells of the necromancers whose images now haunt the land of the leal. Ttifc old kirk of Derry in which the voices ol the Carnpbella, the Frazers aud the Hoorebeada sang and played will soon it cannot stand mu ch thing of the past, but yet while a chestnut burr, a leaf or a Mower that has caressed its face yet remains ou mother earth they will have a charm for the tourist, the pleasure and the curiosity seeker as seducingly attractive as the charms of Imogen wore to the eves Posthumous. of Lancatter Intelligencer.

KerMonal. Mr. W. Koepper, and his assistant manager, of he North Jersey Iron t'orn- pHnv'iJ Furnace, at Port Oram, N. at lived hi town with the early train ye.vtrrday morning.

Alter Iw.Mty con- with Mr. I'. Weimer rot HIM! with the next train. Our Tlin next(Jongiess will be the liv till! Will i-vuraitfli over what might have bur iictici what is. ladiesshould be indicted for lobbing (ho uialts.

Ice cieam is ot the same color Mm paint used on the Lebanon com house. It rs comforting now to reflect. Hint, last month was exceptionally cool. "Never interfere in a family if Mormon family. Times me HI, hanl in western town thut tht) iiiiiJmiakHia are helping the ilniKglMtH toadvertist).

Huston is It'lliny eveiyliody that it COMI her to ente.itrtjn ihn IVesi- dent. must havo goou up. red bus a I moot disappeared. Tit'Huytenmi blue they ask for now. Uluo not bpokon of vei rniioli now, Any kind of 4 glass will dual, this HcnHon.

Some of the potato patches adjacent to town are belriv robbed. Tho police are having a time of it and few in rests are being made. Mr. Hobert Mitchell, the new agent of the Central Express, at this place, will I nn next Monday. This morning early a number of persons lel'i, to the iueii camped in the BliiH Mountain, in tho vicinity of Cold Springs.

The mosquitoes think of holding a national convention to protest against closed bars. Ice creuiiiitt Mrs. Manna G. auk's this evening. banana, vanilla, Mr.

Kimnoiis, late editor of Alhinlowu Herald, is going to Australia with the Swedish Quartette. A. S. Valentino Son, of Womels- cioif, will stop manufacturing cigars thereby throwing twenty-five lifttlils out of employment. Nothing will be spared to make the trip to the Exhibition as as possible by the Reformed Sunilay school.

The fare is 'unexcfip Uonably low and aUijout wlthhf means of the hurnbleit. Mr. Jesse Beard put out a neat new sign at Inn tobacco store, 737 Cumber- hind street, this morning. We am much pleased to learn that Jesse is doing a good business. The attention of the leaders of the NfHvys is to tin important change in advertisement of excursion to Phihu ddphui.

Tne tickets it will be observed are made good for three on any trala Thursday, Fiiday aud Saturday, 26th, 27th uud 28th. As spirituous liquors will injure men, so ooiqqj or inorphia will harmlully et- iiti "TI 'ft tuij JJr. J)1411'S is the, remedy foi the baby. It is freo from opium. 25 ceijta, AIOTICEN.

Lemberger's Soda Fountain In III ofpfiMi or tliM SAHA.T<.»MA. WATKR, received fregb from r.tnj tiprings also drawn ar, V.f.'.V 1-tJ'Vnr it ail at LKM- tjli-tf Murder Will Out. A yi'iir." i'-n 1 "AiinuMi. Klmver dinriivi'rti-1 IM a certain for I Ili I I' ri 'III III II tllfu iicidx knoiMi iii tlicii IKMV i-Htily anil thi-y li id curHil Till- 14111. It nl A IHJI lit- iMiinlry liy o'ii- tu until, ithrnii, rMvertising, ll.iMalu inm'* in "KVKKY TOWN In tl.n tJiiiii'd in.

i it. Mo person Milt'wrinn wltli Sour Wick HiMiiuHic, uHtheniiSH, palpitaiion of H-iiit, indigi'Miion, low sjiiiitH, etc can iliri 1 uiiluntt ruliof. Qo to V'nir (ji-o lios.s tt i or L. ijfinln'igi'i, IJI-IMIIDII and also 8. Soit- tKild, ainl gi'tu bottlu forTfi contg and try nottlpH lOrfltiti.

1C. HllllllCl'H ItllllT I IMIII Thin ludy tonio liaH liflxn mi thnnjiigldy liy all of tliH itotiiiiiiiu.i.y tlnv 11. now dneiinid IndlH- a '1'inili- imrllr no. It, CDHlH Inn Ir, lint hldnil ami tonn til tin 1 HlollKVCll, rtillDVitlHH llln Hllll Kvoiyl'ody Hliomd huve (I Kur tilt) c.uro MUniiaclia, -Jen- itnil Diiniliiy, Ind'g. Hlinn nt' tliu tiMnarli, and rahd.t tlio niHHt agruualilu and ulllcieiil Halt nt' Iron Oitralii ul' Manuuiin Uxido 'iiittiued with iniist, murmric of toutus Vullow I'ltriivliin IS irk.

On yini want hlng to Htruiigtheu you L)u you want, a good ajipotlto? Un you waul tu rid of uerv ualieos? you want Do you want to i-leep Do you WiUit tu linilil up your you want to t'eol Do you want a brisk and vigorous feel- II you do try KUNKEL'B BITTER WINK OF IKON. I only a trial of ihU valuable toiiii: I Ilowuru of counterfeits, as Kunkel'H Bitter Wino of Iiou tiie only sure and effucttial remedy iu the kuowu world for tin) permanent ciru of Dyspepsia and De- biliiy, and thrro are a uiunoor ot' iiuitH- MOUH to tl4e uaiuion uouhnunity to puruhntiu' uou'u but llio hrtiulu, uiannfaotured by K. F. Kuukel, and having lim Hhi'iip ou the cork of nvary bottle. The very tact, that others are attempting to iiniuu- thi.s valuablu rtnni'dy, proves iln worth aud Hpoaks vol- IIUHH in its favor.

Got tho gnuulue. E. K. Knnhol'H. Hold only in $1 bottles, Sold by Drug- uuil iliiiilnrH every sy here.

V. kpl, lYftpijiir'nr, "tjilj 'trtli' Street, S' TORE ROOM FOB corner Market ttqnare, i8 oft'oreil for from March I. Apply JOSKHH.K.AKr'H, fel)15-tf iVnioriai Hank. eiVATKNtl.K OK KOK KKIVT. A gooii nwrcr.iLi.NO HOUSK, with lot, 1IW -il mi Main Ht.rftfit, in vn, Nlxirc, Is otlfTfjil in, I'uiVATF.

SAl.r., or tn let from A nil Kor jiartirn- larn on t.he urulerHigneil, inll(3H from JoijeptJiwu, rteur Groy'B Mill. uiar9 if JOHN K. I.HiHT. 1 .1 Oil One flia ol.l«sl. DRY 1 8TOUE ROOM in Lobunon.

Inration. I have also about; from 12 to 16 hundred dollars worth of DRY GOODS innaidroom which I wish to sell with a i tew of discontinuing t.railn. LAUDEBMILCH. 745 Cumoorland H. ORAEFF, Practical ffatctaaler Jet ety ao SOUTH NINTH STRKET.

AJI Work Warranted. KBANON YARD. FOUNDRY AND COAL Sherk, Seidle Raber, Props, l. NTH PA. Alive.

Hwut uud all uouijilHtu iu two hours. No foo tilj huud paMsoH. Soat, Pin and Stomach Worms romoved by Dr. Kunkel, 259 North Ninth stroet, Philadelphia, Pa. 3uud for cirmilur or ask your druggist for bottle WpKW uevof J1 at tor LoT -at the nor beast cwrnerof (J best nut wtieot ai Liberty ulicy, 1 njuare'S truiu the Court House, with about -JU feet and 99 fdet iu dejjth, with good largo and other oiu- Imildlugs, 1.4 oft', red I'or a do.

Itisonoof tho bust buildiug lots iitittr the (wu ire of town. Apjilyto J')HN YOUNG, Assignee of Henry a ho it Wife. he New Firm J. I. RABER SON, 813 Cumberland Street West ol" Coiii-t Bare just received a fnll line II I LATKBT HTYLE8.

Aim, Piece "CJhojcft measures and order. A.1I work guaranteed to faction A full line of Gentleman's" House. All Goods we very lowest prinoH. Geoeral Real Estaie Apot NO. N.

Ciuiuii Nefotifttes for alj Htnds of Real Estate, ai extra inducements t'i persons wish- Ing to buy or sell, AL3O, agout for Life and Fire InMiranco. junel2-tf Mr. Paul Wachter begs leave to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity he has opened a Blacksmith Shop, of Cumberland Street aud atiT where ho is preparad to do all manner nl smithing, such as C04CH BUCKSMITHING, BEPAIKINQ, KBW BPBINft W.AQONa made to order. 1ST Work done At, short no'ate and Work Knurl-anted. A (thaio fhe 10 solLsited, TOBAlCO MTOUEI 723 Cumberland Street.

The undersigned has opeued, NEW T01JAOCO STORE, tfeu ahav. place, where he will keep, A supply of all articles belonging iwia line of busings. Ho tnakeHa specialty of aud keeps some of tho tinuot brands iu the Do not fail to call. WILLIAM SWOPP STORE, SCDA FRUIT JARS i'n JO. J.

H.SHUCAR No. 621 and 623 CUMBERLAND STREET. inv reeotnuieudutions freighted with praise and entire satisfaction are constantly being tendered to Daniel F. Beitty, Esq. proprietor and manufacturer of in struuieuts of rare merit, known HH the lioattj's Golden Tongue Organs.

Adver- tiaeujojits where. fjulyl-lm UeutMl Notice. Notice is hereby given that Dr. J. P.

Bowman la the only licensee for the use of rubber UH a hauu for artittoial dentures iii Lebanon, Pa. All persons hereby oau- ciouod against purchasing Rubber Denial Pinion ol parties NOT licensed of this by so doing they render themselves equally liable to proaoutlou for infringement. A reward will bo paid for lii- foruiatiou that will load to the conviction of auy parties of unlawful use of our pa- ton to. JOBIAH BACON, Trouiiurer Ooodyeur Dental Vuioauite Co. Juno 9.

Think for Yourself. ThonsaudH lead tulRerablo from dyspepsia, a disordered etourich and liver, producing, heartburn, uoativoiiutiM, weaknwNs, irregular appetite, low spirits, raisiug food after oattug, aud often ondiuc in fatal attack of fever, TlJlfiV KNOW TUKV AJCK SICK, gdL little syuipathy. Tho unfailing which in restoring tbousandu, is riaCosttt'H Radical Cure. Sold by JOB. L.

Leui burger aud l)r. V. II. A aoc bottle will couviuce you of its merits. Dou.t delay another hour after reading tbis, but go and got a bottle, aud your relief in us ctmaiii as yo.i live.

Will you do it or will you continue to -euti'or Think for yourself. Prof Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup is perfectly safe aud ex tromel" palatable. Mo required. us eeuie. Try it.

Call at j7j7kARCH'S DRUG STORE, Seventh and Cumberland Streets, for a Glass of Sparkling Soda Water. 150,000 articles. spleutUrt maps. The Sft' 600K of universal knowledge iu the language, ow iu course of pub.lcivtlon. SPECIMEN with map sout fur 20 cents.

T. ELL WOOD 55BLL, DAVIH PhllaartphU. THOMPSON, No. Street, Harrisburg, New Hpvisod Wapted. STYLE ECONOMY Lrg Amputaled.

This rnoruing Drs, Weiss, weaver uud Guilford amputated tho right leg of Mary, the tea year old daughter of Mr. ileury residing at the MIS I enU of the borough, who six weeka ago met with auch paiuful accident at the planing mill of LOUR- acre Gabtl. Tne operation was auu- ceasfully performed and the child doing exceedingly well at thin writing. Mr. Geeay la a poor man, possesses large family and has the sympathy of the people in this soregflJicUpn.

STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS Mailed "DotD STRAW HATS greatly reduced in price, to close out stock for the season. BUMMER GOODS of all kinds at cost, at J. G. ARNOLD'S, Cumberland opposite the Court Home. H8T A haudsomi Cane given to every one buying to the amount of and upwards.

rpo NEW (IIIil.OKUNI Go to PHFLIP F. McOAULLY, the faauiouable Hoot aud Sboe for Style, Fit and Worktuaua'iip. Hln Goods are uuequaled for Choapness, and are al- of hiH ovvii I (plUU, ALEX. 'FROTHING II AM X- Bankers aud No. 12 Wall Now York, make for customers desirable investments of large or Bmall amounts iu stocks of a legitimate character, whiob frequently payo trora Uve to twenty times the amount invested every thirty Uellable Stock Privileges negotiated at favorable rates.

Stocks bought and carried as aa desired on denotdt ot three to five per cent. Circulars and Weekly Reports sent free, ontll-ly REMOVAL! FINE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT; L. H. ROHRER, Tailor, HAfl RKMOVKU TO South Eighth Street, THE KBTSTONK HOUSB, to make up CIOIB- II and now prepared ING in the most as to at, workmanship, taste, durabifitr and fashion, Give me a trial be suited. P.

specialty. I Study to please the most fastidious. f- 1 L. H. ROHREH.

NEW SPRING GOODS Bro's. For KB-BUILDING tho-Frumo Stable of Edvfaid Gobhard, lately destroyed by (ire, will be received by xhe undersigned. The neceshary can be obtained at, the Office of tbe Washington Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Proposals to be handed to tbe Secretary ON, or MEFOHK JNEXi FRIDAY EvB- NINO. GEORGE HOFFMAN, J.

H. BKEHSLKR, Committee. W. OCA TT V'O Piano Parlor Organ Dkftl I I INSTKOCTOR! Coutiiiuiug tha elements of music, with oasy and progressive exercises to perfect the player in the art of music, (either Piano or Organ) to which is added over sixty Waltzes, Polkas, Marines, Gallops, Operatic Melodies, Dances, by DAN- IBL F. BEATXY, Washington, N.

one of the best work of its kitid ever introduced, should be iu the hands of every Piauo and Organ player. Sent post paid to any part of the United States or Canada, for only f.eveilty-five cents. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, New Jersey, U. 8.

A. Wfl Have the largest aud most cotnptet general assortment of DRY GOODS evar offered in Lehanen, aud at prices never so low, Also, a good assortment of Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp and Bai CAKPETS, MATTINGS, anil Examine Oiu Stock and 847 Cumberland Street, uiar41-tf GREAT Reduction in Prices SHANK BOLTZ 8. Plklutf MvvDiiili Seveolh utieet, from the railroad north is being piked for several squares. Work was commenced this mniniug by the Fifth ward Fresh Truck AMU ALL KINDS OF uud Xtotuil a J. H.

BHUGAE BRO'S. fire TruHiue Keeling. A niettiug of the Board of Fire TI ua- tewj will be held this evening in room No. of the Court House. Whatever tends to keep the blood pure tends to prolong life.

Dr. Bull's Biood Mixture by its action upon the blood ki'eua it always in acou- d'tion of purity. (Jail at Millei'd shoe store and see the Urge fatock of Indiea' slippers and walk- tug shoea from 76 cents aud upward. A SHANDYGAFF, A NEW DRINK; ICE-COLD ML'AD, AND SPARKLING SODA WATER -AT-T- Confectionery, All tbe above DRINKS CENTS A GJUASS. HAVE YOU TRIED THE CELEBRATED PISTACHIO ICECREAM? TRY IT AT THE a few doors East of the julyll-tf POST OFFICE.

A "PARK HOTEL." JOHN FISHER, formerly proprietor of the LEBANON HOUSB, ou Cumberland street, would respectfully his many IVimids, tu Lehauou and viciuity, at he lias moved iu to i he PARK HOTKL, fo'meriy' occupied by Mr. C. Qauster, ou Locust street, between Seventh aud Eigbtb. aud would be pleased to have his many frienda gu him a call. The best uecomuiodiitious are given.

He still sells the celebrated bear of C. Gangter, Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work easily earu a dozeu dollars day right in their owu localities. Have uo room to explain here. Busiueaa pleasant aud honorable, Women, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free.

The business pays better than auy thing else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics, their sons at daughters, and all classes iu need of paying work at home, should write to us aud learn ail about the work at.

once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address TBOK Augusta, Maine. Valuable Property for desirable Two-Story BrioU with KITCHEN attached, situated South Sixth Street, between Chestnut and Waluut, in Borough of Lebanon, WILL BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALS.

The above property has bweu fitted up as a first-class EBTAB- ti HMKNTauU possesses all the advau- 8 arryiu ou tUe business. A 8 ALBS ROOM is attaabtcl to the kitchen aud on the buck end pf the lot is the SLAUGHTER HOUSE, with neclssary apparatuses for the prosecution of thl above business, which will be sold with if desired. Oa the lot is a vanUy ot FtirjiT, such Apples,, Plums aud Gi apes. tST For further informa Pairs Good Women's Hose 25 Centt Ribbed Women's Hose Cent! Extra Good Hose 25 Centi JKvtra Fine Hose 25 Large variety of FANCY and STRIPED HOSE, 2 pairs for 25 cents. 7 Pairs Gents 25 Cento Pairs Gents Half-Hose 2ft Cent) 4 Gents Half-Hose 25 Centt 8 Gents Ha If -Hose 25 Centi Half-Hose 25 it Linen Collars 25 Centt Fine White Linen Shirt $1 S5 on the BIBBON8, TIES and all other GOODS in proportion.

Call and toe Oon vinoed may2-tf EIGHTH STREET CLOTHING HOUSE. No, 8 South Eighth Street, information apply to tho undersigned, residing on the prewisea, L. M. 8TEJLY, 3outh Sixth Street, Sprint Cmmm, ST A. full Maortmebt ot' HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of pur own make which will he aold GENT'S nmimm GOODS..

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