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Perrysburg Journal from Perrysburg, Ohio • Page 1

Perrysburg, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

f.l PERRYSBURG JOURN VOL. L. BLUE, Publisher. PEERYSBUEG, WOOD 00., 0., SATUPTHY, FEBRUARY 6, 1892. $1.00 IN 46 THE JL iJLJLJ AT 1 JILJ i IIucUIon'H Arnica ulvn.

Tho best biiIvo in tho world far cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt iheum, fever Bores, tcttur, olmppd hands, chilblains corns, and nil akin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is gunranUi'il togivo perfect Mitiflfitc- tion, or money reiumim. 1'rico 'Ju cents per box. For Rule by A.R.Chnmp- ndy. Li unci excursion to Delhi, Bn.

Tho C. II. A 1). wfll soil excursion February. 17th.

from nil points on thu line between Limn nnd Toledo inclnslvu to Delhi, La one faro for tho round trip. Tickets will ho Rood coins only on February 17lh nnd good rotiirulnt: thlrlydnyn fiom unto of sale. "Mil Excursion IttitoN lol I.ntttN, Mo. i For the National Convention of Lnbor Oriianl-anions. People's t'nrty.

ntKt. Louis, Feb. 22, tho Clover Lent Jtonle, Tnlcdi. St. I.onls Kansas Cltv It lt'j Mill itsnc l'trcoNcurslon tickets Willi mniile return limit, from all stations.

Direct Hnu toSt. I.otils from Ohio, Intllnnn nml IIIIiioIm Millions trains dnlly. linnet HcclinlnsClinlr Oars on day Inline, mulct Vestlbntu Slcepluu Cars on night trains. iHrMciils scryed from buffet enrs, nt Hinder-nto cost. Cull on nearest intent or nddrcw, C.

C. JENKINS, Ucn'l 1M'. Attcnt. 43,1. Toledo.

Ohio. ov Kantian, Texas, ArlcuiKtnw, Missouri ami tVcl.ruMtii Double dally trains service nnd quickest tlmo with fewest changes vln Clover Leaf Itoutc, Toledo. St. Louis Kansas City It. It.

Finest ItecliiiiiiK Chair Cars (scats free) on dny trains nnd YvKlllmlcil SIccplnK Cars on iilRlit trnlus. Jlcnls served nt nil hours from Ilullet Clialr Curs or Sleeping Cars on trains lit moderate cost. Through tickets nnd Ilnsjnure checks. Jir further particulars call on ngeiil nt nddress. JENKINS, (ien'l Afcut, Toledo, Ohio.

N. ll. Hound trip tickets to California points Portland, Ore, points In Tosus, Mexico, etc. "Just fits the hand." A Tih SzYcy, lX THADES IN SKELETONS. PHILADELPHIA FRENCHMAN'S GREW-SOME BUSINESS.

Lenox Soap lathers freely in hard water. Five 'cents a cake, (12 ounces.) fllnrril firtiM limes to NcmrOrlcnn anil ITlolille, Ala. The Cloicr Lent Itoutc. Toledo, St. Louis nnd Klines City Mill IfS'ic hw rate excursion tickets to Hie nbovu points from nil stn on Feb snd to tiSth inclusive, with return limit Unroll Kind.

Choice of vnrious routes via tU. Louis or Intermediate stations. Cation nearest ncent for particular, or address. C. Ucn'l

Agent. Frco ISecIlnintr Cl.air earn JUeaU Served nil trains, Clover 1. car Iloittc. On nnd nflcr Deo 1st, '91. the (Hover Len Routt: will place In service on div St IlkVuMso Cii.MiiO.Mis.

Scats tree JlulTctSleepliig Cordon night trams, will con- Umron'wrriinlso'iiotc further Improvement In dining sonlce as with Ilullet Clmlr (Sirs nnd BIcoperK. Meals will be served to order ut nil UalnMiug'ht nnd daO ct nnd we-t, oonncciloii Union Depots, Toledo nnd ht. I.onls with various linos. Through tickets find b.13-enccat principal stations. Coll oil near.

ticket agent of 10 Company. or address. JKXKIXS, uen 1 niss D. K. HOLi-ENBECK, CftlLaarsTcr.

General Collector, Seal Estate Agent. Tltlcn investigated and Abstracts furnished on application. NotarjiH Ottlco. PEKRYSBURG. OHIO.


Carrmses (urnisliecl un reasonable terms. "WJME. CROOK. PERRYSBTIEG. Toledo.

Ohio. 3Mf t'or rtcnt. I will offer for rent my farm situated on the river road, known the old Towers, farm, on Tcnaonnblc terms. '1 Ills property i mio the flncst locatlniis In Xorttiwcstern Ohio, with bcauUful shade tn-es and tiuely laid out grounds, overlooking tho Miiuince river. House contnii.s II largo rooms nnd is well suited for hotel Enrposcs or Siimmor residence.

Enquire J. O. ahtwell. or at the Joi-ksai. olllce.

WCBSTCK, Solicitor of PATUSTS, TUADi: JIAI1KS AND COl'Y-ItlUUTS WIOCUKKD. IKFlllsaitMCNTH IT.Osr.CL'TKD. For 7 years a member of the cxnmlnlne corjis Patent Olllce. OFFICE till Superior St TWEB Ii. IAHE, DKALRR IN Furniture, Parlor Sets, Etc PERRYSBURG, Next door to N-w Libr.iry buildipg Peoples' Theatre.

Toledo. BRADY GAltWOOI), Jlnungcra Week Conimencing' -Feb. 8 'THE PLUNGER." UESKY It. DODOr. JOHN W.

CANARY DODGE CANARY, Attorneys at Law. Ofllca ltecd i Merry Block, Mnln Street, Bowling Green, O. FANCY GROCERIES AND Provisions Always tbe best of everything at J.G.I-Ioflfmann's Grocery (if matinees, Tiiomlitr. Tliurstlay Satiiriluy. nnd Doors open nt 1.

Curtain nt 2 nmoi-a Tic, Xic Mc nnd 15c, -iC and S. CLSGG DEALER IN FUE.NITUEE Pine Parlor Bed Room Suits Chairs, Tables, Lounges. OLDEST, SAFEST, BEST. The Old Hartford Fire Insuranes Go's KsUMIshcd in 171H. Offer the lowest rntcs nnd pay nil losses In lull up to the face of the l'olicy.

CASH ASSETS piionNix 3,30:5,001 23 llAKXFOlf 11,142,454 4 TA 10,071,300 (13 TOTAL 1 ,518,008 S7 LOSSIJS 8 Represented by N. L. HANSON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Only White Hearse in County. Second Street, PI3RRTSBURG LURHBER, ILA7H, SINGLES ALL KINDS FINISHING LUMDER A.


TOLMAN, Tho offer which bring tlio grontest mnount uf plenHiiru to t-very Jioino nt the Binnlk'Ht exponee. Tile jiulilinher i( tho ranuYsnuna Journal Ims inndf solo iiirnnguments lor thla town ns follows: One Ycsr's Rtibscrlpttnn to JopnNAi. Vnluo Si 00 Frank Lcsllo'n Weekly or liumber). twelve tlmea yenr, Including thoChrlstniiH Number (Irapholngical Chart, or Itcualnc; of your Ohniwtcrfuuuyoiir IlaudwiltliiK 1 00 Four ltosoorfourChrvaiilhcniuin I'Iiiihh nrsri mcket of choice ilowern'cds. nil from uiu jamouisFceii uiiusooi ruier iicniicrbou ow lurk 81 60 Woolleru'd 111 cso In ndvaiicn, We will plvn an order on l'eler lteudcrinii A loranynnocil the above uoliXctlotiii, width Is good until June 1, 15W, A Dealer Who 11ns Handled Over Flra 'rlioimnml Hkelrtons Uiirln.

Ill I.uu-brliuiH Cnreor llldoous Decoration! of a lledronm A llnln That Iiorci Holies, To deal in thu bones of human beings would bo au occupation repugnant to most men. Yet in tho vicinity of Sixth and South streets lives an old French man who finds moro pleasure in this occupation than anything else in his life. His store is a veritable den of skeletons. The weather beaten sign swinging over the door, creaking dismally with evory gust of wind, bonrs this simplo legend, de Robaire, Parfumerie," from which it is evident monsieur would have tho world beliovo that ho deals almost exclusively in tlioso perfumed waters so dear to tho feminiuo heart. Every family has a skeleton in tho closet, however, and monsieur's family, which consists only of himself, is no exception to tlto general rule.

Ho has his skeleton in fact ho lias scores of them in closets and otherwise, tho majority otherwise. Tho truth of tho matter is. tho old Frenchman deals in skeletons. Tiio second floor boasts of only two small rooms, tho rear ouo being used as a workshop, whilo the other, directly over tho store nnd fronting on tho street, serves the double purposo of bedcham ber and storeroom. Such another bedchamber ns tho one occupied by tho old Frenchman prob-ably does not exist, and how monsieur manages to sleep tho sleep of tho just among such growsome surroundings is an iusolvablo mystery to the few who have been admitted, to it.

Tho walls of tho small room aro ornamented with skulls and crossboues and real life sizo skeletons, or rather death size skeletons, in nil sorts of grotesque positions. Four hideous skulls grin from their positions on top of tho four posts of tho bed, and close to the sides of tho bed stands a skeleton with arms outstretched doing duty ns a clothes rack. Tho whole is dimly lighted up by a faint glimmer of light emanating from a lamp made of a ghastly skull suspended from tho middle of tho ceiling with thongs of tanned human hide. THU SKIXCTON TRADE. Do Rebairo himself is an odd looking man, nnd the reneinblancu between him and ouo of his own skeletons is decidedly striking.

Ho has gautit, wolflike features, his thin upper lip and bony chin being adorned witlx au iron gray moustache and imperial. For score of years ho has been carrying on his business iu the old place, having emigrated from Franco in 1855, coming direct to Philadelphia, where ho established himself in business. For a time ho had a hard struggle to keep body nnd sonl together, owing to tho uumbet of competitors in the field, together with tho dullness of business. It soon became necessary for him, iu addition to his other trade, to tet himself up as drug-gibt, and ho still runs his little shop, though principally as a decoy. Late in the sixties, when tho Knights of Pythias were orgauized in this state, tho demand for bkeletons increased, as they were used to a great extent in tho lot lgerooms.

Do Robaire prospered, as a consequence, sinco most of his competitors had given up tho business. Off mill on duriug tho following twenty years business was dull and brisk by turns, but the old man had amassed a small fortune, ami there is no reason why ho should longer continuo in the business except that ho has taken a liking to" his work, such as every true artist does. Ho is an artist iu tho full sense of tho word. There is undoubtedly uo one. who can articulato a bkeleton as neatly as he, and it is uo idle boast on his part when ho claims that with eyes blindfolded ho cau tako amass of bones representing the linmau frame and build up tho bkeleton as it was originally, without one bono out of place.

AVHAT THE "DOCTOR" SAYS. Tho "doctor," whilo standing in his workshop a few days ago with his sleeves rolled up over his skinny arms, thus held forth on the subject nearest his heart: "This skeleton you soo mo operating on I have imported from France. You will notico tho high polish on the bones, due to a method of preparation practiced only by tho French. They clenu tho bones by a process of maceration with inuriatio acid, tho wholo operation re-tiuiring two or three months' timo, while iu this country tho bones aro hastily and carelessly 'boiled and como out rough and dirty. In all my twenty years' service I have never come across a Chinese skeleton.

This is due to thu fact that a Chinaman believes ho will not roach liea veil unless his bones rest iu tho Flowery Kingdom. "Tim different prices of skeletous nre b.iM.'(l- upon their degrees of hardness and whiteness, upon tho devolopmeut of tho bones and the amount of absence of fat iu their extremities. For this reason tho French article is decidedly of moro value thau tho American or German. Up to this year over 2,000 skeletons have been imported into this country, but they havo become scarce of Into for sumo reason, ami to supply the demand I iiud it uccesuiry to manufacture them of paper. "Of coursolhavoastook'of them in my bedroom, but I would uot part with any of these.

Mou Dieul I haveuomoto look upon them as dear friends and companions. Hero yon see my artificial bkel-ctQus, ninda Qf macho, with urtf- licinl teeth, nnd'tno wholo covered with a white polish -which gives tho nppenr-nnce of tho gennino article. I can mnko throe of these vtch week, and they bring from ton to fifteen dollars, whilo the imported genuine article costs from thirty to thirty-five dollars nnd thodoincslio twenty dollars. But then the imitations arc bought ouly by secret societies. "Yes, I havo grown old iu the business and lovo it.

I havo articulated and bundled over 5,000 skeletons in my time." Philadelphia Record. LIME OITT. George Knnpp of Indiana is visiting with his brother at this place Tho numorous frlonds of W. A. Mandell gavo him a pleasent call last Saturday evening it being tho occasion of his forty-third birthday.

After partaking of a bountifull supper tho party spent tho vcnlng very pleasantly. Alf Hitchcock has removed his family from Chicago to this placo whero bo will mako his homo in tho future. Miss Maggto Crops was visiting in Perrysburg last weolc. A largo party of young folks wont down to Wosly Lushor's last Tuesday evening. Arriving at tho houso they soon informed Mrs.

Lusher that It was her fortieth birthday and to say she was surprised would bo putting it very mildly. After doing justice to a splendid supper tho party dispersed wishing Mrs. Lusher many moro happy birthdays. Jack Ht-fforman is sotting up tho cigars. It's a boy.

Ida Whltson and Nclllo Hamilton wore guests of Mrs. W. A. Mandeli Wednesday. J.

Popo is conducting a night schoo in District 13 with 30 scholars enrolled. J. J. Smith Is having a severe attack of la grippo. Mrs.

Scott of Kenton is tho guest Of her daughter Mrs. E. A. Cox. STONY EIDGE.

Charged with Highway Itnhhory. On Saturday last, tho Mayor's Court was filled with u'largonumbor of people all anxious to hear tho trial of tho parties who woro arrested on tho chargo of robbing ti Gorman named Hlto on Sunday night of last wcok. Honry Keller, Frank Mahlman and Honry Ithodn woro charged with tho crime, but Mahlmun proved an alibi and was discharged. A numborot witnesses woro oxamincd and sufficient evidence produced to warrant tho Mayor in binding over Henry ICollor In tho sum of 8500 ball which ho was unable to procure, and on being ordered to jail, ho wenkoned, confessed boing implicated and also charged young Ithodn, nnd William Art as participants in tho job. KEL-nil'S -STOItY.

Ho claimed that ho onlj got $1.50 for helping to take Hlto homo, but tho testimony of other witnesses did not corroborate his story and tho Mayor's decision was ai follows 'I will hold Keller In 8500 bond to appear before the grand jury and order hltu to bo handcuffed and taken back to jail." This was too much for Keller and ho said "Aro you going to hold mo and lot tho other two go Thoro woro threo of us done it nnd I am willing to servo my timo but I don't want to go alone. Th ore's oho of tho 'chumps' right there (pointing to Rhodn) and tho other was Willio Artz." Kollor was taken to jail, as he was unable to procure ball. Willio and Henry Rhodu were arrested and on Monday had a preliminary hearing and both were bound over to court in $500 each. Rhoda procured ball, but Keller and Art, were taken to Bowling Green and placed in jail to await a hearing. Mayor Roach lias taken every precaution to got at tho bottom facts iu tho csise, nnd deserves credit for pushing tho mntter.

MHJIOHIAL. Fob. 3. Tho people of our village aro vory much agitated over tho ap" pearancc of dyphthorin In our midst. On Wednesday last, Fred Wicks returned from Michigan, whero ho had beon working, suffering with a sore throat which soon developed Into dypL.

theria. A number of his friend's were allowed to seo him without being informed of tho nature of his sickness and as a consequence it is probable that tho disease has been communicated to others. As a precautionary measure our schools aro closed for tho present. On last Thursday afternoon occurred the death of our esteemed neighbor and friend, Jesse Wagoner. Ha had returned on Wednesday oveulntr from Intcrlachen, whero ho had gone some four weeks ngo aceompnnicd by his wife and child, hoping to bo benefitted by tho change but he was doomed to disappointment and returned greatly exhausted.

Mr. Wagoner had beon victim of tho great destroyer consumption, about two years, and during his prolonged illness displayed remarkable fortitude and patience. He was married to Miss Rachel Marsh, May 15, 16S0, aud Droved a most kind and loving husband and father. Diseased was the sou of Barney Wagoner nnd a brother of Mrs. John Corn, of Cummings, nnd of Frank Wagoner of this placo and was aged years, 2 months and 1(1 days.

A largo circle of friends join with the bereaved family in mourning his untimely death. The funeral was held at 10 o'clock Sunday, from tho M.E. church and was attended by an unusually largo concourse of people who assembled to pay this last trib" uto of respect to tho dead. Tho ceremonies were conducted 'by his pastor, Row J. E.

Stewart. Tho remains wero taken to Woodvillo for Interment. A. G. Snydor departed Monday for Louisville, whero ho intends to take a courso In tho Kentucky S.hool of Medicine.

E. F. Motzgor returned last Tuesdny. Ho had boon absent on well, on business I suppose dipt. J.

B. Luckoy was in town yesterday looking after his business interests. G. Y. Wngonor sold 00 acres of lnnd to Mrs.

Catherine Kopplcr, and pur chased a six-ncro tract in town belonging to Mrs. K. The Knights of Honor held a roeop tiou at their hall for tho beneiit of Knights nnd their families, which was a very enjoyable affair. Wo noticed In tho last week's issuo of tho Sentinel and Gnzotto, a commuulca. tion from this place, containing au oxtonded list of mon who aro on tho "anxious Eeat" watting for somo doslrablo young lady to ontrap thorn In tho matrimonial net-It has been suggested that tho S.

and G's correspondent had bottor publish a complete list of our young ladles who aro matrimonially inclined, that these would-bo boncdlots may not lu tholr inuocoitso bo cruelly deceived. MATJMEE. Mrs. Archangel Boushaw died in Detroit Jan. 25, at tho advanced ngo of 02 years.

Sho was born In Sandwich, In 1S00 and for many yenrs resided in tho wife of Capt. Frank Boushaw and was tho mother of 10 children only threo of whom aro living. They nre Mrs. David Rodd of this place, Mrs. William Smith and Mrs.

Joseph Houso of Detroit. Although feeble and blind, grandma Boushaw was bright and cheerful to the last, was a good christian aud loved by all who know her. A wedding took placo In St. Joseph church lust Tuesday morning. Mr.

Peter Dennis und Miss Jennie Riley being the li'mb. contracting parties. Miss Llda Binkor is visiting her sister Mrs. E. P.

Kccl.r in Painavllle, Ohio. Mrs. L. E. Webb and Miss Cora Mc-Nclce spent Saturday In Toledo shopping Ed Hauuum of tho Toledo Insauo Asylum spent last Wednesday with his mother.

About 25 couple, young nnd old, "tripped tho light fantastic too" iu Union Hall on tho night of tho 27th. Tho pretty girls and gallant boys from Perrysburg helped to make tho ball a decided success. Como again. Dr. G.

W. ithoiiohoujso's birthday was celebrated by a fow of his many friends dropping in on hiin unceremoniously at his wife's suggestion, last Tuesday evening. Attor congratulations and tho presentation of a box of fragrant Hnvanas to tho doctor, somo pleasant games of six handed oucro wero played and a refreshing Now England supper was enjoyed. Miss Mumo Forniau and Win. Lowis, guests of tho family assisted tho hostess iu ontertaiuing tho party.

Thoso present woro, D. IL. Porriu and wife, Win. Swan wifo and daughter Mary, G. B.

Mouon and wifo, Dr. Klino and wifo. Minor Hubbell and Nelson Harvey havo moved their families to Air Lino Junction whore thov expect to cngago iu tho grocery business. May success attend them in their now field of labor. A tattle Glrl'N r.xporlcnco in A IjI.IlOlOIINU.

Jlr. and Mis. Loren Tresoott are keepers of tho Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Lto'ich, Mich, and aro blessed with a daugbtr, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Jleasele, followed with dreadful Cougli and turning into Fever.

Doctors ut home und at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew woro nipiaiy, until alio was a mere "handful of Then she tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery nnd after tho use of two and half bottles, wan completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold. yit you miiy get a trial bottle free at A.

It. Chatnpney's Drug-tcrc. In tlio Mnttor of tlio Dcntli or Hon. Antler Cook. Ashor Cook was born In Rlchlniul counly, Ohio, on May 23d, 1823, and died at his homo in Perrysburg, Ohio, on Saturday, January 2nd, 1802.

Tlio funeral ceremonies woro nttended on Tuesdny afturnoon, 6th, by a largo concourse of relatives, neighbors and friends, and by ntombors of tho Burs of Wood nnd adjoining counties. When quito young Mr. Cook, enmo with his parents to where ho resided continuously until his death. Without other means than thoso obtained by his own porsonnl labor, ho acquired a common school education, which served apparently but to Increase his desire for higher attainments, and as a result of coutinued study, both at homo and abroad ho soon appeared in tho sight of tho public, a truly sou-made and thoroughly educated Ho rend law with Wlllard V. Way, in Perrysburg, and in 1810, was admitted to practice.

In tho passing years tho relations of precoptor and student ripened into those of moro than ordinary eonildonco ns oviuunccu oy ine met iimo attor more than a quarter of a century from Mr. Cook's admission to tho bar, Mr. Way retained such unbounded fultli in his rlillliy nnd Integrity, that ho so-ioclcd him as one of the Executors of Ins will, to dlspcnso tho bounties therein provided. In tlio Execution of this trust ho was heartily engaged when summoned to tho Court nbovo. Mr.

Cook during a long and useful life occupied many positions of trust, honor and prollt. Ho always took an Important and iniluonliul part in tho management of tho municipal and educational affairs of tho village whero ho resided, and successfully filled tho olIlc3 ol Prosecuting Attorney of Wood count), Probate Judge of Wood county. Representative from the counties of Wood and Ottawa in tho 55th General Ass3nbly of the State of Ohio, and a member of the Constitutional Convention of tho Stato in 1873-1. Ho always cheerfully and faithfully perform! all tho duties assigned hiin, and in every station was tho coucion- I. .1.4 iintlntriniio wise a'ld eminent citizen, void of all disph.y an honored mombor of tho legal pre fesslon and a profound lawyer.

lias been summoned to appear at the tr of that Court irotn tho judgment of which thoro is no appeal, to ve an account of his Stew.irdship.and as he hvsgone from among us never to return may we now in tho words of tho poet, truly say of him "Tho Mvcet rcnieniboninio or the lust. Shall nourish when he sleep ill dint." Bolieving it right, proper und our duty, to causo a record to bo made of our high nppreeintlons of our 'friend und brother as a man and lawyer, wo submit for adoption thu following resolutions JitsnU-etl: That In the diath of our friend nnd brother, Hon. Ashor Coak, tho Bar of the Stato of Ohio, and particularly tho Bar of Wood counly, havo lost ono of their oldest, most valued aud nmnment members, and it. is with U'l'oigne I aud prodoimd t-orrow tint wo bow in gentle submission to the Dcvino "dewo La That we will always hold In gioi ful rouvmibr.iueo his high psr-sontl crar.v:ter, his wirin friendship for his bruthcrn of tho Bar nnd for his friends und neighbors, nnd that 'Tho' lovt to hljdit, to memory Ho cer will That we tender to the fa.iilly nnd fr cniN of our dcccocd brother, our most heart-fe s)niintbfcs In their cient nllllctlon.

Jltmlml. That with llioeiiiiM'nt of tho court this and llcn)lutinn. be spread upon thu Journal of the Court, nnd eertllltd enpy tliercof loruurdeil In the family of our deceased brother. Also that tho Clerk of this Court bo requested to iirnl-li I'crllllcd copies of the-c to the louuty papers for piilillcntl.ui. II.

l. ltlll.LKIIMH, I 11, II. Committee. I'. A.11.M.DHIX.

The State of Ohio, 1 I J-SS I. A. L. Jlulr. Clerk I Wood County.

1 of tho Court of Common Pleas, wlthlr. and for nld comity In whoso custody tlio files, mid Hecouls of said Court nre required by the laws of tho Stnto of Ohio, to be kept, hereby certify tunc tlio fnre-CoIur taken nnd copied from tlto Journals of tlio proceedings of the i-nlil Court within mid for uild county, mid said forovoIiiK copy has been computed by me with tint iniulunti entry on said Journal, nml that the same Is i cortect transcript tbeiecf, III testimony whereor I do hereunto sti'i-ciibo f' 1 my iiamo ouleluliy nucl nllbc tho xK.u. J- seal of said Court at the Court housu In HohIIiik Oreeii, In said county, this day of l'ebrtiury, I. A. Clerk, VlioCnok 'i Tuesday p.

m. the regular toullno work ir. tho court was, by previous ar- rangemont, suspended for a timo, whilo tho members of tho bar paid verbal tributo to tho memory of Hon Ashor Cook. Tho occasion nnd the speeches nindo wjro worthy tho high standing of tho bar of Wood county. ij xuugoiy oponcu ino proeccu-IngB with a brief but coneiso and eulogy, and was followed by tho oihor attorneys in order of their yenrs of oxporienco at tho bar of this county, thus, Judge Dodge, J.

W. Canary, J. O. Troup, R. 3.

Parker, Robt. Dunn, F. A. Baldwin, W. B.

Mronir WitncKM'sj. Among the thousandx of testimonials of cmos by Dr. Miles' Now lloatt Iu Allliiixiiu I l' JktllwilO, Vll-llllUlk il citizon of Glen Rock. who for years hud shnrtip'ss of breath, sleeplessness, pnin in left side, smotherlne: upells, tic; ono bottle of Dr.

itiles New Heart Cure nnd one box of Nervo and Liver Pills, cured him. Potir Jaquet, Salem, N. is another witnesH, who ror twenty years Minorca with Heart Disease, was pronounced incttrcablo by physician, death bturel him in tho faco, could not Ho down for ft ur of smothering to deuth, Iinmodt att'ly Hfler iioinir lint New Cure h. folfc better and could lio down and sleep nil, aud is now a well man. Tho New Ciro is sold, also Freo Book, by A.

It. Champney, Fine Perfumes and Sachets, Files, Maumee 0.

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